Sklyarov, Elcomsoft Plead Not Guilty 484
squared99 writes: "I'm sure it has already flooded slashdot, but Dmitri has entered his plea, not guilty. This NYTimes article talks about it. Not sure I like the mention of bumper stickers, as opposed to the real people who have been protesting, but at least it talks about the support he has been getting. It even appeared as one the main newsworthy item on my daily NYTimes newsletter, Yay! Let's keep up the support and protests. As my brother said to me the other day, "The only way to beat bullies is to stand up to them."" See also Elcomsoft's statement about the case, a story in the Boston Globe, and this cute fable about a DMCA future. Update: 08/31 19:37 PM GMT by M : one more link - the Russian Foreign Ministry has warned its programmers not to travel to the United States.
Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:2, Interesting)
This is not to say I won't be campaigning against the DMCA, however.
I think I am in line with the more controversial [adequacy.org] commentators on this issue, but I feel it is the only honest line.
Re:Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:3, Insightful)
Is the criminal justice system not part of our democracy? You seem to imply laws can only be changed if the Congress passes a law to repeal it. That's not true at all. If the law is unconsititutional, the judicial system has more than enough power to declare it so.
Sounds like you're fighting for the wrong side.
Re:Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:2, Informative)
The "law" is not always important (Score:5, Insightful)
It is our duty as Americans to protest and commit acts of civil disobiedience when we believe a law is unjust. We must, of course, expect to be punished for our actions, but we must never fall blindly into the belief that we should obey and accept people punsihed under unjust laws, to do so is to sign away our freedoms one by one, because as many of you know waiting and writing to Congress to get something done, is not the most effective thing you can do.
Someone who is being punished under an unjust law is being unjustly punished, and you should not support punishing him, if you do not believe the law is just, to do so is hipocrasy.
Re:Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:2)
On a side note: what I understand from this is that everyone who is or has been an employee of ElcomSoft, or anyone who has somehow contributed to the "effort" is subjected to arrest upon entering the USA. Maybe one wouldn't even need to enter the USA (think Noriega). I think this extreme scenario highlights how law and justice can be apart, as you suggested.
Re:Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:3, Insightful)
Not quite. Two simple points prove this statement wrong:
Re:Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:3, Insightful)
I suspect DMCA is very unconstitutional, and hopefully if EFF can make a good enough case The Court can be convinced to overturn it; so supporting them in this effort is important.
Your "democratic action" does have its place. Even if it doesn't reverse this law, making your displeasure over DMCA known (in an thoughtful, clear fashion) to your representatives in Congress gives them feedback on the quality of their legislation and may prevent future similar "bad laws" from being enacted in the 1st place. This feedback is very important, but often times legislatures get insulated from the results of their work, and then some poor person (like Dimitri) has to be the "test case" victim to get it corrected in The Courts.
"Democratic action" has its place, but democracy (or in our case a republic) without constitutional restrictions and a judiciary system is tyranny waiting to happen.
While in theory I also disagree that all "wrong laws" must be obeyed, in this context the difference is only academic. The injustices and tragedies of war are so great that I think the laws must be very, very wrong and very, very uncorrectable before that step can be justified. But having your gov't know in the back of their mind that they could never rule out such a response is a useful deterrence to extremist bureaucrats.
Re:Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:2)
Re:Skylarov not guilty in the eyes of Justice (Score:2)
What if the State prohibited protest, and in fact prohibited trying to change the law in any way. Then even "democratic action" to change that law would be illegal. Thus, violating the law could be considered a moral imperative.
To put it another way, laws exist to try to keep society ordery. But when the laws are unjust, they must be changed, and it is possible that those laws will need to be broken to reform them. Laws do not equate to morals. I think there are many things that are illegal but not immoral, as well as many things that ARE immoral but not illegal.
Not everybody has the same morals, though on a Federal level this country has unified laws. However, some of those laws have been bought and paid for by large corporations, in a very undemocratic manner. When corporate lobbyists and greedy politicians ignore their constituents (which is easy since most Americans are now complacent tv-absorbing vegetables anyways, thanks to corporate america and the dumbing-down of media as well as education) then democracy is broken.
Turn it around - what if the law REQUIRED that all Blacks and Jews be rounded up and turned into the police for extermination. You'd be violating the law by providing safe harbor to those people whose lives were at stake. Would such a violation of the law be wrong? When slaves in America were just property with no rights, were the people who freed and protected them from unjust laws doing something wrong? How is it forgivable to obey the law (and thus allow innocent people to suffer) just because you don't want to break the law?
There's another point to be made. It's damn hard to get a law overturned, especially if nobody's been affected by it. If Sklyarov and the EFF manage to get the DMCA repealed (or modified), by showing how the law as it stands is unjust, then wasn't Sklyarov doing the RIGHT thing (albeit unknowingly) by violating an unjust law and thus provoking a TEST CASE to get the unjust law thrown out?
The powers of a jury (or Judge?) (Score:2)
When they believe justice requires it, jurors can refuse to apply the law. Jurors have the power to consider whether the law itself is wrong (including whether it is "unconstitutional"), or is being applied for political reasons. Is the defendant being singled out as "an example" in order to demonstrate government muscle? Were the defendant's constitutional rights violated during the arrest? Much of today's "crime wave" consists of victimless crimes--crimes against the state, or "political crimes", so if you feel that a verdict of guilty would give the government too much power, or help keep a bad law alive, just remember that you can refuse to apply any law that violates your conscience.
