Software Patents Compared to Hard Patents 134
Arie writes "The Slate discusses the obvious differences between patenting an algorithm and a drug. The article introduces the Fence test, which basically says that if you can physically protect your property, you have a case patenting it. In addition, it claims that the burden on a programmer identifying whether he is infringing on a patent or not involves excessive research burden, essentially to the inherent lack of physical boundaries. Obviously the article starts off with mentioning the patent dispute between RIM and NTL."
Investment, risk, compensation (Score:5, Insightful)
This - investment, risk, compensation - is the issue.
Whether or not a fence goes around the concept patented is utterly irrelevent.
If a fence test was implemented, all investment into non-physical research would be discouraged.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Tell that to all of the companies with R&D budgets in excess of $1 million per year.
Invention generally arises from one of two circumstances:
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1, Insightful)
Wrong. Government should not, and does not, play a role in determining compensation for the risks taken by individuals or corporations.
Government does, however, play a legitimate role in establishing policies that serve the public good. In the case of patents, the public good is served by encouraging the publication of innovations that might otherwise be kept secret.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, no, not exactly. People already made investments in research and were commercially compensated for it before patents.
The original and valid purpose of a patent is to force them to reveal their research to the public in order to gain government protection of it.
Whether or not a fence goes around the concept patented is utterly irrelevent.
Actually, this is exactly the test applied by the founder of the American patent system and its first examiner; Thomas Jefferson. For things which you can't put a fence around there is copyright.
Patents are not ideas, they are for things.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:5, Interesting)
Well said, sir.
I think the fence analogy is rather confusing, however. (No offense to Jefferson, of course.) I prefer to draw the line between ideas and implimentations. Without this distinction, there would be no such thing as a competing product.
For example, let's say you think of a novel new way to wake people up in the morning; something that's never been marketed before, like pouring water on your head. So you take this idea and distill it down into an implimentation called the AlarmWaker3000, which you patent. Now your good friend down the street has this same idea, and creates himself the WakeUp Machine, which he patents. But because the AlarmWaker3000 used a bucket and a piece of string tied to the hands of a clock, and the WakeUp Machine uses a hose crimped by a weight that gets lighter over time, neither one of you are infringing on each other's patents. You didn't patent "A method for waking someone up by splashing their face with cold water," you patented the "AlarmWaker3000" and the "WakeUp Machine".
The question of infringement on a patent usually boils down to the similarity between the two devices. Two companies can build, and patent, two different motherboard designs with exactly the same functionality: onboard video, sound, ethernet, whatever. But as long as the circuits are dissimilar enough (which is up to a judge to decide) then the implimentations are different and they don't infringe.
The problem with software patents is that the the line between ideas and implimentations has been blurred. Amazon patents their code for purchasing things with a single mouse click, once all your information is on file and you are logged in. Suddenly, anyone creating a shopping system that allows registered customers who are logged in to purchase things with a single mouse click is infringing on the patent, even if their implimentation is different. These companies are trying to use the patent system to enforce artifical monopolies on ideas instead of implimentations, and effectively cut out the competition. The truly troubling part is that the Patent Office, and lots of patent courts settling disputes around the country, seem to be going along with it.
Maybe the fault lies with an overworked Patent Office staff; maybe it lies with a culture that irrationally rewards new technologies. I just don't know.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, I don't like the fence analogy either and it wasn't 'exactly' the model Jefferson used.
The true test is whether the research can be transmitted by speech/print.
k=1/2mv^2, E=mc^2, "Now is the winter of our discontent. .
If you can recite the research than it falls under those laws intended to protect speech, not things. As you say, ideas as opposed to implimentations.
It is, unfortunately, computers that have blurred the line between the two with the decision that since the physical device impliments the idea that it is somehow itself the device.
This is the sort of bullcrap we get when people cannot differentiate between the physical and logical levels. At its extreme I have seen plans for a piece of furniture that has no patent protection on it try to apply EULA copyright restrictions to your ablility to impliment the plans and claim a license fee for every instance of the furniture you build.
