DMCA Forces Cox To Censor Changelog? 573
Ross Vandegrift writes: "Alan Cox released 2.2.20pre10 today, which includes security fixes. He is refusing to indicate what security holes have been fixed, as Unix-style permissions could be used as an anti-circumvention device. The thread starts here. " It'd be great if people could read the threads here and try to figure out what is going on. I'm a little lost, but it looks like he's being overzealous.
Overzealous, eh? (Score:5, Interesting)
Or that time I wanted to play DVDs in Linux and couldn't because I needed a circumvention device?
Or when some Russian dude got locked up away from his family because he wanted to let blind people use eBooks?
Overzealous my ass. This is a problem and we need to take a stand, whether it's "reasonable" or not. People need to understand what is at stake - and what better way to help that process than by showing them?
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2)
Actually, he was threatened by the RIAA. They did not claim it was a circumvention device, but they only claimed it violated that anti-circuimvention provisions. Of course, when he filed suit against the RIAA, the RIAA realized they were trapped and fell on their sword.
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:4, Interesting)
They didn't fall on their sword, they threw it out of the picture and said "What sword?"
Which is the most chilling of all chilling effects -- they get to delay publication of information they're not happy with, then when someone calls their bluff they change their story and say they have no objections, and (according to the DOJ's interpretation), therefore, no prior restraint actually happened and you can't sue to prevent it from happening again.
You know, mid-term elections are happening in almost exactly a year. We all know that voter turnout sucks, especially for off years. What're the chance of a Slashdot party (hell, we're even Green) forming and fielding some geek candidates in key areas? I know my district has had the Republican incumbent running essentially unopposed for years. And we're home to Worldcom, AOL, and many other geek-heavy companies. Hell, these geek companies together probably employ as many people as voted in the entire district in '98, anyway.
Hm. Maybe I should repost this elsewhere...
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2)
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2, Insightful)
The problem is that most of the real world allies for a DMCA fight tend to be progressive in politics, with the ACLU being the most obvious example.
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2)
Sounds Republican to me.
Besides, this doesn't mean that it's not possible to find, in a dozen key geeky districts across the country (Northern Virginia, Silicon Valley, Boston, etc.), some lawyerly person who agrees with many of the opinions here without being too unpalatable to the rest of the masses. We just need candidates geeks will vote for, and the machine to get them noticed by everyone else (and to get the geeks to vote, dangit!)
Offtopic (Score:3, Interesting)
I disagree. Republicans tend to not like business that deal in porn, etc, things they find morally offensive (however you feel like defining that).
And they certainly like the gov't when its enforcing the things they like.
Not that no unions, business is good, goverment bad is a good overview of libertarian policy either. Gov't isn't bad. Big, over intrusive gov't is bad (if you're a libertarian).
Re:Offtopic (Score:4, Interesting)
Republicans tend to not like business that deal in porn, etc, things they find morally offensive (however you feel like defining that).
More generally, "Republicans" do not favor government interference in commerce, and do favor government interference in "moral" conduct. The Republican definition of "moral" seems to coincide with the Religious Right (which is also apparently a vocal subset of Republicans), and does not address most business/commercial practices unless they are also "immoral" for non-business-related religious reasons (e.g., porn).
Conversely, the "Democrat" viewpoint seems to be in favor of government interference in commerce, but against government interference in non-business-related moral issues.
As far as I can tell, "Libertarians" seem to be against government interference in any area. Of course, all of these groups tend to favor any government decision that furthers their more immediate goals, or hinders the immediate goals of the other parties. For the Libertarians, this results in an oddly self-referencing approach where one acceptable role of government is to prevent government interference.
This applies to the United States of (North) America, naturally. YMMV.
libertarianism defined (Score:4, Interesting)
I am a minarchist libertarian, and here is my attempt to briefly describe libertarianism.
First of all, the difference between "libertarian" and "Libertarian" is that the second one specifically means a member of the Libertarian Party, while the first one just means anyone who believes in libertarian ideas. Thus Thomas Jefferson could be called a libertarian, but he was not a Libertarian.
