Wisconsin Governor Proposing Tax On Downloads 840
Christopher Reimer writes "Ars Technica is reporting that the Wisconsin's governor is proposing a tax for downloads. From the article: 'Wisconsin's Democratic governor thinks it's not fair that tangible items get taxed while downloads, like music, ebooks, software, etc., go completely untaxed. So, he proposes to rectify the situation by having Wisconsin's 5% state sales tax apply to Internet downloads.'"
Great! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Great! (Score:5, Insightful)
5% of free is a whole lotta not-a-damn-thing.
Ether Goods? (Score:5, Insightful)
Reminds me of Mullah Nasruddin!
Re:Don't think it is related to p2p... (Score:5, Informative)
Gov. Jim Doyle wants you to pay Wisconsin's 5% sales tax whenever you pay to download a song, book, movie or piece of art
Link: http://www.jsonline.com/news/state/mar05/307622.a
Re:Don't think it is related to p2p... (Score:3, Informative)
I'm not familiar with Wisconsin tax law, but I would assume that these taxes should apply anyways, assuming that you are buying from a business with a physcial location in that state. At least that's how I believe it works here in Canada and provincial taxes.
I don't think downloads should be any different than any other product or service simply because its off the internet. If I buy a service contract, I have to pay tax on that, and its as intangible as a downloaded mp3 or ebook. However, if the compan
Re:Don't think it is related to p2p... (Score:3, Interesting)
I live in Washington State just a stone's throw south of the border. Anyway, WA get's its money -- at least every iTune I buy costs me $1.07 (99 cents plus our 8ish % tax). I n
Re:Don't think it is related to p2p... (Score:5, Informative)
The article (not the Ars Technica writup) specifically states its for purchased downloads. For example, I recently purchased some software online that gave me a choice of either having a CD shipped to me (in which case the cost of shipping was added) or downloading the software for instant gratification. The proposed law would mean that if I chose the download method I would be subject to the same sales tax I would have paid had I chosen to have the CD shipped to me.
There is no proposal to tax all downloads.
Re:Great! (Score:5, Informative)
You're thinking of the sales tax that retailers collect from you and then file with the state. That's not this.
This is the sales tax that Wisconsin collects as a part of the state income tax. There's a line on the Wisconsin income tax that asks the filer to enter the amount of sales tax due on items purchased from out of state but used within the state, items you didn't pay tax on at the time of sale. For example, internet and mail order purchases.
Of course, the thing is - this line is an "on your honor" line, really. The state doesn't really check to see if the amount - if any - that you pay on this line is actually the amount you owe. As a result, I think I heard only a little over 20,000 people actually enter anything onto this line.
There's been noise that they may start using this line as a trigger for audits, but to my knowlege, at this point, it's just noise.
Re:Great! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Great! (Score:3, Funny)
Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:4, Insightful)
We need to come up with some way, to make the politicians 'feel' each tax increase. Or possibly...for them to impose a new govt. program, they have to pick an existing one to scrap. Somehow put a cap on government....we don't need more taxes...we need smarter spending with what we have, and clean house now.
Somehow, it seems that govt. politicians, are so abstracted from how every single tax steals money from their constituents. It must be something similar to casinos using chips instead of real money...it is much easier (among other reasons) to gamble chips that it would be to gamble with real greenbacks.
We need to come up with some way for politicians to vividly see what each new tax does to people and the economy..in such a way as for the general public to see how they view it...
Ok...rambling on...but, I'm sick and tired of a new tax here...new tax there...lets make it somehow capped off...and for every new tax and program in....there needs to be an old tax and program out to balance things...
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Funny)
No, you are NOT taxed enough! Please read: (Score:5, Insightful)
You're a wage earner. You will never be taxed enough. Each dollar that the government seizes is one that it can spend on buying votes rather than you spending it on your "selfish whims" (you know, like feeding your family). Votes are for sale, and the means to buy them are government programs. Votes are the key to power. If you're a politician, then why don't you take someone's money and buy some? If the victim isn't going to vote for you anyway, then you've got nothing to lose!
