IBM Seeks US Patents For Offshoring US Jobs 203
theodp writes "IBM and other corporations are seeking patents for inventions covering the offshoring of US jobs. The USPTO is considering IBM's patent application for Outsourcing of Services, a 'method for identifying human-resource work content to outsource offshore of an organization' to 'countries where cheaper labor prices and/or cheaper materials are available.' Then there's Big Blue's Electronic Marketplace for Identifying, Assessing, Reserving and Engaging Knowledge-Workers for an Assignment Using Trade-Off Analysis, which provides a handy-dandy IBM calculator that drives home the point that you'll pay less for IGS India workers, whether onshore or offshore. And with its System and Method of Using Speech Recognition at Call Centers to Improve Their Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction, IBM describes how to operate in 'low cost foreign countries' with 'support people not having good English language skills, or having an accent that makes it difficult to understand them' by exploiting technology developed for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as other accent reduction techniques."
Go for it (Score:3)
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That said, i'm not quite certain how "exploiting technology developed for students who are deaf or hard of hearing" can possibly be patented
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Web transcription services for podcasts - you extract the audio channel from a podcast as an MP3 file, upload the file to the transcription services server. The file is chopped up into separate pieces, with each piece transcribed separately. Each piece is re-edited until it is u
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A poster on the internet however is not...
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I was under the impression that a call center representative is paid to confuse and delay callers long enough that the warranty runs out. Effective communication would seem contrary to this goal, unless of course the particular company is pursuing the alternative strategy of convincing the caller that he has to buy lots of extra stuff to make things work.
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Now, i just demand to talk to an American supervisor right off the bat.. If they refuse, i take my business elsewhere and be sure corporate knows why.
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I'm sick of calling Dell, etc. and getting an "engrish is my 3rd language" call center representative. If they way to increase the cost of outsourcing, thereby decreasing feasibility, works for me.
Many larger companies (and I can say with certainty that Dell is amoungst these) have higher tiered warranties that you can purchase which guarentee support from an English speaking country.
But the reality is that most consumers only care about what language tech support speaks when they have to call them, and aren't willing to shell out the extra bucks at the time of purchase. In general, society rewards tech companies that keep prices low, regardless of how they do it. So it should be no surprise that
Re:Accent reduction (Score:2)
I beg of you, is that what we really want, people from developing countries who can perfectly pronounce "hello sir, are you having a chance to get oowt and aboowt of your hoowse today, eh?" Just imagine an accent half Apu and half Saskatchewan and you'll get my drift.
Seriously though, using speech recognition technolog
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MY patent (Score:2)
I have patented a method for cutting sentences short to make them more clear.
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When is the USPO finally going to kick the big players in their behinds for even thinking of patenting such obvious things?
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I will apply for a patent of India style English. (Score:2, Funny)
2: ???
3: ???
4: Profit!
oh boy (Score:1)
Exploit this... (Score:3, Interesting)
Speaking as a guy that's 70% deaf, these "techniques" could suck the chrome off a Harley. I have to ask accented people to repeat themselves, speak slower, and have YET to find one that knows the meaning of the word 'enunciate'. Heck, I had to get transferred 3-4 times one call to find someone who knew the definition of either "deaf" OR "hearing-impaired".
I won't argue that these patents might make some cash in the short term, but I'm curious if they've factored in the value of consumer good will...
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It must be noted that other people, men in particular, were perfectly understandab
System and method (Score:3, Funny)
For placing a projectile travelling at high velocity into the foot of person holding the projectile launcher, or metaphorically performing the same function on a company.
One can only hope that if IBM is granted these patents, their rigourous enforcement will make offshoring less attractive.
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I hope they make the patent licensing prohibitively expensive, but even if they make licensing cheap, it will still raise the cost of outsourcing and I view that as generally a good thing.
Yet more stupid patents (Score:3, Insightful)
that what used to be called 'management'.
My how management has gotten messed up over the last 30 years.
Isn't this a good thing? (Score:4, Interesting)
Wow. (Score:2, Funny)
That'll show 'em.
You'll have to pay me. (Score:2)
anyone else notice this? (Score:5, Funny)
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Hey don't worry (Score:5, Funny)
In a couple of years the dollar will have fallen so far that the Indians will be off shoring to you!
Re:Hey don't worry (Score:5, Funny)
In a couple of years the dollar will have fallen so far that the Indians will be off shoring to you!
Can they do this? (Score:5, Interesting)
I can understand patenting technologies that lead up to it, but patenting the whole thing? I have no idea if that's within the scope of a patent...
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This is why patents suck these days: the vast majority do nothing to improve society, and are merely giant clubs in lawsuit wars.
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Re: Can they do this? (Score:2)
Re: Can they do this? (Score:5, Funny)
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Nope. (Score:2)
Time for the Revolution! (Score:3, Insightful)
This is the kind of thing that seeks to have the U.S. be like a third-world nation. A small group of people who control most of the wealth and everyone else not much more than slaves.
