EU Moves Toward Software Patents 322
edooper writes "Apparently the patent discussion in Europe has taken a turn for the worse. According to the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure: 'This Wednesday, the Irish Presidency managed to secure a qualified majority for a counter-proposal to the software patents directive, with only a few countries - including Belgium and Germany - showing resistance. This proposal discards all limiting amendments from the European Parliament and reinstates the laxist provisions from the Commission, adding direct patentability of data structures and process descriptions as icing on the cake. In a remarkable sign of unity in times of imminent elections, members of the European Parliament from all political groups are condemning this blatant disrespect for democracy in Europe.' Read more: swpat.ffii.org."
How would this work? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:How would this work? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:How would this work? (Score:5, Insightful)
Are we going to have leaders in each field analyze patent applications so that they can best judge whether an idea is so unique that it deserves a monopoly? Probably not, so who's going to judge?
Are we going to make the "decent amount of time" relative to the uniqueness of the idea? Probably not, so how long should it be?
Are we going to impose our patents on the rest of the world?
The logistics of this subjective patenting process calls into question its very purpose. I like the idea behind patents (no secrets), but unless they are held to enormously high standards, they will deteriorate into what they often are in the US: an ugly hindrance to progress.
Copyrights and Patents are optimization problems: maximize progress.
What might work (Score:3, Insightful)
As we can trust a politician never to know anything about what the consequences of their actions are (a broad overstatement, yes, but you get the idea), we can almost certainly count on that if this directive get's implemented, there will be no reasonable bounderies for what is patentable.
So what might work, is that the patentability is so ridiculesly absolute, that even the clueless guy down on the street takes notice and realises it's stupidity.
For instance, when his favorite netshop gauges prices
Re:How would this work? (Score:5, Informative)
The theoretical benefit of patents is that companies would publish their formats. But in practice, patents aren't very helpful to someone else implementing the format, especially if the patents were never intended to be licensed. Data format patents would be used primarily to expand monopolies - any company with over 50% market share could benefit from limiting interoperability with competing products. This would be bad enough to offset the potential gains, and much worse than the status quo. At least now, though reverse engineering is difficult, you are allowed to use what you learn.
why do developers have to get screwed on this too? (Score:2)
Developers need a way to protect their ideas and inventions too. As if writing free software wasn't bad enough
Re:why do developers have to get screwed on this t (Score:5, Insightful)
Software is literature. Literature is not patentable.
To protect your ideas, a simple copyright is enough. You do not need patents in software field.
Re:How would this work? (Score:2, Insightful)
Better be, 'cause competition won't be an option anymore.
The battle is not yet won and not yet lost (Score:5, Informative)
On 17-18th of May, there will be a real vote by the Council of Ministers. If they vote against software patents - we win.
If Council of Ministers votes for software patents then the bill will return to european Parlament for a re-discussion, which will be postproned to September due to elections.
There we will have the chance to discuss this again, this time with a new European Parlament.
Note: the previose EPclearly stated AGAINST software patents.
Educating your legislators may help! (Score:3, Informative)
Denmark was one of the countries that showed some resistance to the
Irish proposal. Now, three weeks ago, most people in the Danish
government and ministries seemed unaware of the negative impacts of
software patents on interoperability. However, an effort by many to
educate the legislators seems to have helped.
That said, as a leaked(?) document [ffii.org]
with the current proposed patent directive shows, Denmark
unfortunately has proposed RAND licensing for interoperability-related
patents (see the footnotes on page 10
No, it is correct (Score:3, Informative)
No, the original poster is right. The decision Wednesday was in the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER). It's a group of civil servants cf. ambassadors representing all members states doing the bulk of the negotiations. Nothing decided there is really official however, that only happens
Re:How would this work? (Score:5, Insightful)
Don't be braindead and assume it's good.
I am form a new European Country, from Latvia. I have studiet the effect the software patents will make on our IT industry and let me tel you - it ain't pretty.
