Microchips For Human Implantation As ID 450
securitas writes: "Reuters is carrying this story about Applied Digital's VeriChip -- a subcutaneous microchip (like the ones they use to tag pets, livestock and wildlife) used as ID for humans. They are radio-activated and would initially be used to store and transmit medical data via the Internet. They will be also used as tracking beacons and personal ID according to a company exec. The launch will be in Europe and South America. The company has made an FDA application and the FCC has already licensed airwaves for a similar device." We've mentioned this company's "Digital Angel" before, but there's an understandable sudden interest in such tracking technologies.
Awesome (Score:2, Funny)
Big Brother cheers (Score:3, Insightful)
If it was a short range device that you would literally need to be within a few centimetres then it would be ok.
If it was a long range device (of satallite tracking ilk) then governments would be able to track criminals, and people who can't help themselves (eg. elderly people). But they could also put it on say a political foe.
It is good with certain limitations.
Re:Big Brother cheers (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Big Brother cheers (Score:2, Informative)
As for international tracking:
1) A terrorist isn't going to line up to have a beacon implanted in them.
2) A terrorist is going to be in line to get it removed.
Re:Its not going to work (Score:2, Interesting)
During the 70's Europe suffered from many terrorist attacks from diverse groups such as the German RAF (Rote Armee Fraction), Carlos the Jackal and his group, right-wing extremists in Italy,... .
Now in almost every country in Europe, there already was a national id-card.
So according to your logic, this never could have happened.
But you should consider that these people had no problems travelling trough Europe because they had *grasp* false id-cards. On many occasions where one could apprehend these terrorists, they often found different fake ID-cards from different countries on them.
Nowadays you could say, we put them all in a large database and check that database everytime someone eg. checks in a plane, but how do you handle foreign ID-cards? I don't think that an international ID-card database will happen the first century.
Re:We didnt have the technology back thenn (Score:2, Insightful)
We don't have the technology now, nor are we ever likely to have such technology. The day Micro$oft can write software that doesn't crash, will be the day that this sort of technology will be reliable enough to trust in this sort of roll.
Not going to happen in our lifetimes (the reliablity bit, not the implants, that's a certainty).
Re:We didnt have the technology back thenn (Score:2)
The entire notion that knowing identity secures us is idiotic. So you know who someone is. Unless you can read his mind, predict his future actions, know the depth of his character through knowing his identity, I don't see that it does much. Freedom is too great a price for such imperfect security.
Re:We didnt have the technology back thenn (Score:2)
Re:Its not going to work (Score:3, Insightful)
So you think the terrorists will wait to receive an ID card, and ask to print "I am a terrorist" on it? National ID card is good to help FBI and the like to spy for locals (that is why it is "National"), but will fail short of helping fight terrorist.
Re:how would a terrorist GET an ID card? (Score:2)
Two words: Russian mafia. I understand their counterfeit currency is good enough to fool all but the experts.
The bottom line is that if they can manufacture it, so can they.
Also, money talks. How much does the guy who runs the ID machine make? Multiply it by 2, throw in a Summer home and death threats to anyone who squeals. Don't believe me? When they finally caught some of these guys who sold us out to the Soviets, it was usually for less than $1 million over the course of 10 years. That's a lot to you and me, but it's nothing to a government who wants to screw us over.
The only way to really prevent terrorism is good old fashion leg work, diplomacy, and military force. There is a time and place for each of these tactics.
So, Larry Elison and The Beast, go peddle your snake oil someplace else.
Re:Its not going to work (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
It won't be long before they are mandatory for all (Score:3, Insightful)
You're absolutely right! (Score:5, Interesting)
so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. -- Revelation 13:16-17
We now have technology to make that happen!
Re:You're absolutely right! (Score:2)
Armageddon could be delayed!
666 stood for the roman emperor Dioclecian. (Score:2)
The thing to realize about Revelation is that it was meant for the time in which it was written, not our time. Lamebrains and con men have been screaming "the sky is falling, the end times are nigh!!" and using revelation as the basis for almost 2000 years.
That being said I do think the idea of a tracking device that isn't something you can remove is a VERY bad idea. People have forgotten the concept of personal sovereignty and have fallen into the mindset that whatever rights or freedoms they posess are indulgences on the part of the government. If you believe that way then it becomes true. If however, you realize that no one has the right to hold power over you that you do not agree to, then the nature of things like this becomes very clear.