By these guidelines I would say a jury (or judge) would be perfectly justified in declaring Dmitry not guilty.
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
Burning Dmitry (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Burning Dmitry (Score:3, Funny)
Funniest thing I've read today.
law and guilt (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm not saying he should be charged or jailed or such. God forbid I support the government's actions here. Thing is, the issue isn't his guilt (as he is clearly guilty) but why the DMCA exists in the first place.
Don't proclaim Sklyarov's innocence, because he isn't. Instead, proclaim the injustice of a law that imposes draconian punishments for things that should not be illegal in the first place.
Re:law and guilt (Score:5, Insightful)
There's probably fifty things you've done today that are crimes in other countries (read much about Afghanistan lately) - keep things in perspective.
ALSO - if you plead guilty, then this doesn't go through the courts with the potential result of the DMCA being declared unconstitutional. If everybody pleads guilty there is ZERO chance of the law being struck down.
Don't be obtuse.
It's quite simple why he is guilty (Score:3, Interesting)
Dmitry violated our law on our soil and has been locked up for it. I hate the DMCA as much as any of us, but he is guilty, and proclaiming him as innocent merely makes one look uninformed.
Re:It's quite simple why he is guilty (Score:4, Insightful)
He came here and spoke about his program, hence he trafficked his information here, which is illegal under the DMCA.
I don't believe that talking about weaknesses in software is illegal. It certainly isn't trafficking.
The trafficking in this case is the sale in the US of software that he first wrote. The fact that he was outside the US is allegedly irrelevant as he/Elcomsoft used a US based server/service to sell the software.
Claiming he is guilty is surely against US judicial protocol as he is "Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty".
Proclaiming him one way or the other merely makes one look uninformed.
Re:It's quite simple why he is guilty (Score:2)
It might be interesting to note that I can buy a wife [russianwives.com] from Russia, but not a piece of software.
Re:It's quite simple why he is guilty (Score:4, Insightful)
Pleading not guilty means that he gets his day in court when he (and his representation) can argue that the DMCA is unconstitutional.
*That* is the way that laws can be struck down.
Re:It's quite simple why he is guilty (Score:2)
Re:It's quite simple why he is guilty (Score:2)
No he is not guilty(yet). Yes I look uninformed.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
He and his company offered the product for sale in America from a server in Chicago. There's clearly no dispute over jurisdiction. The fact that he's not a citizen and that the work was done elsewhere is irrelevant.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
Shouldn't that be "law VS guilt"? (Score:2)
If all that was needed to institute change was people "proclaiming" against immoral unethical laws then you folks in the US of A would still be a colony of the Brits. The fact that actions speak louder than words and that action is often the only way to effect change *was* the whole point of the Boston Tea party I believe..
As I see it, the only unfortunate aspect is that it's a non-US citizen involved; an American in his place would have been a much better symbol of how slippery the slope has become.
sorry, but nope (Score:2, Insightful)
American's don't care about things unless it affects their religion, the children or their cable television prices.
Re:sorry, but nope (Score:2)
Excursions are expensive to fill to the hilt with gas.
Re:sorry, but nope (Score:2)
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
IMHO if they pleaded guilty, there would be no trial and the judge would skip directly to sentencing -- thats not a good thing.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
You're confusing the casual usage of the word "guilty" with the legal use of the word.
Yes, he violated the DMCA in a literal sense, but that doesn't make him "guilty" in any way (at least until he is convicted by the proper legal process).
You can kill someone and not be "guilty" of it because it was self-defense. You can kill someone and not be "guilty" of it because you were mentally incapable of understanding the difference between right and wrong.
The issue here very much is one of guilt -- that's the only reason we take people to criminal court in this country.
Dmitri is presumably going to claim that he is not guilty of anything because by the Constitution the DMCA itself is not an enforceable law -- thus there is nothing to be guilty of.
If the DMCA is unconstitutional, legally it is as if it had never existed in the first place (except of course as a legal precedent)-- there will be no such thing as being guilty of violating it.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
The problem here is coming up with the proper analogy - I don't think there is one. Here's some bad ones:
Imagine there's a country where pornography depicting 16 year olds is legal. In the US, the legal age is 18. Would it be legal for him to sell it here? (Obviously not.)
Imagine he's from a country where Marijuana is legal. Is he guilty of a crime if he sells it to an American in the US. (Obviously.)
You sell a gun to a convicted felon. He's not allowed to own it and you know it. He then kills someone with that gun. Are you guilty of anything? (I believe so.)
Imagine all our guns had gunlocks. Imagine Dmitry sold a device (legal in Russia) that circumvented the gunlocks. Someone uses his device and subsequently commits a crime with that gun. Is Dmitry liable? (Probably.)
And that last analogy might be closest - he (his company) knowingly sold something to someone who is not allowed to own it. Like selling alcohol to a minor. You get in trouble for that.
If he'd just given his crack away, I'm not sure he'd have been prosecutable. But he sold it. Profiting from a crime. However we might feel about the constitutional validity of the DMCA, right now it's a law. Breaking it is a crime.
