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The Tyranny of Copyright? 410

Pinky3 writes "The Sunday New York Times Magazine has a long article entitled The Tyranny of Copyright? Views of both supporters of CopyLeft (Lessig and Zittrain) and Copyright (Ginsberg and Goldstein) are laid out. The article constrasts the cultural commons to the 'permission culture" and covers the unintended consequences of various US laws passed long ago." Dear NYT editors: "Copy Left" really shouldn't have a space in it. Thanks.
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The Tyranny of Copyright?

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you have some moral compunction against using an affiliate link, please have the decency to inform unwitting readers that they won't get any closer to the actual article by clicking on the provided link than they would by leaving Slashdot, going to, searching for and executing the link there.
  • by Hawkxor ( 693408 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:28PM (#8076189)
    CopyLEFT says: We're going to Maine! and Pennsylvania! and Arkansas! and Ohio! and Michigan! and New Hampshire! aieeeeeaaaaaaaa!!!!!

    CopyRIGHT says: duh...We have strategerie ha ha ha

    CopyLEFT says: You might think you know where the lockbox is, and maybe you do. Or maybe that's a dummy, or a decoy lockbox. Only me and Tipper and the Secretary of Defense will know for sure.
  • corrections (Score:4, Funny)

    by DeadSea ( 69598 ) * on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:29PM (#8076191) Homepage Journal
    Dear NYT editors: "Copy Left" really shouldn't have a space in it. Thanks.
    Are slashdot editors really qualified to make such a request?

    Although I think that number of spelling mistakes and duplicate articles has gone down in the last six months. Maybe all the subscribers are keeping a close watch and getting stuff changed before it is widely seen.

    • Re:corrections (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Jameth ( 664111 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:54PM (#8076341)
      Were not NYT writers and editors the imbeciles responsible for irreparably damaging the English language by convincing millions of people that a comma was not needed before the and in a series?

      Seeing as Slashdot has kepts its errors rather internal, rather than damaging most of humanity, I'd say they can comment just fine.
      • damaging the English language [...] rather than damaging most of humanity

        Most of humanity doesn't speak english...
        • Most of humanity doesn't primarily speak English, but a goodly portion of humanity runs into English on a semi-regular basis, and every bit of damage to the English grammar system hurts them all. Likewise, damage to other languages hurts those who are primarily English speakers.
      • Were not NYT writers and editors the imbeciles responsible for irreparably damaging the English language by convincing millions of people that a comma was not needed before the and in a series?

        No, that was the British, who invented the language and who tend to use a lot less punctuation than Americans do.

  • copy left (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:29PM (#8076194)
    they actually took the term "copyleft" and modified it, be thankful that they are re-distributing their "copy left" spaced variation for the benefit of the community.
  • by RobertFisher ( 21116 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:31PM (#8076215) Journal
    This should be a new definition of irony...

    "Dear NYT editors: 'Copy Left' really shouldn't have a space in it. Thanks."

    /. editors telling the editors of the NYT how to do their job...

  • "the Copy Left" (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Corgha ( 60478 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:31PM (#8076216)
    They have a space in there because they are not talking about "copyleft" as in licensing, but rather "the Copy Left" as in "the Left" as in the political category.

    I'm not sure that it's accurate to lump everyone who's opposed to the current copyright schemes together as "leftists," which seems to be the implication. Indeed, one would think that a return to a 14 + 14 "founder's copyright" would be not so much radical as reactionary.
    • Re:"the Copy Left" (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Frater 219 ( 1455 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:08PM (#8076430) Journal
      I'm not sure that it's accurate to lump everyone who's opposed to the current copyright schemes together as "leftists," which seems to be the implication. Indeed, one would think that a return to a 14 + 14 "founder's copyright" would be not so much radical as reactionary.

      Indeed, there's a right-anarchist argument that, unlike private property, copyright is nothing but a government-created monopoly. (Of course, there's also a left-anarchist argument that private property is a government-created monopoly too, but I'm not so sure -- territory is a pretty fundamental idea for a lot of species that don't have governments or copyright.)

