Google Aids Indian Goverment Censorship 245
An anonymous reader writes "Google's Orkut has made a deal to provide IP addresses of posters of content deemed objectionable by Bombay police. They object, among others, to posts against certain Indian personalities, young women admiring Indian mobsters, and, amazingly, "anti-Indian words" (!)."
here it goes: Beef is good (Score:5, Funny)
Re:here it goes: Beef is good (Score:4, Interesting)
It would have been the police had you started a community on the lines of "OMG! PaKiStan is teh roxxorz.. iNdIa is komplete sucks"
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"Don't be evil"?? (Score:5, Interesting)
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I dunno. Too early to be thinking about this stuff.
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Who sets the rules, then? (Score:4, Insightful)
Now I'll admit that I have no experience with India or Indians, but I do have some first hand experience with the USSR (back when it was called that way) and eastern europe, and have co-workers from all over that area. Plus some from various arab countries. And I can tell you that so far I've yet to see major differences. People are people everywhere. Yeah, there are cultural and education differences all right, and even culture clashes when you put people from different cultures together, but at the end of the day most people want the same things.
Even the exceptions are, strangely enough, not much different from our or your exceptions. E.g., if you want to point out some of the religious fundamentalist nutcases from some area as somehow representative, I can point you to religious fundamentalist nutcases in the west (e.g., southern USA) which are strangely similar. For every Khoran-thumping "we should bomb America/Israel/whatever for Allah" nutcase, there'll be a Bible-thumping "we should nuke the Middle East for Jesus" nutcase on the other side.
Even if you want to point out some resistance to new ideas in some areas, I can point out at people ranting about the "good old days" and rejecting the new in the West too. There is the same resistance to change everywhere, some just got a head start in accepting it. But if you let them have what they want, overall all societies tend towards the same thing. E.g., for all the Party's moaning about western decadence, China tended to adopt Western consumerism and other supposed bad habits very very quickly when it had a half a choice.
Etc. As I was saying, I've yet to see any evidence that people are fundamentally different anywhere.
And more importantly, to get back to Freedom Of Speech, I've yet to see any evidence that people from any area actually cheer at the idea of having the police watching over their shoulder.
Sure, there'll be plenty who want to tell _you_ what you can and can't say. (Same as in the west.) But they'll tend to not appreciate when someone tells _them_ what they can and can't say.
And sure, group-think exists everywhere. Doubly so if you can bully them into an "if I say I disaggree, the others will think I'm a pervert/criminal/whatever and ostracize me" state of mind. You have them chest-thump and proclaim any idiocy just to seem like popular/responsible/whatever members of the community. (Again, in the west too.) But again, move them out of that environment, and they'll tend to snap out of it in no time.
In fact, the funny thing is, a lot (maybe most) cultural clashes with immigrants tend to be centered around their snapping out of it too fast and too far. People coming from areas where they have to watch out what they say or do all the time, often seem to turn to a sort of a "woohoo, here I can say and do _everything_ I want to" state of mind, and proceed to appear thoroughly impolite and disruptive to the locals. If you will, they end up appreciating the whole freedom ideas a bit too much, and not knowing where to stop exercising them.
So based on those impressions I'll go and say that the freedoms probably _are_ universal truths that all humans can appreciate.
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That sounds more like aiding and abeting.
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It does indeed seem reasonable, because we also have gun restrictions (I hear it's pretty much de facto impossible to get a handgun permit in NYC for civilians). It's something our country is used to (for good or bad) and accepts.
But look at what "criminals" they are helping prosecute here: people posting "objectionable" images and m
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I agree about a lack of universal ethics and all that, but if you take it too far you'll be left with "When in Nazi Germany, do as the Nazis do."
Goooooooo Godwin!
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My problem is with hypocricy, not corporations.
The reason I used that point in time is that's when their legal obligation became making as much money as possible for their shareholders. They didn't *have* to cave to China and India to do that, but they chose to.
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How so? You want to play in India, you play by their rules. You can argue that India is doing the black, but Google is just playing by the rules.
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This article gives no indication that Orkut is collaborating with Bad People.
