Businesses To Be Censored on Use of Olympics 520
pitpe writes "The BBC reports that the proposed London 2012 Olympics Bill bans the use of words related to the Olympics by non-sponsors, including 'Olympic', '2012', 'gold', 'summer' and 'games', amongst others. The bill is aimed at
ensuring corporate sponsors, who have provided £790m of the IOC's £2.25bn marketing revenue over the last four years, will not be deterred by 'ambush marketing' where rivals to the official sponsors try to take advantage, but businesses warn it could make it technically illegal for pubs to use chalkboards to flag up coverage of the Games." From the article: "The London 2012 website has already posted a warning listing a string of Olympic-related words and images that are off limits to all but official sponsors. And advertisers' representatives have criticised the new Olympics bill because they believe it will make it almost impossible for most companies to even acknowledge that the Games are happening without getting into trouble. "
UK Govt Introduces Reserved Olympic Letter Law (Score:5, Funny)
Prime Minister Tony Blair passionately, though unintelligibly, defended the controversial law, saying that "t[h]e I[O]C s [h]ave [it] [q]uite cl[ea]r that [o]ur role [is] [t]o def[en]d the i[n]ve[stm]en[t]s of [l]egiti[mat]e [adve]rti[s]er[s]" who have signed on with the IOC.
Blair also pointed to the limited timeframe of the bill, which only allows surveillance during a two-year period before and after the bill, and said that this showed that public opinion had been considered strongly during the formulation period. "[Wh]at m[or]e [d]o th[ey] wa[nt]?" he asked rhetorically
Free Software Foundation founder and figurehead Richard M. Stallman was unavailable comment. A source close to the activist said that "he's working on renaming GCC in Cyrillic".
Re:UK Govt Introduces Reserved Olympic Letter Law (Score:5, Funny)
Re:UK Govt Introduces Reserved Olympic Letter Law (Score:3, Funny)
Re:UK Govt Introduces Reserved Olympic Letter Law (Score:5, Funny)
The "Asshole Games"(tm)?
Has a certain ring^H^H^H^Hasshole to it, doesn't it?.
Alternatively, one could solicit a bid from microsoft to buy the entire british language, so that any use outside properly licensed Microsoft products incurs extra fees, includiong from the IOC. Just think how much money the government could make!
Re:UK Govt Introduces Reserved Olympic Letter Law (Score:3, Informative)
Sponsors to demand Olympic Letter Management (OLM) (Score:5, Funny)
"It's outrageuous!" exclaimed OLM spokesperson Bert Kneecapper, "After TrendySportingShoe(TM) spends billions buying Olympic (TM) naming rights, some thieving punk can steal our trademarks using a 20c crayon bought from any corner store!"
Under the OLM initiative, and device capable of reproducing alphabetic characters must implement a mechanism to honour the OLM Tradkemark flag, thereby preventing the device from reproducing trademarked sequences unless a valid licence exists. With time, they intend the service to extend to the enforcement of other text controls, such as micro-payments for use of famous quotes, and retrospective editing of history books.
Bert Kneecapper went on reject crayon manufacturer representations that the scheme was impractical, "Our members lose billions of dollars in un-earned revenue, how can they justify 20c crayons in the face of such flagerant theft?".
In other news... (Score:3, Funny)
LONDON (Reuters) - In a press release, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today announced its intention to pursue legal action against Robert Louis Stevenson, over his poem Summer Sun [bartleby.com], for two "illicit" uses of the word "golden", and one of the word "summer".
Stevenson, being long dead, declined to respond. However, visitors to his grave on Mount Vaea on Upolu, Samoa, have reported hearing a grinding sound from underground, as of something rotating in the dirt.
Re:UK Govt Introduces Reserved Olympic Letter Law (Score:3, Interesting)
Misspelling is the best way around this dumbass law. All you Londoners take note:
Come to our pub and cheer for your favorite athlets during the 20012 Olypic sumer games!
On another note, would it be illegal to say, "We're not an official sponsor of the 2012 summer Olympic games in London"?
The games formerly known as the olymipcs... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:The games formerly known as the olymipcs... (Score:3, Interesting)
The idea being that they only cover their own costs and don't generate any revenue. I'm getting sick of the obscene cost of the games as they currently exist, and those prices make it prohibitive for people to even get out and see events (even if they're able to).
