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SCO vs Linux.. Continued 965

An anonymous reader writes "ComputerWorld has an interview with Chris Sontag, from SCO. Now the story has a pretty face." The interview has a variety of comments worth noting like how much source code SCO thinks has slipped from unix to linux. This story continues to amaze me.
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SCO vs Linux.. Continued

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  • Last 2 questions (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Waab ( 620192 ) * on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:42PM (#6069442) Homepage

    I find the last two questions and answers to be particularly interesting.

    Do you intend at any point to begin offering licenses to Linux users? We would hope as quickly as possible to develop solutions with the industry to allow customers to move forward with whatever platforms they wanted to choose, so long as the appropriate intellectual property foundation is in place.

    Why didn't you act earlier? ... The point is we're really only recently seeing significant moves by many players, specifically IBM, to come out and state that they are moving wholesale to Linux.

    So they'd be generous enough to sell Linux licenses and they didn't realize there might be a problem until a really big company started backing the competition.

    Would it be ok to spell it $CO from now on, especially since they seem to be in bed with M$?

    • Re: $CO (Score:5, Funny)

      by JahToasted ( 517101 ) <> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:03PM (#6069684) Homepage
      No it would not be appropriate to call them "$CO" since they will be bankrupt very soon.
    • by Wavicle ( 181176 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @05:12PM (#6071465)
      Would it be ok to spell it $CO from now on, especially since they seem to be in bed with M$?

      In bed with M$?? Let's look at what the article says:

      What do you see as a company's options in the face of your warning? I would suspend any new Linux-related activities until this is all sorted out.

      This is not in bed. This is in a dirty bathroom stall, in a seedy part of town, with one party on his or her knees.
  • what? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by pebs ( 654334 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:45PM (#6069464) Homepage
    It is many different sections of code ranging from five to 10 to 15 lines of code in multiple places that are of issue

    10 to 15 lines of code? That's such a small amount that similar code could be entirely coincidental.
    • Re:what? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by RealAlaskan ( 576404 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:01PM (#6069656) Homepage Journal
      The actual quote:
      How many lines of code in the Linux kernel are a direct copyright violation? It's very extensive. It is many different sections of code ranging from five to 10 to 15 lines of code in multiple places that are of issue, up to large blocks of code that have been inappropriately copied into Linux in violation of our source-code licensing contract. That's in the kernel itself, so it is significant. It is not a line or two here or there. It was quite a surprise for us.
      So, there are also some big blocks. What do you want to bet that those big blocks are the things which have been copied from BSD? What do you want to bet that they match up to SCO's stuff because the unix code that SCO bought the rights to sublicense has in it the BSD code which AT&T illegally copied?

      In other words, anything in Linux which ``belongs to SCO'' has probably actually been copied, perfectly legitimately, from BSD. And of course, anything BSD is safe from SCO, whether SCO has the copyrights or not. At worst, Linux will have to incorporate the BSD advertising. More likely, the advertising clause was removed before the copying was done.

      I suspect that IBM knows this. It would help explain their lack of panic.

      • BSD (Score:5, Insightful)

        by siskbc ( 598067 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:28PM (#6069928) Homepage
        So, there are also some big blocks. What do you want to bet that those big blocks are the things which have been copied from BSD? What do you want to bet that they match up to SCO's stuff because the unix code that SCO bought the rights to sublicense has in it the BSD code which AT&T illegally copied?

        I've been trying like crazy to figure out if this is the case, and if so, if SCO is shit out of luck. I remember a long time ago they said it wasn't the case, but their story might be changing.

        What I want to know is whether:

        1. The code was pre-1994 from BSD, but they somehow don't think the 1994 agreement is transferrable or even valid, or

        2. The code in question was written by Novell or (God forbid) SCO after 1994. If written by Novell, did they explicitly give it to the OSS community or was it just that they didn't enforce the violation? If the latter, this could pose problems...or,

        3. Did SCO illegally copy code from BSD (or elsewhere) post-1994? I will say, it will be very important to see source tree commit dates even if they do have some interesting code similarities

        I wonder who the "independent experts" they show the source code will be? Probably not anyone with Novell, huh?

        • Re:BSD (Score:5, Insightful)

          by RealAlaskan ( 576404 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:50PM (#6070141) Homepage Journal
          What I want to know is whether:
          # 1. The code was pre-1994 from BSD, but they somehow don't think the 1994 agreement is transferrable or even valid, or

          If the code comes from BSD, then we're in the clear [1].

          # 2. The code in question was written by Novell or (God forbid) SCO after 1994. If written by Novell, did they explicitly give it to the OSS community or was it just that they didn't enforce the violation? If the latter, this could pose problems...or,

          In this case, there's a problem indeed. If Novell sold SCO an exclusive ``license to sublicense'', Novell may or may not be able to let us off the hook. If the code comes to Linux via BSD, as I postulated, we and IBM should be in the clear: we couldn't be expected to know that BSD had somehow stolen it from SCO [2]. If the code comes to Linux via IBM, IBM has a problem [3]. Linus and the kernel gang will have to scramble to clean out the offending stuff in either event.

