European Commission Recommends OSS to Fight Echelon 106
CrossRhythm writes: "The European Commission Resolution on Echelon encourages the Commission and Member States "to promote software projects whose source text is made public", to lay down a standard for the level of security of e-mail software packages, placing those packages whose source code has not been made public in the "least reliable" category," and "systematically to encrypt e-mails, so that ultimately encryption becomes the norm"."
Re:an Apache port to rubber bands and plastic? (Score:1)
Weird, huh?
Even better, the above apparently violated the postercomment compression filter. Comment aborted. Lameness filter encountered.
funding. (Score:1)
Hopefully they'll do..
Re:funding. (Score:1)
Re:funding. (Score:1, Informative)
Re:funding. (Score:1)
what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:4, Insightful)
The article is pretty long, so perhaps I missed something....
Re:what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:2)
if not everyone can look at it it's not public. if it's not verifiably the code, it's not public.
and let's face it.. Outlook has a history of being (ab)used for viruses, and will really have something to prove to rise above "least reliable".
Re:what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:1)
Don't worry, Microsoft is still hiring. They'll screw up and hire someone who'll put the whole source on Freenet.
Including complete build instructions.
Re:what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:2)
That's the key one, let's not let anyone forget it.
If you can't build the whole source for the OS, at least, every last bit of it involved in the security/communications chain, then it can't be said to be trustworthy.
Re:what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:1)
The ability to help them improve what you don't like and fork if they won't is not a necessary prerequisite to a security audit: you find out it is not secure enough, you don't use it if you can't fix it.
Member of the Legion Of Microsoft Haters
Re:what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:1)
Member of the Legion Of Microsoft Haters
A double-hater! Is there a website with info on how to become a member, or is this "legion" an unofficial group?
Re:what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:1)
There was a website, I think it disappeared. I have been thinking about a formal resurrection of The Legion. I've been out of webspace for a moment, though (since I dropped myself out of "college").
LOMH.org might still be available. cost?
I was thinking about a structural thing, with ranks for amount of acquired recruits.
won't retype it now (hope it's there)
Re:what about MS "Shared Source"? (Score:1)
same code? (Score:1)
This is stupid (Score:1, Troll)
If your goal is encrypted e-mail, what does the source code have to do with anything? As long as it follows published encryption algorithms, that's all that matters. After all, if it doesn't follow the standard, then it's kind of hard to decrypt it.
I think it's a tad more important for the underlying mathematics to be tight, than to be able to view the source code implementation of an inferior algorithm.
Re:This is stupid (Score:2, Flamebait)
Source code in the public domain exposes the software to scutiny. Without scrutiny, how do you know it's safe? You're just going to trust the word of any two bit software maker?
Re:This is stupid (Score:1, Flamebait)
Without scrutiny, how do you know it's safe?
Because, duh, it has a well-defined input, and a well-defined output. Tell me how anything in the middle matters.
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
Maybe your right... [goats.com]
Re:This is stupid (Score:2)
> > Without scrutiny, how do you know it's safe?
> Because, duh, it has a well-defined input, and a well-defined output.
> Tell me how anything in the middle matters.
Actually, good encrypttion is rather trying to produce anything but a well-defined output. Or do you think that a cryptanalyst's job simply consists in shifting encrypted messages a few letters left or guessing that all a's shoud be replaced by b's? ...
I think you have been a boy scout a bit too long
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
Actually, good encrypttion is rather trying to produce anything but a well-defined output.
It is extremely well defined. It's just not easily readable.
Remember what we're talking about here... sending a message from person to another. Unless you think the mail program is going to change the content of the message, and no one is going to notice that their messages are getting changed, then there isn't much wiggle room if the message is going to be successfully decrypted by the recipient.
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
- Buggy implementations that don't fail on very many test cases at all, unless you relish testing your mailer with the infinite number of possible messages.
- Bad handling of macros, attachments, and other things certain modern e-mailers try.
- Bad coding practices such as buffer overflows, which can exacerbate the above.
- Deliberate back-doors, such as automatically processing specially-formatted messages as instructions...
- Other misc bad behaviors such as eating file handles, zombie processes, and other examples of lousy coding practices.
Re:This is stupid (Score:2)
Even then, it's only as safe if your compiler hasn't been compromised.
No, it isn't (Score:2, Redundant)
This is so wrong that I don't even know where to start.
The program can use published algorithms everywhere, but if it RSA encrypts your message in the FBI's public key, and mails it to them (as well as encrypting as it should be and mailing to your friend), then it isn't exactly a secure email program. The only way to know if the program is doing stuff like this is to READ THE SOURCE.