All European small and medium IT related companies would instantly go to the state of limbo: any large company from Europe or USA or Japan could just sue them with one of 30 000 overbroad software patents (progress bar, tabbet paletes, hyperlinks, selling on web, selling on web with credit card, GIF, JPEG, any-other-trivial-idea-expressed-in-layerspeak-in
As you see, software patents in Europe are only good for large non-European enterprises.
Why should we allow them in Europe then?
Why? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Why? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Why? (Score:2, Insightful)
Don't vote them then. Good luck convincing your neighbors though. Until the average voter understands these issues, nobody's going to look for tech savvy piliticos to nominate and elect into office. There's a lot of work ahead.
Re:Why? (Score:2)
How many people voted for their EU representatives?
How many people voted for their UN representatives?
These are *NOT* democratic organizations. As noted above...
Why do we want to put them in charge of things?
Re:Why? (Score:5, Insightful)
Newsflash #2: It is the Council of Ministers that is pushing this decision through. Guess what that is? The EU member governments elected by the people on national level.
Look, I don't mean to come down too hard and I agree we have a problem here, but I just wish people who posted had some knowledge of the area instead of just guessing wildly.
Maybe it can be argued that the EU is not democratic. But that is more of a reflection on "representative democracy" as a concept, than the EU in particular.
Re:Why? (Score:3, Insightful)
Thanks for helping in my point.
So here you have one organization (EU) where its members *ARE* elected by the people and are therefore held accountable... and they don't seem to want to be representative and/or democratic.
Therefore, what makes anyone think that another organization (UN) where its members *ARE NOT* elected (aka accountable) by the people will be democratic?
Therefore, neither the EU or the UN should be in charge of anything where we actually want things to be representative of the people.
Re:Why? (Score:3)
There is no recall and no punishment for doing wrong, so these "representatives" do whatever they think is good for them. Not for me.
But that's irrelevant anyway, as most of the ruling is done by the unelected and uncontrolled bunch of bureaucrats. They will like powerpoint presentations of extreme damage caused by the lack of patents on software, processes, science discoveries, etc. And as you see, presentations and presents were delivered and results were
Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
I would be interested to see a comparative study of private and public sector IT spending, and adoption of OSS vs commercial software in NA and in Europe.
I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:2, Insightful)
Example: I am a coder for a steel mill that has figured out an algorithm that reduces the amount of energy used in the reduction of steel(which takes more energy than melting the steel). Now, after the steel company spends money on R&D to implement this, I defect to
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:2)
Patents should only be given when I can drop the product on my foot.
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:5, Insightful)
Discovering an formula, which is what all algorithms boil down to, requires mental resources. How do you put a price on thought?
Thought has never been as overvalued as it is right now. If people don't come back to understanding real costs, things will get paid worse.
A programmer shuold not be paid more than a paramedic. Saving a life should be worth more. This is just one example where the system is askew. I maintain it is because of an overvaluing of thought and an undervaluing of action/physical.
Being smart is not everything. Acting, doing is.
The ultimate manifestation of this is the lawsuit company, what Baystar wants SCO to become. No practical output, just patents based on some kind of mental labour that has been overvalued.
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:4, Insightful)
Imagine if after being treated by medical personel, you would have to pay them a portion of any money you made. If they hadn't saved you, there would be no means for your later productivity. Shouldn't you pay them royaltees? If not, why should this be done for "intellectual" property?
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:2)
The following is a troll, and is sent as an example only.
Beleive it or not, the R&D people in "real industries" do not always count on computers to do their work. In fact, they tend to stay away from stuff that might influence their work. Most real work is carefully done at a low level proving theories
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:3, Insightful)
I happen to think you raise a very good point here. After all, patents are in essence a tool, just as hammers are. We all know it would be a stupid idea to outlaw hammers simply because they can be misused for the purpose of breaking and entering people's homes by smashing windows. After all, hammers have MANY other uses.