Both Democrats and Republicans play this hideous game. The ultimate long-term goal is to move 100% of the tax burden to a minority of citizens. That way, every tax increase will be immune from voter resistance. One side will be able to say to 51% of the electorate, "Vote for the other guy and he'll make you pay taxes!"
Re:No, you are NOT taxed enough! Please read: (Score:3, Funny)
Re:No, you are NOT taxed enough! Please read: (Score:4, Insightful)
1% of the population already pays 33% of federal income taxes. Any across-the-board tax cut is met with cries of "33% of the tax cut goes to the richest 1%! Evil tax cuts for the wealthy!". What a system.
For clarity's sake (Score:3, Insightful)
A system in which the majority says "we'll tax that minority more but not impose the same tax on ourselves" is quite simply immoral.
Re:For clarity's sake (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:For clarity's sake (Score:4, Insightful)
This almost made me laugh hysterically. Are you really stupid enough to believe that the upper tax brackets "willingly give up a greater share" "as a way to ease the burden on the middle and lower class"?!
If so, I have some great beachfront property to sell you in South Dakota....
Re:For clarity's sake (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:No, you are NOT taxed enough! Please read: (Score:4, Interesting)
Congradulations, you've discovered the reason democracies over history eventually fail; the proletariat discover they can vote themselves "free" benefits from the public coffers and get into a greedy spiral until the system explodes.
Re:No, you are NOT taxed enough! Please read: (Score:3, Informative)
Wrong. (Score:3, Interesting)
Now, what politicians actually do is give money to their campaign (and pro-them PACs and 572s) contributors, who then give them the money they need to stay in office.
It's an inherent flaw in democracy. Unless you can think of a better solution, suck it up and pay your taxes, whiner.
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:4, Insightful)
Cause when it comes down to it people don't really want low spending. They want low taxes and all the government services they can get. Everyone has their own pet project they don't want to see cut, but they want everyone Else's project cut.
Nobody is willing to say "Start with my items, and then compromise by taking everyone Else's too." Well they might say that, but look at how they vote. Anyone who cuts spending is attacked by the opponent next election, and likely to loose. Raise taxes and you are attacked and loose. Spend without taxing and people moan, but they won't vote against you. Politicians are well trained in what we want, and they give it.
Try proposing cutting Nasa's budget on slashdot. (In a story where their budget is on topic, this comes up often)
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Insightful)
Who pays what in taxes (Score:3, Insightful)
That's why you should have a flat tax with absolutely no deductions at all. Start with 25% and work your way from there.
A 25 percent flat tax rate would break the backs of poorer people. Here is the percentage of adjusted gross income that people pay in federal income taxes (source, IRS, 2003 figures:
(dollars) (percent)(precent)
0 to 15000 2.8 19.2
15000 to 30000 4.3 40.6
30000 to 50000 7.3 58.9
50000 to 100000 10 68.2
100000 to 20
Scrap Withholding (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Scrap Withholding (Score:3, Insightful)
If we lose, Hitler will run over Europe and Hirohito will take Asia. You know they're coming for America next.
We have to fund the War somehow and it's only a temporary measure.
Don't know if this helps..... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Don't know if this helps..... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
Well..see, that's part of the problem. Deductions for having kids? Homeowner? I hope to buy a house in the next few years to take care of that deduction..but, as of right now, I'm single, and have no kids (that I know of). Why should you get a tax break for kids? This almost equates to weal
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Insightful)
(Hopefully people can discuss this without getting their panties in a bunch
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Informative)
Of course. You understand the reasoning behind this, don't you?
As a Republican, you should go kick your party in the goods for being so completely irresponsible
Ah. I guess you don't.
Hopefully people can discuss this without getting their panties in a bunch
I don't think you're going to get what you hoped for after I finish...
Ask yourself ONE question: Which presidential party slashed welfare? Ok, TWO questions: Which presidential party ran up such a high debt that entitlements HAD to be cut?