I for one, will not stand for it. I WILL rise up. I WILL start the fucking revolution. It is time for us American citizens to wake up from our slumber. We need to hang these fuckers. Every last one of them.
They have no loyalty to anything but the money in their own pockets. The rest of the worlds people should do the same in their countries. If they won't, then that is up to them to live in squalor.
I say, No Way! Not here! My ancestors didn't die in Steel Mills and Coal Mines etc. in order for the few to be permitted to take everything away from the many.
It is time to rise up! Time to start the revolution. This MUST NOT be permitted.
Only cowards will rest on their laurels while everything is stolen away from us like this. This is MY COUNTRY and I WILL FIGHT for it.
Tear it down. Tear it all down. Time for a house cleaning. Time to teach the moneyed elite that we will not stand for it.
Don't give me any crappy economic arguments about comparative advantage and such. If the only comparative advantage is that one workforce has rights to decent working condition and decent wages and one doesn't, then fuck economics.
Take these people in their fancy business suits that care not one shit for you and other American Citizens. Hang them!
Rise up! Rise up! Don't be a coward! Don't sit idly by while you are robbed of everything your forebears fought and died for.
Wake up people of America! Wake up!
Fight for your rights! Fight to death if necessary! Do not allow this wholesale theft of the American Dream!
Organize. (Score:2)
No wholesale slaughter. (Score:2, Interesting)
Those who would work to deprive us of these rights, must be stopped. With complete and utter finality!
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Re:Time for the Revolution! (Score:4, Funny)
What must not be permitted? (Score:3, Insightful)
It is time to rise up! Time to start the revolution. This MUST NOT be permitted.
If you're upset that these big companies are seeking business method patents for processes that may or may not even pan out in the marketplace, I'm puzzled. The method patents will only allow certain companies to use certain methods to perform some of their business functions offshore. This will allow them to keep others from using the same carefully defined methods, or will force other companies to license those methods. Ei
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You seem to be shifting your argument (Score:2)
I think you misunderstand my purposefully inflammatory rhetoric. I am saying what I am saying in order to arouse a reaction.
Is it surprising that your purposefully inflammatory rhetoric has been misunderstood?
Originally you wrote:
My ancestors fought in order to have equitable pay for work, decent working conditions, and something approaching a society where there is a reasonable middle-class. This is the kind of thing that seeks to have the U.S. be like a third-world nation.
It's rather clear tha
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You don't need to fight anyone (Score:3, Informative)
Money is power, by allowing them to lend your money to you they have taken all the money and all the power.
There is a way to win without firing a shot... (Score:3, Interesting)
Work as little as possible, buy as little as possible.
This requires no organization.
This requires no violence.
This requires no breaking of laws.
This requires no political power.
The only sacrifice is being poor, and we are going to end up that way anyway.
In return, you get ample free time.
I'm all for doing useful work... (Score:2)
For this tactic to work, I have to get lots of people doing it, though, and they want a payoff for the stuff they wont be able to buy...hence the free time angle.
I'm proud to say, by slacking, I've cut the government out of 40k in taxes this year. Not too shabby for doing as I damn well please for the most pa
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Why must work be economic work? Why can't one subsist on the bare minimum whilst writing code/poetry/music/novels. Give yourself a lot of free time, and then use that time to do voluntary work that you enjoy.
*Passes bong on to the next poster*
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Moron, you will do nothing. (Score:2)
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This country was founded ON the principle of freedom and equality. Its founding INVOLVED fighting and killing people. In those times, the populace had a good chance of overthrowing a corrupt government. In these times, the populace will be slaughtered if it tries that.
Getting slaughtered accomplishes nothing. Take a gander at the effectiveness of violent change that
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Yeah, sure, nice try buddy. (Score:2)
People are always trying to save money, this includes buyers voting with their dollars buying cheap stuff made in China or corporations outsourcing elsewhere.
You talk nonsense numbers about Ohio or whatever small spot in the US you are referring to, but anybody that has been to both the US and India knows which country is in more desperate need of those jobs, and given the economic disparities between both countries these jobs are flowing naturally to where th
Laugh, its funny (Score:2)
That was filed from India! (Score:2)
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Would very much like to see a headline like, "IBM replaces CEO with Muniyandi Appannakaruppandi Joshi, a graduate of Aiyyappa Institute of Mangagement Sciences (second class, registered with Govt of India), for one tenth of the salary."
I too would like to see this. Would have big bang for the buck. For just one CEO @ 12M USD you could have 120 North Americas finest, or 1200 overseas help desk people. Do the CFO and other VPs and you could have an army of talent. And if you actually hire real technical
this will probably happen (Score:2)
I expect a large number of the Fortune 1000 to be run out of India and China in the next decade and the majority in the next generation.
With enough "core" business processes offshored, just what is the value-add of US management?