Oh, yeah, and a website whose legal page actually begins with "By viewing you agree to these policies . .
It's gone totally crazy out there.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:3, Informative)
What an odd concept. Virtually all chemical research is described by "speech/print." You don't document a chemical engineering technique with pictograms or multimedia; you show it by describing, in words and letters, the steps.
In fact, your distinction would relegate every single patented invention exclusively to the land of copyright. You see, since 1952, patentees have been required to describe their invention in claim language
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
You left out the fact that it might also have trademark protection.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:3, Informative)
That's completely wrong. The question of infringement boils down to a comparison of the claims - of the bare, essential, conceptual elements of the patented invention - and the embodiment accused of infringing.
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has had to correct this misconception dozens of times. Many accused infringers want to point to some feature of the patentee's product in order to mak
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
How can they then award business method patents?
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:3, Interesting)
Copyright is all about protecting particular expressions of ideas. Patent law is all about actually protecting ideas.
You can't obtain a copyright in, for instance, the idea of a certain plot, or a certain genre of song, or any other such 'idea.' Copyrighted works must be fixed, and must be a particula
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:3, Informative)
That's completely wrong. The subject of any patent, and the core protected aspect, is an inventive and novel concept. A physical object may incorporate that concept, but even then it is not the invention - it is the "embodiment" of the invention. It is a manifestiation of the inventive concept that the patent actually addresses.
This is evident in the fact that every patent has a difficult-to-ascertain quality called "breadth" - i.e., how broadly does the inve
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2, Insightful)
For which a working physical model can be submitted.
F=ma cannot be patented because it is a "pure" idea. If I tell it to you you walk away with the novel concept in its entirety and can likewise transmit to another.
A circuit board may have have a novel concept behind it, but it is the board that is patented. Something I can actually steal and physically copy. I am not allowed to steal or make
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
What "working physical model" do you expect someone to submit for a process of treating cancer by using a particular drug? Or for a complex chemical engineering technique, or a process (and composition!) of uranium enrichment, or a nuclear weapon, or a process of identifying particularly useful genes... All patentable - yet all incompatible (hopefully) with the idea of a "working physical model."
- David Stein
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
Or for a complex chemical engineering technique. .
or a process (and composition!) of uranium enrichment. .
or a nuclear weapon
That one's pretty easy. I think, perhaps, you are confusing model with identity.
or a process of identifying particularly useful genes
all incompatible (hopefully) with the idea of a "working physical model."
Exactly, because they are all (excl
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
But by your words, it must be a "working model" of the nuclear weapon. A non-working model wouldn't suffice. Your words, not mine.
Exactly, because they are all (excluding the nuclear weapon) logical contructs, not physical constructs. Traditionally trade secret territory, not patent territory.
Cancer drugs are not, and never have been, trade secret territory. The FDA would never approve a cancer drug (or the process of us
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
A small nuclear weapon would not be a working model of a nuclear weapon. It would be a nuclear weapon. A model is not the device, it is an analog of the device.
Cancer drugs are not, and never have been, trade secret territory.
You did not specify a cancer drug. You specified a process for using it. I specified that the drug itself would be submitable. It is physical, not logical.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Hey, you're the one who demanded that the models must be "working." I'm just holding you to your own proffered requirements.
You did not specify a cancer drug. You specified a process for using it. I specified that the drug itself would be submitable. It is physical, not logical. Cancer drugs are not, and never have been, trade secret territory.
So now you're suggesting that the cancer drug would and should be well-known, but that the "method of
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
How exactly do you plan to patent that?
>>Patents were invented to create a temporary monopoly on making "stuff."