Do you see the strategy yet? Just in case not, I'll spell it out. The Republicans, under Ronald Reagan (who popularized the phrase "welfare queen") ran up a HUGE debt. The Democrats, under Bill Clinton, HAD to cut something. Welfare, a popular Republican target, and a popular Democratic program, got cut.
Now the Republicans, under George Bush, continue to run up a huge debt while popularizing the notion that Social Security is dying. The Republicans have NEVER been supporters of social securty.
Guess what will happen next? If your panties aren't in a bunch yet, then you're not paying attention.
Let me sum up: The Republicans are EVIL. They run up a HUGE debt so that something has to be cut from the budget. The Democrats are STUPID. They cut their own social programs.
THAT, I believe, is the unspoken plan of the Republicans. If you ignore their words and observe their actions, it's the only thing that makes sense.
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
I agree with shrinking the government, and although I don't think the above qualifies as evil, it certainly is bad fiscal policy.
Of course, if the republicans tried to cut stuff directly, there would be no end to the whining and indignation from the Dems & their pet victim groups.
It's a pitty (Score:3, Informative)
oh, wait . .
well, Damn that Clinton and his Contract With America, anyway . .
for those outside the US: the Republican Reagan had a Democratic Congress (except for a couple of years in the Senate), while the Democrat Clinton had a Republican Congress (except for his first two years which led to it).
Our budget balanced not because of one party or the other, but because, after the Republican landsl
Re:So, it's a choice of Evil vs Stupid government? (Score:3, Insightful)
The US party system will not change without changing the way elections are run, and the US party system controls the process for changing the electoral system. Also, it would take a Constitutional amendment for starters. Not likely to happen.
The U
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Insightful)
All federal spending, of course, not including the Pentagon's budget (which is being increased to $419 billion, not counting the money for Iraq and Afganistan) You're right, though, they did manage to cut the programs that serve the poor.
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
By proportion of money spent? An interesting question. How many people have had their homes blown up by terrorists recently? More importantly, how many people have been saved from having their homes blown up by terrorists recently? No, honestly, for all the speeches about the imminent threat, exactly how much danger has been eliminated? There have been some cases of "terrorist c
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
only if you don't count the cost of the Iraq war.
A regrettable omission in your post: (Score:4, Informative)
You are conveniently omitting the costs of the Greater Middle East Initiatives (i.e. wars), as is the budget proposed by Bush. Federal spending is not frozen; "defense" spending is skyrocketing.
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
It is also incredibly foolish to be running a massive budget deficit when you're also facing consistent trade deficits year after year. The end result has been a blowout in the current account deficit, and a fall in the US Dollar. Worse though, is that with all of that other countries are
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Insightful)
Also, it's false that anyone who voted for Bush supports "don't tax and spend (and spend and spend and spend)" - people vote (or not vote) for candidates for any variety of reasons. Some things are "deal makers or breakers", and others just don't matter as much (individually). I don't like the guy as a President either, but lets try to maintain some semblance of rationality and honesty, shall we?
Re:Republicans vs. Republicans (Score:5, Insightful)
A legislature which happens to be completely controlled by a republican party which, due to circumstances of the moment, follow and support every single decision of the bush administration without question.
How convenient.
Also, it's false that anyone who voted for Bush supports "don't tax and spend (and spend and spend and spend)" - people vote (or not vote) for candidates for any variety of reasons.
If unconditionally re-electing someone who demonstrates fiscal irresponsibility is not support for fiscal irresponsibility, then what is?
It doesn't matter if that was the individual voter's "swing issue". They voted for it.
I am continually perplexed by the extent to which people defending the Bush administration jump through bizarre hoops to prevent anyone taking any sort of blame or even responsibility for that administration's actions. If the president is not responsible for the budget when he has complete sway over congress, who is? If the people who voted that president into power knowing full well what he would do with it are not responsible for or "supporting" him, what do those words even mean?