          # 3. Did SCO illegally copy code from BSD (or elsewhere) post-1994? I will say, it will be very important to see source tree commit dates even if they do have some interesting code similarities

          This seems to be the most likely scenario. In fact, it seems very probable that they realized, some time back, that they could:

          1) copy some good parts from Linux into SCO server/Xenix/whatever
          2) claim that Linux copied it from them,
          3) sue the deepest pockets around for using ``their'' code
          4) PROFIT!

          The scary thing is that this is a better business plan than a lot of the venture capitalists' favorite companies had two years ago.

          [1] Unless BSD somehow got it from SCO or whoever, as in your point 2. It's more likely that SCO got it from BSD, as I propose in my four steps to (fraudulent) profit, above.

          [2] I shouldn't have to say that this is ridiculously unlikely. Should I?

          [3] This seems ridiculously unlikely, too.

    • by hoggoth ( 414195 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:15PM (#6069799) Journal
      Sources at SCO have revealed some of the offending 10 or 15 lines of code, in no particular order:

      main( int argc, char **argv)
      int i;
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      char buffer[MAXBUF];
      #define true 1
      #define false 0

    • by AnglerG ( 674848 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:50PM (#6070134)
      Let me see, they're suing IBM for 1 billion $.

      That comes out to 60-100 million dollars per line of code.

      I think we've just found the most expensive ASCII text in the world.
  • by jfruhlinger ( 470035 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:49PM (#6069501) Homepage
    A question: If this ever gets to court, will SCO have to reveal its proprietary code in open court in order to prove that Linux has ripped it off? If so, won't that just disseminate their code further ?

    • by sugarbomb ( 22289 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:58PM (#6069620)
      Unlikely. I've worked on a few IP litigations, and a great deal of effort is put in to keep secret documents out of the public view. When the documents are discussed in court, the doors are closed, and anyone who is not allowed to see the info is removed from the courtroom. The exhibits the court uses are never released to the public, and even the transcripts are never released to the public.

      If you are patient enough, a good observer can figure out what was discussed in closed door sessions
  • Sucks (Score:5, Insightful)

    by smittyoneeach ( 243267 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:50PM (#6069509) Homepage Journal
    to see the legal system used as a denial of service attack on the entire economy.
    I hope that there is some actual basis for the claim, because otherwise SCO is just an MS meat-puppet.
    Fighting to keep an open mind on the subject.
  • by NerveGas ( 168686 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:51PM (#6069523)
    • Think about if I was the CIO of a company and I'm going to be running my business on an operating system that has an intellectual property foundation that, by almost everyone's admission, is built on quicksand

      What a load of crap. He's essentially saying that closed-source code is somehow more guaranteed to be more legitimate. I'd say that the reverse is true: There's a lot more incentive to do things legally when the entire world gets to see your source code than when virtually nobody does.

    • I would suspend any new Linux-related activities until this is all sorted out.

      How unfortunate that he left out the "... and buy SCO instead."

    • We certainly have a point of contention regarding their interpretation of that contract.

      Earlier he said that companies should abandon linux-related projects until SCO's suit is worked out. Now, he's implying that despite the fact that SCO is lying out of their teeth, and that Novell is calling them on it, noooooobody should abandon SCO-related projects. Sounds a bit hypocritical.

    Here's what it really boils down to: SCO is the armpit of the Unix world, and the headquarters are in a city that's virtually the center of the MLM universe, and also known for immensely brain-dead business executives. SCO sucks, and is going downhill. Why? Because of Linux. Amazingly, Linux is also eating into Microsoft's server market share. Now the two team up, and decide to try and get rid of Linux. It's really not hard to see what's going on.

    • by AlecC ( 512609 ) <> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:12PM (#6069757)
      "Think about if I was the CIO of a company and I'm going to be running my business on an operating system that has an intellectual property foundation that, by almost everyone's admission, is built on quicksand"

      What a load of crap. He's essentially saying that closed-source code is somehow more guaranteed to be more legitimate. I'd say that the reverse is true: There's a lot more incentive to do things legally when the entire world gets to see your source code than when virtually nobody does.

      You're right. With open source, you have the chance to look at the code and see if bits of it at least appear to have been pirated (e.g. changes in programming styl;e, naming conventions etc.). With propriatary, you have no idea until the person claiming theft has forced your supplier (who they claim has ripped them off) to show the souce (of the program you need top keep using) to a court appointed expert - at which point all legal hell may let loose.

      And companies have a motive to plagiarise code, because they can sell it. GPL'ers don't have a financial incentive to do so - and a strong personal incentive not to. A Linux contributor who would be shown to have ripped off SCO (or other) code would be a mockery. Geek cred is valued precisely because it is visibl earned - "I wrote that - judge me by it".

      He says there is "only" an honor system (and the law) to stop SCO code getting into Linux. But what comparably system is there in commercial enterprises? So GPL has law PLUS honor, commercial has law MINUS financial incentives.

