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Censorship Your Rights Online

Australian Net Censorship Laws Draw Fire 19

downundarob writes: "According to this story, it appears that at least one part of the Australian Government may finally be starting to understand what the Internet is all about. The NSW Government's Standing Committee on Social Issues have recommended that the internet censorship laws passed by the NSW government should be repealed." This sounds great; getting laws repealed is a difficult process in any country, though.
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Australian Net Censorship Laws Draw Fire

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  • Finally we see a government do things the right way. Australia was also the country that outed Echelon, IIRC. Nice going, Aussies! Now let's hope the U.S. feels the pressure to follow suit.
  • by tdelaney ( 458893 ) on Monday June 10, 2002 @09:45AM (#3672428)
    for the Federal govt also to understand what the internet is about ... and as a result take back control of the infrastructure and make the privately-owned portion of Telstra services only.

    Then maybe we will start to see some real advances ... and competition.
  • NSW != Australia (Score:3, Informative)

    by EvilBastard ( 77954 ) on Monday June 10, 2002 @05:35PM (#3675378) Homepage
    NSW - Labour Government
    Australia - Liberal Government
    (Remember, in Australia these are the opposite of what they mean in the US)

    This is not to say that the NSW government was stupid introducing the legislation in the first place, but at least they'll listen to the committee's response, unlike Mr Head-in-the-sand-Howard

    The NSW Government has this nice habit at the moment of rejecting Federal programs - Feds' say no Injecting rooms, NSW opens one. Fed's outlaw stem cell research, and Bob Carr says he will pass laws voiding the federal law []

    At the moment in Australia, all the states are Labour, and only the Federal government is Liberal. This is something like every state government in the US being Republican, and only the Federal government being Democrat

    It seems to be the ideal situation for Australian voters is to make sure that you keep the federal and state governments fighting each other so they are too busy to pass legislation, and that way they interfere with you as little as possible
    • At the moment in Australia, all the states are Labour, and only the Federal government is Liberal. This is something like every state government in the US being Republican, and only the Federal government being Democrat

      To pick a nit.

      It's more like every state being Democrat and the Federal government being Republican. Since in the wonderful land of Oz (as you hinted in your first paragraph) the conservatives party is called the Liberal party.

      And yes it is confusing. Is there anywhere else in the world where politicians have to say "I'm a small l liberal" since saying "I'm a Liberal" means you are a conservative?
  • The "law" in question was passed by parliament, and received the royal assent, but has not yet been proclaimed, and is therefore not yet law, and not enforceable.

    Electronic Frontiers Australia []'s information page about this legislation can be found here [] and the report reccomending the repeal of the legislation can be found here [] (PDF file).

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
