Russian Journalists Quit Over Censorship 162
A state-controlled broadcast center in Russia has just seen the result of censorship restrictions imposed by the Kremlin. In a rare show of protest a group of journalists all resigned stating that they could no longer work under the harsh restrictions imposed by the state. "Artyom Khan, one of the reporters who resigned, said restrictions were introduced when new management was imported last month from Channel One, the state television station that documents Mr Putin's every move."
Well, (Score:2, Insightful)
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Death of Independent Journalism in Russia (Score:3, Informative)
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Yes, quite possibly a long road towards the north-eastern parts of Russia.
Next up, Channel One Exposes Number Two... (Score:5, Insightful)
Czar Putin, you sure that's a good idea?
"Next up, Channel One Exposes Number Two..."
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You see, the papers and stations are given free rein on a variety of subjects - ranging from tracking Russian movie stars to issues on the Ukraine. Only in cer
To Putin (Score:3, Funny)
Re:To Putin (Score:4, Funny)
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I was hoping someone had made the comment already. My thought upon reading:
My first thought was "KHAAAAAAN!!! [youtube.com]"
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In Soviet Russia ... (Score:5, Funny)
In current Russia ... (Score:5, Insightful)
And you thought Britain was bad for cameras! (Score:5, Funny)
right.. (Score:4, Funny)
If you were trying to run an oppressive state, why would you want your every move documented?
Re:right.. (Score:5, Insightful)
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I didn't realize liberals believed in the right to bear arms.
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As a straw man of the neocons in the NRA and the Republican Party. Gun control is a wedge issue used to create a false dichotomy between the Republicans and Democrats.
Corporate-allied Republican interests: The Democrats want to take your guns away! And kill babies! And force you to not go to church!
Mainstream Americans: Uh-oh, better vote Republican!
Republicans: Gee, thanks for getting us elected!
Corporate interests:
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Or the ridiculous Assault Weapons Ban, passed by a Democrat controlled congress and signed by Bill Clinton. A law that banned guns on cosmetic features and made a minimum impact on crime; most weapons used in crimes are not "assault" weapons (which are NOT machine guns -- fully automatic guns require a license and a yearly tax), they're stolen or otherwise illegally gotten pistols. When the
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Not to mention her complete and total hypocracy, she was once 'busted' carrying a concealed handgun, without a permit, and in a place that didn't allow guns. Her response was, in effect, "the laws I make don't apply to me."
Politicans, shoot them all...
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I'm not sure that's the best way to convince them to allow us to own guns.
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When it comes to national politicians, generally, you're choosing between two different sets of special interest groups. There are very, very few good politicians.
As for the power thing -- they vote on the laws. Allowing themselves to be bought and paid for doesn't absolve them of the responsibility.
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Not according to the latest poll numbers where congress is doing worse than Bush is (which is quite a fucking feat if you ask me). I think people are, in general, damn tired of the current nationally elected officials. The shift in 2006 was one sign; I imagine 2008 will bring more unseated Congressmen and women. (and it'll certainly bring a new president...)
I don't know where you get the "pretty much everybody likes Democrats" thing. I don't. Almo
Censorship (Score:2, Funny)
OR they could just get a job at the Washington Post for a few weeks before it falls apart.
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Cold War, take... Two? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Cold War, take... Two? (Score:5, Insightful)
That's what Iraq was at least partially about. Saddam Hussein was a very visible public figure -- it gave the folks back at home something to 'rally around.' With the War on Terror we're now back to shadow fighting enemies that we know very little about who sneak around blowing up stuff and killing troops. Does this last description sound familiar? It should if you know anything about the Vietnam War.
If there's a big boogieman out there, we need to build weapons and tanks and planes and spend big bucks doing it. But the public rarely rallies behind a cause that looks confusing and hopeless... the American public likes the classic "the good guys (U.S.)" vs "the bad guys (Russia, Saddam, Ax1s of da 3v1l, etc.)", not us vs. some tactics.
Bogeyman (Score:2)
If there's a big boogieman out there, we need to build weapons and tanks and planes and spend big bucks doing it.