      So commercial software is better/safer how?
  • Come on.. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:51PM (#6069530) Homepage Journal

    ...ranging from five to 10 to 15 lines of code in multiple places...

    5 to 15 lines in some places? Does SCO think they own hello_world.c too? Give me a break.
  • by Bull999999 ( 652264 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:52PM (#6069539) Journal

    The Company has an arrangement with Novell, Inc. ("Novell") in which it acts as an administrative agent in the collection of royalties for customers who deploy SVRx technology. Under the agency agreement, the Company collects all customer payments and remits 95 percent of the collected funds to Novell and retains 5 percent as an administrative fee. The Company records the 5 percent administrative fee as revenue in its consolidated statements of operations. The accompanying October 31, 2002 and 2001 consolidated balance sheets reflect the amounts collected related to this agency agreement but not yet remitted to Novell of $1,428,000 and $1,894,000, respectively, as restricted cash and royalty payable to Novell. The October 31, 2001 balances were reclassified from cash and equivalents and other royalties payable to conform to the current year presentation.

    This is SCO's admission that Novell owns Unix System V, all revisions - that's what they mean by "SVRx", and SCO pays Novell 95% of the royalties. SCO gets to keep 5% as administrative agent.
  • SCO stock price (Score:5, Interesting)

    by egoff ( 636181 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:53PM (#6069544)
    SCO dropped 25% yesterday, and another 10% today (so far [])
  • LPA (Score:5, Funny)

    by ch-chuck ( 9622 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:53PM (#6069551) Homepage
    Installation Complete! To activate you Linux system, call the SCO Licensing clearinghouse at 888-WEG-OTCHA to obtain an activation key. Remember, if you change more than 3 system components, you will have to obtain a new activation key. Have a Nice Day!

  • by jonabbey ( 2498 ) * <> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:53PM (#6069560) Homepage
    SCO is refusing to answer some elementary questions that are essential to put their claims into context. Of course, it suits their purpose to cast FUD on the OSS competitor that is destroying the value of their IP, but there's no reason why reporters should let them do it.

    To wit:

    Does SCO believe that Linux would be substantially less useful if the code claimed to be excerpted from SYSV were excised? Is the value of the allegedly stolen code significant to the overall value of the Linux system, or is it merely valuable to provide standing for SCO to discourage the use of a free competitor to SCO?

    Is the claimed SCO code part of one or more optional components of the Linux kernel, or are they in the kernel's core?

    Does the claimed SCO code relate in any way to compatibility with SCO disk partions, file systems, or binary compatibility?

    How many lines of code are we talking about?

    No, really, how many lines of code are we talking about?

    Where is the logic in keeping the outside experts under NDA about what code is believed by SCO to have been copied into Linux? If the code is in the Linux kernel, by definition it cannot be an effective trade secret.. does this mean that the real reason for the proposed NDA is to ensure that Linux developers cannot remove the alleged SCO IP from Linux?

    Why doesn't SCO wish for Linux developers to fix the problem, given that SCO has claimed that this is a case against IBM for contract violations?

    Does SCO believe that their case for damages would be weakened if the alleged code was removed?

    Why does SCO believe it is necessary to prevent Linux developers from fixing the problem, given that there are archives of years of development work on the Linux kernel and utilities. Would SCO consider allowing Linux developers to fix the alleged problem if SCO were given a copy of the entire Kernel development records before revealing this information?
    • by siskbc ( 598067 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:09PM (#6069740) Homepage
      SCO is refusing to answer some elementary questions that are essential to put their claims into context. Of course, it suits their purpose to cast FUD on the OSS competitor that is destroying the value of their IP, but there's no reason why reporters should let them do it.

      To that I would add this: Given the USL/Novell settlement in 1994, BSD was given the right to distribute and license their unix product, which, at the time, was pretty much Sys V if I recall correctly. Given that, can you prove that any of the offending code was written by owners of the historical Sys V code after the settlement?

      I remember someone saying in an interview a long time ago that the offending code wasn't BSD code, but I'm having a hard time believing it, and I haven't heard anything of the sort for some time.

      Anyone know details on the settlement, as to specifically what rights were granted BSD, and when Sys V developed the symmetric multiprocessor capabilities in question? Or has SCO really broadened its scope beyone SMP to general Sys V operation?

    • by RabidChipmunk ( 19279 ) <stuart@su[ ]org ['bQ.' in gap]> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:36PM (#6069995) Homepage Journal
      Yeah, there's still the "time for FUD" issue. However, for SCO's legal case, the "time to document refutations" could be much more important i.e. SCO doesn't want to give the Linux comuntity time to get their ducks in a row.

      SCO knows that the authorship of Linux is much messier than it would be at a traditional company. By making a shotgun claim to many parts of the kernel they can win if any one peice hits. If one author of one peice can't be found, they can win the suit against IBM. If they tell us now what peices they are we can start scouring the globe. If they don't tell us until the legal procedings begin, it becomes a race between the legal procedure and the Linux comunity. Like a life or death game of seek and find. Better, if they can get a judge to only let IBM see the code, it becomes a seek and find where only IBM can play and they can't tell us what they are looking for. They couldn't even say "Does anyone have Linus's email address?" [Or more likely, "does anyone know who wrote lines 1047 to 1052 of kernelfile.c?"]

