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US To Release International Cyber Strategy Today 64

vivIsel writes "Today, the Obama Administration will be releasing its first-ever strategy for 'international cooperation in cyberspace.' Following on Friday's release of the White House domestic cybersecurity proposal, this strategy document will govern how the US behaves on the international stage — including around big issues like internet governance and internet freedom. The strategy's unveiling, which will be keynoted by Hillary Clinton with remarks by Secretaries Holder, Locke and Napolitano, will be streamed live on starting at 3:00PM EDT today."
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US To Release International Cyber Strategy Today

Comments Filter:
  • Let me guess (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 16, 2011 @11:08AM (#36140378)

    It will include yet even more revenue, and assume yet even more power over the people, all the while making the business of government more lucrative for those at the top of the pyramid.

    I can't put my finger on it, but this all seems very, very familiar, as if this cyclical expansion of government has been repeating for 200 years.

    • Re:Let me guess (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Tsingi ( 870990 ) <graham.rick@g[ ] ['mai' in gap]> on Monday May 16, 2011 @11:18AM (#36140476)

      It will include yet even more revenue, and assume yet even more power over the people, all the while making the business of government more lucrative for those at the top of the pyramid.

      I can't put my finger on it, but this all seems very, very familiar, as if this cyclical expansion of government has been repeating for 200 years.

      Of course, you can't just have a free and open internet, anywhere in the world. You get upstarts like WikiLeaks and DemocracyNow that tell people things they should not know.

      This does not please the corporate Overlords. Look for the complete reversal of net neutrality over the next few years.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by kelemvor4 ( 1980226 )

      I can't put my finger on it, but this all seems very, very familiar, as if this cyclical expansion of government has been repeating for 200 years.

      I think it's more like repeating as long as humanity has existed.

    • From: []
      "Joseph Tainter in "The Collapse of Complex Societies" suggested that there were diminishing returns to complexity, due to which, as states achieved a maximum permissible complexity, they would decline when further increases actually produced a negative return. Tainter suggested that Rome achieved this figure in the 2nd Century AD."

      The suggestion is that civilizations tend to refuse to accept going down any path to a more sensible solution

  • US document... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by msauve ( 701917 ) on Monday May 16, 2011 @11:14AM (#36140438)

    "this strategy document will govern how the U.S. behaves on the international stage — including around big issues like internet governance and internet freedom."

    Let me summarize: "We'll use a bunch of flowery language like "freedom" and "democratic," but in the end, we'll do WTF we want, while you'll bend over and like it."

  • 1. "violate the common sense rights of everyone we can find a legal loophole for or write a new law to allow"
    2. "also do anything else we think we can get away with"

  • by The O Rly Factor ( 1977536 ) on Monday May 16, 2011 @11:22AM (#36140532)
    Our campaign contributors and special interest lobbies^H^H^H^H^H^Hintelligence agencies have indicated that pirates^Hterrorists are causing massive profit losses to our chief campaign supporters^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hinfringements on our patriotic American freedoms, so therefore we decided we now have the power to confiscate any domain name for any reason without due process. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
    • by Tooke ( 1961582 )

      Our campaign contributors and special interest lobbies^Wintelligence agencies have indicated that pirates^Wterrorists are causing massive profit losses to our chief campaign supporters^Winfringements on our patriotic American freedoms, so therefore we decided we now have the power to confiscate any domain name for any reason without due process. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

      Fixed that for you.

  • FTA: It said the document outlines the US agenda "for partnering with other nations and peoples to ensure the prosperity, security, and openness that we seek in our increasingly networked world."

    And the |-|4c|3r$ will be right there reading the strategy and figuring out more ways to exploit the net and make money or engage in other activities (terrorism, etc.). This sounds like a useless document.
  • That way we wouldn't have to see this story twice, and all the foolish speculation that's filling this submission.