At the moment, there're a couple of bogeymen: Iran and China. Hopefully we'll never have to worry about going to war with either one, because it would be damned ugly under the best circumstances.
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How is the hunt for Bin-Laden / Al'Qaeda going lately, any news from that front? I thought that pres. Bush had said that he would make sure that he'd get the people who were behind that attack on 9/11... instead he screwed up Afghanistan and it's economy (leaving a lot of mess for the UN to pick up after him, which makes Bush look a lot like a toddler) in order to invade Iraq. (And to this day I do not know the real reason behind US' attack on Baghdad, other than oil
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You get power, but not public support. It's the cold, uneasy kind of power that lets the government enact things like the Patriot Act, but doesn't provide much public support for the War itself.
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*You lose the right to be called pro-"life" when you try to take the
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Never said they did, they have however funded our own enemies. Not to mention the fact that their are effectively two guns of war in the world, the AK-47 and the M-16. Someone is/was selling the AK-47s.
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Don't be silly. History is quite clear for those that want to read it without ideological blinders: both sides in the Cold War preferred to let client states do the dirty work. The Kremlin may not have paid for things like the Lockerbie attack, but it damn well propped up the regimes that made these things possible, in the full knowledge what those folks were up to with their freshly-gotten military knowledge and materiel.
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Right. London, Madrid, WTC1, USS Cole, Dar-es-salaam, Nairobi, Bali, just for the more visible ones.
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Now I'm not defending the US, who was usually doing the same damn thing, except they tended to prop up fascists, because of the dogmatic position that a murderous pro-capitalist tyrant is much better than a pro-communist tyrant.
no new cold war (Score:5, Informative)
plus the recent summit in samara resulted in nothing but serious discord [spiegel.de]
so russia and europe are seriously butting heads right now, but the usa? not so much
the cold war was characterized by an ideology which directly threatened the usa. communism was dead set on taking over the world. so it was a real global struggle. now, russia is just a garden variety autocracy. if russia went into chile or peru or bolivia in the cold war, the usa would get agitated: communism spreading. but russia could go over now and give tanks and kalishnikovs to these countries and it would be no big deal: there is no ideological oomph behind the gesture, no real threat in terms of ideas. communism has died, lost its lustre, no one seriously believes in it anymore
and today? today we have islamic fundamentalists who are dead set on putting large swaths of the world under sharia law. and the meddling usa is a prime enemy of that effort, so it will be targetted big time. in some ways this new world is less dangerous, because massive world war of huge armies and scary war machinery won't be unleashed at the slightest gaffe or bravado. but in other ways, the threat of fundamentalist terrorism is more dangerous, since if someone sets a nuke off in times square, there is no clear line of accountability. if russia nuked times square, red square would cease to exist too. if times square gets nuked today, who can you blame?
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History suggests that we'd blame Sadam Hussein.
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It could be Al Qaeda.
Or child pornographers.
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Actually, if they blamed Al Queda pornographers, I'd actually start listening to Bush talk again...
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You mean, if islamists bombed Times Square, who can you *nuke*?
That's what it comes down to. We held off the Soviets because the Soviets were ideological, but they are atheists and so, they understood and properly weighed the costs of mutually assured destruction. In other words, they believed that if they died, they were dead and that was that. The communists may have been authoritarian
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What false claims by Marxism have been laid bare? Care to mention specifics?
Or are you denying that things like class difference exist? Or that the political power structure is a reflection of the economic structure of a society?
Marx may have made a few wrong predictions, and his assumptions on the merits of central control are grotesquely open to abuse, but one cannot say in all seriousness that he was wholly wrong.
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So you admit that some of his work had relevance? That considerably weakens your original statement. Thank you for admitting that.
And as for Marx underestimating the benefits of capitalism? You have not read much Marx, have you? He thought it was the penultimate stage in social progress. He was lyrical on the benefits of capitalism. His main thesis was just that those benefits were not distributed in an equitable manner.
You are fully within your rights to criticise Marx, there is a lot wrong with his work
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Oh? We do already?
Well, carry on then.