If you want to do business in the US, you follow American laws. If you want to do business in Mexico, you follow Mexican laws. If you want to do business in China, you follow Chinese laws. If you want to do business in Russia, you pay lots of bribes.
What's the problem?
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And correct me if I'm wrong, but there is such a thing as being tried for leg
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Hang on - India a crazy regime? You can't be serious. India is a democracy - just as democratic as the West, actually. There is no 'crazy regime staying in power' in India, by any stretch of the imagination.
Sure, this specific censorship issue sounds a bit odd to some (including me), but no more odd than things happening in, say France and the UK, just to mention very recent Slashdot stories.
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Have you been to India ? It's a crazy place
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What do you mean by "rules"? If you RTFA, it seems Google is coperating above and beyond the extent required by law. The police are congratulating them for not making them do any paperwork before handing over the IPs and other identifying details of anyone who posts anything deemed "offensive". No doubt Googel is coverd by its terms of sevice and such. But that's not the
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Or... Orkut might be thinking: "Indian magistrates rubber-stamp these kinds of police requests anyway, so lets just set up an electronic request process and make our lives easier."
Re:"Don't be evil"?? (Score:5, Insightful)
You want to play in India, you play by their rules.
If your motto is "don't be evil" and India's rules require you to be evil, then you shouldn't want to play in India. Otherwise you're an evil hypocrite.
Shouldn't play? (Score:5, Insightful)
That is exactly what they should do. (Score:2)
Yes, especially if they are forced to do part of the surevilling. And why the heck not? When faced with a choice like this, with moral implications, a person can either decline or participate in the evildoing. Most people would refuse to participate in evil.
Most corporations will, of course, go ahead and do whatever brings them profit. Anyone who believes this is fine and dandy would apparently sell their own mother dow
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I'm writing an open letter to Google to suggest they change their slogan to "do no evil. wink, wink", so that worried Slashdotters worldwide may rest that the slogan reflects proper corporate behavior.
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Then why shouldn't the India govt be interested in boards where people are planning/ inciting the next riots [wikipedia.org]
. Of course, having observed how the riots always occur at convenient times for the local politicos, I don't believe for one minute that this has anything to do with public safety. But I do question the holier than thou attitude adopted by many Americans over free speech when their mi
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However I do not support our sedition laws and for good reason.
You're right that if you change the article to be more benign your point makes sense though, however the actual example in tfa was
Mohite talks of a citizen who had complained to the police in November regarding a photograph of her posted on Orkut, along with derogatory text.
Hardly encouraging a riot.
Saying I'm adopting a holier-than-thou attitude seems a little far-fetched as well, seeing as it was Google I was criticising, not the Indian govt.
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But I'd go further than you and say any censorship is bad.
Take you 'religious vilification laws' for example - how do you define a religion? Now you have got the govt involved in defining the word religion. Some idiot will come up with a new religion that worships the Kiwi bird (I can start such a religion in India within 10min) - now would everyone stop insulting Kiwis?
And what constitut
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Kiwi's getting anywhere near the WC... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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You forget that Indians are among the most deeply religious people in the world (more so than the Middle-East even:Indian Muslims especially Sufis and Chistis
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me : "I thought you Hindus were vegetarian"
Lalit : "I'm only Hindu on a Tuesday, that's temple day"
Though, to be fair, there's no real thing as one true Hindu way, anyone can preach pretty much what they like. It's the most pluralist religion I've come across.
India is a crazy place, police corruption at street level is a way of life, along with filth and shoddy manufacturing.
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Millions of Hindus goto Varanasi for pilgrimage every year.
Millions of Indian Muslims do Hajj at least once in their lifetimes.
Millions of Indian Christians goto the tomb of the Apostle Thomas in Chennai for pilgrimage.
Also, you should have seen Kerala, "God's own country". They have the cleanest cities in South Asia, as does Tamil Nadu and most places down South.
Generalizing a
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Google's sole allegience is to their investors, period. What the investors want? Surprise! - Money! Google at any moment will evaluate the function called f$$$="how much money are we making?" and try to maximize it. They are not there to spread good, love, freedom and democracy. They are maximizing f$$$. When they stop doing it they will stop existing as a company.
