FCC Asks For Comments On Internet Wiretapping 254
SECURITY GURU writes "Security Focus has posted a story about The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launching a public comment period on its plan to compel Internet broadband and VoIP providers to open their networks up to easy surveillance by law enforcement agencies. The 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), a federal law that mandates surveillance backdoors in U.S. telephone networks, is what would allow the FBI to start listening in on Internet communications. The EFF, ACLU, and the Electronic Privacy Information Center all opposed the plan, and an ACLU letter-drive generated hundreds of mailings from citizens against what the group called 'the New Ashcroft Internet Snooping Request.' If you have a comment on why you don't want the governemnt reading your email please post it here. All comments are due by November 8th."
But the EFF *wants* to tap when it come to p2p (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:But the EFF *wants* to tap when it come to p2p (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm all for appointing a dead guy over Ashcroft, but paranoia is only likely to miss dangerous abuses over normal behavior.
Re:But the EFF *wants* to tap when it come to p2p (Score:2)
No, it's not just about aggregate bandwidth consumption -- it's about tracking what files take up that bandwidth.
It's not cool with me if ISPs are montoring my network usage to know what I'm doing, and it still baffles me that the EFF is act
Re:But the EFF *wants* to tap when it come to p2p (Score:3, Interesting)
i mean, sure, the internet *could* be considered public space... but that'd be wrong.
popular p2p networks could be policed while smaller "black market" p2p networks would pop up (oh hey! sounds familiar!) that circumvent the overseeing organization... i dont know
/brain fart.
Re:But the EFF *wants* to tap when it come to p2p (Score:2)
The only thing that is public is the list of files that are available for sharing. The sharing itself, however, is a private transaction between two parties.
No reason for alarm (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:5, Insightful)
This isn't tin foil hat material folks... This is really what's going to happen if we continue down the road we have been traveling. If we don't stop it at the polls this year it's not going to be easily turned around.
Governments (regardless of party affiliation) love to have power. If one party can get the public brainwashed into believing that the measures they are taking are both necessary and acceptable the other side isn't going to complain when they have just that much more control over the population...
Snap, just like a light switch? (Score:2)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm confused, do you honestly believe that Kerry would actually oppose the ability of law enforcement agencies to quickly and easily tap the internet communications of those suspected of crimes?
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
If you think that a Democrat government would have done any differently, think again. ISP's in my country, the Netherlands, have been compelled to install backdoors for government snoopers for a number of years now, and at their own expense. This pol
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
A good insight, except it's about 20 years too late; "they" already tried preventing the exportation of crypto, anad that battle has largely been lost (as I see it). Anyone and everyone can use near-military grade encryption and the US Government already can't do anything about it. The traffic they really care about in terms of national security is already encrypted (most likely) an
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
I keep hearing of all these slippery slopes. We never seem to slide down any of them though. Perhaps it is tin foil hat material.
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
All the more reason to get as many people as possible using strong encryption *now*. Once use of encryption by rote becomes widespread (mainstream) there is no way it can be stopped. People in the US will NOT put up with the government having "backdoors" to their private communications. They've tried to get this before and the outrage was just too overwhelming - even without a critical mass of users.
The NSA ma
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
If you are that worried about NSA backdoors, download a 100% Open Source encryption solution (I think GPG fits that definition) and compile it yourself.
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
With any security system, there is always a point where "faith" comes in.
Re:Compiling it yourself (Score:2)
Wow, that's some comparison you made there (Score:4, Insightful)
I've heard a lot of dumb and/or partisan political statements this year. A whole lot. But this has to win some kind of award.
What on earth are you talking about?
Consider for a moment, crowd, moderators, metamoderators all. Is it flamebait to look at this pathetic attempt at analogy and say "horseshit?" Or is it just being succinct?
We're supposed to seriously consider whether Senator Kerry has a forced Muslim appreciation regime? Maybe politely ask for his sources? Calmly spend time wondering what hidden diamond of wisdom is buried inside this petrified cow pellet?
