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California Governor to Ask for Broader Wiretaps 19

koganuts writes: "According to The Los Angeles Times, California governor Gray Davis '...is calling for expanded authority to wiretap Californians' phones and e-mail in the name of protecting against terrorism.' 'Nuff said."
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California Governor to Ask for Broader Wiretaps

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  • by digitalmuse ( 147154 ) on Wednesday January 09, 2002 @10:19AM (#2809406)
    Well, am I the only one who's bowels clench at the sound of this? Does this mean that e-mails that get routed through California-based servers will be subject to this? What about California residents who have mail servers in different states... their mail 'originates' in the sunny fascist state of CA, but it doesn't get stored there. How about California residents who send e-mail while outside of their home state.
    I can only hope that a massive influx of hard, direct questions to the office of the Governor of California - Gray Davis [mailto](governor@governor.ca.gov) that this is unacceptable to the people of his constituency.
    The /. crowd is fairly militant and reactionary over these issues, but I for one am going to try and do a little more than normal about this. Time to draft an e-mail to all my family members who live in California and see if I can get a few of them to take action on this.
    It would also be grand if someone could post a link to (or transcript of) the governor's State of the State speech tonight.
    If anyone else is aware of grassroot groups that are actively and positively working on raising the public's awareness to this kind of knee-jerk violation of our rights, please post applicable links here, and see what we can do to keep this getting any worse.
  • by jeffy124 ( 453342 ) on Wednesday January 09, 2002 @11:05AM (#2809700) Homepage Journal
    After reading the article (gasp!), Governer Davis wants state and local police to be able to do roving phone taps, something the FBI got in the Patriot Act. He also wants to give state/local police ability to tap email.

    But like any other wire tap, all this still requires judge's approval and authroization. Hence, I dont see the big deal. On top of this, the article states that there were only 88 approved warrants for wiretaps in the year 2000 in CA, so it's not like wiretaps are a big thing for state and local police in CA, especially when you consider the size and population of CA.
    • the Patriot Act has a four year sunset, since it was indended to deal with terorists associtated with the current "war".

      Davis has not made any comment about this, and has not even suggested that the "war" is the reason. So in effect he is asking for more than the feds have (or at least will (hopefully) have in 4 years).
  • Argh! (Score:4, Funny)

    by RareHeintz ( 244414 ) on Wednesday January 09, 2002 @12:37PM (#2810407) Homepage Journal
    Must... not... become... anti-governement conspiracy theorist... ARGH!

    I gotta say, though, that when both Democrats AND Republicans throw civil liberties out the window, I have to wonder if the Illuminati aren't involved...

    - B

    • Better yet, Mr. Governor Davis will be looking for the Democrats' nomination to run for President in '04. You can bet that "strong on terrorism, supports your local police" will be big on his political resume.
    • that when both Democrats AND Republicans throw civil liberties out the window, I have to wonder if the Illuminati aren't involved...

      When lots of people all work towards something rotten like this, there's two possibilities...

      Either there's a conspiracy of a few evil people behind it, or...

      You need to lower your oppinion of people in general.

      Occam's razor baby!

  • nuff said... hmm maybe not..

    I guess if you are arab in this country or look arab your under suspicion now. Guess we didn't learn from WWII and how we treated the Japanese or asian looking people. This treatment of arabs should frighten all but the whitest of people as this IS racial profiling in the US and it is leading to racial descrimination.

    Jews, african americans, arabs, hispanics, all look like arab / muslems. A friend of mine is Jewsih and he was profiled at the airport, and made to take off his shoes. He then had his luggage lots for several days. He was lucky cause he got his luggage back after a few days.

    I just wonder how they are going to know who to tap? Or are they going to do random phone tapping. Or tap people just cause they can?

    Molder was right, "Trust no one!".....

  • by wberry ( 549228 ) on Wednesday January 09, 2002 @04:01PM (#2812082) Homepage

    The ACLU's Web site details its opposition to expanded surveillance authority in the Patriot Act. The new federal law lowers the standard for obtaining wiretap authority, the site says, requiring judges to rubber-stamp any request law-enforcement deems "relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation."