Re:666 stood for the roman emperor Dioclecian. (Score:2)
Well I wholeheartedly disagree with that. It was meant to ENCOURAGE the persecuted people in the time it was written, and it DID have specific messages for some of the churches (Rev 2 and 3).
However, the book was a DIVINE revelation of things that will happen at the end of the world. The encouragement is that we win!
Of course, you have to believe in God to believe that divine revelations are possible. But personally I've experienced at least one and heard of several others, and I've seen God do a lot of other really cool things, so I have no trouble at all believing that Revelation is exactly what it claims to be.
Re:You're absolutely right! (Score:2)
Haven't read Desecration yet. Will probably get it for Christmas.
Re:You're absolutely right! (Score:2, Insightful)
No generation before us would have had technology to do that, and that was my point.
There are an astounding number of other things, technologically and otherwise, that are required for the fulfillment of prophecy in Daniel and Revelation that are possible or practical for our generation and NO generation before us!
Please see this article for more info: The Signs of the Times [layhands.com]
Re:This ain't gonna happen in the US. (Score:2)
Of course if we were to lose our basic rights guaranteed by the Consititution, then all that goes out the window. Then there would be a reason to fight the government.
Re:This ain't gonna happen in the US. (Score:2)
Actually, to pick nits a bit - it was John (the Beloved) who wrote the book of Revelation, not Mark.
But you're entirely right about it not happening in the USA, at least not now. I'm sure the terrorism aspect wouldn't be the main problem, though - it would be the conservatives as a whole that would object. Even if they didn't manage to convince enough people it's a bad idea either though ethical or religious argument, there would be plenty of us who would opt for disobedience of any law requiring its use.
But back to the religious argument: there would be a mighty uproar, with at least 1/4 of the USA's citizens firmly believing that it's the mark of the beast - even if it doesn't go into your right hand or in your forehead.
Re:You're absolutely right! (Score:2)
Unless I'm mistaken, most of the time we point out that only a few Christians are really as loving, caring, etc. as they often claim. It can deflate people preaching at you pretty nicely.
Treating the common man like a common criminal provides us with neither liberty, nor security.
It's good to see that I'm not the only one who truly cares about this sort of thing. And you're right. Most of us aren't criminals, and we shouldn't be treated like it. By the way, if you'd like some of those bomb-making instuctions censors are always warning about, just read Steal This Book. [pieman.org]
radio tracking chips (Score:2, Funny)
or, as in the case of Total Recall, wrapping wet towels around our heads may get pretty popular.
Old news (Score:2, Informative)
Uh oh (Score:2)
On second thoughts, just go to The Reg [theregister.co.uk] and search for Captain Cyborg.
No one would accept this (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:No one would accept this (Score:3, Insightful)
First: Want to travel out of the country? "It'll curb terrorism." Then: Want to get a government job? "Well, the government has to know they aren't hiring spies and fanatics." Want student loans? "I don't want MY tax dollars going to someone who might be a terrorist or fanatic!"
And continuing... Want to travel on an airline? "It's for your own safety." Want to use public transportation? "It's for your own safety." Want to get a driver's license? "It's for your own safety."
Then they have everyone.
Re:No one would accept this Boo Hoo WAAAA!!!! (Score:2)
I was thinking more of East Germany's Stasi and the former USSR.
The reason it didn't work is because it took too much effort (and too much resources) to keep track of everyone - when half the population is part of the secret police, and the other half is watching out for them, nobody has time to get anything done.
By reducing the effort required to perform surveillance, we actually have the possibility of getting the security of the surveillance state, but without the collapse in efficiency that usually goes along with it.
All in all, that just might work.
6 lines of text (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:6 lines of text (Score:2)
Mighty big number which can easily be used as a key to a database, or worse off, a bit mask of things, such as: fellon, rapist, ethnicity, salary, nationality etc.. information that might be read by others for not so kosher reasons.
I dunno, SSN's are good enough, or Lisence ID's, but at least I have more control who sees those, no?
No way... (Score:3, Redundant)
I don't know how many of you are aware of the beliefs in the Bible about the sign of the beast, whether or not you believe them it is important that you at least respect them.
What is wrong with having a card in my pocket with all this info? It can be forged? Well, couldn't a different chip be implanted? The possibilities of corruption and abuse to this system are endless.
On a technical standpoint, until they can encrypt it with your own DNA code it's not even worth considering.