      If they told us what lines were in question, we could all write memiors about how those lines came to be, with CVS snapshots and mailinglist discussions to back it up. If they don't tell us we can either do nothing and be unprepared, or start documenting everything and not get any real work done.

      It looks to me like they are testing if the Linux comunity is able to generate a coherent document trail faster than they can generate code. We have lots of data. Can we seperate the wheat from the chaff on demand?
  • by Znonymous Coward ( 615009 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:54PM (#6069573) Journal
    ...This story continues to amaze me...

    What continues to amaze me is the following...

    Netcraft reports that SCO's own website is running on Linux. []

    SCO is still apart of UnitedLinux []

    SCO's own phone number is 1-888-GO-LINUX []

    They sure have their hands in a lot of Linux for it being so "illegal".

  • by ( 311775 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:55PM (#6069589) Homepage Journal
    This is from their 10-K filing [] in Jan. Why would they pay if they owned it?

    "Restricted Cash and Royalty Payable to Novell, Inc.

    The Company has an arrangement with Novell, Inc. ("Novell") in which it acts as an administrative agent in the collection of royalties for customers who deploy SVRx technology. Under the agency agreement, the Company collects all customer payments and remits 95 percent of the collected funds to Novell and retains 5 percent as an administrative fee. The Company records the 5 percent administrative fee as revenue in its consolidated statements of operations. The accompanying October 31, 2002 and 2001 consolidated balance sheets reflect the amounts collected related to this agency agreement but not yet remitted to Novell of $1,428,000 and $1,894,000, respectively, as restricted cash and royalty payable to Novell. The October 31, 2001 balances were reclassified from cash and equivalents and other royalties payable to conform to the current year presentation."

  • SCO has now said it isn't an IP issue or a copyright issue, but a contractual issue. Since Linus had no contract with SCO, how could they sue him for an alleged contractual violation that happened between SCO and IBM?

    And the same goes for anything IBM may have leaked, and note I'm not saying they did...but if they did break a contract, how can anyone using a Linux product using such code be held liable for a contractual violation done by IBM, again, when SCO has now said it is contractual issue and not an IP issue or a copyright issue.

    On one hand I guess we can be glad SCO are such morons, but on the other hand, can you imagine releasing a press release saying the issue was never about IP or copyrights when they are running around screaming about suing everyone because Linux may have some of their IP in it!!!

    Go that way really fast, if something gets in your way, turn
  • Note to Editors: (Score:5, Insightful)

    by misfit13b ( 572861 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:03PM (#6069689)
    "We will actually be providing some of the evidence next month to various industry analysts, respected press people and other industry leaders so that they don't have to take our word for it or wait until we show some of that evidence in court."

    Until this happens, there really isn't too much of a story here. Wake me up in a month.
  • by SharpFang ( 651121 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:06PM (#6069717) Homepage Journal
    Admit this: Who of you purchased any SCO product over the last years? How many of you didn't hear about SCO before, or just heard the name without associating it with anything? What share of the computer market does SCO control?

    SCO is forgotten.

    So, what's the best way to get out of shadow and stand in spotlight? Oh well, miss Lewinsky showed that to all of us.

    1. Make a lot of noise around something famous.
    2. Gain fame.
    3. Sell products, make claims.
    4. PROFIT

    The best target would be something as big as M$, but SCO had several reasons not to attack it (including M$ lawyers). So, the next target on the OS market seems obvious...

    Why else would SCO care for 15 lines of code, whey would it make so dubious claim, than just to gain publicity? "No matter, good or bad, it's important that they talk about you". Old rule of showbusiness, may apply here too...

    I guess the end will be quite mundane. Maybe putting a notice in sources "This part created by SCO". Maybe rewriting that parts of kernel. Maybe the charges will be dismissed. Maybe "SCO will bend under customers' pressure and withdraw its claims". What is important, is that people will talk about SCO over next few years, and whoever plans some new investment, will think "...And maybe consider that SCO thing..."?
  • by ( 311775 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:13PM (#6069765) Homepage Journal
    This page [] offers the absolute best explanation about what is going on in the SCO vs. Linux issue. A definate must read!

  • by bgs4 ( 599215 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:16PM (#6069801)
    here are the lines from linux:

    and Unix System V:

  • by Idou ( 572394 ) * on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:19PM (#6069834) Journal
    "There is no mechanism in Linux to ensure [the legality of] that intellectual property of the source code being contributed by various people."

    I agree, but how is this any different from proprietary software? How CAN MS ensure that its code doesn't contain any SCO code, unless they license to have direct access to that code?

    The only difference I can see is that with closed source code, there is NO WAY for ANYONE (even the owner) to make sure there are no IP violations. With open source code, only the owners of the closed source code are able to ensure their IP is protected (burden falls on the owners).