The defining principle that all libertarians must believe in (or else they are not really libertarians) is that people own themselves, and the product of their own labor. All else follows from that.
Because people own themselves, it is wrong for government to outlaw behavior that doesn't hurt anyone but the person doing it. Thus it is wrong for government to outlaw smoking, or outlaw eating fatty foods, or outlaw prostitution. (Government may have a legitimate role regulating prostitution, for example to require medical screening of prostitutes for public health reasons, but there is no moral basis for government to outlaw it.)
Because people own themselves, government should not prevent them from freely entering into contracts. Government can legitimately have a role in enforcing contracts. (The major areas where government is useful: national defense, enforcing the laws against violence and theft, and enforcing contracts.) Because of this, if Microsoft wants to require product activation, government shouldn't tell them they can't do that. It's up to people to vote with their dollars. (Note that it was not government that finally dethroned IBM from its monopoly position, it was the free market.)
So, no libertarian can be in favor of a law like the DMCA. The record companies could have annoying license agreements, and libertarians would not be in favor of using government to force the companies to not have them, but the kind of free speech infringement that the DMCA is all about would be right out. And of course no libertarian would be in favor of outlawing encryption.
P.S. In case you are wondering, a "minarchist" libertarian is in favor of a minimal government; an anarchist is in favor of no government. There are many libertarians who believe that we don't need a government at all; the free market can solve all problems. Minarchists like me think we do need a small government to handle things like national defense.
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2, Insightful)
I see alot of both libertarian and socialist slants actually. (which are very similar on some fronts - moreso than they want to admit - and vastly different on others)
Who else here remembers when
I dunno about anyone else, but I found myself agreeing about as often and as strongly with the peice by the socialist party candidate as the libertarian one. (and very seldom with others).
In fact on unions, buisness, and government, It seems there are alot of polar views here and few middle of the road ones.
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Don't forget this year's elections (Score:2, Interesting)
In Virginia there is an election for Governor. One of the candidates (Mark Earley) was the primary supporter for UCITA. For this reason, I will be voting against him and for his opponent Mark Warner.
Hopefully, if enough people vote against Earley we can send a message to other politicians that we won't vote for candidates who are willing to sacrifice the rights of computer users.
Re:moderate higher PLEASE! (Score:3, Funny)
Hm, maybe because after the initial euphoria is over, the party will quickly balkanize. The geezers will vote for the Mainframe party, there will be violent riots between Windows and Linux parties, the Mac party will think different, and run the coolest campaign, but end up with few votes. The republicans will migrate to the Luddite party, and hope to ban all competition by outlawing computers. The democrats will pay lip service to the Linux and Mac parties, but will be bribed by the Windows party.
Eventually we gather a congress, and will use the 3 first terms to pick a format for congress documents. Election procedures will be reengineered, untill they're near perfect. The president invites all geek friends to a LAN pary in the oval room. There is an international incident after the Russian ambassador is caught cheating in doom.
The luddites launches a massive counteroffensive before the next campaign, turning to the 'net(If you can't beat them, join them). Their new streaming multimedia media applications revolutionize everything. 50 years after people have forgotten the old meaning of the word, most people use the word luddite to describe a 'super-geek' Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:5, Insightful)
OTOH, the US outlawing something shouldn't mean that all these good things are suddenly no longer available to the rest of the world. We need a place to publish the things which are outlawed in the US, without getting prosecuted for publishing these things to the US.
Such a site has been started (well, not quite, but we're busy getting it up and running) and we hope there will soon be a place to publish crypto research, security information and other useful tools which are not allowed in the US. The only small gotcha is that in order to publish it legally, some kind of access controll will have to be put in place so US citizens cannot get at the archive. Unfortunate, but so be it.
The site? [] Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:4, Insightful)
As Bill Hicks said, "You are free... to do as we tell you". Right now, it seems that US "freedom" means the freedom to bribe (sorry, to fund...) senators et al to get your pet bills passed. Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2)
Others are bemoaning the fact that USian law is screwing with the rest of the world (IOW, residents of... Portugal, for example, can't get a non-edited changelog because of this), but given the implications of the law (Dmitry can be hassled, whether or not he broke a just/unjust law, as can AC and others) why wouldn't Alan et. al. do something like this?