Re:No way... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:No way... (Score:2)
Metaphor and numerology (Score:2)
I think its fair interpretation isn't a strict Nostradamous like prediction of future events as much as a metaphor for deeds and mind - hand or forehead. Pre-Christian numerology has consiered 6 to be quite an evil number and three sixes it very very very evil. So the verse is more about being under the control or being a willing servant of evil. YMMV.
whether or not you believe them it is important that you at least respect them.
Well if youre going to tell me what to do I'll do the same. Respect yourself by being informed of more than just the fundamentalist view of things.
There are real reasons to go against treating humans as well-watched cattle, but this isn't one of them.
Re:No way... (Score:2)
Why does everyone on slashdot have to believe they're in the minority even when it's personally obvious they're expressing the majority's opinion? You know perfectly well that not only is this a bad idea, but most of people on here think so, and your chance of getting modded down is extremely low. End of rant.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:No way... (Score:2)
Nothing personal, but this seems to be a contradiction. I don't have to believe what you believe, but I do have to pay heed to it?
What if my beliefs said that one should be marked on the hand or forehead to identify you as a servant of the greater one? While you don't have to believe this, you should respect it and give it some thought right?
Just playing devils (no pun intended) advocate here - the movie "Mark Of The Beast" left quite an impression on me as a kid.
Re:No way... (Score:2)
I guess, strangely, that in this case I am glad for the religious right.
I can visualize some rather disturbing advertisements.
My daughter, Jennifer, was abducted, raped, tortured and murdered by a known sex offender. If this monster had been tagged with VeriChip, she might still be alive!
Cut to another scene, where an obviously grieving family stand in front of the WTC ruins, the mother clutching the American flag. A little boy, approximately 6 years old, holds a photo of his firefighter father.
Jimmy, what do you think of the VeriChip?
I think the VeriChip is great! If all immigrants and aliens of Arab-American descent had been tagged with VeriChip, my Daddy would still be alive!
My apologies for the obligatory WTC reference.
Govt. trolling for tinfoil hat types (Score:2)
Re:Govt. trolling for tinfoil hat types (Score:2)
Re:Govt. trolling for tinfoil hat types (Score:2)
If you're having trouble trying to drive a nail into a wall with a drill, you don't use a more powerful drill, you use a hammer. You use the right tool for the job.
Massive police forces just aren't stopping violent crime from happening. It's time to try something else, like, say, stopping the conditions that facilitate violenct crime from happening in the first place.
This is the US.
Four legs good, two legs bad. Baaaaaaaaaah.
Hacked (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Hacked (Score:2)
I can just see some "hacker" with an axe cutting off someone's hand to get new ID
I want number 666! (Score:2, Redundant)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Re:I want number 666! (Score:2)
full context [bartleby.com]
Re:I want number 666! (Score:2, Interesting)
Its a way for power hungry people to control what you do day in and day out. If they can take control of you one way or another they will and will use any event to encourage you to do what they want. Always be on your guard. When you get that mark on your right hand and they decide that everyone who reads slashdot is evil, subversive or part of the great threat, you will suddenly be unable to buy groceries, drive through the toll booth or even have power to your house anymore. Just like that.
Be aware of the powers coming.
Re:I want number 666! (Score:2)
From the article:
> (like the ones they use to tag pets, livestock and wildlife)
So where's the problem? *rimshot*
(Hey, at least I give 'em points for honesty. At least we know what we mean to them :-)
Re:I want number 666! (Score:2)
[but, then, everything does. Numerology is so much fun that way!]
Why (Score:5, Interesting)
A central database of Retinal/Thumbprint scans can ID you just as easily. All the Info on your medical records could be stored in the central DB as opposed to in your microschips.
Unless...you could somehow control access to your own Microchips. I could see several levels of permissions:
Global: Person scans, and now knows that you are a citizen of the USA, EU, PRC
Business: Person Scans, and now can get your shipping and billing info.
Medical: Person scans, and now can get you vital medical history ALA 1st Alert.
All this we be predicated on you having a public/private key hand shake, similar to the SSL setup.
1) Remote machine requests permission
2) Microchip tells chip to grant permission (I have no idea how, I am just dreaming at this point)
3) Chip grants short-lived one time key for accessing info.
