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Israeli Spyware Sold To Iran 164

Hugh Pickens writes "Bloomberg reports that Israeli trade, customs and defense officials say they didn't know that systems for performing 'deep- packet inspection' into Internet traffic, sold under the brand name NetEnforcer, had gone to a country whose leaders have called for the destruction of the Jewish state. Allot Communications Ltd., an Israel-based firm which reported $57 million in sales last year, sold its systems to a Randers, a Denmark-based technology distributor where workers at that company, RanTek A/S, repackaged the gear and shipped it to Iran. The sales skirted a strict Israeli ban that prohibits 'trading with the enemy,' including any shipments that reach Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Although Allot officials say they had no knowledge of their equipment going to Iran and are looking into RanTek's sales, three former sales employees for Allot say it was well known inside the Israeli company that the equipment was headed for Iran. 'Israel considers Iran quite possibly its greatest threat, and so the Israeli government would come down very strong against any company that exported to Iran,' says Ira Hoffman. 'Iran is also considered by the U.S. as one of its most strategic threats.' Israeli lawmaker Nachman Shai has called for a parliamentary investigation, and the country's Defense Ministry has begun to examine the report."
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Israeli Spyware Sold To Iran

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Everyone who posts a comment is antisemitic!

    • by Chrisq ( 894406 )

      Everyone who posts a comment is antisemitic!

      Hopefully those muzzie camel Jockeys won't be able to work out how to use it. (balance restored)

      • by Shark ( 78448 )

        Most people in that region are semites, not just the Israelis. I'm not entirely sure, but Iranians would be probably be semites as well.

    • by dmesg0 ( 1342071 )

      Everyone who posts a comment is antisemitic!

      I never realized until now that AC actually stands for Antisemitic Coward.

    • ;)

  • Stuxnet (Score:5, Funny)

    by BinBoy ( 164798 ) on Monday December 26, 2011 @02:16PM (#38496004) Homepage

    Stuxnet 2.0 bundled free.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Stuxnet 2.0 bundled free.

      In fact, it's a violation of the DMCA to remove the DRM protecting it.

      The military has decided to unleash upon Iran the most horrible weapons mankind has ever known: MPAA, RIAA

      God forgive us.

    • Not a bad idea, actually. Once the device realizes it's operating in enemy territory, have it spawn all kinds of mayhem.

  • death penalty if some get's killed or at least life / a long time in a federal pound me in ass the prison.

  • I can't help wondering, was this really a "oops" moment or were the Israelis well aware that it would go to Iran. Maybe it has a little "easter egg" that can be activated when it sniffs a packet only known to Mossad?
    • To me it looks more like "we sent spyware to Iran, and used a proxy to repackage and sell it to them". I'm probably considered antisemetic for saying it this way, despite the fact ive said nothing of religion and pointed only at the fact that is far more significant than small profits coming from inadvertent sales to iran.

    • by Futurepower(R) ( 558542 ) on Monday December 26, 2011 @05:58PM (#38497438) Homepage
      It is a mistake to think that all Israeli Jews agree with Israeli or even Jewish policies. For example: Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews 'harass' 8-year-old girl over dress []. Quote: "... 50 people involved in the abuse of an 8-year-old." Also see Israel braced for protests against treatment of women after girl, 8, is spat on by Jewish extremists. []

      Here are only some of the reasons many Israelis disagree with the typical policies of the Israeli government:

      Some Israelis think that further violence toward Iran will cause trouble for Israel. Partly that is because there is the idea that encouraging violence against 1.6 billion Muslims [] is self-defeating. There are only an estimated 14 million (not billion) practicing Jews in the entire world. []

      Some of those who control the U.S. government want to build an oil pipeline through Iran to get oil from the "Stan" countries to the ocean where it can be shipped easily. That idea would be financially profitable only if U.S. taxpayers paid for security. The U.S. government is, in some ways, VERY corrupt.

      Remember that the U.S. government supported Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's war with Iran so that U.S. companies could sell weapons to Iraq, and with the idea of the enormous profits that would come from building the pipeline through Iran.

      Also, remember that the U.S. government has interfered with the politics in Iran since before before 1953, when the U.S. agency known as the CIA arranged the removal of a democratically elected president, President Mossadegh. The U.S. government arranged that the Shah have complete power. See for example, Politics, Power, and US Policy in Iran, 1950-1953 (PDF file, Harvard University). [] Quote: ... the August 1953 coup was not an isolated incident, but an outgrowth of decisions and policies made by the Truman administration largely as a result of a truly remarkable U.S. military buildup that really began to come on line in mid-1952. Such aggressiveness would have been impossible in 1950 or 1951, even if Eisenhower had been president.

