Hardball Tactics For The Geek Lobby 360
sfjoe writes: "The San Francisco Chronicle has this story on how to effectively make the point about online freedom of speech. In a nutshell, until a legislator gets slapped around (electorally-speaking) for kowtowing to the narrow corporate interests, nobody in Congress will take online civil liberties seriously. On the other hand if, for example, Senator Disney gets his balls whacked (electorally-speaking), monstrosities like the DMCA will start getting bottled up in congressional committees. The NRA has been doing this for years and it works."
Would you being willing to Vote Geek? (Score:5, Insightful)
That's the essence of the NRA, their membership votes guns, so the question is are there enough people to vote geek? (and pay a real membership fee)
Re:Would you being willing to Vote Geek? (Score:2, Insightful)
Another thing that should happen is that more of us (and by "us" I mean the average slashdot reader - not mom and pop AOL) should actually seek office.
Sure, it's expensive, but somebody's got to bring down jackasses like Hollings, Feinstein, Daschle, Leahy, and Biden. Not to mention Jeffords..
Re:Would you being willing to Vote Geek? (Score:2)
Screw it, folks. I don't care if you vote geek or not; just fucking vote! We'll get better government if we vote instead of whine. I do both- voting just shows that I actually care about what I'm whining about.
Excellent Point (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm from Senator Disney's home state. Hollings is a Democrat, so voting against him means voting for a Republican. In other states, this might not be a problem -- there are a lot of moderate Republicans in the Senate that I respect, even if I disagree with some of their opinions. Unfortunately, they aren't on the ballot in South Carolina. Republican politicians in the South are fucking scary. If anyone doubts this, think about Strom Thurmond (segregationist), Jesse Helms (well-known racist), and Trent Lott (pork-barelling thug). I don't know if I can vote for a Southern-style Republican after seeing what damage out-of-control conservativism has done to the South.
In effect, saying "no" to Hollings is saying "yes" to the religious right, "yes" to corporate welfare, "yes" to the war on drugs, "yes" to irresponsible military expenditures (that, unlike much government spending, do nothing to grow the economy), "yes" to wiretapping the Internet, "yes" to mandatory censorware in libraries and schools, and the list goes on. It means saying "no" a woman's right to an abortion, "no" to affirmative action, "no" to spending money on public education, "no" to space research, "no" to any and all liberal social programs. You may not have a problem with all of these issues, but if any one of them is dear to your heart, you've got a real dilemma.
I'm a CS student, and I hope to work in software development one day, but frankly, if I never saw another computer again, or never bought another CD, I could live a happy and rewarding life doing something else. However, I don't think I could, in good conscience, advance a destructive conservative agenda just so I can use Linux instead of Windows, or use a traditional, uncrippled PC. I'm not saying you shouldn't, I'm just saying that I can't, and that many people won't. Technology issues are important, but is it worth abandoning everything else that I believe in just to vote a few (OK, a lot of) crooked Democrats out of office? Sadly, I don't think so.
We have a couple of choices, in my view. We can lobby in the traditional manner -- attempting to purchase influence via campaign donations. This is very expensive, and we'll get spanked by Microsoft and Disney, but maybe it will work if we generate enough public awareness. Barring that, we could just leave. I question whether other countries are still scrambling for computer programmers, but frankly, I'd go to Scandinavia or the Netherlands in a heartbeat if I could.
I hate that this sounds so negative, but I'm pretty demoralized about the whole thing -- it would be interesting to see if someone comes up with a solution.
Re:Excellent Point (Score:2)
Um... How about in the primary? Up heah in NH, our R congressman is going to take our R senator's spot. The senator is going to fight it, but it won't do him any good. The moral of the story is that you can lose an incumbent and keep the same party. Of course it helps that they're a mercenary bunch of unprincipled bastards. With some funding and some really good arguments spoon fed, finding the right candidate for the primary should be easy.
Did everybody forget about the others? (Score:2)
Re:Excellent Point (Score:3, Interesting)
In these 13 words, you've just summed up everything that's wrong with our political party. I don't care who I have to vote for, if a politican attempts to screw me over the way Hollings has, I'll vote for whomever is running against him, even if he's a cross burning pedophile member of the KKK who stands against everything I believe in. I'll vote for him no matter repulsive he is as a person, or how insane he is mentally. Why? Because it sends a message. It says "I'd rather vote for this crazy kook than vote for someone who proposes an insane bill like the CBDTPA." Besides, he'll likely get voted out next election anyway, and probably won't have any real effect as a freshman member of congress.
Even at that, if you simply cannot vote for the Republican running against your horrible democrat, there is a third party candidate out there whose beliefs happen to coincide well with yours. Before you tell me that third party candidates cannot win, I will inform you that both current parties were not the ones we originally started out with. Hell, Mexico's president won in a country where there was traditionally one party.
