SQL-Ledger Relicensed, Community Gagged 194
Ashley Gittins writes "Users of the popular accounting package SQL-Ledger were being kept in the dark about a recent license change. Two weeks ago a new version of the software was released but along with it came the silent change of license from GPLv2 to the 'SQL-Ledger Open Source License' — presumably in an effort to prevent future forks like LedgerSMB. As it turns out, the author was making deliberate attempts to prevent the community from finding out about the license change. No posts to the SQL-Ledger mailing lists asking about the license change were getting past moderation and direct questions to the author were going unanswered. Just recently the license was switched back to GPLv2. This behavior is not a first for this particular project, and is part of the reason for the original LedgerSMB fork. Does a project maintainer have an ethical obligation to notify his or her community of a license change? What about a legal obligation?"
Oh no! (Score:5, Funny)
Legal obligation? Probably not... Ethical? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Legal obligation? Probably not... Ethical? (Score:5, Insightful)
No. There's only a problem if someone made a fork and tried to change it from GPL to something else. This was a move by the guy who holds the copyrights to the code. the copyright holder can, at anytime, decide he wants to move his code to another license. the catch is that all previously released code is still under the previous license. That is, if i release Foobar v1 under the GPL, then I release Foobar v1.1 under BSD, v1.0 remains licensed under the GPL, and you are free to take that code and start your own version, Forkbar v1.0. However, you must always keep it as GPL, because you don't own the copyright on the code; you only have access to it because of the GPL.
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If, on the other hand, 1.1 is under MS Shared Source License you should fork 1.0.
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Re:Legal obligation? Probably not... Ethical? (Score:5, Insightful)
* Retroactively re-license existing versions from the GPL to the new version: * Unlaterally re-license code that includes third part submissions, since most of the translation packages were done by user submission.
Ignoring those two actions, even if the license change is strictly legal, it's downright underhanded to pull a stunt like he did. He didn't just change the license on his software; he put out a point release on the primary distribution site, after having changed the license terms included with the package, then refused to let anyone bring it up on the official support mailing list. How many of us would notice if we downloaded and installed the lastest apache or postfix or whatever, and the license had silently and magically changed to a closed one?
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Re:Legal obligation? Probably not... Ethical? (Score:4, Informative)
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Update and reply (Score:5, Informative)
In the time since this was submitted, Mr Simader has seen the light and reverted to the GPL, albeit very unhappily. Such is life.
I don't actually begrudge Mr Simader the right to choose whatever copyright license he wants to have for his work. That is his moral right, and I have no problem with it. However, I was very unhappy with the fact that a lot of contributors' code, including all the translations, were still licensed under the GPL and since his new license was not compatable with it, I felt that he was causing problems for everyone including our project which is why I began contacting contributors privately about the whole thing.
Also, in the event of a license change away from a specific and well-understood OSI-approved license, I think that the developer also needs to give users a heads-up before they install the new version. This is, however, as far as I see the ethical obligations. And even these were not followed.
Finally, on the LedgerSMB project we are committed to rewriting the entire application, not just in order to prevent further conflict with Mr Simader but also in order to create a better program and one which can be more easily maintained. But we would be remiss if we didn't recognize that our success is in fact partly based on his.
Use LedgerSMB, not SQL-Ledger. (Score:2)
If you are interested in this subject, I suggest you make einhverfr your friend on Slashdot. Then you will receive notice of all his journal entries.
einhverfr makes a very good case that you should use LedgerSMB [ledgersmb.org], not SQL-Ledger.
Remarkable Occurrences Involving the Bush Family [futurepower.org]
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This is a risk all contributers take when they give their copyright away to project leaders. The FSF could at any time take all their code and make it proprietary and there isn't a thing anyone else could do except whine. There is a good expectation that doing something like this would never ha
Re:Legal obligation? Probably not... Ethical? (Score:4, Insightful)
The author of the work can always release his work under any license he sees fit. The problem would be any code contributed by others in this case.
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Which could be problematic - since the copyright holder could decide to release the code under a non-GPL license as well; make revisions to that and be under no license obligation to make them available under the GPL. Granted, most projects wouldn't do that but it's still a possibility.
Also, assigning the copyright limits the creator's ability to resell their code seperately should someone want to use it in a non-
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To your first point: yes, that is the whole point. Commercial companies in particular require this for their dual OSS/commercial products. Novell Hula, MySQL come to mind quickly..
