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The Courts Government News

Mothers Taking the Fight to the RIAA 635

An anonymous reader writes "p2pnet is reporting that two more single mothers are refusing to be victimized by the RIAA. Patricia Santagelo was one of the first to stand up and fight the lawsuits, which some say resemble protection racket schemes. Now Dawnell Leadbetter of Seattle and Tanya Andersen of Oregon have decided to follow suit and stand up against the recording industry behemoth. From the article: 'Don't let your fear of these massive companies allow you to deny your belief in your own innocence. Paying these settlements is an admission of guilt. If you're not guilty of violating the law, don't pay.'"
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Mothers Taking the Fight to the RIAA

Comments Filter:
  • Good (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:05PM (#13591593)
    Fuck the RIAA. Maybe when they get their business model out of the stone age, I'll consent to give them money once more.
    • Re:Good (Score:5, Funny)

      by thejynxed ( 831517 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @06:21PM (#13592056)
      Everyone knows they have a new business model now. It's called: Sue children, single mothers, grandparents and yes, even dead people in some cases. So, at least in theory, their business model has evolved somewhat.
  • by crispybit ( 749599 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:05PM (#13591594) Homepage
    Now that the women are taking care of business, crap will get done
  • But... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:09PM (#13591614)
    It doesn't matter whether you're guilty or not. It doesn't matter whether or not their accusations are true.

    They are more powerful than you because they have more money than you, and that's all that matters in the United States in 2005.
    • Re:But... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ScentCone ( 795499 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @07:33PM (#13592423)
      They are more powerful than you because they have more money than you, and that's all that matters in the United States in 2005

      Which is why you can get a $20-million settlement for spilling your hot coffee in your lap while driving, or $250-million from a pharmaceutical company whose product had nothing to do with the death of your already cardio-dying husband.

      The seemingly-crazy imbalance in the courts is scarcely all going one direction.

      I'd be a lot happier, of course, if people who clearly did not deserve an incoming suit (say, because some single mom's wireless net connection was being hijacked by the 13-year-old next door who WAS too cheap to pay for his entertainment) could, with no real resources of their own, countersue to recover their legal expenses and the loss of their time and energy. On the other hand, nobody's got a decent reason, at this point, for pretending shock if they get a wake-up letter from anyone that holds a copyright when they're caught red handed abusing it.
      • Re:But... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by mOdQuArK! ( 87332 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @08:07PM (#13592605)
        The seemingly-crazy imbalance in the courts is scarcely all going one direction.

        That's called backlash - what you get when you get a bunch of normal citizens being referees for a David-and-Goliath match, and they collectively make up their minds that Goliath's representatives are mind-boggling assholes. It's the kind of result you might expect in a society where there are huge class differences, but you still have the remnants of a jury-by-common-citizen system.

        I think if you looked carefully at the statistics though, this kind of citizen backlash occurs infrequently compared to the times when the common citizen gets screwed over by entities with lots of money & legal representation.

      • Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)

        by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @08:25PM (#13592688)
        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Re:But... (Score:5, Insightful)

          by back_pages ( 600753 ) <back_pages@c[ ]net ['ox.' in gap]> on Sunday September 18, 2005 @10:40PM (#13593333) Journal
          This case is constantly thrown around as being an example of frivolity since nobody actually bothers to look into the details. People who actually do the research typically view it as a very fair ruling.

          Right, right. But see, you happen to know what you're talking about, and you're talking about it on Slashdot. Now we cue proverbs about casting pearls before swine, etc., and pen some cynical post about idiots on the internet.

          Then, predictably, a few ACs will respond with barely coherent one-liners, someone will get moderated +5 Informative or -1 Flamebait (hint: they're the same thing on Slashdot) and then some community college drop-out will share some dime store philosophy.

          Eventually, the entire internet can be replaced by a very short script.

          Me? I'm just the cynical oh-so-clever guy who thinks his cynicism makes him witty. So the fuck what?