    If one is really concerned about IP, one would require all code that has IP protection "Open Source", that way EVERYONE could verify whether or not a specific part of code is a copy of some other code.

    However, it is my opinion that, under the current circumstances, making one's own code "Open Source" is the most one can do to ensure that they have performed "due dilligence" in ensuring that their code is free of IP law violation. Closed source seems to be the model lacking in this area, not Open Source.
  • by Door-opening Fascist ( 534466 ) <> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:21PM (#6069847) Homepage
    [SCO gave Microsoft a license because] Microsoft is not using Linux.

    Excuse me? Take a look at Microsoft's [] Netcraft [] page. The top three machines (UT servers) are running Linux, and are sponsored by MSN [].

  • Trade Secrets (Score:5, Interesting)

    by clonebarkins ( 470547 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:26PM (#6069903)

    I'm sure I just "don't get it" when it comes to trade secrets, but some things don't make sense to me. Obviously, IANAL (and I only sometimes play one on /.), but I believe I heard that if something that is considered a "trade secret" is developed independently by somebody else, there's really nothing you can do about it. That's the tradeoff of patenting your findings -- the information is public, but at least you have rights to it. If you keep it as a trade secret, then you have rights only so far as nobody else discovers/invents the same thing you did.

    Now, having said that, obviously there is the IBM component. SCO claims that IBM violated trade agreemnts or NDAs or whatever, and that is how "SCO's code" (if indeed the code even belongs to them) was integrated into linux. But here is the kicker: Just because some lines of code are similar (or even the same) in two different pieces of software, it doesn't mean that the code for one was taken from the other! It seems that SCO not only has the burden of proof of identifying what code they allege is similar, but that they also need to prove that it was IBM (or someone who works at IBM) that actually inserted the code into linux (or at least provided it to Linus et al).

    Furthermore, SCO would then need to prove that the code implemented in the linux kernel is 1) critical to the application and 2) actually covered by any patents as being both non-obvious and non-prior art. If some of the matching code is nothing more than an abstracted for loop that increments a counter variable and passes the result to a function or sets another variable (such as an array), then I can't image how any rational person could construe that as patent infringement. But then again, I'm not CEO of a failing company (Q2 earnings aside -- we all know posted earnings don't actually mean anything -- *cough*enron*cough*)

    Finally, I like the idea of "whole blocks of code." Obviously his intent is to imply that massive portions of System Unix V code have been "violated," but what he didn't consider is that block has a very technical meaning -- a "whole block" could very easily be a one-line if statement. Not that impressive overall.

    • Re:Trade Secrets (Score:5, Insightful)

      by the eric conspiracy ( 20178 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:41PM (#6070050)
      Furthermore, SCO would then need to prove that the code implemented in the linux kernel is 1) critical to the application and 2) actually covered by any patents as being both non-obvious and non-prior art.

      You are getting a little mixed up here. A trade secret is something that is NOT patented for any of a variety of reasons. For example, a company could decide that a patent if granted would be unenforceable because it covered a process step that another company could practice in secret making it impossible for the patent holder to determine if infringement was occurring.

      The kicker in all of this is the contract with IBM. We don't know what the terms are, and it may well be that it included terms protecting things beyond what is considered trade secret.

      I have been involved in some of these things, and I will say that SCO's claims that developers who worked on the SCO project with IBM then later moved on to work on Linux will be dangerous in a court of law. It is very common to claim that knowledge obtained in the first case will inevetably leak into the second project, and courts can and do believe it.

      In my case I was privy under NDA to a technology that my employer was considering purchasing from another company - after the decision was made not to go ahead with the purchase I was not allowed by my employer to ever do work in the technology area covered by the NDA for fear of exactly this problem. I also had to destroy all documents involved, and wasn't able to even tell my boss (the VP R&D) the technical reasons behind my decision to recommend against the purchase.

  • by jschrod ( 172610 ) <<jschrod> <at> <>> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:26PM (#6069912) Homepage
    10-15 lines? I know them!

    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    * (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

    Hmpff, what did you write? It's code copied from SCO to Linux, not the other way round? Well, who knows... :-) :-)

  • by Dictator For Life ( 8829 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:29PM (#6069929) Homepage
    I have actually been involved in a lawsuit that involved claims over source code (I was one of two principal coders of the app in question).

    In that case, we were accused (in part) of stealing code from an application that was used in the same industry but which not only looked drastically different (hence we could not have even "stolen" look-and-feel), and not only lacked substantial functionality in comparison to our app, but was also first released after our app was in production.

    What happened?

    We "lost", simply because my employer ran out of money to fight what was unquestionably a preposterous and baseless suit.

    But let's look at SCO's claims about "copied code" from the viewpoint of lawyers and likely jurors. They are *not* going to understand the intricacies of kernel code. They are not going to get it when anyone says "Well, the code is the same because it does the same thing." I know this is true, of course, and it's perfectly reasonable: but a jury will try to wrap its heads around this problem by comparing it to things that they *do* understand. So they will compare it to copying books, or movies, or poetry, or something.