To trust that a security-related program does not have a back door, you need the source. Period.*
*You could try to watch outgoing network connections, but this is a hack as you may not be able to figure out what it is sending since it could be encrypted. Having the source is a much more reliable method of spotting back doors.
Re:No, it isn't (Score:2)
but if it RSA encrypts your message in the FBI's public key, and mails it to them (as well as encrypting as it should be and mailing to your friend), then it isn't exactly a secure email program.
You don't think anyone is going to notice that their e-mail queue is getting twice as many messages as it should? Or that logs aren't going to anything strange? That's absurd.
Re:No, it isn't (Score:1)
I'll rather use smtp and mail transport agent customized and embedded in the application just in that purpose. Sure I am not the first and the only one who came up with that idea.
Re:No, it isn't (Score:2)
Some server managers might, but, no, most casual users would not notice such things.
The story that broke a couple days ago about the divorcee whose ex-husband installed spy software on her home PC is a testimony to the obliviousness of most computer users.
The only reason he was caught was due to his own stupidity in mentioning things to his former wife's friend that could have only been known if he had installed such snooping software. Otherwise, he could peep to his heart's content.
I know lots of people with fun, useful, http-active software running all the time on their PCs (webshots, newsfeeds). It would not be such a stretch to have those programs summarize key strokes, buffer them up, and send a compressed encrypted version back via web request to an innocuous site. It could all be done under the guise of normal operations. You know, "updating..." Kind of like cookies but more intrusive. And that's just one example. You can probably think of several other ways to do it.
The earlier poster is correct. There are simply so many imaginative ways through which your security can be compromised that inspection of the actual source code is the only substantial guarantee you have.
Re:This is stupid (Score:3, Informative)
Trusting a closed source application means that you're trusting every programmer who ever wrote a line of code for the application. When you can't see that code to make sure it's not crap, you've got a security nightmare waiting to happen.
-all dead homiez
Re:This is stupid (Score:2)
You're missing an important point: how do you know that a given closed-source email encryption/decryption engine does not "leak" keys?
Well, this is the first reasonable point I've seen about this, and it's theoretically possible, I suppose.
But it still comes down to "who do you trust". Either you trust that someone "somwhere" has certified an open source program, or you trust that some well-known company with a good reputation has certified the program. Either way, unless you are a security expert and can verify it yourself, you are going by blind trust.
Well known company... (Score:1)
In any case, you would have to trust the certifier.
With a well-known open-source project, you only need to trust stastics. You only need to trust that there will be one person out of thousands that is experienced enough to find the hole and isn't looking for personal gain for covering it up (like the product vendor or an 'expert' hired by it might).
Not satsified yet? Hire your own expert to test the code.
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
Having read your post I don't trust anyone any more. From now on I'll use exclusively open source security apps, and encourage others to do the same by showing them your post.
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
From now on I'll use exclusively open source security apps, and encourage others to do the same by showing them your post.
Actually, this is not enough. When you are dealing with sensitive information, all your apps should be open-source, this includes the OS, the libraries, and any installed software.
Why, you ask? Because any bit of closed source software could include a keylogger or screen recorder or just modify in RAM your compiled open-source program. Especially you need to fear using closed-source OS, a closed-source library, and a closed-source compiler. All can easily hide backdoors.
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
Honestly, no I wouldn't (because I don't use any encryption).
However, if I were a European business worried about the possibility of losing millions of dollars in trade secrets to US companies because of Echelon, I would gladly pay a few mathematicians to review and test all the source code I use. If my company is willing to do this, then so would others.
Algorithms that are too complicated (i.e. obfuscated) to understand and test might be ignored in favor of ones that are. Code that makes unexplained calls to the socket library gets trashed.
Security through obscurity is foolish as long as Echelon exits.
Remember the ssh key-press timing hole? (Score:1)
Re:This is stupid (Score:2)
Here's a sample closed source algorithm:
e_msg = use_unbreakable_encryption_scheme(msg);
return e_msg;
Don't you feel all safe and comfy with your closed source now!!
Re:The French (Score:1)
The French have this rather strange idea of puting laws on their statute books, but not implementing them in practise, as any visitor to a french kitchen restaurant will agree with regard to EU Health and Safety regulations. Its a subtle ploy to make English products hideously uncompetitive, as here we believe in implementing and enforcing every daft notion which comes out of Brussels and Frankfurt.
[ I have to say that the Resolution in the headline, though, seems to be one of the better ones! Maybe as a result of this, once a bureaucrat gets a Linux system and finds he can't play DVDs on it, maybe he'll realise that implementing the European equivalent of the DMCA is a damn stupid idea....