Unfortunately, while it may in fact piss off many people, we don't have the fundage to change the law. Now, perhaps Alan could replace the offending changelog with some ideas on how to convince grandparents, soccer-moms, etc. that open information on circumvention is a good thing.
transit over US links? (Score:3, Interesting)
Inevitably, my traffic to/from is going to pass through US sites (well, it does, I just did a traceroute).
The same data are moving along wires in continental US. How is that different from the data being digested by eyeballs in the US? Will you have to draw this distinction?
Is this going to affect my ability as a Canadian to have access to your site?
Gotta love the inter[national]net...
-ben Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2)
Please don't block by IP Address or domain name Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:3, Informative)
'Fraid not. The U.S is not a democracy. It's a Republic. And it's very rapidly turning into a Corporate Republic.
Voting and all this democracy talk is just masturbation. If people's votes actually mattered then you'd have much higher voter turnouts. If you could actually vote for your party instead of an "electoral college" then maybe you'd be closer to democracy as well.
And the most important distinction between a republic and a democracy is that you can't vote on laws and bills. Only the government can. In a true democracy 51% of the public can piss on the other 49%. But in the U.S the government pisses on everyone.
Garett Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2, Interesting)
Only in America. Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:3, Insightful)
How much of the US constitution needs to have been voided before that bit goes?
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Overzealous, eh? (Score:4, Interesting)
Well I can play dvd's under linux, just not legally. What people don't realize is that people still find a way, it just forces them to take the effort unground and do it illegally. We'll see more and more of this kind of "illegal" activity with the DMCA around, I guarantee it. Only when the minority opinion becomes the majority will the DMCA be repealed. That's how politics works.
I can legally view DVD's on my Linux computer.
I can legally download DECCS.
I can legally buy a DVD player which is regioncode free.
The reason is very simple.
I live in the Netherlands and we don't have the DMCA.
Second, large corporations don't have as much influence on Dutch law as they do have in the US.
Second, contrary to the US we don't have a duocracy.
And third, we don't give a fuck about the US.
Is this an example of how the DCMA is (Score:2, Interesting)
Kinda looks like that is Cox's interpretation.
just making a point (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:just making a point (Score:2)
"Hey, by obeying the spirit of the law to an irrational degree, he's pointing out how STUPID it is and making us get our heads out of our asses and CHANGE it!!!!!1"
No, by doing this, he's letting the law win. And so are other people (including corporations) who restrain/censor themselves "in case" something might violate the DMCA. The way to protest is "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," and hope to eventually challenge the law on a constitutional basis. The argument that most people "can't afford" to pursue the case to that extent, is simply a sad commentary on what makes the US justice system go 'round. Let's rally and HELP them afford the challenge, eh?
Imagine if the American colonies had protested the Stamp Act by paying as much stamp duty as possible, and buying as much taxed tea as they could drink? We'd probably still be singing "God save the Queen" before sporting events.
Re:just making a point (Score:3, Insightful)
Now another good step would be to find an employee of a large company (Microsoft would be nice) who writes about a bug or exploit in their company's product and have them arrested for publishing a circumvention device. Anyone wanna go through the XP Beta groups and try to find an exploit that wasn't fixed and was discovered by a Microsoft employee? If Microsoft or any major company turns their money and legal teams against this law, it will fall faster than a dot com stock.
Simply, real examples of the "chilling effect" need to be documented for the Dimitry trial and other trials that will happen. These will go much further in getting the law overturned than messages to our Congressmen.
Re:just making a point (Score:2)
Well, then Linux is not for you. Cox has previously admitted that he obfuscates changelog entries for security updates that were reported privately. Of course you could 'use the source' and work backwards, but Linux doesn't fall under a full disclosure policy.
(As a side note Cox seems to be more kvetchy about political issues lately. Like the minor flamewar he started last week when he insisted that BSD licenced modules be marked GPL-incompatitble because they might be patent encumbered.)
