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On Orbitz, Mac Users Offered Pricier Hotels First 305

An anonymous reader writes "Travel site Orbitz found out that Mac users tend to select pricier rooms and swanky hotels. So, from now on, they will show more expensive hotel options to Mac users than to PC users. This is why, although I am a Mac user, my Firefox agent string says 'Windows XP' :)" The (paywalled) WSJ report on which Reuter's summary is based carries Orbitz' s softer explanation, which is that the results by platform are an experiment based mostly on presentation and search-result ordering rather than actually naming higher prices based on OS: "[T]he company isn't showing the same room to different users at different prices. They also pointed out that users can opt to rank results by price."
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On Orbitz, Mac Users Offered Pricier Hotels First

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  • Well, duh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by crazyjj ( 2598719 ) * on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:11AM (#40452003)

    A smug sense of superiority requires constant maintenance.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:16AM (#40452049)

      Thus, slashdot.

    • Who's smug? Mac or PC users?
    • by Dupple ( 1016592 ) on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:29AM (#40452177)

      I assume Linux users will sleep in a dumpster. After all, it's FOSS

      Free Open Sleeping Space!


      I hope everyone has their sense of humour switched on today

      • by boristdog ( 133725 ) on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:37AM (#40452245)

        I assume Linux users will sleep in a dumpster. After all, it's FOSS

        Free Open Sleeping Space!

        Don't be silly, Dumpsters are proprietary. They have connectors to fit only certain types of garbage trucks for emptying.

        Now cardboard boxes, THOSE are universal.

        • by Pope ( 17780 )

          A dumpster? Man, I wish! Dumpster-brand trash bins are top-of-the-line. This is just a Trash-Co waste disposal unit.

          • But what version is it??

            Don't you know the incompatibilities with version 13?

            And the awesome features coming out in version 15??

      • Seriously?
        A friend's couch or spare bedroom

        But the friend will get free and awesome technical during his stay for *Anything*.

  • by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:12AM (#40452007) Homepage Journal

    This makes sense.

    When I was looking for accommodations in San Francisco from my MacBook Air, I was offered the executive suite at the 'Beef Chunks in Gravy Bath House'. I could never figure that one out.
    • by Shrike82 ( 1471633 ) on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:21AM (#40452091)

      This makes sense.

      Indeed. Most travel sites, and general shopping sites, initially organise things by what they call "Relevance", and in many cases this is a totally ambiguous term! Relevance for them can surely mean which supplier paid them the most for advertising. Organising results based on someone's hardware, if a correlation can be shown between the hardware and end choices for accommodation in this case, actually seems pretty sensible and less sinister than what I'd usually expect.

      Looking forward to reading all the paranoid and rage filled comments though...

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      As the first poster said, "well duh". Apple owners pay more for their gear, they want superior gear, and it stands to reason that someone who wants a top of the line computer (whether "top of the line" is real or percieved, many people always think the more expensive item must be better, even though Alieve and the generic naproxin sodium are identical but the prices are way apart) is going to want a top of the line room.

      I don't see this as ripping off Apple users, I see it as catering to them.

  • Apparently Orbitz is helping to contribute to the bloated self-esteem and sense of self-worth that Mac users crave. They should be applauded for reinforcing the RDF in the name of Saint Jobs.

    • Actually im thinking is more along the lines of "hmm, this dumb schmuck bought THAT overpriced thing, lets see if we can pawn off another."
    • by tsa ( 15680 )

      Not bloated. I'm just better than other people, not because I have a Mac, but I have a Mac because I am better and therefore earn more money than your average person and thus I can afford a Mac. I like a good hotel too, so well done Orbitz.

      • I can afford a Mac, as well. My wife prefers them, so that's what I buy for her. Me? $400 PC that runs circles around all but the highest top-end Macs. Oh, and runs OSX just fine, either natively (tried it to see if it would work) or in a VM.

        It's worth noting that I can afford a nicer hotel than you, what with the $800 I saved vs buyingtwo $1200 MacBook Pros.