      Opposition in Iran to the violent regime of the Shah caused support for Muslim clerics who took over management of the government. Iranians say that clerics have usually not been good business and government managers. The unthinking violence of the U.S. government toward Iran has caused Iranians to be very afraid of what the U.S. government might do in the future.

      One reason for the Iranian government to develop nuclear materials is to try to protect Iran against U.S. government violence. Another reason is that all governments need to give attention to sources of energy that do not cause global warming.

      Some with influence in the U.S. government wanted to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. That is one of the reasons the U.S. government spends taxpayer money there, but it seems that getting control of Afghanistan will not happen soon, so there is renewed interest in violence toward Iran.

      The U.S. government's support for violence toward Arab and Muslim nations, partly as a way for a few to make money, is seen by some as caused by Jewish manipulation of the U.S. government. There is support by some Jews in the U.S. to get U.S. taxpayers to pay for the security of Israel.

      There are only 5,874,300 Jews in Israel []. There are approximately 5,275,000 Jews in the United States. [] In some ways, the U.S. is as much o
      • Violence in the Arab and Muslim countries flourishes regardless of any US involvement. The only thing that ever unites the Arab and Muslim countries is their hatred of the US and Isreal. With the US leaving they can get back to killing one another in peace. The US military leaves Iraq and the very next day they start killing their own people that will most likely escalate into a civil war. When the US leaves Afghanistan the same thing will happen except Pakistan and India will also get into the game.
  • Clueless (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Leonid99 ( 192164 ) on Monday December 26, 2011 @02:22PM (#38496052)

    From TFA:
    > The gear shipped to Iran, called NetEnforcer, can inspect pieces of data moving over a network. It can be used to eliminate spam or help network
    > operators prioritize or block certain types of traffic.

    It's not even funny -- it's not "spyware", it's just a traffic sniffer.
    Admittedly, they break the israeli law that prohibits trading with Iran, but it's hardly a threat to national security.

    • Thats not a murder weapon, its a duck hunting shotgun! lol. sure.

    • Not even a sniffer. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 26, 2011 @03:56PM (#38496688)

      I've been using Allot's equipment for nearly 10 years now, from a lowly NetEnforcer 800 (with a throughput of only 200Mbps and I'm not even sure about that) to an array of SG-Sigma's (each capable of handling 120Gbps) and none of those had any sniffing capability. I really with it had, it would've saved me quite a lot of work.

      Oh, it can tell you that A amount of traffic is going from IP B to IP C using protocol D (and here's where the DPI lies, in its ability to identify L7 protocols) and allows you to rate-limit, based on various criteria, said traffic, but it just can't sniff it. There's no way a NetEnforcer be able to allert the authorities about the anti-islamic message you've just posted on a blog, believing you were anonymous.

      Some NetEnforcers could steer traffic based on definable criteria, say all HTTP traffic between private users and GMail, to a third-party equipment capable of sniffing that traffic, but that's as close as the NE comes to being a sniffer.

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      Yes, it's not like a top secret targeting system for a tank - like the one that was "donated" to Israel, sold by someone there to China, then onsold to Iran. That pissed off a lot of people in both the USA and Israel and there was an inquiry into it in 2000.
      Some people will sell anything to anybody even if it is directly against their national interest.
    • From TFA: > The gear shipped to Iran, called NetEnforcer, can inspect pieces of data moving over a network. It can be used to eliminate spam or help network > operators prioritize or block certain types of traffic.

      It's not even funny -- it's not "spyware", it's just a traffic sniffer. Admittedly, they break the israeli law that prohibits trading with Iran, but it's hardly a threat to national security.

      The issue isn't that this is a direct threat to Israeli security, the issue is that this technology is used by the Iranian government to monitor the internet use of Iranian citizens. It's part of the infrastructure of repression that keeps the Iranian regime in power and allows them to crack down on dissent.

      One thing that is rather surprising is that Iran would buy Israeli technology. The Israelis are pretty formidable when it comes to cyberwarfare- they are thought to have helped develop Stuxnet and were

  • not true. (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 26, 2011 @02:29PM (#38496094)

    >> had gone to a country whose leaders have called for the destruction of the Jewish state.
    That statement is because of a bad translation. Stop lying, FoxNews's presenter

    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by fnj ( 64210 )

      Are you bloody insane?