I mean, look at the olympics in Greece, there were lots of events with the
Re:The games formerly known as the olymipcs... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:The games formerly known as the olymipcs... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The games formerly known as the olymipcs... (Score:4, Funny)
And people said l33t would never catch on.
Yeah, and a band too... (Score:5, Interesting)
Seriously, I love how they were given powers over a word that was around LONG before "The Games" were.
What a bunch of shit.
Re:Yeah, and a band too... (Score:3, Funny)
Ok, so technically most of the words they listed are English words, and English wasn't around yet during the early 8th century BCE, when the games started.
It's called the golden rule.. (Score:5, Insightful)
BTW, At current exchange rates, this rule was bought at a price of 108 standard tons of gold. I was hoping to see how many Libraries of Congress that would fill, but that's only 181 cu. ft. Kinda disappointing really.
Oh come on (Score:5, Funny)
* (c), (R), Patent Pending, void where prohibited by law. "Olympic" is a registered trademark of the International Olympic Comittee. All materials and content related to the Olympic Games, including, but not limited to, images, illustrations, text, audio clips, and video clips, are protected by or consist of copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and/or other intellectual property rights ("Intellectual Property"). The Intellectual Property is governed and protected by United States and worldwide copyright, trademark, and/or other intellectual property laws and treaty provisions, privacy and publicity laws, and communications regulations and statutes. The Intellectual Property is owned or controlled by us or other parties that have licensed to us the right to use their Intellectual Property or the right to market their products and/or services (collectively the "IP Providers").
You agree to abide by all additional copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained in any material or content on the Site. Other than as may be expressly permitted by us, in writing, (i) the Intellectual Property is provided solely for your personal, non-commercial use; and you may download any Intellectual Property solely for your personal, non-commercial use, consistent with these Terms, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Intellectual Property. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, and/or exploit any Intellectual Property in any way (including by e-mail or other electronic means) without our prior written consent or that of the IP Providers - particularly the words 'Olympic', 'games', 'gold', 'silver', 'bronze', 'doping scandal', 'bribery', and other words that are implicit in the Olympic Games. Modification of any Intellectual Property or use of any Intellectual Property for any other purpose is a violation of the copyrights, trademark rights, and other proprietary rights; that includes photoshopped naughty images of Jacques Rogge. The use of any Intellectual Property on any other site or networked computer environment, or maintaining unauthorized links to the Site, is prohibited by these Terms.
It hasn't been written into law (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:It hasn't been written into law (Score:3, Informative)
From this [startribune.com] Star Tribune article:
The band's lawyer, Dennis Pelowski, said it considered fighting the committee after receiving the initial letter this spring but backed down when he read up on the matter.
"The law is pretty clearly written," he said.
Now we know why we eat snickers (Score:3, Funny)
Damn you Mars!
I hope Heineken make an 'illegal' NOT THE OLYMPICS can of lager.
Like they did with the Pint can of Lager 'contravenes some daft euro law!!'
Great, more British than British!
Banning the use of the year? (Score:3, Interesting)
ACT NOW! (Score:2)
Re:Banning the use of the year? (Score:5, Insightful)
No kidding.
Other banned words include games, medals, gold, silver, bronze, 2012, sponsor, summer
I guess a jewelry store owner would be forbidden from advertising: "Come and see our great selection of gold and silver on sale this starting this summer. No payments until 2012."
This is positively ridiculous.
Actually, it's a great opportunity. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Banning the use of the year? (Score:3, Funny)
Perhaps the IOC(tm)(c), armed with its cadre of lawyers and time travel technology, decided to sue them for actually using this year. Ancient Mayan astronomers, upon marking December 21st, 2012(tm)(c), on their calendars may have been assaulted by futuristic IOC(tm)(c) lawyers, possessing knowledge of the future(tm)(c), which would allow them to sue based on laws that did not yet exist(
news reporting (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:news reporting (Score:3, Informative)
Re:news reporting (Score:4, Funny)
Re:news reporting (Score:5, Insightful)
Some athletes ran into pretty big troubles from blogging and posting their own videos during the last olympic "games". The big media went pretty far out of their way to clamp down on everything and it really sucks. Almost every event is locked down with regional exclusivity deals.
