RFC Deadline Looms For "Orphan Works" copy 200
psychonaut writes "As previously
reported on Slashdot, the US
Copyright Office is currently reviewing the law as it applies to
"orphan works" and "abandonware". The question is how to treat works
(books, films, software, etc.) for which the copyright owner cannot be
found so that permission can be granted to republish or create
derivative works. "The issue is whether orphan works are being
needlessly removed from public access and their dissemination
inhibited. If no one claims the copyright in a work," they write, "it
appears likely that the public benefit of having access to the work
would outweigh whatever copyright interest there might be."
The Copyright Office has been soliciting
comments from the public since 26 January 2005. Now, as their 25
March deadline draws nearer, the EFF, along with freeculture.org and Public Knowledge, have
teamed up to produce a website,Orphan Works, which gives
some background on the issue and makes it easy to submit comments
directly to the Copyright Office." And while you're at, contribute to the EFF. Good organization.
What's wrong with the current system? (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyone that has a problem with that is applying too much common sense to the copyright system.
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:5, Informative)
"Get your 100% royalty free cotton-gin blueprints right here! For an unlimited time only!!!!"
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:2)
Surely schematics for a device such as a cotton gin would be protected by patent, not copyright?
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:2)
Re:Original Sources - US Constitution (Score:2)
Re:Original Sources - US Constitution (Score:2)
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:5, Informative)
It's simply cost prohibitive for the little guy to locate the rights to an obscure piece of footage or film. (two examples I'm familiar with)
Say for instance, you find a nice picture you want to incorporate and maybe it looks quite old, but maybe its unclear whether copyright has expired.
It seems more to be a CYA directive and would ease some tension when using
Right now, it's not even an option to use such things even if the owner or estate owner has long since been gone. Simply because you just don't know and you probably can't afford the time or investment in something like that.
This sorta implies that older copyrights would have to be protected much like trademark. You can just buy it and forget it. (Now you have to catalogue it and forget it)
So if you did the leg work and came up with nothing you would have some defense in court should an issue arrise.
For someone with not-so-unlimited resources tracking down something like that can be tough. In the end, if you are cautious about being sued, you can't use it.
I believe the idea is that if you pursue a reasonable course of action to attempt to locate the owner and find nothing then it can be classified as abandonware.
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:5, Interesting)
What about this idea?
Can't find copyright owner?
Compulsory license applies. Fees paid to government. Invested by government in safe investments. Government keeps half of profits on investments and other half goes to pay authors who create copyleft works. Actual copyright owners who find their works being used under a compulsory can claim monies fgrom the government. (Can't get the profits earned in the meantime though.
Compulsory license still applies to the works in question and to any derivatives.
all the best,
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:2)
Fees should probably be prorated according to intended use, too. So if it's for noncommercial use, the fee is minimal to zilch, and for commercial use the fee is a small percentage sortof like a sliding sales tax. Since commercial
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:2)
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:2)
But what would be reasonable, is for the gov't to have someone else *caretake* your house so that it doesn't get overgrown with weeds.
It's not an exact parallel, but you get the idea
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:2)
[eyeing smiley] Your hair is on fire!!
Okay, fair enough... except that I don't agree that "half to fund artists making copyleft works." -- I'm not convinced that art which can't pay for its own keep should be funded by the gov't -- tho if one must do so, this is a better source of funding than taxes!
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:2)
Okay, fair enough... except that I don't agree that "half to fund artists making copyleft works." -- I'm not convinced that art which can't pay for its own keep should be funded by the gov't"
Not exactly being funded by the government, but by the copyright holder that has dropped out of sight. Right?
Good point. Tho what if said invisible-copyright-holder disagrees with the concept, or with what his taxes are being used fo
Re:What's wrong with the current system? (Score:3, Interesting)
If you can find any work of mine 25 years old your welcome to it, and in 25 years time you can have all the work I've done up until today, I doubt I'll even be able to remember what most of it was, and it will no doubt be useless except for historical interest.