      I don't think the argument extends, though, to one of the other disparate bits of law that's lumped into the nonsense rubric of "intellectual property" -- trademark. A trademark, like a person's signature, isn't property so much as it is a kind of statement about the trademarked goods: "This luncheon meat was made by the Hormel company," "This document was signed by John Hancock." Falsely applying someone else's trademark to the goods you sell is like forging their signature on an IOU: it's not a property violation against the person whose sigil you forge, but rather a fraud against your customer, or whomever you're passing the IOU to.

      (Yes, "right-anarchist" is another word for the American use of "libertarian", and "left-anarchist" for the European "libertarian socialist" or the American "anarchist".)

      • Re:"the Copy Left" (Score:5, Informative)

        by TKinias ( 455818 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:29PM (#8076590)

        scripsit Frater 219:

        Indeed, there's a right-anarchist argument that, unlike private property, copyright is nothing but a government-created monopoly. (Of course, there's also a left-anarchist argument that private property is a government-created monopoly too, but I'm not so sure -- territory is a pretty fundamental idea for a lot of species that don't have governments or copyright.)

        Actually, the idea that private property is a government-created monopoly is not just an anarchist idea. Without taking a stand on whether it is a good thing or not, it is pretty clearly something that doesn't exist without state enforcement. It's important to distinguish ``property'' in the sense of ``my stuff'' from ``property'' in the sense of something that remains mine whether or not it's in my actual possession or use, and which I can have legal recourse to regain if I lose. The latter is what is provided by the state, not the former. (Many versions of socialist thought, BTW, make this distinction, too. Your house, your computer, your trousers are yours, it's just things like factories and farmland you don't farm yourself that you can't own.)

        These ideas are also based on the idea that property is primarily land. In order to have claim to land that you're not actually using (for example, holding for speculation or renting to tenants), you have to have a state to enforce it -- or you have to have a private army in an anarchic situation. This is what Hobbes was referring to in his famous ``nasty, brutish, and short'' quote: without a state you would never get anything done, because you would have to waste all your effort employing violence to keep hold of your goods and land.

        What you're calling ``left anarchists'' would hold that the state enforcement required to keep hold of property that is being rented by others (or simply in disuse) is oppressive. The idea is that if you're not actually using it, you don't really need it, and you're only using the state to squeeze wealth out of the people who really do need it.

    • In fact, "The Left" (i.e. the Democrats) are the ones beholden to the MPAA/RIAA and pushing for more Draconian copyright terms and penalties. Our "good buddy" Fritz Hollings is/was a Democrat.
      I would argue that a significant chunk of those in favour of the CopyLeft scheme have a tendency to be more Libertarian, than Left.
      Of course, I am cynical enough to believe that either party would make bad copyright laws if you paid them enough. It just so happens that the Democrats are already in the MPAA/RIAA's poc
  • by jimicus ( 737525 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:32PM (#8076219)
    The article encapsulates many of the major issues affecting free software today. Best of all, it's written in a reasonably sensible, intelligent fashion (rather than "these copyleft commies are going to take over the world!" which SCO would like us to believe).

    Hopefully this indicates that the media is starting to understand that there can be another way. Free software and truly open standards will never become widely adopted while the mainstream view is "how can anything with little or no copyright restrictions be any good?"

    • by Apreche ( 239272 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:48PM (#8076308) Homepage Journal
      This reminds me of computer crime class a couple weeks ago. We were discussing different communities, and one of them was the open source community. One significantly older graduate student said this.

      "Why would you give away your work for free?"

      She was completely dumbfounded. The problem is that the older generations still have the protestant work ethic. In our generation the protestant work ethic has died. People are willing to actually do some amount of work for the greater good of society. After we meet our needs by doing "real" work, we are willing to do things that are both productive and fun for the good of others. This has not happened often in history because usually leisure activities are not productive. The rise of geekdom has created the furst truly productive leisure activity, writing software. And since it doesn't cost anything to make, we give it away for free with little or no copyright. This new way of thinking completely dumbfounds anyone who is used to it the other way.
      • by be-fan ( 61476 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:02PM (#8076398)
        That's hardly the case. There is a great tradition of people doing things for the benefit of mankind in their freetime. John Locke, for example, didn't really have an occupation as such --- he was a student of the church, but never became a cleric, he studied (and practiced, for awhile) medicine, but never got a medical degree, etc. His main profession seemed to have been being a friend of Lord Shaftesbury, which gave him an influential position and little real work to occupy him, save his writing.
      • by Jameth ( 664111 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:03PM (#8076402)
        More specifically, it created the first COST FREE productive leisure activities.