>Wrong. Take a look at the first clause of our patent law, circa 1952:
"35 USC 101. Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the condition
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Well, if you're looking at the "big picture" of patents in history - patents were not invented specifically to spur "invention," either. The Venetian and English patent systems were designed to promote the rate of industrial development in a home country, but those new technologies could be claimed for a patent even if the patentee had only imported his observations of technologies in other countries. Realistically, however, they were used (1) to protect the guild system
P.S. (Score:1)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
Nope. What you patent is "a device implementing this idea" and then you describe the device in depth in such a broad (and yet oddly specific) way that can be interpreted to mean "all devices implementing this algorithm including computers" in enough courts. This is a bad hack on the legal system thought up by AT&T in the 70's when they wanted to patent Huffmann codes. The mathematicians who figured it out didn't think it should be possible to pate
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:3, Informative)
35 USC 101: "Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title."
In case you missed it, "process" is the first one.
This has been the wording of the statute since 1952. And process patents long predate 1952: in this change, the patent law only affirmed the long
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
You're mixing up patent law and copyright law.
"Sound" generally isn't patentable. It's not a machine, a manufacture, a composition of matter, or a process. I can think of hypotheticals where it might be - e.g., a "signal" claim, where the sound is
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
You're leaving out some key details about the music box. Did you make it, or buy it from someone who didn't have the right to make it? Is it being operated by you, or by someone who's not authorized to operate it, or by the patentee or one of his licensees? Are you complicit with an unauthorized manufacturer/operator in the operation of the music box?
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
I realize that there is a big difference between patent law and copyright law, and my example was intentionally stupid and making an obvious mistake according to my understanding of patents and copyright. I admit that. The reason I made the ridiculous example is that one of the major reasons people use to justify software patents is that hardware pa
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
I understand and appreciate the purpose of your analogy. We don't usually see such reasoned discussion here at Slashdot, so I appreciate it.
And now, let me destroy it. ;)
Your analogy is unwor
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1, Redundant)
Wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. Laws about ownership are for things. Patents always protect ideas. For instance, an electronic circuit is not a thing, it's an idea, just like an algorithm. Circuits have always been patentable. I really fail to see why algorithms should not be patentable, so long as they are novel and nonobvious. Can you explain why it should be possible to patent an idea for a better monkey wrench, but not an idea for a better algorithm
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Care to explain?
Patents don't exist in a state of nature; they were created because they bring a net benefit to society. For a variety of reasons, patents on algorithms impede progress and economic growth; they do not produce a net benefit to society, so they should not be granted.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
OK, I might not have been too clear. Let's say you design a new type of amplifier that has better performance than an existing one. It's certainly patentable, and it's just an idea. Just because you might implement it with transistors instead of bits doesn't mean it's substantially different.
For a variety of reasons, patents on algorithms impede progress and economic growth; they do not produce a net benefit to society, so they should not be granted.
You have not presented a shred of evide
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
I'm still confused about how something that I can hold in my hand is an idea, not a physical object.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
You can hold a CD in your hand. Does that make software a physical object?
Algorithms, being nonphysical, are able to be copied much more quickly and at much lower cost than mechanical gadgets. This has led to a computer software industry that is racing forward at incredible speed.
I fail to see why algorithms are necessarily easier or faster to copy than mechanical gadgets. The process of designing a piece
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
No, but it makes that CD a physical object. I can touch an electronic circuit with a stick. It's a physical object.
Algorithms can be stored in electronic form. Things stored electronically are necessarily easier and faster to copy th
Fencing (Score:2, Interesting)
While TFA uses the term "fence" to denote clear, definable boundaries, there's another interpretation that helps explain the essence of patent law:
The underlying purpose of the patent laws is to encourage the sharing of useful ideas. In order to get a patent you must publicly disclose how your invention wor
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
The original and valid purpose of a patent is to force them to reveal their research to the public in order to gain government protection of it.
You know, I've been complaining about software patents for years, but I don't think I ever totally understood the argument until now. Somebody (I think it was either RMS or Bruce Schneier) said that even patents like RSA shouldn't have been granted, but I never
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
And when he died, so did the formula.