The commies let us down once (Score:2)
Censorship in Russia? (Score:2)
Not too different from MSNBC (Score:4, Interesting)
IMHO, if you want an objective news coverage, you have to look at the Internet, where an open uncensored discussion is possible.
Re:Not too different from MSNBC (Score:5, Funny)
("Less corporate-dominated", I'd agree. But "objective" ...?)
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It does make all the difference. A public TV station should not use taxpayers money to promote a particular party or a politician. A private company can do whatever it wants.
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I'm starting to wonder about that... What is the rationale behind avoiding a position? Unbiased and impartial coverage shouldn't drive news networks, accuracy and truth should. If your party is on the wrong side of the truth you shouldn't expect equal treatment.
For example, Bush and Gonzales are currently raping the constitution. Merely stating this fact would be seen as taking sides. Should they soft
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It's a good question, but to answer it you need learn to read between the lines. You have to understand that a monopoly of influence is "good" when one group of people wield it, and "bad" when another group of people wield it.
Putin is "bad" because he dispossessed several oligarchs of their ill-gotten wealth. If he were "good", Putin would allow so-cal
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I am getting tired "I am bad as you are, so no blame on me" shit everywhere, but
Actually, this is good news (Score:5, Insightful)
On the time scale of massive societal shifts, things are still looking up. Backsliding, certainly, but it's still a far cry from the heyday of Soviet control.
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It speaks well of the net progress in the ex-USSR from the mid-eighties to now that a) these journalists weren't shot/sent to Lefortovo and shot/sent to cut down trees in Siberia until they didn't need to be shot, and b) that the rest of the world has heard about it.
It's certainly an improvement from the days when they would have been shot and then sent to cut down trees in Siberia. Honest mistake and all, but that was one hell of a cold winter for everyone in the city.
Re:Actually, this is good news (Score:4, Insightful)
Tell that to Anna Politkovskaya and Paul Klebnikov, or the other Russian journalists who have been assassinated in recent years. Trying to read this as somehow being good news sounds disturbingly like the Neocon concept that democracy is somehow the long-term natural outcome of the human history, Bush's "people want to be free" theory. That idea is misguided as best, and as Iraq shows, dangerously unrealistic at worst. Western democracy is no more the natural outcome for a group of people than a house is the natural outcome for a pile of plywood, nails, and two-by-fours. Like making a house, democracy takes a lot of hard work and design, and continual upkeep. The developments in Russia- along with Russia's efforts to spread fear with its polonium assassinaton, and poisoning Ukraining politician Viktor Yushchenko with dioxin- suggest a deep, broad move towards totalitarianism. The odds of Russia emerging with a free society are good, but the outcome is not certain. It is too soon to pat ourselves on the back.
Consider that the emergence of western-style democracies with individual rights and accountable heads of state is a recent development, something that has only become fully developed in the past few hundred years. Meanwhile, China has been ruled by totalitarianism of one form or another for thousands of years. So, looking at the big picture, isn't the sure money on totalitarianism to eventually take over the world, not democracy? Sure, the spread and success of democracy has been a remarkable success story... but for a while, it looked like Communism might well be the system to take over the world, and then that fell apart almost overnight. How can we be so certain that democracy won't be a similar historical anomaly? Remember how certain people were that democracy would take root in Iraq, and beat out the forces of the Baathists, radical Islamists, militias and criminals? Every time something went wrong, instead of looking at the possibility we were failing, we patted ourselves on the back and said, "Yes, but look at the big picture! It's so much better than it was under Saddam!". Democracy still may win in Iraq, but our arrogance and complacency, our certainty that it would win out over the forces of totalitarianism, religious extremism, and anarchy, have vastly reduced the chances that it will.
Don't read this the wrong way. I actually agree with the Neocons on one issue: democracies should promote democracy outside their borders. But I think we need to understand that while this fight may be winnable, fighting for freedom is a hard, uphill fight, and that we are not necessarily destined to win the fight.
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By no means do I draw the conclusion that it's time to dust off our hands and claim our work here is done. I was just trying to provide some perspective on the story, as opposed to wailing and gnashing of teeth. The fact that they had to step down at all means that th
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Looking up: getting better or improving.
