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Thirty-Three States Contributed to the MATRIX 328

lexbaby writes "The Salt Lake Tribune has an article claiming that at least 33 states have released government and commercial records on residents to the controversial MATRIX (Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange) network instead of the originally claimed 13." Don't worry, there's plenty of RAM for all 50 and the territories too.
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Thirty-Three States Contributed to the MATRIX

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  • by ackthpt ( 218170 ) * on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:42PM (#8544702) Homepage Journal
    With this in mind, here are tips to help you avoid being labeled a terrorist:

    Mouth shut, eyes forward, do what you're told. Don't question authority.

    Smile for the cameras. They're everywhere and they're watching you.

    Secure all zippers, buttons, tie clips, etc. Wardrobe Malfunction isn't funny anymore, it's subversive.

    Turn in your neighbors on the slightest hint they're trouble makers. You won't get a pair a blue jeans, but you help keep your country safe.

    Pokemon: Catch 'em all, otherwise you never know where they are or what they are up to.

    Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing to avoid Germ Warfare Terrorist label.

    Vote for the most patriotic sounding politician, no matter what their platform.

    Remember, we're all in this together.

    • by machine of god ( 569301 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:48PM (#8544794)
      you forgot:

      Always wear your foil hat underneath a real hat, otherwise they'll know you know.

    • Mod this post up. McCarthy would be spooging himself if he were alive today.
      • by ackthpt ( 218170 ) * on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:03PM (#8544982) Homepage Journal
        Mod this post up. McCarthy would be spooging himself if he were alive today.

        IIRC, McCarthy's quest began by seeking special treatment by the U.S. Army for Pvt G. David Schine, a former aide to Roy Cohn, friend and ally of McCarthy. McCarthy's list ("I have in my hand a list...") was BS, but once the lying for favoritism got going it was hard to stop and took on a life of it's own, alledging the Army was full of communist sympathisers because they refused special treatment to Schine. Pretty ugly, but today isn't quite that bad, yet.

        • by GPLDAN ( 732269 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:09PM (#8545052)
          Well that's the wonderful thing about incredible amounts of data mining software and huge databases. You can make it that bad at much faster rate. Entire periods of historical precendent collapse under a compressed timeline. A single President can implement a police state and revoke 100 years of case law regarding privacy with a single sweep of the mouse, all in one term.
    • by Dalcius ( 587481 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:53PM (#8544863)

      Please board the nearest transportation to the Ministry of Love, they are waiting to see you.
      • Newspeak: the one and only language whose vocabulary decreases every year.

        "You must not just obey Big Brother, you must love Big Brother"

        "We are aiming at destroying the family unit. All love will be directed towards Big Brother"

        "Procreation will be nothing more than an annual ritual"

        Again, all from 1984
        • by Dalcius ( 587481 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:20PM (#8545174)
          I am not trying to say that the US is in any way close to the country described in '1984', but certain people in our government have *always* pushed for some very close parallels and it's creepy whenever they surface.

          I can only hope that the upcoming generation has been taught enough independence to value their freedom and fight the authoritarians. The good thing about a democratic society is that the pendulum swings both ways, and given time usually corrects itself. The current voters (baby boomers) didn't deal with as much McCarthyism as their parents and their apathy is going to get us in trouble.

          Hopefully it will correct itself as it often has.

        • by secolactico ( 519805 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @03:09PM (#8546309) Journal
          "Procreation will be nothing more than an annual ritual"

          ONLY ONCE A YEAR????

          Come to think of it, it might be an improvement on my current conditions...
    • ....developped and running al the way till the late 80's, but a dude called Gorbachov kinda screwed it all up....(it's still in use only in outdated machines in China.)
    • by goldspider ( 445116 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:25PM (#8545226) Homepage
      With this in mind, here are tips to help you avoid being labeled a troll:

      Mouth shut, eyes forward, do what you're told. Don't question the editors.

      Smile for the cameras. They're everywhere and they're watching you.

      Secure all servers, workstations, toasters, etc. with Linux. Windows isn't funny anymore, it's subversive.

      Mod down your fellow posters on the slightest hint they're windows users. You won't get a free subscription, but you help keep Slashdot safe.

      Suspicious links: Don't click 'em, otherwise you might know where they go or what horrors they may contain.

      Twiddle your thumbs when considering posting evidence that Windows is OK to avoid Astroturfer label.

      Vote for the most paranoid, irrational sounding politician, but only if their platform is Open Sourced.