Tone of words is interesting (Score:5, Interesting)
This indicates that the copyright office leans extremely strongly towards copyright interests. Is there any indication that they (the US copyright office) have the same perspective as most of the rest of us re copyright as enforced monopoly etc.?
Re:Tone of words is interesting (Score:2)
(the US copyright office) have the same perspective as most of the rest of us re copyright as enforced monopoly etc.?
Unlikely. Their primary interest (preservation and expansion of the copyright office) is better served through exclusive focus on copyright interests. What we really need is a public domain office where one may apply for a temporary exemption (AKA a copyright).
Part 1: What I find _ok_ about copyright (Score:4, Insightful)
Thing is, most people only work for money. Yeah, in open source too. Check out the email addresses of contributors to all major components of Linux. Most work _is_ done by people paid to do so, even if they're paid by some OSS company.
So copyright is a way to say "ok, if you do publish a book, here's how we'll allow you to make money out of it."
I see nothing wrong with that. I _am_ willing to buy a good book, or a movie, or a music CD, rather than not have it available at all.
"Why your work should be available for free" demagogue theories are good and fine, but in practice it never works that way: practically _noone_ works for free nowadays. The freeloaders actually get something paid for by someone else, not for free. E.g., everyone who downloaded a SuSE Linux ISO for free, rest assured that SuSE's work was paid for by people like me who bought the boxed distro repeatedly. E.g., everyone who has some free Linux distro installed on ReiserFS, can know that ReiserFS was sponsored by SuSE, so again, it was people like me whose money went into making that.
So, again, I have nothing against copyright as a way for authors to make money. Beats not having those works available in the first place. Maybe it's not the perfect system, but it's the best we have so far.
Re:Part 1: What I find _ok_ about copyright (Score:5, Interesting)
heh (Score:5, Funny)
But on the issue of taxes:
<sarcasm type="heavy">
Yes, and _my_ taxes are used to protect your car from burglars and thieves. Hey, I don't own a car, so I shouldn't pay for it. Right?
_My_ taxes are used for government AIDS cure research. Hey, I don't screw everyone in sight, so why the heck should I have to pay for that? Let them just die, I say
_My_ taxes are used to build highways. Maybe even the one you drive on to work. WTF? I always get a flat very near the company, so I don't have to commute. Why the heck should I pay for all those commuters? No, really.
_My_ taxes go into funding the school system. Piss-poor and under-funded as it is. Or to give a tax break to people with kids. Blah. I have no kids. Why should I pay for that? No, really? Did anyone even ask me if I want to subsidize everyone who's too stupid to use a condom? And let them pay out of their own pocket for their kid's schooling.
Again, that was sarcasm, if anyone can't tell. I am _not_ really advocating any of that.
I'm sure you probably get the idea already. Yes, society sometimes must use taxes to enforce things that are considered beneficial for society as a _whole_. Yes, there might be people who do not _directly_ get a ROI on their money, but the idea is that on the whole you get more good than bad out of it.
In this case, the whole copyright thing actually costs you _very_ little. Other than the copyright office itself, most other things are handled by lawsuits between companies. Or between companies and individuals.
You might notice, for example, that even the much villified RIAA lawsuits didn't involve the FBI taking the suspects into custody, nor a DA doing a criminal style prosecution. So that part has cost you exactly nothing.
So, well, I hope you'll excuse me if you're not getting much compassion out of me, over the fact that a couple of cents out of your taxes (and mine) go into sponsoring the common good. I do believe that on the whole the benefits far outweight those few cents.
Re:heh (Score:2)
Not yet, but there's a bill floating around congress to have the FBI take over the job of filing and prosecuting copyright infringment suits. The RIAA doesn't like the hassle and cost and bad PR of doing so themselves, and why should they when they can simply lobby congress to pass a law having the government do it for them?