Personally, I vote third party whenever I can, because I hate the politics of both parties, and I don't find much difference between them to justify voting for one or the other. Make the system work for you.
Re:Excellent Point (Score:2, Insightful)
Sen. Hollings may be an attractive target, but he may not be a good target. A good target for a small organization is one who is vulnerable, and who has an opponent (in the primary or general election) that shares our views and is electable. A primary election is the best place to start because even if our target gets the nomination, if we make enough noise, we may be able to convince him/her that they need to re-examine their stance on issues that are important to us.
Picking a good issue is another vital piece to the equation. I am a strong advocate of privacy, but it is an issue that is up for debate as to how much are we entitled to have, and the benefits of trading some privacy for convenience/security/etc.
I believe corporate control over what we can do with our purchases (computers, movies, music, etc.) to be a much stronger issue to fight. Even people who have never touched a computer have likely taped an LP to listen to the music in their car, or taped a movie off of HBO for their personal video collection, or loaned a book to a friend. It is an issue that most people have had some relevant past experience that we can point out that will become illegal, and to avoid breaking the law will cost them money -- money that will go to rich corporations.
Leaving the US for a more geek-friendly country may seem like an option (and is has to me on more than one occasion) but it is not an option for most of us, and it doesn't do anything to help solve the problem. It may even just be a delaying tactic. because once the policies are implemented in the US there are strong forces (political and corporate) for getting those policies implemented internationally.
We have a couple of choices, in my view, give up, or do something concrete about it. The cure for becoming demoralized to to do something to raise your moral. What you or I would like to do may be outside our grasp for the moment, but doing something that is within our means is more than just a morale booster -- it is the right thing to do.
For me, what is in my means this month is:
1. Making a pledge to the AOTC and GeekPAC
2. Ordering replacements for the motherboards/CPUs that I own that are based on AMD cpus, and writing emails to AMD explaining why they have lost a customer.
3. Stop buying my wife's 5 DVDs a month at Best Buy, destroying my Best Buy credit card, and writing them to tell them how their position on Digital Rights Management prompted me to take this action.
4. Telling everyone I know that cares to listen what I have done, and why I have done it -- not as some ego-trip, chest-beating proclamation, but as a quiet, "this is what I believe and why, and what I am doing about it" statement.
None of these things are earth-shattering, but they are things that I can do.
Re:Excellent Point (Score:2)
Re:Would you being willing to Vote Geek? (Score:2, Informative)
I'm an NRA member BTW.
The NRA has 7 million people that fork over money, they are thus a powerful organization that uses that money to advertise and influence the local, state and national elected officals.
All the stories in Time and Newsweek and sigs on Slashdot about things like the Copyright Bill and the DMCA don't get the attention of people like the buzz of a large political organization IMO.
I might join an Organization that is a Tech PAC. And even pay money.
A link to the "manifesto" (Score:2, Informative)
Vote with your
Only Half!!! (Score:2)
They do talk about providing money to candidtates that help. But, there is more than just money.
People can question the bad candidates about their position and publically humiliate them.
People can use the web to expose the i>bad candidates.
And the carrot would be the publicity and assitance for the good candidtates. Money helps, but it takes more.
I'm begging.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
I feel dirty.
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
definitely (Score:2)
Now "technology" on the other hand is a word whose meaning is mostly understood by the general public (even if the technology itself usually isn't...).
Re:definitely (Score:2)
Re:definitely (Score:3, Insightful)
The answer to that question seems pretty obvious. The IT industry is getting pushed around because it isn't pushing back. Unfortunately, GeekPAC's proposed approach promises to continue that sorry trend."
Re:definitely (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
Senator Disney.
Read the following quote what we are going to do with him, all else is irrelevant:
When the National Rifle Association, or the Christian Coalition or Emily's List, for that matter, want action on an issue, the strategists behind those well-run groups usually pick a smart fight with one or more of their key opponents. They target their resources to just those specific races, sometimes to just one race. Rather than give 200 politicians $1,000 each, the savviest PACs instead will spend $200,000 or more kicking the bejesus out of just one single office holder.
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:5, Insightful)
The person whose cage we should be rattling is in California. Dianne Feinstein. I'm a Democrat, yet I don't vote for her. She's generally vulnerable on civil liberties issues. If we could threaten her seat, it would make a lot of people sit up and take notice.