US laws? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:US laws? (Score:2)
he's just trying to "make a point" (Score:5, Informative)
I stopped reading at this point.
Re:he's just trying to "make a point" (Score:2, Interesting)
> This would then presumably lead to password protected access for US kernel
> developers that need to know? And some kind of NDA?
US kernel developers cannot be told. Period.
Just curious... Is Linus considered a US kernel developer? He lives and works in the US, so I guess so...
Re:he's just trying to "make a point" (Score:2)
Re:he's just trying to "make a point" (Score:3, Insightful)
On a list that reaches US citizens - no. File permissions and userids may constitute and be used for rights management.
By that theory, telling somebody how to set the root password on their Linux machine constitutes trafficking in circumvention technology.
There are two conclusions from this. One, Alan is being stupid and overzealous, even if he did find a lawyer who told him that posting information about the security fixes could violate the DMCA. Two, the DMCA is a stupid and ridiculous law, and the full level of its stupidity (and the stupidity of our lawmakers and law enforcers) is being demostrated by the DeCSS, Felton, and Sklyarov cases. I am embarassed to be a citizen of a country that has such a law (although it will take the SSSCA to force me to flee the country as a political defector, the DMCA isn't enough to push me that far).
The DMCA has got to go, but I fear I see no way in the world that we'll ever be able to get rid of it short of it being declared unconstitutional, or short of extreme campaign finance reform that remakes Congress into representatives of their constituents.
use the source, luke (Score:2, Insightful)
Would that make diff and vi circumvention devices?
I do beleive that Alan is being overzealous, but do agree that *something* must be done about this and quickly. Unfortunately, I am not in a position of to do much more than wear a Free Dimitry T-shirt. IMHO what Alan has done is illogical. Perhaps the better thing to do would be to cut the US from the linux source code all together.
Now THAT would raise a stink.
There's more to it (Score:3, Insightful)
If any of the patches or future patches even touch the handling of DVD-Players, or future FUCK-ware (Futile Unnecessary Control Keping Hard/Software) he'd better present, what US-lawyers consider a clean west to avoid being dragged through courts until hell freezes over because some corporation is then likely to use the DMCA as a lever and make a public example of him.
Since Skylarov this law has become a very real threat to non-US-citizens.
This is (not) an exercise (Score:3, Interesting)
The laws associated with copyright and information are so vague and general that it's not surprising that it could be determined that they prevent people from talking about security problems...
Think about it for a minute. Skylerov is in a US jail for a program that his employer sold -- this despite the fact that he put in safeguards to prevent his program's rampant misuse.
If current 'anti-terrorism' laws get passed, things are simply going to get worse... The government is going to be able to spy on us on spec, and arrest us because they 'suspect that he may do something nasty' -- like (in some cases) simply go on strike.
If our course doesn't change radically and quickly, I think that we are in for an information-age Mcarthy era. Cox was made aware of this specific writing on the wall, and he decided to take it seriously. He is, in his own way, inviting us to do the same.
There are times when it is appropriate to willfully break the law, but it should be done carefully and sparingly. Breaking the law just because it is 'inconvenient' is a bad idea. It opens you up to getting your ass really nailed to the wall later on when you do something to get people pissed off.
Cox is a high-profile person. The fact that he doesn't want to risk going to jail for a Skylerov style test case is not something that we should be denouncing him for -- we should be denouncing a law that is so broad that he has to reasonably worry about making security information available to people who have a reasonable need to know.
too late (Score:5, Funny)
Unfortunately, it looks like the site might already be hosed. How about if we just speculate wildly, make irrational calls-to-action that will never commence, throw in a few anti-government rants, and top it all off with a good old fashion linux/bsd flamewar?
You know, the usual.
Re:too late (Score:3, Funny)
Hey! That's "(GNU/linux)/bsd" flamewar, buddy!
And don't you forget it.
-- MarkusQ
Oh sure (Score:4, Funny)
Oh sure, just the sort of thing we'd expect from a stinkin' EMACS USER!