Second point: Copyright assignment, not transfer.. Though, of course, you did create competition for yourself.
If your goal is to fix a bug in project X, then you may need to do this to have your 1000 line patch accepted. If you want to share that fix/enhancement, getting the upstream to accept and maintain it is likely your be
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Of course in this case stability means that it would be hard to change the license, which is partially the whole point.
As a project, though, we are apolitical, and committing to a single license can be a political thing. It is possible down the road that parts of the project could be under LG
In this case, the translations were all (Score:2)
switched back (Score:2, Redundant)
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It's too late now though. The damage has been done and the apparent intent to keep people in the dark about major changes which could have a negative impact on their use of the software will no doubt see a lot of users lose faith and switch to an alternative.
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Relicensing... (Score:5, Insightful)
GPL2-GPL3 and Contributor or Package Content (Score:2)
Copyright law is pretty clear here (Score:2)
However - the reality is if a majority agree and a minority do not then what happens is that minorities code is removed from the project and re-implemented by those who do.
Now of course this only works if the minority is very small. If the minority is large enough to make it unfeasible then such a license change does not take place. Which is the way things SHOULD be.
I have been a contributor to projects that subseque
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But something that might get confusing is the part of the GPL that says you have to accept and use the GPL license presented when making modifications or derivate programs. section 4 contains
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They can do whatever they like in the future. And anyone can take the entire GPL'd code base from the day before the license change and tell the "owner" to go fork himself.
That in itself counts as one of the best reasons to use GPL'd software - Eternal compatibility, as long as someone, anyone, continues work on the older codebase (which may mean nothing more than compiling it as-it-stands once every
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Unless you write an EULA, in which case you can change the terms of sale after the sale (or licensing or whatever you actually get from a software store).
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You write a open source application. You poor a lot of time and effort into it. You do it for what ever reason, on-line resume, share what you have, what ever. People take your work and spin off their own project because they disagree with what you want to do. They may assume they have a "stake," but by introducing something do you give them the rights?
More to the point, I have an open source project that I
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Of course, many vehemently disagree. Some viciously maintain that a patch that changes "n++" to "++n" is sufficient to to kick in the GPL viral clauses.
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"Some viciously maintain that a patch that changes "n++" to "++n" is sufficient to to kick in the GPL viral clauses."
At the risk of being a bit off-topic, if n++ is a statement by itself, the compiler will emit the same code as ++n (at leastusing gnu c++), so the change isn't even "trivial" - its non-existent (same as adding some white space)
For example, diff says that:
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You realize that n++ and ++n do different things right?
Not necessarily. If there is no additional code between the sequence points, the two do the exact same thing, and the compiler will emit the exact same code (we had this discussion in another thread where someone was trying to claim that ++n is quicker than n++).
To prove this, I used g++ to compile the following 2 pieces of code
int main (int argc, char* argv[], char* env[]) {
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The reason for *always* using ++n was simply to be in the habit of typing it that way so you didn't accidentally incur the extra cost of the copy constructor.
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Taking one line out of a much larger program would qualify in most cases as fair use, but where the work itself is only one line long, then it wouldn't qualify, because it is too large a proportion of the total work.
Reading comprehension (Score:4, Insightful)
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If there are enough active contributors besides this guy who are willing to work on the project and for whom this license is a sticking point, a fork will succeed. If not it will fail. But att
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1) Contributor code (including all the translations) were still explicitly licensed under the GPL. In other words, the relicensing was probably not legal, and I thought it was best to act sooner rather than let him dig a whole that might engulf LedgerSMB as well.
2) Users should be notified promptly if the license is so changed. I would not have had any problem with this had he loudly said so. But this was done on the sly so to speak.
My points have had their impacts, and SQL-Ledger 2.8.1
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No, unfortunately he does not moderate reasonably. We have observed several times where a new user would post about a problem they were having, we would post the fact that it was a bug in SL and how to work around it and our post would simply never appear while others who were having the same problem would continue discussing the issue in confusion.
In fact, if you look at the archies for the SL
Legal: No, Ethical: Maybe... (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:Legal: No, Ethical: Maybe... (Score:5, Insightful)
That doesn't always work either. Just read the EULA for, well, pretty much any piece of commercial software. If the vendor disappears, decides not to support the product, if it vaporizes your computer and most of the building its in
escrowe vital - was Re:Legal: No, Ethical: Maybe (Score:3, Interesting)
if you have any sense when buying software, and you're big enough to make the vendor agree, then a code escrowe agreement is critical in case the vendor folds (sometimes even have a release condition predicated on the vendor being bought by another company who may abandon the product).
if you're subcontracting the software to another company, then make sure that you have full rights over the code and that you get regular SCCS/RCS/CVS/Subversion snapshots (you need to have direct access to the contractor's
Disagree but in a different way (Score:2)
But it doesn't mean you need to pay for the software license.
