Senator Proposes to Monitor All P2P Traffic for Illegal Files 626
mytrip writes "Senator Joe Biden (D-Del) has proposed an ambitious plan, costing on the order of $1 billion, aimed at curtailing illegal activities via P2P networks. His plan involves utilizing new software to monitor peer-to-peer traffic on an ongoing basis. 'At an afternoon Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing about child exploitation on the Internet, Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) said he was under the impression it's "pretty easy to pick out the person engaged in either transmitting or downloading violent scenes of rape, molestation" simply by looking at file names. He urged use of those techniques by investigators to help nab the most egregious offenders."
And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Insightful)
Fuck them. Fuck them both.
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Insightful)
In any case, all the more reason to use the TOR network.
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Insightful)
Does that quote suggest to you that he's technical enough to even know what a MAC address is, let alone know that it's spoofed with five seconds worth of work in the command prompt? People have of course screwed with filenames just to see what happens (much more in Kazaa/Limewire than Bit-torrent), probably to test Rule 34, with interesting results; more importantly, it shows that filenames are completely meaningless if you're looking to actually reveal content. In any case, just ticking the "encryption required" box in your torrent client solves that problem - and you can bet your ass that any sort of unique serial number would be the much more industry-standard (and equally absurd) IP address. You know - take the RIAA approach.
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Isn't it possible just to claim your wireless access point was left open and that someone else was using your wireless without your consent or knowledge? They can only prove it was your modem that transmitted the information, not the actual PC without doing a forensic hard disk analysis, right?
My router spoofs all my MACs and I've only got one IPA, so anyone using my router looks the same to the entire web.
Is this a plausible defense?
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What if I sell coffee out of my kitchen window ? Could I then claim to be an Internet Cafe, and not liable for my customer's actions ? Or is this yet another right which only companies over a certain size rather than real human beings have ?
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Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:4, Funny)
So change a few to "JoeBidenHavingSexWithPreteens.mpg" and watch the fun begin!
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Funny)
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MAC addresses don't go past the first network equipment (usually your router or switch). As far as I know there are only two ways of seeing the original MAC address : encapsulate the Ethernet frames, or directly ask the number from the NIC driver. Both are currently impossible to do in a passive way (ie: network probe or traffic filtering). You need a layer 7 tool to do that.
I don't think it's enforceable to require every single computer to have such a software (just to many of them, and too many versions)
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:4, Insightful)
Fuck them. Fuck them both.
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Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Insightful)
FYI (Score:5, Funny)
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Billions? Bah, if China has already done it, it will be easy for us to reimplement their solution. After all, we get all our other stuff from China, why not our censorshi- loyalty enforcement facilitators.
Wait...no...Joe Biden is the best senator ever! I welcome our new censorship overlor...
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This is not a law proposal, just loose talk (Score:5, Insightful)
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This is a lot worse than someone talking out of school. He's proposing to snoop on every packet that wends its way through the intertubes. Did you see how he wants to catch videos of rapes and molestation? Do you believe that for one second, or do you think it's more likely they want to catch people downloading Rocky XXIII?
This is a "trial balloon". If he doesn't hear a lot of screaming you'll see it on your precious feed. Disgusting.
The payoff (Score:5, Insightful)
One billion dollars! (puts pinky to lower lip) I see the tip of an ice berg, but ok since ... "It's for the children"!
Ah! The rest of the iceberg! Now how will we pay for it? [slashdot.org]
No matter that it cannot possibly work, it is for the children you see. So naturally if it's not working, we'll simply need to provide a bit more funding in this year's budget, and the next, and the next...
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Insightful)
No, I'm not a republican OR a democrat because I enjoy the process of THINKING too much to give it up.
Both parties of this bi-partisan country are corrupt, lazy, money grubbing, fear mongers and I refuse to vote for another piece of deadwood until there are people put up for election that are WORTH VOTING FOR and not one minute sooner.
We need to demolish the two-party system (Score:3, Insightful)
I wonder if anyone has a viable stratergy for getting more parties into the mix.
I feel a strong affiliation to the beer and cartoon party.