Re:heh (Score:2, Insightful)
Society is made up of people. Copyright is set at the life of the author + 75 years. Given that you have to be alive to copyright something (at least, as far as I'm aware) and that the average life expectance is sub-75 years, that means that anyone
Re:heh (Score:2)
Re:heh (Score:2)
Re:heh (Score:2)
Re:heh (Score:2)
Pretend that I said "we don't have lifts in multi-floor buildings and our cars don't have boots or bonnets", and see if that helps you comprehend.
Re:Part 1: What I find _ok_ about copyright (Score:2)
(And actually the goverment doesn't spend a time enforcing copyrights - thats the responsobility of the copyright holder.)
Re:Part 1: What I find _ok_ about copyright (Score:2)
Wrong. Police raids are government, as are judges and the assorted paperwork and backend services.
Re:Part 1: What I find _ok_ about copyright (Score:2, Interesting)
No, I disagree, in fact, I think we have had a better copyright system in the past and have been making it steadily worse.
I sometimes can't decide if I should fight to make it better, or fight to make it so bad that everyone cries foul and calls for scrapping the present system and trying to design a
Re:Part 1: What I find _ok_ about copyright (Score:2)
I work for money because we live in a society where we need money. There are lots of things I would like to contribute to, not for pay but because it interests me and maybe to make the world a little bit of a better place, but I have to spend 8 hours a day + travel time in order to make enough money to feed myself and get a roof above my head.
Capitalism truly sucks donkey balls, but it's the best system we've come up with, and untill someone invents a better sy
Re:But it's broken (Score:2)
Before that, to register a copyright was a bit harder, you needed to provide a copy of the work to the Library of Congress, for instance.
Re:But it's broken (Score:4, Informative)
Up until then, you had to specifically register anything you wanted copyrighted. This ensured that the work that the "vast majority of people who produce IP" to make money from their works were protected, while allowing everything else to be public domain (the stuff created for reasons other than money). For most of the time before 1976, you also had to renew that copyright periodically to keep it.
Essentially, for the first 200 years of American copyright, making money from IP was an active process: deliberately file for copyright, include specific notice on all published copies, renew to continue copyright, etc.
What we have now is a passive process: everything is automatically copyrighted, notice doesn't need to be included, no renewals are needed and your family gets to automatically keep these passive rights long after you're dead.
Those 2 systems, while both called "copyright", have little in common as far as their approach, intent and results.
Re:But it's broken (Score:2)
Because clearly the preceding ~6000 years of civilisation didn't produce anything of cultural value...
Re:But it's broken (Score:2)
The fact that knowledge is incremental by nature means that the later inventions will tend to be more spectacular by accretion of previously known things.
Anyway I think copyright is ok, given reasonable terms. Patents on the other hand can be quite bad, since they prevent someone from selling something they created, just because someone else had the idea first and you didn't know about it. It is totally
Re:But it's broken (Score:2)
The question you need to consider is whether or not technology would have advanced even faster if the *restrictions* "intellectual property" demands of knowledge hadn't existed.
Re:Again, that's not the case (Score:2, Insightful)
Wedding photos would work fine without copyright. You pay the photographer to take some pictures, you get your photos. None of this "Photographer owns pictures of your event that he was *hired* to make" bullshit.
Re:Again, that's not the case (Score:2)
Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:5, Insightful)
Which was _not_ the purpose of copyright in the first place. The idea was to secure a source of income for those publishing books, _but_ that was only a means to another end: having those books available to society. Using copyright as a way to make them UNavailable, is IMHO contrary to the whole spirit and idea of copyright.
And just for the sake of a wanton comparison with Soviet Russia, I find it stupid that while we all were/are outraged when a dictatorship tries to suppress a book, we all shrug and find it normal when a corporation does the same via copyright. I mean, geesh, Stalin could have just bought the exclusive distribution rights in the USSR of the exact same works, and killed them via copyright, and we'd all suddenly no longer find it abhominable. It would be just normal business. Think about it.