Right. Let's make an example of someone (Score:3, Informative)
That's damn right. From 1997 to 2002, she raised $22,750 from Disney (4th contributor) and $18,100 from AOLTW (7th contributor). I think GeekPAC can raise much more than that. And throwing that money on his opponent would be a good complement to grassroot actions (grin). I don't like senators to be for sale, but so it is. Then why not just buy them ?
disclaimer: I sent my check to GeekPAC two days ago, and I'm not even an american citizen. So what are you waiting for ?
Re:Right. Let's make an example of someone (Score:2, Informative)
Dude, major illegality there. They'll send it back, because GeekPAC can't take your money.
His constituancy (Score:3, Insightful)
Perhaps he should move there and represent them.
Entertainment industry rules Myrtle Beach... (Score:2)
The problem isn't the lack of the right demographic, it's still just too much of the wrong kind of money. In case you haven't noticed, Myrtle Beach is like Vegas by the Sea without the gambling- bought and and built by the entertainment industry. From the House of Blues to Broadway at the Beach, they're all there. Myrtle Beach is fast eclipsing Columbia and Charleston as SC's major metropolis. If it's not the fastest growing city in the country, it's certainly one of them. There's big, big money there, and much more on the way- and it's all enemy money.
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
So much for moderating this thread...oh well...
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
Personally, I believe that a Campbell would probably switch to the Dems once elected.
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:3, Insightful)
I think the first thing we've got do do is to change our election system to something else where people can really vote their conscience instead of people voting such that "their vote can count".
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
Campbell looked to be the best bet to unseat Feinstein. Especially compared to who they ran against her the time before... Herschenson... Feh!
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
Now I can say look mom I learned someting in high school...I learned how to be a BULLY
Re:I'm begging.... (Score:2)
Why not the "Geek Lobby"? If you look around society recently, you'll find that "geek" no longer has the negative connotations that it use to. Take, for example, Comedy Centrals boring game show "Beat the Geeks" (which should be called Pop-culture Trivia Extravaganza, I mean seriously, a South Park geek? C'mon... but I digress). The "geeks" are recognized as the experts they are. And aren't ridiculed. Call it Geek Pride, call it a social movement towards a technocratic society, but there's nothing wrong these days with the word "Geek". Be proud of what you are. Embrace your trackball. Tell your friends how quickly you reached the karma cap on slashdot. Go out into the sun with your pasty-white arms raised on high and cry out to the world "I AM GEEK...WATCH ME CODE". And let the world tremble...for we are coming.
please (Score:2, Insightful)
"Geek" is just not a good word to describe this. Slashdot users use that word so often they forget *it means something totally different in the real world*. On slashdot, "geek" means "a person of an intellectual bent who is interested in science or computer esoterica, and open to internet subculture." That's JUST to slashdotters. To EVERYONE ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE, geek means "geek". You know, a perjorative term for a person who thinks they're really intelligent but has no social skills.
This is a problem becuase the point of a geek lobby, or of the GeekPAC that they had those stories on a couple weeks ago, is to communicate to people who don't read slashdot and don't know what "source code" is and don't know what the slashdot definition of "geek" is. Thus, if a geek lobby cannot figure out how to communicate with "the norms" in their own language, it becomes absolutely pointless. Can ANYONE come up with a better name for this? Even "open source lobby" would be better, even though it doesn't quite cover the issues at hand, because it doesn't sound so.. geeky.
"Open Computing Lobby"?
"Computer End-user Forum"?
"Copyright Fair Use PAC"?
"Americans for Consumer Freedom"?
It doesn't matter. All i know is that in my dictionary, "geek" is defined as "a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake". This is not how i want my political views being presented to society at large.
Re:please (Score:2)
Put your $$$ to work for your rights (Score:5, Insightful)
If even 5% of the geeks who are appalled by the SSSCA/CBDTPA sent a small check to Disney's opponent, we could turn the election. If we include a quick note explaining the contribution, our message will be loud and clear. Formal lobbying groups, public education campaigns, and all the other trappings are nice to have, but the fundamental force comes from lots of people putting their money where their hearts are.
I think one key, however, is that Hollings must be vulnerable. If he has a token opponent, we should focus on someone else - key word being "one". Sending money to the opposing party, or to several candidates won't cut it at our level. Our pockets aren't deep enough, and we don't have enough of them.
Re:Put your $$$ to work for your rights (Score:2)
Finally, a realist. (Score:4, Interesting)
"These hippy anarchists, aren't even from your district. Yet they want to dictate to the good people of N. Carolina who you should vote for. They want to allow dirty thieves to steal movies and games from struggling artists, bankrupting them, and stealing from you in the long run. We can't tell you to do anything illegal, but by god, if we ever see them on the street alone at night..."