If someone tried to tag you with one of these against your will, I am sure there would be many ways to distrupt it: Wear a "Diskman" that actually produces white-noise frequencies to cover the radio from the chip...replace the implanted chip with a home made one that proves that you are someone else...implant a chip that compromises a buffer override in the scanning software so that if anyone tries to ID you their machine crashes.
In other words, business as usuall
heh (Score:5, Funny)
Next we will have to have that logo tatooed onto our buttocks.
HOLY BLACK SHIT! (Score:2, Informative)
The Intel Inside logo (well, back in the 486 days) looked an awful lot like a red 6.
Ergo, if we have Intel tracking chips inside of us, and Intel Inside tatoos on the outside... And only be able to make sales... Oh shit... We're through the looking glass here people. Now that we've stumbled across their little conspiracy, all our lives are in danger. Yours, mine, even the life of the complacent and idiotic Joe Sixpacks out there, who will willingly and enthusiastically get this little red (now blue, as if that would throw us off the track. ha!) 6 tatooed upon their buttocks.
This terrifying New World Order that Bush threatened back in '91 is beginning to rear its festering black head. I'm not sure if we, as a society will be able to handle the massive upheaval, this horrendous expulsion of civil liberties...
Oh no, in my agitated state, I seem to have knocked off my special wave-nullifying helmet. Now FEMA knows where I am, and their black helicopters will begin their inexorable swoop down onto my location. I've only moments before the elite paramilitary units rappell through my windows.
Now, If you'll excuse me, my Kalashnikov and I have a date with those who dare edit out Article Five of our Great Bill of Rights...
Re:heh (Score:2)
> Next we will have to have that logo tatooed onto our buttocks.
Last time I spoke to an Intel sales rep, I told him that's what he'd have to do after I told him where he could stick it ;-)
Re:heh (Score:2)
Cost? (Score:2)
Re:Cost? (Score:2)
A line I find disturbing: (Score:3, Insightful)
I certainly hope that Mr. Paul Saffo is dead wrong on this subject.
First off, body piercing is NOT a new trend. It has roots in almost every other culture, and dates back hundreds of years. Just because it is a recent movement in Western Culture does not mean that every person who likes piercings is going to like having a tracking device in their skin. Not to mention that the large majority of people in Western Culture do NOT like body piercing. There is not direct link between the two.
Second, isn't anyone worried about the health risks of something like this?! Electronics are a LOT different than an inert, non-reactive metal or ink in the skin. Pacemakers cause enough problems with people in certain situations (microwaves, magnets, etc.) I for one don't EVER want electronics under my skin. I guess if it ever progressed to where you had to get an implant, some Rare Earth Magnets [wondermagnet.com] would take care of that problem pretty quickly.
Lastly, is this something we as humans really want to do for fashion??? If its entirely under the skin, how exactly would it be a fashion accesory? What, would they make the chips come in different colors?? "You cant see it, but mine is leopard-spotted!!" Unless they make them into actual shapes that stick up from under the skin like real implants do, they won't be a fashion accessory.
I'm slowly beginning to think the Luddites were right; technology could easily be the end of us. The last thing we need as a species right now is the ability to track everyone. Here's to hoping things like this NEVER get widely adopted.
A Modest Proposal for making ID Chips palatable (Score:3, Interesting)
How about adding a couple of things to the human version of this technology:
Re:A Modest Proposal for making ID Chips palatable (Score:2, Interesting)
1. Disable the interlock on a microwave oven.
2. Stick your arm with the chip inplanted in the microwave and fry the bugger.
3. Remove arm before you get cooked.
Re:A Modest Proposal for making ID Chips palatable (Score:2, Funny)
Am I the only one who *really* wants to get their hands on a reader?
The Good, The Bad, and the Freedom. (Score:2)
Spooky stuff (Score:5, Insightful)
This is dangerous stuff, more dangerous than Ellison's half-baked ideas of a national ID. People who condone, support, or otherwise promote the branding of humans as cattle (whether digitally or otherwise) are very sick fucks.
Re:Spooky stuff (Score:2)
Um... Isn't an SSN issued by the government? I'd guess they can use it how they want.
Re:Spooky stuff (Score:2)
The Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579) have these things to say about the individual's right to privacy:
--Congress finds the growing use of computers can harm the individual from "collection, maintenance, use, or dissemination" of personal information.
--The right to privacy is protected by the Constitution.
--Section 7 states it is unlawful for any Federal, State, or Local government agency to deny any individual right, benefit, or privilege becasue of individual's refusal to disclose his/her Social Security number.