However, t
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:3, Insightful)
1) What is it we want to accomplish with it?
2) Is it actually accomplishing that today?
The first question is typically that you want to aid
Ridiculous. (Score:5, Interesting)
Then every piece of code anyone writes is a ticking patent time-bomb.
So lets pretend we can have a patent office thoroughly staffed with geniuses gifted with eidetic memories and a sublime sense of of what is original and patent-worthy.
I'm supposed to read the entire patent database (hundreds of thousands of records)? And then once I finish that I only have to keep current with new grants (let alone new applications) - that's probably only dozens or hundreds a day...
Yeah, right. But then if someone comes along and wants a ransom for their patent on dereferencing pointers on Tuesdays or whatever seemed original and innovative 18 months ago, I'll either have to pay up or spend a few million to take on the fight in civil court...
I'm sorry - software patents are ridiculous. Your steel mill will invest in R&D to lower its energy costs, or it won't. But software patents don't create an incentive to do anything other than run for the hills. It's legitimizing barratry - the only winners are the lawyers, for the steel mill, the companies the steel mill sues, and for the other companies that will sue the steel mill for violating their patents, and so on and so forth, forever and ever...
Software patents are thought of by their proponents as a weapon against free software, and a cudgel against less wealthy competitors. And if they accrue enough legitimacy, within our lifetimes the software engineering discipline will be so clogged with them that practically no one can write software except in secret, no matter well you think the patent office can run. It's sadly ironic, really, that you think they spur any kind of innovation, when all they do is insure that no two good ideas are ever likely to be used together without a legal negotiation first...
Re:Ridiculous. (Score:3, Interesting)
Software is different because you don't have to build a steel new mill to use some new technique, or even to begin producing. All you need is a computer and a programmer. By introducing software patents, you introduce an extra entry barrier. Of course, some
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:3, Interesting)
Don't count on it. [ffii.org]
patently bad? (Score:2)
They're no worse than patents in general...
But, remember that main role of patents isn't "just deserts" for the inventor. Rather, they're society's incentive lure to galvanize its potential inventors. And in software, where the cost of experimentation and development is relatively low, the incentive needn
Re:patently bad? (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes they are, since they have same expiration times as other patents, yet software area moves a lot quicker.
By the time a regular patent expires, the idea(s) in it may still be perfectly usable for others to use, but by the time software patent expires, the technique has probably long since been obsolote, granting a monopoly on it for it's whole lifetime. An absolute maximum of five years from filing date might be a reasonable time for software patent, decades?
Re:I'll probably get modded down for this but... (Score:5, Insightful)
Patents are not there to give the inventor a monopoly on what they invent. If that were the case, patents wouldn't bother with expiry dates. The original principle of patents was to give small inventors an opportunity to sell their invention - that is, if someone comes up with a brilliant new widget a large company could get his invention to market much quicker than the inventor can. The inventor can't hide their invention away - they have to go out and advertise it to venture capitalists and potential backers so that they can raise funds to bring it to market. A patent was there to let the inventor publish their invention and have a monopoly on it long enough to get to market and become established.
That's certainly not the way patents work these days - especially with the various extensions, and other cunning techniques (constantly revising a patent to keep it in the works for as long as possible) used to extend the length of patents. Furthermore, with business method and software patents you can now patent general broad ideas and algorithms of how to do things. Once things get that broad there are problems.
In the current world of patents R&D is discouraged, not encouraged. Why should a smaller steel mill put in any research into anything? Odds are the larger steel mill with the larger amount of cash to throw into R&D and patents will manage to patent (through broad patents) pretty much anything you might happen to invent. All they have to do is keep a vague eye on your R&D department then crash research and patent anything you're workign on. To spend 4 years on research only to find the larger mill has just patented something sufficently close to your idea to block it - well, that's a waste of money. You're better off not bothering and just licensing whatever new stuff the bigger mill comes up with.