Remember folks, if you pick on one of Hollywood's bought and paid for politicians, you are **picking on Hollywood**. There is no way that we could ever do political ads that are as slick, as decietful, and unfortunately, as effective as they could. They'd have Cher saying how she supports Senator Asswad, and we'd have some finnish geek saying something that Joe Sixpack doesn't understand, in an accent that annoys him.
The system is broken, and can't fix itself. No matter how much we help it from the inside.
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
Has it saved them? No. They're being ground down into dust, a year, a decade at a time. No candidate openly supports them, and when such a candidate finds a way of abandoning them without too much backlash, he does so.
The other candidate, if he is on our side, is too closely associated with the PAC, for it to matter. If he isn't on our side, then he'll distance himself. In which case, we just blew several hundred thousand dollars just to look like freaks and losers, on regional TV. If you are gonna waste $250,000, you should at least have one hell of a booze/liquor party to show for it, you know.
It really is an unwinnable fight.
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:4, Insightful)
A single election here and there means nothing, when the sheer weight of all the rest add up over the years. And as I pointed out, you actually have a specific enumerated constitutional right on your side. Computer geeks don't have that.
Think about it this way, it applies to both situations. Even now, children are being taught, both directly, and indirectly how evil guns are, in school. Sure, you can teach them differently, and even though you may be correct in doing so, it pushes you to the fringe. The little kid goes into class, telling everyone how his daddy says that gun control is wrong, even unconstitutional. It pushes him to the fringe. Either he stops believing what daddy has told him (NRA loses), or he continues to believe it, the slightest bit more fanatical and at the fringes, than he was before (NRA loses). Lather, rinse, repeat. And it's a cumulative effect. As a whole, this nation distrusts guns, and trusts implicitly the politicians that tell them we need to ban guns. Have you ever been labeled a gun nut? If not, start telling people what you believe, that you're a card carrying NRA member. See if it doesn't happen. Of course, you could remain quiet. But then how does it help the cause?
Oh, and don't worry. The next step, is for them to demonize even those of you that have the sense to stay below the radar. In the next 10 years, expect gun control PR to suggest that you are all terrorists waiting to happen, simply because you believe these things, but are so secretive about it. That is, after all, the behavior of a terrorist mole, is it not? You're probably waiting for your chance to do another Okie City, is what. So, even staying quiet won't be a safe strategy.
My god, don't believe me if you don't want. But at least see that there is truth in this. Hell, tell your other NRA members... let them know about this. Maybe there is a strategy to combat this, but only if you start soon. I look at the chessboard, and I see that you're all about 6 moves from being checkmated.
Us computer geeks... well, we don't even have guns to shoot back with.
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
Hmm. If there was even a long shot at winning, and being able to do something, that might be a sacrifice I would make.
There is no chance. Could I trust someone else to do it for me? No. Corruption and indoctrination are far too widespread, to trust someone else not to sell out.
But would anyone ever vote for me? Hell no. I have real opinions. People don't vote for that. I see the real problems, and sometimes I even have real solutions. No votes there either. But, just for the sake of the argument, imagine that I win, by some miracle. Maybe 1 million people accidentally vote for me due to some ballot misdesign.
What then? Well, assume that I'm a senator, one of 100. I either have to join a party, and kowtow to the party line, or be ignored. Sure, I can cast a few token dissenting votes, that
The system can't fix itself. Historically, in cases where the system is broken like this, people move somewhere else, and start their own. Sometimes, they have trouble cutting the necrotic umbilical cord, but when they do, things are better for awhile. Until they turn into what it was that they ran from.
There is no place left to run. Maybe to the stars, but how many thousand years before we're capable of that?
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
That isn't possible today, not by far. My opinions are echoed by too many hear, for it to have not made public view. Unless, as I believe, there is something massive blocking it. I'll leave that as an exercise in cynicism for you, to decide just what the obstacle is.
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
Joe Sixpack doesn't care. They sliced up the airwaves, and he didn't bat an eyelash. The airwaves used to be what the internet is today. There are other examples, but this kind of discussion just depresses me.
No, I'm not a defeatist. I'm waiting for my moment to strike back (Note: Dear FBI, I'm not a terrorist, you fucktwit. This is *metaphor*). I doubt that I can do it, but there might be a technology, that would throw off the corporate yoke and refuse to ever wear it again. Time will tell.
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
However, companies like Philips are very pissed off about laws that are aimed at wrecking their hardware market. Once a lobby is in place and has proven it is well-run and potentially effective, you'll get plenty of corporate sponsorship. As it said in the article:
"They also wonder out loud why the $600 billion-a-year information-technology sector is letting itself get pushed around by the $20 billion-a-year entertainment industry."
Is it a good thing that in many efforts, the lobby will have to cater toward the corporation that is giving the most money? No, but it's a hell of a lot better than DMCA+.
