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Blog Comment Spam Removal 27

mattwarden writes "The back-and-forth between spammers and mortals continues. Anyone with a MovableType blog that is even remotely on the map has no doubt been hammered lately with comment spam, comments made on entries by a script or program in an attempt to increase search engine page rankings. Prior to today, one had to manually delete each of these comments. No more! Jay Allen has developed a plugin for MovableType that removes these spam comments based on a blacklist (of both hostnames and regular expressions) and intercepts new spam comments before they are made. There's even a one-click link included in the comment notification email that makes it easy to de-spam your blog."
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Blog Comment Spam Removal

Comments Filter:
  • Oh well. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by The Fink ( 300855 ) <> on Monday October 13, 2003 @08:47PM (#7204278) Homepage
    I was going to write one of these for my couple of sites, but instead, I came to the conclusion that I'd be better off disabling comments.

    The more I think about it, the less I think comments are actually, you know, useful in a personal web-space of any kind. Few of the comments I get at least are of any real value, other than to indicate that either (a) I'm being spammed again or (b) someone human is actually reading my site (for which I'm always grateful, although I have other ways to find that out anyway).

  • I am just going to say: Neat.
  • Heh, I just posted something about comment spam and a possible solution to my website...

    So what else can be done about it? I'm surprised no one has mentioned Bayesian filtering of comments. Like most people who've heard of it, I first found out about Bayesian filtering from

    A Plan for Spam [], and how it can identify spam. Since then virtually every spam blocking system has started using Bayesian techniques for at least some part of identification.

    Read the rest... []

    • Lots of people have mentioned Bayesian filtering. My plan with MT-Blacklist has always been to hook into Movable Type and then create what would essentially be a sub-plugin API. In that way MT-Blacklist becomes the engine that other people can write filters for.

      If you use Movable Type, you are probably familiar with Text formatting filters. This would work in much the same way. Someone could hook in a Bayesian filter, or an IP filter, or a Swedish Chef filter. Whatever. It's coming...

  • I have noticed slashdot is getting alot of 500 errors and it seems that there are more than a few sites that are organized to produce negative comments for slashdot. Are the 2 phenomena at all related ?
  • yay! (Score:3, Funny)

    by croddy ( 659025 ) on Tuesday October 14, 2003 @12:39AM (#7206076)
    it's about time someone did to the weblogs what the bloggers are doing to the rest of the internet.

    I, for one, welcome our new blog-spamming overlords.

  • by The Fink ( 300855 ) <> on Tuesday October 14, 2003 @05:26AM (#7207012) Homepage
    A front page slashdot article with a grand total of eight comments.

    Shows what the average slashdotter thinks of "blogging"... can't say I'm surprised (and not in a negative way).

    I wonder, if the term "blog" and derivatives (which I personally detest, but that's another matter for another forum...), put people off - if it had been omitted, I wonder if more people would have read and commented.

    • /. seems to forget that *Slashdot is a blog.* Look for the definition of a blog [], and you'll find /. fits. It's one of the most successful, is on steroids, and has gone commercial, but this is really Taco's blog and we are all just guests. /.ers not caring about blogs is kind of like a human that doesn't care about oxygen. It shows how pathetic many /.ers are, since they don't know the definition of what they're slamming (standard procedure around here).

      I'm surprised the spammers don't hang out here...Oh
      • I think the definition you linked to is a bit too broad in its definition; by that definition, is a blog. (Granted, it's commercial, but that didn't stop you from calling /. a blog, did it?)

        I don't understand this strange trend to classify all online publishing (colloborative or otherwise) as a "blog." I think when people typically think of a blog, they think of a online journal of sorts. It's a subtle difference, but I think it's important. Otherwise, everything is a blog. And that's just sil
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I was just thinking of such a filter for LiveJournal code-beggars this morning: anything that detected a mail adress containing digits should catch the majority of slackjawed monkeys.
  • by Kyrthira ( 666470 ) on Tuesday October 14, 2003 @07:29AM (#7207502) Homepage Journal
    I knew there was a reason I liked LiveJournal []. Lots of the fun, not so much of the hassle. (Just some drama-llama stuff now'n then.) I say it's worth the $25/year for a paid account. I gave up on blogs/guestbooks on my websites long ago, because all I'd get was spam; either for the purposes listed in the article, or for some bloody pr0n site or another.
  • "Mortals"? (Score:4, Funny)

    by John Hasler ( 414242 ) on Tuesday October 14, 2003 @10:51AM (#7209537) Homepage
    > The back-and-forth between spammers and mortals
    > continues.

    I'm fairly sure spammers are mortal. If I ever catch one I'll find out for certain.
  • She has an entire entry [] about comment spam, and what to do about it. For myself, I installed her Comment Queue Script/MT Hack []. Works like a charm.
    • The Comment Queue died two days after I installed it. So, I'm trying out Jay Allen's MT-Blacklist.

  • I sure hope no one took the offensive and used tools such as wget, lynx and/or curl for evil instead of for good ... as some suggested in a SlashDot Thread last month [].

    As tempting as such technologies are ... that would be to the level of the spammers.

    Which is why I'm so glad I can ignore such countermeasures [] and simply use Jay's excellent plug-in!
  • Image based password (Score:3, Informative)

    by too_bad ( 595984 ) * on Monday October 27, 2003 @01:39PM (#7320585)
    Like many websites (including the whois query page at netsol []) have the image
    based passwords. Basically, they are images with some text with a lot of wavy lines
    and the assumption is that it is hard for programs to do an OCR on them, but easy for
    humans to read and understand the text.

    Just make the bloggers read and re-enter the text in the slightly-obfuscated images before they
    can enter their comments. If they spent atleast a few minutes composing their article
    it should not be to hard to type in a few more letters to be allowed to post.
  • I have a blog [] that I built around my own content management system. In order to thwart comment spammers, I take away their incentive. Most of them spam because they want GoogleJuice(tm). When they post their URLs, my software rewrites the address bounces them through a filter. The filter page takes their URL, and uses Javascript to redirect the user to the address. The net result: browsers click the link and get to the destination, while search engines will never know the difference.

    Combine this with a wel
  • I want to open up a discussion on legislation. Obviously some sort of law making unsolicited advertisements illegal would be a big help in thwarting the SPAM problem in many arenas (email, blogs, phones, faxes, etc.). But legilation also feels like we, as technologists, are giving up and admitting that we can't solve this problem. What do people think about this? Should we be true Americans and let the legal system sort this out?
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"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
