Using regexp's To Search IDS Data -- Patented 43
MiniGhost writes "Well... the USPTO is at it again! A recent search of their online patent database reveals a new patent issued on Nov 26, 2002. Apparently cisco has been issued patent #6,487,666, titled 'Intrusion detection signature analysis using regular expressions and logical operators.' So now they are claiming patent rights on the use of regular expressions and logical operators for IDS usage. It's only a matter of time before some corporation patents the stick man now!!"
New National Motto! (Score:1)
Re:New National Motto! (Score:1)
Re:New National Motto! (Score:2)
So (Score:2, Funny)
Re:So (Score:2)
Stick man? (Score:1)
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Ha! How 'bout a stick man in a box! Sure beats having to deal with the lameness filter, AND I can now claim prior art whenever the need arises.
Re:Stick man? (Score:1)
Re:Stick man? (Score:1)
Cisco is a bunch of weasels (Score:2)
I wonder how cisco plans to abuse this patent... besides... lets start collecting prior art so the patent can be challenged...
And there will be Joy...
Re:Cisco is a bunch of weasels (Score:1)
Jurassic Grep (Score:2)
Hmmm...patents on search technology...hmmm...
Do you think I could patent the same technology that the USPTO uses to search patents?
I'd love to have them pay me royalties on the use of "a technology for the search of patents by persons looking through paper or microfilm or computer indexed catalogs of all patents".
Really, though. With all the backlog and what not, what would happen if one of the IT persons at the USPTO came up with an innovative idea for searching patents? Suppose a company did?
[I've been developing a patent searching tool lately that I call grep in case you were wondering.]
Not quite... (Score:5, Informative)
That's not the patent. If you read the patent, what they've done is created an abstraction for describing intrusion signatures, and integrated this into regulara and logical expressions. What they are really patenting are the new regular expression identifiers used to reprsent their pre-determined "signature events". This boils down to packet types, sequence of packet types, and other specific events they deem necessary to identify an intrusion. These events and the "view" at which they look at the sequence of packets is what's so key to this patent.
They could have hooked this into SQL like experssion, and patented it as extension objects to SQL. But Regular expressions obviously work much better.
This is a rather simple, yet great, idea. It should have been done before, yet it wasn't. Kudos to the people who thought about, and imo, they deserve a patent on it.
They are _not_ patenting Regular Expressions or Regular Experssion that run against packet data. Again, it's the fudemental "signature" events they are patenting. Much like a new programming language patenting some proprietary classes.
Re:Not quite... (Score:4, Insightful)
You, sir, just made my friends list.
Re:Not quite... (Score:1)
Re:Not quite... (Score:2)
In the spirit of Slashdot I do have to say you are an fscking moron of questionable parentage -- but you understand it's nothing personal.
Re:Not quite... (Score:1)
Re:Not quite... (Score:1)
I've used packet content and state signatures to generate events for proxies or FSM transitions for quite some time. A match-event pairing seems a natural way to achieve this.
I agree it is not like they are patenting 'grep', but this is a new application of an old idea, rather than a new idea.
Re:Not quite... (Score:2)
As far as I can tell the patent is on combining regular expressions with logical operators.
RedEx(packet_looks_suspicious) AND NOT RexEx(good_packet_that_somtimes_looks_supicious)
This is absurd. RegEx's are a basic to IDS. Programming is little more than combining things with logical operators. They elaborate with further claims on doing this in MEMORY (what a novel concept!) and using it to control a PROGRAM (Holy innovations Batman!).
I guarantee that regular expressions have been combined with logical operators a million times before, and I'd be shocked if it has never been used IDS before.
Re:Not quite... (Score:2)
RegEx(packet_looks_suspicious) AND NOT RegEx(good_packet_that_somtimes_looks_supicious)
I meant RegEx - regular expressions.
Patent Schmatent. (Score:2, Funny)
Cisco can have my regexps when they pry then from my cold, dead hands.
Wait, I have carpal.
Cisco can have my regexps when they pry then from my dead hands.
Grep, Awk, some Shell and /var/log/* (Score:2)
I'm off to file a patent form... (Score:1, Funny)
1. patent masturbation
2. hope porn sites exist on the internet
3. wait...
4. wait...
5. not yet!
6. just a minute
7. Profit!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh. Now give me royalties.
oops.. (Score:2, Funny)
no, i don't mb either
stick man (Score:1)
I believe Roger Myers already has the copyright on the stick man, except he called it Manic Mailman [snpp.com].
You're kind of new here aren't you. This is par for the course. Welcome to /.
Bwahahahahaha (Score:1)
I'm curious though, does this US patent effect me in New Zealand?
Re:Bwahahahahaha (Score:1)
My understanding is that there is no such thing as a 'global' patent - you have to register your invention in every country you have an interest in. It gets quite costly.
Question: (Score:1, Flamebait)
Crappy moderators! That's FUNNY! (Score:1)
Re:Question: (Score:2)
chemical substitutes for products commonly used to cook"?
Maybe you mean "^s\w+ing$" my "[dc]\w+k$"? But that doesnt make sense... why would they want a patent on stewing your duck?
Re:Question: (Score:2)
But nonetheless, as soon as this is resolved, he gets the pot.
really now (Score:2, Interesting)
(yes, I know that you'll need to copy the patent number into the seach box, becuase the link is wrong, or just Use the link provided here [uspto.gov])
Now also, they aren't pattenting the use of regexps in searching logs, they're pattenting the use of Regexps in conjunction with logical operations in **Generating** alerts. What i'd be interested in seeing is how this impacts of what snort is doing, and has been doing for quite some time now.
Re:really now (Score:1)
But signature REs and logical expressions? Most signature-based stream matching works that way. Antivirus, pre-existing IDS, even (as many have pointed out) most perl log-analysis tools. I suspect that this should wither at the first touch of prior art. Assuming someone with more courage than money gets to be the lucky first victim.
Hmmm... I can't recall right away. What's Cisco's general history with repect to IP issues? Something about U-Cal-Berkeley copyrights comes to mind for some reason...
Re:really now (Score:2)
If it does, then snort is the prior art. The more specific requirements are: using regexpreessions to identify
1: was it done before Jan 15, 2002, or was the possibility of doing so done (publicly) before Jan 15, 2002? If that occured, then Snort (or the snort mailing list where the possibility was explored) would be the prior art that eats this patent.
Yes, discussing the possibility counts as prior art. The best example of that was when the patent for waterbeds was wiped out by Heinlien's description in "Stranger in a Strange Land".
It is a pretty broad patent... (Score:2)
In this particular case you have just four criterias in claim 1, and the are pretty unspecific, so it it is a patent possibly dangerous to many people. There are two additional independent claims 4 and 7, which you can view as different additional claims that were put into the patent to widen it's scope. The rest of the patent just clarifies and specializes these independent claims.
It is the examiner's job to narrow the claims as much as possible, and the applicant usually want to have them as wide as possible. Here, definitely the applicants did a better job than the examiner.
From what I see, there is no real invention here, but that is true for most of the so called IT-Patents, and this one is not a particularly bad example, it is merely a typical patent you often have to write because the competition does it too.