But I can hear tho
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Was Google's business policy "Avoid 98% of evil, unless it's really expedient", or "Don't be evil". These are both strategies, but I don't think they're equivalent. I think the wishy-washy one is likely to trade immediate success like access to more markets (India, Pakistan, China, Turkey.
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Serghey Brin a while ago mentioned that making deals with shady governments such as China for ex. was a bad mistake, in retrospect. I think what he really said was that "I wish we didn't make any moral claims concerning our business practices so we wouldn't have measure up to them when we cut corners."
I stil
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If you take a look at Google's ten commandments [google.com], you'll notice two things that most Slashdotters seem to miss. First, for "You can make money without doing evil," never does it mention a goal of being morally white. What is doe
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You argument stinks of racism at it's worst ie. you as an American feel you are entitled to freedom of speech but that foreigners are not and nor will you do anything in word or deed to help them get what you take for granted.
Add to that, don't you feel sorry for 'cowboy' neal and his impending 'ind
well (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:well (Score:5, Interesting)
Quite right. Which means, by extension, "don't be evil" and "IPO" are a bit at odds. Pulling out of India over this means lost shareholder revenue. Lost shareholder revenue means lawsuits. Lawsuits mean suffering...
So yeah, I would say "don't be evil" died a while ago.
Re:well (Score:4, Insightful)
No, I don't want them to be blocked. They have as much right to say "Hail Hitler" as I have to say "Hail Linux." You can't censor somebody because you disagree with their opinion.
I'm a supporter of their right to free speech.
Somebody already glorified the WTC attacks. There have been at least a couple movies...
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Why do people in Europe go to jail for doing just that. Where is the all-American liberal's "righteous indignation" there?
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India is surrounded by rabidly totalitarian regimes that conducted government sponsored genocide of Hindu minorities in East Pakistan in 1971 (death toll estimates range from 1.5 million to 3 million, with 75% of the victims Hindus and 25% Bengali Muslim intellectuals), just like Nazi Germany did to Jews and Romanis and Homosexuals (the de
Bombay police? (Score:5, Funny)
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: slashdot.org
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Mumbai (Score:2, Insightful)
Then again, that's not how you spell "Government" either.
Also - read the end of the not-so-fine article. Yes, undoubtedly there's evil at play. On the other hand, if something illegal was done (the police were involved, one can only sadly assume the 'posting of picture with derogatory comments' was of an illegal nature over there), there shouldn't be any reason for Orkut protecting the suspect perp. Though filing a subpoena for the information (thus not bypassing the j
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Business Sense (Score:5, Funny)
It's time to stop this "Don't be evil" BS and get on with its obligation to its shareholders.
Having said that, if DBE actually does bring in more profit, or BE brings down profit, Google is then expected to DBE.
In short, act like a business and protect the bottom line, not teh "line".
Re:Business Sense (Score:5, Insightful)
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Businesses don't have morality, they have ethics.
Business ethics are a different beast than personal morals.
Example - Company X is being fined every day for their dumping of [bad stuff] into the local waterway. Changing their business practice would be more expensive than paying the fines.
Q: Is this immoral?
A: Maybe.
Q: Is this unethical?
A: No.
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Nothing is, so what's your point? We're not hardwired into being moral, mostly liability makes us be. Thus, companies were born, limited liability, no personal responsibility. Best of all worlds.
Best for whom? (Score:2)
The "no liability" concept is the root of the corporate corruption. Think of a person who feels no guilt and fears no consequences of their actions: there's your serial killer, child abuser, tyrant ruler.
Freedom without liability is why Merck could market a drug they knew was going to kill people. Best of WHAT both worlds?
That's nothing! (Score:3, Interesting)
Seriously. Orkut used to organize party = Drugs used at party = Orkut bad? I don't think so.
I thought India was atleast a pretend democracy?
Re:That's nothing! (Score:5, Insightful)
India happens to be the world's largest democracy, their voting system is simpler and more secure than what can be found in recent US elections.