--Federal, State, or Local governments, upon requesting disclosure of an individual's SSN, must include information whether the disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, the statute or other authority under which the disclosure request is made, and what uses will be made of the individual's SSN.
The bottom line is that the government is not entitled to use the SSN any way they see fit. The authors of the Privacy Act saw fit, however, to ensure the Act would not provide an inpenetrable veil of privacy:
"[The] Privacy Act is not intended to transform every privacy violation into [a] constitutional tort."
Which is how Federal, State, and Local governments get away with violating the Privacy Act every single day: Congress recognized the need for individual privacy, and the courts uphold this right up to a certain threshhold. Also, the Privacy Act grandfathered in disclosure requirements in place prior to 1975, along with other "special uses" as required. As far back as 1989, Congress listened to testimony in which the Social Security Administration actually verified SSNs for millions of Americans on behalf of bands and credit bureaus.
Ironically, the law offers no protection for non-government agencies requiring disclosure of your SSN. While governments can't use it the way they want, business are free to do so.
Re:Spooky stuff (Score:2)
That's a misquote of the American Declaration of Independence. I think a lot of people forget that the American government was founded by a bunch of radical free-thinkers, and that it was a revolutionary movement. EVERYBODY was an American Patriot after the successful revolution, but certainly not everyone was before.
As for chips, I don't even particularly like this technology for dogs, let alone humans. There should be no circumstance whatsoever under which the government (or any entity) may forcibly violate the integrity of my external integument.
And I am not concerned about the numerology of the beast, the number of the beast, or the neighbor of the beast.
There are so many less personally intrusive ways to eliminate my privacy...
I do not recall being required to to give my retina prints or fingerprints to anyone at any time. Not to enter college, not to get a driver's license, not anything.
Social security numbers are used by everybody because they are (theoretically) unique numbers everyone has, and relational databases love unique IDs.
The government isn't the danger. It is the complacency of the people who constitute the government. In other words, you and me. I get so sick of people who think there is some hostile force out there, with which they have no connection, that is working against their interests. Guess what? That force is, in part, you.
So, get to work. Alter or abolish it.
Re:Spooky stuff (Score:3, Offtopic)
unique IDs.
This is the inherent danger of using the SSN for identification purposes: The very uniqueness of the SSN allows the cross-tabulation of any data stored on any database anywhere in the world which uses the same unique key. It might be unique, but the SSN is also a ubiquitous identifier. It's what permits the state to arrest you on a routine traffic stop because of non-payment of alimony. It's what allows a city government to deny you employment because you're late paying your local taxes (maybe because of a legitimate reason).
The government is the danger, very much so. As government becomes more centralized, power is taken away from the people. Information is power, and thanks to your SSN, your fingerprints (yes, some states do require fingerprints for things such as driver licenses, concealed handgun permits, etc.), and other unique data, the government is able to touch your life in ways you might never imagine.
I worked for the US government for over a decade. During that time, I was forced, over the course of several years, to learn my way around the Privacy Act to force the government agency I was working for to expunge certain derogatory information about me from their records. You see, I was essentially "blacklisted" by the government, which made it very difficult for me to find employment after leaving government service. I was eventually successful in having the lies removed from my government files, but to this day, I find myself having to explain about "gaps" in my employment records from the deleted data in various financial and government transactions. This can be very difficult at times, trying to explain away data that isn't there without disclosing the data in the first place.
The government is far more dangerous than you can imagine. And I would hardly consider myself "complacent."
As for getting to work, I already have: I started railing against the use of SSN for personal identification purposes in 1989, and have continued to do so as time permits.
look at the past (Score:2, Insightful)
Not to sound like a doomsayer, but at this rate, there is no doubt people would accept these in mass if they were offered today.
Governments are notorious for their propaganda skills. If they started running flashy commercials telling America that this is the only way to fight terrorism, the lines for these microchips would be miles long. Americans already have a convenient unique serial number, the Social Security number, that could easily be put onto everyone's microchip.
I always thought Americans valued their rights, but two incidents are giving me leanings otherwise. First was the entire election mess a year ago. It boils down to this: Gore was the president chosen by the American people. When they put Bush in office, there was so little protest it disgusted me. The people made a choice, and the government said it didn't care what the people wanted.