    • You would think they'd fix the translation. But no, years later we still have: []

      Or are you claiming Fox news runs the Iranian President's web site?

      • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

        Ignore it. It's a knee jerk reaction to anything that smacks of something possibly, slightly, remotely, or even unintentionally right wing. Instant Fox News stab.

  • NetEnforcer is actually a traffic shaper, rather than spyware, the one ISPs use to lower priority of bittorent downloads.

    This sale is really bad for the free world: instead of downloading their pr0n all day long, more Iranians will join the Revolutionary Guard and enrich uranium! Now we are really doomed!

  • by kill-1 ( 36256 ) on Monday December 26, 2011 @03:08PM (#38496320)

    The leaders of Iran never called for the destruction of Israel. I guess you're referring to Ahmadinejad's alleged "wiped of the map" statement. See here [] for what he really said. Although he really is a nutcase if he denies the holocaust.

    • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

      It's pretty easy to say "death to..." and when called out on it to say "well we really meant..." which is what Ahmadinejad the leaders before him, and the Ayatollah's have done too. I'm sure you already know what this is called, and I don't have to spell it out for you.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        It's pretty easy to make up lies to feed to ignorant people who don't bother to check facts and just work on the basis of racist prejudices and a massive generalisation of an entire people. I'm sure you already know what this is called, and I don't have to spell it out for you.

        • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

          Really? I guess that it's all just a careful misrepresentation of a careful misunderstanding, that the words aren't said, but the words are said, but not in the way they're said, in the way they're said. Don't be naive, if you've been to Iran you already know exactly what the government would like to do.

      • It's pretty easy to say "death to..." and when called out on it to say "well we really meant..." which is what Ahmadinejad the leaders before him, and the Ayatollah's have done too. I'm sure you already know what this is called, and I don't have to spell it out for you.

        What is worse than idiot puppets like Ahmadinejad is the religious hypocrisy that empowers them. Just look at the war-mongering drivel such religions are based on: Qur’an 47:4? [], Deuteronomy 20:10-17 [], Qur’an 9:5 [], Numbers 31:17-18 [].

      • It's also pretty easy to "translate" something incorrectly and then yell bloody murder, like what the US government and mainstream media has done.
        • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

          Yes. As much mistranslated as the people who were out shouting death to the Jews, and death to Israel in Cairo today I'll bet too. Actually, no, lets just skip this and go right to the go to Iran well if you can, and when you get back. Let me know what the state media thinks and what the government tells you what the people should be doing.

          I'll wait. Though if you're american, you'll probably spend a stint there and might end up with broken hands, or feet or something.

    • by tinkerton ( 199273 ) on Monday December 26, 2011 @04:32PM (#38496894)

      I agree that the 'wiped off the map' quote is a dishonest distortion.
      I am certain though that Ahmadinejad has made very crude statements about Israel. Only, these statements are for public consumption only and often the the louder the statements, the less they represent what is actually going on. Take the 'wiped off the map' statement. This is a reference to an older quote by Khomeini, but in Khomeini's days Iran was an ally of Israel. The alliance was broken off after the 1990 gulf war, because with Iraq gone and the USSR gone Israel had to change its strategy and Iran became a regional competitor. It's then that Israel started to float the story about Iran working on a bomb, and Netanyahu was on the first row then, so he's fully aware of the background. A good introduction can be had by viewing a Trita Parsi speech on the treacherous triangle such as this one [] /videoplay?docid=-7506561148101946170 .

      As for their nuclear weapons program, well, in one word I'd describe it as nonexistant. A good source for that would be Flynt Everett - Hillary Mann at as well as the american experts that matter - for example the NIE.

      If you check iranian officials, they want passive nuclear capability: having a general level of technological development such that there is a credible threat that if they one day the situation becomes that pressing that they have to start working on a bomb, then they would be successful in a reasonable time. Every developed country has this capability, and many countries go further. Japan has an official policy of threshold capability. That means everything is in place so they can make a bomb in the shortest possible time, in this case 2 months.

      There are good reasons to believe Iran is telling the truth about this, because , while there can always be some research, such as before 2002, they have a lot of reasons not to go further. There is the religuous , of fundamentalist reason if you want, that nuclear bombs are haram. This is the reason Iran refused to use chemical weapons in the war with Iraq. There is the reason that Iran would become totally isolated. There is the reason that they have a regional advantage they would lose if they triggered proliferation and everyone would get a bomb.

