MIT Sues Sony over digital TV 160
dfinney wrote to us with a story from The Tech, concerning MIT suing Sony. Basically, MIT claims to have a number of patents, has worked with other folks in the industry, sez they've talked with Sony for a year, no headway, don't want to sue, but have key claims - etc etc.
And We're OFF.... (Score:3, Interesting)
when times are BAD.....
the Japanese economy just hit a two-decade (17 year to be more precise) low...
Japanese banks are being given lending capital from the Central Bank at ***ZERO*** percent interest, and there are few-to-NO takers....
at some point, the Intellectual Property War between the West and the East is really going to heat up
historically, MIT has been very much a "Good Citizen" on the issues of cross/conflicting patents...Sony, historically, has been so-so
could this be an early skirmish in the upcoming IP Wars????
Now, if we're going to do "Lawyers At Dawn", I officially suggest that we carpet bomb Tokyo with attorneys from B-52's and B-1B's in HUGE WAVES
Re:And We're OFF.... (Score:1)
That anything like The Clone Wars?
Re:And We're OFF.... (Score:1)
Re:And We're OFF.... (Score:2)
Yes. The documentaries of it will be filmed in Japanese then overdubbed in Engrish for release in the States.
Bits of intercepted communication between two combatants: Ha ha ha! My Class A makes your Unroutable C jelly! Our do not pay the rate for A. We are one C for Internet. All your NAT are belong to us! My policy DENY will hide ping from you! Make your DDOS. Default DROP every packet For great QOS.
Re:And We're OFF.... (Score:1)
Cruel and unusual punishment. After all, isn't dropping one lawyer equivalent to roughly ten Hiroshima explosions?
[Bring on the lawyer jokes!]
Re:And We're OFF.... (Score:2)
If we target law schools and legal firms, we can probably overwhelm them with the volume and mass of attorneys we drop as well as reduce their ability to retaliate.
Move every justice...for great big *splat*
Re:And We're OFF.... (Score:1)
if you borrwed yen at 0%, brought it to the states and left it there to accrue interest in dollars, the exchange rate change when you complete the deal would theoretically deny you of all monetary benefits. there's no room for arbitrage.
comparing inter-bank offering rates in different currencies can be misleading
should go for the kill (Score:1)
MIT has devoted time and money into this research.. no one should be allowed to use it for free just cuz they're big and rich.
Re:should go for the kill (Score:1)
Re:MIT are patent parasites (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:I don't get it... (Score:4, Informative)
From mit.edu:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- a coeducational, privately endowed research university
Ofcourse there are some projects which get federal grant but not all and so it also has the right to patent stuff like any other research institute
Re:I don't get it... (Score:1)
Re:I don't get it... (Score:1)
Another multiple success story is the University of Wisconsin. In the 1920s, it developed a process for irradiating certain foodstuffs with ultraviolet rays to enhance Vitamin D formation--a technology that found its way into virtually every milk bottle. Decades later, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation patented certain derivatives of Vitamin D now used to treat renal osteodystrophy and other bone-related diseases. Gross revenue surpassed $14 million, and the university netted about $8 million.
That works out to *a lot* less than a few cents a gallon. And it would seem those patents would have expired by now.
Re:I don't get it... (Score:3, Interesting)
It hasn't been that way for a long time now. The sale and licensing of intellectual property can represent a significant source of income to a university, and those dollars can be used to offset tuition costs and operating expenses, which is a good thing.
It's no different than intercollegiate sports; the players aren't professionals, public funds help pay their tuitions, why shouldn't we get into the games for free? Because the ticket fees help support the program so my taxes don't have to.
I'm curious... (Score:1)
Re:I'm curious... (Score:4, Informative)
They stumped him with an armee of lawyers, court costs for him were abough 2.000.000 british pounds.
Note that before that sony actually had payed him appr. 50.000$ - while they sold walkmen for a couple of billion $s worldwide.
Re:I'm curious... (Score:2, Interesting)
Excuse me? (Score:1)
Sony had better watch out (Score:2, Funny)
It's 'bout time they paid up. (Score:1, Interesting)
On the other hand one wonders, whether Sony will readily hire MIT graduates in the future.
If certain colleges get labelled as sue happy will their graduates have a hard time getting hired by established corps?