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What we need is for the federal government to back off and give back some of the power that they've taken from the states. That way, we can move to the state which fits us best politically, and everyone's happy.
Re:We need to demolish the two-party system (Score:5, Interesting)
Visualize a small town, with one main street. A McDonalds comes into town, and locates at one end of the town, let's call it the east end.
Now let's say Burger King wants to come into the same town. Where is the most logical place for the BK to locate? Answer: right next to the McDonalds, on the side that is closer to the most people.
In politics we see this in the clustering of positions. It makes sens for the Democrats to be just slightly more liberal than the Republicans, so that they can capture the votes of people that are somewhat liberal republicans. If they adopt a very liberal stance, then there is no way of knowing how people in the middle will vote.
We see this in Hillary Clinton, who in other times might have been described as a moderate republican, by here views. This stance makes sense, so that she can capture the middle of the spectrum. We saw this in the last 7 years, as democrats scrambled to be almost as conservative as the republicans, because that is what made political sense.
If you have a third player in the mix, let alone many players, that destablizes this balance. Then you'll start seeing a spectrum of views, rather than polarized (abortion) or highly similar (war on terrorism) positions. It's just game theory, which seems to be the meme of the day.
Federalism (Score:3, Insightful)
What you want would just result in tyranny by the largest plurality.
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:5, Insightful)
This is also my disagreement with those supporting Ron Paul. Maybe he is the best candidate, and maybe everything would be better if he were elected, but he has literally no chance of becoming president, but a lot of his supporters talk of voting for him, instead of "throwing away your vote" on one of the 3 contenders.
So, voting for Ron Paul is not throwing away your vote, even though he can't win, and therefore, you still didn't vote for the winner of the election, and possibly helped one of the others get elected instead? I feel it necessary to vote for the lesser of 3 evils, at least so things can be BETTER than they are now. I would rather have my say in voting for someone who can win, than in voting for an ideal out of protest for the others.
It's sad, but these days more people need to vote AGAINST someone, than for someone. You don't want McCain to become president? Vote for the person running against him that can actually win. You don't like any of the three? Find the one you can deal with for the next four years and vote for that one.
Say my dream car was a really fast Ferrari, but I only had $5000 to spend and I don't have any current transportation. Should I put that money away and just wait until I had enough to buy it, (which may never happen), and not have any transportation? Or should I be more practical and find the best option available to me right now, so that I can drive to work, and get a better job that makes more money and maybe earn enough to buy the Ferrari?
It'd be great if I could have my ideal, but practicality limits reality.
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:4, Insightful)
It is POSSIBLE to bring up a third party, if not to compete with the Reps and Dems, then to replace one of them. We aren't still voting for Whigs, after all.
I personally think it would be easier to start a third party at the bottom, in local and regional elections, than to make a bid for the presidency. But you need to attempt both to get the word out.
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1) He seems to have strayed from what my (and I think many other's) vision of what Libertarian is i.e. he believes in State's Rights at the cost of citizen's rights. He either fails to see that the States and the Fed govt are both equally capable of evil, or he has another agenda. and
2) It would probably
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Sir, would you like your testicles served to you deep fried, boiled or shredded?
Not always easy to tell which is the lesser of the three evils
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura? (Score:4, Insightful)
What you are pushing for is breaking democracy.
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The real old school Republicans are primarily the people who founded the Libertarian party when the Republicans turned down this road long long ago.
All the rest of them left the Republican party when that fascist monster Reagan was elected.
Ron Paul is a libertarian and has been for a long time.
He's nothing at all like a Republican as clearly demons
Re:SO... why do you support Jesse Ventura? (or, RT (Score:5, Insightful)
Did you bother to read TFA? File sharing? DRM circumvention? hollywood/music industry??
The only thing that the FA mentions is child pornography, molestation, rape, abuse, etc. Not once do they speak about any of the illegal things you've mentioned.
I'll admit that I've a fear of a legitimate child-porn-tracking system being used to combat other activities, esp. for people in no way involved in such horrific fetishes, but that isn't the point of the system (as stated) that Biden wants.
