California Tracks Everyone Using Toll Transponders 428
obtuse writes "Direct monitoring of traffic sounds pretty cool, but some people don't want their toll transponders tracked. They aren't installing direct driver tracking for law enforcement now, but the collected data could be subpoenaed. Of course, anyone who didn't want to be tracked could just put it in the glovebox anyway, so they won't be catching clever felons or tracking real paranoiacs."
I can live with that. (Score:5, Insightful)
What I worry about it that leading to civil uses -- what if my wife's lawyer got records showing I was sneaking over the Golden Gate to visit my mistress (expensive booty call with the new tolls, BTW).
I wish there were some reasonable way to insure against a slippery slope. I would prefer to live in a country where it's easy to catch criminals without sliding into surveilling lawful citizens.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2, Insightful)
Besides, I have no reasonable expectation of privacy on a bridge (which is why I try to keep the nose-picking to a minimum).
Call me crazy, but I expect privacy while in my car. I don't expect to have to buy expensive counter-surveillance equipment (or use a mylar bag) to protect my privacy. I don't want even aggregate data about my whereabouts or preferences being known. Not because I have anything to hide, but because I don't.
ref: The Fourth Amendment [findlaw.com]
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2, Funny)
You sit in a small box with lots of windows on a public street and expect privacy?
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I can live with that. (Score:3, Interesting)
It's all about choice and freedom. If I want to be anonymous in a so-called "free" country I should. If I want privacy I should be entitled to that as well. As well as anything else that I damn well please as long as it's within the scope of myself and no one else.
Should no one be allowed these things?
Wether I'm actually going to make use of them or not if irrelevant. As long as they're available to me then that's all that matters.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
Well, no, not in the case you're bringing up.
By your logic, I should be able to tint all my windows to 95% and drive around without license plates. Of course, I can't do that for obvious reasons.
You have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. That's why they call it "in public". If you want privacy, stay in your house and out of areas in plain view of public places -- then you have a leg to stand on.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
Here's a hint then privacy-boy, don't put a transmitter designed to track you on your windshield, and instead of paying automatically use coins. It's impossible to be anonymous when you have a transmitter with a unique id stuck to your car.
If you really want to be anonymous walk to work, preferably with a bag over your head.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:4, Informative)
That is, unless you're in the trunk, which you probably don't want to be anyway.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2, Insightful)
One my car is NOT Public place. I own my car and its contents. What I contain in my car is my business, where I take my car is my business.
My car can be viewed by the Public. There is no illusion that I can see out and you can not see in. In a limo with tinted windows, that another story.
The police are allowed to look at a car see what is visible. In your example: your nake body and atrest you for "not being dressed". They can arrest in your home of the same reason, if they could see you in the window.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
without sliding into surveilling lawful citizens
Shouldn't that be in the past tense? Given the current state of things.
Okay (Score:2, Flamebait)
Therefore, we should all wear tracking devices so the government knows exactly where we are at any given time, except when we are in a private place... after all, you have no expectation of privacy, right?
I can't believe no one mentioned this (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
Of course, those things are legal and are free from civil problems.
Cheating on my wife, while legal, could lead to problems in a divorce case (although I think CA's a no-fault state). It's the easiest example I could come up with. If you have a better one, then by all means let's hear it.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
After all, if he was a cop, he'd need to get a subpoena to get at the information. It'd be much easier just to put out an APB on her car. As such, it's not really a realistic potential problem and not a good counterargument.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:3, Insightful)
The fact is that government surveillance is 'harmless' for law-abiding citizens except in rare cases where a person in a position of trust abuses it. But that presumes that the laws are popular and just. For example, a significant percentage of the US population flagrantly violates various drug control laws. You could argue that better enforcement of these laws would be a good thing, or you could argue that these laws are unrepresentive and enforcement would result in the unfair subjugation of a large minority. Feel free substitute the hot-button issue of your choice, such as abortion, sexuality, race, etc.
