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Pentagon Seeking Out Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange 628

a user writes "The Pentagon is desperately seeking the 'cooperation' of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, in order to stop him from releasing over 250,000 pages of confidential foreign policy documents. The documents were allegedly provided to Assange by Bradley Manning, the same solider who leaked a video showing a US Army helicopter killing unarmed civilians and international press correspondents."
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Pentagon Seeking Out Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 12, 2010 @12:50AM (#32546554)

    Could you just provide us your GPS co-ordinates? Thanks!

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Could you just provide us your GPS co-ordinates? Thanks!

      Better not do that. They are uncomfortably close to mine.

    • by cappp ( 1822388 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @01:41AM (#32546930)
      The Wired article [] provides a little more detail.

      The things that stood out to me:

      According to the Daily Beast, Manning apparently had “special access to cables prepared by diplomats and State Department officials throughout the Middle East regarding the workings of Arab governments and their leaders.” The cables date back several years and traversed interagency computer networks that are available to the Army. They contain information about U.S. diplomatic and intelligence efforts in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones, the diplomat said.

      In chats with Lamo that has examined, Manning said he had access to two classified networks from two separate secured laptops: SIPRnet, the Secret-level network used by the Department of Defense and the State Department, and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System which serves both agencies at the Top Secret/SCI level. The networks, he said, were both “air-gapped” from unclassified networks, but the environment at the base made it easy to smuggle data out. “I would come in with music on a CD-RW labeled with something like ‘Lady Gaga,’ erase the music then write a compressed split file,” he wrote. “No one suspected a thing and, odds are, they never will.” “listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’ while exfiltrating possibly the largest data spillage in American history,” he added later. ”Weak servers, weak logging, weak physical security, weak counterintelligence, inattentive signal analysis a perfect storm.” Regarding the State Department cables specifically, Manning told Lamo, “State dept fucked itself. Placed volumes and volumes of information in a single spot, with no security.”

      Manning described personal issues that got him into trouble with his superiors and left him socially isolated. He said he had been demoted after he punched a colleague in the face during an argument, and was reassigned to a job in a supply office pending early discharge. He also told Lamo, “I’m restricted to SIPR now, because of the discharge proceedings.”

      But in his chats with Lamo, Manning told the ex-hacker that all traces of evidence had been deleted from his work computers as part of the troop-withdrawal procedures that have started in Iraq. “I had two computers. One connected to SIPRnet the other to JWICS,” he wrote. “They’ve been zero-filled. Because of the pullout, evidence was destroyed by the system itself.” He also told Lamo that network security monitoring and logging was ineffective or nonexistent. “There’s god-awful accountability of IP addresses,” he wrote. “The network was upgraded, and patched up so many times, and systems would go down, logs would be lost. And when moved or upgraded, hard drives were zeroed. It’s impossible to trace much on these field networks."

      • by commodore64_love ( 1445365 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @08:24AM (#32548696) Journal

        >>>According to the Daily Breast

        Now THAT'S my kind of newspaper. ;-) I think the Wikileaks founder should ignore the Pentagon. The leaking of video showing soldiers killing reporters, children, and other innocents is exactly what this country needs to erase the myth that government is "good" for us. Or that leaders can be trusted. Fucking bastards. They promised to end this damn war years ago, and yet here we are. The only way it will end is if, like Vietnam, we turn public opinion against the war and the government.

        Keep up the good work Mr. Manning.

  • by Cylix ( 55374 ) * on Saturday June 12, 2010 @12:51AM (#32546564) Homepage Journal

    Good luck finding "Julian" as if such a man would have parted ways with his real name. He is a master of 27 languages and knows the local customs as if he recited them as his daily prayers. This is a man who possesses a near chameleon like instinct and can instantly blend into the background anywhere. Only further surpassing his ability to sink into the inky blackness are the hundreds of contacts he has made from here to hoover damn. Hell, even the rocks and streams seem to offer the man comfort if so much as he breathes a heavy sigh.

    I can only laugh when the Pentagon says they want to find "Julian." Just considering the sheer number of hells they'll need to climb down to find the darkest demon who might be able to guess what "Julian" had for lunch just makes me chuckle.

    Either that or the Pentagon can just send him an email.

  • by Required Snark ( 1702878 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @01:02AM (#32546652)
    In Soviet America, leaks plug you.
  • by linzeal ( 197905 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @01:06AM (#32546670) Journal
    This is amazing that this has taken Slashdot all day to report on the #1 story on most Tech sites and the #2-3 story on most non-tech sites. Is there a reason political stories are never posted by Soulskill on Slashdot? I'm looking over what he has posted and I can't find any. You would of had at least 1000 comments by now, but you are now posting this at 10 pm PST which means that not a lot of people are going to see this. If you want more info look at my signature, that was my 3rd attempt at getting this posted on Slashdot today. It includes 4-5 links unlike the lead.
  • by chrisale ( 621995 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @01:41AM (#32546934)
    I don't generally post on Slashdot... but couldn't resist. Post them. Now. Please. No doubt it'll hurt US relations with who-knows-who... but the truth is always the best way to create the best change. One day, this man should be nominated, and win, a Nobel Peace Prize.
    • by Jackie_Chan_Fan ( 730745 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @01:53AM (#32547012)

      I agree 100%

      What are we afraid of? our own actions? Well then we certainly shouldn't be hiding them. We should be rethinking them.. but first we must know the truth.

      Release it all.