There was one specific time at which the president's desk had on it a plaque saying "the buck stops here". The Bush Administration and its defenders, despite having no credible opposition or oversight for their actions either in congress or the media and a complete control of the agenda of the Republican party, seem to disclaim either that the buck at any point passed through their hands or even that they have a clear idea what, if they saw it, the buck would look like.
I'd agree George W. Bush himself is of course not personally responsible for any of this, since it seems to me most of the time frankly that almost none of the decisions in this administration are made or possibly even entirely understood by him, but the fact is it is his job to oversee and take responsibility for the members of his administration and the legislation he signs into being. He's the president of the united states of america. If he isn't doing this he isn't doing his job.
Re:Republicans vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, you're making the assumption that it was an unconditional vote for him. The fact is, people are NOT going to be able to vote for ANYONE who believes in and will do everything they want them to do but themselves. So they have to pick someone. For a lot of people, the feeling of "safety"
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
I know this isn't a left-right thing, but I don't understand why a Democrat would bolster this idea, since I feel it is a tenet of the left to play hands-off with the net. At least, I consider myse
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:5, Informative)
I live in Wisconsin. The reason Gov. Doyle is proposing this (and a slew of other new taxes) is because he doesn't want to cut any spending to balance the state budget. His current budget proposal for the next two years (Wisconsin does two year budgets) projects a 1.8 billion dollar deficit. Compounding problems for him is that Wisconsin is already a tax hell and there is strong public support for a property tax freeze, thus he's looking for alternate ways he can raise taxes.
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't know about where you live, but I have to pay a separate utility bill, which also includes my water and sewer, for my trash pick-up. Of course, this is a type of tax because the utility is owned by the City, and there's no option to not have the service, but it's not quite the same as just taking the money out of g
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
There's where you are wrong. The only tenet of any politician is to increase his power base.
Re:Democrats vs. Republicans (Score:3, Insightful)
They're taxing sales, not the Internet (Score:5, Insightful)
The question here is, what do you tax? It's easiest to raise money by taking a piece of the money every time it moves. Tax the money when it gets paid to you. Tax them money when you pay for something.
You can also tax the stuff that doesn't move, like the property taxes on your house. Or you can "tax" for use: toll roads, for exampe. But nobody wants to pay for police on an as-needed basis, and we like the idea that everybody is guaranteed an education, even if they can't afford to pay for it.
The article is suggesting that there are sales happening that aren't being taxes. Most states already try to collect taxes on physical objects, even if they're sold over the Internet, though the rules vary from state to state. They're trying to both increase revenue and be fair. The states really hate it when people buy stuff over the Internet, because that means that the money is being sent to another state; not only do they lose tax revenue but it means in-state businesses suffer.
If you believe that they can tax stuff when it's sold, why not tax nontangible items? They already tax services; in most states you pay tax when the guy fixes your refrigerator.
It doesn't sound like an "internet" tax to me. They're just trying to make sure that the Internet isn't any different a place to make sales than local stores are.
Re:They're taxing sales, not the Internet (Score:5, Informative)
At the same time, he's proposing this new tax and increasing spending. It's technically not raising taxes since it's a brand new tax, but logically it's the same thing.
What this really comes down to is a wasteful government throwing money at different programs, increasing taxes for some of the highest taxed citizens in the country, and claiming that to do otherwise will be "hurting our kids education".
Re:They're taxing sales, not the Internet (Score:3, Interesting)
That's the problem that I see with stuff like this. You're going to start getting double taxed - once for purchasing in one state and again for using it in the state you live in.
No more new taxes, no more increases in taxes. The government needs to make due with what it has (which is already
Yea Right. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yea Right. (Score:2)
There will be no "Internet Police" according to the article thus it will be the same as what most states (if not all) have now... Voluntary reporting of sales tax that you incurred while shopping out of state (via the Internet or ma
Psh, politicians. (Score:5, Funny)
IANAL, but..... (Score:5, Informative)
However, this comes straight from the federal law -
(b) Preservation of State and Local Taxing Authority.-- Except as provided in this section, nothing in this title shall be construed to modify, impair, or supersede, or authorize the modification, impairment, or superseding of, any State or local law pertaining to taxation that is otherwise permissible by or under the Constitution of the United States or other Federal law and in effect on the date of enactment of this Act.