A few other "dramatic" possibilities:
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
I hope my wife isn't reading this :)
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
As for war demos. or protesting Cheney, people shouldn't do things in public they don't want everyone to know about. This is something I accepted a long time ago.
Re:I can live with that. (Score:2)
This always bothered me (Score:4, Funny)
I'm sure glad I was never asked to explain how I made it nine miles in under eight minutes on a 55 MPH road.
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2)
I'm sure glad I was never asked to explain how I made it nine miles in under eight minutes on a 55 MPH road.
well, for all they know, maybe you just took a shortcut!
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2)
See, this is the kind of stuff that gets us all scared. Everything will be monitored and compiled in some huge database, automatically sending out speeding tickets.
<sarcasm>Boy I'm glad I live in a free country</sarcasm>
Re:This always bothered me (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:This always bothered me (Score:3, Insightful)
I've recently been reflecting on the purpose of the law. I agree, as part of a civil society we choose to give up our freedom to do things that are against 'the law'. Why? Well, to secure Life, Liberty, and Property, according to the founders of this country.
So, why do we have laws imposing a 55mph speed limit? To preserve life, as such speed limits theoretically reduce the number of innocent people transformed into road pizza by some confused drivers who might otherwise confuse small-town roads with the European Autobahn.
So again, back to my original point, and I'll pretend I'm a Californian for a moment. Why should the State Patrol be allowed to use this transponder data to catch speeders? Well, if it can be proven to save lives without an unreasonable cost in tax dollars (and yes, you can put a price tag on a life, just ask any insurance company), then I would be for it. If, on the other hand, it's just to force people into obedience of the law for the law's sake, then it starts to be an abuse of freedom.
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2, Funny)
Just tell 'em you would have done better if you hadn't had to stop to fix that flat tire.
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2, Insightful)
For people here in VA that have to take the Dulles Toll Road to work each day, some have to pass through 2 tolls (start and end). If you have one of those transponders, only use it once on your trip (i.e. pay the quarter to get on, and use the transponder to exit, or vice versa). That way, getting your average speed would be considerably more of a hassle (if not impossible).
Or just ditch the thing entirely and stock up on quarters.
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2)
Here's another solution:
Don't break the law.
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2)
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2)
In the US, turck drivers can be fined for speeding based on distance/time/speed limit calculations from two toll points.
We should write in a more understandable fashion.
Write (should) [we;*] in -> (a fashion (understandable (more))).
It would make more sense to do so.
Make (would) [it,sense (more)] to -> (do [*,it] so).
Re:This always bothered me (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2)
Re:This always bothered me (Score:2)
Optional? (Score:2)
In other words, it is optional (though inconvenient). Get a bag, be safe, drive through.
Re:Optional? (Score:2)
Also, it's not inconvenient to not be tracked. Just don't get a toll transponder. The more people that use them, the shorter the "cash" lines will be at the toll booth.
Re:Optional? (Score:2, Informative)
Unfortunately, I don't think the (aluminized) mylar bags keep the sensors from being triggered. They do alter the signal, though. My mother lives in Maine and had one of those devices. She noticed that when the thing wasn't in the bag, the sensors would be triggered and the display at the toll booth would show that everything was OK and she could go ahead and drive through. But when it WAS in the bag, the display at the toll booth was still triggered, but with a different message, indicating that Mom's account would not be billed on this trip.
I was awfully proud of Mom when she first told me about this and mentioned that she didn't like "Big Brother" tracking where she was driving.
Transponders work in the glove box too! (Score:2, Informative)
Left my transponder in the glove box once,BEEP BEEP ensured me that it was caught, and I was charged the appropriate toll.
I never figured out why law enforement couldn't track speeders and ticket them. 80 km of road travelled in 30 min = speeding!
-Yo Grark
"Canadian Bred with American Buttering"
Re:Transponders work in the glove box too! (Score:2)
Does it sense that the signal is jammed, record the jam and then send a singal once it's un-jammed??? What happens if you're driving through some high-interference area and the signal gets cut temporarily? How can it possibly tell the difference between that and being put in a glovebox?