Re:It's 'bout time they paid up. (Score:1)
Of course, if any of those graduates pull typical MIT pranks on Sony, then yes, I doubt they would be on the top of the hire list.
Re:It's 'bout time they paid up. (Score:2, Insightful)
Of course if the roles were reversed, most people here would be telling us how evil patents are and talking about boycotting Sony. Funny how that works, huh?
Re:It's 'bout time they paid up. (Score:2, Insightful)
Stolen? (Score:1)
Re:It's 'bout time they paid up. (Score:1)
So are you the brave soul who steps forward to admit that what you guys are really fighting for has nothing to do with principles or freedom, but more about jealousy and hating to see other people making a lot of money?
Re:It's 'bout time they paid up. (Score:1)
I don't agree with most people on
I always believed it was for Joe Sixpack who comes up with great idea X and while pitching it to company Y they steal X and sell his idea.
But I do agree crazy patents on things like the question mark (LOL!! austi... fu'k it) where company Y is going to sue the pants off Joe Sixpack are wrong.
But this case hopefully will make a lot of
It's not going to go away. And people like Alan Parsons are happy because of that.
No one wants to be raped, 'cept coyboy neal or cmdr fur taco - but they don't count as people. I patented them six months ago.....
As I said in an earlier post on a different topic - the USA will be the first to award patents for breathing in thorough your nose and out through your mouth.
Re:It's 'bout time they paid up. (Score:1)
Although you fail to see mine. Patents aren't bad in my book, greed is.
You seem to miss that little peoples patents got us to where we are today. Nothing is built all on its own.
The patents that require large capital investments usually screw over Joe Sixpack when he goes (on click/TV/Car) shopping, needs surgury, or wants secure e-mail.
Phil Zimmerman!!!
So I sez to Mable, I sez... (Score:1, Offtopic)
sez they've talked with Sony for a year
U R IRCing 2 much when U think "sez" is OK. Drivz me nutz.
(Bonus points if you recognize the source of my subject line.)
Re:So I sez to Mable, I sez... (Score:1)
Re:So I sez to Mable, I sez... (Score:1)
About TV... (Score:2, Funny)
graduate student inventions (Score:5, Interesting)
I believe that in comparison to other educational institutions, MIT is quite a bit more enlightened, giving inventors 1/3 of any licensing revenues (at least in some departments). Universities like USF [usf.edu] (hint: a place probably best avoided by smart students) have their student inventors thrown in jail [ieee.org] if they want the exclusive rights to a promising invention.
As for these specific patents, it would be interesting to know what they are for: do they really represent interesting inventions, or is it the kind of patent that claims "any television that uses a framebuffer and a CPU".
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:3, Insightful)
What the graduate students get out of it is that when they get their Ph.D., they are the foremost experts in the world in one subject. From the time of their discovery to the point they publish, they alone know the answer to a problem many people (if they choose their battles wisely) want answered.
The point of academia is fame, not fortune. People who want to make their discoveries and get paid well for them go into industry, or become entrepreneurs. Academia is where you may not get paid for your idea, but everyone considers you an expert, and you get speaking engagements, press interviews, and the like.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:1, Interesting)
This is just not true. People who just received their PhD are rarely if ever considered the worlds foremost experts on any subject, including their dissertation topic. In most cases they'll generally have many more years of work to complete before establishing any sort of reputation for themselves, or even finding a position with any job security in academia.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:1, Interesting)
the best in the world at what they do. Remember that the Ph.D. is awarded for depth not just breadth of knowledge. There are enough small niche areas that doctoral students almost invariably surpass their advisor's skill in their specialty.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:2)
actually, the point is knowledge. not fame, not fortune.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:1)
> actually, the point is knowledge. not fame, not fortune.
Oh no, the point really is both fame and fortune, it's just not polite to admit it
Re:i guess you didn't get in? (Score:2)
(University was also nice for the social life, and the high-speed internet access (10 Base T LAN, then a fibre hop or two away from the UK JANET backbone in Manchester - bloody fast!), but they're hardly necessary...)
The stuff I was interested in myself I learnt anyway, by getting books/ online docs and reading them, experimenting myself, and talking to people.
If there was some way to print a verifiable listing of the stuff peoples' brains contain (like a guaranteed-true CV), it would save a lot of people the hassle of paying for a University to rubberstamp knowledge they have anyway.
