Online Copyright Round-up 4
newt writes: "Australia's Radio National has published a background briefing on the topic of Digital Copyright. The subject matter serves as a pot-purri of slashdot topics, neatly summarizing them into one coherent whole: Scientists revolting against online journals, Adobe e-Books, Licenses to Read, you name it. Audio in RealMedia format, plus a HTML transcript. If you want to educate someone who doesn't know what all the digital copyright fuss is about, this is an excellent starting point."
Re:audio format... (Score:1)
> in ways we won't bother to ask you about... done.
Hey, at least they're not prejudiced against
linux users <g>. Anybody out there with linux Real
installed ? Check your
what I've had to comment out. It's one thing to
to play mime types in a browser; that's what Real
Player is for. But they also set up mailcap to
play mime email. Hey guys, one of the reasons I
went to linux was to get away from "rich format
email" that hijacks your machine and sends your
documents all over the planet. This *NOT* how
to do things in *NIX.
# audio/x-pn-realaudio;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realpla
# audio/vnd.rn-realaudio;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realp
# application/smil;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# text/vnd.rn-realtext;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realpla
# video/vnd.rn-realvideo;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realp
# image/vnd.rn-realflash;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realp
# application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview;/usr/lib/R
# application/sdp;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# application/x-sdp;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# application/vnd.rn-realmedia;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8
# image/vnd.rn-realpix;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realpla
# audio/wav;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# audio/x-wav;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# audio/x-pn-wav;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# audio/x-pn-windows-acm;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realp
# audio/basic;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# audio/x-pn-au;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# audio/aiff;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# audio/x-aiff;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
# audio/x-pn-aiff;/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "%u"
Re:audio format... (Score:1)
Wasn't the whole thing about how restricting access to information via technologial or legal means is NOT a good idea? I can't save the darn stream to disk.
The stream is at pnm:// [pnm], but apparently I have software on my computer that is protecting me from saving it to disk. This same software protects me from stabbing myself with a rubber butter knife, because I can't be trusted on my own.