          By the way - thanks for explaining the McDonald's coffee thing. Someone should write a thesis on belligerent ignorance regarding that story. I've read the factual explanation no fewer than 5 times over the years, yet some people insist on the fantasy version. Eventually the urban legend must be replaced by the real version, since the truth is hardly a secret. Right?

          Woah, holy crap. I think my cynicism failed me for a second. This ignorance will never die. Seriously, man, why try?

        • Re:But... (Score:4, Informative)

          by zakezuke ( 229119 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @10:54PM (#13593388)
          Now, McDonalds sold their coffee far hotter than is generally accepted. How hot? 180-190 degrees F. This, IIRC, is about 30 degrees hotter than it is usually served at, and is hot enough to cause THIRD-DEGREE burns in as little as two seconds.

          I remember McDonnalds coffee before this lawsuit. I bought it from time to time to clean engines. Some nice foamy engine bright to soften up the grease and their coffee to rince. Amazing stuff... it came out of the percolator boiling... as in it was still boiling when it hit the cup. However I eventually had to stop using it as after using it it would peal off the paint from the engine block. Not good.

          Can't say I ever actually drank the stuff, it wasn't possible, not without burning your mouth.

  • by KiloByte ( 825081 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:09PM (#13591615)
    Paying these settlements is an admission of guilt. If you're not guilty of violating the law, don't pay.
    Wrong. Your only choice lies between paying a few k dollars to an extortionist company, or getting many millions to be able to afford lawyers and stand through the trial. It's not something an average person can do, so the choice boils down to either paying the extortion or suffering a personal bankcrupcy.
    You're a citizen, not a company. You have no rights.
    • by dougmc ( 70836 ) <> on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:20PM (#13591686) Homepage
      Wrong. Your only choice lies between paying a few k dollars to an extortionist company, or getting many millions to be able to afford lawyers and stand through the trial.
      It wouldn't cost millions to defend agaisnt the charges. Thousands, yes -- far more than the RIAA is asking for -- but not millions. Sure, you could spend millions, but you don't have to.

      Ultimately, if you're going to fight this sort of thing, you'll want to not have too many assets, so if you do lose, you don't lose much. (Even a billion dollar judgement isn't worth much if the guy the judgement is against only has $6.)

      You'll also want to have enough money to get some competent legal representation. The two normally do not go hand in hand -- usually when you have enough to defend yourself, you have so much to lose that it's safer to just pay. In fact, it's generally cheaper to just pay, even if you're poor, which seems to be what our entire civil court system is based on.

      In any event, you may not need even thousands of dollars to defend yourself. You can spend as little or as much as you want on your defense -- the more you spend, the better the odds of winning, but even if you spend $0 and represent yourself, there is a chance that you'll win. It's also possible that some lawyers may work on your case pro-bono (since it would be good for a lot of advertising for them, especially if they won) and it's also possible that the EFF or ACLU may help defray your legal expenses if they decide that your case is strong enough to warrant their help.

      Of course, there's also a very good chance that the RIAA won't push any cases far enough to actually go to trial. After all, so far they have a perfect record -- no losses -- and they won't want to risk that unless they're sure they can win -- and the people that are sure to lose are not the people who are likely to fight it.

      • It wouldn't cost millions to defend agaisnt the charges. Thousands, yes -- far more than the RIAA is asking for -- but not millions. Sure, you could spend millions, but you don't have to.

        Sometimes all it takes is a little technical knowledge and a sternly worded letter. I was a victim of one of the EMI extortion attempts. It turned out the software they were accusing me of running didn't run on any operating system anyone using my block of IP's used, plus my ISP firewall made it impossible for these first g
        • I made an almost similar point when the first challege was reported. What's to stop them from reporting a most of or an entire IP block to an ISP to get the subscriber information? If you challenge how they got the IPs in court they can claim they received it from a "reliable" paid contractor and cannot explain becuse it would violate industry secrets or some BS like that.