Re:too late (Score:2)
People! He's Joking! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:People! He's Joking! (Score:5, Informative)
Re:People! He's Joking! (Score:3, Interesting)
Several hundred years ago, America had a rather large fight, to escape the stupidity of having to make ridiculous payments that were enshrined in Law.
As a Brit, I always thought that the American War of Independance was a thoroughly justified action. It needed to be done. And it was. All was great.
Since then, Europe grew up. It's still bound with silly and ridiculous things, but it's pretty lax on the whole.. I think it burned out it's fervour hundreds of years ago, and learned that the world was a very small place...
Now, however, the US seems to be heading towards where Europe was hundreds of years ago, enacting new laws for corporate profit and so on...
Over here, you find houses with windows bricked up, as long ago, there was a 'window tax' on buildings to get more money for the treasury.. We consider this really stupid...
The people at the time probably thought it was stupid...
But what would they think if you told them you had to pay more every time you read a book you'd already purchased?
Most of the restrictions being placed on media to restrict copy can be thought of as nothing more than a "Corporate Media Tax".. You're being taxed by the corporations for moving something you own to a more modern media.
Yeah, Europe is a bit loony, no we're not pissed that you're now the masters of "Taxation without Representation", we're just highly surprised, and a little bit worried about taking a step down that particular memory lane.
Personally, I'm avoiding going to the US whereever possible. I used to love it, as I have many friends there.. Now, I'm just worried...
Actions Speak Louder (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm not sure if Alan's actions will get the attention it needs but it is certainly a step in the right direction.
Re:Actions Speak Louder (Score:2)
Think that would work?
Re:Actions Speak Louder (Score:2)
What makes a "denial of service" attack ?
Lets say the RIAA has something on their website saying "please email any questions, comments, or concerns to"
Is this illegal ?
while 1
cat letter_to_riaa |
sleep 1
Hell. What of letter_to_riaa included an opt-out URL at the bottom ?
Cox successful: Senator Fritz Hollings recants! (Score:5, Funny)
"I just downloaded the latest 2.2.20pre10 and found censored changelogs! This will seriously impact my l33t hax0r activities. I finally see how my SSSSCA proposal will impact freedom. I am official withdrawing my proposal effective immeditely."
Apparently Alan Cox's plan to publicly demonstrate the absurdity of the DCMA and SSSCA in a place that would hit congress where it hurts has paid off.
Does DMCA apply here? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Does DMCA apply here? (Score:2)
Re:Does DMCA apply here? (Score:5, Informative)
And if you read the thread, you'll see that Alan Cox's assertion is that UNIX-style permissions can be used for digital rights managment purposes. That is, they can be used as an access control to protect copyrighted works that are covered under the DMCA. Therefore, disclosing a security vulnerability which can subvert UNIX-style permissions is equivalent to describing how to circumvent an access-control device as described under the DMCA.
I would guess that the specific DMCA clause that Alan's affected by is this one:
(2) No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof, that--
(A) is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title;
(B) has only limited commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title; or
(C) is marketed by that person or another acting in concert with that person with that person's knowledge for use in circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.
It would seem Alan's conjecture is that describing a specific vulnerability in the Linux kernel that allows subverting some aspect of Linux's permission structure (which can be used as an access control device to a protected work) constitutes "traffic[king] in any technology [...] or part thereof" that would allow someone to circumvent the access control. Under the current interpretation of the law (re: Skylarov), detailing a security weakness in a product seems to (a) constitute such trafficking, and (b) seems to fit one of the three clauses 2(A), 2(B), or 2(C) above. (Notice they're connected by an 'or', so it's is necessary to fit only one of the three to be in violation of DMCA. I'm guessing the kernel information would fit 2(A).)
I'm so proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free[*]. :-P
--Joe[*] For a suitably narrow definition of free.
Redhat lawyers (Score:2)
Hey, I am now working in US and 12 years ago when I was 14, I have circumvented copy protection on Atari games for profit, some of which are still avaiable in the local Atari Club. It was perfectly legal back then and there. But does it mean I am a felon now that I moved in US? Does it mean that I can expect up to 5 years in prison and $5 mil of fine? I'd rather not think about it, but even more I would like this DMCA law to by GONE!