The real question you should be asking is "Why should a steel mill invest in R&D?". The answer is, because they can make better products more efficiently if they do. That should be reason and incentive enough.
This is already patentable under the EPC (Score:3, Interesting)
This is already patentatble in Europe, and there is little problem with that. The effect of the program on the process of making steel ensures this. IAPA (I am a patent attorney).
To flourish, we need free use of standards, so everyone can build a better Word. Software patents would be bad for the economy. Plus, it may take a page to write down an algorithm, but to get a somewhat bug-free program, it will take almost as long as the original developers. So, the patent wouldn't give that much help. If the
another USA (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:another USA (Score:2, Funny)
Re:another USA (Score:2)
Ok then... (Score:2, Funny)
I don't mind software patents (Score:5, Interesting)
Like google slipping in contextual advertising patents - by a "software" patent - thus working towards being the defacto monopoly because the software patent basically patents the idea of the advertising method thus stemming competition and not protecting any specific technology or research or ideas.
Data structures (Score:4, Insightful)
Apparently Microsoft has realized that copyright is not nearly as powerful as patents for clobbering open source. This sounds disasterous.
Re:Data structures (Score:3, Informative)
No! The courts have continually prevented patent owners from enforcing their rights in circumstances that would restrict competition: and interoperability is one of them.
In the UK, the famous British Leyland case found this. It is codified in UK copyright and designs law.
Patents on Software...uhoh (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Patents on Software...uhoh (Score:2)
After something's patent period expires, it IS in the public domain, period. The unisys corporation's LZW algorithm is now its gift to the world.
Re:Patents on Software...uhoh (Score:2, Insightful)
Permanent is what they shall be if certain entities with lots of money can influence certain law-making entities.
Re:Patents on Software...uhoh (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Patents on Software...uhoh (Score:2)
Re:Patents on Software...uhoh (Score:2)
We are better than you silly Yanks! (Score:2, Insightful)
Europe, here is a message. Don't go down this slippery road! It is nothing but trouble. Look at how us Yanks have screwed this one up.
Re:We are better than you silly Yanks! (Score:4, Informative)
It is to me, though. And I'm not alone in this.
The EU is not fundamentally a bad thing. The close cooperation between european states has allowed me, at least, to grow up in a Europe where war is unthinkable for the first time in - well, forever, basically. All these processes you hear about, like that single coin, bring our countries closer together and join them more and more in a unified whole. And that is good. But occasionally we get excesses, such as in this case, and that's something we must fight.
Breaking news (Score:4, Funny)
Web Protests (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Web Protests (Score:5, Funny)
...it's OK....we can still blame MS (Score:5, Insightful)
"The Irish Presidency explains on its website that it is sponsored by Microsoft. Ireland is "the largest software-exporting country in Europe", thanks to a fiscal policy which makes it a tax haven for large US companies: it has a tax rate on patent revenues of 0%."
So it would appear that US corporations are subverting international processes for their own benefit. This is exactly the same as the Australia-US situation, where compliance with draconian US IP laws HAVE BEEN MADE A CONDITION of the US entering into a Free Trade Agreement.
I'm struggling to cope with this though: the Irish stuff up IP laws in EU - but they make Guinness...Don't make me choose!!!!!....
Re:...it's OK....we can still blame MS (Score:2)
It's my understanding that Microsoft used to not take an interest (relatively speaking) in governmental affairs. They had a fairly low number of lobbyists in Washington etc.
They sure learned fast, didn't they.
Re:...it's OK....we can still blame MS (Score:3, Informative)
Though it's good that the Australian Computer Society (ACS) seem at last to have woken up to the dangers.
(Report [news.com.au] , 4 May).