Whenever law enforcement at any level says of a tactic or system or program, "Don't worry -- we're only going to use it to go after [insert category of criminals here]," always assume an unspoken "NOT" between "we're" and "only." Hello??? Patriot Act, anyone? Warrantless wiretaps? National Security Letters?
And I'm sure . . . (Score:2, Insightful)
Biden's not Senator RIAA (Score:5, Insightful)
Totally different.
Re:And I'm sure . . . (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyone with his position should have enough intelligence to seek out smart people and see what can be done sensibly. Of course, all his intelligence is in his wallet; which is (un)fortunately under his ass most of the time.
It really is time to get rid of big business lobbyists. Their damage to the US is unfathomably huge. Time for open lobbying, not dissimilar to having to post your lobbying requests on the legislator's wiki site for all to see.
We need a LOT more transparency in the influences on legislators. Clearly.
This legislation is being promoted without clear evidence that it is needed. Where is the supporting evidence to show that this legislation will stop what it is intended to stop? How will it stop those from posting to the Internet from countries where the material is not illegal? There is no evidence to support it. If there is, the law is not needed. They can use the evidence they already have to arrest those guilty of the supposed crimes. Fucking idiots.
What an asshat. Yes, your child can click on the 'download britany spears' link and get childporn. Those filenames are ALWAYS accurate. Damn, even the **AA were using wrong filenames to spoil P2P sharing.
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get ready for darknet p2p programs to start popping up all around us.
I wish I could share your optimism, but I doubt it. Freenet has been around for a long, long time (over 10 years now, I believe). It's barely usable because it depends on there being lots and lots of nodes - and why aren't there lots and lots of nodes? Because everybody's afraid of installing it since it might be used for illegal purposes! Nobody's willing to support truly workable anti-censorship measures because deep down, they support some censorship... which is unfortunate because you either allow
Re:And I'm sure . . . (Score:5, Insightful)
WHAT!?! (Score:5, Funny)
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This is because people are hardwired to organising their stuff. A filename by the name of "rapeMe" is far easier to find when you need id than the same file, but named "rU2:s" don't you think?
Now, since people are also lazy they forget to rename these files before transmiting them.
Sure, the method is not perfect and yes sooner or later filenames
Re:WHAT!?! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:WHAT!?! (Score:4, Funny)
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The Most Rickrolled Person In The World.
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Re:WHAT!?! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:WHAT!?! (Score:4, Funny)
A file named "nasty_barely_legal_sicko_porn.jpg" would become something like "JoeJoeBidenJoeBidenBidenJoeJoe BidenBidenJoeJoeJoeJoeBiden BidenBidenBidenJoeJoe BidenBidenBidenJoe JoeBidenBidenJoeJoeJoe
JoeBidenBidenJoeBidenBiden BidenJoeBidenJoeJoeJoeJoe JoeBidenJoeBidenBidenJoeJoe BidenBidenJoeJoeJoeJoeBiden BidenJoeBidenBidenBidenJoe.jpg".
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It's unfortunate that none of this Billion bucks they want to spend catching people who swap illegal porn will actually help any of the children who were abused and in reality, won't stop it from happening to other children. I'm not sure what the answer is, but I'm pretty sure this isn't it.
Tags (Score:5, Insightful)
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"simply by looking at the filenames"
while (conscious)
Re:Tags (Score:4, Insightful)
Aw jeez Joe... (Score:4, Funny)
Post Attachment: Cowboy_Neal_Riding_Congressman.jpg
I understand now (Score:3, Insightful)
They think the people that deal in them are as stupid as they themselves are.
What light through yonder window breaks? Tis the clarity of seeing people for what they truely are: idiots.
File names?? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:File names?? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Slashdot, Somersault, Open Source are all non privilidged S users.
$C0 is actually a special case in that they earn the $ priviledge AND get to replace the O with a zero for being so failing so miserably at it.
Hmmm - just rename the files (Score:3, Funny)
Ponies, puppies, and pumpkin pie (R13 ;) (Score:2, Insightful)
ugh (Score:5, Funny)
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I don't want to disappoint you, but stupidity is shared by both republicans and democrats these days. But then, so is greed which is part of the cause of the stupidity.