Is it somehow satisfying to just wave our hands as these idea spammers overload the mental inbox with bullshit? Have to keep calm... Every idea is equal... Have to treat everyone with respect...
Can any outrage slip past us as long as it is outrageous enough?
We used to have uncomplicated, plain old non-postmodern ridicule for nonsense like this. Is it extinct?
Just curious, acvh, did you wince a little when you wrote that? Maybe even you know you're stretching it a little?
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:3, Insightful)
That said, there is a huge difference between your ISP being able to read your email if they want to and having them compeled to provide that capability to a government agent.
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2, Insightful)
Exactly.Your own rebuttal is my rebuttal to your rebuttal. Problem solved without the application of an offensive law that broadens the rights of the government to spy on its citizens.
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:3, Interesting)
And I'm just saying that if you think this would not give them new powers under law you are wrong. There is a difference between capability and legal powers.
There are technical defenses against technical snooping. There is no defense against law without becoming a criminal. The fact that they can interecept my email is something to consider when sending email and that's all, like sending a postcard. The fact that they are seek
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
The freenet stuff is similar to what I'm talking ab
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
Alternatively, you could always use a wireless access points to transfer information between computers without actually meeting.
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:5, Insightful)
I would highly advise you to *not* fill out this form with any legitimate info (which is probably required for the comment to be considered). In fact, I would falsly fill it out with the personal information of your state auditor, governor, or other public figure.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it should bother *anyone* that they request all this ridiculous information for simply leaving a comment.
(Note: 1928 was the first gun registration, but it was "improved" in 1938 to include mandatory registration for any type of weapon)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:4, Funny)
At the moment, they need your name, address, email, and phone number, and it's a disincentive for the public to participate - your post being a prime example.
Which is why a wiretapped society could be good for democracy. You see, after they've tapped the 'net, you won't have to enter any identifying details. Ideally, you won't even have to fill out a form. When they want your opinion, they'll be able to just pull it out of the database!
scroll down more, you don't have to (Score:2)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2, Informative)
Re:No reason for alarm (Score:2)
It's not I who have to justify or give any reason why I don't want my mail read; rather, the state must justify why they should have the right to read my mail.
Please don't start... (Score:5, Insightful)
That is hardly the point.
Re:Please don't start... (Score:2)
Any response that involves the government abusing its power comes off sounding like a conspiracy nut. I'm finding it difficult to defend my privacy without sounding crazy.
Re:Please don't start... (Score:4, Interesting)
If that doesn't work, send her to my house.
Re:Please don't start... (Score:2)
Re:Please don't start... (Score:5, Interesting)
1 - We all go to the bathroom. Everyone does. It's biological. Nothing wrong with it. At one point or another, we've all made embarrasing sounds in the bathroom. Again, nothing wrong. But who would welcome an intrusion in that private moment? I wouldn't. There are times where I am engaging in activities that aren't wrong, but I'd be really upset if someone was watching/listening in. The same goes for comunications of any kind. We all discuss things with people that we don't want others to know. Even if the person listening in is benevolent and has no interest in revealing our secrets (or honestly doesn't even care), we'd still rather have that unknown third party not know. For your wife, ask her if she'd have a problem with some government terrorist sniffer listening in on a conversation she had with her doctor about a yeast infection. The spook doesn't know her, doesn't care, and would likely rather not have been privy to the details - but I doubt that would comfort your wife. All she knows is that an intimate discussion with a medical professional has been monitored and possibly recorded in a massive databse, JUST IN CASE.
