Congress To Address Digital Music 120
camusflage writes: "MSNBC has an article that says Representatives Rick Boucher and Chris Cannon are set to introduce legislation that will attempt to control how copyright law treats digital music, and how royalties for it are paid. Among the things the legislation is said to address is what constitutes archival and incidental copying, in-store samples, and 'extending the mechanical compulsory license to Internet file-swapping.' The article goes on to say that the RIAA previously indicated openness to the licensing, while publishers and songwriters oppose it." See also ZDNet or Reuters (this link is the best summary of the bill). And if you've got the stomach to wade through copyright law, read the bill itself. Keep in mind that introducing a bill is a long long way from making any changes in the law, and even this bill doesn't necessarily solve all of the current problems with copyright law.
It's quite amazing. (Score:1)
The house? (Score:1)
Errrr (Score:1)
"We've made a new bill! It makes it easier for people like Napster to sell MP3s!!"
Although the msnbc article did not exactly say that, it's pretty obvious that they wouldnt just introduce a bill to allow free music trading after all this trash with napster.
Unfortunately, companies tend to be pretty dumb on the internet, and record labels are really naive and stupid. They imagine that things like introducing new "uncopyable" formats (hahaha) will make people stop copying. No it won't. We have a format thanks, it's called MP3, we may even use Ogg or Vorbis in future since that's even more free (and not proprietary).
And distribution has only been a problem when the music industry has caught on that it's happening. For instance, distribution of music on IRC has been going for many, many years without the slightest bit of note from the press. There will always be a distribution method that the music industry won't know about, and that's a marvelous thing
Do not get me wrong -- if the music is genuinely good I would go out and buy the album. It's a very few tracks that make me think "Wow I must go buy their album" and not "Wow I must download that". In fact, MP3 is a great advertising medium. Often when I have got an MP3 I go out and buy the album to hear the rest. If people like a band enough i'm sure they'd do the same. I would rather have a boxed album with inlay card and so on than a hdd full of MP3's but 1 of their tracks on MP3 is okay if you only think they did 1 good track -- it's all about pride of ownership.
Contradictions (Score:4, Interesting)
Personally, I can't see why they'd like it, except that it's not technically compulsory license. But the RIAA never seemed willing to settle for the "not worst" case before, they usually go whole hog. What's MSNBC smoking?
Re:Contradictions (Score:2, Interesting)
I think the idea they're open to is this:
It's hard to say why the songwriters would be opposed to it, but it's likely the RIAA was all for getting money and isn't so keen on being forced to license to everyone if they choose to license to one online service.
Not nearly far enough (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Not nearly far enough (Score:2, Insightful)
What we need is something equivalent to the Statute of Anne (England 1710) where copyright for authors originated and the Public Domain was created. Prior to that, publishers owned all published material (sound familiar?) and authors, if paid at all, received only a pittance.
Ever since then, publishers have been working to regain their power and now that they have it, we need to yank it out from under their feet, not ply them with half-measures that will probably not even make it out of the House without Industry approval.
Politicians who tell you that changes need to come gradually are trying to maintain the status quo. It is the gradual changes that got us where we are today, an extension here, an addition to the rights included there, need another extension, oops - now we need to cover music, time for another extension and, while we're all here, lets make it against the law to break any encryption we might like to put on our digital offerings.
It wasn't a gradual change that created the United States - nor was it gradual when the old, very corrupt, spoils system of government was replaced with the civil service. Nor when the government instituted environmental restrictions (after Love Canal.)
Gradual changes are what they do when they want to ease into something that ISN'T good for the people overall - just to see if anybody notices. If they don't, another little change is made, and another after that.
When government actually gets off its tail and does something good for the nation, they do it quickly (so that the people will re-elect them come the next election.) If the people are so incensed that the politicians have no doubt of their collective anger, change happens nearly overnight.
We need to all write to our Congressmen - tell them the Boucher/Cannon bill is a start, but it isn't enough - not even close.
Re:Not nearly far enough (Score:4, Insightful)
Nor does it attempt to solve the fundamental problems of world hunger or erectile dysfunction. But so what? The law is aimed at furthering online music, which has nothing to do with the DMCA. Even if the DMCA were abolished completely, Napster & co. would still be in trouble for trafficking in music without the permission of the copyright holder.