    • I've got a better one.

      Keep a record of everything you do. Every dollar you spend, every phone call you make, and every trip you take. Upon being asked if you are a terrorist, make relevant portions of this record avaliable.

      Orwellian society exists due to lies and secrecy. Truth, fact, and honesty are the only proof against it.

  • suprise (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I was wondering why all the stories aimed at getting the tinfoil hat crowd in a frenzy where popping up, then I noticed Michael was at the helm
  • there are numbers but not a list!

    we need a list! if my state was involved I would like to know!
  • Wow (Score:5, Funny)

    by dupper ( 470576 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:43PM (#8544725) Journal
    I can't believe they actually had the balls to call it that.
    • Re:Wow (Score:5, Funny)

      by astrashe ( 7452 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:49PM (#8544805) Journal
      That was exactly my reaction -- I can't believe they'd call it that. You can sort of imagine them sitting around a table, and making a toast "to evil."

      I wonder if those guys model themselves on agent smith -- try to look like him, imitate his mannerisms, setc.

      You'd think they'd call it something like "children's protection and technological development project" instead.

    • Compared to our current choices, Cthulu may be the lesser evil!
  • by robslimo ( 587196 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:45PM (#8544743) Homepage Journal
    With the Mormons keeping track of their ancestors and all, do you suppose that some (most?) of the info that Utah willingly provided was from those vast genealogical records?

    I wonder if/how that would help the MATRIX project. Hmm.
    • Mormon's are the only ones to do geneology. Thanks to some Scottish monk's I can trace one branch of my maternal family tree all the way back to a second century AD Roman general stationed in a garison behind Hadrians wall. I also know most of my paternal tree back eight generations.
  • Fear Sells. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by grub ( 11606 ) <slashdot@grub.net> on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:45PM (#8544746) Homepage Journal

    Once this MATRIX is proven to be useless, either by failing to catch terrorists or not predicting the next attack, will the government kill the program? Of course not.

    Fear has always been a great method to let government erode privacy and rights.
    • by k3v0 ( 592611 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:52PM (#8544847) Journal
      do you see any tigers? it must work
      • by Dalcius ( 587481 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:14PM (#8545110)
        When was the last foreign terrorist attack in this country?

        Before that?


        I am NOT arguing with you, "see, we're safe" works for enough folks to keep the population apathetic. It IS creepy, though, when you think about it:
        How easy would it be to walk across the Canadian border, walk into a border-town theatre, and blow yourself up?

        It seems like this crap happens on a daily basis in the Middle East, but we never see this stuff.

        Either they aren't out to get us as much as we think or the government has already been doing a good job.

        Believe me, I understand the rammifications of a WMD attack -- looking at what certain chemicals and bioagents can do is very sobering. However I don't think the risk is high enough that the government now has a right to actively suspect (monitor) all citizens without cause.

        There is a difference between monitoring a suspect and monitoring everyone. When the government is looking over everyone's shoulders, day and night, you no longer have what I would call a 'free society.'

        • by NickFusion ( 456530 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:38PM (#8545399) Homepage
          Maybe once you're in Canada, the thought of killing yourself for a cause seems less attractive,

          I suspect it's the universal healthcare, and very tasty bread.
        • Before that?

          19 April 1995 [pbs.org].

      • k3v0, I want to buy your rock.
    • by Fascist Christ ( 586624 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:04PM (#8544989)

      People hate terrorists. Let's make a list.

      People hate child molestors. Let's make a list.

      People hate corrupt politicians. Shhhhhh.

    • TARKIN:
      The regional governors now have direct control over territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this MATRIX.
    • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:07PM (#8545028)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Re:Fear Sells. (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        "Would you change your mind about it?"

        i sure wouldnt... the nazis were perfectly safe against attack until they started making attacks themselves.

        i would much rather see the US made a safer place via sensical foriegn policy than through draconian laws and cloak & dagger espionage.

        all these "security" measures are doing is simply allowing the US citizens to pay the price for our leaderships short-sightedness while allowing it to continue.
      • Re:Fear Sells. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Chiron Taltos ( 694030 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:37PM (#8545391) Journal
        This will sound cold, but I'd take the few hundred people dead.

        I don't believe we should surrender our civil liberties just because there are people out there willing to kill us. There have ALWAYS been people out there willing to kill us.

        French (French & Indian War)
        English (American Revolution, War of 1812)
        Ourselves (U.S. Civil War)
        Japanese (World War II)

        Why, now, is it okay to abuse our civil liberties?