I can't wait for the justice department to start arresting all the Dutch tourists on drug charges.
Oh, and as a naturalized American citizen (ex-German), I'm deeply ashamed. This is not why I came to this country for. I would like to tell all non-American
Re:law and guilt (Score:2, Insightful)
Sklyarov wrote the software and the company sold it. So, imagine you are a photographer in a country that allows the sale of porn with 16 year olds. You take pictures and get paid for it. The company sells their magazines in America. You visit america for a conference on risque photography and get arrested.
Re:law and guilt (Score:5, Interesting)
Doesn't matter. This is a criminal action against an employee of ElcomSoft. ElcomSoft paid him to do programming for the eBook processor. He did not place the program on a US server, he did not engage a US company to handle credit card orders, he did not sell the product. He just wrote code.
Think about it this way; I, in the normal course of my employment, am instructed to make a program to aid the mastering of an inhouse DVD/VCD video product. As part of the program, I write a decryption algo to reduce our pre-mastered DVD discs to plain files so they can me shuffled, re-encoded, etc. The company finds this acceptable, and in fact good enough it thinks it can get some of its partners to use the software for a fee.
What I did, as a programmer, was legal. Even if I had knowledge that the company may decide to sell it as a commercial product, the burden is on them to acquire the relevant permission. Licensing for sale the CSS IP, the MPEG encoder, etc. Their problem. Not mine. If they are called up on the carpet for IP violations, contributory infringement, DMCA violation, etc, only the company and its officers are legally responsible. Not me.
Same with ElcomSoft. They are liable if their sale of the product violated law, not DS..
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
This is simply not true. If a law is unconstitutional, then it's not a law. It cannot be enforced. Of course, the DMCA has not (yet) been found unconstitutional, so people can be prosecuted under it. But if Sklyvarov and his attorneys hold that the DMCA is unconstitutional, then his plea of "not guilty" is perfectly valid because -- from his viewpoint -- he did not break any law.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
It's a competitor to Adobe. It reads ebooks and exports PDF's. Free market, right? Nope, Adobe doesn't like competition.
His software has legal purposes too. Yes, it has illegal purposes but it's more analogous to someone manufacturing a gun in Russia and selling it in America. Oh wait! You can kill someone with this gun! We better arrest this guy because Smith&Wesson informed us that it exists and he's coming into town to give a speech on How to build hunting rifles for maximum damage.
I think it's very important for individuals to understand exactly why the DMCA is flawed and who it is there to benefit. It's not there to prohibit illegal software, it's there to prohibit competition that is unlicensed. But who's going to license their technology out to a competitor? Not Adobe, apparently.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
Point 2: His employer sold this software (for commercial gain) through a third party that apparently hosted the files on servers in Chicago. This is the *entire* basis of the Government's case. The culpability of Dmitry for the actions of his employer and a third party is certainly a matter of some debate, though I tend to think he should be held harmless. From my understanding, his employer and the third party removed the offending files and remedied the situation.
Point 3: The fact that he gave a speech about his work at a conference has nothing to do with the case, witness the actual indictment against him (I'm sure www.cryptome.org has a copy). The only bearing that it has on the case, is that he was in the country, which allowed the US's Federal BI to arrest him within its jurisdiction.
As for calls by Slashdotters for "Jury Nullification" - we (I presume to speak for many Slashdotters) would prefer to see the DMCA struck down completely or substantially rather than see it on the books. Dmitry, apparently, will pay the price for a chance for us to strike down the law. Please contribute to his defense fund and please support the EFF (www.eff.org).
Of course, there are other causes out there, too. War, genocide and disease in Africa are problems that readily come to mind.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
It's also not clear that Acrobat doesn't circumvent the copy-protection; after all, even after using Dimitry's program, you need a PDF reader. A PDF reader is much much more complicated and difficult to write than xor. It's even more complicated than trying all of the possible bytes to xor with. Since Adobe hasn't even been raided yet, one might guess that what Dimitry did is fine, too.
The law may be unjust, but it's not so bas as to actually apply to what seems to have happened. After all, I can't sue all US computer companies for breaking my copy-protection method of XORing every byte with 0.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
No. The "not guilty" plea is how he gets a trial in the matter. He's perfectly within his rights to do that.
A guilty plea would have been stupid.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
your point of view is very flawed, as badly as every United states law passed in the past 10 years.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
He is indeed innocent of what he is charge for. The actual writing of the code was done in Russia, where the US has no jurisdiction. The US recognizes that (presumably) and they're not charging him for anything of that sort. What they're charging him for is trafficing the code since apparently they used a web host and payment processing service that's based in the US. OK, well, isn't it Elmosoft and Elmosoft only that's responsible? Since when are employees responsible for the misdeeds of their employers? This is like getting sued because your employers poluted some river somewhere (sorry for the analogy, but I work for a Steel company...)
