GTA Blamed for Graffiti 239
Voodoo Extreme is reporting on a group of Greensburg, PA boys who went on a Graffiti spree and then blamed it on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. From the article: "The boys range in age from 12 to 14 and are charged with institutional vandalism, criminal conspiracy, criminal mischief and desecration of venerated objects." Is it just me or, um, should 12 year olds not be playing GTA?
Another blame (Score:5, Funny)
Isn't there one? (Score:5, Insightful)
New at 10: Parents buy mature and adult video games for their children, then blame the game companies when their kids make mischief.
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:3, Funny)
Yes, but they're all out tagging the local shoppes
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:3, Insightful)
Given that parents are probably the main target audience, you don't want to alienate your readership by blaming them for buying an insanely popular game.
So you blame the game company.
News media need good bottom lines too, you know.
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:5, Insightful)
Ask those 12-to-14 year olds "Did you know that spray-painting objects that don't belong to you was wrong?" or "Did you know that spray painting objects that don't belong to you is illegal?" and see how many answer "no". Then slap the ones that answer "no" until they tell the truth and be done with it.
They were wrong, they damn well knew they were wrong, and they don't want to get into trouble or take responsibility for what they did, so they're blaming somebody else to see if they can slide.
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:3, Insightful)
Mind you, some grafitti really are works of impressive art.
I knew something was up when my 13 year-old son asked for an Xbox, Tony Hawk games and a case of spray paint for Christmas.
He plays GTA too, but I didn't notice any spontaneous, evil teenager-type impulses yesterday to drag people out of cars and steal their hos. He *did* buy an ICP CD, though, maybe I should worry.
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:2)
It is already too late.
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:2)
I suppose, considering the level of maturity these kids displayed, that spanking them would be a reasonable way to get them to admit that they knew right from wrong.
at the risk of unpopularity - Simpsons Ref (Score:2)
BROCKMAN: Now at the risk of being 'unpopular,' this reporter places the blame squarely upon you, the viewer.
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:3, Funny)
I didn't realize that IGN was for non-gamers, I thought that's what FOX News was for...
Re:Isn't there one? (Score:2)
Stupid is as stupid does (Score:3, Insightful)
Well if the kids are that stupid - what are the chances their parents understand a "mature" rating?
Re:Stupid is as stupid does (Score:2)
Re:Stupid is as stupid does (Score:5, Insightful)
When I was 12, I was exposed to things far more explicit than Grand Theft Auto. If this was a series of "cop" games, it could be every bit as riddled with "mature" content, and nobody would bat an eye at a pre-teen playing it. For some reason, the fact that you get to play the villian in these games has otherwise libertine and morally loose folks running around screaming "where were the parents when this horrible atrocity happened? Oh, the humanity! The kid is playing a game which has cartoon hookers in it! Where's my pitchfork? Burn the witch! Burn the witch! We shall clense the Earth with fire!"
Chill. Some idiot kids vandalized property, and then fished for the easiest excuse they could find. The blame lies with those kids. This is not a new problem, nor one we are clueless about dealing with. Make them clean highway ditches every Saturday for a couple Summers, and move on.
Re:Stupid is as stupid does (Score:2)
Simply it's the act of one stupid kid who's too afraid to blame his parent cause they'll beat the shit out of him. So he blames GTA. So many dysfunctinoal family in this damn country, and the media is capitalizing on them.
Parents Anyone? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Parents Anyone? (Score:3, Interesting)
Why doesn't anybody ask 'where did they get the gun?'
-- Guns don't kill people, kids who play video games kill people
Re:Parents Anyone? (Score:4, Insightful)
What is the penalty? (Score:5, Interesting)
E.g., if I get syphillis from a hooker, can I sue/blame the hooker and not be arrested for soliciting? Or that is a context argument. If I was 14 and got shitfaced drunk and say shot somebody, could I "blame" alcohol and avoid prosecution?