        The costs of computer hardware and software are already absorbed, as they are neccessary for other portions of geek life, so it is essentially cost free.

        And, this is what many current megacorps are scared of, because Open Source isn't the FIRST productive leisure activity.

        I write for leisure. Many musicians play music for leisure. Lots of people write poetry in their leisure time. Some people do stand-up comedy for free.

        The dark secret is, people enjoy entertaining people, and they even find that entertainment fun in its own right, even if the audience is lost. (In fact, jokes that go over the heads of the audience are often the best ones).

        In the current society, much of entertainment is free to make. My word-processor and a site to host a story? Some instruments and a garage for a band? A napkin to jot poetry and internet distribution? The overhead is gone, and now all hell will break loose (but in a good way).
      • An interesting post... but you should credit your sources. Or didn't you get this concept of Protestant work ethic vs modern Hacker ethic from The Hacker Ethic? Which btw is an excellent read (w/ a forward by Linus).
      • by cfulmer ( 3166 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @04:34PM (#8077060) Journal
        Pfft. There have always been people, including protestants, willing to do things for the greater good of society. The Salvation Army (mainly protestant), for example, has been around since Civil War times.

        Even the production of intellectual property -- the idea of freely sharing ideas -- has been around for a long time. For example, 'Fine Woodworking' magazine, about as far away from software as you can get, has a space where readers write in a blurb about the clever ways that they've used to solve problems. There is some marginal compensation for the 'best' one in each issue, but people share their ideas -- their IP -- with others because there's a sense of community.

        Productive leisure activity has been around for as long as knitting, sewing, painting and whittling.

        In reality, part of the reason that many people give away the product of their work is because there is no reasonable way for them to make money off of it: Not only is there no inexpensive mechanism to charge, but there isn't even a good way to figure out how much to charge.

        There are also non-monetary forms of payback. Law Reviews, for example, generally don't pay anything to the writers of their articles. But, the writers get prestiege in a specific community. People who contribute to free (as in speech) software also receive similar benefits.

        Occasionally pragmatic business reasons for doing so exist, especially in the world of communications standards. For example, the IETF relies on 'loose consensus and running code' in the promulgation of internet standards. If you're a corporation trying to push a standard, you can help yourself by publishing a free version.

        There are probably people producing software just out of the goodness of their hearts, with no desire for any other benefit to themselves. But, I don't think you can characterize the entire free software movement as being like that.

        Even James Boyle, one of the 'Copy Left' people in the book, has said that he likes earning royalties from the publication of his works. (I happened to take a class from him in the fall.)

    • At the rate things have been going, it won't be too long before these kind of things (such as the Diabold example) will start happening to the media themselves. Even if they wanted to ignore all this for some reason (here's your chance conspiracy nuts), after a while the problems would hit home and then it would be very hard to ignore.

      Even if they are doing this for self serving reasons (which I doubt, I think these problems are really starting to be more than "flukes" so they are worth reporting on in the

  • Public Apathy (Score:4, Insightful)

    by hjmartin70 ( 250011 ) <`moc.liamg' `ta' `nitram.nhoj.h'> on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:37PM (#8076246)
    Do we think anyone but geeks really cares? The public can't be bothered to care about anything that isn't spoon fed to them on Entertainment Tonight or in People magazine. We need to make the fight against excessive corporate copyright an entertaining battle or no one will pay attention. How about getting JLo for a spokesperson?
    • That's the core problem here.. When Disney was lobbying to get copyrights extended again, most people said "so what?". It's not easy to show to 'random citizen' how this could effect him/her.