    And, it says, the law extends "this low threshold of proof to Internet communications that are far more revealing than the numbers dialed to or from a telephone, and to portions of e-mail communications that cannot readily be separated from content."

    On its face, the law seems reasonable because a warrant is required. However, the judge is effectively forced by law to agree to the warrant. Therefore, it isn't a warrant at all. Even the word 'warrant' itself means that a search or seizure should be warranted, that is, justified. But even unjustified searches and seizures are allowed under the "Patriot Act" if prosecutors invoke the magic word 'terrorism'.

    This is why I wrote my checks to the ACLU and the EFF on September 20th. I was afraid that things like this would happen. Sometimes it is good to be wrong.

    And another thing about these "pen-register" taps on Internet transmissions. If the police investigating you get a list of phone numbers, they know who you've been calling and that's it. If they have a warrant (a real one) that's a very reasonable search IMO. I think it would also be reasonable if, under terms of a search warrant, law enforcement could obtain a trace of all your DNS traffic. But if they get a full URL history they know everything there is to know (except HTTP POST data and cookies)!

    Have you ever really examined your browser history? Not the stuff on the pulldown tab, the stuff in the unadvertised 2 meg file buried deep in the browser directories. You will remember everything you ever read and did on the Internet if you see it. That is incredibly unreasonable IMO, especially when it is seized under a "Patriot Act" un-warrant.

  • Well, I suppose this is just another little file on the stack of ways that Davis has erroded the rights of Californians. Thanks to Davis, the state has many spotted and questionable human and criminal rights laws, including the Three Strikes program and a law mandating adult court cases and sentencing for individuals over the age of 12 who commit felonies.

    Y'know, I just have to put this here:
    "I am governor Jerry Brown
    My aura smiles and never frowns
    Soon I will be president

    Carter power will soon go away
    I will be Fuhrer one day
    I will command all of you
    Your kids will meditate in school

    California uber alles
    Uber alles California

    Zen Fascists will control you
    One hundred percent natural
    You will jog for the master race
    and always wear the happy face

    Close your eyes, can't happen here
    Big Bro' on white horse is near
    The hippies won't come back you say
    Mellow out or you will pay

    Now it is 1984
    Knock Knock on your front door
    It's the seude denim police
    They've come for your uncool niece

    Come quietly to the camp
    You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
    Don't worry, it's only a shower
    For your clothes here's a pretty flower

    Die on organic poison gas
    Serpent's egg is already hatched
    You will crack, you little clown
    When you mess with president Brown." - Dead Kennedys, 'California Uber Alles'

    Too bad 'President Davis' doesn't rhyme with it.
    • When you mess with president Brown." - Dead Kennedys, 'California Uber Alles'
      Too bad 'President Davis' doesn't rhyme with it.

      It rhymes well enough. They did a version of the song for Reagan. I think it was on "In God We Trust, Inc." Anyway, "Davis" rhymes well enough with "Reagan" for bad slashdot punk filk purposes.

  • The States Attorney in Maryland has asked for roving wiretap authority, too. Our excuse is to fight drug dealers. The SA's office said that the state law enforcement bodies haven't been able to keep up with technology.

    So how effective are wiretaps in prosecutions? In how many convictions were wiretaps essential evidence?
  • Somebody please explain how reading emails, or using carnivore, or putting in backdoors will stop terrorists communicating by other means e.g. personal contact, courier and steganography.

    They will HAVE TO - or get caught.

    Government say about surveillance - "you've nothing to fear - if you are not breaking the law"

    This argument is made to pressure people into acquiesce - else appear guilty of hiding something.

    It does not address the real reason, why they want this information - they want a surveillance society.

    They wish to invade your basic human right to privacy.

    This is like having somebody watching everything you do - all your thoughts, hopes and fears will be open to them.

    All your finances for them to scrutinize - heaven help you if you cannot account for every cent when they check on your taxes.

    Do not believe the lies of Government - this bull* will not protect you from terrorists.

    Incidentally, the United States Department of Commerce and the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization know the solution to domain name and trademark problems.

    You will find it at WIPO.org.uk [wipo.org.uk].

"Sometimes insanity is the only alternative" -- button at a Science Fiction convention.