Wait wait... (Score:2)
Filenames, eh? (Score:2)
Of Course (Score:4, Interesting)
impossible w/o outlawing encryption (Score:3, Insightful)
If monitoring is heavy-handed AND encryption isn't illegal, it will be used.
The net effect: Wasted CPU time for encryption/decryption.
Wasted CPU time (Score:2)
Keep the voters ignorant (Score:4, Insightful)
Distraction issues: file sharing, gay marriage, abortion, drugs, bosnian snipers
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Likely proposed by the ISPs (Score:4, Interesting)
Comcast tried the first option, which is to drop the connections. The outrage on tech sites was massive, and eventually led to them being investigated by the FCC.
Barring that option, why not put the burden on the government to handle the filtering. Heck, that is even better because now you don't have to pay for it anymore, your customers pay for it through their taxes.
From now on... (Score:4, Funny)
tar -cvf XXX-9yo-boys-blowjobs-and-crystal-meth.tar dovecot-1.0-stable/
Re:From now on... (Score:5, Funny)
I was thinking something more along the lines of:
cp never_gonna_give_you_up.avi XXX-9yo-boys-blowjobs-and-crystal-meth.avi
Meta tags (Score:2)
How 'bout some quid pro quo (Score:5, Insightful)
Seems easy enough.... (Score:3, Funny)
Genius, I tell ya!
This reminds me of a dilbert cartoon (Score:2, Insightful)
Just Say No to Politicians (Score:2)
How clueless can you get.... (Score:2)
This is really sad, because I just know he's serious about this, and he really does think this 'saves the children'. And he's giving the exact proof why people with no knowledge about these sort of technical things, should not be allowed to even propose a law about it.
You're not going to let a truck driver design your house. You're not letting a CEO have root ac
Just follow the money... (Score:5, Interesting)
Quick embed your kiddie porn somewhere else! (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm really starting to hate this fucking country.
Utter disingenuous bullshit (Score:5, Insightful)
So is is about violence? Take a look at TV. I don't see him concerned about that.
SO this is about porn? I think not as P2P is one of many ways to obtain porn and has nothing to do with the production of it.
So this is really about lobbyists and big business buying support for an assinine policy that goes against the interests of the people this man is supposed to serve.
Now let's look at the technical side. Doe he even know what he is talking about? Obviously not. MAC addresses and IP addresses can be spoofed; neither of them can definitively ID a person.
Does he even understand general technology concepts? Obviously not, because if he did he would realize that the second one technological avenue is closed, the tech community will create a new one. Innovation cannot be stopped by repressive minded politicos who are in the pocket of consortiums.
This is an important issue - one that could be used to basically take away the privacy you have on your computer and internet connection. When this government uses things like this they will take advantage of them to the hilt.
P2P Users Propose to Monitor All Senators... (Score:4, Funny)
Taking of bribes or payment for votes/policy quid pro quo.
Hiring of prostitutes
Possession of Child Pornography
Violation of Campaign lows relating to finances
Violation of Federal "do not call" registry
etc, etc, ad infinitum.
Leet Speak will Foil Sen Biden (Score:3, Funny)
democrats + republicans = 1984 (Score:3, Insightful)
Obviously just getting rid of Bush is not going to save us. Both democrats and republicans want big intrusive governments. The only difference seems to be that the republicans are in favor of borrowing and inflation to feed their spending addiction while the democrats are quite content to use old fashioned taxes more (in addition to the other methods). Both parties want to be spending a lot more of our money with each passing year. Both parties are funded more than adequately by Big Business. Do the democrats still talk about class warfare while at the same time proposing raising taxes on the poorest segment of the population with regressive tax schemes? I don't see the point to listening to anything they have to say. It is all lies and they will do whatever they please once elected. Idealists, however naive, are not elected anymore. Only pragmatists whose only beliefs are in serving themselves and saying whatever they think will get them elected.
Lies and Glory (Score:3, Insightful)
Intrusion is good, extrusion is bad, inclusion is (Score:3, Insightful)
Government Intrusion into personal life is good for plutocrats and dogmatist.
