Joe Trippi Interviewed 365
MikeCapone writes "Mother Jones and Alternet interviewed Joe Trippi,the guy behind the Howard Dean campaign ('the candidate lost but the campaign won'). He has a new book out, 'The Revolution will not be Televised' (click for excerpt), about how the Internet is radically changing the way politics is done. Choice quote from the interview: 'The open-source stuff was amazing. I mean, 650,000 brains are a lot smarter than the 50 [...] They spotted stuff that we didn't see, came up with ideas we wouldn't have thought of, and made the campaign a lot stronger. Just like how open-source works in running software -- it's the difference between Linux and Microsoft.'"
what the hell does this mean? (Score:2, Insightful)
it means (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:it means (Score:2)
Re:it means (Score:3, Interesting)
Ah, the hazards of the digital processing age. What was the yell? It was a direct feed from a noise cancelling microphone. Inside the room was a thunder of noise, nothing could be heard with people screaming and cheering at the top of their lungs. Dean shouted out to them, they probably couldn't even hear him, amplification or no. But the feed was taken from that darned noise cancelling mike, so you heard Dean seemingly shouting out into a virtually quiet room. The press ran
Re:it means (Score:2)
Re:what the hell does this mean? (Score:3, Interesting)
As he pointed out in the interview, the Kerry camp
Re:what the hell does this mean? (Score:2)
And because the candidate lost, and because his Party has its leaders lined up until 2012 (Kerry '04. If he wins, Kerry-08, Clinton-12. If he loses, Clinton-08, Clinton-12), I'd
Re:what the hell does this mean? (Score:2)
Re:what the hell does this mean? (Score:2)
650,000 brains (Score:5, Funny)
The 'mike' wasn't open source (Score:4, Informative)
Think of seeing an opera star on TV. In person in a crowded hall is one thing. With a televised close-up, suddenly the big stage acting becomes grotesque. That's what happened to Dean.
A few mod points here pleae (Score:2)
Re:A few mod points here pleae (Score:3, Insightful)
The networks were taking the feed right off the directional mike, while Dean's famous whooping hardly made a dent in the ambient noise of the cheering supporters.
Once again, like 98% of voting Americans, I'll simply be reduced in November to choosing the lesser of two evils.
Dean's direct, logical approach was refreshing. [I recall where his support numbers grew larger in sampled populations as the degree of education increased. His support among PhDs was high.]
Logic didn't win, though. Nor can real peop
Re:A few mod points here pleae (Score:2)
Re:A few mod points here pleae (Score:2)
Re:The 'mike' wasn't open source (Score:2)
Re:press is unfair (Score:2)
open source is not officaly a buzz word (Score:3, Funny)
Umm, perhaps this is not the best analog... (Score:3, Funny)
Seeing how Dean got his ass KICKED and all that.
Re:Umm, perhaps this is not the best analog... (Score:2, Funny)
What was Microsoft's market share again?
Which candidate seems to be using underhanded tactics to get their way, International Law be damned?
Which OS hates the French?
Wrong (Score:2)
This is good news (Score:3, Funny)
not the first time (Score:3, Funny)
Joe Trippi--heralded on the cover of The New Republic as the man who "reinvented campaigning"--was born in California and began his political career working on Edward M. Kennedy's presidential campaign in 1980. His work in presidential politics continued with the campaigns of Walter Mondale, Gary Hart, Richard Gephardt and Howard Dean.
He's got quite a bit of experience as a campaign manager - maybe he just needs to be a little more selective in his employers...
Re:not the first time (Score:2)
Re:not the first time (Score:2)
Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:3, Interesting)
I understand that the Howard Dean scream was to motivate his people. It doesn't mean he's insane. yada yada yada. It doesn't matter what I think, I'm already on our side. What do the big companies decision makers think? In the USA they tend to be white, middle-aged, conservative (Republican).
All I'm saying, right or wrong, Howard Dean may not be a good influence on the Open Source acceptance in the mainstream.
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
"Compassionate Conservatism" is a red herring.
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Last time I checked, "give" and "take" were not synonyms. Not even in Newspeak.
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
If you want to boil it down to simple terms, Republicans would rather keep all of their money, while Democrats don't mind giving up a bit to help the less fortunate.
Isn't it amazing how stupid people sound when they boil things down to such simple terms?
I suppose you have reliable demographic research to back that statement up, right?
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
It's really not worth arguing about on slashdot, or how much evidence you might have to the contrary (or how much evidence you have showing many democrats actually fit that description), you're not going to change any minds here.
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Nope, but it sure is a fun way to pass the time..
It goes right along with all republicans being: racist, cheap, uncaring, greedy, selfish, white, good old boy, stupid, misled, uniformed sheep.