That being said, I don't even believe in the charges at all (and needless to say I don't believe in the DMCA). It looks to me that the US would have charged him even if it wasn't hosted in the US. They'd probably figured out a way to prove that the internet traffic between the host and the person downloading passed through a cable that goes through some Guam airforce base that's American sovereignty. These charges are just a loophole they found to try to enforce a law makes no sense.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
The software was sold in the US (Score:2)
To keep with your analogy. Your person who jay-walked (created the software) in Podunk, then drove to new your and ran a red light (distributed illegal software) in New York. He got cited for running a red light, and your complaining that jay-walking isn't illegal in Podunk.
Dimitri's writing the software in Russia may not be within the jurisdiction of the United States, but distributing that software in the US sure is.
Re:A butterfly flaps it's wings in Russia... (Score:2)
What he did was legal, because the DMCA is unconstitutional [ubidubium.net]. Of course it'll take a trial to establish this, but his claim is perfectly valid.
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
Re:law and guilt (Score:2)
So why is Sklyarov not at least partially, legally responsible for this action? He works for the company. His pay derived from the creation of the software. He represented that company and that software at a conference. Just because there's some company involved doesn't absolve him of his personal responsibility to obey the law. If the law was truely broken (this is for the court to decide) in the US, then unless he had no idea it would be sold in the US (also for a court to decide), then he broke it.
I still think it's a bad law, and should be tossed out by the courts as unconstitutional, but I'm not so sure he didn't break the law.
The extent to which Skylarov was involved in selling the application is the key to whether HE violated the DMCA or not.
Oops, I thought this last line was your sig, and didn't read it until I wrote the rest of your post. I guess my point with this post is that a lot of people are screaming that the US is overstepping it's bounds, but when a foreign company is selling their products to people in the US, the US definately has the right to enforce it's laws. If you don't like it, stay out of the US, and make sure you don't have any business interests here.
A Response from Russia (Score:5, Informative)
Re:A Response from Russia (Score:3, Informative)
This is exceedingly humiliating. (Score:5, Insightful)
This is exceedingly humiliating and depressing. It was less than 15 years ago that we encouraged Gobachev to tear down the wall, to enact change in a totalitarian regime that completely restricted freedom of speech.Now that same country is warning it's citizens against our lack of freedoms.
Words fail.
Re:This is exceedingly humiliating. (Score:4, Interesting)
I have paid my taxes, and my dues. I'm strongly considering re-rooting myself into a true free economy and country. I know nothing is perfect, but there are many countries that are much better than what we're finding here. I try to relate this to the automobile industry, and the rail road industry. It takes a while for thought transition to change. For individuals to accept the new innovation into daily life and then a balance will occur. Unfortunately, through all those "revolutions" we have kept our speech. Here, we have lost our voice. Our freedom of speech has been abolished and placed into the hands of other individuals, not appointed by state, to determine what is ok to say.
I feel useless to change this, but I will never stop protesting. I'll never stop sending emails to everyone I know. I believe in freedom, sadly enough I don't believe in America anymore.
Re:You're very wrong (Score:3)
how bizarre.
democracy dates back a long time before capitalism. we could go back to ancient athens. you might not think of that as democratic though. we could go to tenth-century iceland. (iceland, where they still haven't bothered with capitalism. they did get democracy, back, though. capitalism. what a crazy idea. :)
capitalism also dates back before democracy. that is, unless you think of early nineteenth-century Britain, the birthplace of capitalism, as democratic. I'm unsure as to whether I'd call it democratic now. never mind before 1832.
fascism is also not rule by corporations. that's what we call feudalism. (our modern feudal lords use intellectual property rights instead of land rights. both are fictions of the law.) fascism is rule by gangs: it was named after the fascisti, and a key component of Nazism as well as the Mussolini and Franco regimes was the gangs of thugs who kept people in line.
Bullies (Score:2, Funny)
I like this Tom Clany quote better:
There are two ways you can deal with bullies
You can shock them; or
you can kill them.
Needless to say there are at least 50000 bullies (ie, industry lobiests) in washington alone, so killing is out. Any great ideas on how to collectively shock them? The sheer logistics are mind bogling, but it would be fun to try 8)
I don't care that my spelling stinks.
Re:Bullies (Score:2, Funny)
Well, if we keep them in DC, they'll probably get shot anyway.
Re:Bullies (Score:2)
DMCA coming to Europe (Score:5, Informative)
We can still stop this! Check out here [eurorights.org] and if you're in Britain, write a letter to your MP [faxyourmp.com]. You can and should make a difference.
You've got to admire his boss... (Score:5, Insightful)
Not guilty plea *was* the right thing to do (Score:5, Informative)
I'm really saddened that Russia had to issue its advisory, but again maybe that will be a wake up call to everyone that there is something very very wrong with the way the DMCA is being enforced. One would hope that we can settle the issue internally before it becomes more of an international issue than it already is. The US preaches so much about "human rights" and begs for other countries to "do the right thing" even though their laws are written differently. It's time we practice what we preach.
Don't blow off jury duty!!!! (Score:4, Insightful)
Perhaps the judge can't just proclaim the law as unfair and set Skylarov free, but the jury can refuse to convict him for any reason - even if they just don't like the law in question. If the trial is in Frisco, then there's a good chance that there will be some geeks on the jury (especially since there are so many out of work geeks there these days)
(please disreagard the previous psudo post, I accidentally hit return when the focus was on the "Submit" button)
Re:Not guilty plea *was* the right thing to do (Score:5, Informative)
Are you high?!