Maybe my imagination is just weakened today for some reason but I don't see how this is technologically possible.
Seems really fishy to me....
Re:Transponders work in the glove box too! (Score:2)
I've never thought too deeply into this, but radio waves?
Line of sight is not necessary for our transponders.
Back seat, briefcase etc seem to work for different people.
- Yo Grark
Re:Transponders work in the glove box too! (Score:2)
Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:4, Interesting)
My father was a cop, so it was never a big deal, professional courtesy and all that...
Calculus (Score:4, Interesting)
Had to do with just such a situation, with the driver being referred to the cop for speeding. The trooper proceeds to explain Rolle's Theorem and Mean Value Theorem to the driver as proof that somewhere in between the two toll booths, he had to have been speeding.
I guess to the extent that I remember the name of Rolle's Theorem, the movie served its purpose. OTOH it always seemed kind of intuitively obvious to me.
Like photo radar it won't work (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Like photo radar it won't work (Score:3)
Didn't it also take an election campaign [eye.net] and a victory by the opposition party to get photo radar repealed?
(Amazingly enough, not only did the opposition party win, it looks like they kept their promise by dumping photo radar immediately after the '95 election. A bit of googling reveals that even the losers [ontariondp.on.ca] of the election confirm it.)
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:5, Informative)
CA outtlaws this practice and requires for speeding tickets that the same office who clocked you is the same office you tickets you (with some slight variances). Worry less about the CHP and worry more about CalTrans' ability to fsck the data up and not build freeways in a timely manner.
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2)
I suppose it'd be silly of me to state the obvious, but I'll do it anyway: laws can be changed, quietly, quickly, and without you knowing much about it. Today the law can call it a speed trap. There's nothing to stop "the powers that be" from changing that law -- nothing except the public. Unfortunately, "the public" these days is disenchanted with government and pays it little mind. Society has devolved into a bunch of sheeple (sheep+people) that do whatever government wants so long as it doesn't intefere with them watching WWF or The Weakest Link re-runs.
No, that law would get changed in short order when the city/state governments figured out that they could use this data to issue speeding tickets, automatically and irrefutably, using a simple mathematical formula in their computers. Voila! Instant revenue generator. They've already done it with photo radar, what makes you think they'll restrict this new stuff?
And to put it in a perspective that the average liberal-minded Slashdotter can grasp, consider this:
Suppose Google said that they were going to start tracking your web surfing habits anytime you go to their page. They'll record your IP address, what you searched for, what you linked to from their search engine, and place a cookie on your machine identifying you uniquely for all future visits, all without you pressing a button. These statistics would ONLY be used to better the search engine, so they say, but would YOU feel comfortable knowing your online "movements" were trackable?
I know I wouldn't.
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:3, Interesting)
what if the clocks at each endpoint are not properly synchronized? you might be able to challenge the ticket claiming the second clock was a few minutes "slow".
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2, Insightful)
Yeah, nothing like taking steps toward reliable, equitable enforcement of existing laws. Just think, you could suddenly start receiving tickets for breaking speed limit laws every time you break speed limit laws! Those fucking bureaucrats!
How the hell is some automated timer system supposed to differentiate between you, a good, God-fearin', tax-payin', hard-workin' Merr-kinn in a nice new Ford Explorer and that damned migrant worker in the shitbox VW Minibus?
It's a slippery slope. Next thing you know, they'll be enforcing all the laws on the books in an equitable, reliable manner, and all us decent folk will get sent upriver, too!
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2)
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:4, Informative)
The highway system in the United States was engineered with curve radii and banking to support 70MPH speeds, which oddly enough is roughly what most people drive at. The Imperial Federal Government decided to scale things back to 55MPH, not to save lives but to save gas back in the Gas Crunch of the early 70's!!! Prior to that, the limit was 70MPH and was largely obeyed by the motoring public.