Re:The French (Score:1)
Sorry, we, French, are much more enlightened than that. Basically, the government lifted most of the restrictions on cryptography.
It all boils down to trust (Score:4, Interesting)
-all dead homiez
Europe luring programmers? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Europe luring programmers? (Score:2)
Re:Austria still has a few prudes left (Score:1)
If you can read German fluently, the Austrian StGB is available here [sbg.ac.at]. The Swiss StGB is here [admin.ch] and the German one is here [gesetzesweb.de].
Re:Europe luring programmers? (Score:1)
Re:Europe luring programmers? (Score:1)
Considering tremendous immigration during XIX and XX centuries there are hardly any puritan blood left in this society.
Re:Europe luring programmers? (Score:1)
Do you know that blasphemy is illegal in the republic of Ireland?
If that's not puritanical, I don't know what is...
Eh? (Score:1)
Say, where exactly do you live?
Last time I checked, Europeans, or at least non-English-and-non-French-speaking-Europeans were actually quite conservative.
Re:Europe luring programmers? (Score:1)
i wonder if slashdot will be around, or if there will be a slashdot.it by then...
Mixing two different things (Score:1)
Re:Mixing two different things (Score:2)
secure mail idea? (Score:1)
1) sender checks compliancy of target machine. if encryption protocol is installed, message is encrypted.
2) sender encrypts message.
3) single use key is stored on originating server
4) encrypted message is transported to target machine
5) target machine receives message and reads encryption headers
6) target machine requests one time key from sender
7) simple security checks, this can be spoofed I'm sure, but try and validate 8he authenticity of the one-time key request. Flag and send a message to the sender if things seem out of order, or reject request.
9) if request is valid, send key and delete one-time key from server
10) further requests will be denied (so if a message gets intercepted and someone tried to get the key, if/when the actual target tries to unencrypt, they can get a notification that the key has already been used. they have to option to flag a message back to the sender notifying them of a possible breach.
I dunno, this might work, then again I'm not a mail or encryption expert.
OSS support (Score:1)
This is very good news. The next time I find a government-connected website, (or anything funded or contracted by the government for that matter) which does not work in Mozilla, I'll be emailing them a link to this page.
Re:OSS support (Score:1)
For that matter, any time I find something that I need to download a Windows executable to get to work.
Or even services managed by regulators (ADSL, for example) should now be supported in non-Windows systems, or at least for specificatiosn to be released so that they may be.
Maybe the EU will save the Yanks' collective butt! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Maybe the EU will save the Yanks' collective bu (Score:1, Flamebait)
It's good to have allies
The real news here (Score:1)
Those of us in the US, on the other hand, have principles in the government (the VP for example) who have attempted to make information security and encryption illegal.
Re:The real news here (Score:2)
The 'EU' doesn't give any more of a damn about the privacy of its citizens than the 'US' does. By 'EU' and 'US' we refer to the political power brokers of the respective organizations. Recall the draconian British laws that require law enforcement to be able to have access to any encryption that a private citizen my employ on pain of jail time.
What the 'EU' is truly concerned with here is that they US may be able to spy on 'EU' corporations and obtain market advantages. The fact that the most popular desktop software is owned by and US corporation with a reputation (deserved or not) for backdoors and hacks to break competitors doesn't sit well with the 'EU'. They would much rather be in control themselves.
protect_privacy != protect_privacy_from_US
Re:The real news here (Score:1)
The 'EU' doesn't give any more of a damn about the privacy of its citizens than the 'US' does.
The part of the 'EU', represented by people chosen in a part of the world where I live does. Why else would there be a Non-US Debian GNU/Linux then, hosted outside the US? The US (and China, Afghanistan, Iran and [your favorite dead-penalty-applying country]) restricts encryption to take away the freedom to choose the amount of privacy one uses. You cannot seperate privacy and freedom, and it differs in various parts of the world.
By 'EU' and 'US' we refer to the political power brokers of the respective organizations.
The amount of privacy/freedom legally permitted is agreed upon by these political power brokers.
The UK is, compared to other countries in Europe, closest related to the US, on various territories. Sometimes it shows. Sometimes it doesn't. Often it's humorous.
What the 'EU' is truly concerned with here is that they US may be able to spy on 'EU'
Nuff said.
Kudos for showing interest in European affairs though
Privacy interests - was Re:The real news here (Score:1)
Re:The real news here (Score:2)
I can only conclude you didn't read the report. It included many recommendations aimed at enforcement of the individual's fundamental right to privacy, a concept that some Americans may find difficult to grasp. It does not seem partial to business interests at all.