That was, honestly, my first gut response to your message. You're operating under a critical, severe misunderstanding of how American jurisprudence works.
No ifs, ands or buts here. The Constitution is this nation's highest law; so high, in fact, that it automatically trumps any other law which comes into conflict with it.
This is actually a little judicial fiction that lawyers tell themselves, because unconstitutional laws are passed on a regular basis. However, the instant that a judge finds a law to be in conflict with the Constitution--i.e., there's a formal finding by a court that a law is inconsistent with the nation's highest law--then the law in question is not merely voided. If it were voided, that would mean at one point it was enforceable. Laws which are held to be unconstitutional are retroactively erased; they are invalid ab initio, from the very beginning. Is the law unconstitutional? If so, then that law doesn't exist and, more to the point, never existed in the eyes of the court.
A judge is responsible for seeing to it that the laws are properly applied--including the Constitution, the nation's highest law. A judge who will not judge laws for Constitutional correctness is a judge who is utterly incompetent for the bench, and who needs to be impeached.
Does anybody know the law here? (Score:2)
Ok, the above comment is an obvious troll, but I'm curious about how American law actually works. Do they really think they can enforce their own laws globally? This strikes me as really bizarre. I know the French did something similar with Yahoo, but presumably Yahoo at least has an office or something in France (I don't really know, I'm just guessing).
Any lawyers who know better?
No question of jurisdiction (Score:2)
A company selling a product in America is subject to American laws prohibiting the sale of that product. Very simple really.
Re:No question of jurisdiction (Score:2)
So is that the legal question? Whether or not selling something on your web site constitutes selling something in the U.S.?
Re:No question of jurisdiction (Score:2)
Actually, the transactions took place entirely within the US. Customers paid a company in the US and downloaded the application from a file server in the US. Unless I've been misinfomed.
Re:Does anybody know the law here? (Score:2)
Does this apply to all laws? Could I technically be charged in the U.S. if I assaulted somebody in Russia?
I know this doesn't happen, but is that just because they don't bother, or because they can't?
Re:Does anybody know the law here? (Score:2, Insightful)
If you are a big enough target, it doesn't matter where you are. Look at Manuel Noriega -- he was arrested for Drug Trafficing while he was physically in Panama and brought back to Miami by the U.S. Military to face charges. He is currently in a U.S. jail. I'm not commenting on Noriega's crimes, just that Panamanian Sovereignty did not matter.
Professional Repsonsibilies and DMCA Awareness (Score:5, Insightful)
6 PROFESSION - Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.
One implication of this principle is that we all need to stay informed on events related to the intergrity and reputation of our profession in order to defend ourselves against unjustified external attacks. Clearly, the Sklyarov case represents an attack of unprecedented ferocity on the profession of software engineering. Iam currently teaching 2 sections of a graduate-level software engineering course, and in an informal poll last week Iwas shocked to learn that less than five out of sixty students had heard of the DMCA or Dmitri Sklyarov. I emphasized that it is our professional duty to keep informed and to speak out against the persecution of software engineers. Besides linking to information on this and related cases on my course webpages, Iam considering some type of assignment that will encourage students to respond in some way to the threat represented by the DMCA. Letter writing campaign? Protest actions? I am writing slashdot to solicit recommendations.
How do you pronounce Sklyarov? (Score:2)
How does one pronounce Dmitri Sklyarov's last name?
There used to be the controversy of Linus' first name (and of Linux), and Linus thankfully provided us all with a
Re:How do you pronounce Sklyarov? (Score:2)
The Cyber Archipelago (Score:5, Informative)
My point (and I do have one) is that the enforcement of infinitesimally minute behaviors requires the rooting out and punishing of the majority of the citizens of a nation: the mother country goes to war on its citizens. The way to do this is to put each and every citizen at risk of loss of liberty; i.e., each citizen is breaking some law or another. In this manner, the State gains control over the behavior of its population, and in a greater degree than just copying ebooks. Once you have copied an ebook, or, taken to the logical extreme, say, exceeded 55 mph (or snuck a beer into a college football game), you are a criminal.
But, while speeding doesn't leave a record of itself, ebook copying does and so leaves a legacy, a record of the crime. It can be likened to arresting you for a failed drug test; you are not doing a crime now, but there is proof that you once did.
For these reasons, the framers of the Constitution would wisely refrain from endorsing the bastardization of their concept of protection of Science and Arts through copyright. The prosecution of the law requires that we become Stalinist in the degree to which we must root out the crime. Napster points this out effectively, in my opinion: the only way to catch all those crimes is to monitor each and every terminal 24/7. And that gives away too much power to the government for freedom to be guaranteed, even in a Democracy.
If you didn't follow that, feel free to email me with any questions you might have...
Re:The Cyber Archipelago (Score:5, Interesting)
The way things are headed, I can GUARANTEE you that things like speeding WILL INDEED be monitored. It starts slowly, but we're already on that slope. Put a toll transponder in your car. We've already seen these transponders used to track people [yahoo.com]. Next up, you'll get a ticket if you jump on a toll road and get from Exit A to Exit B in an average time that would exceed the speed limit.