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perhaps but it is important realise that by buying propietry software licenses you are not buying that. If a competitor decides they want to squash your suppliers product by buying them out and all you have are licenses there isn't anything much you can do.
you may be able to get a contract that gaurantees reliability and future commitment but that contract would have to be very carefully worded and it still doesn't really help you
Looks like the project is officially being killed. (Score:3, Informative)
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However, I think the paid support model works well provided that you define support to include further development. This is one thing Mr Simader does right.
Definitely unethical (Score:5, Insightful)
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BUT if the software was GPL before then that old version is still GPL (imagine it has been forked or integrated in other
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Yes, it *can* be laziness. But in this case, as long as the summary states it, it can't be laziness since the project leader took the effort of not aproving for being published any comment relating to such decision.
"if someone downloaded it within that hour can they treat it as GPL even though now it has a different license but it is the same software?"
Of course. It took *his own copy* under the GPL. He can do with
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In the second instance, no, because you do not have any sort of valid licence from the copyright holder.
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Umm, who forces anyone to accept anything: if you find that a new release has a license you don't like, then you don't have to accept it: use older versions or choose an alternative.
Simader (Score:4, Informative)
Finally the death of his project.
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Where to you think the LedgerSMB form came from? (Score:3, Interesting)
I think the root problem is that the SQL Ledger guy didn't realise what Open Source meant when he 'opened' it. LedgerSMB seems more focused on simply being a reasonable product, and their focus is the SME market who coul dnever afford the gazillion dollar programs..
And now that we have cleaned up the code (Score:3, Informative)
Our new architecture rocks and makes for *easy* integration.
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Second, Simader's Perl is pretty much as you describe (\%$form?), and his db design isn't any better. We have spent six months doing what mostly amounts to security patches and now we are ready to re-engineer in place. By 2.0, LedgerSMB will have no code left from SQL-Ledger.
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Granted these can be coded around, but would you not rather have a db that throws errors rather than trying to insert *something* when the value won't fit?
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Around the time of the fork, Mr. Simader accused me of destroying his business and that is why MS didn't just buy him to put him out of business. So maybe there is some truth to your post...
Simider has been writing (!programming) perl a while now. One might think he
Licenses (Score:2)
Ethical obligation: certainly, I would argue.
Legally, it's in the ballpark of something like this:
You cannot change the license on contributions to your project without permission of every contributor.
The enforceability of a license often depends in no small part on the notice of the change. For example, a quiet change of the license obligating you to make retroactive paymen
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To be fair to the guy, he wasn't very keen to take in contributions so that doesn't seem to be a huge problem. I think he could have just been a bit clearer about his intentions, and that includes the realisation that Open Sourcing may not have been quite what he intended to do.
Oh, and acting when angry isn't a good thing either, but we've all been there, I think
The prime problem I can see is that he did something su
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The obvious answer to the question is .... (Score:2)
The evidence of this is shown in the development of GPLv3
It's old school to bait and switch.
It up and coming to be Honest and open.
Perhaps honesty and openness was what was needed regarding the concerns that resulted in the flip flop?
Would the flip flop had happened?
Not a Unique Phenomenon (Score:4, Informative)
Needless to say, I'm never using PDFlib again, and I'm re-writing all of my code to use FPDF (http://www.fpdf.org), which is free, and works just as well. It's even easier to write code for. Stay away from PDFlib!
Re:Not a Unique Phenomenon (Score:4, Insightful)
Never, ever, ever buy third party libraries without source. Without source you no longer own the solution you create. I have seen it happen many times before and these days I put a lot of pressure of the library vendor with the hard rule, "No source no Sale". Many of these third party library providers have gone out of business or shifted focus to other products. Without source I would be in trouble.
Never, ever, ever buy any software at all that licenses against a specific set of hardware.
Lately I more often contemplating switching OS to get away from the worst black box of all... "Windows" With Vista and the brain dead security rules introduced it becomes impossible to write software.
