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Jack Thompson Served With Order to Show Cause 299

cli_rules! writes "DailyTech has reported that Jack Thompson has been ordered to explain himself. 'Therefore, it is ordered that you shall show cause on or before March 5, 2008, why this Court should not find that you have abused the legal system process and impose upon you a sanction for abusing the legal system, including, but not limited to directing the Clerk of this Court to reject for filing any future pleadings, petitions, motions, letters, documents, or other filings submitted to this Court by you unless signed by a member of The Florida Bar other than yourself.'"
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Jack Thompson Served With Order to Show Cause

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  • Nice, but.... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Nero Nimbus ( 1104415 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:26AM (#22525742)
    Where is the itsabouttime tag?
  • Next up... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by imasu ( 1008081 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:28AM (#22525746)
    Jack Thompson sues court for defaming him!
    • by jez9999 ( 618189 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:34AM (#22525766) Homepage Journal
      If you think about it, courts are murder simulators, or at least very damaging to society. I mean, you can go there any day of the week, and see ruthless criminals! This would definitely damage impressionable young childrens' minds.
    • Re:Next up... (Score:5, Informative)

      by Lloyd_Bryant ( 73136 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:38AM (#22525786)

      Jack Thompson sues court for defaming him!
      RTFA - he has *already* stated that he's going to challenge this in the federal courts, and "deconstruct The Florida Bar".
      • by yotto ( 590067 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @09:40AM (#22526334) Homepage
        I fully expect, as they're dragging him away, him to yell, "But.... but I'm INVINCIBLE!"
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by tompaulco ( 629533 )
        Good luck with that Jack. By the way, that thing you're going to deconstruct is the only entity that gives you any power in the state of Florida.
    • Actually, I was wondering if he can plead insanity... If the judge has read up on him, he could probably even plead bat-shit insane and not even need a psych evaluation for that claim to be accepted.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by cazbar ( 582875 )
      It's not defamation if it's true.

      Of course Jack Thompson's brain doesn't have any connection with reality. He probably believes he is in the right.
    • Re:Next up... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by budgenator ( 254554 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @12:20PM (#22527196) Journal
      IANAL but

      02/19/2008 ORDER-SHOW CAUSE

      It appears to the Court that you have abused the legal system by submitting numerous frivolous and inappropriate filings in this Court.

      Therefore, it is ordered that you shall show cause on or before March 5, 2008, why this Court should not find that you have abused the legal system process and impose upon you a sanction for abusing the legal system, including, but not limited to directing the Clerk of this Court to reject for filing any future pleadings, petitions, motions, letters, documents, or other filings submitted to this Court by you unless signed by a member of The Florida Bar other than yourself.

      They are not really saying he did anything, they are just saying that it looks that way, if he has evidence that the court has not seen that would show that they are wrong, he's invited to present it. If there is no evidence then things are the way they look and he's going to have the legal equivalent of needing to hold an adults hand before they let him cross the street! I doubt there is going to be a practicing attorney that will either sign-off on Jack's filings or take his case in Florida; I think a defamation/libel suit is out of the question. I expect if he starts running his mouth about this publicly the next step would be dis-barrment or even contempt of court.
  • by mangu ( 126918 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:35AM (#22525768)
    He *did* explain! In his own words:

    I shall now, through a new federal lawsuit, deconstruct The Florida Bar ... This court has threatened Thompson. He does not threaten back. He hereby informs this court that he will see it in federal court.

    So,you see, the Florida Bar means nothing to Jack Thompson. I guess not even Chuck Norris scares him...
  • This is great news (Score:5, Insightful)

    by wamerocity ( 1106155 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:35AM (#22525772) Journal
    I really hope the legal system totally tags this guy. If I didn't already know he was a staunch conservative Christian, I would have thought he was a scientologist, just because of how sue-happy he is.

    My favorite thing about Jack is the non-sequiter logic he always trots out. "Somebody A murdered someone B, Someone A played this violent video game. Therefore video games are resposible for someone B's death." Only Stephen Colbert comes up with greater syllogisms. (Although he knows he's at least being funny when he makes his). I especially love that he never brings up the 99.9999999% of normal people who play violent video games and DON'T kill people, but that's not sellacious and newsworthy (unless you're The Onion).