    Now, if you or I saw a paragraph in a John Grisham book that was identical to a paragraph in a Michael Crichton book, what would we conclude? We would conclude that the paragraph was "obviously" copied.

    Given the types of juries that lawyers like to find for themselves (namely, "drooling idiots", all too often), what are the odds that a jury in the United States will really care about learning or understanding the intricacies of programming? What are the odds that they will understand that it's entirely possible for source code to look the same in places when it performs the same function - even if it's written by two different people?

    Personally, I wonder whether it might not be better for SCO to be crushed long before this ever gets to a trial. Juries in this country simply cannot be trusted.

  • by Sean80 ( 567340 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:31PM (#6069943)
    ranging from five to 10 to 15 lines of code

    What fascinates me is how much intellectual property can you fit into 10 or 15 lines of code? There are only so many ways to structure data in the world, so many ways to allocate memory and so forth. How close does your code have to be to some other piece of code for it to infringe on intellectual property?

    Sure, if Linux stole entire libraries of code, then that would be an issue. But how can you lay claim to component parts as small as this?

  • FSF foresight (Score:5, Insightful)

    by pmz ( 462998 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:34PM (#6069978) Homepage
    With all the FUD and name-calling among SCO, IBM, Novell, Microsoft, etc. etc., I am realizing more and more the foresight of the FSF in establishing its requirements for copyright paperwork when submitting code (link to FSF docs []).

    It is important to realize that even if the Linux kernel itself is somehow victimized, the GNU tools and the GNU/HURD should be untouched. The BSDs, Mac OS X, and Solaris should fair very well, too, if only because their legal problems are already dealt with. However, I really think SCO's claims against Linux are a long shot (of galactic proportion, unless, of course, they planted the code maliciously), so my hope is that SCO is the only true casualty once all this is over.
  • bk annotate? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Kiaser Zohsay ( 20134 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:58PM (#6070208)
    With chunks as small as 10-15 lines, it ought to be pretty easy to determine which lines come from which patch, and then from the patch determine the submitter. If the sections of code that SCO is bitching just happen to line up with particular patch submissions, then they might just be able to make a case.

    However, more likely, if the code that they are claiming infringes was touched by multiple contributors over a long period of time, and the result of all those edits just happens to kinda sorta resemble a piece of code in SVR5 (aka independent invention), then they are going to have a much harder time making that stick.
  • by Piquan ( 49943 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:00PM (#6070233)

    Why should Linux users take your claim seriously? Think about if I was the CIO of a company and I'm going to be running my business on an operating system that has an intellectual property foundation that, by almost everyone's admission, is built on quicksand. There is no mechanism in Linux to ensure [the legality of] that intellectual property of the source code being contributed by various people.

    I am aware of no mechanism in SCO Unix to ensure the legality of IP. It is very uncommon for a company to require documentation to verify the legality of their code. In fact, the only company I'm aware of that does this is the Free Software Foundation, who ownes a plurality of the copyrights on the GNU/Linux operating system.

    It is a gross exaggeration to say that "almost everyone" feels that Linux's IP foundation is built on quicksand. You are the only one who I have heard state such a belief, despite campaigning by other groups with an interest in discrediting Linux.

    The development process has no one that is ensuring that inappropriate code is not getting into Linux.

    Please indicate the person or persons at SCO who fills this task.

    All that's there is an honor system, and obviously there are a few, at least, that have broken that honor.

    In traditional closed-source operating systems, the users must believe the manufacturer's statement that the OS is free of IP entanglements. The open source community, at least, provides IP holders with the means to verify IP issues. Can the same be said for closed-source OSs?

    There have been multiple occassions when closed-source software has illegally adopted code from open-source software. And yet, you seem to imply that this is a problem specific to Linux's open-source model.

    Your letter to 1,500 end-user companies outlining your claim was vague. What is it that you want from these companies? The one thing that we specifically want from those 1,500 companies that we directly sent those letters to is for them to not take our word on the warning that we sent ... but to seek an opinion of their legal counsel as to the issues that we raised.

    Your actions betray your words. You refuse to provide the user base with the information they need to evaluate the issues. Your complaint is vague, and provides no specifics with which the user community could evaluate its authenticity. Does SCO recommend that we stay away from Linux, based on vague claims? Would SCO be willing to pay for the additional costs incurred in a transition to an alternative, if your claim is found to be without merit?

    Suppose I made the public claim that SCO had violated my copyrights, but refused to elaborate. Would you then expect all your customers to stop any new SCO-related deployments pending a resolution?

    What do you see as a company's options in the face of your warning? I would suspend any new Linux-related activities until this is all sorted out. But first get that opinion of your legal counsel. If they say there is no problem and no issue, then you probably have nothing to worry about. But I doubt there is any attorney worth his salt that is going to say there is no potential of an issue here. There is a big issue.