Second, and even more shocking, was the lack of outrage over Ashcroft's comment a few weeks ago, that speaking out against the government is aiding and abetting the enemy. It's not hard to imagine Ashcroft adding "and aiding and abetting the enemy is treason, a criminal offense" onto the end of that sentence.
Will no one stand up and defend the rights we are owed as Americans? Or will this entire country simply march into a 1984-like hell to be started by these invasive microchips?
I've got a better idea. (Score:3, Informative)
Let's say that I contact someone while I'm at work, wearing the icky blue polyester suit. How am I going to read this chip? With a regular driver's license, I can take it back to my car, shine a light on it, see if it's fake, run it for warrants and license status, find out if the holder is a sex offender, and copy everything onto a citation or a field interview card. And if my flashlight and my car's map light quit, I can still read them.
Oh, and did I mention I can look to see if it's been faked, maybe compare it to one of the standard references?
With these things, no. I'm a cop, not an electronics tech. I've got no way of knowing if the signal is legitimate or from a black-market home-programmed chip. It'll probably take special equipment to read these chips, and I've learned that expensive electronics have a way of failing about fifteen seconds before I need them. And six lines of data leaves no room for a signature.
So, I'm not entirely sure about the practical aspects of this, or whether there's actually anything to gain.
And how about we look at the legal aspects. I'll admit that I haven't gone through either the Federal or Colorado constitutions with a magnifying glass lately, but I don't recall seeing any authorization for government to brand people like so many livestock.
Of course, I could be wrong about the Constitition thing. However, at the academy they did say that the parts of the Constitution that were written in the margins in red crayon didn't count.
But then, a lot of the experimentation with implantable ID was overseas. And in much of western Europe and in Japan, cops are expected to know aspects of individuals' lives that I don't even tell my parents. Like who's sleeping with who. Or who lives where-there are ways in the US for that information to be pretty much completely unavailable to police, but not in Japan or most of western Europe (for some reason, France, Germany and Holland spring to mind, but I wouldn't swear to that.)
Re:I've got a better idea. (Score:3, Offtopic)
This was one of the major arguments AGAINST the bill of rights. Many believed that it was at best unnecessary because the government was not explicitly given the ability to curtail the personal rights found in the Bill of Rights. For example, the Constitution did not give the government the right to curtail free speech, so therefore it should not have been necessary to make an ammendment prohibiting it from doing so. At worst, the Bill of Rights establishes the framework for the government to do anything it wishes, as long as it is not already prohibited elsewhere in the Constitution.
Sadly, the "worst" scenario is what we have now. The government should be permitted to do only what is spelled out in the Constitution. Instead, it does everything that is no prohibited in the Constitution. This is wrong.
I guess that makes me a libertarian.
Re:I've got a better idea. (Score:3, Insightful)
The launch will be in Europe and South America (Score:2, Interesting)
Example, the UK already has the worlds highest CCTV count and Europe's culture very orderely and controled.
MRI's (Score:2, Informative)
metal detectors (Score:2, Informative)
I have a better idea! (Score:3, Insightful)
The launch will be in Europe and South America.
Oh, starting in Europe yet again? Quiet outlying areas of Poland, perhaps?
I will never take one of these things, as long as I live. Ever.
By the power of Godwin's Law... (Score:2)
Yeah, let's just tattoo serial numbers on everyone's forearms!
I am all for it. (Score:2)
This country needs somthing to get the damned sheep we call citizens off our collective comfy chairs and do something.
First application (Score:2)
Just what an ambulance chasing lawyer needs!
But Grandpa, you don't watch TV (Score:2)
Migrating chips (Score:5, Interesting)
But the chips, which are usually implanted in the back of the animals neck, can occasionally migrate inside the animal's body. Mostly they just slide down the back, but there have been cases where they just disappear. (I'm sure the chip is in there somewhere, I just don't want to find out...)
Either way though, if it's possible for the chips to move after implantation, I think the technology needs more work before we start putting them in people.
I wonder... (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually, the trully sad and pathetic part is not that the elite would wish this, it is their nature and wise men should come to expect that by now, no rather it is the fact that in cases like this the 'fors' and 'againsts' will primarily be made up of willfully ignorant parrots that spew forth rhetoric without FULLY taking the time to comprehend the nature of the issue. I encourage everyone to fight this like you should fight any battle, with honor and courage. Don't stoop to the level of the bureaucrats and politicians by selectively choosing only those facts that will support your side, rather approach everything more like a third (unbiased) party with a more scientific method. Let the facts lead those that are logical and ethical on their own merit, do not deceive and conceive 'facts'.