So where is this tolerance level coming from? These kids admitted to obtaining and viewing for personal use what for them is illicit material. That's enough for a paedophile webring so why not a bunch of vandals who were too stupid to avboid getting caught?
Re:What is the penalty? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:penalty? ... in the UK, illegal to supply! (Score:2)
However the video recordings act (1984) goes alongside the BBFC classification and states:
"It is an offence to supply, or offer to supply, a video recording to any person who has not attain
Re:penalty? ... in the UK, illegal to supply! (Score:2)
But since this took place in America that is where I based my statements from.
As it is some towns and states in the US are attempting to enforce these "recomendations" as law, and these are mentioned whenever they turn up on
I think parents should be parents (note that I am not a parent) and not expect the state to parent, but at the same time you can't control your child all day every day an
Re:penalty? ... in the UK, illegal to supply! (Score:2)
Whatever happened to good old beatings? Taught me good
Re:penalty? ... in the UK, illegal to supply! (Score:2)
Re:What is the penalty? (Score:2)
Back when laws used to make sense, they decided not to let kids buy spray paint and glue. Now they want to ban the games?
This country blows.
Re:What is the penalty? (Score:2)
Who's to Blame? (Score:4, Insightful)
It's true that kids can be influenced, but so can everyone. If we want to say that kids cannot be responsible for their actions, fine. Then we must hold the parents responsible. You cannot blame a game that is designed for the 18+ crowd and shouldn't even be sold to minors.
Exactly (Score:3, Interesting)
Taking responsibility for our actions (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Taking responsibility for our actions (Score:2, Funny)
Oh, wait-- what do you mean it's just not Korea?
Re:Taking responsibility for our actions (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Taking responsibility for our actions (Score:2)
Because they've seen it work so many times before.
Re:Taking responsibility for our actions (Score:2)
News flash: people are impressionable (Score:2, Insightful)
The reason GTA is so popular is because people have a secret desire to be anarchistic. The game gives them an
Re:News flash: people are impressionable (Score:4, Insightful)
The study found that kids who watched TV were indeed more aggressive than kids who didn't. They also found that kids who watched Sesame Street were just as aggressive as the violent TV group.
I don't know if there have been any follow-up studies, but this seems to me to be a very big clue that the problem isn't strictly violence on television, but instead that there's something inherent in the mass media that goes much deeper than violence that is harming people's (or at least children's) socialization.
Just another of the little tidbits that leads me to believe that the reason why we've separated into two camps - one screaming about violent TV and video games and the other screaming about crappy parents - is that nobody really wants to admit that both of these are just symptoms of the core problem. Namely, our entire crappy, violent culture.
Re:Correction (Score:2)
What I meant to say is, the study found that kids who watched violent TV were more aggressive than kids who didn't watch TV at all.
Re:News flash: people are impressionable (Score:2)
Re:News flash: people are impressionable (Score:2)
Children's shows demonstrate these effects most poignantly. Look at Bill Bye the
GKU? Gang Kids United?!? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:GKU? Gang Kids United?!? (Score:2)
Re:GKU? Gang Kids United?!? (Score:3, Funny)
Here's My take... (Score:5, Insightful)
Graffiti has been a problem for decades. To blame it on a game is as ignorant as it is outrageous. I remember when some kid shot up his school and the media was all set to blame that on video games. The problem isn't the games, it's that the world that the games are based on (real-world) sucks.
Murder happens. Vandalism happens. Playing a game that incorporates this and then going out and doing this stuff doesn't make you any less of a murderer or vandal. These kids will most likely get sentenced as is proper in PA law.
The GTA angle is just a sad attempt to push a political agenda (far-right tightwads). I'm tired of conservatives thinking they have the right to tell me and whoever else what I should be able to buy. If they had their way, there wouldn't be any games with a hint of violence.
Where would that leave us? I dunno, puzzle/board/card games, I guess.
Tetris and Solitaire.