          "and the IP address they presented as "evidence" wasn't yet allocated to a computer, nor was it available to DHCP hosts"

          Interesting, sinc
    • Your only choice lies between paying a few k dollars to an extortionist company, or getting many millions to be able to afford lawyers and stand through the trial.

      IANAL.... And these are civil suits. However, the RIAA has behaved so badly in court so far, that I seriously doubt that it would be that hard to beat them. The facts are that often they don't have a strong case in these matters, so they have to spend the bulk of their money constructing a straw house. I commend these individuals for standing
    • Sure they've got millions of dollars but how many people are they suing? What if every person stood up to them? I'm betting they'd feel that hit on the wallet.
      • Well, then they'd be screwed, on several levels.

        This isn't just about the financial incentive to extort people out of cash. It's mostly about racking up numbers for PR purposes. Unfortunately, all it appears to have done thus far is encourage filesharing.
  • by suitepotato ( 863945 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:10PM (#13591624) most applicable. They are accusing based on evidence that would not stand up even in most civil courts never mind criminal, demanding a settlement before the filing of any suit, and then refusing to negotiate regarding said settlement, all on the basis that defending yourself is more expensive than paying. This is indeed a protection racket and the RICO hammer needs to be wielded against the RIAA.

    I hope some crusading federal DAs have their children targeted and decide to go after the RIAA.
    • I dunno. I mean, well. We, the people, have defined rights. Some of those rights are property rights. I mean, there is no INTRINSIC ownership, past, I am bigger and stronger and can TAKE this/keep you from taking it. Society, civilization creates rights. It creates property rights amongst others. It defines those rights in Law.

      Currently, our laws provide for physical property laws, and intellectual property laws. You want to crusade to change the IP laws? Great. I dont think most people who want
    • I agree 100%; this activity deserves application of the RICO hammer. This is basically the actions of a corporate mafia.

      The longer the RIAA gets away with this, the federal DAs stand silent, the less any of us should feel that our government is for the people. When the government becomes corrupt, there is only one course to take for the citizenry ...
    • IIRC, RICO can be exercised as an ordinary civil suit, you just have to be able to state a claim for damages. In this case I would think that Anderson would have a claim for the stress factor this RIAA BS is causing her.

      I hope she's reading this, more money for her and her attorney.

      BTW, this is why you NEVER want to limit what attorneys or you can recover in lawsuits - because sometimes regular attys have to do the hard work that govt. either will not do, or when govt. is acting against you (as in criminali
  • by jarich ( 733129 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:11PM (#13591626) Homepage Journal
    They are (generally) going after people who can't afford to fight...

    I wonder how much it would affect the strategy is large numbers of objectors banded together to create a massive defense fund. Retain a few lawyers and offer to defend anyone who is accused.

    • The other option [] is for one very generous lawyer to take a couple of the cases to court, and get enough motions passed and maybe get a couple cases thrown out, so that the RIAA has to get real, actual, very solid proof of a crime before they take someone to court.

      This is the exact option that Ray Beckerman of Beldock Levine & Hoffman is taking. Mrs. Santangelo is said to be paying half rate, but given that she couldn't get a lawyer at all before Ray Beckerman came along, it's possible that the actual

    • by patio11 ( 857072 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @11:24PM (#13593505)
      Yeah, you'll be SO effective at persuading massive numbers of objectors to contribute thousands of dollars to defense funds when they're too cheap to buy songs for 99 cents on iTunes.
  • New Org (Score:5, Funny)

    by oiper ( 575250 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:11PM (#13591627) Homepage Journal
    MARIAA. That does make a nice acronym.
  • by infonography ( 566403 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:12PM (#13591635) Homepage
    "This is the RIAA Collective," they said menacingly. "Prepare to be assimilated. We will add your Financial and topographical distinctiveness to our own. You will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

    That and we don't got dates for Saturday.
  • by PornMaster ( 749461 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:14PM (#13591643) Homepage
    From TFA, she sounds like someone who'd be on dialup. The RIAA should thank all the people on P2P on dialup for pissing people off with long download times and making them go out and buy the CD.
  • and... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Marvin_OScribbley ( 50553 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:19PM (#13591673) Homepage Journal
    If you're not guilty of violating the law, don't pay.