Re:i guess you didn't get in? (Score:1)
The reason that I would hire someone who had a degree over someone who doesn't is that it shows me that the person has enough discipline and commitment to do something that takes four years. Someone may have a lot of a knowlege but would they be a good employee?
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:1)
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:2)
The whole issue is not about money, you are wrong there, but rather to get recognition for your ideas and inventions. After all they are YOUR ideas and inventions.
So, if you make a discovery, it will be your discovery.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:4, Interesting)
From that description, you tell me whether I work in "academia" or "industry". There is no dividing line any more.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:1)
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:2)
At the time I chose them, they were a good employer. Then they turned evil, and I have a mortage to pay and stock options to wait on. Unlike in Dilbert, employers don't usually put signs outside saying "Evil Research Megalabs".
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:2)
Not entirely true... (Score:1)
If you work for Microsoft and you discover the cure for diabetes while on vacation at your grandma's house in South Texas, it is yours.
That is assuming you didn't sign away your life to your employeer.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:4, Insightful)
I totally agree that the inventor should get a significant cut of the pie (I'm biased though, being an undergrad lab assistant
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:2)
All of the administrative overhead is covered by your grants and outside funding as well. Most places (depending on the university) take anywhere from 25-50% of your grant to cover overhead.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:2)
That may be true in the biosciences, but in computer science and signal processing, even ten years ago, buying a research-capable workstation was a matter of a few thousand dollars (cheaper than today's high-end PCs), and the incremental cost of Internet access was pretty low even back then. Office space isn't all that expensive either in most places, and universities generally pay less. As others have pointed out, universities cover those expenses as "overhead" out of grants anyway. (I hope digital television research doesn't generate a lot of biohazards, btw.)
Stanford ignores Sun, SGI, CISCO, Yahoo (Score:2)
(routers were a computer staff project).
Stanford pretty much ignored them when they started
companies. This is documented in Revenge of the
Nerds, series II. And I used the the prototypes
of the first three during my years at Stanford.
In fact, the name SUN originally stood for Stanford
University Network.
On the other hand for each of these mega-successes,
there are ten failures. Todays NY Times has a
story about a Stanford student dropping out to
start an unsuccessful dot.com, then returning
to finish the degree. He says that his frathouse
had eight dot.coms running on Stanford servers
during the peak- none of them succeeding.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:1)
Actual facts are often useful in these discussions. See:
The terms don't seem altogether unreasonable to me.
Re:graduate student inventions (Score:1)
MIT Technology Licensing Office Guide [mit.edu]
Even if it were entirely federally funded... (Score:1)
Intellectual property is important...and if MIT weren't allowed to file a patent on it, someone else who can, will.
Then everyone gets screwed.
Re:Even if it were entirely federally funded... (Score:2, Interesting)
Because it also allows American small businesses and individual hackers to walk away with a huge amount of research, too. And no, it isn't free, because we all pay taxes, including Sony. Note that I'm not arguing whether or not MIT is federally funded or not, but if they were, then why should they be entitled to all the loot when the American people are the venture capitalists who are paying for the seed money?
Newsflash: MIT got sued over the idea of INSTITUTE (Score:2, Offtopic)
While MIT is preoccupied with suing Sony for
allerged intellectual property disputes, MIT
itself got sued by those who originate the
concept of INSTITUTION - in which, the word
INSTITUTE is part of it.
Great and dead Greek philosophers from ancient
time, such as Socrates are among those who
are trying to get back the INSTITUTION idea
from MIT.
If MIT lost the suit, MIT will have to drop
the word "INSTITUTE" from its namesake.
Therefore, it *IS* a possibility that we may
see MT to replace MIT. Or perhaps, MUT -
Massachusette *UNIVERSITY* of Technology.
But then.... the intellectual concept of
UNIVERSITY was not orginated from the campus
of MIT either.
Stay tuned for the result !
This link works (Score:2, Informative)
The post above has a space in it that shouldn't be there.
US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:2, Interesting)
The only reasons I can think of for Sony to comply are Japanese surrender terms from World War 2, or trade agreements that would get Sony to recognize US patents. In that case, it would be the Japanese Govt who should be enforcing this, not the US courts.
Re:US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:1)
Re:US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:3, Informative)
Re:US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:3, Informative)
Does the US Legal system really have much right to tell a Japanese company what technologies it can and cannot develop?
