Australians to Increases Surveillance Powers? 63
Anonymous Coward writes to tell us The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that new laws being presented to parliament this week would allow police and spy agencies additional power to monitor communications of people not suspected of any crime. From the article: "Under the changes, police will be able to tap the phone calls and trace the emails and text messages of third parties to suspected crimes. Police will have 45 days to monitor a person not under suspicion in the hope it will lead them to the person or people they do suspect."
Decline of the West? (Score:4, Insightful)
“Democracy,” too, was a catchphrase of Communist tyranny; whither our democracies appear to be degenerating.
Re:Decline of the West? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Decline of the West? (Score:1)
I'm not denying that his Government had some good ideas. But the implementation of these ideas was sorely lacking in good judgement and morality. Gough Whitlam was removed from offic
My View (Score:5, Informative)
To recap - This is just another assault on privacy by the Liberal Party. It may not pass now, but it will someday, and when that day comes - I'm moving across the ditch to New Zealand
In case you can't tell - I'm an Australian resident
Re:My View (Score:2, Interesting)
I haven't heard of those for a few years now.
Re:My View (Score:3, Informative)
They keep people in there long enough that children are born in there and don't get out until they're already school-age. Not very nice, to say the least.
Re:My View (Score:2)
No. "Non residents" who are in the country legally are free to move around the country as they please.
Barbed wire ringed camps out in the desert for concentrating illegals in the same place?
Actually it's for keeping illegal immigrants away from everyone else and making escape difficult and inadvisable.
Re:My View (Score:1)
Not that I'd be evoking Godwin's law or anything...
Re:My View (Score:2)
Considering that a) no-one is getting killed or in forced labour (indeed, quite the opposite) and b) they're free to leave whenever they want, I fail to see what's "similar" about them.
Which countries are you thinking of that have zero immigration controls and that don't remove illegal immigrants when they are identified ?
Re:My View (Score:1)
Re:My View (Score:1, Funny)
Re:My View (Score:2)
The first time I read this, I read that to be "...would allow incineration without charge..."
You had me wondering if our U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez had moved down-under!
Re:My View (Score:1)
I hear its beautiful weather down there.. oh and they're not fascists... which is nice.
Re:My View (Score:3, Interesting)
I don't think New Zealand will be that much better than Australia, for long.
I, too, am an Australian citizen, and I can see myself leaving the fascist country that Australia is becoming within the next 5 years. Australia used to be a wonderful country until John Howard. Anyway, Canada and Sweden are looking pretty good, at the moment.
Did you know that Australians are eligible for refugee status in countries that comply with the UN convention relating to the status of refugees [wikipedia.org] since the sedition laws were
Pure evil (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Pure evil (Score:2)
Re:Pure evil (Score:2)
If you think the Australian Government is "evil", then you're in desperate need of some context, or the word "evil" is completely meaningless your world.
Re:Pure evil (Score:3, Insightful)
And from your "blog:" [blogspot.com]
I guess Mr. Howard -- and Messrs. Blair and Bush, for that matter -- is fortunate that they don't make Angry Young Men like they used to.
Re:Pure evil (Score:1)
Re:Pure evil (Score:3, Interesting)
They have up or down, black or white, good or evil, left or right, liberal or conservative. Its a symptom of the maturity of our civilisation, and hopefully the next 50 years will see the population as a whole grow beyond this and eradicate the absurd bipartisan system.
Theres not black or white. there aren't even shades of gray. There's a spectrum of colours of varying intensity
Re:Pure evil (Score:2)
While the Left as a whole may not be terribly adept at presenting themselves as a viable governing authority, your attitude seems to match the American Democratic Party's line: Bush is evil, the Republicans are evil, all conservatives of all stripes are evil, so elect us instead.
And yet the Left keeps losing. Has it ever occurred to you, just for a second, that maybe most of the populations of the US, UK, and Australia don't thin
Re:Pure evil (Score:1)
Re:Pure evil (Score:2)
The Labor party isn't a left wing party - it's centrist with a number of right-wing factions. The reason they don't win elections has nothing to do with ideology, it's because they are more incompetent than the Liberals, which is an outstanding feat in itself...