Re:Redhat lawyers (Score:3, Informative)
I'm not sure how trying to retroactively remove the statute of limitations and retroactively declaring computer crimes as acts of terrorism will fly with the courts -- it could be argued that Ex Post Facto protects people from being branded as terrorists because their actions were not legally "acts of terrorism" when they occured. Not that Ashcroft seems to care about the Constitution one way or the other right now.
I definitely think so... (Score:2, Interesting)
Civil Obedience (Score:5, Insightful)
Work to Rule (Score:2, Insightful)
While this current example won't take down the DMCA, the idea is that the DMCA will hurt U.S. corporations in the long run. Specifically, it will hurt the vast majority of corporations that don't get any benefits from the DMCA. We can only hope that these corporations give bigger bribes than the record and movie corporations.
I think he's overzealous (Score:2)
As for the DMCA... Doesn't it only protect technical control mechanisms that enforce the rights of the authors?
In other words.. a company can't pick 'rot13' as an encryption method, because you can't claim that a rot13 decodes is 'primarily intended to circumvent copy control protection' on a work.. because they have existed for ages and have other, well defined uses.
DECSS, on the other hand, does not. Sure, it can be used in a DVD player.. but other than that, it has no practical applications.
More here... (Score:2, Informative)
More info linked from here []...
Includes links to more DMCA info, and some of Alan's thoughts on the matter
Alan Cox [] being a major figure in the Linux world. He maintains the 2.2 stable series, as well as a 2.4.x-ac stable series. When Linus Torvalds moves on to the 2.5 Linux development series (soon), Alan will be fully in charge of the current stable 2.4 series.
Things to realise about Alan Cox (Score:5, Insightful)
Firstly, he's a Brit. They have a sense of humour which is sometimes very subtle and is usually based on 'irony' (as in the saying something different to what you mean, rather than the more American 'Alanis Morissette' use of the word). Some Americans take ironic statements at face value, as is often seen on Slashdot.
Secondly, he's a clever guy. He's being stubborn about this to make a point. If he wasn't stubborn about it, the point wouldn't be made. He is acting correctly according to an unjust law to highlight the danger of it.
He is not being 'dumb' or deliberately annoying, he's highlighting the potential effects of a worrying development in the American legal which could have significant negative impact on all Open Source software developers.
How DARE you! (Score:2)
What's the point? (Score:2)
chmod 600 metallica.mp3
chown riaa metallica.mp3
Then only programs with suid riaa could access metallica.mp3. Of course, that wouldn't do much good when you know the root password. I assume that what's going on isn't so simpleminded.
Disgusted to be an American (Score:5, Insightful)
--"The refuses to bend, he refuses to fall, he's always at home with his back to the wall" --Bill Joel- Angry Young Man.
Re:Disgusted to be an American (Score:4, Insightful)
Every country (and I've been to quite a few) has limitations on peoples freedom somehow. As a modern society we are fast approaching big brother if we aren't careful (UK has had big brother for a while hasn't it?).
Instead of being "Disgusted" perhaps you should pay an attorney to help "wage the war". You know we still have the ability to change the law and it has yet to be constitutionally tested. With all the "open source" companies out there I'm suprised there hasn't been a class action lawsuit for damages to the "open source product" caused by the RIAA.
Oh yeah, and next time there is an election, vote.
Re:Disgusted to be an American (Score:3, Informative)
2. I realize that despite what has occured this is still by far one of the better places to live.
3. I shouldn't have to hire a lawyer to fight my own govenments stupidity, I am a poor working guy with barely enough money to keep the heat on in the winter at times. I it shouldn't take $$$ to change laws, it should take desire. I have tons of that and write letters to congressman till my fingers ache, and get replys that basically add up too "Thats the way it is and I am not gonna do anything about it, sorry but thanks for your thoughts" I have one from MA-Sentor John Kerry, I can transcribe it if you would really like.