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I was wondering what will happen to you, for ex., if you were spreading "hatred" towards USA, in the same way this happened with India.
Don't be surprised if you wake up automatically promoted to a terrorist by the state, one nice morning.
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Don't like it? Pakistan is just across the border, Balochistani/Waziristani/Taliban/Pukhtunwa terrorists, the Jamaat-e-Islami Islamic Sturmabteilung, various military dictators, warlords in NWFP, 20,000 radical madrassas and everything.Mubarak ho janaab. See ya. Won't wanna be ya.
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The fact that you can say so out loud in the middle of Colaba in Mumbai without getting arrested, strung upside down and flogged with a stick by "Secret Police" proves that it is a REAL democracy Mr "Rao".
No, it doesn't actually *prove* it at all- free speech and democracy are two distinct concepts. Although there is a tendency for them to go together, it is quite possible to have a democratically elected government that suppresses speech and other rights ("Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."). Conversely, it's quite possible (though less likely) to have free speech under a non-democratic government.
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Sigh... (Score:3, Insightful)
Or have they simply abandoned "Do no evil" in favor of, "Do not much evil, and even then only do it if you want to gain a foothold in countries with rapidly growing economies."?
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Are you actually ignorant enough to define evil by what is illegal? Google is an american company staffed largely by americans. Therefore, if they say they will do no evil, they should strive to do no evil at LEAST by american standards. If that means
Not another China (Score:3, Insightful)
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That sounds like a big assumption to me. I don't know the full details, but TFA is wide-eyed and heavily slanted against the groups in question. Slashdot spins it as a censorship and Google story, but the article is about how they can "finally" get rid of that "objectionable" material.
It also misspells "YouTube", which is not a particularly difficult word to spell and causes me to doubt the research and editing of the article.
Goddammit Google (Score:2)
Maybe you should hire a couple linguists to complement your thousands of engineers.
Standby for Google Spin (in Beta!) (Score:2)
http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/27/18 39238 [slashdot.org]
Shows how disingenuous that hand wringing was.
On the bright side, at least Google aren't just cutting deals with totalitarian governments. They're now making political censorship deals with democratically-elected governments too! A Googlestroika, if you will.
Expectations (Score:3, Informative)
Other sources? (Score:2)
The real Google corporate motto... (Score:2)
Kinda reminds me of George Orwell's Animal Farm, where the revolutionary sheep are initially chanting "four legs good, two legs bad", but after the corruption has set in, and the head animals are enjoying human comforts, the chant changes to "four legs good, two legs better".
Things That Bit Butts (Score:5, Funny)
List of nifty little phrases that have bitten their speakers in the ass:
Iran (Score:3, Interesting)
I wonder what they'd do in an officially Muslim like Iran if someone posted a blog saying, "I was a Muslim but I converted to Christianity", and the government demanded that Google turn over that person's identifying information?
If Google refused, then they're giving up on the broad claim that their presence a blessing to a country regardless of what censorship / person-finding they assist with. If they went along with it, then they show the true vacuousness of their "moral" reasoning.
I don't want such a test case to arise, but I'd be (morbidly) curious to see how it plays out.
Criminal investigatoins should be allowed (Score:5, Interesting)
After reviewing the articles I've come to the conclusion that while I don't condone investigating people for hate-speech against India that I see no problem with investigating the source of a mob boss fan club. Even applying the U.S. constitution (which of course India is not held to) I would see no problem with this. The police can and should investigate something like this. If it turns out it's someone not connected to the criminal then that's fine. But if it turns out that it's part of a conspiracy to drum up public support and poison the jury pool then that is an entirely different matter. Who's to say that this anonymously submitted article is not part of that conspiracy?
I believe Google did the right thing by turning over records to the police. Anonymity is not sacrosanct. Freedom to say what you want is, and if that is not allowed in India then that should be changed. However, impeding a criminal investigation is not a good way to bring about change.
I wish I could point out a specific attribution but it's not a new concept that one must work within ones societal rules to change society for the better. I believe it is mentioned at least a few times in the new testament and most likely in other religious and philosophical texts as well.