    • Except that we can make some good predictions, based on what the Bush and Obama administrations have been pushing for:
      • They will probably want countries to cooperate on DNS hijacking efforts (the US ones, not the Chinese ones).
      • They will probably want companies in other countries to respect US court orders (i.e. what happened with Hushmail).
      • More cooperation on child-pornography crackdowns
      • More cooperation with the War on Drugs (the DEA has amassed a surveillance network and increasingly looks to the Internet
      • It's just that all those things are now so obvious, we don't need to waste any more disk space yakking about it anymore. How often do we have to keep repeating ourselves when nobody cares, or just gets shouted down? You can pull up ten year old submissions, and the comments are word for word identical to today's. What is needed is more discussion and implementation of workable countermeasures, technical and otherwise.. Maybe then we can leave the fascists crying in their soup.. and we can carry on our norma

  • "US To Release International Cyber Strategy" - don't people get busted for releasing US strategies? Isn't that what all the fuss about Wikipedia is for?

    So now they're just saving the leakers some (jail?) time, or does this mean something else?

    • The wikileaks "fuss" was about somebody releasing classified information to the public, and has nothing to do with whether "strategic" or "tactical" information was leaked. The information is classified, therefore it is illegal to release - whether or not it's considered "strategic" or "tactical" is irrelevant.

      Strategy is regularly and openly discussed by many people, and I don't think you'd have much difficulty finding people discussing the US strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan all over the media - they use

  • by KermodeBear ( 738243 ) on Monday May 16, 2011 @11:33AM (#36140642) Homepage

    Whatever the politics are, I'm glad that things like this are being streamed over the Internet. I wish that there was more streaming (like a 24/7 stream of the floor of the House and Senate), hopefully that will happen in the future.

  • Clinton's remarks "will address the role of cyberspace in advancing the full range of US interests and the importance of international cooperation in advancing cyberspace as a foreign policy priority."

    The 'full range of US interests' include, but are not limited to, a two-tiered internet, painfully slow transfer speeds, and uncontrolled spying and invasions of privacy.
    • The 'full range of US interests' include, but are not limited to, a two-tiered internet, painfully slow transfer speeds, and uncontrolled spying and invasions of privacy.

      And, make sure that the US is allowed to do things which if "certain governments" tried to do, the US government would talk about how those governments are suppressing freedom and democracy. (Syria, Iran, China for instance)

      I really do fully expect to see a bit of a blatant double standard as the US proclaims they need to be able to do thi

  • Buy all brand name products and OS's, plug ears, wear rose colored glasses and pray... Lighting hair on fire and running around option required.

  • by Bob9113 ( 14996 ) on Monday May 16, 2011 @12:10PM (#36141032) Homepage

    From the Article: 'It said the document outlines the US agenda "for partnering with other nations and peoples to ensure the prosperity, security, and openness that we seek in our increasingly networked world."'

    Let's see: Prosperity, Security, and Openness.

    Let me guess -- in that order, right?

    Here's how it plays out:

    "What's first on the agenda today, gentlemen?"


    "All-right, I asked around, and all the lobbyists in my outer office agree on how to maximize prosperity. We should give total control of popular content to the MAFIAA and the Cable and Telcos. Next?"


    "Right; absolute authority to shut down anyone, anywhere, anytime, for any reason, without having to document anything goes to National Cyber Command. Next?"


    "Perfect -- nations we don't like, and which are small enough that we can kick their ass, have to allow their people to speak freely on the Internet."

    "Awesome, I think we're done. Who's up for a round of golf?"

    "Now hang on, there -- we have to make this look like it was a challenging struggle between opposing voices interested only in the best principles of American democracy."

    "Right, let's get a couple of the spin doctors to rewrite the health-care debate script. Most of the public bought that."

    "Hahaha, that's awesome. Make it so."

  • The end of the beginning of the end for the Internet.

    This is the beginning of the middle of its long slow death by a thousand cuts.
  • will be "ICE, ICE, Baby."

If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.