      • Re:Fear Sells. (Score:2, Insightful)

        The MATRIX could have a hand in stopping a couple incidents but watching our own citizens and keeping an eye on immigrants we allowed into the country and have kept their info updated with the government are the least of our worries.

        I'm more concerned about the infrequent inspections of cargo ships or what about our current foriegn policies that seem to have created this whole threat of terrorism in the first place.
  • I don't see a list of which 33 states we're talking about. Does that list exist somewhere?
    • That's what I'm looking for. IF it turns out that Maryland was one, I'm forwarding this to my local press and try to raise awareness of a massive privacy violation.

    • I'd bet that there are merely 33 *known* states.

      The Federales have probably told All Fifty that they better play ball on this one... or else they are Not PATRIOTs.

      • All the Feds have to do to get the states to play ball is threaten to withhold those precious Federal highway funds. This is exactly how the Feds forced all the states to adopt the 55 MPH speed limit and the 21 y/o drinking age.
        • > This is exactly how the Feds forced all the states to adopt the 55 MPH speed limit and the 21 y/o drinking age.

          Not all states have limits of 55, and at least until recently, LA had a drinking age under 21. So it isn't "forced," although it is underhanded.
  • Proof? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by andih8u ( 639841 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:48PM (#8544786)
    Don't worry, there's plenty of RAM for all 50 and the territories too.

    Do you actually have some good, solid evidence that the ram is being used for this? Aside from an article at Techworld that thinks it might be. At least try to show a tiny little bit of responsibility in the statements that you make.
  • by ghettoboy22 ( 723339 ) * <scott.a.johnson@gmail.com> on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:48PM (#8544789) Homepage
    Aksearch.net [aksearch.net] is a db I compiled from a few various databases the State of Alaska makes available. I have address and phone numbers for approx 98% of residents of Alaska. I also have DOB for about 5%, and voting records of all eligable voters. All available for free. Scarry huh?
    • by Loualbano2 ( 98133 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:57PM (#8544902)
      Head over to this site:

      http://www.brbpub.com/pubrecsites.asp [brbpub.com]

      Free public records for all states and nationwide databases.

      I know for sure that Colorado and Wisconsin have criminal court proceedings online, effectivly putting your police record out there for anyone who knows your name or even parts of your name.

      It did come in handy for me lately, as I found out someone gave my name when they were arrested. Had this resource not be available, I may have never known. Now I have to get it off, and they don't make it easy.

      • by stratjakt ( 596332 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:38PM (#8545401) Journal
        Imagine public records being accessable to the Public!?!

        First the tinfoilers and whiners were bitching about crazy government secrets. We want access to all the information the government has!!!!! So they pass the Freedom of Information Act. Now everyone has access to all the information the government has. Now the cry is "We want privacy!!".

        Meh, who gives a fuck.. All these idiots and their nazi germany references obviously have never read a history book, or hell, even seen any good WWII movies.

        The government has ALWAYS had my address, phone and social security number (i mean for fuckes sakes, they issue that)

        Cops have always had access to my arrest record via NIBRS, UCR.. Vehicle data through VINES, MILES, and other networks. So now they need "one resource to bind them all". One network to crash and become unusable, and believe me, the others I mentioned go up and down ALL the time.

        The only thing that bothers me about this is they payed all that cash for a redundant system that no doubt wont work all that well.

        The criminal data, for instance, where does it come from? From the court system, or perhaps from NIBRS, and even then only after the agencies send in their monthly submissions. It wont be updated on-the-fly. How do I know this? Because I would have had to write an interface to the system by now if it was any difference.

        Anyhow, who cares, more paranoia and handwaving from michael.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:48PM (#8544795)
    I was recently stopped by the cops (while walking) here in FL. I was stopped for crossing the street with an open container of beer on the way to my neighbor's house.