  • > This is why, although I am a Mac user, my Firefox agent string says 'Windows XP' :)"

    Why would you do that, if you're a Mac user, don't you prefer to select the pricier hotels rather than seeing those common hostels for WinXP users?

  • Linux users (Score:5, Funny)

    by GameboyRMH ( 1153867 ) <(gameboyrmh) (at) (> on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:16AM (#40452057) Journal

    ...will see offers for "escort services"

    Users browsing with IE will be offered a helmet and padded walls.

    Users logged into Facebook will be given the option to reduce their costs by selling video from hidden cameras inside the hotel room.

    • Nah, Linux users'll see a listing of the closest people with nailguns and lumber on loan. (I kid! I kid!)
    • I believe that most Google staff are Linux users and they are rather well paid. So you might be right. I imagine the average hobbyist Linux user would be a hard sell for escort services. "You charge what?? I could get a new computer for that and I wouldn't need to shower after I'd paid for it."
      • by fa2k ( 881632 )

        I believe that most Google staff are Linux users and they are rather well paid. So you might be right. I imagine the average hobbyist Linux user would be a hard sell for escort services. "You charge what?? I could get a new computer for that and I wouldn't need to shower after I'd paid for it."

        I'd imagine that the number of people who use Linux primarily because of cost reasons is pretty low... Because you get a Windows license with every computer that you don't build yourself, most techies will probably even have a few unused licenses from old machines.

      • by tsa ( 15680 )

        Yeah, and breakfast included? Are you nuts? I eat breakfast off my feet during my morning lecture!

    • Users logged into Facebook will be given the option to reduce their costs by selling video from hidden cameras inside the hotel room.


    • So sex is the only thing Linux users are known to pay for?

    • User logged into facebook, will have their videos sold by default, unless then hit the do not video tape button convinetly located in the corner of the ceiling closet. No additional fee will be charged for the convinince of having your tape sold.

  • by rsmith-mac ( 639075 ) on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:24AM (#40452129)

    To be honest I'm surprised we don't see this kind of thing more often. Not just on travel sites, but on any kind of site that doesn't have strict MSRP pricing such as Amazon. Certain platforms absolutely attract certain demographics, and unlike tracking/profiling you don't have to spend time building as profile as all of this data is conveniently offered up by the browser with page requests.

    • To be honest I'm surprised we don't see this kind of thing more often. Not just on travel sites, but on any kind of site that doesn't have strict MSRP pricing such as Amazon.

      Except Amazon doesn't have strict MSRP pricing - they've been using variable pricing for years.

  • by davidbrit2 ( 775091 ) on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:25AM (#40452143) Homepage
    Change it to Windows ME, and you can get the senior discounts.
  • In other news (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DarkOx ( 621550 ) on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:36AM (#40452231) Journal

    Study shows people driving luxury cars tended to park them outside nicer restaurants

  • All those interior designers have to get paid, and show off each other's work!

  • 1) MAC User may be more affluent. It's not always the case, but most of the time there's probably a lot of credit card debt associated with the individual as well.
    2) Most of them are clueless about technology and just want to leave it to someone else. The mentality "it just works" comes to mind but these folks don't shop around. They see their friends with Apple stuff, they buy Apple stuff.
    3) Like rounded corners a lot and need to have the latest fashion. Fondleslabs and Mac Books along with Iphones and

    • by tmosley ( 996283 )
      Does it make you feel better about yourself to place people into a box based on a single characteristic, and apply numerous negative characteristics to those people?

      It feels so good to be superior to someone else, doesn't it? Especially when that superiority comes from being in line with the majority.
      • Superiority? It's an observation just like what the article is about. Orbitz observed the buying habits and determined to give the customer what they wanted. That's pure capitalism right there.

        Everybody's buying habits put them into a box. That box is created by the immense amount of Data Mining that goes on for everything you buy or use. Don't believe me, talk to your credit card companies. That data is sold by the truck load to marketing departments and PR organizations and Political Committees ever

        • Let's be honest, does Apple make a better product? No [...]