When the Gas Crunch was over, the wonderful Federal, State, and Local goverments all noted how much money they were making from all these speedy Americans, many of whom were just driving in the same manner they had prior to the Gas Crunch when it was perfectly safe and legal according to our Imperial Federal Government. Politicians LOVE money, in case you haven't noticed, and they weren't about to kill the goose that laid this golden speed trap egg. We were stuck with the double-nickel for almost 20 years before it was finally abolished on a Federal scale.
I have no problem with the authorities enforcing all the laws on the books in an equitable, reliable manner. I do have a problem with laws designed not with the public's best interests in mind but instead put politicians and their wallets first, and you should too.
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2)
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2)
I don't think the goal is to stop speeding which is mostly harmless (after all the highways in america were engineered to be safe at 100MPH with 1960's suspension) but rather to be more of a tax on people in a hurry.
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2)
Re:Automatic tickets coming up soon (Score:2)
> I was doing about 105 between two toll booths
> not thinking anything of it (it wasn't heavily
> patrolled back in the day).
> The cops used the time -> time between the two
> booths to figure out that I was going in excess
> of 100 mph and gave me a ticket for "reckless
> driving/endangerment".
Another poster mentioned this. I've travelled the PA turnpike a million times at grossly excessive speeds and this has never happened to me. When was this? I wonder if it is something they did for a while and then stopped (for any number of reasons, like the PA statute on calculating speed via timing devices, for one).
I wouldn't be against anonymous tags (Score:2, Insightful)
Being able to be tracked, in any form, isn't a good thing for innocent people. Maybe (BIG maybe) for conviced child molestors, murderors, etc it'd be OK to have a unique ID, and police trackable, but for the innocent (remember innocent until proven guilty you big-brother types?), there should be NO means of finding them, even if they are a suspect in a crime. Police shouldn't have access to that kind of data on normal law-abiding people. And making the tags themselves "generic" will make it impossible for them to know.
what's the range on these things.... (Score:2)
The part I don't get (Score:2, Interesting)
License plates (Score:2)
But wait...there's more! (Score:4, Interesting)
For the non-believers in Dallas: Look in the median on Valley View, just west of Marsh in Farmers Branch.
You asked for it! (Score:3, Insightful)
If you have a wife that would put a Satellite tracker on you, she deserves to get cheated on. With multiple, ugly, crack-whores.
Trust me or don't marry me.
Glove Box Won't Do it in NY (Score:3, Interesting)
I know people who have tried to get the thing to not be read (to get a reciept in order to expense tolls for work) and without the bag it is very hard to "hide."
The poor design of the system means it can screw you at times if you don't do what is the expected traffic pattern. I was told once at the toll booth getting on that since my EZPass had been read, I was unable to turn around and must now get on the truway going the wrong direction and proceed to another exit or be faced with a $30 fine for illegal U-TURN. Problem was an accident closed the on ramp for the direction I needed to go.
(I turned around at the next "NO U TURNS" turn around to go the direction I needed to once I had though out how the system worked and knew the turn would not be "detected" by the crappy EZPass system.) Also, it takes at least 24 hours for a credit on your pass to work at most ramps.
The system in NYS sucks technically. I am quite worried about it being used for speed enforcement purposes and such.
This is common in Houston (Score:2, Informative)
We have had this going on for a long time. They dont come right out and say they are using the toll tags for that purpose, but you know it's being done when you look at a site like this: Houston Traffic Map [tamu.edu]. It is pretty cool though. You can look at the map and see what roads are moving and which ones are not and during rush hours most of em arent.
M Prindle
Re:This is common in Houston (Score:2)
that Houston Traffic Map is pretty cool. I thought the animated historical traffic speed data [tamu.edu] was especially cool.
using coins does not protect you (Score:2)
No Big Deal (Score:2)
Okay, so what they're doing is gathering traffic data, which they destroy after 24 hours, leaving only aggregate data with which they can analyze traffic flow and such. This isn't exactly an invasion of privacy.