Backsliding: Slipping back; falling back into sin or error
Your sentence does not compute. Things are not looking up. it could have been worse but if this trend keeps up it will be worse. Nothing points to this as a lapse or minor setback, Putin has been clearly and constantly amassing power for many years now.
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It would be interesting to hear the opinion of a Russian who is old enough to remember the Soviet eighties, still lives in Russia, and can compare the two conditions. My impression is that the current regime is more violent than Gorbachev's Soviet Union. Maybe not as pervasive, since the state apparatus is not as extensive; but mafia "solves problems" so much faster.
As for the GULAG system [wikipedia.org] you allude to, which was officially shut down in 1960 in Kruschev's destalinisation wave, it was a long way in the pas
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Too bad... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Wasn't there a
Russia is well on its way (Score:3, Interesting)
In a couple more years it might get to the point where being outspoken like this journalist will get you a one-way-ticket to the far East >_>
FTA (Score:3, Interesting)
mainstream media (Score:5, Funny)
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Ron Paul was in the national spotlight last week and made an Ass out of himself.
Dennis Kucinich, was in all the Democratic primary debates back in 2004 amd made Howard Dean look like a moderate.
Just because the left and right nutjobs don't get to see thier candidates taken seriously in the media does not make it censorship. It makes your candidate a nutjob. Media companies are not going to waste time and effort on anyon
Congratulations! (Score:2)
Re:Congratulations! DISSENT is PROY-BEH-TED (Score:2)
(I'm not a STUNNING linguist, but I'll settle for "cunning")
The good news... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Good question. I'd guess sometime between users number 105495 and 861095.
I kid, of course.
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It's worse than you think. The conspiracies are starting to work together. It's almost like a...um...what's that word?
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Obligatory Quote... (Score:2, Funny)
can at least follow russians' suit? (Score:3, Insightful)
LA Times front page today (Score:4, Insightful)
For those who don't RTFA, this basically says there is one independent newspaper which publishes 3 times a week, is funded mostly by Gorbachev and another prominent politician, incurs huge losses, and has had mysterious accidents including death happen to several reporters. Any political scientist can tell you that this is not a sign of a healthy free press, and without a healthy free press democracy suffers due to lack of good information. Basically, the West has been worried about Putin and his backsliding into authoritarianism for quite some time but hasn't had the balls to do much about it. Yes, there is the internet, but you assume that a) everyone in Russia who wants to can get their news from the net, which is not true for many poor elderly folks, and b) those who might be politically savvy are tech savvy enough to find the independent sources on the net. If you lived through Soviet times, you'd be skittish about seeking out politically sensitive info if you had any sense.
In other words, this is a big deal.
This is progress! (Score:3, Interesting)
Khrushchev and Kennedy are talking about freedom of expression. Kennedy says, "In United States, anybody can come out and scream 'Kennedy sucks!' Nothing will happen to that person because we have freedom of expression in the United States." Khrushchev smiles and says, "So what? If a person goes to the Red Square and shouts 'Kennedy sucks!' nothing will happen to that person too!"
We have a bunch of folks who resigned because of the censorship. That is awesome! At least they did not up in Siberia like my ancestors. I bet writing a letter and saying "I do not work here anymore." was easier than living on a bread-and-water-and-beatings diet in prison. I am not going to engage into a debate on us-vs-them because every governmentt in the world has a dark side.
In the past, way too many Russian journalists died under interesting circumstances. These guys are alive, so the country is heading somewhere when compared to its neighbor, Belarus.
In Soviet Russia... aw, screw it (Score:2)
What was the issue? (Score:2)
And it is not that there is no censorship in the US. Remember the two professors that wanted to speak about how the Jewish* community affects the media? their presentation was canceled.
There are topics in every place on Earth that might cause censorship. For example, try to talk about the positive things nazis did in Germany, and your chances of being censored are quite high.
Or try
Tomorrow at 11 (Score:2)
Backwards country (Score:2)
Troll? (Score:2)