          Hold on there. What metric are you using? Does it cover all possible use cases or just your own personal (that is, subjective) one?

          • Personal experience and not only subjective but by observation. I have 3 Sons, All Teenagers and a Wife who likes there IPODs and their IPhones. I've had to replace units sometimes at less than half of their expected product lives, for example: IPOD Nano, received as XMAS Gift in 2011, replaced both by Mid 2012 one with the power switch problem and the other went dead. Had to take them to the Apple Store and wait two days to get replacements.
            Oldest Son: IPhone 3G, died after 6 mos.

            Me: Xoom Tablet, ASUS T

        • Let's be honest, does Apple make a better product? No

          I'll correct that: In your totally unqualified opinion, does Apple make a better product? No.

          Take the new Retina MacBook Pro as an example: It is expensive. Compared to an Alienware laptop with the same processor / SSD, but a bigger display with a lot fewer pixels, with weight and battery life that Dell doesn't dare to tell you, or compared to a nice Sony laptop with the same processor / SSD and a screen with much less good resolution, the Retina MBP is cheaper.

          • I've had Sony, Toshiba, ASUS and others. All of them have excellent quality and they stand up to a lot of abuse.

            I have an Alienware and I'm not looking for portable computing, that's what tablets are for. My Alienware M17X is a portable desktop and yes, it travels quite a bit. Aluminum Case and it definitely is as heavy as a bowling ball. I would love to see better resolution in Laptops since every manufacturer wants to go to 16:9 Aspect Ratio displays and not the 4:3, i.e., the WUXGA which I have now.

  • by onyxruby ( 118189 ) <onyxruby@comcast . n et> on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:38AM (#40452251)

    Really, is anyone seriously surprised by this? People who value convenience and having someone provide a service for them instead of doing something themselves might hold those same values for other things like paying for hotels. In other words people who are willing to pay 30% more for hardware might be willing to pay 30% more for other things too!!!

    Marketers have figured this out. Next big surprise, organic shopping markets are full of Lexus and Mercedes cars? I think this really advanced concept might have been taught in the second week of marketing 101, maybe?

    • by tmosley ( 996283 )
      They aren't paying 30% more for the hardware, they are paying 30% more for an OS that wasn't cobbled together by retarded monkeys in India.

      It's not that Mac is so great, it's just that Microsoft sucks donkey balls, and Linux takes too long to learn. If a company made an OS that had the ease of use, functionality, and security of Mac combined with the versatility of Windows and the price of Linux, you can bet that would come to dominate the world quite quickly. But that is HARD to do.
      • The 30% represents the service. In this case the service is the Operating System. I think in effect we are saying the same thing. Since much of the hardware is commodity hardware, you could look at the cost differential as the cost of the Mac OS.

  • Thatâ(TM)s entirely reasonable and the future of Web 2.0.

    Web 1.0 is you watching the web.

    Web 2.0 is the web watching you watch the web.

    Itâ(TM)s not all bad. It can work for you. All it takes is a little bit of integrity on the part of the web devs. Bad people will watch you to exploit you. Good people will watch you to help you.

    You can never remove the human element.

    As to whether people are directed at pricier hotels⦠is that all? Are they they same only more expensive? Are they the sam

  • How do you know if the WSJ article isn't paywalled just for Mac users? Works ok for me.

  • And no matter what service you use, why would you not view by price unless you're looking for something so specific that price won't really be an option?

  • This is why I don't buy fancy cars, or fancy clothes. Everyone judges you buy your looks and what you have, and ready to stiff you when they can!
    • Everyone is still judging you even if you don't have a nice car and nice clothes. They'll try to stiff you too, but for different reasons.
  • But ... (Score:4, Funny)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Tuesday June 26, 2012 @09:57AM (#40452451)

    ... Windows users' rooms are crawling with bugs.

  • C= 64

    They showed me Motel 6 listings.

  • This is great advertising for orbitz btw, all the Mac sites are spunking up over this news.

That does not compute.