Government extrusion up your ass is a fact of life in totalitarian countries.
Government body inclusion in the public body is a poison to personal freedom.
Public body exclusion from the Government body is totalitarian decapitation.
Government, Corporatist, TeleClerics, Plutocrats want to get in your pants, under your skin, break your bones, suck your marrow, eat your heart, rot you brains, and finally fuck the dead fetid corpses of the public.
Corporatist/oligarchy government is big business with public resources to exploit, squander, and destroy. Like rich kids with toy soldiers
Depression when it hits is bad for US never them. Toy-soldiers, Suzie-homemaker
Intrusive constant warrantless P2P searches and virtual home invasions for US, does not mean politicians, judges
Have you ever noticed how detached Cheney/Bush or Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon look/act when answering questions about our dead and wounded Warriors? To fools such as they and other PTB members we are just toy-Soldiers for play and fun. Look at the education system, health care, economic, telecommunications
This (P2P intrusion) is not any more obscene, troll
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Re:Remember, Kids (Score:5, Insightful)
Don't believe me? Google for US federal deficit charts...
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Re:Remember, Kids (Score:5, Insightful)
On the other hand, republicans also suck for censorship (dems hate violence, repubs hate boobies), and they are far more likely to get "decency-style" laws passed, than infringe on individual liberty...If you can't buy booze on a Sunday in your state, somewhere, there is a Republican to thank.
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Re:Remember, Kids (Score:5, Insightful)
Apologies for the slightly trollish nature of my post, but it's really pissing me off seeing this inane republican vs democrat stuff, it's like racism or something, except the fairly arbitrary divide being which set of self-important morons you vote for instead of place of birth/skin colour. Admittedly you do have a choice who to vote for, but in the end there are always gonna be problems no matter who you vote for, under the current system at least.
Two Parties = No Voice (Score:4, Interesting)
When voting, I ALWAYS end up selecting the lesser of two evils.
I would like to see more of a parliamentarian form of government in the U.S.
Most of all, I would like to see the abolishment of "winner take all" rules for electoral votes that some states have.
I could rant for days about different ideas and suggested changes, but this is the gist of it.
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Re:Remember, Kids (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, the US, and most other "democracies" are representative democracies. Voting on individual laws is a terrible idea. Just look at Athens. Regardless of that though, citizens of the US (in some states) actually do get to vote on individual laws, through "Issues" polls, or on state consitutional amendments. That's how some states get ridiculous "anti-gay marriage" laws passed that a representative body would probably avoid.
The US is not, by law, a 2 party system; it has just developed that way. Democrats and Republicans do not always vote in one big block either. There are "blue dog" Democrats who will occasionally side with Republicans on some things, for example. Middle of the road representatives sometimes team up to challenge their parties. So, in the end, there actually is reasonable representaton.
The problem is that most Americans don't really understand how they are represented. Many don't vote, or only do so when their vote counts the least, the presidential election. The Senators represent smaller areas, and Representatives represent even smaller areas than those, and that's just the FEDERAL government. Most of the stuff that actually affects your life is decided by your State/County/Local/City representatives. Hardly anyone votes for them, or can keep track of them. Which makes those votes the most powerful you can cast.
So, to somehow be on topic, for this issue it doesn't matter at all if they are Republican or Democrat. Pretty much all the federal reps are "it's a series of tubes!" boneheads for technical issues.
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I will do my best. Modern American politics all leads back to the Civil Rights bill in the 1960's. Once that was signed (by a democrat - he was quoted afterwards as saying that the Dems had lost the South for a generation, and they did), if you were against segregation, you were a Democrat. If you weren't, you were a Republican.
Ten years later, the feminist movement was in full swing, and Roe v. Wade (legalizing abortion) was decided. People who suppor
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Aside from the issues with logistics and the whole impact on the USA's beloved "freedom" (im not from the us, so i use this term loosely) the repercussions this thing would have for all sorts of other traffic if this thing EVER got off the ground, is horrifying.
The other disgusting thing about this is if they did try and push it forward, imagine the sheer cost of putting this thing together, even if they find halfway trough it isn't feasable
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Joe Biden, I would guess.