2 - Sounds a little tin-foil-hattish, but here goes. Let's assume that we can trust the government of today not to abuse the power. We can pretend that everyone in power has the genuine intention of using this technology/law to stop suicide bombers (not a safe assumption to make, but hey - for the sake of argument, why not). What assurance do we have that the government of a year/5 years/10 years from now are just as trustworthy? We don't know that, we can't know that. But the law/technology will still be there, but the honest people it was meant for may be gone and replaced with a government you cannot trust. These things happen, even in American history (see: McCarthy, Hoover). Even if we can trust the leaders of today, it won't be the leaders who actually use the laws/technology. It will be hundreds or maybe thousands of government employees -- and anyone who has ever had experience with a civil servant can tell you that not all of them can be trusted. Maybe someone tries to get a job as a 'line sniffer' just so that they can listen in to private calls and jack off later to them (not likely, but hey - sick people exist). I know I'd feel violated because if that happened. Or maybe one of them hears something like a call between someone (such as a respected member of a conservative community) and asubstance abuse councelor about their secret addiction? Well, lookie-lookie. All of a sudden, this line sniffer has blackmail info. Or a more likely scenario - a call to a shop-by-phone company. With that one call, a crooked sniffer would have your name, address and credit card number. What's to say that government employees aren't subject to the same temptations as the rest of us? All it will take is time before you get the right combination of a morally-loose sniffer and the big promise of enough cash.
Hope that helps!
Re:Please don't start... (Score:3, Insightful)
My reply to "If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about." is this:
If the government isn't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. With footnotes to Filegate [epic.org], Yasser Hamdi [humanrightsfirst.org], and Brandon Mayfield [cnn.com] to name three off the top of my head.
In Soviet Russia..... (Score:2, Funny)
Why not? (Score:5, Funny)
WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:5, Insightful)
Get your fucking warrant, set up your equipment, and do your thing. If that takes too long and you miss your chance to get what you need, tough fucking shit. I have no sympathy for you.
Just because we were attacked (and have threats of more) recently does NOT mean that we should treat every god damn citizen like a criminal. Why can we not learn from the past? McCarthyism/Cold War??? Come on, wake up, do NOT stand for this bullshit.
We are citizens and we have rights as such. Why the hell are we allowing the government to walk all over us? Make your complaints known to the FTC and in the polls in November.
Re:WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:4, Informative)
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin
Remember, fear of hostile forces is nothing new. If we "win" this "War on Terror" at the sacrifice our liberty, what have we preserved?
Re:WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:2, Informative)
1) Freedom of Speech has been drastically weakened. Anybody speaking out against the president's foreign policy is deemed unpatriotic.
2) Protection from Illegal Search and Seizure. Goodbye to any sort of due process for terrorist suspects. There are STILL people in jail suspected of being terrorists, held without any real proof or more importantly a court date.
3) Right to a fair trial? Not sure what this falls under, but naming American citizens enemy combatants and denying them all
That would be the 5th amendment guarantee of due process [wikipedia.org].
Re:WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:3, Insightful)
1) My right to check out any book I like from a library without having to worry that my taste in literature is going to get my name on a "watch list".
2) The library's right not to divulge my reading habits.
3) The library's right to tell its patrons when the government has begun forcing it to disclose our reading habits.
Please report to Cuba for re-education.
Re:WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:2, Insightful)
Interesting that you chose three as the threshold for acceptable removal of liberties. I guess as long at they take them one at a time, that is okay?
Here is one for starters (NY Times Article) [nytimes.com]
My Summary: The US incarcerates incommunicado one of it's most (allegedly) dangerous citizens, ostensibly to make the US safer, for over two years. Then when told by the Supreme Court they would have to prove why he was dangerous (due process), they choose to release him instead.
Now, if the fact that the gover
Re:WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:5, Insightful)
Hmmm... List three "liberties" that have been given up in the war on terror... that's a really hard one... I assume that you mean "rights" not "liberties".
Well, given that the USA PATRIOT act allows sneak and peek searches, I would say that the liberty to feel safe from searches in your own home... (That would be your rights under the Fourth Amendment)
Then there is the Sixth amendment rights to a fair, speedy public trial. Given that people held since 9/11 have been held without trial as "material witnesses", that the patriot act allows people to be held without access to legal defence... I think that might be number two. (I would point out that the sixth amendment does not say "Citizen".)