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
Phillips doesn't want this *now*. Because it will wreck their hardware market *now*.
This means, not that they are against DRM in principle... corporations have no principles. It means that not only will they not profit, but they'll lose money, if it happens *now*. Give them 24 months, and they'll figure out a way to profit from it. I wouldn't be shocked if the MPAA and RIAA literally bribed them. Some sort of DRM service fee.
The balance will change, and when it does, they'll be allied against us. If a anti-Hollywood PAC has not chance, what happens to our odds when the IT bigwigs are against us too?
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
Rip. Mix. Burn.
"Piracy is *the* killer app."
And it will remain the killer app. as long as the IP laws remain so draconianly skewed.
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
For them, the killer app would be a small cut of the fees involved in DRM. Profit margins on "piracy" hardware are razor thin. Not to butcher a cliche, but if they had a nickel for every time someone pirated an MP3...
Christ. I wish people could understand, this is important. Trust Slashdot to turn this into the world's biggest masturbation festival. "Oh no, they'd never do that. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*"
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
Re:Finally, a realist. (Score:2)
That wasn't the war, that was a battle. And the hollywood machine was more than willing to sacrifice some scout troops, to get a better feel for the battlefield.
You're right, for now. Joe Sixpack doesn't care... that's what the ads are for. Maybe they'll have to temporarily soften the actual technical measures, long enough for the system to become entrenched. But lie to Joe, tell him movies will only get more expensive, unless he does something to stop it. Tell him that something is voting, for Sen. Asswad. Tell him he'll still be able to watch the movies he pays for, and that they'll only get cheaper if he votes correctly. Hell, Joe won't care that he'll never be able to do his own home movies, or write fan fiction.
We have no upper hands, in any respect. If you want any chance of winning, remember that first and foremost. I want to win, but it's far from sure, hell, it is impossible odds. I don't make it worse, by denying the truth of that, like some do.
Another tip. We have to somehow fight this in a way that no one has ever fought a conflict before. If we think we can fight the battles they have set us up to fight, and win, then we're screwed. And there is no better example of that, than the cliched "playing the system".
If you want ideas, I'll help. If you want more than that, I may possibly be persuaded. But if you're on my team, I can't help but have a lousy nervous feeling, that we are utterly fucked.
Emphatically Yes! (Score:5, Insightful)
Do It ! Please !
You would be amazed how good political muscle can work if applied this way.
Just take someone and (politically) string him up! And don't take Hollings - as much tempting he is as a target he's far east of seventy and probably doesn't need (or even maybe doesnt seek) another term in the Senate. Take one of his allies instead. Get one who's prominent enough to be associated with Hollings' legislation, one who is young enough to loose something when booted out of Congress (The Never Come Back), but too old already to just shrug it off and do something else. Preferably have him (or her) squeal all over the place.
In short, inflict maximum pain. Make the guy (or the lady) an example.
It's an old principle of Germanic Law: Justice has to be seen.
Re:Emphatically Yes! (Score:2)
Like I pointed out in a similar discussion, the geek approach won't work, because geeks don't know how the system works. What WOULD work is hiring experienced lobbyists, who know all the rules and all the inside tricks.
Just like the NRA? (Score:4, Funny)
Perhaps this is the key.
Under some circumstances, exported computers are classified as munitions. Can't we simply apply the Second Amendment to assure our freedom to use computers as we see fit?
Preemptive post... (Score:2, Insightful)
Insert obvious anthrax analysis here.
There, now that all of that is out of the way, please continue with other more lucid points.
Can't send real letters? Coincidence? (Score:2)
Scare came along to make our elected representatives afraid to open mail from their constituents
at the very time their kneejerk reaction would be to attack our liberties in the name of National Security?
Fight Wide Posts! Put in your own line breaks. The <br> tag is your friend.
Re:Preemptive post... (Score:2)
2002 targets (Score:5, Informative)
Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska.
They are the highest profile supporters of SSSCA who are facing election in 2002.
Re:2002 targets (Score:2)
Loosing our pork-barrel-power would decimate our economy. Worse than that, actually; I'm pretty sure that the Federal $s are more than 10% of the economy here. Stevens is always the first to point out that WHOEVER replaces him won't be able to bring home the bacon as effectively for many years.
He is also a master at appealing to Alaskan voters. He knows how to fool enough of the people enough of the time, and there are plenty of single issue voters whose buttons he can push reliably.