    Anyway, what was spooky about it is they were able to immediately look up my record--I got busted smoking pot at a concert about 10 years ago in NJ--literally a thousand miles away. Even though this was expunged from my record nearly ten years ago, they found out about it from their cars, without me every mentioning that I ever lived anywhere other than FL. That sucks.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:42PM (#8545452)
      Yes I am also a "victim" of the system.
      A few years ago when renewing my drivers license in Nebraska I was told that I had a suspended license in the state of Florida. Hmmm I haven't been in Florida since Carter was President. I tried to fight the suspension but being a poor person (one that couldn't afford the $500 lawyer fee that was quoted) I initially threatened to turn myself in to the local authorities stating I had a warrant in the state of FL and at least get a "FREE" trip to Florida, I finally paid what was owed on the ticket and the extortion money^H^H^H^H^H reinstatement fee for the ticket only to find out that that particular person that had the outstanding warrant his physical description was no where near mine.... about 6 inches taller and he was a different color, along with having the DL number blacked out
      and I ended up paying over $200 just to get a stupid license renewal here in Nebraska.
      Makes you wonder if the tin-hat crowd is not on to something.
    • by qtp ( 461286 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @02:06PM (#8545680) Journal
      Even though this was expunged from my record nearly ten years ago,
      localhost:~$ dict -d gcide expunged
      1 definition found

      From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

      Expunge \Ex*punge"\ ([e^]ks*p[u^]nj"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
      {Expunged} ([e^]ks*p[u^]njd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Expunging}
      ([e^]ks*p[u^]n"j[i^]ng).] [L. expungere, expunctum, prick
      out, expunge, settle an account, execute; ex out + pungere to
      prick, puncture. See {Pungent.}]
      1. To blot out, as with pen; to rub out; to efface
      designedly; to obliterate; to strike out wholly; as, to
      expunge words, lines, or sentences.
      [1913 Webster]

      2. To strike out; to wipe out or destroy; to annihilate; as,
      to expunge an offense. --Sandys.
      [1913 Webster]

      Expunge the whole, or lop th' excrescent parts.

      Syn: To efface; erase; obliterate; strike out; destroy;
      annihilate; cancel.
      [1913 Webster]
      I guess "expunge" means something different to law enforcement. It must be nice to be legally permitted to use words without any regard to thier actual meaning. If you or I were to takle the same liberties with the language when speakeng to a judge, we'd be charged with perjury.

  • Catch-22! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:52PM (#8544850)
    I love this one from their FAQ: http://www.matrix-at.org/faq.htm

    If you can't access the data, how can you find the source!?


    No. Members of the public cannot access individually identifiable information on themselves or others. Persons wishing to access data pertaining to themselves should communicate directly with the agency or entity that is the source of the data in question. For example, each participating state must provide a means for an individual to review and challenge the accuracy and completeness of his or her criminal history record, as authorized and required by 28 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 20.21(g).
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:52PM (#8544853)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by amigoro ( 761348 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:54PM (#8544875) Homepage Journal
    Billions of records: The trouble with MATRIX, said Calbrese, is the volume of data it contains, much of which was purchased unbeknown to states by Seisint Inc. Seisint is the Florida information-technology company that developed the idea for MATRIX and landed a $1.6 million contract with that state's Department of Law Enforcement to pilot it.

    I am guessing Mr. Ashcroft pay this out of his own pcoket. So this tax payer's money.

    Is this going to make you any safer? Doubtful.
    Is this going to make you poorer? Yes, Indirectly.
    Is this going to make Seisinit richer? Sure.
    Is this going to violate your privacy? Most Definitely.

    So you are basically paying Seisinit to take away your privacy. This is a bit like this story here. [mithuro.com] But that one is a bit more believable.

  • Notable quote (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    From the article:
    Verdi White, Utah's deputy commissioner of public safety and MATRIX point man, downplays the threat to citizens' privacy, noting most of Seisint's data are public. "A lot of that stuff was purchased on the open market," White said.
    That's supposed to make us feel better?
    • That's supposed to make us feel better?

      No, but it should compel you to find out just how much of your "private information" is, in fact, on the open market. I suspect there's not much that isn't, especially nowadays.

  • by symbolic ( 11752 )
    To quote the article...
    Leavitt teamed up with Florida Gov. Jeb Bush -- President Bush's brother -- to pitch MATRIX to other states. The two briefed other governors on the project during a conference call referred to in Feb. 6, 2003, MATRIX board minutes.

    A member of the Bush family involved in something deceptive that will further erode our constitutional rights? NEVER, I say, NEVER!
  • Paranoia day (Score:4, Insightful)

    by IamGarageGuy 2 ( 687655 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:58PM (#8544920) Journal
    Darpa with a new Internet for more control, more MATRIX states. I am starting to get scared. I am Canadian and the only hope we have is that the US has freedom of expression that we can emulate. Please rise up and fight this demon that justifies itself with the "think of the children argument". The end does not justify the means.
  • The MATRIX (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Vexware ( 720793 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:59PM (#8544925) Homepage

    Enough with the MATRIX puns, look at the issue seriously. I live in France and had never heard of this project before, but it sure looks scary, or at least, the government not saying everything about it is.