Re:Pure evil (Score:2)
Maybe if you're a socialist, but sorry, everyone [wikipedia.org] else [australianpolitics.com] puts it in the left side of the political spectrum.
Re:Pure evil (Score:2)
That's mostly a historical perspective. Just as the Liberal party is no longer liberal, the Labor party used to represent workers, but has long since left its roots behind. From the linked Wikipedia article:
It's not only the left that says that now. Even ou
Re:Pure evil (Score:1)
Re:Pure evil (Score:1)
Re:Sydney Morning Herald (Score:1)
Freedom? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Freedom? (Score:2, Informative)
If you've read any interviews with Bin Laden you'll know his only goal is to get the `infidels` out of Muslim countries, especially Saudi Arabia, and now Afghanistan and Iraq. He has never expressed any interest in economics or politics.
Re:Freedom? (Score:2)
Re:Freedom? (Score:3, Insightful)
The US, Britain and Australia are basically just locking down the world as quickly as they can. I don't think anyone really knows why they are doing this, but the "to stop terrorism" excuse is obviously bullshit. It's unlikely these governments are naive enough
Re:Freedom? (Score:1)
I think the more likely issue here is that the Government is facing a threat that it doesn't know how to deal with. It is just trying to look like it is doing something that might prove effective. How do you deal with any enemy that isn't interested in negotiating? How do you deal with an enemy that is not embodied in the form of a single state, with definite leadership?
Historically, Governments have dealt with Terrorists ineffectively - look at the British Government with the IRA. But at least t
Security Camera Registry (Score:5, Informative)
Doesnt come as a surprise given the following plans.
NSW plans new security camera regime [abc.net.au].I think it is safe to say that we are all potential criminals.
Re:Security Camera Registry (Score:2)
(*) Footnote: "we" means "you" and not "us" -- The Government.
Re:I've said it before ... (Score:1)
It is not about if or if not you have done anything wrong, my biggest objection to such measures is the probability of my personal information being misused. What if a particular company be it defence contractor or government sponsor were to use or personal data for marketing or some other sinister purpose? What if government employees began selling your phone conversations much the same way phone company employee sell your phone records?
Think about the conversations you have and the things you do in priv
Re:I've said it before ... (Score:3, Insightful)
If we were tracking everyone, anyone with even a bit of access could decide to track down that woman that left him. Imagine he beat her and so she steals away in the middle of the night. He decides to get even and so tracks her down. Or he decides that you, her new lover, need to be taught a lesson. Or maybe her parents or her kids.
Re:I've said it before ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh really? There's no possibility that you would know anybody working in the govn'ts monitoring agency? Or that they would know you (e.g. from middle or high school, if nowhere else)?
How can you be *certain* the person listening doesn't know who you are?
Moreover, how do you know they are not a criminal who has not yet been caught? Suppose they are working in the monitoring agency by day, but go dumpster-diving by night, looking for credit card statements and such. They happen to find yours.
Now, not only do they have a history of your credit transactions, but they have intimate knowledge of your personal life. If you communicate with your son or daughter over the phone or in email, they know where your child will be -- and let's suppose again that the monitoring person is a child-molestor. Then what do you do? *They* know where your child is -- but you don't know that they know this.
At the very least man, if you're going to advocate a privacy-less society, then advocate a Transparent Society, where the watchers can be watched, along with every other citizen.
You cannot trust the lives of you or your family to *ANYBODY* you have not met. *EVER*. For *ANY* reason, regardless of their title or position or certifications. Yet, that is precisely what your position entails.
I maintain (and no less because of your post) that people who say "if you have nothing to hide, then what's wrong with being watched?" are idiots who haven't thought beyond step 1 and whose understanding of government and its historical abuses is severely-lacking. I have yet to find a person who is willing to map out the tree of possible causal paths that grows from a policy like this...