Inventions were being made at a tremendous rate because there was good money to be had by having a monopoly on an invention, even without government protection. But these inventions were all being lost to human
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
But if you (as a fictive company) prefer to keep your success private you can stick to trade secrets...
It's not about those who are paying, but those who have the idea (at least that's how it was intended).
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:1)
However, when it comes to software patents; it's a mess and unmanageable at a concept level. There are far far too many finite bits of software concepts (algorithms across the board) which are unique, but completely worthless without some mechanical application of it.
Much like the article cites with the patented
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Yes, I agree this fence test is not well thought out. Take for instance a patent on a computer chip. This would pass the "fence test" because you can put a fence around a computer chip. But the underlying idea that you patent might very well be a VHDL algorithm. Why would this algorithm be patentable but not a Java program? If you want to take it a step further, think about a specification for an advanced brid
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Of course people would be "allowed to profit" from ingenuity. RIM have employed every bit as much ingenuity in creating an actual product as any patent holder over the concept of a wireless email device has done. They're not even accused of having taken the idea from the patent archives. They have profit
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
It is one case in which a company, Research in Motion, has profited from their ingenuity without relying on patents. That is by no means unusual, but it is one very visible case. The claim that it would be impossible to profit from ingenuity in the absence of patents is flat out untrue.
Whether patents give
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
If a fence test was implemented, all investment into non-physical research would be discouraged.
I seem to recall a lot of non-physical research in computers before software patents were allowed.
Just look up any conference proceedings that dates back a while, and enjoy! Look ma, no patents!!!
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
You seem to have misread the post to which you're responding. That post didn't argue that physical research would stop - only that it would be discouraged. Conversely, patents were never envisioned as an essential requirement of invention - only as an incentive. So the question is not whether or not software was developed prior to software patents - only whether or not its pace was quicker or slower.
- Davi
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
AFAIK, the original purpose of patents, In the US, was To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts [usconstitution.net]
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2)
Obviously, the drafters of the EU constitution wanted to avoid the "errors" of their US peers, which "inadvertedly" gave too much liberties to the populace, and not enough to honest businessmen...
Means and Ends Confused (Score:2)
Not at all. That's the theoretical mechanism for the *actual* goal of patents: to provide for the progress in useful arts and sciences.
The profit motive can be a great incentive, but this is almost a poster child example of how easily it tends to distract people and make them confused about means and ends.
Re:Investment, risk, compensation (Score:2, Informative)
The original purpose of a patent is to encourage people to invent things which better society as a whole, by offering them a temporary monopoly over their invention in return for its eventual release to the Public Domain for the benefit of everyone. If an invention is any good, it will recoup its development costs and maybe make a little profit but that is a side-
I have software patents (Score:1, Funny)
Re:I have software patents (Score:2)
First dupe? (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:WTF??? (Score:2)
Given that neither of us had the composure to come up with "Sorry, Zonk. Cmdr Taco has TEH PRIOR ART on this story!!", I say we should both slink away in shame.
From Soft to Hard (Score:3, Funny)
So if the boundary for patent legitimacy... (Score:3, Insightful)
It seems to me that the most basic problem with the patent system is that patents can be written in language which no one, even if "skilled in the art" (as is supposed to be the case, but obviously isn't) can clearly understand unambiguously. That causes at least two problems - patent examiners are left befuddled, leading to undeserved patents issued. Secondly, and even more importantly, since patents are supposed to force disclosure to benefit the public (after the patent term expires), having a bunch of claims buried in obfuscating language defeats the purpose.
Re:So if the boundary for patent legitimacy... (Score:2)
How are the two related at all? I can touch things like car parts, but how does that have anything to do with who invented them?