The funny thing is, the whole law is VOLUNTARY! Although I don't think it'll matter if they really want to get the money....If it comes to pass, they'll probably make a provision to make it mandatory
Re:IANAL, but..... (Score:5, Insightful)
Of course I am still of the opinion that this violates the commerce clause.
Does this mean (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Does this mean (Score:4, Informative)
No, of course not. Calling it a tax on "downloading" is really inaccurate- it's a tax on "paying for downloads". Possibly, it could apply to a subscription website (maybe even preimum Slashdot), but if so, the tax would only be applied as you make the payment, not when you download each page.
Suppose that Utah has a tax on ski resorts. They'd charge 5% at the time you buy the tickets- it would be stupid to suppose a tax collector would be stationed at the ski lift, collecting $0.50 each time a person rides up the mountain.
Its generally much more efficient and less obtrusive to collect taxes at the same time another payment is being made. Otherwise, the government must hire a whole new collection-person, devastating the new income stream.
Re:Does this mean (Score:3, Interesting)
What the guy needs to address is what KIND of file can be taxed and what it means to buy something. If he means any file you pay for, there is trouble. If he only means certain kinds of files (say, MP3, for example), every time
Re:Does this mean - RTFA (Score:4, Informative)
Its a sales tax, meaning that some form of sale had to have occurred.
-1, Flamebait (Score:5, Informative)
Re:-1, Flamebait (Score:4, Informative)
And IIRC from reading the article earlier, its not voluntary. It relies on the honor system. There's a big difference there.
Originating state (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Originating state (Score:5, Informative)
Enforcement? (Score:3, Interesting)
Yep (Score:2)
Tax none of it. That would be fair.
Wisconsinite here. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Wisconsinite here. (Score:4, Informative)
Actually, Dane County is one of the most taxed. The rest of the state isn't too bad.
We know our state government is corrupt and unethical.
Eh? Tommy Thompson did a damn good job of keeping things in order. The problem is that there has been no true sucessor step up, so the proceding governors have kept blundering along.
(see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Doyle [wikipedia.org])
In a state that is almost entirely M$ dominated
You wish. It's a state that's IBM dominated. Most of the big companies still run the old mainframes and will happily pay for and install whatever nonsense IBM throws their way. CICS Java bridge, Websphere, WSAD, etc? Install it all! We need it!
Not much creative thinking when it comes to computers. At least in Dane county, anyway. *sigh*
it shouldn't be surprising the population is ignorant about the nature of the Internet.
Nonsense. The rest of the state is quite well aware of the Internet. Dane county, OTOH, tends to have its head up its collective rear. Unfortunately, that's what happens when you have a very liberal University in the middle of an otherwise conservative state. The two kind of mix into this weird "we'll meet you halfway" type of arrangement.
Don't get me wrong. Wisconsin is my home state and I love it. But Dane county has serious issues.
Not much of a proposal... (Score:3, Informative)
From the article: "That's right: it's voluntary. In a country that can trace its origins in part to a dispute about taxes, does this man really think that people are going to voluntarily pay a tax? And what makes it even funnier is that he thinks people in Wisconsin are going to voluntarily pay."
This new tax on downloaded items would be completely voluntary. How many slashdotters are going to lineup to pay more taxes for items that they already receive for free. Next!
Sucking noise... (Score:2)
I've said it once, I'll say it again... (Score:2)
as a resident of wisconsin... (Score:5, Interesting)
There would be no Internet sales tax police, however, because compliance would be on the honor system
What if it's a FREE item. (Score:2)
Good luck Wisconsin (Score:3, Interesting)
What happens when a Wisconsin resident has an out of state friend purchase mp3's, software, etc. and then just emails them (or mail them on a CD)? How could you possibly keep track of all of the shareware authors? Does this governor think he'll be attracting IT jobs?