If you go to the games, any written, photographic, audio and video content you may acquire must be for your own exclusive use only or you risk having the media lawyers on your back.
My guess is that this will only get much worse before some sense is knocked back in this messy circus act.
Powerwalking-finals.torrent (Score:2)
Re:Powerwalking-finals.torrent (Score:3, Insightful)
Right (Score:5, Insightful)
I can see it now
Tom: "Hey, I can't wait till the summer of 2012 becau--"
Trademark Police: "Stop right there, infringer!"
Tom: "I didn't do anything wrong!"
Trademark Police: "According to this law you did. Those words are trademarked."
Tom: "How the hell did they trademark a year and a season?!"
Re:Right (Score:2, Interesting)
(maybe the book should have been titled 2012 rather than 1984)
1st Amendment (Score:3, Funny)
My chalk board (Score:2)
"This pub does not show the London 2012 Olympic Summer Games on TV."
unreasonable gits... (Score:5, Interesting)
Yeah? If by "engaging in the unauthorised use of the Olympic Marks" you mean by using them at all, how about you respect the people, and not make such fuchking unreasoanble demands in the first place?
This is nothing new (Score:5, Insightful)
Think about it. If you're Coca-Cola (or some other huge multinational) that's spending 8-9 figures to be the "official whatever of the Olympics", you're going to want to be pretty sure that your competitor isn't going to just say the same thing unofficially. Pretty sure in this case means contractual language with teeth. Hence, the IOC turning around and doing the same thing.
Nothing new in the US either (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Nothing new in the US either (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:This is nothing new (Score:3, Interesting)
They are only doing it becasue they know Olympic is pretty damn generic, older then the IOC, and a total perversion of copyright law.
Put the word 'Official' in your advertising. If someone else claimes to be an 'official olympic whatever' sue them. But pubs should be able to play anything on TV and advertising they are doing so.
This is like banning any company from using the word marathon for christ sake.
Re:This is nothing new (Score:2)
Re:This is nothing new (Score:5, Interesting)
Heaven help you if you're having a conference of some kind in London in the summer of 2012, you might get heavily fined when you try to promote it, even if it has _nothing_ to do with the Olympics, occurs at a different time (well it'd kind of have to since the city will likely be packed because of the Olympics) or date.
If you make games for children better make sure you don't inadvertantly advertise any as summer games, you'll break this law. Again, you could be advertising a glorified lawn sprinkler for kids to play games under in the summer heat but since you "combined" summer and games in your ad the law applies and you're screwed.
I'm sure you'll say "but they'll be reasonable and won't pursue those types of cases" but we already know how well that type of stuff works. You can find many cases of the RIAA & MPAA sending out Cease & Desist letters because they found files containing words that also are used in songs/movies they own but had nothing to do with them. I seem to remember one where the C&D referred to a file that was around 500kb in size, but the MPAA thought it was one of their movies. Rationality won't enter into the enforcement of this law, it'll get the same treatment, anything that looks like it applies will get slapped with at least a lawyergram and likely charges levied. Even if they company ends up off the hook they'll have paid a penalty for defending themselves for doing nothing wrong.
No matter how you look at it this is a very bad law, and very bad precedent. Why should the IOC be given sole ownership of common words beyond Olympic/Olympics? Most of those words are used a lot, and in non-olympic references. Even if you think the words are defensible, including the damn year is insane. I suppose everyone in London will have to be sure to avoid mentioning the year in advertising in 2012 just to be on the safe side.
Re:This is nothing new (Score:3, Funny)
Commercialization blows (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Commercialization blows (Score:4, Insightful)
Already in the US (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Already in the US (Score:2)
Advertise this (Score:5, Interesting)
It won't be long until athletes are winning bronze, silver and gold coke cans.
Re:Advertise this (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Advertise this (Score:4, Insightful)
As business (like indivuals) are required by law to pay the council tax, they WILL have contributed money to the games. Admitteditly £'s (pounds) not $'s (dollars).
From many sites "The government has said that, initially, £1.5 billion will come from the National Lottery and up to £550 million from London council tax."