      Compound that with the "new digital age" thinking that seems to be prevalent in congress, and we've got a problem. They all seem to think that America's best way to stay competitive is to create a lot of legal support for "Intellectual Property".

      But, since it's the Disneys of the world that are in their ears, t
  • It seems as the DMCA, the copyright extension, the butchering of the spam laws are all a results of payoffs to our "representitives".
    And even when they are paid for, some companies are still usurping them to chill commentary or block competition. If you have any doubt of that, just look at actions of Lexmark, Mattel and Dibold.
  • Good choice of words (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Space cowboy ( 13680 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:48PM (#8076309) Journal
    The article uses highly emotive words in the headline, "Tyranny" is almost guaranteed to get more than a casual glance, but the body is pretty factual (although sympathetic to the students, for example). Well written - articles like this are the only way that the rights-restrictions will get wider coverage. It's a good thing to have a free-from-tyranny press :-)

  • I hereby,,, (Score:2, Funny)

    by Sarojin ( 446404 )
    ..announce that my DNA is CopyLeft, from this day forward.
    If any Geekgirl wishes to gain access to my DNA, please send a picture and an essay on the effects of GPL and the software industry and what effects this will have on humanity in whole.
    B with blue eyes can skip the essay.
    Thank you.
  • Tyranny? (Score:2, Insightful)

    Hardly. Copyright protection encourages creation. Nobody else has any right to works I've created.
    • In a vacuum? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by tepples ( 727027 ) <> on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:52PM (#8076333) Homepage Journal

      Copyright protection encourages creation.

      Lessig maintains that overbroad restrictions on preparing derivative works discourages creation.

      Nobody else has any right to works I've created.

      What did you draw on when creating works? Or did you claim that you created works in a vacuum?

      • Lessig maintains that overbroad restrictions on preparing derivative works discourages creation.

        That is very different from advocating the abolishment of IP rights, which Lessig does NOT advocate.

    • Re:Tyranny? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by cei ( 107343 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:11PM (#8076451) Homepage Journal
      For the moment, let's assume you're a brilliant writer who's just released the best selling book ever written. Because you've got copyright on it until 70 years after you die, you're set for life... hell, your kids will never have to work a day. I hardly see that as encouraging you to create more works, and if you're that good, maybe society would benefit from more than a one-shot.
      • That's just a really crappy argument.

        The purpose of society is not to force smart people to work. If the man is a genius, he can write another. Society should give some motivation, but not by giving no rewards.

        Now, I do agree that the parent was dumb, I just think your argument sucks as well.
      • Re:Tyranny? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by spectecjr ( 31235 )
        For the moment, let's assume you're a brilliant writer who's just released the best selling book ever written. Because you've got copyright on it until 70 years after you die, you're set for life... hell, your kids will never have to work a day. I hardly see that as encouraging you to create more works, and if you're that good, maybe society would benefit from more than a one-shot.

        Now, coming back to reality, let's assume that you're the average writer who gets published, who doesn't earn much if anythi
        • Re:Tyranny? (Score:4, Interesting)

          by cei ( 107343 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:25PM (#8076560) Homepage Journal
          So if copyright were, say, only 20 years from publication, is the author hurt? The author's not the best in the world. He's no King or Rowling. If it's not great, there's a good chance it will be forgotten in 20 years, or at least not bringing in the income the author got when it was first released.
          • So if copyright were, say, only 20 years from publication, is the author hurt?

            I don't know.

            If copyright were - as is the case now - 70 years, is anyone else hurt? I don't think so.
            • Author of "The Wind Done Gone" would say otherwise...
    • Copyright protection encourages creation

      Proof? Before you answer that remember that correlation doesn't equal causation, and that 90% of everything is crap.

      Nobody else has any right to works I've created.

      That's called begging the question.
  • by FreemanPatrickHenry ( 317847 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:51PM (#8076326)
    Here's the text of the article:

    The Tyranny of Copyright?