Prior Art? (Score:4, Insightful)
But with the Patent Office in its usual dysfunctional form and with IBM sitting on top of a team of patent lawyers that would not blush at arguing about IBM being the inventor of the wheel. It should be yet another step towards maintaining the status quo.
Neat Calculator (Score:2)
BUZZ off. morons (Score:2)
prior art ? a few here :
- ANY trade that buys finished goods from some source and sells to other.
- ANY action that you buy intermediate parts from somewhere and produce a finished product somewhere else.
ibm, you really, really suffered a great deal of credibility and charisma in many circles. you shouldnt employ such morons with such 'innovative ideas'.
Too late - try on-shoring (Score:2)
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I think MS is filing that one (Score:2)
Because IBM is a giver (Score:2)
I've got the secret formula! (Score:2)
if ((body-temperature-A == body-temperature-B) && (salary-A salary-B)) {
outsource(B, A);
Sadly subtlties like the typical 10-1 (or more) productivity ratios between entry-level fucks and experienced people noticed by anyone actually at all involved in the software industry don't enter into the equation.
Then they wonder why their outsourced projects have such piss-poor productivity and would have been ch
Doesn't Meet Required Non-Obvious Standard (Score:2)
What the fuck, Patent office? (Score:2)
You can't have it both ways buddy. (Score:2)
Want capitalism? Then it is time we all embrace the full package and cut the bullshit.
You don't like capitalism? Look at the old USSR, old China or North Korea for
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I wouldn't show MS as an example of Made in the USA.
lookup the xbox production sometime too. http://www.google.com/search?q=xbox+production+international [google.com]
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Why Microsoft is in Vancouver (Score:2)
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One wonders why Microsoft would even bother. The USA is awash in illegal immigrants, and your Danish friend, Microsoft, and the United States at large would have been better off had your Danish friend just blown off the H1-B process and just got a job as an illegal alien.
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Re:At least Windows is made in the USA (Score:5, Funny)
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If you consider Windows good, I've got some swamp land in Florida for you.
GOOD? GOOD? Wow. Some people never learn, do they.
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> :Hey, I can put Windows on a machine, and watch a movie after it is installed. Can't do that with Linux, now, can you?
Sure you can ... as long as you don't live in the USA, or (if you do) you know which repositories to add ...
> : As a developer, I have a choice of APIs for sound on Windows, and amazingly, they all work.
You also have a choice of .doc formats for Windows, also. Word for Windows 2.0, Word 6, Word 97, Word 2000, Word whatever_the_flavor_of_the_day ... but nothing open to sharing w
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Mind you no one other than the U.S. needs to use it. Everyone else are 'offshore'. Americans are the ones who are offshoring.
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> "Mind you no one other than the U.S. needs to use it. Everyone else are 'offshore'. Americans are the ones who are offshoring."
Last I looked, Canada (and Mexico) aren't "off shore" to most Americans (apologies to Hawaii). And yes, Canadian business is looking at off-shoring as well.
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People generally don't care too much about sharing with other OSes
Monoculture's are bad - you just pointed out part of the catch 22 that stops us getting away from 95% market dominance by Microsoft, even if you prefer windows and would stick to MS products, you would benefit by the fact that there would be real competition in the OS sector, affecting prices and with luck spurring innovation, lock ins prevent you from benefiting from competition because, well you are a captive audience.
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Oh cool! So which version of Windows did they finally put DVD playback in out of the box?
Becuase I've installed up to XP sp2 and it never worked, I always had to install some 3rd-party DVD playback software before WMP would finally play the movie...
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> Hey, I can put Windows on a machine, and watch a movie after it is installed.
Even better, You can go watch a movie while windows is installing.
> Can't do that with Linux, now, can you?
I guess that either ubuntu studio or other multimedia oriented distros offer proprietary codecs playback out of the box, so the short answer is "you can".
The long answer is: getting a completely free OS and application stack and then deciding if/what proprietary stuff to add is quite educative. If you want a blissfully
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See, now we see what IBM is really all about, using free software to make it easier to throw more people out of work in the states. At least with Microsoft, there's developers actually working in the USA....
Funny you should say that. I've been interviewing for new jobs recently. I've been contacted about a dozen times in the past two weeks for jobs at Microsoft. However, I wasn't contacted my Microsoft. I was contacted by nice ladies and gentlemen with heavy Indian accents who work at companies that place consultants at MS. They were quick to tell me that they sponsor H1Bs. Now, I have nothing against foreign developers and worked with several very talented ones, but it's become apparent to me that MS i
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People in the West said that about Japan until the mid 1970s.
Re:WWII Nazis identifying human-resource work cont (Score:2)
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I replied to what I beleive is the idiot that did and you picked up on the irrelevant discussion - probably dragged in due to the emotive nature. There really is no way to go but down - invoking the spirits of dead children on an irrelevant issue and calling me a moron is most likely not the way you behave offline. Misunderstanding what I meant about thousands of actual vicious murd