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Taliban Seizes and Burns PCs, Cell Phones To Stop Obscenity 294

retroworks writes "As translated from Central Asia Online, Cellular News reports that militants from South Waziristan set ablaze about 300 cellular phones and a number of computers in Wana because the devices were allegedly used to spread obscene materials. Prior to taking the action, they gave everyone fair warning with 'leaflets.' 300 cell phones down, 5 or 6 billion to go.
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Taliban Seizes and Burns PCs, Cell Phones To Stop Obscenity

Comments Filter:
  • hmm.. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I know association that would be happy to do the same here in the US.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      U.S. already does. 18 year limit for natural love making, but violence is all good! Then when someone does weird porn that minority like (and doesn't hurt anyone), like shitting in mouth, they jail those responsible for filming it. Land of hypocrites.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:20PM (#38478978)

    I knew I shouldn't have browsed that one site where a woman showed her ankle!

  • Oh noes (Score:2, Funny)

    by Osgeld ( 1900440 )

    burn the devil box, it showed the chin of a female!

    If they were smart they would burn the internet ...

  • by Tolkien ( 664315 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:21PM (#38478986) Journal
    Because destroying the hard drives wasn't enough, wasting tens of thousands of dollars in perfectly good hardware was the right thing to do.
    • by rwa2 ( 4391 ) *

      Whatever... just don't tell my wife about them!

      /hopes^H^H^H^H^Hprays they don't make house calls

    • I'm guessing that miltant crazies don't really know what a hard drive is, or where the memory is stored. It's just a devil box at that point. Hell I don't think most US fundamentalist crazies would know either.

      • I'm guessing that miltant crazies don't really know what a hard drive is, or where the memory is stored. It's just a devil box at that point. Hell I don't think most US fundamentalist crazies would know either.

        Sure they do. It is that big box on the floor with all the buttons and lights on it and a cup holder. What do you think I am? Some kind of idiot?

    • Re:Idiots. (Score:4, Insightful)

      by tsa ( 15680 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @12:56AM (#38479726) Homepage

      Blowing up those ridiculously old and big statues was also the right thing to do.

  • I bet the recent Thailand floods were the result of top secret Taliban weather control technology. After all, hard-drives are the bigger enablers of porn.
    • by EdIII ( 1114411 )

      After all, hard-drives are the bigger enablers of porn.,/quote>

      Uhhhh no. It's Ethernet cables.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:26PM (#38479016)

    First objective is to hide what they are doing. This is accomplished by no one able to photograph their brutal actions and so the Leaders will not be photographed for later intervention by NATO.

    Second is to control the media and what the people are told. Hopefully create more little zealots to continue the cause.

    • Bingo! We have a winner!

    • by EdIII ( 1114411 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @12:17AM (#38479568)

      Considering the Taliban manual specifically prohibits any Taliban from being alone in a room with an unbearded man (boy), I bet it is so that nobody can record that evidence as well.

      Which is incredibly ironic that they are trying to prevent obscenity when they are predominately pedophiles.

      Before anybody mods this troll..... if it was false why would it have to be in the manual for the Taliban specifically?

      • by number11 ( 129686 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @12:36AM (#38479632)

        Considering the Taliban manual specifically prohibits any Taliban from being alone in a room with an unbearded man (boy), I bet it is so that nobody can record that evidence as well. Which is incredibly ironic that they are trying to prevent obscenity when they are predominately pedophiles. Before anybody mods this troll..... if it was false why would it have to be in the manual for the Taliban specifically?

        Because it's a popular entertainment in Afghanistan that the Taliban want to ban?

        What makes you think it's not a problem with non-Taliban? Didn't American contractors with DynCorp pimp young boys for a party for Afghan cops (cite [houstonpress.com]?

      • Homosexual pedophilia is a prominent part of Pashtun culture in general. Local traditional interpretation of Islam is extremely misogynistic, but allows for homosexual sex as an outlet, and young "beardless" boys are seen as legitimate object of sexual desire.

        Taliban is different in that they are much more straightforward on this issue: it's a sin, and punishment is death. In fact, Taliban had started as an organized militia movement when mullah Omar and his madrasa students liberated several boys kidnapped

    • by 517714 ( 762276 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @12:21AM (#38479580)
      Doesn't that pretty much sum up our government's policies too?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:28PM (#38479030)

    The toxic chemicals released from burning all that hardware gave them all cancer.

    HA HA.

  • But you know... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by JasoninKS ( 1783390 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:29PM (#38479038)
    Of course, they copied off and kept all the good porn for themselves before they destroyed the hardware.
  • SOPAliban (Score:4, Funny)

    by Kikuchi ( 1709032 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:30PM (#38479046)
    Much more efficient than blocking DNS, you have to concede that.
  • by dpilot ( 134227 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:34PM (#38479074) Homepage Journal

    Forget about this...

    Compared to throwing acid on a young girl's face because she wants what we consider an elementary education - now that's worth some outrage.

    Children are to be cherished and encouraged to reach for their full potential. Any society that fails to do this is failing, period - USA included.

    • by kanto ( 1851816 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @11:46PM (#38479428)

      Forget about this...

      Compared to throwing acid on a young girl's face because she wants what we consider an elementary education - now that's worth some outrage.

      Children are to be cherished and encouraged to reach for their full potential. Any society that fails to do this is failing, period - USA included.

      I think this is a perfect thing to get outraged at since it's just a different side of the same problem, "where you burn books, you will ultimately burn people also".

      • by bmo ( 77928 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @12:12AM (#38479542)

        I had to google that last quote because I liked it so much.