So IMHO the copyright should only last as long as people can still order that book or program or music from you, for no more than the original price (i.e., no "yeah, it's still available, but we'll charge 10,000,000$ for it" scams), and have it delivered within a reasonable time frame. The moment that's no longer possible, the copyright should become public domain.
It would also be a self-regulating kinda thing. It's up to the company in case to decide when it's no longer profitable to keep that stock of old books, just for the 1-2 people per year still ordering it. When they decide it's no longer profitable to play that game, sure, make it public domain. But ffs, don't bury it.
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:2, Insightful)
It seems to me that
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:2)
Lately it's been off the market anywhere since 2001 or thereabouts. It's been off the market in the US for a hell of a lot longer. The last I saw of it was a theater release back in the late 70's.
The Tex Avery films and other cartoon classics can still be seen overseas. I've watched Heckle & Jeckle hunt pygmies using c
Oracle does it (Score:3, Informative)
I don't know about textbooks, but I do have a real-world example in software. I tried to buy a copy of Oracle's Pro*Fortran and they wouldn't sell it to me, because it's "deprecated". I also tried to buy a copy of the game "Sorcerers Get All the Girls" from the original publisher and they refused to sell it to me. Fortunate
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:1)
I agree with the most part of your post... Except that I'd rather live in a world where copyright just cannot be taken away from one who recieved it legitimately.
One should be able to share the rights, not give them away.
Unfortunately, this is good for authors and general public, but bad for publishers (recording companies as well).
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:4, Interesting)
Which was _not_ the purpose of copyright in the first place. The idea was to secure a source of income for those publishing books, _but_ that was only a means to another end: having those books available to society. Using copyright as a way to make them UNavailable, is IMHO contrary to the whole spirit and idea of copyright."
You are so right on this. There needs to be compulsory licenses at least to prevednt this practice. Perhaps they only need to kick in when the copyright owners refuse to keep the work available to the mass market at mass market prices.
"And just for the sake of a wanton comparison with Soviet Russia, I find it stupid that while we all were/are outraged when a dictatorship tries to suppress a book, we all shrug and find it normal when a corporation does the same via copyright. I mean, geesh, Stalin could have just bought the exclusive distribution rights in the USSR of the exact same works, and killed them via copyright, and we'd all suddenly no longer find it abhominable. It would be just normal business. Think about it."
You are certainly racking up the good points. Perhaps he could even have used "eminent domain" theories to take the work in the first place.
"So IMHO the copyright should only last as long as people can still order that book or program or music from you, for no more than the original price (i.e., no "yeah, it's still available, but we'll charge 10,000,000$ for it" scams), and have it delivered within a reasonable time frame. The moment that's no longer possible, the copyright should become public domain.
It would also be a self-regulating kinda thing. It's up to the company in case to decide when it's no longer profitable to keep that stock of old books, just for the 1-2 people per year still ordering it. When they decide it's no longer profitable to play that game, sure, make it public domain. But ffs, don't bury it."
This would work. An alternative would be to have all copyrights pass back to the original authors under something like a CC BY-SA or some other copyleft license. This would allow the authors to try earning some more out of their works and at the same time let the general public get access to the works as well for copying, creating derivatives and making money if they can.
Check some of these legal proposals:
especially this one:
Again, great points.
all the best,
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:2)
Sometimes the best way to market something is first to create artificial scarcity. I'm not a huge fan of it, but it's a far cry from Soviet-style censorship. (There should be a clause in Godwin's Law to cover Soviet Russia comparisons; they're usually just as irrelevant and inflammatory as comparisons with Nazi Germany.)