    Published: January 25, 2004

    ast fall, a group of civic-minded students at Swarthmore College received a sobering lesson in the future of political protest. They had come into possession of some 15,000 e-mail messages and memos -- presumably leaked or stolen -- from Diebold Election Systems, the largest maker of electronic voting machines in the country. The memos featured Diebold employees' candid discussion of flaws in the company's software and warnings that the computer network was poorly protected from hackers. In light of the chaotic 2000 presidential election, the Swarthmore students decided that this information shouldn't be kept from the public. Like aspiring Daniel Ellsbergs with their would-be Pentagon Papers, they posted the files on the Internet, declaring the act a form of electronic whistle-blowing.


    Unfortunately for the students, their actions ran afoul of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (D.M.C.A.), one of several recent laws that regulate intellectual property and are quietly reshaping the culture. Designed to protect copyrighted material on the Web, the act makes it possible for an Internet service provider to be liable for the material posted by its users -- an extraordinary burden that providers of phone service, by contrast, do not share. Under the law, if an aggrieved party (Diebold, say) threatens to sue an Internet service provider over the content of a subscriber's Web site, the provider can avoid liability simply by removing the offending material. Since the mere threat of a lawsuit is usually enough to scare most providers into submission, the law effectively gives private parties veto power over much of the information published online -- as the Swarthmore students would soon learn.

    Not long after the students posted the memos, Diebold sent letters to Swarthmore charging the students with copyright infringement and demanding that the material be removed from the students' Web page, which was hosted on the college's server. Swarthmore complied. The question of whether the students were within their rights to post the memos was essentially moot: thanks to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, their speech could be silenced without the benefit of actual lawsuits, public hearings, judges or other niceties of due process.

    After persistent challenges by the students -- and a considerable amount of negative publicity for Diebold -- in November the company agreed not to sue. To the delight of the students' supporters, the memos are now back on their Web site. But to proponents of free speech on the Internet, the story remains a chilling one.

    Siva Vaidhyanathan, a media scholar at New York University, calls anecdotes like this ''copyright horror stories,'' and there have been a growing number of them over the past few years. Once a dry and seemingly mechanical area of the American legal system, intellectual property law can now be found at the center of major disputes in the arts, sciences and -- as in the Diebold case -- politics. Recent cases have involved everything from attempts to force the Girl Scouts to pay royalties for singing songs around campfires to the infringement suit brought by the estate of Margaret Mitchell against the publishers of Alice Randall's book ''The Wind Done Gone'' (which tells the story of Mitchell's ''Gone With the Wind'' from a slave's perspective) to corporations like Celera Genomics filing for patents for human genes. The most publicized development came in September, when the Recording Industry Association of America began suing music downloaders for copyright infringement, reaching out-of-court settlements for thousands of dollars with defendants as young as 12. And in November, a group of independent film producers went to court to fight a ban, imposed this year by the Motion Picture Association of America, on sending DVD's to those who vote for annual film awards.

    Not long ago, the Interne
    • And by posting such an article in its entirety you go and do everyone a disservice by violating the copyright on the article. Actions like this hurt the cause and make it harder to get any sort of postive change concerning this copyright mess.
  • Some good, some bad (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Hays ( 409837 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:51PM (#8076328)
    Why do they have to lump together the people who want the DMCA repealed with those who require some state subsidized artist payment. I just want my fair use rights back, I don't need some nutty scheme that forces artists to share their music and taxes me on CD-r's.

    " The money would come from a tax on various content-related devices, like DVD burners, blank CD's or digital recorders"

    I can't believe the copyleft is saying things like that. That is not a reasonable compromise for me to get my fair-use rights back.
  • Fair Use (Score:4, Interesting)

    by yintercept ( 517362 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @02:54PM (#8076340) Homepage Journal
    The interesting thing about the article is the use of copyright to try and silence criticism of the Diebold system.

    Before jumping on the repeal property rights bandwagon, we should note that the Swathmore students could have easily gotten around the copyright issue by paraphrasing and writing their own original work drawn from the emails.

    The article paints this issue as horrible corporate America positioned against wonderful students. However, I see a lot of issues going on beyond publication. For example, there is the issue of open communications within a corporation. If there is no legal protection for open internal discussions about a product, then companies will have no choice but to limit open dialog within the company.