Embrace VMWare player (Score:2)
Here is the only license (Score:2, Funny)
"The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part." [searchlores.org]
TLUG (Score:4, Informative)
http://tlug.ss.org/wiki/Meetings:2007-04 [ss.org]
The talk was by a Ledger SMB core developer.
I bought what he said... Ledger SMB is now on Source Forge, reacts to security issues,
accepts patches, is converting to a saner architecture, uses CURRENCY instead of FLOAT for money.
Seems like its a winner.
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Of course, it could just be the Network Security and Data Access Program....
Other Accounts Packages (Score:5, Informative)
* Front Accounting
* Ledger SMB
* WebERP
* OpenAccounting
* TurboCash
o Windows
* GnuCash
* Personal
o HomeBank
o jGnash
o Grisbi
* CK-Ledger
* Compiere
* Lazy8
* Quasar
o Linux Canada
* phpCOIN
* opentaps
* Bambooinvoice
* GnuAccounting
* phpOrganisation
* OpenBravo
They are in various states of repair and different markets from the personal to the one man band to the multinational.
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http://newartisans.com/ledger.html [newartisans.com]
It's my favorite--a great CLI tool. I learned of it in a Slashdot comment, so just continuing the tradition
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Compiere - don't like the DB needs (Score:2)
Any of the above capable of handling weekly timesheets, with authorisation?
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SQL-Ledger = Cavalier Security (Score:3, Interesting)
"Well, I wouldn't worry about it. We are not that concerned with security because there's nothing that SQL Ledger works with that would be of interest to anyone except an accountant, and I don't think we need to worry about a bunch of rogue accountants."
That statement alone made me not want to touch the packae, even though it looked very nice otherwise.
AGG 2.4 BSD - AGG 2.5 GPL (Score:2)
I'm still trying to figure out why the Anti-Grain Geometry library went from BSD-like to GPL a few months ago with no code change. http://www.antigrain.com/ [antigrain.com]
I haven't found any information on why the switch occurred and the author doesn't appear to have explained his motivations. I find myself working on a project in which I can employ 2.4, but I can't upgrade to 2.5 due to the licensing restriction, so I must either fork and maintain what I am using from 2.4 or abandon the library.
The bait
maybe no obligation (Score:2)
If there are third party contributions, it depends on whether the contributors assigned the copyright to him. If they did not, he can't change the license. If they did, it depends on what the copyright assignment forms imposed on him.
In many cases, I wouldn't consider a GPL->proprietary license change a big deal for a
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Even if the owner of foo.c wanted to change the terms of your license retroactively, he couldn't; any such attempt wouldn't be "fraud", it would be futile. The only way this w
Clueless (Score:2)
Re:Can we please lay off the emotional language (Score:4, Informative)
I think the bottomline appears to be that the guy Open Sourced something and didn't quite understood the consequences. And it's easy to stack mistake on mistake once you're on the wrong foot..
Having followed both mailing lists I must say that the LedgerSMB one is very lively indeed - and has more people visible in development. That doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for the original author, but I think he may need a bit of a spokesperson between him and the rest of the world..
Re:Can we please lay off the emotional language (Score:4, Insightful)
"That doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for the original author, but I think he may need a bit of a spokesperson between him and the rest of the world.."
Deiter may have switched the license back to GPLv2, but at this point, why bother ... he's done more to promote the competing fork as being the "legit, safe" one than anything else.
Yup - agree.. (Score:2)
However, the accounting system is the financial heart of a company so I decided to lurk on the mailing list and see what was going on, and eventually I asked a few questions where I felt there were issues. There are 2 things to note here:
(1) the list if fully moderated,
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I think it's pretty clear to most people from the summary that the word "gagged" isn't being used in the strict legal or even literal sense, but rather in the figurative sense:
Lay off the echo chambers? (Score:2)
What part of "posts didnt make moderation" did you not see? To preempt it, a private (exclusivist) entity used moderation to remove objection. That's gagging, no matter how the entity was grouped. No "liberty to exclude" excuses can explain it.
Read the following:
No posts to the SQL-Ledger mailing lists asking about the license change were getting past moderation and direct questions to the author were goi
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I see you didn't RTFS (Score:2)
"Just recently the license was switched back to GPLv2...
This is what happens when you don't read the summary correctly ;)
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If no one cared, there wouldn't have been a fork a while ago.
But that said, it *is* Deiter's software, so he can change the licensing if he wants. ( and we can all go about our merry way with the fork too.. )
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And this leaves a question that needs to be answered. How much of an open-source project can exist without changes
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