Re:Advertise this (Score:3, Insightful)
Of course they do. The increase in tourism will benefit a large proportion of London businesses. What they don't get to do is associate themselves with the Olympics without permission. There's nothing unreasonable about that. What's unreasonable is enacting a law to cover the situation (it should already be covered by existing trademark legislation).
Atlanta1996 (Score:3, Insightful)
Good news (Score:2)
So we will not hear about these games?
That is good news for me. Maybe this time we'll be able to continue with our lives without being constantly invaded by this Olympics craziness...
So, what else is new? (Score:3, Insightful)
An ungodly heap of money trumps your rights.
An ungodly heap of money trumps common sense.
Come to thing of it,
an ungodly heap of money trumps everything.
Why are you so surprised?
Re:So, what else is new? (Score:5, Funny)
Queen to Rook 1 (Score:4, Funny)
Where the hell do they get off selling "Summer 2012" to some multinational corporation like the IOC? Those are English words, and this is England. Isn't this kind of thing the reason the English keep the Queen around? Isn't it "the Queen's English"? Is she getting some kind of kickback, which requires her to sell out her subjects? Get Elizabeth in here, Slashdot wants to talk with her.
Re:Queen to Rook 1 (Score:2)
Re:"Queen's English" - US expression? (Score:3, Informative)
Is the "Queen's English" an American expression? Can anybody give me the root of where this phrase came from? In the UK I'm more aware of people talking about "BBC English" (but this is as much to do with pronunciation).
Oh, for shame...
In Vancouver [2010] as Well (Score:2, Interesting)
Suggested Ad Terminology (Score:5, Funny)
The international athletic event where people from all countries use performance-enhancing drugs is now in London (and no it's not the Tour de France).
I, for on, am all in favor of this. (Score:5, Insightful)
Good. It's time to kill of the olympics.
A event like this only means something when the organization running it isn't corrupt from top to bottom. They have the nerve to tell ticket holders that "You can't drink Dr. Pepper here, but you can buy a $20 can of Coke! Coke is it!". The "Olympic Village" is now corporate-sponsored Sodom and Gomorrah. Home improvement companies spend millions on advertisements to say that they are proud to support their olympians ("You've got no marketable skills outside of athletics, so as long as you work 9-to-5 for minimum wage, we've got your back!").... I'm absolutley not surprised to see London sell themselves out by grabbing the Olympic bid.
Now, if nobody CAN mention the Olympics, perhaps they'll just go away. We'll all be better off for it.
Me too. (Score:3, Interesting)
I'd like to see everyone just ignore them. Unless I hear that the Swedish platform diver loses her bathing suit
Re:Me too. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I, for on, am all in favor of this. (Score:3, Insightful)
The Olympics has turned into just another way to turn public money into private money. Quite frankly, I can't think of a single legitimate reason for anyone to bid to be the host anymore.
Bring it on! (Score:2)
Not just in London... (Score:2)
Words (Score:2)
How the HECK do you justify any sort of legal backing for that? None of the people with exclusive rights to the words in question invented such words. There are SURE as heck a lot of examples of prior art. It's not as if they made up some NEW words, and said
There won't be olympics in 2012 anyways... (Score:5, Funny)
For those who don't know about John [abovetopsecret.com] Titor [wikipedia.org]
P.S. Anyone know where I can find that video of him traveling time in his car when he goes BACK TO THE FUTURE?
Bah! (Score:2)
Canadian Businesses (Score:3, Informative)
It's big-business greed at it's very best, especially since the coming of the olympics will ensure that the Whistler skihill will be inaccessible to anybody but the rich, as the cost of attending the olympics is beyond many average folk, and the rates in the area are already skyrocketing in anticipation of the games.
Olympics were around long before trademarks, and used to be for the people... now they're only for big-business and rich people, go figure.
meh (Score:3, Interesting)
with the olympics becoming more and more like a professional sport with the advertising, lucrative contracts and shit, i am getting more and more turned off to it.
If a country wants to host the olympics, the requirement should be that it have ZERO corporate logo's anywhere on the properties of the stadiums. and that news stations can get equal coverage of the games.
Or better yet, LOTTERY off coverage of games. So that i dont have to flip through 12 channles of figure skating or gymnastics. I would like to check out some of the other sports--outside of what the news feeds think will get the best coverage.