    Shouldn't Diebold be commended for having an open internal communication system that allows its workers to actively criticize and tear apart their company's product? If any document stolen from a company could be published to paint the company in bad light, then we would see companies cracking down on the open internal communications needed to improve products.

    Having been involved in several projects, I've written and have read extremely critical emails about different aspects of a program. The purpose of these communications is generally to improve the quality of a program. Strongly worded emails generally have a better chance of making it into a product. Often the strongly worded emails are bunk. If all of the test documentation of the Alpha and design systems got published then we could make any company look horrible.

    I rue the day when each and every word written in internal communications has to be polished into marketing material.
    • Re:Fair Use (Score:3, Interesting)

      by CodeBuster ( 516420 )
      The interesting thing about the article is the use of copyright to try and silence criticism of the Diebold system.

      This is not a new idea. The Church of Scientology has been using the copyright laws of the United States to silence its critics for the last three decades. The Diebold case is simply the latest example of how copyright laws in their present incarnation can be abused.
    • Re:Fair Use (Score:3, Informative)

      by Jameth ( 664111 )
      They were in no copyright trouble to begin with. No re-phrasing was needed, The problem was the lawsuit scared the ISP.

      Here's a really good question. Were those e-mails creative? I sure as hell don't consider my e-mails creative works (well, a couple times I've e-mailed poems or story excerpts). If they do not have creative value, they don't get copyright, so the students were fine with what they did.

      Now, taking my e-mails and posting them is a privacy violation, but that's another matter.

      As for what I j
      • Re:Fair Use (Score:3, Informative)

        by stubear ( 130454 )
        Actually they were in violation of copyright and I question why the DMCA was involved at all. Written communcations are copyrighted and in this case since they are considered work-for-hire Diebold holds that copyright. Reproducing them or making them available for download is a copyright violation, given the five basic rights protected by copyright law.
        • by tepples ( 727027 ) <> on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:21PM (#8076519) Homepage Journal

          Actually they were in violation of copyright

          News reporting. Non-profit. Factual. Does not substitute for the work itself. Any competent lawyer could make a good fair use defense.

          and I question why the DMCA was involved at all.

          In this case, the DMCA merely codifies a cease-and-desist process in 17 USC 512. It has nothing to do with the DMCA that interferes with interoperability (17 USC 1201; judges have tended to ignore 1201(f)) except for having been enacted in the same bill.

    • by tepples ( 727027 ) <> on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:17PM (#8076488) Homepage Journal

      we should note that the Swathmore students could have easily gotten around the copyright issue by paraphrasing and writing their own original work drawn from the emails.

      Without directly quoting the unpublished original sources, how could the students make their argument look like something other than a hoax? I sense an opportunity to use the "news reporting" fair use argument.

      • Fair use allows for quotations, especially when used for criticisms and refutations. The question about fair use is whether or not what you created is itself an original work.

        A well written article with quotes and a summary of the articles would have been considered an original work, and probably would have been more damning of Diebold.

        The ability of Diebold to suppress the work by threatening the ISP is freightening, as the ISP is not likely to make any judgments based on merits of the case.
    • Would paraphrasing be creating a derivative work?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:02PM (#8076399)
    Something strange and dangerous is happening in copyright law. Under the U.S. Constitution, copyright exists to benefit users -- those who read books, listen to music, watch movies, or run software -- not for the sake of publishers or authors. Yet even as people tend increasingly to reject and disobey the copyright restrictions imposed on them "for their own benefit," the U.S. government is adding more restrictions, and trying to frighten the public into obedience with harsh new penalties.
    How did copyright policies come to be diametrically opposed to their stated purpose? And how can we bring them back into alignment with that purpose? To understand, we should start by looking at the root of United States copyright law: the U.S. Constitution.