To those people who think that by not having a little pass on, nobody can track you, I point you the toll highways where they just electronically read your license plate in order to charge you your toll, instead of bothering with an electronic tag, or the occasional murder case where they manage to find photos of the suspect paying a toll somewhere, despite the fact that the suspect wasn't using an electronic tracking tag.
Not tracking individuals (Score:3, Insightful)
Project leaders at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission say they're not interested in the movements of individual drivers, and have gone to great lengths to protect privacy, including encrypting the serial number of each transponder as its location is transmitted. They promise to keep this data separate from the identities of FasTrak users and other information needed to make automatic monthly deductions from their bank or credit card accounts.
"We're not tracking or trying to follow any individual car, just the overall traffic flow," TravInfo project manager Michael Berman said. "We're really trying to bend over backward to make sure we don't know."
But it feels like they are spying on me...
...and this is supposed to help the congestion... (Score:2)
Re: I want to be alarmed by this... (Score:2, Funny)
What's the *vertical* range? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:What's the *vertical* range? (Score:2)
That data would probably be thrown out as "impossible for cars to achieve".
It would, however, be pretty hilarious to cruise up and down a highway at 150-200 mph in a Cessna with a bag full of transcievers and Pringles cans (to improve the range).
I think you'd need to get the range up to over 500+ feet, as flying at treetop level over a highway is probably gonna land you in hot water with the FAA. (And to fly like that in the middle of the night, when the data trackers would be most likely to believe that a band of Ferrari-owning nuts is hauling ass up and down the highway, is even less safe.)
But it'd sure be a funny hack :)
Has anyone heard of any cases of transponder (Score:2)
If they really want to track ppl (Score:2)
Driving is a privilege (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Driving is a privilege (Score:2)
From what? Potholes?
Re:Driving is a privilege (Score:3, Insightful)
Really? Well, then, I guess walking must also be a privilege, yes?
Oh, so you think walking is a right but driving is a privilege, huh? Then, pray tell, what is the difference between the two? Safety? Then how about riding your bicycle? Is that a right or a privilege?
Think it's a matter of whether or not you do it on "public" property? Well, "public" property is property owned by us, the people. If there is any property we have the right to use, it's public property. But for you to be consistent in using the "public property" argument, then walking on the sidewalk (public property) must be a privilege, not a right.
Understand this: the entire point behind the founding of the U.S. was to give the people the right to do any damned thing they please so long as in doing so they don't interfere in the rights of others.
In just over 200 years we've gone from that to the belief that most things are "privileges" to be given or taken away at the whim of the government (and the corporations that control it) we're now so obviously subservient to. It's enough to make any freedom loving person ill.
This just in... (Score:4, Funny)
The only way to prevent this loss of privacy is to stay at home, lock the doors, don't use the phone or cable TV, or even pick up your mail. You must remain inside at all times and out of site.
Only then can you really enjoy your privacy. Of course, you can't enjoy anything else, but who cares. At least you can enjoy your privacy.
Re:This just in... (Score:2)
Point A - B ticketing system in Australia already (Score:2, Interesting)
Big brother watches...
They won't use it to issue tickets (Score:5, Insightful)
As far as tracking people using the transponders, I don't know that it's that bad a thing. Like they said, you can always avoid tracking by putting your transponder in a foil bag, and they're even going to provide them upon request (It's not a pain in the ass. I have two transponders, and they're only on the windshield when I am going through a tollbooth, because I have a convertible). That should show goodwill, at the very least. And California does have some of the worst traffic in the country. Any additional info on how it moves (or doesn't) is probably going to go a long way towards making it better.
Re:They won't use it to issue tickets (Score:2)
1) Could they require use of transponder?
2) They could encode time data on the tickets so that not using the transponder wouldn't gain you anything.
Re:They won't use it to issue tickets (Score:2)
2) Yes, but that requires a toll system that uses tickets. Most toll systems don't (at least in my experience). A ticket system like that requires greater overhead, because you need both entrance and exit tolls.