      The government has screwed over our own people for many years now. Time for a little pay back.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Rogerborg ( 306625 )
        I agree that the documents should be published, but let's be clear that the "pay back" (in retaliation from Excitable Types) will be against US citizens, not against any member of the ruling cabal. They, and their creatures in the Legacy Media, will lay the blame for the consequences against the leakers, not the speakers.
        • by BoberFett ( 127537 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @07:26AM (#32548464)

          That may be the only way to wake Americans up. If the world gets pissed at us because abused our privilege as one of the worlds most prosperous countries, and abdicated our authority to corrupt politicians as we drank Starbucks and watched American Idol, we will simply be getting what we deserve. The citizens of the US needs a wake up call before those assholes in Washington destroy this country.

    • by physicsphairy ( 720718 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @05:58AM (#32548106)

      I don't generally post on Slashdot... but couldn't resist. Post them. Now. Please. No doubt it'll hurt US relations with who-knows-who... but the truth is always the best way to create the best change. One day, this man should be nominated, and win, a Nobel Peace Prize.

      And you sir should please promptly provide your name, SSN, birthday, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, place of residence, and any PINs or passwords you may use.

      It could be that you will not reply with this information as requested, because your purported reverence for "truth" does not extend to disclosing information which would enable others to do you harm.

      Well, welcome to the world of classified information, where if operatives get outed, they get a bullet in the back of the head. I'm not sure what's contained in the yet-to-be-released documents, and maybe indeed some or all of it is information that should be brought before the public eye. But I have a feeling (as will be evidenced by your lack of compliance with my request) that your gungho damn-the-consequences attitude to disclosure is based strictly on the supposition that you aren't going to be one of the direct sufferers if things turn out poorly.

      I would like everything our government does to have oversight, but in many cases (witness protection, undercover investigation, battleplans, etc.) the correct mechanism for oversight is to create overseers (judges, internal investigators, et al.) who can answer to the public without compromising their safety and well-being by letting any hostile person have the same information. If that system fails then intentional leaks may be a justifiable recourse.

      God help us if there was anything, that, say, put crazy little Kim Jong Il in a missile firing mood.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      I understand Slashdot's desire for "information wants to be free" mixed with a healthy dose of "don't trust the government" lead you to make that comment and lead others to mod you up but that was the dumbest shit I've ever read on Slashdot in about ... eight(?) years of reading this site.

      Releasing this classified information could result in people being embarrassed. Big deal, right? It could result in international relations degrading or outright collapsing. Big deal, right? It could result in operatives
  • by mentil ( 1748130 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @01:42AM (#32546940)

    according to WikiLeaks' twitter feed []: "Allegations in Wired that we have been sent 260,000 classified US embassy cables are, as far as we can tell, incorrect."
    Would Wikileaks have a reason to lie and withhold these messages, if the US govt. has the capability to find out if Manning sent them to Wikileaks? Maybe he leaked them, but to someone else, and it was simply assumed to have been to Wikileaks?

  • This guy Manning (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MichaelSmith ( 789609 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @01:49AM (#32546986) Homepage Journal

    From TFA:

    Manning, 22 [...] As an intelligence specialist in the US army, Manning

    I fail to see how a 22 year old guy can be an "Intelligence specialist".

    (and get off my lawn BTW).

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Nimey ( 114278 )

      If you score high enough on the ASVAB test (IIRC 90th percentile & above), recruiters are apt to push you into Intelligence. That's what the recruiter who reviewed my test scores in high school said.

      Assuming he enlisted right out of high school, he could have been assigned to an intelligence unit (or assigned intelligence duties in a line unit) for approx. four years, which is plenty of time to get enough experience to be a "specialist".

  • UCMJ Article 106 (Score:5, Insightful)

    by codepunk ( 167897 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @02:53AM (#32547302)

    Much more interesting to me is what will happen with the dummy that leaked the info. Article 106 of the UCMJ defines this offense as punishable by death. This soldier knew with absolute certainty that he was committing a grave offense. A court martial is not handled like your everyday court case, no amount of money is going to save his skin.

    • What a Hero (Score:5, Insightful)

      by linzeal ( 197905 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @03:52AM (#32547582) Journal
      Depending on what he leaked he may be considered a hero by civil libertarians if some of the allegations and rumors swirling about these cables are true. I know I consider him one, this is far less a grave offense against the law and liberty than Cheney's death squads or Bush's/Obama's/Congress's support of the Patriot Act. You seem almost gleeful he has less rights during a court martial, any reason for that?
  • by David Gerard ( 12369 ) <> on Saturday June 12, 2010 @07:35AM (#32548500) Homepage

    How to know you're doing real journalism: when the powers that be are this pissed off.

    The shiny-assed poltroons of the New York Times and the Murdoch press can just fuck off. Really. Whining shits that people aren't giving them free money for rewritten press releases any more. Useless fucks.

    Boycott the shitty, shitty press. Tell them why. Give money to Wikileaks [].

  • by rAiNsT0rm ( 877553 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @08:38AM (#32548754) Homepage

    Fully and completely. I say it in every wikileaks article here or anywhere. I always draw responses of either "it already it" or "it's fine as it is" and that is bullshit. Wikileaks is one of the most important outlets the world has, to not do everything possible to keep it that way is sheer stupidity.

  • Hacker Ethic (Score:3, Interesting)

    by 0101000001001010 ( 466440 ) on Saturday June 12, 2010 @12:58PM (#32550584)

    The Hacker Ethic, as maintained by the CCC.

    Access to computers - and anything which might teach you something about the way the world really works - should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!
    All information should be free.
    Mistrust authority - promote decentralization.
    Hackers should be judged by their acting, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position.
    You can create art and beauty on a computer.
    Computers can change your life for the better.
    Don't litter other people's data.
    Make public data available, protect private data.

"Tell the truth and run." -- Yugoslav proverb