Re:I've said it before ... (Score:1)
You cannot trust the lives of you or your family to *ANYBODY* you have not met. *EVER*. For *ANY* reason, regardless of their title or position or certificatio
Governments everywhere, and political terror (Score:5, Insightful)
In the UK, we're well on our way to being followed in our every move, our freedoms being "allowed" only if we carry the necessary papers, checked, validated and scanned in everything we do, and so on.
What it comes down to is this: politicians everywhere are scum. They don't work towards a better and freer life for ordinary people, but purely for their own self-aggrandizement and political power. And since it seems that they can achieve nothing without creating new laws, the public is continually being imprisoned within ever thicker legal walls and shackled with ever tighter legal chains.
"The Fight Against Terrorism" is of course used as the current excuse. In reality, the actual daily terror here is coming from the politicians and the police. Nobody worries on a daily basis about a true whacko blowing up the underground (because the likelihood is low), but everyone worries about being jumped on by a dozen police officers on the grounds of "looking suuspicious". God, that must be easy work for the police, looking for people with shifty eyes. And I really pity the poor blokes with beards, or those who look slightly middle-eastern
I don't think that this is going to change any time soon. You know why? Because people are dumb, and watch too much TV, and believe the messages that the politicians and media are feeding them.
It's sad times indeed.
Re:Governments everywhere, and political terror (Score:2)
Actually, it's a heck of a lot easier than you think. I'm expecting the subway to have soon have a sign at the turnstile saying "You must not be this DARK to enter."
Re:Governments everywhere, and political terror (Score:1)
I'm half Indian, but more or less look middle-eastern, so I felt pretty uncomfortable around the subway and stuff. As you pointed out, I wasn't the least bit worried about being blown up by a terrorist (there's a far greater chance of being in a fatal car accident), but I was pretty worri
Re:Governments everywhere, and political terror (Score:5, Insightful)
Agreed. The problem with the constant creation of new laws is that after a while, everything becomes illegal. This means that the execution of justice now rests not with the judges and magistrates where it belongs, but with the police, whose original function is to simply arrest law breakers and bring them before the legal system. Since everything is illegal, the police must decide who to arrest and who to ignore, so in effect, they are deciding who is guilty and who is innocent. This merges back the explicit separation of the legal and enforcement arms. A state where the police function like this is called a police state. It's not the fact that they will arrest you for breaking some obscure law (which is probably unlikely), it's the fact that they can.
Re: (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:The terrorists have won (Score:3, Interesting)
If western authorities start cracking down on Wahabi preachers in general rather than specific individuals, it may make the Saudi royals look bad to the Wahabi religious leaders, and they don't want that as the religious leaders are keeping the royal fa
Re:The terrorists have won (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
I'm not worried... (Score:1)
For example, your doing something dodgy in your car. Do you a) stick a GPS transponder to it b) follow them 2 cars back in a recently made australian car and match every lane change. While all the while sitting the there with a box on your dash and the both of you wearing suits in the middle of summer?
This is the same as for the internet a) sliding in a rootkit (maybe the could get some help from Sony) b) Continually
Power Grab (Score:5, Insightful)
For the love of god, someone get these politicians a hobby. They have far too much time and money at their disposal.
I'd like to see Blair, Bush, Howard & Bin Laden settle this over a good old game of marbles and leave us out of it.
Who the hell are these twirps? Never met them, never heard a SINGLE intelligent thing come out of any of their mouths and day after day they affect my life. They sit there in these strange black outfits with these weird nooses around their necks arguing about things which are obviously issues of semantics, breaking every rule of intelligent debate & rationalisation and prompting the media beast to artificially inflate these "issues" so that the bored apathetic masses get up in arms and keep them voted in.
We're throwing away our freedoms so the media can make you pay for & drink sugar water.
The extreme views speak in loud, inflamatory soundbytes that serve to sell advertising to gullible viewers: "X is EVIL" "ALL Y DESERVE TO DIE" while the moderate, intelligent, rational view is obscured and diffused by its truthful verbosity and its inherent "unmarketability"
Sometimes I just bang my head against the wall at the complete insanity of it all.
Re:Grenades, not marbles (Score:1)
Re:Bad spelling (Score:1)