And Democrats being liberal tree hugging, latee drinking, elite, volvo driving, ta
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
I am a libertarian leaning republican. I firmly believe every mouth should be fed, everyone should have a roof over their head, everyone should be clothed, everyone should have access to education and healthcare. The difference is, and always has been, in the methods. I don't mind the government spending my
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Hollywood fears that the Christian conservatives that wield so much power in the Republican party will censor the hell out of their "products"- state-approved news and movies and books and all that.
So, they have to vote Democrat.
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
When was the last time anybody was TRULY censored? Sure, a lot of people claim censorship, but I haven't seen a REAL example of censorship.
On the other hand, when was the last time you heard someone from Hollywood complain about Iraq?
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
I think it's a pretty valid fear, myself. The Christian Right would love to get control over Hollywood, and the media in general.
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Like I said, I've seen a lot of people claim it, but I've not seen one good example of it, and the fact that people are out there complaining about a non-existent problem only proves the point.
Let's assume the Christian Right does somehow take over Hollywood... what exactly does that mean? Will it keep YOU from making a movie about the horrors of the Chr
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Note, however, that they assuage their guilt by spending OTHER people's money.
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
They think Linux is an IBM product, because IBM tells them so on the commercials that they televise during football games.
What Trippi is saying is that OSS, and the "do it yourself" philosophy that it embraces, is changing Democratic politics. This got started in the Dean campaign but has been adopted heavily by the Kerry campaign, which not only uses OSS for its servers but has adopted a lot of Dean's tactics for organizing volunteers and collecting hard
Re:Does anyone else think this is a bad idea? (Score:2)
Business never did make much sense (Score:2)
Well, Microsoft have Steve Ballmer - perhaps the OS game requires you to be linked with a sweaty screaming guy?
The Revolution (Score:2)
And here [changeforamerica.com] is the blog for the change for america guys Joe Trippi is hooked up with.
ChipotleLovers.com [chipotlelovers.com]
Chipotle food, locations, pics, links, polls and discussion!
Re:The Revolution (Score:2)
Re:The Revolution (Score:2)
The song lyrics are blazing hot:
Lyrics [gilscottheron.com]
ChipotleLovers.com [chipotlelovers.com]
Chipotle food, locations, pics, links, polls and discussion!
The man is a genius (Score:2, Interesting)
Interesting stuff from article... (Score:4, Funny)
JT: When we started, Howard was sort of a technophobe; he'd barely just begun using e-mail. He didn't know what a blog was. He went from "What's a blog?" to coming into headquarters saying "I want to blog today." And by the end of the campaign, he was asking, "Why doesn't the White House have a blog? If I'm elected president, I'm going to have a blog."
Problems of scale:
JT: As we grew to 650,000 people, the site was still an amazing self-policing thing. The problem was, once you get to 650,000, how do you communicate with them personally the way I, as the campaign manager, or Dean, as the candidate, had been communicating with 432? I used to answer every email personally, and suddenly I was getting 10,000 emails a day. That's the thing I'd like to figure out for the future. It was the one big problem we had, because we'd built this thing on personal communication and connection.
Solution to problem of scale:
Obviously, they just need to run slashcode.
ChipotleLovers.com [chipotlelovers.com]
Chipotle food, locations, pics, links, polls and discussion!
The Revolution will not be blogged either (Score:4, Informative)
Re:The Revolution will not be blogged either (Score:2)
The message of the Mr. Scott-Heron's song IMHO is that the revolution will happen before the press or media can inform you. And I lump the campaign newsletter/blog in the same group as the press and broadcast media.
I agree completly with your opinion that the song is also message to get involved; and not wait for the revolution to happen. But to say th
Re:The Revolution will not be blogged either (Score:2)
And Trippi's point, of course, is that you shouldn't. Whether he was right or not remains to be seen. It is undeniable, however, that blogs and newsletters have much, much faster turnaround times than any for of traditional mass media.
Remember the Czechoslovakian "Velvet Revolution?" (And, for that matter, the not-so-velvet one in Romania?) It wasn't the traditional tools of revolution -- armed mobs in the stre
'the candidate lost but the campaign won' (Score:5, Interesting)
It's interesting to see Trippi himself say it so nakedly. Of course, I don't see him talking about the other big conflict of interest: the millions of dollars in advertising kickbacks he walked off with.
Re:'the candidate lost but the campaign won' (Score:3, Insightful)
Primaries? Remember? Hahah. The only people that remember primaries are wonks. It's like watching the full regular season of baseball. Who's doing that? Only the hardcore fans.