Look who sponsors the irish precidency (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Look who sponsors the irish precidency (Score:3)
Anyway, in mid-nighties Russian president and the prime minister were sitting in the Kremlin. The prime minister said: "Mr. President, I've got a letter from Coca-Cola here. They suggest that if we change our flag back to the Soviet one and add "Coca-Cola" in the corner, they will solve all our budget problems for the next decade." "Hmmm" said the president, "could you check when ou
not happy? Then SIGN THE PETITION! (Score:5, Informative)
http://swpat.ffii.org/group/todo/index.en.html [ffii.org]
Sign a petition here...
http://petition.eurolinux.org/index_html?LANG=en [eurolinux.org]
When I signed the number of signatures was 322888, A MILLION ARE NEEDED!!!!
Best Regards,
What will be patented? (Score:5, Insightful)
Will us European programmers suddenly need a license to implement quicksort and all of those other software patents that expired so long ago?
If so, the European software industry is fucked. Truly and royally fucked. It will kill it totally. There won't be one. Implementing software patents allowing this would be 100% counter-productive.
Now if the law is only for new applications, not for ones already existing
Why don't I believe that this will be the case. It'll just be a whole load of obvious patents for software and methods that have been done a thousand times before, albeit in a slightly different context - which somehow makes the new patent valid!
This is just another law to get a load of lawyers a load of money for submitting patents, whilst fucking over everybody else.
Fucking sickening.
Data Structures? I patent the vector! (Score:2, Insightful)
A typical example of a vector quantity is three dimensional velocity,
V = vi + vj + vk
Where vi,j,k represent change in position with respect to time in the i,j and k directions. It can be
Good or bad (Score:3, Interesting)
The worst thing about software patent right now is that they are granted for way to long. With growth and rate of evolution in software techniques, 3-5 years until patent expiration would be a lot better that 17 years. If a company is not able to cash in in that time frame, then that means that it's innovation is not really innovative.
Bolkestein left Brussels today... (Score:3, Interesting)
"A leaked document from Bolkestein's DG Internal Market suggests that DG Information Society no longer objects to program claims. This concession by Liikanen is needed in order to rush the Council working group proposal through the ministers' session as an "A item", i.e. a consensus point which does not need any discussion by the ministers."
Misleading (Score:3, Informative)
Interesting enough today the old dutch politician Bolkestein returned back to dutch national politics. He has spent several years in brussels and suddenly has aborted his job there. Now why would he return so swiftly all of a sudden?
Bolkestein didn't "abort" his job. He merely announced that he doesn't want a second term as European Commissioner. He will stay on until the end of the current term on November 1st. Hardly a "swift" return.
Patent reform progress in US? (Score:3, Interesting)
It is not MS vs. Linux, it is Patents vs. Linux (Score:5, Insightful)
They will not *sue* end users, they will go after developers. Patents ensure that Windows will remain the defecto OS for at least out lifetimes. In computer terms, an eternity.
Personally, I would at least hope they would allow math patents. Afterall, most software patents are just ideas stolen from the math world. Too bad "law" makers are too stupid to realize this.
Re:It is not MS vs. Linux, it is Patents vs. Linux (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:It is not MS vs. Linux, it is Patents vs. Linux (Score:4, Interesting)
Now, companies like Microsoft, can submit 10 patents a day. Just see slashdot [slashdot.org] a day or two ago. They can afford to spend $50,000 per day, no problem!
Re:It is not MS vs. Linux, it is Patents vs. Linux (Score:3, Informative)
The average cost of a granted European Patent (valid in 8 countries) is EUR 30 000 [european-p...office.org] (yes, 30 000, not 3000).
What's so great about a system that requires people to invest money with as sole purpose to protect themselves from that system? Especially if it's extremely hard to find any macro-econom
patents favor closed source (Score:4, Interesting)
Most software is made up of very small components put together to create functionality. (loops/ branches| arrays, queues, trees) Its very hard to define something as patentable because by its nature everything in software can be broken down into something that isn't new.