    You know if you are guilty or not. If a court of law says you're guilty but you know you're not, still don't pay.
    • Re:and... (Score:3, Insightful)

      The parent post is not insightful at all. Maybe funny. If the court of law says you're guilty, you are going to pay the punishment, or else you'll suffer even worse consequences. (Fine -> higher fine -> jail time)
  • by petrus4 ( 213815 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:20PM (#13591682) Homepage Journal
    "Only follow the law when the law is just."

    Ordinary Americans desperately need, now, to begin to take back their country. If they leave it much longer, they themselves will not be the only ones to suffer consequences at the hands of their government and groups like the RIAA. The Australian government has already begun passing draconian laws of its own, following the cue of Bush, and I have no doubt that more will follow.

    Technology is such these days that it is no longer good enough to merely talk about removing a dictatorial regime after it has come to power. In this case, it's not merely prevention being better than cure...Prevention may be our only option.
    • by east coast ( 590680 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:30PM (#13591741)
      The Australian government has already begun passing draconian laws of its own, following the cue of Bush

      What laws would those be and how exactly do they relate to Bush? I'm all for people taking controll but it seems like ever fucktard out there thinks that everything was all milk and honey until Bush took office.

      "Ahistorical - you think this shit just dropped right out of the sky
      My analysis: it's time to harvest the crust from your eyes" - Fugazi
  • Civil Litigation (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Detritus ( 11846 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:31PM (#13591746) Homepage
    Like the song says, "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose". Threats of lawsuits and huge fines are not going to be effective against people with no assets.

    What happens in civil court when you show up and tell the judge that you can't afford to hire a lawyer?

    • Re:Civil Litigation (Score:3, Informative)

      by mrchaotica ( 681592 )

      What happens in civil court when you show up and tell the judge that you can't afford to hire a lawyer?

      You defend yourself, or lose by default. The right to have a lawyer appointed to defend you only applies to criminal court.

      So, the sequence is thus:

      1. Get sued
      2. Try to defend yourself without a lawyer
      3. Lose
      4. Declare bankruptcy, therefore ruining your financial future
      5. Become initiated into the fun world of martyrdom!
      6. Repeat above steps several thousand times
      7. ...
      8. [No more] profit [for the RIAA]!!

      (I'm beginning

      • Far more likely that you would settle for a very small fraction of their initial demand so that they can avoid spending tens of thousands on legal fees that they would never recover.

        BTW US Federal courts make substantial allowances for pro se defendants.
    • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @09:20PM (#13592951) Homepage
      Slashdot user 11846: Your unauthorized use of Kris Kristofferson's IP and it's dissemination to millions of people on the internet is unconscionably un-American. However, we are willing to compromise and defer a civil suit if you admit guilt and bring a penalty of 3,500 dollars in small, non-sequential bills to the northwest corner of 1330 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, DC.

      Come alone.

      The RIAA

  • by SuperDuG ( 134989 ) <be.eclec@tk> on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:37PM (#13591790) Homepage Journal
    My biggest fear though is that this is just a ploy to knock the settlement figure down to a more acceptable level. The RIAA knows it can't save face and NOT sue the people they subpoena. That does not mean they can't convince you to settle their multimillion dollar lawsuit for a few bucks.

    I hope they keep up and tell the RIAA where they can shove their lawsuit. All it will take is one judge to rule in favor of any one of these single mothers to set a JUDICIAL PRECEDENCE nullifying every other case the RIAA tries to file.

    Now back to reality, this will probably not happen this way. I'm not saying that the right to download a song is the exact same as the right to die or right to chose what to do with your own body, but everyone knows that these lawsuits are rediculous.

    I hope they stick with it until the end, through all the appeals ... and win one for everyone. This is where we all knew that it would come down to. Whichever one of these cases actually makes it to court, will be the case that people refer to.

    Lets just wait and see.