Wait wait wait (Score:2)
I mean it must be such an inconvenience to do a way with this convenience but c'mon!
A person can't blame invasion of privacy on such a blatant example of laziness.
Port Authority and EZ-Pass (Score:2)
FYI, MetroCards are a little more private since there's no way to match up a serial number with an individual unless you pay by credit card, have a picture ID MetroCard (e.g., Seniors, Disabled, student, etc.), or are found with the card in your possession.
um... (Score:2)
but thats not very much information.
the thing that makes this even less of a worry (in this specific instance) is that very very few people actually travel through tolls daily (as compared with the population of the country) and those that do make up the 95% "repeat offenders" (people who travel across the bridge every single day)
I live in the south bay - I am surrounded by toll bridges - but I very very rarely cross them. If I do its on my way to tahoe where I pay the 2 bux to continue on after crossing the Benicia bridge.
Other than that I might make a trip every other month or so across the bay bridge... but for the most part my entire travel corridor is I-280....
so aside from Big Brother is tracking your every move - which is a Bad Thing (TM) - this doesnt warrant any concern on my part - at least until they start tracking my moves through embeded chips in my drivers license.
a list of future problems coming up (Score:4, Funny)
Transponder mod chips for random serial numbers.
People on cell phones pulling out transponders as they try to get through the booth.
People setting up their own silent tracking antennas and keeping all information.
Transponder mod chips with serial numbers belonging to people tracked with the previous method.
Beowolf transponder clusters to make it look like you're a traveling traffic jam.
Not personally identifiable (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Not personally identifiable... For now... (Score:2, Insightful)
Houston Tracking Respects Privacy (Score:4, Informative)
And lo and behold, they actually turn out to take the privacy aspect very seriously. When an EZ-Tag (TM) passes under a sensor, it gets assigned an id. When it passes under the next sensor, it calculates the speed, adds it to the database with this generated id (not the toll tag number). And then it assigns it a new ID for the trip to the next sensor. Thus, TTI is incapable of knowing, even under threat of subpoena, the identity of any car passing down the highway or the route of any single vehicle beyond any single highway segment. The entire system is designed to prevent it.
use cash (Score:2)
with a toll transponder you have to slow down to like 5mph *anyway*, not like certain (fairly old) VW commercial showing somebody in a passat zooming by at 40.
cash is not going away anytime soon -- there are always people from out-of state who have no transponders, and then there are trucks with multi-axles etc.
i would see that as a much more permanent solution than "put it in the glove box" whatever. in the end -- which one gives you less trouble? taking the transponder out from the passenger side every time you pass a toll, and worry about privacy issues, or simply take out your wallet when you pass a toll?
EZpass'ers have an even easier hack... (Score:2, Informative)
So the simple solution: Leave it on your window for the toll, remove it after leaving the booths, and replace it when you need to leave the highway...
This won't solve traffic congestion (Score:3, Interesting)
Let's say this system goes into effect, and it can track traffic in real time and provide that data to the people who are causing the traffic. Everyone on the road figures he's smarter than the drivers around him (I can confirm this mentality is the norm in Northern California, where this is being implemented). Drivers on US 101 simultaneously get a report from their cell phones that they're facing bumper-to-bumper traffic from Moffett Field to University Ave, and people respond by getting off the highway and flooding Middlefield Road, which runs parallel to 101. Only this causes Middlefield to become even more congested than 101 (which is still congested because Middlefield just can't handle that much traffic). So some people abandon Middlefield to go back to 101, causing more problems, while a steady stream of cars begins to work its way through the side streets around Middlefield. The end result is that no one really gets to their destination any faster (this actually increases travel time for many people as they hop between routes).
More importantly, the data becomes useless. If the drivers had not been supplied with the raw traffic information, they would have followed predictable traffic patterns that could be studied to determine where roads need to be widened or otherwise changed (any Bay Area commuters familiar with the northern end of 85 can already tell you where roads need to be changed). Since the otherwise sheep-like traffic now has thousands of minds of its own, the result is chaotic traffic in which patterns constantly change unpredictably as people try to adapt. Therefore patterns cannot be studied and the flow of traffic will not improve.