Re:The real news here (Score:1)
On the positive side, most of us don't have a DMCA yet, and an SSSCA is out of the question, so it's not all bad
The proper solution: encrypt everything, not email (Score:5, Interesting)
The proper solution is to encrypt all your IP traffic through IPsec tunnels [ietf.org]. Recent work [ietf.org] within the IETF [ietf.org] has given new ideas about how to start performing automatic IPsec connections with any host you can speak with. This is the type of solution that will help battle echelon like networks.
Re:The proper solution: encrypt everything, not em (Score:2)
Correct me if I'm wrong...
Re:The proper solution: encrypt everything, not em (Score:2)
Correct me if I'm wrong...
I'm afraid you're wrong. IPsec has it's own method of tunneling that isn't based on GRE.
Now, what you could have noted was the internet-draft I pointed to required storing keys within secure-dns, which hasn't been deployed yet either...
Re:The proper solution: encrypt everything, not em (Score:2)
Anything that monitors the email server rather than simply sniffing traffic will be able to sidestep the IPsec tunnel (assuming we are still using email and not some p2p tunneling mail protocol). Although it would be nice and much easier to just implement IPsec across the board (and easier still once IPv6 is more widely adopted), to stop system attacks rather than just network atacks requires encrypting each message. Oh well.
Close, but not quite there (Score:2)
Okay so you've cracked my email server now you have access to a bunch of headers and a lot of encrypted garbage. You crack my ftp server and you've got nothing but encrypted files.
This answers another question (Score:3, Insightful)
With European governments wise to Echelon and MSFT's complicity with the US requests to make certain back doors...it would not be in the US's best interest to speed adoption of OSS software by breaking MSFT's stranglehold on competition.
While I'm stretching a bit, I don't doubt this is inline with the thinking in Washington (or would that be Virginia?).
France already uses OSS in a lot of things (Score:2, Interesting)
While some posters are correct that the UK is not pro-OSS in many respects, and certainly anti-privacy, Europe is not a monolith. OSS is spreading throughout northern Europe (Scandinavia), Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and so on.
None of this will defeat Echelon, however, so long as the UK sits in the middle of the pipe, feeding any data that comes through Gibralter and England to the US. So, without strong encryption of normal traffic, and a move to IPv6sec, Echelon will continue to survive and prosper.
Who cares? (Score:1)
I heard this before.
(I am a very-new-newbie to linux so don't take this the wrong way)
If OSS software developers were so concerned, why is there no industrial-strength ultra crypto distro(is that the term?) of linux with really kewl desktop themes and special ZoneAlarm-type-firewall, Serv-U-FTP looking encrypted FTP & other super-duper features.
I think there was awhile back by the name of Paranoid Linux or something like that.
Why wasn't there a demand for an ultra-secure version of linux. Just because you might not be commiting computer(or other) crimes is not a reason to run an unsecure OS.
Re:Who cares? (Score:2)
There isn't really anything special in your list that hasn't been offered by most distros for years.
1337 questions in Dutch parliament (Score:2, Interesting)
I was surprised to see some politicians here who seem to be aware of the consequences of the draconian Microsoft licensing coming up. So I decided to (try to) post some of them in english below.
Disclaimer: translating is not part of my job, I'm not an politician and I don't represent anybody. I only do www-tech-stuff, thank you.
1-4, summary:
Did the minister calculate the amount of extra millions of money needed if schools, universities, government, etc. need these new [XP-type] Microsoft licenses?
Which other consequences does the new operating system [Microsoft] have in combination with the new licensing system, for Kennisnet [kennisnet.nl] and connected schools?
(translated: Knowledgenet - an Internet-based network of primary(?) schools for kids, parents, teachers, etc.])
Which actions did you take in the past to inform schools about the Microsoft trap?
Which actions are undertaken now or in the near future to minimize negative consequences for schools? Are you willing [...] to focus their attention on alternatives like MacOS, Linux and FreeBSD?
How are you going to prevent that the government, and users and visitors of websites of the government, become dependant on only the Microsoft operating system?
Are you willing to investigate how can be assured that information from the government will remain accessible for all Internet users, despite their chosen operating system, or Internet-browser they use?
Did you notice 'the Microsoft trap' in (6)? Not just a MS trap, or another MS trap, but the one and only.
Although I like the question, I think the choice of words makes it look rather clumsy (for a politician, that is), or very MS-unfriendly. Which I find funny. I guess.
It usually takes months before answers are put online, unfortunately.