The fact of the matter is that at the present time, patents that are applied to software really still apply to tangible products -- things like a CD-ROM (tape, hard d
Re:So if the boundary for patent legitimacy... (Score:1)
Re:So if the boundary for patent legitimacy... (Score:2)
Or the method of operating the data processing system (using the code) -- which sounds like the same thing, but turns out (from a legal viewpoint) to be somewhat different. An apparatus claim covers an actual phsyical implementation, where a method claim covers its operation. There are legal limitations on how each type of claim can be enforced.
A method claim can
Re:So if the boundary for patent legitimacy... (Score:1)
Re:So if the boundary for patent legitimacy... (Score:1)
When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less. If you didn't understand what I meant, then why do you presume to correct me?
Re: (Score:2)
Re:I strongly hope that Blackberry loses! (Score:2)
In the news.. (Score:4, Insightful)
re Thanks Great Read! (Score:1)
Thanks for posting the link to Spider Robison's Melancholy Elephants. It is a great read and something that legislators should have rammed into their brains!
Re:In the news.. (Score:1)
Re:In the news.. (Score:1)
QED (Score:3, Funny)
All Software is mathematical algorithms.
Therefore, software cannot be patented.
The Slate can shove it.
Re:QED (Score:5, Interesting)
Its a good example of applying an obvious concept to a new application. Every TV set ever made uses an XOR to add and erase the HSync signal in the VSync, but that isn't drawing a line, so it doesn't count as prior art. Thank you, USPTO.
Re:QED (Score:2)
Is true...but (Score:2)
Unfortunately the USPTO is rather lax about applying its own criterea to patents nowadays.
My new patent: "select * from" (Score:2, Funny)
I, hereby, charge a $1 licensing fee per instance of my patented algorithm used in all commercial or commercially viable applications.
- smarta**geekgrrl
Who is "they"? (Score:1)
They want to fix the PTO to ensure that only the best, truly novel inventions get a patent...
Who decides which inventions are the best and truly novel? To note two inventions mentioned in the article, the Blackberry may be great for on-the-road execs, but it doesn't mean squat to my neighbor-lady. The cat exerciser may be great for my neighbor-lady, but the Blackberry won't do her any good.
I would assume that "they" refers to the big companies who want to get "their" patents appro
Re:Who is "they"? (Score:1)
The Concept of Software Patents Makes Sense (Score:2, Informative)
Many of the points in the article were really stupid.
The analogy about fences protecting pieces of real estate made no sense at all -- putting a fence around your land hasn't enabled anyone to patent their piece of property! Furthermore I could do a
Wrong (Score:1)
It's an out-dated concept which only serves large corporations, and even then, not in a particularly effective way. It reduces information sharing, which means it increases the cost of innovation - which clearly causes harm to the greater good.
Re:Wrong (Score:2)
Actually patents were originally implemented to protect the little guys from the large corporations. By patenting something you were able to publicly disclose your inventions saying "this is my idea," and not have any disputes about who invented what or when. First in, best dressed.
It's not patents which are broken, it's the f**king lawyers, their nit-picking, their loophole-finding and t
Re:Wrong (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:The Concept of Software Patents Makes Sense (Score:2)
You're reading too deep into the analogy. As another commenter already pointed out, the idea is that if you can't build a fence around it, it's not patentable. Nobody is talking about patenting property.
Many other disciplines, including material science, chemical process design, and the article's own pet area of molecular design itse
Re:The Concept of Software Patents Makes Sense (Score:2)
Really? And all these years I thought it was what you rode around in on your vacation. Silly me!
Re:The Concept of Software Patents Makes Sense (Score:2)
Mickey Mouse is real, too. Disney can't patent Mickey Mouse. They can copyright him, but they can't patent him. Regardless of the way you want to define how something is "real," that doesn't necessarily make them patentable.
Re:The Concept of Software Patents Makes Sense (Score:2)
Are you willing to say that the ability to "protect" or "fence" a certain category of property is sufficient grounds to make that category of property patentable?
No. There are several requirements for a patent [bitlaw.com], but whether or not it's protectable is not one of them.