    Can be read in the article: "We don't want our information floating out there when we don't know what's on the database or who has access to it," said Sen. Ron Allen, D-Stansbury Park. It seems the people actually involved in this do not know very much what information will be withheld, let alone the people whose information is withheld. I mean, how can you be sure what you're being told is the truth when you see that the people involved with the project do not know that much about it themselves?

    The representatives say that the MATRIX is just a way of accessing individuals' information faster, but I don't really see how this could help them to predict where and when the next terrorist attack will be -- it will only really help them once the acts are actually done, I should think.

    I'm not stating that the government are surely up to something dodgy here, and after all, perhaps they might not be lying when they say that this will allow them to get hold of currently available information faster. But I just cannot read this without an ounce of doubt that a few privacy breaches might help them to fulfill their task.

  • by John Harrison ( 223649 ) <johnharrison@NosPAM.gmail.com> on Friday March 12, 2004 @12:59PM (#8544927) Homepage Journal
    Or we'd never have found out about this. Leavitt recently left to head the EPA, which is odd since I seem to remember that his family has run a business that caused polution and killed a bunch of fish at some point.

    When he left for EPA his Lt. Gov, Walker took over and found out about this MATRIX stuff and told the public. I hope Walker or Matheson gets elected next time around.

  • A warm fuzzy one (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Viggeh! ( 645439 )
    I love feeling guilty until proven innocent. It gives me a warm, fuzzy and safe feeling and makes me able to sleep at night. And remember kids, just as long as everyone videotapes everybody, everything will be alright.
  • it is only a matter of time before this is used to round up non terrorist criminals to make some politician look good. that is essentialy what this kind of information is best for. no terrorist is going to show up with the kind of info they are putting together. there is no way some this will not be used against the peaceful criminals in this country. its a damn shame.
  • It is critical to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the privacy of personal information within the FACTS database so this accumulation of information will not be used to monitor innocent citizens.

    So are they saying they'll use it to only monitor guilty citizens? Guilty of what? Isn't everybody innocent until proven guilty? If they were already proven guilty, why monitor them?

  • Some Restraint Made (Score:3, Interesting)

    by schnarff ( 557058 ) <alex.schnarff@com> on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:11PM (#8545067) Homepage Journal
    As it turns out, I actually know the person who prototyped the MATRIX system very well -- it's my wife's aunt.

    On one hand, this scares me a bit, because I know her work, and she's good -- which means that this system probably functions as intended.

    On the other hand, I have the assurances that a) she's a decent person, who generally supports civil liberties and frowns on abuse of government powers; and b) she's explicitly said that there were several requests that the government made during the initial design phase that she explicitly ruled out -- she told the government they were going too far, and that she wouldn't be a part of what they wanted. They actually backed off, too from what I've been told.

    Of course, I realize that I have very little credibility here as just another Slashdot poster...but for anyone inclined to believe, the good news is that *some* restraint was made in designing the MATRIX system.
  • John Kerry (Score:2, Informative)

    by 511pf ( 685691 )
    I don't care that much fo John Kerry, but if you want any hope at all of this type of thing going away, you'd better get out and vote for him in November.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 12, 2004 @01:18PM (#8545151)
    Remember the Florida election of 2000 when a private database company scrubbed thousands of eligible voters from the rolls? Well now one of the co-founders of Database Technologies is back in the headlines -- he's working with law enforcement agents in Florida to create what may soon expand into a national surveillance system. We talk with privacy expert Wayne Madsen, investigative reporter Greg Palast and a top intelligence official from the state of Florida.

    When is Joe Six pack going to wake up to the fact that in secret the government has conspired to create a dossier on every citzen in this country and this is who they hired to do it:

    Hank Asher then creates the MATRIX as a state level network version of the TIA office. Essentially continuing the TIA office, but freeing it from congressional oversight and federal whistleblower protections. He admits smuggling millions of dollars worth of cocaine in 1981 and 1982. Coincidentally at the time when the Iran-Contra dealings were in full swing.
    But this is only speculation. Could there be more of a link between illegal dealings between Hank Asher and the republican party? OF COURSE THERE IS!