      It is interesting that when you press that issue it turns out that for western and Israeli officials the nuance doesn't matter. Whether they're trying to make a bomb or are just technologically advanced enough so they could if they wanted, it doesn't matter. In both cases Iran is a player. Even Hillary Clinton has said such a thing (but I lost the reference.)

      • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

        by cowwoc2001 ( 976892 )

        It's sad to see people go to such lengths trying to explain away Iran's covert nuclear weapon program.

        Every single intelligence service in the world is in agreement that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. All, that is, except Russia and China. Of course Russia is selling billions of dollar's worth of weapons to Iran (and Iraq before that) and China is heavily dependent on Iranian oil.

        Even ignoring this fact, why in the world would Iran need nuclear energy? They have enough oil to meet domestic demand for o

        • by Galestar ( 1473827 ) on Monday December 26, 2011 @07:38PM (#38498274) Homepage

          Every single intelligence service in the world is in agreement that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

          No, they are not. Not even all the U.S. intelligence services are in agreement about this. The"official" stance is that they are working on them, but there have been several public dissenting views come out from your CIA and FBI.

          Of course Russia is selling billions of dollar's worth of weapons to Iran (and Iraq before that)

          [citation needed]
          #1 Iraq did not have weapons, ergo Russia did not sell weapons to them
          #2 If Russia already sold weapons to Iran, they already have them, therefore their "proliferation" is a done deal.
          Please stop making shit up.

          The real issue is that there is significant international pressure for Iran to stop its nuclear program for civilian (power) purposes. First off, Iran is quite correct in that this is unfair as they are have signed the NPT, and have cooperated with the IAEA. Secondly, now that such crippling sanctions are in place against them, why should they stop? They are rightly convinced that the world will view them as a nuclear threat whether or not they stop their civilian program, and they now need that civilian program more than ever due to the sanctions.

          Economic sanctions are a precursor to war. The American propaganda machine wants war with Iran. When have you ever known the American's to let the truth stand between them and one of their holy wars.

      • by pchan- ( 118053 )

        This is a reference to an older quote by Khomeini, but in Khomeini's days Iran was an ally of Israel. The alliance was broken off after the 1990 gulf war, because with Iraq gone and the USSR gone Israel had to change its strategy and Iran became a regional competitor.

        I stopped reading after this sentence since it is so wrong, I assume the rest of it is also drivel. Israel and Iran were allies up until the Islamic revolution of 1979 in which Khomeini took power. You may have heard about the Iran hostage crisis, which happened at the same time when Iran's friendly relationship with the US was similarly dissolved. The Islamic council of Iran, which still rules today, has always been hostile to the US and Israel

        • They were allies, not publicly but in practice. You may have heard that Israel helped to arm Iran during the war.

          In fact in the early nineties the Iranians got the impression that what got Israel to suddenly change their position was when in one of the secret meetings they asked the Israelis to help them restore relations with the US. So far for the hostility towards the US.

        • by Smiths ( 460216 )

          The Shah did business with Israel as he was really a Western leader...but Iran did not reconize Israel officially. Israel was/is disliked for what it European colony.

          The Jewish population in Iran was massive and goes back centuries. Although tens of thousands have left there are still 30-50K Iranian Jews.

    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      The other thing is he isn't really the leader of Iran any more than than the assistant in charge of King John's court was the leader of England. It's a theocracy with a semi-elected bunch of advisors.
    • I'm amazed every time the Ahmadinejad apologentsia brings up this ridiculous "he didn't literally say it" defense. It's so moronic it beggars belief.
      Ahmadinejad spoke in Farsi. Why is it a surprise that when translating from one language to another and, more importantly, from one culture to another that the literal translation will not be the same?
      The people most qualified to understand the culturally relevant meaning of his words, the official Iranian translation service, had no problem understanding his i

  • Sorry, I RTFA, but I'll post instead about the company's name: "Allot". Boy, if only they had named it "Allotof", the potential lulz would have been huge.

    Allotof Declines...


    That's all. Proceed as usual.

  • by toby ( 759 ) on Monday December 26, 2011 @03:31PM (#38496490) Homepage Journal

    It is as ignorant and inaccurate to call Ahmadinejad one of Iran's "leaders" as it is to call the US President one of the USA's "leaders". Both are spokespeople and figureheads whose authority extends little further than public relations.