Of course, I don't see him talking about the other big conflict of interest: the millions of dollars in advertising kickbacks he walked off
Re:'the candidate lost but the campaign won' (Score:5, Informative)
Re:'the candidate lost but the campaign won' (Score:2)
Trippi ended up making a little over $100,000 for his work
Perks! Don't forget the perks!
Free travel on buses throughout New Hampshire and Iowa!
Food from the fine establishments along the road!
And I won't even begin to mention the groupies - the crowds of hotties are almost like being at Slashdot!
Re:'the candidate lost but the campaign won' (Score:2)
I don't see how this explanation washes, quite frankly.
Isn't the conflict of interest in such an arrangement obvious? You don't need to speculate about "kickbacks" or "embezzlement" -- all you need
Re:Except... (Score:2)
How are those reruns of Sanford and Son, by the way?
how apropos (Score:3, Interesting)
One degree of separation (Score:2, Funny)
All these years I have been half expecting RMS to shout "YEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" to conclude a Linux/GNULinux rant.
the difference between Linux and Microsoft (Score:2, Insightful)
Last I checked, Linux has yet to win the OS wars.
Re:the difference between Linux and Microsoft (Score:2)
So there.
In other words, we're listening to a... what? Four or five time loser, discussing his success?
The Campaign Won? (Score:3, Insightful)
What success did his campaign really have? Aside from charging up the angry Bush-haters, he made no headway with the mainstream. When the primaries came, he couldn't manage to win even one. Even John Edwards came up better than Dean, and now he's the Vice-Presidential candidate.
This open-source nonsense is just that. Outside of the liberal, techy crowd, Howard Dean and his movement is a distant and faded memory.
Re:The Campaign Won? (Score:3, Interesting)
The campaign itself the the tactics worked - Dean got the press he needed. What didn't work was the candidate - as has been the problem with most of Trippi's other campaigns: the candidates (Ted Kennedy, Walter Mondale) find a way, usually on national TV, to point a figurative shotgun at their foot and squeeze the trigger. However, that doesn't mean
Re:The Campaign Won? (Score:2)
Well, depending on who you ask, that is still defined as success. Charging up your base is extremely important and is the reason why the Congress has been trying to put that laughable gay bashing amendment into the Constitution.
Your base are the people that give you money. Money allows you to run the campaign. Running the campaign allows you to win. No base, no money, no campaig
Re:The Campaign Won? (Score:2)
Joe Trippi and his book (Score:5, Informative)
The truth is hard to find in Trippi's book. Even in my personal case; I built blogforamerica.com and Matt Gross gets the credit because that's the way the political game works.
Joe can be right just as often as not, but before we go taking his words as gospel I suggest we look behind them a little more.
Re:Joe Trippi and his book (Score:2)
1: They went after the worst possible demographic, with the possible exception of the homeless. I know they did it to generate "media buzz", but by becoming the candidate of the college crowd, he became distasteful to the people who actually drive politics.
2: They let Dean express his views.
At least Kerry has the sense to (mostly) be "ABB". Being middle of the road wins elections for Democrats. Republicans can get away with being further from center for some r
Dean did have a great idea (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Dean did have a great idea (Score:2)
The only other people I've seen who tried this consistently are the UK government [direct.gov.uk]. Their pages, even the "government for the people" typ
Re:Dean did have a great idea (Score:2, Insightful)
Joe Trippi was fired, as he should have been. (Score:2)
If you received the campaign's email messages, you know that Joe Trippi is not a good campaign manager or writer. He was disgustingly terrible.
The Dean campaign was a mess. There was too little guidance to the people who wanted to help. People were pretending to be part of the campaign who were just pushing their own agenda. There were "Dean Campaign" groups who were gays looking for other gays. There were "Dean Campaign" cross-dressers, looking for other cross-dressers, I suppose.
Joe Trippi was fi
Re:Joe Trippi was fired, as he should have been. (Score:2)
that's funny (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:that's funny (Score:2)
Amazon book link (Score:2)
"The Internet changes everything about X" (Score:2, Insightful)
I've become weary of such declarations. Ironic that the 2004 primary season paralleled the dot-com boom: In both cases the Internet created a tremendous amount of "buzz" and everyone said "The Internet has 'radically' changed the rules and the old model is obsolete" -- yet when all was said and done, "buzz" did not translate into stable business models
How refreshing!!! :-( (Score:2)
Ah, yes, that's oh so different from the usual political bumblethink.
it's the difference between Linux and Microsoft.
Not a bad analogy seeing as "Microsoft" got all the votes. :-P
This election can make a grown man weep. An ebola derived pox on you Party-liners for giving us yet another choice between shit and shat. *shrug* Dean was just another flavor of excrement.