Re:Criminal investigations should be allowed (Score:2, Informative)
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It is not evil to search for how to make a bomb. It is not even evil to make a bomb, or to set off a bomb. What's evil is to set off a bomb where it will hurt people or their property.
Assuming you do it with appropriate precautions in appropriate places and times and with appropriate permissions (per local laws), making big booms is good, clean fun.
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Woah there, don't go attributing that to me. I said almost exactly the opposite. You are exactly correct that the police should be the good guys and that helping them should be good. I am myself somewhat cynical but I am definitely not in the "G00gl3 is teh 3v1l!!!" camp on this one.
Their new mantra? (Score:3, Insightful)
It's Hate Speech (Score:2, Insightful)
So does this mean.... (Score:2)
Sadly in today's corporate world it is hard when companies are encouraged to abandon ethics in the wake of profits.
Maybe Google can do like Halliburton, and when we get pissed enough at them, they commit treason and fraud or they get involved in anti-trust issues, they can just move to India.
For the MS crowd, this is good news, it proves even the so called good companies can be evil.
I can remember when Sun was a 'good' company, and Oracle was a 'good' company, and AOL was a 'good' com
Here is how Leftist politics works... (Score:2)
An American company then obeys those laws, as they are required to do by the laws in those countries as well as the laws in the United States (which require U.S. companies obey the laws in the countries they do business).
So then leftists in America blame the "evil
Re:Time to feel silly, slashdotters... (Score:5, Insightful)
In addition to the fact that many Indians are not as urbane, tolerant, and well-educated as those one encounters in the US, one has to take into account the fact that India is much more diverse ethnically and religiously than the United States, and that many potentially hostile groups live in close proximity. While I don't agree with such censorship, I can understand the desire of the Indian government to keep everybody happy and avoid bloodshed.
17th century, actually: 1680.
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Precisely. I am an immigrant Indian living in the US and I personally feel insulted by that bias, positive as it may be. It results in a weird kind of prejudice wherein if you do something outstanding people are like "well, duh, they're all like that. Big effing deal :P". And under achievement (relative to the OTHER Indians) is reportedly grounds for deportation in some IT companies. To be perfectly clear, I have experienced
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You obviously haven't heard of Zakir Naik (just google for him), who rails about "the prophet Muhammad being predicted in the Vedas" and demands that Islamic Sharia law be enforced in India or Ahmed Deedat (in South Africa actually, but Indian born), who denies the holocaust of Jews by Nazis, demands that "idolatrous Hindus" mass-convert to Islam under the point of gun and says that all Christians are "Bible-Thumpers".
Plus, Ted Haggard, for all his nuttery, never blew up trains lik
Feel proud as in Individual (Score:2)
Did you pass JEE yourself? If you did, be proud of that. If you did not, why be proud that "there are some Indians who passed JEE the world's toughest entrance examn?" Dah, JEE is open only to Indians. It is a ranking examn. Somebody must come out as the topper ok? So why are you proud that others are solving Irodov Problem in high school? If you solved it be proud. If not dont brag "my brother's neighbour's uncle's sister-in-law's driver's son can solve" it.
About India doing rocket sciecne
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Then change the system, don't hold on to the old d (Score:3, Insightful)
Then change the system, don't hold on to the old days when the real world didn't know about the internet.
I come from the BBS era and as such have gone through that magic time when the internet was just for techies. Nobody knew about it and it was a grand time. No ads, no spam, no leet speak, just men, real men and stuff geeks cared about. (Star Trek ASCII Porn mostly)
And then things changed, more people found out about it and with them came the coorperations, the criminals (often hard to tell the differen
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You mean the RSS that has 3 million members and is classified by the Economist as the largest anti-Communist organization in the world (at least some people still have the balls to combat the rampant infestation of moonbats and terror-apologists who pass for the "intelligentsia" in India these days, Hang Muhammed Afzal I say!)?
You mean the RSS that has 100,000 Sikh members (not Hindus), 30,000 Roman Catholic members (also not Hindus) and that financed militancy-hit Muslim child
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