Stop the world (Score:2)
Why should one type of sales be exempt? (Score:2)
Why should internet sales be exempt from sales tax?
Just because there's no purely physical end product, that's no reason for it to be exempt of sales tax.
All power to him, I say.
Stupid, yet Illegal. Brilliant! (Score:5, Interesting)
Okay, so this is obviously dumb, but I'll go one better. It's also probably unjustifiable and unconstitutional.
The general justification put forth for sales tax is that it's a tax on doing business in the state and using the existing infrastructure of that state so to do. The internet doesn't really do that.
Also, there's a good argument to be made that the Negative Commerce Clause [rnoon.com] prohibits this kind of action by a state or local government. In essence, Congress gets to regulate interstate commerce, not Wisconsin.
The power to tax is the power to destroy... (Score:4, Interesting)
The Wisconsin government could theoretically shut down the local computer store, but it does not have the power to shut down out-of-state websites.
If I lived in Wisconson, I would only be even willing to discuss the matter if it only applied to online stores located in Wisconson, not online customers. If someone drives over to where I live, they pay my local and state sales taxes when they buy stuff at a shop located in my community.
Sounds great! (Score:5, Funny)
Don't go bezerk people... (Score:4, Informative)
It won't include free websites, e-mail, free software downloads, etc... just the software you download and pay for.
Plus, this will only affect you if you live in Wisconsin, since states cannot tax interstate commerce.
Please pay tax (Score:3, Funny)
Thank You.
-The Wisconsin "We make the laws, you pay for them" Government
ahaha, honour system? (Score:5, Insightful)
It is difficult to implement a mandatory tax from scratch. It is much easier to take an existing "voluntary" tax and make it mandatory.
people pay M$ tax--why not us? (Score:3, Funny)
Simple: Double taxation (Score:3, Insightful)
1) You pay a company for broadband, and you pay the gov't taxes for that
2) You pay the gov't for the only use of broadband
'Creative' taxes are dumb. This coming from a state (MN) where the governor is all about 'creative' taxing.
Not fair (Score:4, Insightful)
Repeal the tax on the CD and cut government spending.
A similar technique will solve all other cases of taxation that aren't fair.
Every state needs money and here's the solution (Score:5, Interesting)
Besides, taxing interstate transactions is illegal under the "Commerce Clause" of the US Constitution (3) so it'll most likely be placed in within the State "use tax" category which has been very difficult in the past to enforce.
Putting aside the fairness issue taxing ultra low dollar electronic purchases IMO just isn't worth it.
(While many states currently do require a State issued drug tax stamp, because of marijuana's current status as illegal under prohibition few people actually purchase them. The "drug tax stamp" law is most commonly used to add the extra charge of tax evasion to a drug dealer and squeeze him for a little extra money and jail time.)
1. Marijuana prohibition facts [mpp.org]
2. Thinking about Drug Legalization [cato.org]
3. Interstate Taxation and the Commerce Clause [umkc.edu]
sales tax is for GOODS not Serv ices (Score:5, Interesting)
You should never, ever pay a "sales tax" on a DRMed download becuase you haven't actually really bought a product - you've bought a service, and those don't get taxed as sales tax.
Possible work around? (Score:3, Interesting)
Then its a service fee to access their servers, not a "payment for goods".
Makes sense (Score:3, Interesting)
In Other News.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Wow, (Score:3, Insightful)
Double taxation? (Score:4, Interesting)
Its time for a political uprising.
Re:So would this include... (Score:2)
I pay my ISP to have an Internet connexion but there is already a tax on it.
Re:5% of what exactly (Score:3, Funny)
Nonsense! The Luddites in Wisconsin will see this as a windfall that they should have a cut of. All the governor needs to do is claim that the money raised from this move will be put twords seniors, children or puppies. If anyone tries to stop him they'll be seen as a puppy killer. There will be terror on the streets as old men smash iPods with their canes. He knows his gig.
"You're trying to cut the tax money that pays for my Depends (TM) undergarments? I'll call Matlo