    There is also a potential that you have violated my copyright in creating your own software; it just doesn't seem like a likely thing. Such an action must be judged by an evalution of its merits. Since you do not provide any information by which we could judge the merits of your complaint, there is no reason to act on your accusation.

    Should companies remove Linux from their systems? We're not making any specific recommendations at this time. We're still getting our arms around the size of this problem. We're still identifying more and more code from Unix System V that is in Linux, and so we h

  • by beta21 ( 88000 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:04PM (#6070266)
    IBM's stock quotes: IBM []

    Novell's stock quotes: Novell []

    and our favourite SCO: SCO []

  • liars (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dh003i ( 203189 ) <dh003i@ g m a> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:06PM (#6070277) Homepage Journal
    You're claiming that Linux has been polluted with Unix code that you own, but you have not produced any evidence of that. Will you? We will actually be providing some of the evidence next month to various industry analysts, respected press people and other industry leaders so that they don't have to take our word for it or wait until we show some of that evidence in court. We will actually be showing the code, and the basis for why we have made the allegations that we have. We are very confident about our case. Because we are dealing with confidential source code that we have never released without confidentiality agreements, we will have to put in place nondisclosures [agreements] simply to protect the source. But people will be able to give their opinion as to what they think.

    It's obvious that this sack of shit is lying. If his claims were true, he'd have no reason not to point out the offending code, since it has already been released to the public for all to see. There is no longer anything that he can protect by keeping the "offending code" secret. This is just a smokescreen for the fact that there really is no evidence because the entire claim is completely fabricated. See the OSI's response to this non-sense.

    Also, there are many mechanisms ensuring that FOSS software is properly distributed without violating IP. People are required to sign waivers indicating that the contributed code was not improperly obtained. In many cases, corporations are asked to sign waivers.

    Furthermore, since the code is FOSS, any proprietary entities concerned can easily identify any issues and have them resolved. SCO could have done this a long time ago -- it's obvious this is bullshit.

    As a general summary, there are more insurances that FOSS isn't misappropriated than there are for proprietary code (which is closed-source, so they can hide misappropriations of IP). Furthermore, it is much more likely that SCO violated that GPL than that any FOSS developers violated SCO's IP.
  • Grrrrr. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by notque ( 636838 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:11PM (#6070317) Homepage Journal
    In two weeks, The SCO Group Inc. intends to begin showing analysts where the Unix code it owns has been illegally copied into the Linux kernel.

    Doesn't own.

    Why should Linux users take your claim seriously?
    Think about if I was the CIO of a company and I'm going to be running my business on an operating system that has an intellectual property foundation that, by almost everyone's admission, is built on quicksand

    First off, doesn't that sound something more like Microsoft would say, A company that would want to negatively connotate any company running what would be linux, instead of a company which owns intellectual property, and conversely would want as many companies as possible to maximize any money out of a legal settlement they thought they could actually win.

    Secondly, I'm pretty sure that Slashdot alone is a majority over anyone else who actually beileves that linux is an operating system built on quicksand.

    Thirdly, I hate people who use a number system to outline points. I'll scrap that.

    Your letter to 1,500 end-user companies outlining your claim was vague. What is it that you want from these companies?
    The one thing that we specifically want from those 1,500 companies that we directly sent those letters to is for them to not take our word on the warning that we sent ... but to seek an opinion of their legal counsel as to the issues that we raised.

    Finally, a valid point. Do not take their word for it. I can comply.

    Again, I have to reitterate. Why in the world would a company that would have everyone else in their clutches for a revenue stream using intellectual property, want everyone else to stop using Linux? Honestly. Please reply with some good reasons, because frankly I cannot think of one.

    Also, I'm glad that all it takes to stop development on linux entirely is "potential of an issue."

    Should companies remove Linux from their systems?
    We're not making any specific recommendations at this time

    Is that not what is contained in the previous paragraphs? Am I missing something?!?!
  • by linuxislandsucks ( 461335 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:17PM (#6070363) Homepage Journal
    Given that SCO Group license Unix from Noveel which owns the Unix Patnet to Trade secretes onUnix methods and the copyright to System V code..

    The only thing SCO group can enforce is the terms of a sub license of a sublicense..

    Given their actions of harming trade secrets of Novell ..Novell does have a case to complete put SCO group out of business pernamently both in their license business strategy and everythign else..

  • by SkArcher ( 676201 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:27PM (#6070477) Journal
    See here []
  • U.Snooze = U.Loose (Score:4, Interesting)

    by hamhocks ( 255514 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:32PM (#6070528) Homepage
    IANAL, however this sort of thing seems clear:

    Why didn't you act earlier?. . . The point is we're really only recently seeing significant moves by many players, specifically IBM, to come out and state that they are moving wholesale to Linux.

    With that statement, it seems like SCO provided evidence that it is vulnerable to the "laches defense." According to well established law, you cannot sit back and watch while an infringer enhances and markets your work, then litigate when the infringer starts making big bucks. In effect, SCO let IBM, and many other companies, take the risk and then try to claim the rewards.