Okay, that sounds preachy but I am really tired now, so forgive me please.
Ya know, there will always be crime. (Score:2, Insightful)
Trying to control chaos is futile. For every measure of security, there will be a new kind of crack. For every length of dictatorship and oppression, there will be a spark of dissent. It comes and goes in waves. Right now, the US occupies the same slot that we rebelled against England for having over 200 years ago. Now look at England: socialized medicine, a happy, respectful populace
The same will happen to the US. National ID cards, even subcutaneous implants will not stop the rising tide of Hungry Freaks. It is pointless, expensive, and thoroughly unwarranted and authoritarian.
But, much like Christians scare people with the idea of Hell into becoming raving lunatics (merry f-ing xmas, you stupid cultists), the US has whipped up the populace into a fit of nationalism with the threat of TERRORISTS! (i'm shaking!). Now we'll take any sort of rights-revoking freedom-raping with a big, sloppy, give-it-to-me grin.
Europe and South America??? (Score:2)
no man might buy or sell (Score:2)
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Good thing I have some karma to burn.
public acceptance over time (Score:2, Insightful)
I imagine this taking a couple generations.
1st step: As in now: optional implants for company workers. Today, some higher up execs traveling in 3rd world countries, where ransoming is prevalent, implant homing devices in their bodies.
2nd step: Forcible use of implants on violent criminals. This will be met with little resistance, as it is accepted that criminals forfeit some rights by committing crimes. I say "violent criminals" (i.e. rapists, murderers) as they would garner the least public sympathy. Soon after, lesser criminals would be tagged - eventually anyone who commits a criminal act. I imagine this process as taking a decade or so.
3rd step: Certain perks for those who accept an implant; faster border crossing, airport check in, etc. Those who refuse "optional" implants face longer delays (and other intentional hurdles). For you religious people, maybe a credit system whereby one just walks out of the store with merchandise -- only the luddites can be seen waiting in line. Over the space of years, people come to suspect those that refuse implants as having something to hide.
4th step: A new government policy -- all babies tagged at birth. My guess is that by this point (say 80 years from today), most people elect to have implants and the government need not force any legislation (that's why I say policy not law).
Never will an adult citizen be forced to have a foreign object implanted in their body. There will never be any protesting on the street or wild outrage. If this does happen, it will be slowly and insidiously.
Its always the gradual change that slips under the radar.
Re:public acceptance over time (Score:2)
That's what religion is for. For example, through the generations, actively religious families have generally been able to keep hold of the idea that sexual intercourse before marriage is wrong. It's difficult to do, admittedly, but the whole faith thing makes it much easier once your kids get the hang of it...
My point? Religion helps keep a constant set of values. As far as I know, it's the best tool for that job.
Fortunately, we wouldn't have to wedge anything in to the religion that seems to dominate so-called "Western" culture. It's in the book of Revelation already as the "mark of the beast."
Of course the sheeple will accept this (Score:4, Interesting)
-- Our private medical information being entered into databases and sold to marketing companies.
-- Our credit records, containing all sorts of personal and private data, being sold to marketing companies and being used to barrage us with all manner of advertisements for crap we don't need or want.
-- The Brits have accepted their every movement being monitored by closed-circuit telescreens, er, cameras, in the name of "crime prevention."
-- A de facto National ID number (the Social Insecurity number).
-- DoubleClick teaming up with Polk to personally identify and track web usage of individuals.
-- The Clipper chip. Key escrow. Carnivore. Nuff said.
What's to stop us from accepting a microship implant? "Oh, you don't want this? What are you a terrorist? A pedophile? A criminal?" is the most common refrain. Or, "If you're an honest guy, you've got nothing to worry about." And you know what? It works every time, it'll work this time too. Face it, folks, it's coming and we've done it to ourselves. We have finally gotten the government we deserve.
Oh well, call me a cynic, but I'm only surprised that it has taken this long.
A suggestion for ID implantation. (Score:2, Funny)
Then we'd all be smart-arses.
Another poorly considered idea (Score:2)
So this implant is intended for medical use, and subsequently identification? What does it offer that a bracelet with a MedAlert number or (to get high-tech) a smart card (on the bracelet) doesn't (in terms of medical detail)?