        For everyone's edification:

        "Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen."

          "That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people also."

          Heinrich Heine, in the play "Almansor" - 1821


    • by Khith ( 608295 )

      Just because there is something worse in comparison doesn't mean that what they're doing isn't still bad.

      Instead of settling for the lesser of two evils, we should be condemning ALL evils.

  • by kawabago ( 551139 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:35PM (#38479078)
    It's the Taliban's leaders that should be raided! They all watch porn and force their spouses to wear the Burka so no one will find out it's a MAN! You're not gay if everyone thinks you're with a woman.
  • The thing is... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by bmo ( 77928 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @10:51PM (#38479170)

    There are people in the US that are ready and waiting to do the exact same thing. Some of them are corporations.

    The RIAA and MPAA wish all this would go away.

    The Dominionists and other so-called-Christian radicals (note the location of the hyphen) would burn all modern communications technology and "unchristian books" (meaning anything other than the bible) in a heartbeat.


    • by tsa ( 15680 )

      One of my friend's kids wanted to place a dinosaur in the Christmas stall he built yesterday. A true believer and righteous boy, he is.

  • Now we know (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Now we know the REAL reason bin Laden moved to Pakistan!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23, 2011 @11:07PM (#38479252)

    About the militia maintaining a monopoly on electronic communication to prevent a rebellion or infiltration by the government or other tribal leaders?

    Remember, these villagers are mostly Muslim, and they pray five times a day. And somehow I doubt the people in the militia will be burning their own phones and computers.

  • The motive is (IMHO) most likely to express and increase their power over the people affected rather than the stated one. Eliminate something that gives those people power, and show them how weak they are against their new rulers.

  • Leaflets used to spread obscenity.
    Burn all leaflets.

  • by slapout ( 93640 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @11:38PM (#38479390)

    According to Joe Biden, the Taliban is not the US's enemy so it's okay.


  • Signals Intellegence (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Required Snark ( 1702878 ) on Friday December 23, 2011 @11:46PM (#38479426)
    Clearly, this has an impact on the strategic capabilities of the Talaban.

    There are two possibilities. Either they are eliminating all cell phones, or only the cell phones of the non-Talaban under their control. If the get rid of all cell phones, then their ability to coordinate and send/receive timely information will be seriously impacted. They will become less effective.

    If they keep cell phones for themselves, they become much more obvious targets. It will be easier to listen in on their communications because they will be the only ones talking. Even just detecting a cell phone signal will flag the location of a Talaban member. Not such a good move in the era of loitering UAVs with GPS enabled munitions.

    It's nice when your enemies are such stupid fanatics that they either shoot themselves in the foot, or paint a target on their backs. I hope they find even more ways to use their religious fanaticism screw themselves up.

    • by bmo ( 77928 )

      DRAVOT:Now listen to me, you benighted muckers! We're going to teach you soldiering, the world's noblest profession. When we've done with you, you'll be able to stand up and slaughter your enemies like civilised men. But first, you'll have to learn to march⦠in step and do the manual of arms without having to think! Good soldiers don't ever thinkâ"they just obey!⦠Do you suppose if a man thought twice he'd give his life for King and Country? Not bloody likely. He wouldn't go near

  • Bunch of Savages

  • Religious surpression creates perversion.
    Old story - for reference see Wihelm Reich, Character Analysis.
    Totally perverse to destroy cellphones and computers.

  • to do. They're just following the leader, that's right the good ol USofA.

  • someone needs to remind them that Osama bin Laden had his own porn stash [abovetopsecret.com]. that makes it ok.
  • If the Taliban wants to see something obscene, they should look in the mirror.
  • Burning books is sooo last century.

  • by G3ckoG33k ( 647276 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @03:39AM (#38480260)

    Jew burning the Christian bible, the New Testament. Big News... Big Deal... ;)

    "Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak oversees burning of a New Testament"

    http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4158924,00.html [ynetnews.com]

    It gets worse. The same dork is now burning tv sets...

    http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4158924,00.html [ynetnews.com]

    "Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak held a protest against television and its products on Tuesday evening, during which 1,000 (relatively old-fashioned) TV sets were thrown into large garbage bins. The modern "Tashlich" ceremony was held outside the Israel Broadcasting Authority's building in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yitzhak is famous for his activities which are centered on helping Jews to become more religious or observant. Leader of Dushinsky Hasidic dynasty threatens to expel members caught with 'non-kosher' cellular phones, computer with Internet connection"

    Published? December 9, 2011... So much for progress into the 21st century.

    What I am getting that these Amish-like sheep brains are all over. The Amish, the Hasidic and now some Moslems. I am sure that there has been symbolic burning amongst "peace-loving" Buddhist too...

    Why can't people get over their religion. Sigh...

  • by Hentes ( 2461350 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @05:10AM (#38480572)

    But controlling communication and infromation access of the people. The more ignorant they stay, the better for the Taliban.

  • War on Terror (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Tom ( 822 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @06:09AM (#38480738) Homepage Journal

    So, let me get this straight:

    The USA spent years, trillions of $$$ - amounts where the interest on it could pay for the entire financial crisis - and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives (a few of them US soldiers) on this war thing... ...and here we are, essentially where we started with the Taliban, just with more of a mess?

  • by bratwiz ( 635601 ) on Saturday December 24, 2011 @11:59AM (#38482686)

    Raping, looting, pillaging and being general all-around scoundrels is one thing, but now they're fucking with access to the Internet!

    I reckon the Taliban's days are finally numbered....

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