Ideally, the system should analyze the patterns without providing raw data to the drivers and suggest that drivers whose license numbers end in 4 or 8 take Middlefield, drivers whose license numbers end in 5, 6 or 7 should take 280 if possible, and everyone else should stay on 101. Intelligently-managed traffic is better than chaotic traffic.
Why speed isn't tracked (Score:5, Informative)
With the red light cameras, the ticket is assessed against the vehicle (like a parking ticket) rather than against the driver's license (as with most speeding tickets) and the red light cameras get some proof that the ticketed vehicle was involved. With a calculated speeding ticket, however, there is no such proof. Again, the accused could simply say that neither they, nor their car, was on the road at that time, and there'd be no way to disprove it.
There is one other technical issue with trying to issue speeding tickets based on ETC data: most ETC systems don't collect enough data to make the calculation.
There are, basically, two types of toll facilities: boundry systems, where you get charged a toll each time you cross a boundry, and closed-loop systems, where you get charged based on the length of travel in the toll system. You can only calculate speed in a closed loop system, when both your entry and exit are recorded. Many toll systems are only boundry systems.
Even on a closed loop system, you can only calculate the average speed in the system. Under heavy traffic conditions, the average speed is likely never to exceed the posted speed limit! (this is the sad truth about speeding: it rarely benefits the speed but, occasionally, it is a great harm to an innocent bystander) You can pretty easily wipe out the extra time you gained by speeding while waiting to at the exit toll plaza.
Note, some agencies do issue fines for speeding thorugh the toll lanes, but that is a safety issue. None of the agencies that we work with issue actual speeding tickets based on speed in the toll lane. Also, many of the agencies maintain a constant police presence at the toll plazas, in order to go after violators. This was true even before there were ETC systems.
The ETC tags are pretty good for collecting information on what happens at the toll plazas. We can even get a fair amount of agregate information about the entire toll facility itself, based on plaza activity. But it is very difficult to extract information about individuals based on ETC data. The agencies seem to have a pretty good understanding of what the ETC data is good for and what legal limitations they are under.
One example to illustrate this point: Some of the original ETC installations took pictures of violators from in front of the vehicle, including a picture of the driver and passenger in the front seat. Now, however, we only take pictures of the front and rear bumpers, specifically avoiding either front or rear windshield.
The reason is a legal one. Early on in the history of ETC systems a law suit was brought against one of the local agencies because a driver had violated the toll lane and had his picture taken. The violation notice was mailed to his house, where it was opened by his wife. His wife was quite upset to find a picture of her husband and a strange woman driving in his car in the middle of the day!
The local agencies are now prevented, legally, from invading a driver's privacy by photographing the driver or passengers of a vehicle passing thorugh an ETC system. (We still get some interesting pictures, but only when the driver's have gone out of their way to make themselves visible to the lane cameras)
Re:I propose (Score:2)
what the ... my Coca-cola aluminum can mobile would become totally useless!!! Down with the EU!!!!!!
Re:It could be cracked? (Score:3, Insightful)
I think, basically, that's what most people want.
Re:It could be cracked? (Score:2)
What we need is an "opt-out" code an all of these electronics.
Privacy laws should require that goverment surveillance (without court order) can be opted out of. Each toll transponder, GPS-enabled cell-phone, OnStar system, etc, should have a switch, code, or other mechanism for opting-out of aggregate data collection.
Re:Here's a tip to avoid this (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Here's a tip to avoid this (Score:2)
Another possibility for those too far from the office to not drive: Don't use the FRIGGIN toll transponders! Sure, it may take a minute longer to drive to work, but that's why there are people in the booths. If you're that worried about your high-speed drive to work, don't use 'em!
Emotional Attachment Failure In Progress. Do you care?
Re:Really (Score:2)