But why stop there? These things are cheap enough. Make them mandatory in all cars. Monitor your car speed through GPS. Violate the speed limit, get a ticket in the mail. Plus tracking devices can help the cops find any car at any time because they're ALL being tracked. That's a GOOD thing, right? Fight crime, right?
This country is going to hell quickly. I fear for the life that my son is going to have.
Re:The Cyber Archipelago (Score:4, Interesting)
Finally, when it comes down to having an extra 20 bucks a month to feed your kids, or having that extra bit of privacy, I'm pretty sure where most people will come down.
Re:The Cyber Archipelago (Score:3, Informative)
It is also the defense companies. I can't look up the story I read about it (dang dial-up), but basically it was about the installation of speed monitoring cameras set-up in Wash, D.C. They had generated nearly $37 million for the city by snaggin every speeder. The fun part is that Lockheed Martin (IIRC) set them up for free...with a 35% take of the total revenue generated. So once, we start moving to a corporate police state, no one can break a law (get tough on "crime"), and ho boy will profits go through the roof.
Bush might see this as "saving the economy", but a 5 year old would probably see it as cutting open the goose to get the golden egg. Our system worked because of Freedom, capitalism was a stepping stone (and a dang useful one at that, but it has its downsides, see: our media, MS, RIAA, drug corps ad'ing on TV selling drugs no one needs until they think they do, the death of education, and yes, there's an etc. here too).
Re:The Cyber Archipelago (Score:3, Informative)
Two of the nightmare examples stated in this thread have already come true. The state of Indiana will ticket drivers on their toll highways if the timestamps on their toll cards indicate they were driving faster than the speed limit, and Progressive Insurance has been testing a system where the insuree has a GPS device installed in their car, ostensibly for an insurance discount. If the car is driven at night, or through a bad neigborhood, premiums go up. Acme Auto Rental has been slapping people who speed in their rental cars with surcharges automatically added to their credit card bill.
Smile for the unblinking camera and welcome to Hell.
Re:The Cyber Archipelago (Score:4, Insightful)
Perhaps there's something quite wrong with society; if 30% of the population were murderers, this would definitely be the case. But perhaps it's an indication that the law should be changed. Should SO many people get speeding tickets all the time, especially when they're only a fraction ("selective enforcement" police units really scare me) of the total number of people speeding? Should everyone who used Napster be punished? Any society that has as large a percentage of its population in prison as ours does definitely has a problem (note: most of these people are in for drug-related offenses, which I think probably shouldn't be illegal).
A friend of mine often rants against unenforced laws; he thinks the speeding laws should be STRICTLY enforced, so that people would get pissed and demand that the law be changed. Perhaps this is true; it's a variation on the idea that a society that criminalizes (whether or not it punishes) a large % of the population has a major problem.
The U.S. is Evil (Score:2)
Has anybody noticed that the U.S. has the DMCA and nobody else has anything similar? (rhetorical) :)
How about that most of the entertainment industry is based in the U.S. and/or targeted towards U.S. audiences? (Not trying to be U.S.-centric here ... there IS plenty of foreign entertainment, I just think that it is bigger here).
Then, is it so hard to believe that the U.S. would have the most oppressive laws regarding copyright protection? Much like France and Germany have the most oppressive laws regarding Nazi's? I'm sure middle-eastern countries bend over backwards to suit oil production. (etc.)
We still need to get rid of the DMCA :). I just dispute the idea that the U.S. is a bastion of totalitarianism because we have bad laws for understandable reasons :)
Re:The Cyber Archipelago (Score:5, Insightful)
One of my biggest beefs with law in general is that there is far, far too much of it. Many laws are routinely disregarded by the population - underage drinking, speed limits on freeways, and especially taxes - because they are far too restrictive, to the point where they defy common sense. Because we (Americans, and I'm sure plenty of others) live in a land rife with dictu absurda, we have developed a sense that we only have to follow laws that makes sense to us.
We also have a population largely willing to throw away its rights in order to combat the trendy social concern of the day. Of course, this is largely abetted by those with a political agenda that doesn't trust the common citizen to go about their day-to-day business without infinite hand-holding from big brother.
In order to develop respect for the law, we need to have a set of laws worth respecting.
Why are you so sure Dmitri is guilty? (Score:3, Insightful)
1) The DMCA is unconstitutional. No valid law to break means not guilty.
2) No jurisdiction over whatever activities Dmitri did commit. I don't think Dmitri can be prosecuted for writing or using the program in Russia. He must be implicated in the sales activity.
3) Although Dmitri is the copyright holder, the government does not establish that he colluded with Elcomsoft to sell the product in the US. Most countries don't have the same kind of "work for hire" copyright laws as the US, so it is perfectly plausible for a Russian employee to be a credited with the copyright and yet not be the motivating factor in his employer's sales strategy.
I haven't read the latest charges so I don't know what evidence the government has other than what was alleged in the original affidavit.
For those people who want to see the whole thing played out to the end, there is this encouraging news from Dmitri's lawyer:
Mr. Burton said Mr. Sklyarov would not plea-bargain. "That is out of the question," he said.
I have a few problems (Score:3, Insightful)
Seems to me if Skylarov was only interested in promoting better security he wouldn't have tried to sell his product. This looks to me like someone trying to make a buck off an insecure product.
