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Consumer Groups Protest SonicBlue/ReplayTV Order 16

bigmouth_strikes writes: "As a follow-up to this story about SonicBlue having to track ReplayTV usage, PC World reports how several privacy and consumer groups protest the court order. The Electronic Privacy Information Center will support and appeal and Consumer Electronics Association released a press release where they condemn monitoring individual users preferences. SonicBlue have until June 24 to put the tracking in action, and the data collected will determine whether the users of ReplayTV meet the "Fair Use" criteria established in the Betamax case."
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Consumer Groups Protest SonicBlue/ReplayTV Order

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  • But in this case it seems that a definitive judicial decision one way or the other without requiring ReplayTV to perform such 'research' would be a better solution. All this pussyfooting around about what amount of usage is fair use isn't good for anyone.
  • by joeler ( 45203 ) on Friday May 10, 2002 @05:48AM (#3495665)
    Yes, better to be safe and secure, remember those infamous Regan words of yesteryear "NEVER sacrifice security for freedom". Judges find it much easier now to order tracking ordinary people. Heck, they don't even need court orders for investigators to track bookstore purchases ect. andc keep track of those evil doers that buy naughty books. Welcome to the new, safer world thanks to the idiot in the white house. Enron's key man from Pennnsylvania that worked with bush for deregulation, Tom Ridge is only concerned about keeping America safe. If all that doesn't bother you why should you care they are tracking what you watch to see if you are avoiding the commericals? After all, if you are not doing anything wrong, you have NOTHING to worry about - wave your flage, shut up and be happy and most of all watch those commercials, there may be something important there that the new government controls want you to know! Every day look under your bed to make sure no terrorists are hiding there, you know they are every where....what color is it today???
  • I guess I have until June 24th to figure out how to make my computer control the replay withb rtvremote. I wonder what they while think when I sometimes skip programs and only watch the comercials.
  • I think I'd prefer them to know what I watch, in the hope that they would put on more programs I enjoy. What's the beef?
  • The BBC reports Digital video maker fights 'spying' order [], which means that the row is getting a higher profile. Maybe this will help somewhat. the article then goes onto to explain what a PVR is and the concerns of the broadcasters and program makers. None of this is new to slashdotters, but it is good to see the news getting out.

    Personally, I believe that the companies are just wanting free audiance research. This kind of thing would normally cost a small fortune, but they have strong-armed "sonic Blue" and their customers into doing this.

    I guess if people were paid for this data collection, they wouldn't mind so much.

They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