I would have thought little companies would have iritated the big boys (microsoft / apple) to force the governments hand to stop this mess (since companies tend to have the ear of our fine electorate). It really stiffles inovation.
Patenting Data Structures?...... (Score:2, Insightful)
This is almost about "patenting" logic or problem solving skills. Anyone but a complete moron would come up with a similar solution for describing a customer.
When will this madness end?
Europeans - write to your representants! (Score:3, Interesting)
I did. I even got some replies!
The worst aspect of all of this is that the European Parliament voted for significant amendments last fall (effectively banning software patents). Following the vote the proposal was simply retracted and the *original* version is now presented to the European Council, thereby mucking the entire democratic process.
I also wrote to magazines and newspapers, trying to bring their attention to that issue.
I'm also contemplating filing an official complaint with the EU (not because of software patents, but because of the undemocratic way the directive was handled in this inctance). The EU has the *legal* obligation to investigate official complaints.
Although there may be frustration, it's not time to give up, yet.
Re:What oo Software Patents Have to Do... (Score:4, Informative)
The Irish Polticians have a cozy setup with MS.
Re:What oo Software Patents Have to Do... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What oo Software Patents Have to Do... (Score:2)
From an American point of view, the European Parliament always sounds like another version of the Articles of Confederation, 200 hundred years later. The Articles didn't work because they were written by people who thought it was more important to be, say, a Virginian than an American. The European Parliament always sounds to me as if it was constructed by people who wanted to be called European, but didn't want to give up being French, or German, or
Re:What oo Software Patents Have to Do... (Score:2)
Despite flaws, the EU system works fairly well in practice. The European Parliament is only one part of the entire machinery.
How "democracy was subverted" (Score:5, Informative)
My understanding of what happend is something like:
Re:Ethics of Intellectual Property (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Ethics of Intellectual Property (Score:2)
It's quite simple--publishers made less money, authors/writers made less money, pirates made more money. And before anyone goes off on a rant about how pirates is a misleading term, this is a very established etymology, that is not at all recent.
If you're interested in the matter, the modern era of copyrights basically was entered around the 1880's. Specifically, the first work was Gilbert and Sullivan's _The Pirates of Penzance_. Before that point the US and England had no copyright agreement, so G&
Re:Ethics of Intellectual Property (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Ethics of Intellectual Property (Score:3, Informative)
Maybe because authors didn't have their own press like they do now. The whole issue never came up before Gutenburg.
I think you're looking at this issue wrong--you're right in what you say here, but the REASON the problem didn't exist is because copying/producing copies was expensive as hell PERIOD.
U.S. didn't care much about enforcing IP until it had acquired a significant amount of its own. The pirates and "criminals" of yesterday's societies are what gave us today's freedoms.
don't get what your
Re:Ethics of Intellectual Property (Score:2, Insightful)
At what cost? We've seen what happens when electric utilities got privatized. Our good friend Dennis Kucinich can inform you what happened (in ohio at least). There's nothing wrong with people using their collective power (through gov't if necessay) to operate and control these things. If they stay on the ball, they can assure that everything will run smoot
Re:It saved Apple! (Score:3, Insightful)
Cut the xenophobic crap... (Score:5, Insightful)
In the real world, where companies and countries have to compete against one another in business, not recognising software patents in the EU whilst they are being handed out like hot cakes in the US is the quickest way to destroy software development within the EU. I don't like it - in fact, I hate it - but those are the reasons behind it.
So, before you start EU-bashing, on software patents and rights in general (perhaps you should check out the EU Human Rights Act as well) perhaps you should learn to appreciate that it's only following the rather poor precedent set by the US.
Backwards (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Cut the xenophobic crap... (Score:5, Insightful)
Excuse me, sir, but... what are you smoking ?