Re:2002 targets (Score:2)
Re:2002 targets (Score:3, Informative)
Schiff [opensecrets.org] is a more interesting possibility. He's a rookie representative, just come from the state senate. He won in 2000 largely by spending possibly more than anyone in US history on a House of Representatives election ($10 Million (search for Schiff) [ajc.org]). It's hard to say if he has a safe seat or not, since it's a new seat created by redistricting. Oh, and if you want another reason to dislike him, the guy he defeated went on to be chief of everyone's favourite gov't agency, The US patent office. [stlcu.com] It looks like Schiff will be facing Jim Scileppi [attbi.com], although you have to be skeptical of a political site hosted at attbi.com.
Vote Geek? (Score:2, Interesting)
Until the bigger issues are addressed, these concerns are always going to crop up in a public that has been taught to buy into the unexamined idea of corporate priviledge since birth.
Re:Vote Geek? (Score:2)
I grew up in the age of the Alien saga and grunge. No love of corporations there!
As for capitalism? How is intellectual property a capitalistic tool? I'd figure government getting involved and creating monopolies of any kind (even copyright/patent) would be the opposite of capitalism.
Making Points Count (Score:5, Interesting)
Everyone and their brother has free speech as an issue.
What "geeks" need right now is to know how to make a point about the fact that:
Re:Making Points Count (Score:2)
And that's the last thing I need.
Benjamin Coates
P.S. If you can't compete with the foreigners, it's time to get a new job.
Re:Making Points Count (Score:2)
Re:Making Points Count (Score:2)
The problem with this (Score:3, Insightful)
There is NO WAY IN HELL you can get geeks,dweebs,nerds and spaz's to agree on anything. Hell when it comes down to the wire the bulk of us are too damned lazy to even write a letter to our congressperson or a letter to the editor, let alone become an activist.
and then you try and get geeks to pay dues... Hell they wont pay for a slashdot subscription (Me included) what makes anyone believe that anyone would pay the $150.00 a year dues that would be required?
I agreee... How about Vote Republican? (Score:2)
But, Don't vote for the party, don't vote for some idiot's political ambition. Vote for what is right, for what is good, not just for your self, but for us all.
Campaign finance reform (Score:5, Insightful)
Get the special interest groups out of Washington!
If GeekPAC were to target a single Senator for removal with political adverstising, like the columnist suggests, it would violate the 60-day rule in the new laws.
Maybe those anti-Campaign Finance Reform people whining about free speech had a point after all. How does it feel to be a special interest?
Re:Campaign finance reform (Score:2)
The deadline is to prevent last moment "non-campaign" ads from special interest groups after the candidate has run out of money...
Senator Disney (Score:3, Funny)
The medium..... (Score:2, Insightful)
The answer to that question seems pretty obvious. The IT industry is getting pushed around because it isn't pushing back."
That's such a ridiculous answer. It isn't even an answer and more of a cop out. It's like saying X is getting beat up by Y because X isn't fighting back. It's not stating why this could and is happening.
Who imposes greater control over people? Computers or the actual medium (entertainment industry)? Computers are the messenger, but it's the message that people are affected by, and why the entertainment industry is a much more important asset. This is how the people are influenced and controlled.
A good book to read (if you haven't) is "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky and ___.
And as a side note, I think today happens to be the first day of TV Turn off week: http://www.adbusters.org
Re:The medium..... (Score:2)
I'm sorry, but i've yet to see a recommendation for this book that didn't come off as terribly conceited... "The media controls everything everyone thinks! Well, not everyone, just, you know, everyone else..."
Seriously, if the media mind control works that well, why doesn't it work on you?
Benjamin Coates
Change in Constitution (Score:3, Interesting)
Current state:
1. Physically shouting at people - Free Speech.i s+wooly+mammoth) - not necessarily Free Speech.
2. Talking over the Phone - Free Speech (correct me if I'm wrong)?
3. IM, IRC, email - in dispute
4. Website links - apparently Free Speech (but see 5. wtf?)
5. Links to sites local+offshore sites breaching laws e.g. DMCA(DeCSS), child porno, goatse.cx deep-linking-to-acertain-JPG (any deep links), Al-Qaeda Jihad Manual of Terror
6. cgi links (e.g. google.com/cgi-bin&query=slashdot+foo+CowboyNeal+
4. Code C++, Java - NOT Free Speech, they are direct/indirect instructions to CPU to perform data manipulations.
6. Books? If books are Free Speech, then what if that book is typed on a computer, is it then not free speech? Under 3,4,5,6 it might no longer be. If what you type on a computer is Free Speech, then great. But what about typing C++, why is that not free speech then? What is the difference then between writing a book in English, and speech recognition? If I use voice recognition to code C++ then my Free Speech is protected, but when does it suddenly become "computer instructions" and therefore DMCA-protected? Can heavily commented code pass off as English and therefore be Free Speech protected?