  • Sad to say... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by zappepcs ( 820751 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @05:59PM (#13591913) Journal
    But the RIAA is a perfect example of why many people around the globe have the feeling that most of the USA is full of nut-jobs!!

    What a load this trivial seeming crap puts on the justice system.... just outlaw the RIAA, revoke their copyrights, returning them to the artists and be done with it. The artists are not profiting from these lawsuits. Turning everyone from 18 to 80 into white collar criminals is so unbalanced as to be laughable.

    I hope these women make a dent in the RIAA money stash. I no longer care if the *AA have any valid arguments, their behavior is disgusting, and continues to be.

    What a sham! Trying to force a single mom, too ill to work, into debtors prison, or its equivelent? Anything with dignity, legality, and general social validity rarely ever culminates in such outlandish situations... at least not that I can think of.

    So how does America (and the world) get the attention of sensible members of the justice system? How does the public reverse this trend? Don't tell me how they were criminal and wrong and deserve to be prosecuted. There is no smoke without fire, and the stories of such ludicrous racketeering behavior is probably just the smoke.. not the fire.

    Its just disgusting...
  • by Alain Williams ( 2972 ) <> on Sunday September 18, 2005 @06:07PM (#13591967) Homepage
    When I first got my computer set up almost three years ago, I had a friend set it up for me since I did not know how to do it. She had put Kaaza Lite on there and told me what it was. I never used it and had no interest in doing so. I deleted it since I had no use for it.

    It looks possible that Kaaza was on her machine, but that she was unaware that it was there and what it was doing, for the purpose of this comment I shall assume that this was the case. (I am a Brit and so from an understanding of UK law).

    Several independent points:

    1. Should not the RIAA go after the friend who installed Kaaza, since it was she that caused the computer to ''perform illegal activities'' ?
    2. There is a notion in law of ''intent'', ie you need to intend to do something to he held liable. So should Ms Andersen be liable for something that was performed by her computer when it was not her intent that the computer do this ?
    3. If my dog causes you some damage I am, as it's owner and the dog being under my control, liable for that and responsible for putting it right (ie paying). However: if my cat causes the same damage I am not liable since the law recognises that a cat cannot be controlled.

      Can we make an analogy in law between liability of pet activity and liability of computer activity ?

      In theory a computer is completely under its owner's control, but many people lack sufficient understanding of their machines to control it properly; what is the situation when a computer is hijacked by some malware that (unknown to the owner) causes damage (needless to say this happens frequently) ?

    I think that the last 2 points are very important, I am not aware that they have discussed -- now is the time to debate this very important issue.

    I would love to know what the law decides: is a computer like a dog or a cat ?

  • $$$ money (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Kludge ( 13653 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @06:18PM (#13592031)
    How do we send these women money?
  • by Sundroid ( 777083 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @06:18PM (#13592038) Homepage
    Let's say someone "illegally" downloaded 2,000 songs, but evidently he did not download 2,000 songs by the same artist, because no rocker is that talented yet. So, a rough but likely scenario is this: this person downloaded 5 songs by Metallica, 3 songs by Vanilla Ice, 6 songs by Britney Spears, and so on. With the value of each downloaded song being worth 99 cents, the financial tally sheet goes something like: this person owes Metallica 5 dollars, Vanilla Ice 3 dollars, Britney Spears 6 dollars, etc, you get the picture.

    Here is the point: this person owes Metallica 5 dollars only if Metallica demands it; if Britney Spears decides not to ask for the 6 dollars she really does not need, then RIAA does not have a case as far as Mrs. Federline is concerned. We now know that many musicians are against RIAA's draconian way of suing the downloaders, but are afraid to voice their opinions for fear of offending their musician colleagues, I therefore suggest, as a legal tactic, that these single mothers publish their lists of "allegedly stolen" songs and publicly ask these artists if they want their 5, or 3, or 6 dollars paid to them. In other words, ignore RIAA, and go straight to the musicians, who, I'm almost positive, are more reasonable.
  • geolocation (Score:5, Informative)