Happened in 2004 in Australia... (Score:4, Informative)
The posters were only on campus, but the AOC threatened legal action over them.
Stupid thing is that the official advertisers would have only benefitted as by having more people watching the telecasts, more people would have been exposed to the advertising...
Somewhat over the top, IMO.
Well, Im screwed twice today then (Score:4, Funny)
What about the other 1.46b? (Score:3, Interesting)
So where did the other 2.25bn - 790m = 1.46b come from? I'm guessing from country contributions which came from their taxpayers.
So do the taxpayors of these countries get to use all of these words too?
Advertising template for non sponsors (Score:5, Funny)
Example only:
(Black screen)
(each line of text fades in to white while the line is being read)
Voiceover: "You know why you are here,
We know why you are here,
We cannot say why you are here,
While you are here,
Eat at Hungry Jacks."
(fade in corporate logo)
(fade to black)
I've been against this from the beginning (Score:3, Interesting)
As a result of London winning the olympics, my council tax is going to go up. I have to pay more each month for the next several years, to make the IOC richer. What did I do wrong ? I simply picked the wrong place to live.
Apparantly about 300 businesses are being forced off their land for this circus as well, and the potential job losses look to number around 20,000 at the moment. This is 20,000 local people who will be out of work so that some people can run around in circles.
Olympics(tm) suck my balls(tm)! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:It was bad enough... (Score:2)
I have an idea... (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe we can start a new trend of just selling our human rights for profit! Because right now they're just being stolen.
Re:I have an idea... (Score:5, Insightful)
The saddest part of this is that the modern Olympics were supposed to be a showcase for amateur athletics, and a global moment of peace and understanding, not something for greedy businessmen to get rich off of.
Re:I have an idea... (Score:3, Funny)
The procedure is simple - before any civil court case is allowed to proceed, the first stage is a meeting between the judge, plaintiff and defendant. During this meeting all three go out onto the street and randomly pick three passers-by, who are then taken back to the judge's chamber.
Each party then has three
Re:I have an idea... (Score:3, Insightful)
When I make tea or coffee, it's hot. In fact, when I make coffee (generally instant), I use boiling water.
Boiling water hurts, so I treat my coffee with respect, and if I accidentally spill it on myself I accept the consequences. Basically, I accept that it's po
Re:How can it be trademarked? (Score:3, Funny)
And in news just in, Mount Olympus has been summonsed to appear in court in London for breach of the 2012 Olympic Corporation's trademark.
Re:I have an idea... (Score:3, Interesting)
Will you all stop dealing with those big corporations? Become self-employed, cheat on your taxes, steal your media, buy your goods locally and stop helping those motherfuckers! Goddammit, please, please stop! It's not that hard!
I'm going to go hit something now...
Re:I have an idea... (Score:3, Interesting)
Well, maybe the correct strategy would be the opposite: Obey that law to the letter and don't even mention the olympic games. Simply ignore them. TV magazines don't write the olympic game time tables (you know, they are not sponsors, so how could they mention the olympic games?), the journalists (not being sponsors either) don't report about the games (they aren't sponsors, and how could you report w
Not so easy in the UK (Score:4, Informative)
A few years back (Score:5, Interesting)
The olypic games' sponsorship branch sued the pants off the small-business owner, to get him to change the name of his business. Eventually he had to relent, after the legal fees nearly bankrupted him.
Why did he fight it? Simple. The store was NAMED AFTER HIM, and he had been in business WITH A TRADEMARK ON "OLYPIC PIZZA" FOR OVER 10 YEARS!
So because the olypic sponsors didn't to eal with the "ambush advertising" this guy represented, he had to give up the business name he had in the area FIRST, his trademark, and couldn't even use his full name during local interviews.
Screw the olympics, and boycott every single damn company that sponsors them!
Has it been four years already? (Score:5, Insightful)
When you consider that Australia (the city of Melbourne, Australia strictly speaking), has the highest population of Greek folks of any city in the world outside of Greece (and Sydney isn't too far behind) then you can bet your bottom dollar that there's going to be a fair swag of small "Mom-and-Pop" businesses, corner stores, etc with some form of 'Olypic' in the name.