The Patent System is grossly abused in general, and particularly in the software area. It's widely acknowledged (check the economical studies available on the ffii site for example) that Software Patents doesn't increase inovation (and it's not particularly a difficult thing to understand). I won't be long here, suffice to say that programming is inherently an incremental work, based on top of others ideas, and moreover, it's one of the most complex creation that could be done (hell, it's so complex that we can't manage to produce 100% sure non-bugged software for any complex procedure). Pushing Software Patents is so deeply wrong that it would be funny if not real. How could you think a second that the patent system, with submarine patents, looooong submission delay, innovation-challenged patents, and incredibly inaccurate verification, could work in a field that would use dozens of theses "patents" without even realizing it, all that in a period not even sufficient to apply a patent ?
Why do the EU want theses ? it's totally insane. Not having patents is actually the BEST thing that could happens to the EU (and to all others countries). Plus, Software Patents aren't bringing added value at all, only $$$ for lawyers. Not one engineer read software patents (and for good reason -- not only because of the judicial risk).
The only reason I could imagine, sadly, is that some EU bureaucrats get big dollars by US companies. The fact that theses bureaucrats just choose to overrulle the European Commission is so incredible that my hope is it will create an enormous indignation (because, face it, the average EU citizen doesn't care about patents, but perhaps the beahvior shown by the bureaucrat (total irrespect to the elected representants) will trigger something).
What he is smoking is... (Score:4, Interesting)
EU Company : Let's patent this in the E.U.
US Company : Let's expand to the E.U.
US Company : Oh hot diggity-dang! Will you look at that! Nobody here patented it, 'cos they can't, we won't have any trouble competing on a 'level' playing field!
EU Company ; Let's expand to the U.S.
EU Company : Aww shite. Wtf? We have to license this if we want to operate in the U.S. ?
EU Company : Eh.. wtf ? Some US Company just started business here, and is using our ideas that we couldn't patent!
US Company : Haha. Silly Europeans - either they pony up for a license, or they just don't get to enter the U.S. market. Win/win for us!
So yeah, that's basically what he's smoking.
There's finer nuances to this, but that's the gist of it.
Re:What he is smoking is... (Score:3, Insightful)
And this a problem how exactly? That precisely how the free market is supposed to operate!
Or: we don't want to operate in the US and it's not yet patented there: let's jus
Re:Cut the xenophobic crap... (Score:3, Interesting)
However, of the two of us, I seem to be the one who's far more aware of the real world pressures put on politicians and lawmakers: these people didn't suddenly wake up one day and say "Hey, software patents are a good thing!" of their own accord, someone led them to believe that, and that someone (clearly) were busine
Re:Cut the xenophobic crap... (Score:3, Insightful)
Rubbish. European companies can (and do) get patents in the US, just as US companies get patents in Europe. The international environment is the same for every company.
What probably would happen, is that the market for software in a patent-free Europe would be more competitive than in a patent-encumbered USA, because software could be sold i
Re:Cut the xenophobic crap... (Score:5, Informative)
Both USPTO and the new directive violate the TRIPS and the Berne convention which both USA and EU signed.
TRIPS article 12. says that software is to be considered a literary work.
Berne convention clearly states that literary works are not patentable.
The problem is that the European Council and the Irish Presidency claim that their proposition doesn't allow software patents, but that is such a pile of bullshit.
Re:Cut the xenophobic crap... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Well that about does it.... (Score:2)
Re:Same morons had their phones tapped. (Score:2)
IMHO the total insanity in Brussels started, when it was reported that U.S. Secret Intelligence have been routinely tapping phone lines on the complete telecommunication network which is part of the EU building infrastructure in Brussels.
http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2003-03-19-eu- p hone-taps_x.htm [usatoday.com]
Re:here we go again! (Score:4, Insightful)
No the European patent office started allowing software patents, this gives a legal basis for those patents.
"Secondly, the EU directive _actually reduces the degree of software patentability"
The Parliaments suggestions were valid and carefully thought through.
I've read ffii's comment's and they are valid too, the Commissions wording is full of holes.