So, I only need to find another loss of a right within the bill of rights and I think I can claim that I am home free... Well, I'm going to do this the other way round for the last one... I'll pick an amendment and find ways that it has been broken (in my opinion)... I think the first amendment is a good one...
Hmmm, well, technically, Congress hasn't made many laws on this. However, the rights enumerated under this have definitely been violated.
We'll start with the "free speech" zones. So that the president doesn't have to see any opposition, people who want to "Peaceably asemble" are herded into little cages around the corner out of sight.
The military have "banned" certain types of photographs from being shown to the public... that sounds to me like the freedom of the press being violated.
After the Madrid bombing an Oregonian lawyer was accused (and later released) based on a poor match to a smudged partial print. His name was bandied about, his reputation dragged through the mud... and all because he was a Muslim lawyer. That sounds like an impediment to his free practice of religion.
Voter registrations in Ohio are being ignored because they are printed on the wrong paper, and voters in Florida are being unregistered because they have a similar name to someone who committed a felony in a different state. Both of those sound like they are an impediment to their right to petition government for a redress of greivances. If you can't vote against someone that you disagree with then your requests to them have less power.
Will that satisfy you?
or do I have to list more?
Re:WE ARE CITIZENS! (Score:2, Funny)
They're probably just going gather data on each person that protests and mark them as people who's communications they should be intercepting
what about the damn costs (Score:2)
First they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out -
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
And I did not speak out -
Because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out -
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me -
And there was no-one left
To speak out for me.
Pastor Niemöller, 1938
It was not lack of intelligence that led
What happened to no unreasonable searches? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What happened to no unreasonable searches? (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Great idea, honest! (Score:5, Insightful)
Internet wiretaps don't make the world safer they do the opposite - they make the world less safe. Any serious criminal will encrypt their connection meaning that the only people a wiretap would be useful against are idiots.
Wiretaps have been abused and these will also be abused - I'm not happy about giving police that power that the return is likely to be so small.
What's so difficult about it? like tapping X.25 (Score:2)
If its not your IP address, you're supposed to ignore 'em. They want to bug the phones, they don't ignore 'em. Its called sniffing.
But you don't have the key (Score:2)
Re:Great idea, honest! (Score:3, Interesting)
As far as wiretapping havin the potential for abuse, you are correct. So do gun
Re:Great idea, honest! (Score:2)
Most criminals are idiots.
We're weeding them out and, through evolutionary forces, hoping to create a new, more formidable and sophisticated criminal.
Looking around, I'd say we're succeeding beyond our wildest dreams.
Re:Great idea, honest! (Score:2)
ACLU (Score:5, Informative)
Still need a Court Order (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Still need a Court Order (Score:2)
I disagree, anyone who CAN, WILL. It also depends on "who" wants to know what you are saying. FBI agents do not need a court order to tap any of your communications.
The spirit of the constitution wasn't based on WILL it was based on CAN, or more specificly CAN'T. Laws usually last a really long time, just because it isn't resonable for someone to use a law to a certain end now, doesn't mean they won't in the future. Look at the anti-trust laws, or whichever "This will NEVER be used to...." law of your ch
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Still need a Court Order (Score:5, Informative)
The FBI already has broad authority to monitor telephone and Internet communications. Current law already provides, for example, that wiretaps can be obtained for the crimes involved in terrorist attacks, including destruction of aircraft and aircraft piracy. Most of the changes to wiretapping authority contemplated in the USA PATRIOT Act would apply not just to surveillance of people suspected of terrorist activity, but to investigation of other crimes as well. The FBI also has authority to intercept communications without probable cause of crime for "intelligence purposes under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ("FISA"). The standards for obtaining a FISA wiretap are lower than those for obtaining a criminal wiretap.