How does this assist in identification? The object of accurate identification is NOT to track ordinary people (except in aggregate), but to track specific people. Those who currently go to great lengths to avoid being identified, bypassing existing security and forging their credentials.
And, as usual, the Great Propaganda Machine assumes that because Joe Public can't remove an implant or modify it somehow, neither can a well funded terrorist.
Most disturbing, however, is the list of exceptions that will arise. Anyone who any government determines should be incognito will be able to get "fake" implants or avoid implants altogether. You don't want even a short range transmitter giving away the location of your crack troops, do you?
Re: (Score:2)
Re:I dont really like this but. (Score:2)
Re:Hahahaha!! (Score:2)
Re:Hahahaha!! (Score:2)
Well, if we used tamperproof hardware that ejected a burst of cyanide when a security breach was attempted, I can bet you there'd be a shortage of volunteers ;-)
(And think of how this could be used for crime control - how 'bout a small packet of sedatives, which, upon receipt of an authorizing signal, dropped the suspect to the ground.)
Think about what you could do with public-key cryptography. Build chip-guns that get their authorization by combining the gun's public key, the government's private key, and the law enforcement officer's public key. Only the cop can shoot the gun, and (if the gun transmits the user's private key, downloadable with a warrant) only the target gets hit.
Imagine a gun that shoots to sedate, not kill, and where it's impossible for the cop, no matter how incompetent a shot he is, to hit an innocent bystander.
(Hell, scale it up. Issue the warrant and use transmitters mounted on every cell phone tower in the county to drop the perp. No cops required!)
Re:Hahahaha!! (Score:2)
Parents do what they believe is best for their children and for the family. It's hard to fault them for that, even when you think they're totally wrong and completely detached from reality.
Embedded Technology as a Fashion Statement (Score:2)
Also, Futurist Paul Saffo had the idea that "As some people wring their hands about the invasion of privacy and civil liberty, a whole other generation is going to go, 'Cool! I've always wanted to embed technology in my body.' It's going to be fashion. One sure sign that teenagers will love it is if it terrifies their parents.' "
Re:Embedded Technology as a Fashion Statement (Score:2)
Yeah, I admit I'm not so thrilled about it as an ID technology, but if it did something, I'd line up to get one. (Suppose we go forward a bit and hook it up to something like a cochlear implant - see someone and it whispers in your ear the name of the person. I could sure use that at parties, I'm horrible with names ;-)
Won't happen in current U.S. (Score:2, Offtopic)
My understanding of prophecy is along these lines:
1. Spiritual forces start aligning the nations of the world to be more united in government and religion -- the UN and others are working on this now.
2. The Church (all true believers in Jesus) will be instantly raptured and will simply disappear from the earth.
3. Shortly after that, the Antichrist will sign a 7-year peace agreement with Israel. He will put the finishing touches on the world government.
4. Halfway through that 7-year period, he will be killed and rise again, indwelt by Satan himself.
5. THAT is when the Mark comes into play. People all over the world will be fascinated by his resurrection, and wooed by his false miracles. They will gladly accept this Mark.
Times will be *completely* different then.
Re:Won't happen in current U.S. (Score:2)
Well I've read various interpretations and then read the Bible for myself. I *do* think most evidence points toward a pre-trib rapture:
That's what I can think of off the top of my head. There are some great resources on this for further reading. I recommend this article: "The Rapture of the Church [layhands.com]". It says most of what I've said and tons more!
Re:Won't happen in current U.S. (Score:2)
As long as you don't mind replacing them with minor things like widespread chaos as planes and cars crash due to sudden lack of drivers, nuclear war as the one world government takes control, etc. I'm sure it will be a blast!
As for when....... who knows, but I think it's getting close! [layhands.com]
Re:Now there is a use for (Score:2)
> The moment I start barking and piddeling on the floor, well, I'd assume I have "lost it" and perhaps it would be a good idea then...
Another handy use for it - Alzheimer's patients (a.k.a. "wanderers" when they make it out of the nursing home, who often freeze to death if they wander out during winter). Nuff said.
(OK, that's a case for voluntary implantation, not widespread implantation, but it's still another good use.)
Re:Prepare for inevitable (Score:2)
Re:I WANT ONE OF THESE!! (Score:2)
It's not radio, alas. If I could rig up a directional EMP, though...
Blowing his speakers remotely, while not blowing out the speakers of anyone who's behaving responsibly. Neat concept.