Look at it another way. I come up with a key that can open and start any Ford vehicle. I have a couple of options. I could contact Ford and show them the tech that allows anyone to break into their vehicles. Or, if I don't want to deal with Ford directly I could publish the findings in an academic journal without trying to sell the key.
Instead of doing that, however, I decide to market and sell keys that can break into every Ford. Now, don't you see what's wrong with that? I could have taken the high road, but instead I tried to make a buck. This is pretty much what Dmitry did.
I can assure you, that if anyone tries to market a key that will unlock any Ford, that person will get thrown in jail if caught. Why should software be different?
Re:I have a few problems (Score:3, Insightful)
So what? Nowhere in the Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say that your rights can only be exercised for nonprofit purposes.
I can assure you, that if anyone tries to market a key that will unlock any Ford, that person will get thrown in jail if caught.
As usual, most real-world analogies don't work well here. Dmitry's program doesn't allow users to "unlock" any ebook, only ones that they actually own. The MPAA's description of DeCSS as a "digital crowbar" is actually more accurate. Crowbars have both legal and illegal uses, and it is not illegal to sell, possess, or describe how to make one.
Some implications of this & the Oz news (Score:4, Funny)
It follows that:
These sound crazy, don't they? But, really, what's the difference between a South Carolina doctor being convicted of practicing in South Carolina, without a California licence, and some Russian geek being convicted of DMCA "violations" arising from work in Russia?
Well, other than Russia is a lot further away, isn't even part of the US, and other such details. The doctor example I gave would actually be far more reasonable. At least the alleged events would have happened on the same Continent!
Re:Some implications of this & the Oz news (Score:2)
That said, I =like= the English justice system a whole lot better than the systems used by other countries, ESPECIALLY the United States. It gets a lot of things wrong, it has an attitude problem from hell, and Jack Straw is Scarecrow's dumber twin. But at least it makes an effort, and the House of Lords isn't entirely politically biased.
Coverage in Time and Newsweek too... (Score:3, Informative)
Time Magazine [time.com]
Newsweek [msnbc.com]
The Attorney's office broke the DMCA (Score:3, Interesting)
From CNN [cnn.com]:
The U.S. Attorney's office brought charges against ElcomSoft after purchasing a copy of the software over the Internet from ElcomSoft's Web site, which is hosted in the U.S. and uses a U.S.-based payment services provider, the indictment said.
So, the way that they knew about the crime was to commit the crime of purchasing, and thus owning "illegal" software? I guess they probably think that this is like the cop who poses as a buyer for crack on the street?
Hell of a deal (Score:3, Insightful)
Let's get a little perspective, shall we? (Score:2, Insightful)
"Not-Guilty" does not imply that the person did not actually commit a crime, just that the person does not fit the legal definition of "Guilty." That's exactly why O.J. Simpson is walking the street a free man today. They could not say that Orinthal J. Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldmann beyond any reasonable doubt.
That said, even Sklyarov's arrest and imprisonment is definately against the grain. He is being treated at Guilty without a trial. He entered a plea of "Not-Guilty," because while he may have committed a crime, he and his legal team belive that he is not accountable to the law (under the law) for his actions. Specifically, they belive the DMCA is flawed and inherently unsupportable.
My personal view of this should be quite obvious. For clarification purposes, I think the law is asinine. I don't think anyone has pointed out to the Justice Department that everyone who has a Web Browser (nay, a text editor, for that matter) is violating the DMCA. Section 117 of the law gives no exception for that kind of technology. The law specifically states that any computer program capable of displaying copyrighted material against the rules of the copyright is illegal. It makes no provision for the level of protection afforded. It could be argued that HTML is a form of copyright protection (i.e. META tags) as it obscures the text of the material. Furthermore, it should be pointed out that all it takes to make a copyright is to say "copyright 2001" and it's legally binding.
From the perspective desk, think of this: I can legally obtain, sell, and distribute the components to make nitrogen tri-iodide (a highly unstable explosive, don't try this at home kids). All I need is to go to my local Osco Drug, buy some Iodine crystals, househole ammonia and coffee filters, and bingo, I've got a HIGHLY explosive chemical that requires no fuse mechanism other than a rock, BB or anything else that'll impart a kinetic shock to the material (including fingers). I cannot go to jail for that. However, I can be fined up to $500,000 and get 25 years in jail for writing:
"UNLOCK COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS FROM SUBMITTED DOCUMENT" as soon as I write the compiler for this new language. Note, it's not illegal to write the compiler, just the words above.
Of course, under the DMCA, slashdot will be guilty of violating the DMCA for distributing that code, and everyone reading this message will be guilty too. Just as soon as I write that compiler.....
Can I pimp this report? (Score:3, Informative)
Many of the issues here are discussed in a recent report:
M. Skala. "New Media Copyright Extensions Would Harm Canada [sooke.bc.ca]", Aug 2001
It is a long read for the weak, but it clear and to the point as to why "laws" such as the DMCA is a bad idea, giving a short history of copyright and a summary of recent events in the world of IP/DRM. I believe it can help people focus their arguments.