Minimal and Inadequate Standards for Access To Internet Communications Section 216 of the USA PATRIOT Act substantially changes current law. Under current law, a law enforcement agent can get a pen register or trap and trace order requiring a telephone company to reveal the "numbers dialed" to and from a particular telephone. To obtain the order, the law enforcement agent must simply certify that the information to be obtained is "relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation." This a very low level of proof, far less than the probable cause standard (probable cause that a crime has occurred, is occurring or will occur.) - a standard that must be met now to authorize access to the contents of a communication. Under the proposed Section 216, the judge must grant the order upon receiving the certification. Even if the judge disagrees, and believes that law enforcement officers are on a fishing expedition that will yield up no relevant information, the judge must issue the order. The judge is therefore not positioned to protect the privacy of a person's telephone communications; he wields a rubber stamp.
Section 216 of the USA PATRIOT Act would extend this low threshold of proof to Internet communications that are far more revealing than the numbers dialed to or from a telephone, and to portions of e-mail communications that cannot readily be separated from content. Section 216 gives law enforcement agents who obtain pen register and trap and trace orders access to "dialing, routing and signaling information." The bill does not define those terms. They would apparently apply to law enforcement efforts to determine what websites a person has visited. This is like giving law enforcement the power -- based only on its own certification -- to require the librarian to report on the books you had perused while visiting the public library. This is extending a low standard of proof -- far less than probable cause -- to "content" information even while Section 216 purports to exclude content.
The contents of a telephone call are readily separated from the telephone numbers dialed to and from a telephone. However, the same cannot be said of an e-mail address and the contents of an e-mail message. This information moves together in packets. To execute the pen register and trap and trace orders authorized by Section 216, somebody must separate the e-mail address from the contents of the e-mail message of the target. The FBI's answer to this problem is troubling. It obtains access to the entire message. Then, it asser
Re:PATRIOT doesn't work that way anymore :) (Score:2)
That has nothing to do with wiretaps and surveillance, it has to do with compelling financial institutions from handing over confidential records.
And it's not a provision that I'm particular concerned about. Who cares if the FBI can see my bank records? I don't. They wanted this to catch folks that were funding terrorists (get them in the pocketbook), which was an OK goal. Besides, the IRS can get that inform
Re:Still need a Court Order (Score:3, Insightful)
Law enforcement is still required to get a court order to tap into your communications.
They are also supposed to have arrest warrants and follow do process to hold people. Especially if they are arrested inside the country. I think a few Muslims in our generation, and Japanese in our grandparents generation, may have something to say about that.
Wiretapping has Limited Utility on the Internet. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Wiretapping has Limited Utility on the Internet (Score:3, Interesting)
Not necessarily...this would tend to hold true where the 'culprit' had knowledge of decent levels of security or any technical expertise. There are more spammers out there that know about the technologies concerned than 'terrorists', who've been getting unwarranted 'bigging up' by Hollywood.
The main problem with all of this is that people don't trust their government to take a dump without handy in
This may help encryption adoption (Score:5, Insightful)
Pardon my Tinfoil... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pardon my Tinfoil... (Score:5, Informative)
Yes, but Echelon only provides as much intelligence (on US citizens in the USA) as Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand [1] can gather electronically. This will allow the (US) Three Letter Agencies to gather much more intel, much more freely.
[1] Echelon is the UKUSA nations - USA, and the 4 listed above. It's a neat way to for the five nations to avoid spying on their own citizens - by getting their allies to do it.
Re:Pardon my Tinfoil... (Score:2)
Disclaimer: I have no idea what Echelon *really* does.
My "knowledge" of Echelon is based on
(a) French and EU complaints against Britain, complaints that allege the UK (and her allies) routinely spy on French and other EU commerical interests. Now, I accept this is rampant hypocrisy; the French (and, as you mention, the Dutch) do exactly the same.
(b) "Revelations" from former NZ politicians, primarily David Lange.