    Oh well. I can't wait for some psychological journal to critically bash the stupid article that he parrots all the time about how video games cause violence, and replace it with realistic information like people who are already really disturbed tend to GRAVITATE towards violent video games, rather than make them disturbed. A man can dream...
    • by djmurdoch ( 306849 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:41AM (#22525792)
      I especially love that he never brings up the 99.9999999% of normal people who play violent video games and DON'T kill people,

      You're exaggerating. There's no way it's more than 99.9999%.
      • Not so great news (Score:2, Interesting)

        GP's claim was one in a billion player is also a murderer, you claim is that it is only one in a million. Most recent US murder rate is around 59 victims per million people per year. So unless there is a strong negative correlation between games and murder (which is quite likely), you are still off by a couple of orders of magnitude.
        • IANAME (I am not a murder expert :) )


          You're assuming that all of those murderers play videogames. I'd be quite skeptical thats the case.
    • by Gordonjcp ( 186804 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @07:03AM (#22525842) Homepage
      that's not sellacious

      I *think* you mean "salacious" (which broadly speaking means "appealing to one's baser instincts"), but I love the word "sellacious". Folks, we have the neologism of the day.
      • that's not sellacious

        I *think* you mean "salacious" (which broadly speaking means "appealing to one's baser instincts"), but I love the word "sellacious". Folks, we have the neologism of the day.
        I had assumed it to be deliberate. I like it too!
      • by Migraineman ( 632203 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @11:21AM (#22526802)

        sellacious : adj - appealing to one's baser need for cash
        Example: "Mr. Thompson's sellacious behavior may indicate that he is a money-grubbing attention whore."

        How's that? I do believe this is my new favorite word.
    • by schon ( 31600 )

      "Somebody A murdered someone B, Someone A played this violent video game. Therefore video games are resposible for someone B's death."
      You're not quite correct. Sometimes [] it goes like this:

      Somebody A murdered someone B, Someone A didn't play violent video games. Therefore video games are responsible for someone B's death.
    • You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  • by Atario ( 673917 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @06:42AM (#22525794) Homepage
    ...the true meaning of the violent-gamer term "PWNED".
  • by FoolsGold ( 1139759 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @07:43AM (#22525962)
    This message goes out to your legal career:


    Gaming community.
  • *Sigh* (Score:5, Insightful)

    by kitsunewarlock ( 971818 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @08:07AM (#22526040) Journal
    I've said it here before and I'll say it again.

    This article's existence on slashdot is depressing. Why? Because giving the even a second of any of our days to cover this over-hyped, attention-mongering fossil is beyond the common sense and rationale we, as human beings capable of accessing the vast wells of knowledge known as the internet, should be capable of having. In the end we are all attention mongers to some extent I guess...

    Then again, I just wasted at least 20 seconds on this post.
    • Yes, but *this* attention monger has political influence with his lies and exaggeration. If he didn't have any ears in Congress listening to him, we could safely ignore his idiocy.

      There is also any underlaying problem with a Criminal Justice system that would allow the bile that Thompson spews to be heard by the courts (and opportunities for reforms in the courts is always newsworthy). If he acted rationally and backed his opinions up with quantitative studies that violence in video games is bad... then

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by 0xdeadbeef ( 28836 )
      But he is a laughingstock, and more and more people are coming to realize that. He is the best spokesperson for anti-game hysteria we could possibly wish for. Give the man a camera and a mic, and he'll hang himself over and over again.
  • It's probably more likely than us getting rid of this perennial problem. Long may the religious zealots burn.
  • by Hannah E. Davis ( 870669 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @08:23AM (#22526084) Journal
    Game Politics unearthed a filing that may well be what got him in trouble in the first place: []

    From the article:

    "The court described one of Thompson's recent filings in detail. [Thompson] dubbed it a "children's picture book for adults," interspersing images with text in his motion due to "the court's inability to comprehend" his arguments.

    Images included "swastikas, kangaroos in court, a reproduced dollar bill, cartoon squirrels, Paul Simon, Paul Newman, Ray Charles, a handprint with the word 'slap' written under it, Bar Governor Benedict P. Kuehne, a baby, Ed Bradley, Jack Nicholson, Justice Clarence Thomas, Julius Caesar, monkeys, a house of cards," the order said."
  • by SoundGuyNoise ( 864550 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @08:23AM (#22526086) Homepage
    This court has threatened Thompson. He does not threaten back.