More to the point, though, is th
My idea (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, I think if the work is unavailable to someone at a reasonable price and with reasonable terms (no overly bad EULA or DRM stuff), they should be allowed to copy them (e.g. via ftp or P2P networks) as long as the unavailability persists, at least if no profit is derived. It is not strictly nece
Re:My idea (Score:2)
ISTM that by direct extension, something that is not available to the public loses its copyright protection, by the very definition of what copyright is supp
Re:My idea (Score:2)
But it would indeed be interesting to ask them the exact same question, and compare the answers. I'm sure I must still have the originals Around Here Someplace....
Enjoyed meeting you too, talk to ya again someday!
Re:My idea (Score:2)
Honestly, if your workers were on strike for 1-2 years, I'd think you have bigger problems than people copying your book
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:2)
Huh? Where did he say any such thing? Unless I missed somthing, it obviously and properly applies to everyone equally.
government should be able to FORCE you to make it public?
HUH? The government isn't sending SWAT teams to search your house and seize your diary. It's not forcing anyone to do anything. No one can ever copy anything they don't already have.
Perhaps it will help to cover the correct founda
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:2)
Once something is published, copyright should _not_ be a way to "unpublish" it. For anyone. Ever. That's my whole point.
2. I'm not saying that government should come to your house, raid your diary, and post it on the web. In fact, the government
you've got Eldred (Score:2)
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:3, Interesting)
And if re-printing old comics would be so profitable for you, what's keeping the copyright owner from doing the same? I mean, they don't even have the scanning costs in that equation?
Basically all I'm saying is that I _do_ support the idea that "ok, you're allowed to make money from creating something." But then
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:2)
Sweet, so I can stock up on all those old paperback Sci Fi books for $0.25 each? That is what they are listed for in the back pages of many of book in m
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:2)
Re:Part 2: What I find _wrong_ about it (Score:3, Informative)
Frankly, neither of the above costs a fortune. If old Dilbert or Calvin and Hobbes comics can still be viewed online for a minor fee, I fa
Other copyright issues (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Other copyright issues (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Other copyright issues (Score:4, Informative)
It is fixed. The Constitution is pretty clear that copyrights have to be time-limited. The Supreme Court has ruled that that doesn't really mean anything, because Congress can extend them arbitrarily, but unfortunately, that's the Supreme Court. By definition, there is no higher appeal. "Fixing" the loophole would pretty much require some kind of "No, we really meant it, guys" amendment to the Constitution, but fat chance of that. The people with the power to amend the Constitution are too busy worrying about the total destruction of society that will obviously and inevitably result from giving same-sex couples the tax privileges currently reserved for heterosexuals.
Re:Other copyright issues (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Other copyright issues (Score:3, Insightful)
Which is why it would pretty much take an amendment. And while we're wishing for the impossible, the amendment should also set the copyright term back at the original 14 years with a single option to renew for an additional 14 years, and would grant copyright on
You just don't get it (Score:1)
Re:Other copyright issues (Score:4, Insightful)
It would then immediately become far less favourable for Disney (or any other organization) to presue such copyright extensions. Imagine thay they had to pay out the first 20 years earnings plus interest on Pinochio to the estate of Carlo Lorenzini! It is also morally and ethically fair. If Disney think that Steamboat Willy deserves added protection, then surely Pinochio does as well. Very hard to argue against and not look like obviously greedy and grasping.
Disney Effect - Ex Post Facto? (Score:2)
Re:Disney Effect - Ex Post Facto? (Score:2)
There is still "lip service" to the idea of ex post facto laws, but with taxation that is retroactive, and rectroactive enforcement of anti-terrorism laws, you can point out that the constitution in this regard is a meaningless scrap of paper.
Part of the Eldridge vs. Ascroft case was being argued exactly on these grounds, that there were many copyrighted wo
Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:5, Interesting)
SlashPAC if you will.
It would be a great place for us to consolidate our beliefs (wiki) and put our money where our mouth is to support politics and issues that reiterate our beliefs and values as a community.
It would make calls for help like this easier to answer and give us some strength to lean on.
