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Alleged FL Spammers Agree To $1 Million Bonds 8

An anonymous reader writes "Well, in this story in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, two men were nailed by the FTC for sending out spam just to try to collect valid e-mail addresses and social security numbers, for resale to others. Another good reason just to simply forward the spam to"
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Alleged FL Spammers Agree To $1 Million Bonds

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  • No Penalty (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @01:27PM (#7681307)
    These guys agreed to obey the law and "A $57,500 judgment against Roth was suspended." How will this stop future spammers? We need jail time. This wasn't even a slap on the wrist. They only have to pay the bond if they want to spam again. This is a green light to anyone who wants to spam. If you get caught, there's no penalty.
    • Re:No Penalty (Score:3, Insightful)

      Not it stands, there's zero cost (besides bandwidth) for them to send out these e-mails...Imposing these fines increases the costs for them to continue this behaviour. Yes, they COULD do it again, but there are continuously diminishing returns for this behaviour...just wait and see what happens if they do it again...there will probably be jail time involved if it happens again...
  • by doug ( 926 ) on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @01:29PM (#7681324)
    This is insane. They committed fraud and don't get the book thrown at them. If it had been mail instead of email, they'd be on the way to prison right now.

    While I think that the victims are foolish (the old rule about something being too good to be true holds), that doesn't mean that these two bozos deserve to get off the hook so lightly.

    - doug
  • Spam pays, big time (Score:3, Informative)

    by Joe Wagner ( 547696 ) on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @09:59PM (#7686095) Homepage
    One million dollars eh? Recall the Wired [] article this summer of the bigger penis spammer the nets a half million or more a month. A million dollar bond often costs 5 to 10% of the value. So, for a couple days profits, that spammer is back up and running with FTC approval. And this is how Congress expects the CAN SPAM act to stop the madness? Sigh...
  • It seems that fraud using email is legal because the email system is far more invisible than post mail, but fraud should be fraud shouldn't it?

    If the law can't realize that fraud is just as important with email addresses as it is with legal tender, then there's never any hope for a decent spam bill, because it only goes to show they don't understand the technology or its importance enough.

    And that's not even mentioning the social security numbers...

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