Re:Change in Constitution (Score:2)
4. Code C++, Java - NOT Free Speech, they are direct/indirect instructions to CPU to perform data manipulations.
I've been wondering, if source code is not expressive, how can it be copyrightable? I'm not even talking about object code, which is blatantly not anything that a human can understand. How is it that source even falls under copyright law if it is not 'speech'?
Voting records (Score:5, Interesting)
Does anyone keep just lists of the Bills, voting records, etc. on these issues? Opensecrets.org [opensecrets.org] does this for their issues, and Common Cause [commoncause.org] publicizes voting record for their issues, but I haven't seen anything like this for Geek issues.
Perhaps the EFF would do something like this, but I didn't find it on their Web site. Well, they are probably open to suggestions, especially with a contribution in the envelope!
Re:Voting records (Score:5, Informative)
Congress - Office of Clerk Roll Call Votes [house.gov]
Re:Voting records (Score:5, Informative)
They also send out a questionnaire to all candidates which includes questions on tech policy. In fact the policy questions are pointed enough that the political parties were telling their candidates to not cooperate last election with Project Vote Smart. It's easier to waffle on issues when you are as amorphous as pankcake batter.
Ooooh yes, it works: AIPAC example (Score:3, Interesting)
Funny, I was just watching TV when I came accross that post. The AIPAC is dining and wining Washington's political elite at the Hilton tonight and various pols are brownnosing their generous sponsor so hard they are growing warts on their nose.
(Note for non-US readers: AIPAC is the pro-Israel lobby dropping millions of soft-money every year onto grateful Congresscritters to influence the US foreign policy.)
The AIPAC is one of the most efficient lobbies in the world. I think we geeks should find inspiration in its mode of operation:
And you know what? It WORKS. Nobody in their right mind ever speaks against AIPAC in Washington.
Carrots and big sticks. That's the way to deal with Congress. Collateral damages include democracy and ethics, but nobody said politics was pretty.
If we want to nip the SSSCA insanity in the bud, we geeks have to forget about the artificial political divisions and make sure Mickey Hollings gets his testicles shoved up his big mouth at the next election. Whether his adversary is Ralph Nader or Rush Limbaugh is irrelevant, Hollings has to get his fat ass kicked and painted with "who's next?" in day-glow paint.
If we don't do that, we developers might as well try to find a job as a data entry clerk at the MPAA's headquaters, because life as a software creator is going to suck.
GeekPac and The American Open Technology... (Score:2)
Visit the GeekPac [thelinuxshow.com] homepage on the Linux Show. Right now it appears they can only accept pledges, as they are not yet legally setup to solict funds. They have both memberships and donations.
From the website:
GeekPAC is the second proposed entity and is intended as a funding channel to directly affect the outcome of elections and legislation. The actions of GeekPAC will include (but not be limited to) the purchase of political advertising that may impact the outcome of elections or legislation and direct lobbying to congress, including the hiring of lobbyists to represent members. Further actions may include contributing directly to political campaigns of people seeking local, state or national office. GeekPAC will be a registered Political Action Committee (PAC). Under McCann-Feingold, GeekPAC will not be able to accept donations from businesses or foreign nationals. Contributions will not be tax-deductible.
2000 could have been a great example (Score:4, Interesting)
Since Feinstein's up in 2006, I'd volunteer Boxer in 2004. There's plenty of time, she's in favor of the Hollings bill, and she's a perrenially weak candidate. If the California Republicans would re-run Campbell, or someone else similar from Silicon Valley, it's be a great way of getting our voices heard.
Is there a similarly weak Republican?
Learning from Granny and Joe six-shooter. (Score:2)
When power is evenly split, as it is now, coalition politics come to the fore and relatively small groups -- if focused -- can make big gains.
This is where the NRA and AARP shine. They know how to focus on the issues that matter to them. As it stands today, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have demonstrated any particular warmth to digital rights issues. Carefully targetted efforts that endanger the balance of power could generate major wins.
Remember: all of those dollars that corporations spend aren't powerful because they're dollars, but because they help to generate votes, which politicians need if they are to retain power. Well-focused and well-targetted campaigns can get attention all out of proportion to the resources involved if they will be backed up by people going to the polls.
That will be the real trick, given the basic cynicism of so many in the techi spectrum.
Hollings & Microsoft? (Score:2)
As far as I know, the content restriction method is not developed yet (one of the huge gaping problems with the legislation).
We've got it right here.. (Score:3, Insightful)
As corny as that sounds, look at what we're facing. The DMCA, the SSSCA, they exist for one reason: money. Being elected is a great way to get rich quickly, so these people will do anything they have to to ensure they're re-elected. Attacking people like Hollings with a million dollar+ annual budget would certainly make a point. The Senator from Disney would have one heck of a time getting elected if negative adds were running non-stop for the last few weeks before the next election. When you can take down the big boys, the small fish learn quickly to sit down and shut up, and do as they're told.