SlashPAC campaign slogan (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:1)
Duplication of efforts? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Duplication of efforts? (Score:2)
Re:Duplication of efforts? (Score:2, Interesting)
(Yes, that single position, that the EFF presumes to tell me what I should and should not do with my private property, does indeed preclude ANY chance of me giving them one red cent.)
Re:Duplication of efforts? (Score:2)
Am I mistaken, or are you under the incorrect assumption that I *am* a spammer? Otherwise, I don't get the remark about my money being tainted. I don't make money with my anti-spam efforts...
Re:Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:2)
My idea of a PAC isn't to segregate ourselves from the others that exist, but use our collective voices to support existing groups under an umbrella reflective of the "grass roots geeks". EFF, Aclu, Citizen works and other groups do a fanstastic job and a new PAC could align on issues they agree with but also stand for issues specific to this community.
The collective force of Slashdot is strong
Re:Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:1)
Re:Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:2)
If i believed for one second that the world was perfect your saying would be true, but it isn't. We have our differences but we obviously have our collective indifferences that bring us back time after time.
Re:Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah, and lemme take a look at that when you've pieced it together.
"Our?" Who's "us?" Do you mean to imply that there is some commonality among the people posting on slashdot beyond gadget-fetish? The editors would like it if we were all left-leaning anti-copyright urban CTO's (so would their advertisers, for that matter...), but you need only spend 20 minutes here to realize that there is no "typical" poster, that our politics are all over the map, and that today's high school
Re:Why doesn't Slashdot start a PAC? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Ummm.... how 'bout NO! (Score:2)
Your idea of politics doesn't jive with anything that exists today. Nothing is black & white. Simply ignoring the power of the community because you may not agree with 100% of it is worse off than taking action you may not always agree with.
The PAC wouldn't have to be funded through the commercial efforts of the site but through contributions and efforts outside of that. Obviously a PAC means much more w
Charities and PACs (Score:2)
Besides, isn't there a FSF and EFF for this kind of thing?
Free Software Foundation and Electronic Frontier Foundation are charities. U.S. tax law bars charities from giving nearly the same kind of support to a political party or candidate that a PAC can. For this reason, many advocacy organizations have split into two entities, a PAC and an affiliatied charity that work together. Examples include AARP (a pro-senior-citizen-rights PAC) vs. AARP Foundation (its charity) and NORML (a pro-cannabis-decrimina
This is humorous in a way. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:The joke's on the copyright owner (Score:2)
Interesting concept. According to who's morals? Why are your morals more correct than someone else's (in this case, the copyright owner)? Or is there some definitive benchmark standard that tells us what it right or wrong?
Re:The joke's on the copyright owner (Score:2)
I guess thats left to the legal system to interpret. Anyways, how does a novel, game, song, painting, bitmap, etc, "promote the Progress of Science"? These are covered by copyright.
Do you think the founding fathers would have approved of a life+70 copyright term or of works being unavailable for licensing at any price?
Yup. For sure. If I paint a picture, I expect to sell as litt
"Science and useful Arts" is backwards in a way (Score:2)
Anyways, how does a novel, game, song, painting, bitmap, etc, "promote the Progress of Science"? These are covered by copyright.
In 1780s English, "Science" and "useful Arts" meant "knowledge" and "technology" respectively. Yes, I know it's backwards from the naive interpretation of somebody who has been exposed only to >=1960s English.
If I want to copyright something, and let no-one have a copy at all, then it's my business - it's my property and I don't have to let anyone have it if I don't want
Re:"Science and useful Arts" is backwards in a way (Score:2)
Because that's the right that the law provides the copyright owner - to give permission (or not) as he sees fit. There are plenty of other fields, not just copyright, where the owner manipulates/regulates supply and price to maximize profit. Strategically cutting the supply altogether may just increa
Re:A chilling effect (Score:2)
How about conversation, outtings, sport, etc?
Thanks for the George Harrison link. I can relate to that. It sucks when you make something up, then realize that you didn't.