Get Ready to Hate the Term "Open Source" (Score:2)
I hate to say this, but "open source," will become the hot new buzzword (if it already hasn't). Think back to the glorious dot-com days, where we learned such great words as "synergies," "i-this," "e-that." Someone I know (with no coding experience) had a coding problem which was most likely JavaScript-related. The first thing out of his mouth, "Can open source help us fix this?" Kind of frustrating.
Anyway, as bad as a tech sector is, there are still plenty of people who want a piece of the action. A
Copyright Infringement (Score:2)
More info on http://www.chavezthefilm.com/ [chavezthefilm.com]
650000 brains are better with or without O.S. (Score:2)
I would like to point out... (Score:2)
Dean's TV ads were significantly worse than those made on an amateur level by supporters- and yet nothing was done.
Dean campaign was torpedoed by DNC (Score:2)
The problem is that Far Left, and Far Right are pretty balanced in percentage and pretty much guaranteed to vote for their respective candidate. The middle of
Many reasons why the campaign failed (Score:2, Informative)
Bad data management. While you could easily see all the kids with their "coding skills", up-all-night work schedule, and Mountain Dew were writing and re-writing database structure to help target voters, someone with very good database experience was hard to find. As such, we were contacting some people numerous times and not contacting others at all.
Bad communication
It's a magnifying glass (Score:2)
This is catalized by the early primaries, which tend to attract the more zealous members of a political party, but as the time comes to select a candidate that can grab enough votes to get a majority of electors, the fringe group and their candidates vanish in a puff of reality.
Re:What Rights? (Score:2)
You should demand your money back.
Re:What Rights? (Score:3, Interesting)
Now for the potentially flaming part: open source principles may be more useable by the left than the right ("command and control" issues, as he says in the interview), but that hardly means this is a politically biased article. And yes, the majority of the
Re:Campaign won??? (Score:2)
DAMN. You owe me a new keyboard AND a new nose. Fresh coffee BURNS.
Re:what? (Score:2)
Re:Okay, who slashdotted slashdot? (Score:2)
Re:Okay, who slashdotted slashdot? (Score:2)
Re:650,000 brains? (Score:2)
So you're saying either:
(Before you mod me down, try doing the math. And no, I don't hate Dean, I even saw him while he was in Madison, WI)
Re:Similarities between democrat party, communists (Score:2)
Re:Similarities between democrat party, communists (Score:2)
This kind of crap is still going on from the Democratic party. This week Ginny Schrader, who most considered a sacrificial lamb running against a well liked republican, got lucky when said republican dropped out. Now, Schrader won the Democratic primary a few weeks ago and immediately blog readers saw in her a chance to win back a Repubican-held seat. They rewarded he
Re:Similarities between democrat party, communists (Score:2)
Two years ago, in the New Jersey race for the senate, the democrat candidate got replace by someone who didn't even run in the primaries. If I were a democrat, I would be fuming. "HEY! THAT'S NOT THE GUY WE NOMINATED! WHAT THE *** ARE YOU DOING?" But that's not the way the democrat party works. It's a top-down structure. "You little people better fall in line or you're not getting anything from the soup kitchen." "We're only doing this in your best interests. Remember, yo
Re:Similarities between democrat party, communists (Score:2)
Re:Similarities between democrat party, communists (Score:2)
Actually, you ought to be modded down for being an imbecile and a lunatic with the critical thinking skills of a gerbil. Step away from the X-Files...
And two years before, the senate candidate running against John Ashcroft, probably the most conservative candidate to run for office since the 1800's, mysteriously dies in a plane crash. Interestingly enough, several of Clinton's associates have died in plan crashes since he was elected.
And? I just did some rudimentary calculations. In the last year, almos
All conspiracy mongering aside... you're right (Score:2)
Re:Similarities between democrat party, communists (Score:2)
4 years ago you could pretty much say the same things about Alan Keyes. You could say a lot of things about him and his opinions, but the man was
Re:Similarities between democrat party, communists (Score:2)
Huh? Carnahan was not conservative, and if Clinton was arranging plane crashes, don't you think he'd have taken out Ashcroft and not his competition? You just blew any credibility you had to talk about real facts right he
Re:cont'd... (Score:3)
Former director of the CIA says reports on Iraq were "an honest mistake"
I have been searching for this on google news to find a context, but I can't find any story about this. The only "honest mistake" that I have found in the news this was Sandy Berger accidentally stuffing top secret documents down his pants.
Also says that there is no plausable connection between 9/11 and Iraq
2 things-
#1- That is not what the report says. The report enumerates the many Iraq/Al Qaeda connections, but
Re:the real question is (Score:2)
Therefore a programming language derives its strength primarily from it's subculture/community, not from any technical difference. At least this is how it is today. In some ways it is a sad state of affair