    Copyright in the U.S. Constitution
    When the U.S. Constitution was drafted, the idea that authors were entitled to a copyright monopoly was proposed -- and rejected. The founders of our country adopted a different premise, that copyright is not a natural right of authors, but an artificial concession made to them for the sake of progress. The Constitution gives permission for a copyright system with this paragraph (Article I, Section 8):

    [Congress shall have the power] to promote the progress of science and the useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.
    The Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed that promoting progress means benefit for the users of copyrighted works. For example, in Fox Film v. Doyal, the court said,

    The sole interest of the United States and the primary object in conferring the [copyright] monopoly lie in the general benefits derived by the public from the labors of authors.
    This fundamental decision explains why copyright is not required by the Constitution, only permitted as an option -- and why it is supposed to last for "limited times." If copyright were a natural right, something that authors have because they deserve it, nothing could justify terminating this right after a certain period of time, any more than everyone's house should become public property after a certain lapse of time from its construction.

    The "copyright bargain"
    The copyright system works by providing privileges and thus benefits to publishers and authors; but it does not do this for their sake. Rather, it does this to modify their behavior: to provide an incentive for authors to write more and publish more. In effect, the government spends the public's natural rights, on the public's behalf, as part of a deal to bring the public more published works. Legal scholars call this concept the "copyright bargain." It is like a government purchase of a highway or an airplane using taxpayer's money, except that the government spends our freedom instead of our money.

    But is the bargain as it exists actually a good deal for the public? Many alternative bargains are possible; which one is best? Every issue of copyright policy is part of this question. If we misunderstand the nature of the question, we will tend to decide the issues badly.

    The Constitution authorizes granting copyright powers to authors. In practice, authors typically cede them to publishers; it is usually the publishers, not the authors, who exercise these powers and get most of the benefits, though authors may get a small portion. Thus it is usually the publishers that lobby to increase copyright powers. To better reflect the reality of copyright rather than the myth, this article refers to publishers rather than authors as the holders of copyright powers. It also refers to the users of copyrighted works as "readers," even though using them does not always mean reading, because "the users" is remote and abstract.

    The first error: "striking a balance"
    The copyright bargain places the public first: benefit for the reading public is an end in itself; benefits (if any) for publishers are just a means toward that end. Readers' interests and publishers' interests are qualitati
  • Confusion (Score:4, Interesting)

    by t_allardyce ( 48447 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:08PM (#8076431) Journal
    If someone copyrights some of their code, they didnt invent the language (eg c) and they didnt invent many of the functions that the program does (eg printing to the screen) and they certainly didnt invent the compiler or the CPU that the program runs under and they had nothing to do even with the storage medium their program is on (hd/cdrom/paper)! Now i can kind of understand the ownership of ideas eg a method of selecting some information which causes relevent information to be revealed, but even that is based on the idea of "information" and human thought so you cant say thats something original. So what exactly denotes something original? and why should you be able to copyright something thats not original for far longer than is needed to create incentive? (eg 70 years after your death!)
    • Re:Confusion (Score:3, Informative)

      by spectecjr ( 31235 )
      If someone copyrights some of their code, they didnt invent the language (eg c) and they didnt invent many of the functions that the program does (eg printing to the screen) and they certainly didnt invent the compiler or the CPU that the program runs under and they had nothing to do even with the storage medium their program is on (hd/cdrom/paper)! Now i can kind of understand the ownership of ideas eg a method of selecting some information which causes relevent information to be revealed, but even that is
  • by CousinLarry ( 640750 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:30PM (#8076596)
    "The recording industry is a $12 billion a year business, compared with the telephone business, which is a more than $250 billion a year business. That is what economists call a 'revealed willingness to pay,' a clear preference for a technology that allows you to participate in work, socializing and interaction in general, over a technology that allows you to be a passive consumer of a packaged good."

    This comparison fails to be useful in any real sense when considered for even an instant. The infrastructure, engineering and complexity of the telecommunication industry probably would scale its market value, when compared to music, much more than roughly 20 / 1 factor Benkler notes here. In fact, the only force surpressing greater telecom revenue is that consumers absolutely abhor seemingly arbitrary and maddeningly discreet fees associated with their monthly tele/cell phone bills!