Re:Here's My take... (Score:2)
Far left treehuggers are just as opposed to video game violence if not moreso.
However, I doubt it's any kind of political agenda. These kids are scared that they got caught, and are trying to avoid getting punished. Remember when you were a kid and got in trouble? Same shit, different day.
Re:Here's My take... (Score:2)
Re:Here's My take... (Score:2)
I remember Jet Grind Radio for the Dreamcast had similar publicity problems. Anybody remember the "Graffiti is Art" event that the city tried to shut down at the last minute?
Re:Here's My take... (Score:2, Interesting)
The game is not the problem. The kids are about half the problem. The other half is the parents. These parents care more about watching the latest episode of E.R. then they care about keeping an eye on their kids. So when the kids nag them for a video game, they buy it and never look at it or the kids again.
There is not a single video game that my (10 year old) son has that I have not played and know the exact content of
Re:Here's My take... (Score:2)
As the father of a 12 y.o. boy, I'll say you are partially right.
It is the fault of the parents, but buying or not buying the game has nothing to do with it. My son is a straight A student in a Magnet school, well on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout, and does volunteer projects all the time.
He and I both also happen to share GTA tips with each other. I have no fear that he is going to start jacking cars and beating up whores any time soon, or ever. On the other hand, I took away his Tony Hawks gam
Re:your rong!!! (Score:2)
Vandalism has always been a problem, and barring technological solutions, it probably always will be. Kids w
Damn (Score:2)
Re:your rong!!! (Score:2)
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say... probably not.
Ah Greensburg (Score:5, Insightful)
If there were places for teenagers to hangout, like skateparks, there would be less influence to go out and do stupid things. Any time a teenager brings a gun, drugs, or hurts himself on your property, you lose your property to lawsuits. So no one caters to making fun places to hang out, its nothing but people's houses and stores out there. Maybe its like that everywhere now.
Re:Ah Greensburg (Score:3, Funny)
We didn't even have GTA to relieve the boredom. You had to pray your friend from a rich family bought an Atari so you could play Pitfall or something.
If kids today have a problem, it's not lack of recrational options: It's too much structure in their recreation. Their nights and weekends are jammed with busy little after-school activities. When we were kids, an after-school activity was "go outside." If kids today ca
Re:Ah Greensburg (Score:2)
Not quite like cartoons, but you could get a nice banana trail going.
Then there were friends who played "Fluorescent light sabers with cardboard boxes over their heads"
wooommm wooooommmvv vvvwooooomm *CRSSSSHHHHHSHHSHSH!*
I still laugh my ass off thinking about playing "Ghost ride your crappy bike down a long ramp". Something hilarious about seeing a bike wobble on its own for 10+ seconds, slowly gainin
Re:Ah Greensburg (Score:2)
How about: hitting a volleyball with a toilet plunger while swimming in a pool, underestimating its effectiveness and watching the ball go two yards over?
Never did get into 6502 assembly. It could have been very useful, since I was pretty much banging my head into the limits of Apple BASIC.
I need to buy a toilet plunger and a volleyball now.
Re:Ah Greensburg (Score:2)
Re:Ah Greensburg (Score:2)
But you had to claim boredom as a possible defense.
well... (Score:5, Insightful)
They would have you think that they are the great revolutionaries, fighting the supression of the individual by putting their tag everywhere and thus destroying the mindless uniformity and attacking the collective subconscious or some such.
Now admittedly I like some graffiti.... theres some absolutly beautiful peices of artwork that people have illicitly put up in backalleys on walls. Stunning stuff. Of course thats the stuff that doesn't get washed off, because well, it really does make the place look nice.
If this was what they defended I might be with them, but the vast majority is just a bunch of silly words written in paint marker or scratched into a plexiglass bus window. Crap. Nobody appreciates it but them, it just makes a place look run down and ugly.