    by E8086 ( 698978 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @06:39PM (#13592140)
    This may sound bad/conspiracy theory-ish.
    I'm starting to wonder if the RITA* is using geolocation with the lists of IPs they bought from some possibly questionable collection/data mining agency. I don't remember the last time I heard of a middle or upper class kid getting sued, but they probably have a prepaid no limit iTunes account to go with their 60GB iPod photo. Are they sueing people who in most cases cannot affort their minimum $3500 settlement. They seem to be relying on lists of numners bought from IP harversters and taking what they get as 100% correct and never infallible. My advice to anyone who is unfortunately being sued an as far as they know they have done nothing wrong is how they got their information on you. If someone is using dialup and disconnects data will still be sent to that IP for some time, especially if they were requesting information from P2P apps, maybe kazaa supernodes.

    It's possible that the requests were made several minutes before the IP was assigned to them but with the low response time you get with dialup, by the time the RITA snitches' packet sniffers got hold of it the "infringing" IP was assigned to someone else. I used Verizon DSL a few yrs ago before optimumonline was available in the area. The policy was one IP per house but you could connect as many PCs as you want. Without a router to keep a semi-static IP I'd go through lots of IPs a day since I turned my PC off when I left. For at least 20min after connecting ZoneAlarm would record pages of logs from traffic intended for the previous user of the IP, the IPs appeared to be immediately reassigned. I've on seen one takedown notice with logs, the inital detection and followup detection times were 20sec appart. With checking times only 20sec appart it's very possible that the packets they sniffed were going to another person but were time delayed.

    Challenge the sources, if they're unwilling to reveal them then they're no more credible than kid A telling the teacher claiming that kid B did something bad or McCarthy's list of Communists that he never let anyone else see.

    *I've stopped called the RIAA the RIAA, it's really the RITA Recording Industry Trust of America
  • by Venik ( 915777 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @07:44PM (#13592475)
    A hypothetical scenario (not that it can ever really happen): you - a complete computer ignoramus - went to Best Buy and bought one of those strange devices with two pencil-like protrusions on the top that, the salesman said, will let you access your lame AOL from your laptop without running any network cables. You came home, followed the "Easy Installation Guide" and... IT WORKED, to your complete astonishment. The same day Jack - a pizza-faced college student and your next-door neighbor - cancelled his expensive Comcast broadband, because he just discovered a high-speed WAP that some loozer (you) left completely unprotected (courtesy of the Easy Installation Guide). Jack is a big fan of eMule and an mp3 connoisseur. In a couple of months you receive a "settlement offer" from the RIAA gang, suggesting that you sell your car and wardrobe to pay for all those Metallica "hits" that you supposedly downloaded. After searching through AOL and discovering that Metallica is some sort of a musical band, you tell RIAA to shove it. They decide to drag you into court. Question: how can they prove your guilt? A follow-up question: how can you prove your innocence?
  • by NotFamous ( 827147 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @08:14PM (#13592639) Homepage Journal
    A made-for-tv movie staring Lindsay Wagner. Her physically-challenged daughter is just starting to make progress by listening to P2P songs when suddenly the RIAA files a lawsuit against them both. Only a last-minute visit from Madonna stops the plans of the evil RIAA. Yup.
  • All we need is a few more viruses that download songs from p2p networks, and these lawsuits would disappear completely.
  • by SonicSpike ( 242293 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @08:52PM (#13592819) Journal
    My major in college was the study of the recording industry. I am an audio engineer but have had a couple of law courses focusing on the rec industry.

    Here are some of my brief notes from my copyright law course. Some of this is kind of random, scattered and dissheleved.

    There are currently 3 types of property in the US:
    1) Personal - should be obvious 2) Real - and/buildings 3) "Intellectual"

    There are mostly 3 tyes of "Intellectual Properties"
    1) Patents - systems, processess, formulas, etc 2) Copyrights - original writings or works of art from an author or artist 3) Trademarks - logo, name, design, slogan 4) Trade Secrets - anything a company uses secretly which is not patented

    Trademark conflicts are between businesses and is based on geographic location and which industry it is used in. When courts try trademark cases they base their decision on the objective of "causing the least amount of confusion in rhe market place"

    Novelty and inventiveness are required for a patent, but not for a copyright.