With all the high tech people that are out of work right now, I'm sure some must be reading this who have some sort of campaign/government experience who can set this up. Show me a responsible, organized effort to put a PAC together and I'll not only join and donate, I'll do everything I can to make sure other people do as well.
Welcome to the losing team (Score:5, Insightful)
Plotkin is right - the scheme of spraying small amounts of money around randomly is not going to work. As he points out, the winning strategy is deterrence - we make an example of one legislator, and thereby get the attention of the rest.
Ever watch a movie and find yourself wanting the bad guy to win, just because the good guy was such an ass? That's how I'm starting to feel about this "geeks vs. entertainment industry" war. I think I first felt this when geeks were protesting something (maybe the Microsoft EULA?) and a few of them showed up in Star Wars costumes. Naturally, that's what the media covered. This "GeekPAC" looks like a great way to shoot ourselves in the foot more publicly and more expensively than usual. These guys are about as competent to wage a political battle as the average lobbyist would be to admin a farm of web servers.
The core idea is sound, of course. If computing is going to survive, we have to start paying tribute to Congress. It's that simple. Doctors pay $700 a year to the AMA, essentially to ward of legislation that would destroy their profession.
I hope that the inevitable humiliating failure of this "GeekPAC" will not discourage geeks from seeking political representation.
Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain (Score:3, Insightful)
What's sad is that the bought and paid for nature of government in America is such an accepted fact nowadays. Apparently we finally woke up and smelled the coffee, but then all we did was order biscotti to go with it. Plotkin is suggesting throwing it right in some senator's face instead, and I think that's a hell of a good idea. I hope somebody at GeekPAC is listening to him.
Take one out (Score:3, Insightful)
Instead, to stem the tide, GeekPAC, or some other similar organization, needs to make an example out of someone in Congress, and do it quick. When the National Rifle Association, or the Christian Coalition or Emily's List, for that matter, want action on an issue, the strategists behind those well-run groups usually pick a smart fight with one or more of their key opponents. They target their resources to just those specific races, sometimes to just one race. Rather than give 200 politicians $1,000 each, the savviest PACs instead will spend $200,000 or more kicking the bejesus out of just one single office holder.
I say Diane Feinstein. She'd be a great one to be made an example because she's thought of as such a leader in Congress on this stuff.
Re:"Online Privacy" (Score:2, Insightful)
Yes, I do. Go back and re-read your US Constitution. Pay particular attention to 9th Amendment. The right to privacy has long been understood to be one of the unenumerated rights.
Re:"Online Privacy" (Score:3, Insightful)
The Ninth Amendment [usconstitution.net] has to be the most underrated and most ignored by Congress (though the 10th comes close) Amendment that there is.
Laymans Terms:
Ninth Amendment: "We listed some rights explicitly. Even if we forgot to talk about the others, you've still got them."
Tenth Amendment: "If we didn't say the Feds could do something, then they can't. The States and the People can."
Re:"Online Privacy" (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Seriously? (Score:2)
Re:BackLog (Score:2)
Re:BackLog (Score:2)
Re:Finally (Score:2)
Re:Finally (Score:2)
Re:Finally (Score:2)
the best i could find with a quick google has the VPC (violence policy center, basically and anti-NRA group) saying this [vpc.org]:
(eddie eagle program is the NRA's gun safety project for children, or as the VPC calls it, "Joe Camel with feathers")
Which makes it seem that the NRA claims to not accept donations from the gun industry at all (although i can't find an NRA quote to that effect). That actually makes sense since the NRA's hard-line stance on gun regulation actually puts it up against gun manufacturers who would like to reach a compromise with the government in order to preserve their contracts with the biggest weapon buyer of them all, the US government.
I wonder what the operating budget of the NRA is. Anybody have an idea?
this: [appcpenn.org]
Benjamin Coates
Two words: Jack Brooks. (Score:3, Informative)
And then came along the 1994 Crime bill. In case you don't remember this bill, this was the infamous bill that banned "assualt weapons" without a good definition of what an assualt weapon was and banned gun magazines over 10 rounds. It barely passed, but passed nonetheless.
Jack Brooks onveniently forgot who brought him to the dance and who kept him there. He voted against the bill, even though many of his constituents were either directly NRA members or sympathetic to the cause. He did not serve another term. Though no one directly said it, it was considered general knowledge that his vote on the crime bill was the critical issue.
Re:Two words: Jack Brooks. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Just question (Score:2)
The day you here a Libertarian saying that they want a regulation is the day I find a new party..