"Yah I am a counterculture revolutionary because I can write a word in really funked up letters that nobody can read"
At least these kids if they blame it on GTA, probably wont do it again
The editor's note for this article is plain stupid (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The editor's note for this article is plain stu (Score:2)
Re:The editor's note for this article is plain stu (Score:2)
I've responded a few times to this subject because I think it's important.
My son plays GTA (myself, I don't see the attraction at age 42 - I prefer strategy-based gaming), but he likes it and is well-balanced as an individual.
They shouldn't vandalize either (Score:2, Insightful)
Oh, OK then (Score:4, Insightful)
I just thought they had dumbass parents who don't give a shit about their children and let them play violent video games and run the streets with weapons and spray-paint.
But now I realize, no one can control these children. At 12, they are so intelligent and powerful that parents are helpless to stop them from doing whatever they want.
FYI, there's a 12-y-o under my roof who watches nothing pg-13 or above (because he's obnoxious enough as it is, that's way). He also doesn't buy spray-paint.
It's been said a thousand times already, but... (Score:2, Insightful)
Parenting, Parenting, Parenting, Parenting.
Plain and simple. If the kids got the game from one of his friends whose parents purchased it for him, then the other parents involved need to get on their case.
And age doesn't mean a damn thing. I was playing Wolfenstein 3D when I was 12, and for all the screaming and ranting of "concerned" groups, I didn't end up a violent psychotic. You can be mature enough at a young age to grasp such concepts as fantasy and reality without d
Remember Columbine? (Score:2, Funny)
I say . . . (Score:2)
Any claim of "some vidoe game/movie/rock song made me do it" should bring automatic commitment to a mental hospital for the criminally insane, with the doctor who signs the release papers being criminally and civilally responsible for whatever they do after they get out.
WTF (Score:5, Funny)
My daughter is 4 (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:My daughter is 4 (Score:2)
Re:My daughter is 4 (Score:2)
Your daughter has been subjected to a) Keanu Reeves' wooden acting and b) Keanu Reeves' naked butt?!?!?!
I sure don't envy the shrink bills you'll be getting...
The real influence... (Score:2, Interesting)
How else would the kids know they can deflect blame by blaming something else?
A proper corrective measure for these kids should be a 48 hour marathon of every 'positive/inspirational' TV and movie in existence (disney, care bears, etc). That way, since they are so easily influenced, we will have happy, sharing, giving, happy members of society as a result.
THEN they can go to the media and say "its a wonderful life" inspired me to help my community'.
Cool... (Score:3, Funny)
I've got to get this game when it comes out on PC.
stupid people... (Score:2)
This graffiti thing is silly though. Are you going to complain about everything that causes graffiti? I was browsing a graffit
The devil made me do it. (Score:2)
Seriously I invite you (and any judge and lawyer) to exchange, "I saw it on a movie/game hear it on a tune" for the Phrase: "The devil made me do it" I wont asure you the same level of success (specially on the media). But I do can as
Next, Tony Hawk (Score:2, Insightful)
But with vandalism...... Well, let's just say that in my old (28) age, I was shocked and appalled by the inclusion of vandalism as a central (read: featured prominently in TV ads) theme of Tony Hawk's Underground 2. Teenagers might have enough sense not to go bust a cap in the ass of some old
GTA is a game (Score:2)
GTA is a GAME, it is ment to be played FOR FUN. It's like cops and robbers in the playground. As long as people understand that it's ment to be fun and nothing more then there is no problem.
It's exactly like nudists for example. Some people see it as sexual and may want to abuse it to get their own way (GTA made me shoot my baby, rob a drug store then hump a lamp post!), where as the real people involved just see it as "What we want to do".
Everyone "outside the box" doesn't
Sounds like... (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh yea, great idea, cuz the government ban on various drugs has been so successful.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:4, Insightful)
Agreed. People who want to do bad or dumb things will do them no matter what. There was _plenty_ of graffiti long before Pong hit the market and the alleged warping of America's youth began.
GTA didn't make stupid kids vandalize things.
Beavis And Butthead didn't make stupid kids set their house on fire.