    In 1992, Asher founded Database Technologies, which later merged with ChoicePoint. In 1999, he founded Seisint Inc. by merging two companies. He is still on Seisint's board of directors, and continues to play an active role in the company.During the 2000 presidential election ChoicePoint, gave Florida officials a list with the names of 8,000 ex-felons to "scrub" from their list of voters. But it turns out none on the list were guilty of felonies, only misdemeanors.

    So there we have it. We went from having a domestic spying agency run by a five time felon to having the same domestic spying program sans congressional oversight and whistle blower protections run by a convicted drug smuggler who has proven that he'll break the law to further the republican agenda.

    http://www.oldamericancentury.org/oh_republicans .h tm

    A Florida law enforcement data-sharing network is about to go national. In the name of counterterrorism, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are pouring millions of dollars into the system to expand it to local law enforcement agencies across the nation. It's called Matrix, which stands for Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange. According to the Washington Post, the computer network accesses information that has always been available to investigators but brings it together and enables police to access it with extraordinary speed. Civil liberties and privacy groups say the Matrix system dramatically increases the ability of local police to snoop on individuals.

    http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=03/08 /0 7/1427223

    The Florida company that built the database was founded by the man behind ChoicePoint and Database Technologies. The companies administered the contract that stripped thousands of African Americans from the Florida voter roles before the 2000 election.

    Although narrower in scope than John Poindexter's controversial Terrorist Global Information Awareness program, Matrix may serve a similar purpose because it provides unprecedented access to US residents regardless of their criminal background. And states are eager to participate in the new program. On Tuesday, the Department of Homeland Security announced plans to launch a pilot program in state law enforcement data-sharing among Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York.
  • I'm sure this has been said already, but who in their right mind would choose to call this thing MATRIX and then not expect people to get upset about it leading to some form of totalitarianism. I mean didn't any of them see the movie? This has got to be one of the stupidest marketing mistakes of all time.
  • here [aclu.org]
    And remember, we are stll the people. It is not late to stop these things.
  • Umm... what? (Score:2, Informative)

    by lpangelrob2 ( 721920 )
    This isn't nearly the same article that claims that there's only five states left...

    Article Text here [officer.com]

    New York and Wisconsin Opt Out of Anti-Crime Database
    Associated Press

    ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- New York and Wisconsin have joined the list of states that have pulled out of an anti-crime database program that civil libertarians say endangers citizens' privacy rights.

    Just five states now remain involved in Matrix out of more than a dozen that had signed up to share criminal, pr

  • Wow (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Nibelungo ( 691210 )
    What a great time not to be an american...
  • People better be concerned about this. The general populace does not know what's contained in the database, only that it has some kind of information on just about everybody. Unlike a credit report, a citizen cannot access it, view it, dispute it, or make corrections to it. Who knows if the information within is even correct? Even though it's claimed that it will only be used for 'noble' purposes, it's still possible for someone authorized to abuse it or use it for 'sneaky' reasons. Insert your own speculat
    • > Unlike a credit report, a citizen cannot access it, view it, dispute it, or make corrections to it.

      Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's fine that you are against this, as I am too (and I am in one of the few states still thinking it's a good idea), but you CAN make corrections. There is a process called "review and challenge," which while you cannot look at the direct results from this system, you can get the list of info it gives (that doesn't make much sense, but it is the case). If any of it is wr
  • by mkro ( 644055 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @02:41PM (#8546025)
    Freemason Grand Master: ...and we will call it Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange!
    Illuminatus Rex: Hm.. Mu.. Ant.. Te... Matie? MATIE? Didn't we decide to keep the Aussie division out this time?
    Freemason Grand Master: No, no, they are not in. Purely a coincidence.
    Paul W.: Well, it sounds a bit... dull.
    Illuminatus Rex: I agree. MATIE just will not work. Think of USA PATRIOT - Uniting and Strengthening - now that is a classic. Even TIA is better, even thought it is just a TLA. How are we going to keep people on their toes with MATIE? People should think of strength and cunning, not Foster's and dingos. We are not playing shadow government here!
    Alan G.: What if we change a few letters... uhm.. MATRIX?
    Illuminatus Rex: Eeexcellent.
  • by incom ( 570967 ) on Friday March 12, 2004 @03:53PM (#8546800)
    Imagine a succesful hack capable of sending everyone you don't like straight to gautanamo without any legal access or rights for them? Anyone with the skillz, would you mind altering Darl Mcbride's records?

USENET would be a better laboratory is there were more labor and less oratory. -- Elizabeth Haley