Re:The Concept of Software Patents Makes Sense (Score:2)
Re:The Concept of Software Patents Makes Sense (Score:2)
Computer Science may be a branch of mathematics, but software development is a lot more complicated than that. That's like saying pottery is a branch of chemistry, because it's just working with materials that are designed to change their physical structure when you bake them in a kiln. Science only provides the tools, in both these cases.
A patent alternative? (Score:1)
Wouldn't work at all (Score:2)
Patentability 101 (Score:3, Informative)
Patent laws usually require that, in order for an invention to be patentable,
* it must be of patentable subject matter, ie a kind of subject-matter that is eligible for patent protection,
* be novel,
* be non-obvious (in United States patent law) or involve an inventive step (in European patent law);
* be useful (in U.S. patent law) or be susceptible of industrial application (in European patent law).
[* see below for formal conditions such as 'sufficiency of disclosure')]
Usually the term "patentability" only refers to "substantive" conditions, and does not refer to formal conditions such as the "sufficiency of disclosure", the "unity of invention" or the "best mode requirement".
Under United States patent law, inventorship is also regarded as a patentability criterion.
--source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patentability [wikipedia.org]
Physical patents are by far more evil (Score:4, Interesting)
This is becuase software patents are about controlling information, but hardware patnets are about physical controll. To controll information often requires BS and deception, but to controll physically often requires physical coercion and violence.
Just as the false property of slavery was destined to end in a violent civil war as those who "owned" slaves lost controll, physical patents brought to their logical conclusion will result in the violent death of billions as society enters into the replication age and physical creation becomes more and more imposible to controll for the sake of monopolizing profit. In some ways we are already seeing a warm up. Millions in africa die of AIDS because access to generics are forbidden, millions of elderly are strongly pressured into using drugs which may lock in markets, but have all sorts of strange hidden side effects because the natural alternatives can't be patented. Safety devices on cars don't get installed causing 1000s of unneded deaths per year because other auto companies own the patent and won't let it be used. Billions and billions of incompatable parts and pieces to appliances that have no need to be incompatable except for patents. (and billions of uneeded enviromental waste because of it). The examples go on and on...
Barriers to entry (Score:5, Insightful)
This is why software patents "feel" different to the Slashdot audience. None of us think we will infringe on a patent for an anti-depressant, but we don't like the idea of infringing on some obvious patented algorithm just by writing a few lines of code.
The coming patent Apocalypse (Score:3, Interesting)
I stronly suspect that no professional programmer has not infringed on US software patents. I occasionally do a keyword search for "computer" on the USPTO to see the latest tech patents, and I'm always appalled by what comes up.
It's not that they even always violate the rules of the USPTO -- sure, for a lot o
Is "Deep Concern" justified? (Score:2)
How much intellectual property value is there in any software patent that can't be recovered within, say, three to five years? What software patents are actively being used to generate significant revenue? How long are they likely to continue generating that income? Could a transition period like that make sense?
Re:Barriers to entry (Score:3, Insightful)
This makes some sense for things like drugs that require large investments to develop. Take away the patents, and, yes, you do
a plague (Score:3, Interesting)
Physically protect ... (Score:1)
Re:NTL??? (Score:2)
That's hardly the only problem with this Slashdot posting. It swallows wholesale one of the core problems with the original article: that NTP v. Blackberry is somehow a "software patent" case. On the contrary, the patents at issue in this case involve both software and hardware claims. Consider, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 5,734,961 [uspto.gov], which contains 12 method claims and 17 apparatus claims.
If the patent had been exclusively hardware-based, the dispute would not change one whit. In fact, the onl
Re:Software...Patents??? (Score:2)
Let's say someone patents a new machine that makes some cool sounds. Their patent a machine and use of the machine (method and apparatus seems to be the term people use here) that produces a specific set of sounds. The purpose of the patent is to protect the process of using the machine for making those sounds. Then I legally buy the machine and can legally use it and I record the machine's output onto CD's and sell them