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USENIX Panel On SCO Lawsuit Now Available 28

porkrind writes "No Starch Press and The USENIX Association co-sponsored a discussion on the SCO vs. IBM case at the USENIX Annual Technical Conference. Now you can listen as Chris DiBona, Don Marti, Jon "maddog" Hall, and others explain the nuances of the case. Click here for the MP3."
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USENIX Panel On SCO Lawsuit Now Available

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  • Should this thing get all slashdotted to hell, I've got a BitTorrent mirror of the MP3 available here [].
  • MP3 mirror (Score:4, Informative)

    by Laven ( 102436 ) * on Tuesday June 24, 2003 @09:51PM (#6290994) enix.mp3 []
    Mirror of MP3 just in case of Slashdotting.
  • Chris DiBona, Don Marti, Jon "maddog" Hall

    How about anyone who might have something important to say about the topic?

    What about the Samuel Palmisano or Steve Ballmer or Steve Jobs or Linus Torvalds?

    It's no surprise that a group of anti-SCO zealots come out with an anti-SCO position.
    • Believe me, I wanted to get someone from IBM, SCO, Novell, or Microsoft, but they were all unavailable for comment, for reasons that should be obvious.

      When it comes to lawsuits, the companies that are involved run far, far away from making public comments. So, I did the next best thing and got people who had spoken to everyone involved. You may think it's one-sided, but they offer a good analysis of the case.
    • What have Steve Ballmer and Steve Jobs got to do with this? Ballmer probably knows next to nothing about Unix, no idea about Jobs. Palmisano cant take part in such a discussion, he is part of the legal case, unlike SCO, IBM dont need to make noise. Torvalds can take part but he is not very political, he has already made comments (he is also named in the suit). Anyway, the guys have been involved in unix and the open source for a long time. Nobody claimed it was a balanced panel ;-)
    • Well teh pro-sco zealots have already been interviews and published online.

      Now quite frankly I dont think Stevie gives a damn as NeXt is based on BSD and as much as SCO wants to wish it away.. the BSD case is 20 years old. As for Ballmer, well if need be he'll buy SCO and bury it. Its not like MS hasnt done it before.

      Linus has had his bit and he think SCO are full of crap. So Sam is all yours.. have at it.
  • Sabotage! (Score:1, Troll)

    by saden1 ( 581102 )
    Posting a direct link to an mp3 file on slashdot amounts to nothing more than sabotage and an attempt to weaken our website global leadership position. I'll see you in court!
  • One of the best comments in the stream was that the estimated number of Linux users is about equal to SCO's current market cap.

    So, if every Linux user could go out and do something that cost SCO a dollar... :-)

  • Does anybody know where the slides for this talk are?

They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