4. For what its worth monitoring the populous for doing stupid illegal things doesn't even bother me, as I do my best to act within the law. Our representivies passing laws that the people never get a say in, or are many times not even aware are happening, annoys me!
Re:Disgusted to be an American (Score:3, Interesting)
Ok, now then...
My assumption is that the Coup you speak of is the DMCA...and I agree with you there...the key difference, is that most of America is blissfully unaware that it even happened. I tell people all the time in discussions who daily lives touch the DMCA in many many ways. The ususal reaction is:
1. A blank stare
2. Huh, what are you talking about
3. No Way they can't do that
4. Your kidding, lieing or Crazy
5. and the best one --The Govenment would never let that happen
What constitutes a device? (Score:2)
Missing the point (/.ers not the target) (Score:2)
Businesses are getting to be dependent on Linux, more and more. They see the benefits.
Isn't that the point, after all?
But now this little DMCA thing is being surfaced as a possible negative to the business community. So far it's been below their radar screen. The only significant business awareness of the DMCA has been from the proponents on the media side. Here comes a warning shot saying that the DMCA is bad legislation, not only out of a 'principle thing' that
We need allies on this, because as long as it's only a Geek Issue, we're going to get rolled over. IMHO this is a recruiting effort.
This is why I love slashdot: (Score:2)
Isn't that your job, mister slashdot editor???
- A.P.
Just got back from the Post Office. (Score:5, Interesting)
The SSSCA, which could become DMCA's darker sibling, has even more for Alan Cox to ponder. In fact, I just finished a weekend writing a fairly long letter to my representatives, and sent it only a few moments ago, so that it may get there in time for a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on the 25th.
The full letter is at t.control.html []. I welcome comments, and the letter may be reprinted with attribution.
Denying US-Access to Security lists (Score:3, Insightful)
Posting the report to a Site accessible from USA gives anyone who wants the means to sue to their liking, and the only reason Microsoft didn't already sue bug-reporters into submissive silence is the cry of outrage to be expected after such a move. But we'll probably soon see that nevertheless with their hacked Mediaformat.
Re:Maybe he's joking? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re: preaching to the choir (Score:3, Interesting)
Thats not so bad though.
Just because we agree, doesn't mean we are doing anything about it. He is demonstrating how this can hit home, making it hit home.
The point of action and speach isn't always to change minds that disagree, sometimes it is to change minds that agree.... to align them more tightly, to galvanize them into action.
Re:Maybe he's joking? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Okay, I'm a dummy. (Score:2)
Re:Okay, I'm a dummy. (Score:2)
Seeing as the link was to the Linux-Kernel mailing list, and Alan Cox is one of the keepers of the kernel, we're talking 2.2.20pre10 of the Linux kernel (possibly the ac fork?)
Re:Okay, I'm a dummy. (Score:2)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
The DMCA is only one of the many laws which make the USA into a police state. AC's intentions are good but he's got a lot more battles in front of him before the U.S. can be considered safe from authority abuse.
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:5, Funny)
Funny, I thought he was obeying the law.
Political ends are may be a side effect of that, and indeed this has all the writings of a political snub, but it's nevertheless undeniable that he would be commiting criminal acts by not making this pointed omission.
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Alan needs to realize that, although the DMCA does have important and evil implications for the freedom to code and speak in the U.S., it would not be used against a legitimate programmer such as himself. The people who have been targeted by the DMCA have been crackers: people who defeat lame encryption schemes and distribute point-and-click software that allows the masses to pirate. Although I fully support 2600 and Dmitri in their efforts (I have been a security engineer and I appreciate the truly talented invididuals in the field), DeCSS and the PDF utility are simply not in the same class as the Linux kernel and the other software Cox has worked on. He is simply a non-target and he needs to stop pretending that the DMCA affects him.