    Nobody puts Jack Thompson in a corner.

  • What's sad... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by uxbn_kuribo ( 1146975 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @08:35AM (#22526106)
    Is that once he's disbarred, he'll blame the gaming community, and still go on Fox News being the world's biggest douche, and have plenty of ignorant people around to believe that the gaming community did this to him. Just because he won't be a lawyer anymore won't stop him from being a massacre chaser and ranting like a madman on TV.
  • by itsdapead ( 734413 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @09:27AM (#22526290)

    Get him hooked on a videogame himself and he'll soon change his tune. You just need to find somethinmg he'll relate to...

    How about:

    Grand Theft Auto VIII: Ambulance Pursuit!

  • What a tool (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 23, 2008 @09:30AM (#22526302)
    He's abused the legal system like a 14-year-old boy upon first discovering his own peenor: often and badly.
  • Why stop at Jack? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by ScrewMaster ( 602015 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @10:04AM (#22526430)
    Therefore, it is ordered that you shall show cause on or before March 5, 2008, why this Court should not find that you have abused the legal system process and impose upon you a sanction for abusing the legal system

    He's not the only one deserving of this treatment, he's not the only one abusing the legal process. The music and movie industries need to be taken down a notch too ... of course, they aren't simply off the deep end like Mr. Thompson, they're just bloodsucking leeches.

    Huh ... well, maybe there's not so much difference after all.
    • The lawsuits filed by the RIAA and MPAA are a flailing attempt to prop up a business model that needs to change but can't because those in charge of it don't have the imagination to do so. There are issues with the mechanisms which are used to gather the information and to file the cases, not to mention the PR issues, but at their base, the lawsuits have at least some legal justification for the suits themselves. Attorneys for the groups also try (not always successfully) not to annoy the courts.

  • by Baldrake ( 776287 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @10:37AM (#22526578)

    The "picture book" is here []. (Warning, this is a word document.)

    His basic premise in creating the book was to make his arguments crystal clear, through illustration. In fact, his submission is a wandering and apparently pointless scree. It's reminiscent of the kind of rants people write when their WoW account is suspended.

    I can well understand the court's reaction. It isn't because of the fact of using a picture-book style; it's the lack of any coherent argument in said picture book.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by sickspeed6 ( 1057634 )
      He...Is...Bat shit insane.... I attempted to read that "picture book." I got halfway through and realized that I felt like I was climbing uphill wearing roller skates with hurricane force winds blowing me down. Thompsons stupidity and apparent insanity has never been so clear as in the above "picture book." Beyond that...who does that to a judge or court or lawyer. Insult their intelligence, are you crazy...oh wait, yes...
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Hmm. Most of those images are copyrighted and I don't see how he could claim fair use, since the use is unrelated to his legal claims. It would be amusing to see him sued, but he'd probably just file for bankruptcy. He's a lawyer after all.
  • by dreemernj ( 859414 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @11:20AM (#22526798) Homepage Journal
    I mean, as long as there aren't any more school shootings he can use to pump up his books and to send out tons of press releases and offers for paid appearances, he should be able to whip up an answer and send it over. But if a deranged youth kills someone, he might not making it. He's got to make a living after all. Profiteering ain't easy.
  • by TX297 ( 861307 )
    they pull the same thing on the RIAA for abusing the legal system?
  • by Phat_Tony ( 661117 ) on Saturday February 23, 2008 @02:03PM (#22527900)
    Or at least I think it's in our favor that he exists. The gaming community is lucky to have as its biggest opponent a raving lunatic. If there were someone calm, reasonable, and sensible, someone who could get along with others, build coalitions, and speak convincingly, the gaming industry would be in much more danger of facing stifling, free-speech curbing legislation. Jack Thompson is the gamer's standard refrain for pointing out that the anti-video-game movement is a crusade lead by nuts. Perhaps more importantly, Lieberman and any other "think of the children" politicians with an anti-free-speech history who might have gotten together to regulate video game content probably don't bother trying to build coalitions to get anything done because of the inevitable presence of Jack Thompson on any such committee.

Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.