Our newspapers regularly carried stories of small businesses being steamrollered by IOC Corporation and its hired thugs (by hired thugs, I mean the government of the host country).
Another common story was the officials and security being briefed to look out for spectators and general public wearing promotional gear (hats, t-shirts, etc) from companies that competed with official sponsors. A coca cola t-shirt for example would leave you being offered the choice of handing it over, covering up, or going home.
Despite all the talk of leaving town for the duration, etc, etc, I did end up sticking around (but I didn't get involved in any of the events organised by IOC Corporation). Strangely, Sydney was a really really nice place to be for those two weeks. Many people dreaded the five ringed circus coming to town, but by the time they packed up their tents and their wagons and rolled out of town again, many of the same were sad to see them go.
That ain't no excuse for steam rollering thousands of little people in the name of corporate greed though. IOC Corporation has NOTHING to do with sport, excellence, peace, tradition or ANY of that nice stuff - it's about corporations and hired governments pumping the people for money.
Me, I make careful note of the companies that sponsor IOC Corporation, and put them on my personal do not buy list for life.
2112? Re:2012... (Score:2)
could be a great yerar for Rush to play at Olympics !
-- Sam
Re:How about just logos? (Score:2)
Re:Ahh, Europe! (Score:2)
Re:Ahh, Europe! (Score:5, Informative)
The USA has had similar laws with respect to the Olympics for some time now.
Not just trademark law, but a special statute protects the Olympic trademarks.
See INTA [inta.org] for more info about this, and of course, the text of 36 USC 220506 [cornell.edu] itself.
Basically, the USOC owns these words and symbols exclusively, by Act of Congress. The UK is merely "harmonizing" with the USA.
Re:Ahh, Europe! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Ahh, Europe! (Score:3, Funny)
Let's be honest - that's not difficult, is it? :)
Re:Ahh, Europe! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Ahh, Europe! (Score:3, Funny)
Note that the OP seems to be a follower of the new theory of Intelligent Climate Control, which has been gaining ground in replacing the obsolete and largely discredited hypothesis that seasonal climate changes are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation, which causes one of the two hemispheres to be exposed to more sunlight, depending on the Earth's position in its orbit around the Sun.
Intelligent Climate Control st
England?! (Score:3, Informative)
Wake up. It's the UK.
England's merely a region within the country known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It used to be a country in its own right, but that was hundreds of years ago.
This bill is being proposed in Parliament, which makes law that applies to the whole of the UK, not just England.
Oh, and the UK is part of Europe, just in case there's any misconception there. Us Brits have got into the habit of referring to continental Europe as "Europe", so sometimes it
Re:hehe (Score:3, Funny)
Blackadder: "Baldrick, have you no idea what irony is?"
Baldrick: "Yeah! It's like goldy and bronzy, only it's made of iron."
Re:Ah, the Olympics (Score:5, Insightful)
I remember a few years ago, atheletes weren't able to keep and publish an online journal about their experiences, so fans could get an unspoiled perspective of what the atheletes saw. That's bordering on insane.
To make matters worse, television coverage of the games is miserable. In an hour of coverage, you'll get 15 minutes of commericals, 25 minutes of sappy "human interest" stories (This is young Nadia's first olympic games *cue heart strings music* she had to face a lot of challenges to get here, because just two years before the games, her belowed cat Mittens died from old age), 10 minutes of "what you'll see later on" and mindless chatter of the comentators ("You know, Bob, the sun that comes out over Athens during the day is the exact same sun that shines over America." "No, I didn't know that. That's so fascinating, especially since America is so far away", and a whopping 10 minutes of actual coverage of atheletic compitition.
I'm not kidding.
Essentially, the commericalism of the games have robbed it of its soul, and America's TV coverage has made it unwatchable. And forget about trying to enjoy the opening ceremonies; the commentators must be paid by the word, because they don't know when the shut up.
Re:Ah, the Olympics (Score:3, Insightful)
Even the RIAA (the orginization we all love to hate) isn't as bad. If IOC members ran the RIAA, they'd file injunctinos against financial institutions for using "CD" as an acronym for certificates of deposit.
As I said elsewhere on this discussion, the only single group I can point at as being worse is the Church of Scient