You're no doubt correct to point out that the USA has tough laws to prevent its own agencies
They're welcome to try. (Score:5, Interesting)
Go go gadget Tinfoil Hat! (Score:4, Insightful)
Don't you mean, "if you want the government to flag your IP address as a potential "iCriminal" post your comment there..along with your home address so we'll know where to send the net cops when it's time to serve warrants"?
Then again, it's not like Ashcroft will make decisions based on the peoples' opinions anyway. I am willing to bet that this is just an attempt at gaining the public's confidence by providing an open forum (regardless of how useless it will be) for gripes and concerns.
*looks over his shoulder* (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:*looks over his shoulder* (Score:2)
Thank god we're limited to 2400bps, 386 processors, bus speeds of 7Mhz, and these things are never updated.
As quite a few people here use naive bayesian filtering on their email, it doesn't seem entirely out of sorts that Carnivore and Echelon could end up extremely effective in, say, pulling out corporate secrets from specific email addresses, or other such market cornering activities.
Nobody wiretaps my Asterisk box (Score:5, Informative)
So all you really need is a VoIP system like Asterix and Pingtel, plus some standard VPN software at the sites where you need to use it.
So with off-the-shelf and open-source software you can create a network that is both isolated from and most likely incompatible with federal wiretaps.
Re:Nobody wiretaps my Asterisk box (Score:3, Interesting)
Imagine, when you buy a new server or firewall, the company that pre-installed it has to give a root password to the government so that you cannot possibly run any kind of unauthorised communications service.
Why should... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why should... (Score:2)
I guess this is a matter of how much you trust them and what is being done by the companies and their customers.
We know how willing corporations are to follow regulations...that's why we have no problems with corporate corruption.
FCC Attachment Upload (Score:4, Funny)
BAD idea. I wonder how much ASCII Donkey pr0n they're going to get.
durisdiction (Score:2, Interesting)
How about... (Score:5, Insightful)
Feedback To Government (Score:3, Funny)
Or simply email your comment to a friend
They'll only catch what the bad guys give 'em (Score:5, Interesting)
straining an already over-strained system? (Score:3, Interesting)
any more 'surveilance' just doesn't seem very practicle to me.
Well I'm Writing in (Score:5, Insightful)
I have been involved with Internet architecture and security for more than ten years. I must warn you that what you're about to do will be devastating to privacy on the Internet and will ultimately lead to such a strong distrust of the Internet that it may render it useless for any type of corporate or personal communication. There are three very serious issued here that must be discussed.
First, the effects of putting a full-blown monitoring system in place, aside from its immense cost to the taxpayers, will ultimately lead to only one conclusion: a wide open hole for any Internet hacker to direct their exploits at with the reward of full access to anyone's information on the Internet. Security of such a tool would be futile, and trusting a government agency with the security and management of such a tool dangerous in light of the government's inability to secure their own systems. Privacy concerns, corporate espionage, and even snooping on other government agencies are all serious concerns that would undermine America's use of the Internet.
Second, Abuse by those in control. Supreme court justices and high officials are not those many are concerned about with regards to abuse - these individuals are not the individuals who are commissioned to secure and manage such a system. It is underpaid government systems administration staff who would be responsible for managing it, people who are very likely to abuse their power to snoop on the private correspondence of others. Keep in mind we're not necessarily just talking about email, but personal media (pictures for example), online banking communications, and even possibly streaming video which should remain confidential from prying eyes.
Third, Electronic correspondence is all too easily analyzed and mined. Clandestine government operations to collect and store data about an individual over a period of years could easily compromise the integrity of the Internet as a whole and lead to the unjust profiling and intervention of law enforcement agencies who seek to use the information for purposes other than wiretapping.