    But whatever: Anything that paints Iran as the bad guy (against poor embattled little Israel, the lonely regional good guy...) helps build the case for the next unnecessary and awful American military action. Nice work, editors. Haz real journalism?

    • What utter nonsense. You may not like the U.S. government, or the current president, but he has final say over all military strategies, and can veto any legislation passed by congress. To say he has no power, and is merely a figurehead displays nothing but rank stupidity.
      • Figureheads have some real power but are still figureheads. The President can only act according to the information that is given to him.
      • Wealth is power. The true power in your country is possessed by the wealthy, not the president. You live in a dream world.

        Democracy is dead. Long live democracy.
        • Wealth is power. The true power in your country is possessed by the wealthy, not the president. You live in a dream world.

          Cool story bro. But this is what happens when you take figures of speech literally.

      • by Paladeen ( 8688 )

        There is a difference between formal power and real power.

        The President of the United States has a great deal of formal power, but very little "real" power. His decisions are constrained in many complex ways by his party, his backers, his financial contributors and the various civil and military services in the US, which are the real creators of policy. They are the ones that present the viable options the figurehead chooses from.

    • "Both are spokespeople and figureheads whose authority extends little further than public relations. "

      The President of the US has the authority to launch a nuclear attack.

  • by Goonie ( 8651 )
    If this firm had sold the Iranians the blueprints to something actually security-sensitive, there might be a reason to care. But, FFS, what's Iran going to do with this - inspect Israeli-origin IP packets to death?
  • This probably happens all the time with any equipment where sale isn't restricted to government intelligence agencies, whether the vendor is complicit or not. You just ship stuff to a middleman in an approved country and then smuggle it to the final destination. It isn't rocket science. Plus, they could probably just build a similar system themselves with all FOSS tools anyways.

  • They knew, the only thing Israel does better than tech and weapons is espionage and money is king before any nation or flag, the only other thing that comes to mind is what little "surprises" are hidden in the gear waiting to be used against Iran so that in effect, this oops moment is plausible deniability.

  • Since the fall of the Shah, US foreign policy is biased against Iran. At least that is the opinion I have formed after following the Israeli blog [] . For instance, Saudi Arabia can get Nukes, but practically nobody reports it. OTOH from comments already posted on slashdot, this sale to Iran appears technically trivial

    • Exactly.

      Saudi, Isreal, Pakistan, India, North Korea. All allowed to have nukes, but with 0 evidence the world puts huge propaganda and sanctions against Iran, and the U.S. starts a habit of routinely invading their airspace.

      To all the people warmongering against Iran:
      If anyone can show conclusive proof that Iran is working on a nuke, I will buy into the war machine.
      Otherwise, please tell these other countries to disarm or you idiots can STFU about Iran.
      • I thought people had learned after Iraq but sadly, they haven't.

        The worst thing about the Iran Propaganda is that they won't even have to admit they were wrong.

        Instead of "Ok, There were no WMDs but... Democracy! Dictator!" it will be "We stopped them before they could build the Nukes! Also... Democracy! Dictator!".

  • There are two types of people in the world: people who think there are two types of people in the world and people who don’t. I’m among the first type and I think the world is divided into people who recognize the Jewish problem and people who don’t.

    In other words, the world is divided into smart people and dumb people. If you’ve got an IQ of 80, have difficulty operating a can-opener, and recognize the Jewish problem, you’re smart. If you’ve got an IQ of 180, have alread

  • Am I the only one who thought of Isaac Asimov's Foundation when I read that headline?

  • US, EU, RU, CN, Israel, Iran, Vatican ... it is just business as usual. WTF do people expect? Better! WTF do politicians expect? Privilege! WTF do clerics expect? Power!

    It is a global plutocracy that works better than war. It ain't democracy, capitalism, communism, religion, values, faith, happiness, joy ... WTF not plutocrats/aristocracy the delusional-elitist that have always ruled human culture and destiny that assures upheavals and changes by violence, destruction, genocide, extinction ....

    That whic

  • The Iranian leader called for the 'end of the Zionist regime' which was turned into the destruction of the Jewish state...cause that plays into the "Israel is hated cause of the Arabs are antiSemities bs that is pushed in the US.

    The reality is Zionism is rightfully despised by 95% of the world because its is a racist idealogy..."lets setup a state for our ethno/religious group by pushing out the indigenous people of the area because in an imaginary man says it belongs to us" Das racist.

"Never give in. Never give in. Never. Never. Never." -- Winston Churchill