    Anything that has a minimal degree of creativity meets the threshold for copyright can be copyrighted

    A creative work is copyrighted the instant it is put in the form of a tangiable medium.


    What can be copyrighted?
    Literary works, musical works (including lyrics), dramatic works (music too), pantemines, cheorographic works, pictorial, graphic, scupltural work, motion picture, a/v works, animations, sound recordings, archetectual works.

    As the owner of a copyright what rights do you have?
    - Reproduction - Authorize derivivative works - Distribution - Public Performance - Public Display
    - Digital Transmission (DMCA)

    Copyright litigation:
    The 3 questions asked by the court:
    - Who owns the valid copyrigt - Was there unlawful copying by the defendent - Substansiality and/or similarity

    The remedies for a civil copyright infringment are this
    1- Injunctions (preliminary and permant) 2- Impoundment and/or destruction 3- Damages (fines/restrictions) damages can be actual (plantiff loss + defendent gains) or statuatory (as defined by law) 4- Court costs and attorney fees

    Statuatory damages and court costs/attorney fees are not availble remedies to the plantiff unless the work was registered with the US Copyright Office PRIOR to the infringment by the defendent.

    Statury damages can be as low as $200 per infringment for an innocent infringment but as high as $150,000 for a willful infringment.

    To have infringment:
    1- Plantiff must have ownership of valid copyright 2- Unlawful copying must have taken place 3- Access must be proven; direct (defendent saw/heard copy of work); indirect (access is inferred by wide dissemination) 4- Similarity; 4 types- identical; striking, substantial, insubstantial

    Criminal infringment:
    Willful infringment for commercial advantage or private financial gain by the sale of 10 or more copies or retail value of $2,500 or more within a 6 month period.
    Penalties: $250,000 fines for a person or $500,000 for an entity and/or imprisonment 5 years for first offense, 10 years for second offense.

    Constructive knowledge - once a work of art is registered with the USCO it is presumed that the defendent is aware of the copyright.

    What is fair use? It is a defense against alleged copyright infringment
    The courts evaluate 4 elements in defining fair use:
    - Nature of the work (factual vs fictional) - Nature of the use (commercial vs educational vs private vs public) - Amount and substantiality (using the hook/chorus or verse) - The effect on the commercial market place (more weight has been given to this one recently)

    There is concept called the idea/expression dichotomy. The expression of the facts can be copyrighted but the facts themselves cannot.

    There is a concept called the Merger Doctrine; there
  • by TheNucleon ( 865817 ) on Sunday September 18, 2005 @11:16PM (#13593473)
    I understand that a key issue here is whether or not the (potential) defendants violated copyright. But a lot of the responses have been variations of "what can we do about the RIAA, and the unchecked power of corporate America".

    So, I say, we sidestep the whole issue, and just start enjoying media that artists release under Creative Commons [] licensing. That is, tell the RIAA, in your face! There is LOTS of good music (and other work) out there that can be had freely. Sure, it's not the bubblegum stuff you're hearing on KRAP radio, but lots of it is really worth listening to.

    The more we adopt alternate methods, the more the power will slip away from the current abusers. It's not a total solution, but it's a place to start.

  • by gelfling ( 6534 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @06:53AM (#13594820) Homepage Journal
    I think what the RIAA is experiencing is the inevitable backlash of randomly suing people for any reason or no reason at all. And let's be clear, randomly suing people is merely a business angle, another revenue stream. It has nothing at all to do with so called rights. That of course is laughable.

    No what the recording industry is experimenting with is suing their customer base randomly as a new source of revenue in and of itself. It's like local police departments that periodically grind out thousands of traffic tickets. Fair? Of course not. Business as usual? Sure.

That does not compute.