    To think that the billing lessons from the telecom industry offer a positive model for entertainment is not only ludacris, it's insulting to consumers who increasingly feel pestered by a fee system which forces them to nickel and dime every conversation down to minutes used -- and the excitement of VOIP proves that we are ALL hungry for an way to trash our telecom fee tally sheets.
  • by jbn-o ( 555068 ) <> on Saturday January 24, 2004 @03:35PM (#8076640) Homepage

    I appreciate the ideas the article is trying to raise in the public consciousness and I am grateful the NYT is helping to put these issues on the political map. Apparently Boynton agrees with RMS that it's important to "spread understanding of the value of freedom []" although Boynton wasn't writing with regard to free software. I hope that in the next articles we can get more into specifics about how these ideas were formed because I think people have an easier time grasping useful abstractions when they are grounded in real-world events.

    Giving credit where credit is due is intellectually honest. This article and Mark Webbink's recently praised article [] both chime in on copyleft or ideas built on copyleft without giving any credit to the person or the organization that brought it to our attention--Richard Stallman and the FSF.

    Webbink goes so far as to reinvent copyleft without calling it such, thus confirming how valuable the concept is and what the open source movement is missing out on by rejecting software freedom in favor of practical concerns centered on their chief audience--businesses []. The NYT article tells us "Copy Left[sic]" (spelled with a space probably to pigeon-hole the concept on the left side of the left-right false political dichotomy) is a borrowed term:

    ([...] originally used by software programmers to signal that their product bore fewer than the usual amount of copyright restrictions).

    But that would come closer to describing free software []. Copyleft [] is a way to secure the freedoms of free software for a program and its derivative works.

  • I don't really care if Mickey Mouse cartoons are protected for 200 years from their creation date (or indefinitely, as Disney will eventually pay off enough congressmen to get).

    But, that should not drag every other piece of work along with it. To keep a copyright active, they should keep the default copyright mechanism they have today, for a short period of time, like 7-15 years. Then, require them to register the work for copyright extensions of 5-10 years. As it is now, they were gifted these huge
    • Man, I'm stuck between moderating this up and replying to it. (Replying won.)

      In fact, it would be fine by me to have a couple of exemptions for well-known characters - with fees paid to the Treasury rather than influential congressmen. Although I'd really prefer that Mickey not have eternal protection, it would probably be better than letting everything else be dragged down with it.

      But it wouldn't work out - They would just take advantage of the cheaper path, which is to give a smaller amount to electe

  • The NYT has a bunch of rules about how names are presented - like, no InterCap names, no Punctuation! in names, an allergy to acronyms (HP is typically spelled out Hewlett Packard, and then the Packard bit is dropped; I note that IBM doesn't have this problem), etc.

    So, call it Copyleft and you're fine.

  • ''Sooner or later,'' predicts Miriam Nisbet, the legislative counsel for the American Library Association, ''you'll get to the point where you say, 'Well, I guess that 25 cents isn't too much to pay for this sentence,' and then there's no hope and no going back.''

    Yep... now raise your hands... how many of you have gone down that path, purchasing iTunes and DVDs? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  • Canada (Score:5, Informative)

    by Dashing Leech ( 688077 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @04:52PM (#8077184)
    From the article: "Only second-world countries, like Croatia or Brazil, he speculates, are unfettered enough to try something new." (refering to William Fisher's business model in which music is paid for by levy's on recordable media like CD-Rs).

    Um, this is already partially implemented in Canada []. We pay a levy on recordable media, and as a result downloading is legal. Supposedly, the levy is supposed to go to the artists and recording industry. The only thing missing is the "central office", otherwise it is very much like Fisher's concept. And I hardly think Canada [] qualifies as a second world country.

  • by ajagci ( 737734 ) on Saturday January 24, 2004 @07:09PM (#8077909)
    I fail to see the opposition between the terms. Copyleft is one particular license that is enforced through copyright. If copyright ceased to exist, so would copyleft. The fact that the creators of copyleft would like copyright to stop existing doesn't change that, and many people who use copyleft probably don't care much whether copyright should or should not continue to exist. I certainly don't: I think copylefted software is succeeding no matter what other licenses people come up with under copyright because copyleft simply makes more economic sense.

Good day to avoid cops. Crawl to work.