If Pariament & People's comments didn't have validity then why seek to prevent those comments being expressed? Why not just argue your case to EU Parliament?
"Thirdly, it's been stated over and over again that there are 'multiple software business models' at work in Europe, and there's no specific reason to favour closed model approaches to open model approaches: they all work, and provide revenue and so on."
So? What has that to do with anything, the risk is that a monopoly player will be able to lock out competitors, the Parliament proposed a solution to this, the Commission didn't.
Whether that competition comes from closed or open source is irrelevant.
"Fourthly, in terms of 'software patents blocking open source',
Your comment pre-supposes that the directive represents the status quo and it certainly doesn't.
This *changes* the law, if it didn't there wouldn't be any point in having it! So whether patents *currently* affect MySql etc. or not is irrelevant.
"Fifthly, the EU always maintains more stricter examination than the US: business methods per se are _not_ patentable in the EU, and equally, flakey software patents have a harder time getting through. Stop transposing the failures of US into the EU."
Good, but the wording proposed by the Commission is fluffy. For example FFII comments on the "technology" issue are correct.
The Commissions wording does allow patents whose technology part is simply that they execute on a computer. Parliament's wording is tighter meaning that the invention has to represent improved technology.
Since any business process can be run on a computer, it allows business process patents simply by virtue of sloppy wording.
Parliament did a good job.
"Finally, the protests in Brussels are are a laugh: against multimillion dollar turnover businesses using patents and contributing to the wellbeing of the EU economy"
It's not in the interests of the European economy to allow a few patent holders to lock themselves into the their markets. Even if that patent holder is Nokia.
Being pro-competition isn't the same as being anti-business.
Re:here we go again! (Score:4, Informative)
Secondly, the EU directive _actually reduces the degree of software patentability_, because currently after IBM, claims to "programs on a carrier" are allowed, but the directive removes the ability to claim this.
No, article 5.2 of the new Council draft overturns the parliament text, and explicitly permits program claims.
Fifthly, the EU always maintains more stricter examination than the US: business methods per se are _not_ patentable in the EU, and equally, flakey software patents have a harder time getting through. Stop transposing the failures of US into the EU.
Patents directed at improving methods of doing business have previously been disallowed by UK case law. This will be overturned by the directive, which will bring the UK into line with EPO practice, allowing patents for improved business methods which contain a "technical contribution".
The EPO's standards of what constitutes a "technical contribution" can be judged from the Amazon gift-ordering patent, where a patent was granted on the process of:
1. X choosing a gift from Amazon to send to Y
2. Amazon asking Y where to send the gift to
3. Amazon sending the gift
This apparently is a "technical contribution" to the state of the art, and therefore patentable.
Finally, the protests in Brussels are are a laugh: against multimillion dollar turnover businesses using patents and contributing to the wellbeing of the EU economy, you have a bunch of jokers with "terrorism is corporate suicide" and other fairly poor and non-objective slogans doing pantomines. Unless the arguments show facts and figures, and more substantive evidence, this is entirely dismissable.
Actually, as a photo-opportunity it was quite successful. And as a chance to get people concerned about software patents together in a festive environment, it was very successful.
But you may be interested to know that it was followed by a four hour conference, attended by leading MEPs and addressed by leading economists, with representatives from the Commission and the EPO also on the panels.
If you're a subscriber to LWN, there's a report about the gathering by Tom Chance on the latest weekly front page. If you're not a subscriber, the page becomes freely available next Thursday.
(more points to follow)
Re:here we go again! (Score:3, Informative)
"Firstly, the EU directive just _harmonises existing case law_ - without the directive, what's going to happen is that different EU states are going to take different approaches and thus it will be a nightmare."
No the European patent office started allowing software patents, this gives a legal basis for those patents.
"Secondly, the EU directive _actually reduces the degree of software patentability"
The Parliaments suggestions were valid and carefully thought through.
I've read ff