First they came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.
by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
For now, yes. However, it may eventually make it into case law. That is one possibility of the Sklyarov case. (3 outcomes: Law is struck down, law is interpreted not to apply to security professionals as such, or law is upheld. 2 of those are substantial victories...)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
it would not be used against a legitimate programmer such as himself
While it is unlikely that Alan would be arrested for fixing security bugs in the Linux kernel, he is quite right in saying that under the letter of the law, he might be. Even if you merely can be arrested for such an activity, then the DMCA is a bad law and must be repealed, or at least modified very substantially. So Alan should be applauded for taking a stand, even if (or exactly because!) that inconveniences some people temporarily.
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:3, Insightful)
DA: " He released information that broke the DMCA while trying to keep the Linux kernel secure!!!"
defence:" the nature of OSS is to show all changes. the linux kernel does not contain any copyprotected material, however, because of a baddly writen law, making the operating system secure from intruders is now illegal....does that seem right?"
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:3, Insightful)
DA: " He released information that broke the DMCA while trying to keep the Linux kernel secure!!!"
defence:" the nature of OSS is to show all changes. the linux kernel does not contain any copyprotected material, however, because of a baddly writen law, making the operating system secure from intruders is now illegal....does that seem right?"
What the jury understands:
DA: This foreign computer programer told other programers how to break into computer systems.
Slashdot Defense: Blah blah non-American blah blah hacker blah blah bad government blah blah fix computer blah blah.
Jury: The defense made no sense. He must be guilty!
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
Feel free to correct me on the actual facts of all of that, but I don't find Cox to be too overboard with regard to this. How did Dmitri get thrown in jail? He simply came over here to tell us how it was possible to be civilly disobedient, but his company was offering the software to the Russian public primarily, because over there their laws say they're explicitly allowed to copy, for personal use, things like books, even if they are digital copies. But America gets a little greedy (Adobe) and imprisons a guy just trying to make a buck to force other nations to bow to our will (well, the US corporation's/government's will, not the people's will per se).
Just because Mr. Cox can be a little over the top in his explanation of the DMCA and its far reaching consequences, doesn't mean he's necessarily off base in his argument.
Impressment and the royal navy (Score:2)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
So when did you guys[1] pass the law that not all are equal before the law?
You didn't? Then I can understand why Alan does not follow you line of reasoning...
[1] Yes, I am making a crass assumption that you (the poster) is an American.
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
He releases software under the GPL, right? And the most respected people in the field have said that the GPL is Evil and will destroy the whole field and will pollute our Precious Bodily Fluids, right?
He'll be a "legitimate programmer" just as soon as the FSF hands out as many bribes^Wcampaign contributions as Microsoft.
While we're at it, why don't we just make breathing a felony, punishible by up to life in prison? After all, it would only be used against Bad Guys, and save a lot of money on paperwork.
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
advice. Cox clearly states that he has taken legal advice, and
is acting upon it by refusing to release these details to US kernel
developers. Are you actually competent to advise him differently,
or are you just mouthing off?
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
That's funny:
Any doubt in my mind about the nature of DeCSS's programmers and users was erased when I saw the rapid appearance of point-and-click Linux programs that allowed the playback of DVD movies.
Of course, all of this is beside the point - you appear to believe that software developers are somehow responsible for how their tools are used by others. Ridiculous. Should we hunt down Stallman for "cp"?
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2, Insightful)
digital copying != analog copying
copying != timeshifting
Betamax did not break any encrytion and there was no DMCA at the time.
In the Betamx case the decision reflected the fact that "timeshifting" is not a violation, and VCR's have substantial non-infringing uses. The decision did not give VCR owners permission to start copying copyrighted works.
Dimitry wrote and sold software that was designed to violate copyrights. Even without the DMCA the ebooks license specifies you may not make copies and contrary to Slashlore there is no indescriminant "Fair Use Right" that allows this behavior. Had Sony marketed the Betamax as a method of illegal copying protected material they likely would have lost their case as well.
Re:Using the Linux community as pawns (Score:2)
Re:There's something I don't understand. (Score:2)
Re:Ever heard of the Bill Of Rights? (Score:2)
Re:Reason behind this. (Score:5, Insightful)
They harrassed an Norwegian, kidnapped a Russian over this law. A good reason for the rest of the world to take notice...