The Program didn't make stupid college kids lie down in the middle of a street and get run over.
Notice the recurring theme, anyone?
they can't sell you something you don't already want
You put very simply what is probably going to end up being one of the best points in this thread. GTA didn't make hoodlums, hoodlums made* GTA.
* No, not the programmers (though I don't know any of them personally), the general population craving the "mature" video games and shelling out big bucks for them.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2, Insightful)
The legal system in the US is an F'n joke. We've got people facing 15 year sentences for illegal downloading while a rapist serves 2-5 years. Where is the logic in that. Who would you rather have on the street, a Rapist or Software Pirate? The choice is clear, our legal system does not consider common sense punishment.
BTW my common sense punishment for these kids would be to kick thier asses.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:3, Insightful)
Sure, because we all know that there wasn't a drop of alcohol sold or consumed in the US between 1919 and 1933. (Feel free to correct my dates, I didn't thoroughly Google before posting.)
I never thought I'd see anyone on Slashdot saying (loosely translated), "The US government should force more control over our every-day lives. That would make things better." Not that I agree with all the anti-government fanboyism running rampant around here, but it's a we
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
Just because one government law (and the example you chose is more than 70 years old) doesn't work, in no way means that all government laws won't work. That's ridiculous - why would there even be laws if none of them worked? Absinthe, for instance, was banned about a decade before prohibition, and is still pretty difficult to get a hold of in the United States.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:5, Insightful)
Personally I know of a woman who rented and allowed their 8 year old daughter to watch "Saw" now thats some sick twisted stuff. Either way I still wouldn't ban the movie, just really really wish parents would use some common sense, but then again maybe this kid has proved they can handle movies like that well. On the other hand noone knows what the long term effects are. So I guess my argument is circular, all this stuff is tragic, but its not new, and we can't just go around banning things we don't like.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:5, Insightful)
Now, if 1% of the copies caused people to shoot another person, that would be 100,000 murderers created by the game since its release at the end of October. A crime spree like that would be front page headlines across the country!
So lets say 0.1% of them became murderers. (We're already below the margin of error for most polls and quite a few research studies) That would be 10,000 people out of ~291million (in July 03 [factmonster.com]). New York City had a population of 8,085,742 [infoplease.com]. Assuming an even distribution, that would be 270 murderers in New York city alone, half of the murders for the year of 2004 [] (which was the lowest rate for the city since the 60's).
Below 0.1% you're no longer arguing statistical correlation vs. causal relation, you're talking about coincidence. Or in this case, the kids blaming their bad behavior on anything but themselves.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
The actual number of GTA murderers doesn't matter. If one thousandth of one percent of Americans were murderers (about 3000, which seems reasonable), and one hundredth of one percent of GTA players were murderers (about 1000 of those 3000), that would be a factor of ten between likelihood, and account for 1/3 of all murders. That ratio would be very significant.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
The statement you have is "Of murderers, 1/3 were murderers because of GTA". Its certainly a big number and I'm sure there are lawyers who would love to flaunt numbers like that around, but its not as interesting or useful as "Of people who played GTA, X were murderers because of GTA".
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
Government bans don't work. See prohibition, the drug war, blue laws, DeCSS, speeding...
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
If this conclusion is inevitable, as you say it is, then logically even a government ban won't stop 12 year-olds from getting hold of the game.
So, then, what's the point of a government ban if it is ineffective?
Government bans on the sale of any product are, and always have been, well-meaning but flawed and failed policies. We've banned the sales of certain drugs, various weapons, and so forth; yet those t
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
Your argument in the last paragraph is one against laws in general. It is directly equivalent to 'since no law works perfectly, we might as well have no laws at all.' Why don't you start your own country, give it a try, and let the rest of us know how well it works.
Complicated, isn't it? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Complicated, isn't it? (Score:2)
Re:Complicated, isn't it? (Score:2)
Re:Jet Set Radio (Score:2)