Re:A chilling effect (Score:2)
I may misunderstand what you mean by "outing", but I'd guess that not enough people have the skill to distinguish an LGBT from a straight person to the point where one can, say, entertain co-workers by pointing out the LGBT of the Week.
By "outings", I meant: "An excursion, typically a pleasure trip. A walk outdoors". As in, a change of scenery brought about by the movement of your feet. No sexual innuendo
Corporate influence (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Corporate influence (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Corporate influence (Score:3, Insightful)
Let's say a company that wrote some useful software a few years ago has gone. Now, only the competing software from Microsoft (tm) is widely awailable and supported. If the old sources went to public domain, they could easily be adopted by some new company or even a crown of hackers. And MS does not need yet another Firefox. They just don't like competition.
Consider a book that has gone t
Orpan works legislation is a trap (Score:2, Interesting)
Plus, how do you know when something is an orphan work? Is it fair that some copyright holders get more "rights" and others dont?
All creators and profitters of new work
Re:Orpan works legislation is a trap (Score:2)
Re:Orpan works legislation is a trap (Score:2)
Public comment is a waste of time (Score:2)
Re:Public comment is a waste of time (Score:2)
While it's true that there will be plenty of comments from copyright holders and their lawyers in this proceeding, it isn't true that "the rest of us" will be drowned out. The point of a Notice of Inquiry (the formal name for the proceeding the Copyright Office has undertaken) is to create a *record* which they can refer to in later rulemaking and in their report to Congressional leaders. In general, if and when rulemaking time comes around, they'll have to respond to every sig
The proper term of copyright. (Score:5, Interesting)
Then, the present value of the copyright is, and will remain, A/i, where i is the interest rate.
Meanwhile, at time t, the present value of the copyright they have already held is A/i * (exp[it] - 1).
So, at some time, it is fair to both the author and public to expire the copyright, because the present value of the copyright (that is being transferred from author to public) is equal to the present value of the copyright that the author has held in the past (that was given to the author by the public). This occurs when t = (ln 2)/i.
Then, the proper term of copyright depends on the interest rate, thusly:
Re:The proper term of copyright. (Score:2)
Everyone in the copyright cartel would obviously claim the lowest possible income rate for their holdings, since it would give them the longest copyright term.
Most would be lying, of course, and would be making a lot more money off their holdings than claimed. The only way that kind of fraud could be prevented is to have a government agency responsible for auditing the copyright holders' financial records, to make sure the profits claimed and the profits made on
Re:The proper term of copyright. (Score:2)
Copyright Registry (Score:2)
I just sent the following comment:
I strongly support the concept of having works for which the copyright holder cannot be identified fall into the public domain.
It has been suggested that there should be a registry of copyrighted works, along with contact information for the holder. This "orphan works" proposal would permit the free market to form such a registry. Copyright holders would want themselves to be identifiable to retain their copyright, so being registered, by a "copyright registrar" would e
Berne Convention (Score:4, Informative)
The whole reason that copyrights no longer have to be registered in the US is the Berne convention, which requires that signatory countries may not impose registration requirements on foreign nationals in order to obtain copyright protection.
Since there's no way to acertain without finding the copyright holder whether that person is a foreign national or not, even if we required registration of copyrighted works as a way to get around this, it still would violate the treaty.
About the only solution would be one similar to that cited in Candadian law, where the Copyright Office can determine that a work is orphaned, set a compulsary license fee, and collect it in case the author is ever found. They've granted a whole 125 of these licenses to date.
Which doesn't really solve the problem at all...
Bono Act isn't Berne; DMCA isn't Berne (Score:2)
The whole reason that copyrights no longer have to be registered in the US is the Berne convention, which requires that signatory countries may not impose registration requirements on foreign nationals in order to obtain copyright protection.
U.S. copyright law already requires registration before the act of infringement in order for a prevailing copyright owner to collect statutory damages. It can do this because (as I understand it) the Berne Convention does not require party states to provide for stat