    Judge Learned Hand wrote, in a 1916 copyright dispute, that:

    It must be obvious to every one familiar with equitable principles that it is inequitable for the owner of a copyright, with full notice of an intended infringement, to stand inactive while the proposed infringer spends large sums of money in its exploitation, and to intervene only when his speculation has proved a success. Delay under such circumstances allows the owner to speculate without risk with the other's money; he cannot possibly lose, and he may win.

    See the recent (and infinitely puckish) opinion from MGM v. Sony [] (pdf).
  • by SquareOfS ( 578820 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:36PM (#6070566)
    What do you see as a company's options in the face of your warning?

    I would suspend any new Linux-related activities until this is all sorted out. But first get that opinion of your legal counsel. If they say there is no problem and no issue, then you probably have nothing to worry about. But I doubt there is any attorney worth his salt that is going to say there is no potential of an issue here. There is a big issue.

    Q: In other words, a company's options reduce to sending a flock of (expensive) lawyers to investigate the legal consequences of a highly complex claim, the factual merits of which you refuse to divulge?

    A: Well, when you put it that way . . . still YES! A thousand times YES! Linux development shall come to a screeching halt!

    Seriously, when's someone with standing going to countersue?

    Open-source software is a common resource; what SCO is doing is analogous to saying "we know that there are poisoned wells. But we're not telling you which ones. Options: (1) drink and maybe die; or (2) pay us to tell you which wells are poisoned.

    This is flagrantly abusive, and someone should unleash the flesh-eating lawyers on SCO.

  • by Dthoma ( 593797 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:45PM (#6070653) Journal

    A lot of people have posted here making incredibly lame jokes about the possible 10-15 lines of code. However, one point they make is true; we can't tell whether or not the alleged copied code is actually copied or just so obvious that it coincidentally happens to be similar. For certain applications, certain code is going to be identical.

    For instance, if you want to use a single string for, say, holding user input, you'll probably use malloc() to declare a char* called 'str' or 'p'. This will probably be about 5 lines of code if you include error detection.

    Then there are system calls one uses. If you're outputting a line of text, you'll probably use puts(), or printf(), or fprintf(). If you're getting a list of groups a user is a member of, you'll use getgroups() and/or getgid(). If you want to spawn a subprocess you'll use fork(). If you want to get the name of the current terminal you'll use ttyname(). All this creates code which is likely to look very similar.

  • Scope of claims (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Monster Munch ( 152218 ) <monster@munch.ut-cops@net> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @04:11PM (#6070914)

    I haven't seen a reference to this article yet?
    Are they claiming ownership of C++??

    The SCO Group now owns the entire bundle of products that were the property of the AT&T UNIX Systems Laboratory when Novell purchased USL. The SCO Group also owns all the products and property that belonged to SCO when Caldera purchased SCO (including the stuff SCO bought from Novell. It owns all the Caldera products and property. All in all, the SCO Group has a nice collection of products and properties.

    For example, a February 1993 press release issued by Novell states: USL develops and markets the UNIX System V operating system, the TUXEDO* Enterprise Transaction Processing System, the C++ Programming Language System and other standards-based system software products to the worldwide computer industry.

    They also mention COFF and ELF formats ...

    Full article : tory01.html#libraries_included

  • by mellon ( 7048 ) * on Thursday May 29, 2003 @04:39PM (#6071163) Homepage
    Back in the day, a lot of the Linux networking utilities were based on BSD networking utilities that were released as part of the 4.4BSD release after the USL settlement. I really don't know how many Linux utilities are descended from utilities in the 4.4BSD distribution, but it could be a substantial amount of code.

    What led to the settlement between Berkeley and USL (in Berkeley's favor) was that USL had been taking BSD code for years, removing the BSD copyright and license (the first act is forbidden by law, the second by the license), slapping an AT&T proprietary notice on it, and committing it to their repository.

    When this was discovered, Berkeley was in the position of being able to say to AT&T "there's no way you can make up for this. You just have to stop selling System V entirely." So they were basically forced to settle.

    However, SCO had been receiving SysV tapes from USL for a long time before this settlement occurred. It's quite possible that what they have in their source code repository is a bunch of BSD code with AT&T proprietary notices on it.

    Without opening up the legal records from the USL lawsuit and getting testimony from the people who worked on BSD and on System 5 way back when, it would be impossible for them to tell the difference.

    To a person who wasn't aware of all this history, they would see a substantial similarity between a lot of "AT&T" code and a lot of Linux code. Not knowing that the "AT&T" code was actually Linux code, they might readily conclude that the code was stolen.

    So my point is that it's actually possible that SCO honestly believes they are in the right, because they don't realize that a lot of the code that they think is theirs is actually code came from BSD.
  • by fanatic ( 86657 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @04:41PM (#6071185)
    From the article: Because we are dealing with confidential source code that we have never released without confidentiality agreements, we will have to put in place nondisclosures [agreements] simply to protect the source.

    They're clainiming that their code has been wrongly included in an Open Source system - what is this confidentiality they need to preserve and how will they preserve it? It's already freely available to the whole world.

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