This would be a valid point if the patent described the process of making the hardware. That infringement at least potentially takes place completely outside the US would have to resort to asking other countries for help and if they didn't get it then resort to trade embargos or just give up.
But more likely the patent describes the use of the product, and by selling the product in the US, Sony places itself under US jurisdiction for contributory patent infringement (selling a product which is designed for the primary purpose of infringing patents, essentially). Sounds pretty similar to what Dmitry Sklyarov was allegedly doing, doesn't it?
Re:US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:1)
Re:US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:1)
Re:US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:2)
However, this is all moot, because there is a Sony Inc. in the US. Nyah.
Re:US Laws and Extraterritoriality (Score:1)
Does the US Legal system really have much right to tell a Japanese company what technologies it can and cannot develop?
You're kidding, right? Sony engages in a great deal of business in the United States. As a result, they need to play by the local rules. If they fail to respect US law, the US will simply spank everything within reach. Worst case, there are plenty of assets based the US to be seized, and we could refuse import of Sony products. Any multi-national corporation knows how this game is played and carefully toes the line in every country they do business in.
Google Cache of the page (Score:3, Informative)
Ironic... (Score:1, Interesting)
These are the same people who brought us the X-window system, released under what is probably the least restrictive public license of them all, right? So why the sudden change of heart?
OK, so there's a lot more money to be made out of digital TVs than there was out of a network-transparent client-server windowing system for UNIX. But YKWIM.
Give 'em hell, Sony. (Score:1)
Give em hell.
I wanted to go to MIT (Score:1, Offtopic)
I went to MIT! (Score:2)
(Actually a higher quality slashdot where
everyone knows what they are talking about instead
of the 20% here.)
Interesting patent (Score:1)
Offtopic: While I was looking for the MIT patents on this digital TV stuff I ran across this:
http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PT O2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=/netahtml/search-bool.html&r =1&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=ft95&s1=Massachusetts&s2=Tec hnology&OS=Massachusetts+AND+Technology&RS=Massach usetts+AND+Technology [uspto.gov]
Apparently Apple holds a patent on Icons.
Maybe I can find some that are relevent to the story now.
Re:Interesting patent (Score:1)
Not to add facts to the fire but.... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Not to add facts to the fire but.... (Score:1)
Is MIT accredited? I checked with the accredidation board that was attempting to accredit University of Missouri-Columbia's comp engr dept and they only had accepted money from state schools and small private institutions. As far as I know, many MIT and Standford programs aren't officaly accredited. Of course I'm not implying that that is a problem, its just that accredication seems to be yet another money game. One of the early "get your degree via email" spamers started (and still owns) a major accredication agency.
Re:Not to add facts to the fire but.... (Score:2)
Practically, it probably doesn't matter much, because MIT itself is so well known.
Re:Not to add facts to the fire but.... (Score:2)
Accreditation can be overrated (Score:2)
I felt as if I was trapped in a bad Dilbert sequence on ISO 9000. I actually saw the answers coming. THeir focus now is on "outcome assessment." You can be as bad as you want, as long as you're measuring something.
At this campus, I'm involved in the Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB) program. It is a separate program from the Smeal college on the main campus, as they had accreditation concerns. Now some of the faculty in this program are talking about accreditation, and I (and others) are opposed to even applying. The Penn State name means a lot more than AACSB. We would be foolish to make any changes to satisfy them; it would be a tradeoff of standards for nonsense.
In fact, I don't want to stop at not applying; I want an official statement explaining the reason, and stating our willingness to joinin forming a body that accredits based on standards and quality rather than process.
hawk, of course speaking for himself and neither the program or the university.
Re:Not to add facts to the fire but.... (Score:1)
Media lab role (Score:2)
Patent is lucrative for universities (Score:1)
No past; No fate but what we make for ourselves (Score:1)
Ah... so that was what happened when I tried to check some stories from the past from the Search function (while logged in).
Not enough people commenting on the not-front-page story, so we can never see it again because of this? Hmm.....
And here I was thinking it was just a generic script error message.
Re:What bullshit (Score:1)
2) Just because you sometimes get more than you pay for, doesn't mean you should expect it.
Especially on /.
Try walking around in the sunshine a little. (my excuse: it's night)