The state of the US government (Score:2)
I'm part of a citizen's reform group that is working for change on an unrelated issue (website) [neoteric.nu]. But the things I see in the Skylov case are strangely similar to my group's fight: politicians that don't understand the trappings of modern life (in Skylov's case, technology), blindly make laws without consulting with what the people want, and then they afraid that they will look stupid if they back down on something they were obvious wrong about.
What they don't seem to realize is that they look even dumber for not acknowledging that a mistake was made, that they misunderstood the situation, and that there are situations that they failed to forsee which were not fairly covered under the legislation they created.
To a certain degree I hold the American people at fault for not being more proactively involved with their government, keeping a close eye on the things their representatives are doing. Hell, pretty much the whole purpose of the Neoteric website is to try to get people to contact their representatives. But I still think there's a failing to the entire system, something that is getting worse, and not better.
I think we need to find a new way of doing things, and fast. Technology, and society as a whole, are changing too fast for our current government (good as it has been for the last 200 years) to keep up. And a government out of sync with its people is a dangerous thing indeed.
Martin Luther King's take on the DMCA (Score:3, Insightful)
-- Martin Luther King
In more detail - the Supreme Court does not render advisory opinions. That is, you cannot simply ask the court to judge whether a law is constitutional or not. To have a law declared unconstitutional, one must actually violate the law and pursue one's defense to the highest court in the land.
The benefit of having unjust laws struck down by the Supreme Court comes at the cost of risking one's freedom if one's attempt proves unsuccessful - or even one's life, in the event the law in question provides for capital punishment.
Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Miscommunication (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Miscommunication (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Miscommunication (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Biased Slashdot Coverage.. (Score:3, Informative)
Don't be obtuse.
First - the 'crime' occured in another country.
Second - he didn't commit copyright infringement. He developed a tool. If i go down to the library, take a book and photocopy it, does that mean Xerox (and it's engineers) are guilty of 'copyright' infringement. No it doesn't. For the same reason a gun manufacturer isn't guilty of murder if i shoot somebody in the head. For the same reason if i take a hammer and break into your house, Sears isn't guilty of break and enter. If i burn a copy of a friends CD, HP (the manufacturer of my burner) isn't guilty of copyright infringent.
Don't confuse a tool and the use of a tool. Why should this case be treated differently because it deals with bits instead of physical objects. It's EXACTLY the same as the Xerox example.
And i won't even go into the agument about how the DMCA tramples other established rights.
Re:Biased Slashdot Coverage.. (Score:2)
For the exact same reason that the actual copying and distribution of digital material should be treated differently than that of physical material. They are very distinct beasts. It's not exactly the same as the Xerox example. With a Xerox, I can't make a perfectly bound soft cover (much less a hard cover) book. With e-books, copying the material is both trivial, and EXACT.
Don't get me wrong. I am all against the current practices of hassling the makers of software that enable the unauthorized copying of proprietary information (commonly known as "pirating"). If it's main purpose is "pirating", it's bad. If it allows "pirating" as a side effect, then those who use it to pirate are bad.
I just don't feel comfortable with people claiming that digital music should be "sold" with a different business model (because it is different than physical media) while stating that digital tools are the same as physical tools.
Re:Biased Slashdot Coverage.. (Score:2)
I'm pretty sure the target of copyright protection is the words, not the perfectly bound soft cover.
Re:Biased Slashdot Coverage.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Not necessarily the case. If it is the case that
-in Russia, it is legal to copy software and its content for backup purposes
-in Russia, it is legal to sell software to create said backups
-Elcomsoft made no sales of circumventing software to US companies
then in fact, it's pretty hard to enforce a US law, because it doesn't take place in the US. If this had happened to a US programmer in a US company, the case would be much cleaner...because it WOULD be illegal. In fact, it's surprising that they aren't choosing a local to hold up as an example. It would be much easier to convict an American who broke the law in the US.
Granted, Slashdot creates cult heros, but I think this is the wrong example to pick on them for. In this case, it's not a matter of someone not getting their free-as-in-beer stuff. It's a much more complicated scheme of making an example of someone who didn't necessarily break the law.
Re:Biased Slashdot Coverage.. (Score:2, Insightful)
Surely this is a troll?? Well just in case, here's the "Skylarov for Dummies" explanation:
The guy has NOT been charged with infringing copyright (or if he has that's not what's being complained about) - it's the charge of "creating a circumvention device". This is prosecuting him for creating a tool which MIGHT be used to infringe copyright, but has other legitimate uses as well. If someone uses a hammer to break into my home, I say prosecute the guy breaking in, not the guy who designed the hammer. I bet you use copiers from time to time - what if Xerox were forced to stop making copiers because someone MIGHT use them to copy the pages of a copyright protected book?
Re:Protests are nice and alll... (Score:2, Insightful)
Russia is not the USA (Score:2)
The USA does not own or run Russia. So why are we trying to enforce our laws there?
How about making Russia a full fledged member of the USA so that the US can really make them obey USA laws. Sorry, there is that small detail on democracy. They might take over the USA that way.
What else is the US going to go after?
y'know, Adobe should PAY for Dmitri's defense. It is only fair.
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Radio Free Nation [radiofreenation.com]
"If You have a Story, We have a Soap Box"
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Re:THIS JUST IN! (Score:2)
Well, he certainly manages to make Slashdot stories look much better.