I sincerely hope you are giving this the most critical analysis possible. The 1994 CALEA law was not passed for Internet surveillance; it was passed for telephone wiretapping. In 1994, the Internet wasn't a legislative concern, therefore to allow the FBI to apply this act to the Internet's backbone is a terrible travesty of justice. Do not allow the FBI to become the legislative branch! Demand that a law be passed specifically for Internet wiretapping before you consider anything. If a system like this were to be put in place, I for one would strongly consider abandoning the Internet and I suspect millions of others would do the same.
Im Concerned About Cost (Score:3, Insightful)
How is this different from phone tapping? (Score:2)
We all (well.. all of us who aren't conspiracy nuts) recognize that the Government has the right to tap a telephone line under limited circumstances, with probable cause, and with a court order. I don't see why the "internet" or "on-line" should be any different. As long as the right checks and procedures exist (like court orders) and are followed, then there will be no problem. Remember, any information that is gathered is subject to challenge by defence lawyers in c
Re:How is this different from phone tapping? (Score:2)
You're right about the purpose of the government being there to protect the people. It is the government's first duty. That's why they have law enforcement functions like wire-tapping to protect the public from those who would do it harm.
I'm not sayin
Ability to tap, or reason to tap...the difference. (Score:2, Insightful)
IIRC, in order to get a tap, the law enforcment folks have to get some kind of warrant from a judge, and the have to show proabable cause as to why they want the tap. And even after they get it, and the records, the defendant can still challenge the original warrant, and have the wiretapping thrown out at trial. I think.
If the same requirements exist for tapping someone's IP connection, then what's the worry? So the ability to do
All for it.. it'll provoke widespread crypto. (Score:2)
Something like this will provoke widespread adoption of cryptographic measures, and don't forget, the world doesn't stop at the US border. Worldwide adoption puts pressure on to support and that starts a positive feedback loop.
Yes, governments will then start to clamour for backdoors - and then we can have a much more heated debate about what we want the western world to look like in 50 years.
I suspect the
What's a "provider"? (Score:4, Interesting)
If no, it is so easily circumvented that it will only catch stupid and careless criminals. Note that this may well be a large portion of the target population and ebough to make this worthwhile.
If yes, it seems extremely intrusive, and since I would be my own provider in this case, also fairly useless. When they order me to implement the tap on my self, it will probably make me more careful what I talk about.
doubleplusgood (Score:2, Funny)
Your attention please!
A newsflash has this moment arrived from the [suburban] front.
Our forces in [your house] have won a glorious victory.!
I am authorized to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end.
Here is the newsflash:
times 17.3.04 gwb speech malreported africa rectify
times 19.12.03 forecasts 3 yp 4th quarter 83 misprints verify current issue
times 14.2.04 dhs malquoted code orange rectify
times 3.12.83 reporting gwb day order
Don't fight expecting to win... (Score:2)
Second, the bloody thing grew out of DARPAnet right, and DARPA stands for what? And who pays DARPA's bills? I'm not drawing any conclusion here,
My reply (Score:2)
How Should It Be Done? (Score:2)
I respect a persons right to privacy but..
When all is said and done...when someone does something against the law...how is the legal system suppose to prevent illegal acts from happening or gain proof of a wrong doing in the high tech world?
Do you pick up the pieces after the crime (and hope no one was killed or all the money was taken) or do you try and prevent it?
If you pick up after the crime then it seems to me normal legal procedures(getting
Had any keysigning parties lately? (Score:2)
Too shy to meet? Sorry to hear that; I think you'll enjoy meeting other nerds. I have. But if you can't handle it, then at least get signed by a robot. [toehold.com] It's better than nothing. (Really. That's actually a debatable point, but I say it is.)
We nerds can form the backbone WoT infrastructure, then non-nerd leaf-
Oh, please. (Score:3, Insightful)
This FCC request is two things: 1. A piece of PR bullshit which only affects a meaningless department within a meaningless department, and which is primarily designed to shape public consciousness and herd populations. And 2. to clarify the list of trouble makers for later liquidation.
In short, the powers that matter are not going to ask your permission before eavesdropping.