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FSF Helps Launch To Focus On Freedom In Network Services 45

mako writes "The FSF just announced the results of a meeting it held on software freedom and network services. They are hailing the launch of a new group called to follow up on these issues and the publication of the Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services which lays out a set of recommendations and guidelines for protecting freedom for software as a service." Update 22:07 GMT by SM: Corrected language incorrectly crediting FSF with creating
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FSF Helps Launch To Focus On Freedom In Network Services

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  • Inaccurate. (Score:5, Informative)

    by byolinux ( 535260 ) * on Monday July 14, 2008 @04:48PM (#24188043) Journal

    This group is seperate from the FSF.

    The FSF news story explains that.

  • Sooo... (Score:4, Funny)

    by oneal13rru ( 1322741 ) on Monday July 14, 2008 @04:54PM (#24188131) Journal
    Since Network Services are now Free, my packets are insisting I ask if anyone can give them advice on how to unionize... they have T-shirts...
  • Good domain name (Score:4, Insightful)

    by nine-times ( 778537 ) <> on Monday July 14, 2008 @05:03PM (#24188237) Homepage

    This may be a bit off-topic, but my initial response to the headline was, "That's pretty clever, but I'm surprised someone hadn't already registered it." It seems like every word ending with a "us" got bought a while back when people first figured that whole thing out.

    So out of curiousity, I went looking to see what was at some of those websites. They're all ad pages-- nothing is at any of them, really. It's a sad state of affairs with DNS that there has been such a land-grab and so many domains are taken by people whose only intention is to put up some filler ad pages in the hopes that someone might happen along.

    Eh, anyway, it's nice to see someone got ahold of one and are using it for something.

    • by WiglyWorm ( 1139035 ) on Monday July 14, 2008 @05:13PM (#24188357) Homepage
      They're not "taken by people whose only intention is to put up some filler ad pages in the hopes that someone might happen along."

      They're there simply to sell for a profit in case someone wants to come along and use that name. It's a big business, right up there with buying potential misspellings of popular domains and putting up ads for their competitors.
      • Yeah, I know. I just mean that the only content they put up are some ugly ad pages, and they have no intention of doing anything else with the domain (as far as putting up content).

        And yes, it's all big business. But it kind of stinks that the DNS system has been abused in this way. I'm not sure what you do about that-- but anyway, like I said, this is all off-topic. I just think it's kind of sad that when I see the headline, "FSF Helps Launch To Focus On Freedom In Network Services", my fi

    • Better domain names are just around the corner -- the ICANN is about to release just about any "dot" you can think of. Once that happens, domains like .us will be forgotten quickly, replaced by more memorable names. (Like .coke, .pepsi, et cetera.)
      • The question there is, will that help wit this problem, or will it just bring about another land-grab?
    • by mccabem ( 44513 )

      Speculators are a part of every emerging market or trend and are almost never healthy but oddly may be necessary to an extent. I think our economy may actually count on the "almost never" faction...nice for the gamblers out there, eh? I suppose most of those end up getting taken by bigger speculators, and only a scant few of the big ones turn out to be legitimate and/or successful businesses -- almost everyone loses. This trend goes waaaay back and is very broad.


  • Great goals, but why'd they have to go and name it something you know the morons aren't going to be able to spell? (To keep the morons out, perhaps?)
    • Autonomous isn't that hard to spell.

      And there's a link from - so, I think even the morons as you call them will be able to spell that.

      • I guess I never thought the use of ".us" was all that clever. Either that or I'm sore I didn't think of it first!
  • by postbigbang ( 761081 ) on Monday July 14, 2008 @05:34PM (#24188605)

    Up to this point, there hasn't been a single Anonymous Coward to post on a thread that's about


  • Alaska based company is launching its website in a self-deprecating campaign against all websites which try to cleverly use the TLD suffix to create a new word. feels that is enough already, thank you.

    First on' radar are: [] - website about eating strange mushrooms and the wild tales that people share. eating mushrooms is bad. [] - needs no explanation [] - complete lying bastards, they're not good at ANYTHING

    More to come.

  • Thanks to the FSF for supporting the summit that eventually led to and the Franklin Street Statement, even if FSF isn't endorsing them yet. I'm really surprised at the near total lack of on topic comments on this post. Not even any generic anti-FSF flames or calling luddite. So everyone agrees that this activity is a good thing? (I'm biased [].)

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