The DMCA is pretty much orthogonal to this issue.
Re:Not nearly far enough (Score:2)
Not true. Actually, the DMCA was approved specifically to give the RIAA companies certain protections to encourage them to go on-line with their content. Instead, they used it to go after current on-line providers. Inside.com had an article several months back covering a hearing where Orrin Hatch took the major labels to task for the way they were using the legislation.
Slashdot covered it here:
Re:Not nearly far enough (Score:2)
I think a more accurate characterization is that it was the pretext the RIAA used to sell the DMCA to the legislators, but it's the same result.
I understood it differently (Score:4, Insightful)
So it was my understanding that fair use can go out the window at any time, regardless of DMCA. Am I incorrect in my understanding?
Re:I understood it differently (Score:2)
You are incorrect. If they put a shrink wrap license on a CD saying you're not even allowed to listen to it it's the UCITA [badsoftware.com] that gives shrink wrap (and click-through) licences their teeth, not the DMCA or any copyright law already on the books.
UCITA or DCMA - inquiring minds want to know (Score:1)
But UCITA is only in one state, and two other states have watered down versions. Some states have firewall anti-UCITA laws too. In no case is UCITA the law of the land, unless you're in Virginia (think that's the state that bought that bag of foobar).
So, lacking UCITA, we default to DMCA or standard consumer case law, both of which preserve fair use as they can't override consumer protections.
IANAL, thank god
Re:I understood it differently (Score:2)
Re:I understood it differently (Score:1)
Re:I understood it differently (Score:5, Interesting)
Yes, I think that you did misunderstand. The "first sale" doctrine says that a seller may not arbitrarily remove your rights to something that you've purchased. The specific case in which it was first mentioned was for a book that claimed to prevent purchasers from re-selling it for below a set price. The Supreme Court ruled that this was not allowable; once the buyer has paid for the book it is his to do with as he pleases. (Note that this refers to the physical book itself, and not the words therein, which are protected under copyright.)
Similarly there are some rights that a seller may not require you to waive as a condition of purchasing their product. In most states, for instance, there is an implied warrant of merchantability (i.e. that selling a product is a promise that it is actually fit for sale) that legally can't be signed away. Any contract or license that purports to do so is just trying to convince users not to try suing, and that portion of the license would be ruled invalid under the law if push came to shove.
IIRC, there is an implied licence with any software that the user has the right to do with it any steps required to use it on his computer, like copying it onto his hard-drive, modifying configuration files that come with the program, etc. AFAIK, though, the right of software companies to further constrain users is a legal gray area without enough case law to make it clear what is and isn't permissible. That's what UCITA is/was about. The software companies are unsure that their licenses would actually stand up in court, so they're trying to change the law to explicitly legalize their favorite licensing terms. This suggests that the current legal status of their licenses is dubious and requires explicit validation.
Re:I understood it differently (Score:2)
Re:I understood it differently (Score:2)
I don't think that NDAs are generally part of a sales agreement. They're something that's required of people who are given privileged information by a manufacturer as part of an agreement to work with that manufacturer. No sale is involved. AFAIK, though, no reverse-engineering clauses as part of a sales contract have been rejected for physical goods, but their legality for software hasn't been tested.
Re:I understood it differently (Score:1)
At any rate, 17 USC 117 is a statutory exemption whereby it is not a copyright infringement to make copies for the purposes of use, or to backup software if legally obtained. Additionally there is the novel 'space shifting' use from the Diamond case, but it hasn't been much tested AFAIK.
You're right though - the legal status of EULAs is at best highly dubious. Sadly stupid states like MD are doing stupid things like passing UCITA legislation.
Pissed OFF (Score:2)
I have paid for my music in several different format already and I'll be damned if I'm going to opt for another form of tax on music like this bill proposes.
Under the new copyright bill (MOCA) they offer EXCLUSIVE ORGANIZATIONS licenses? EXCUSE ALL HELL OUT OF ME but how is that "fair use" to the consumer? Sure it will start out as a minimal fee to pay once again for the music (surtaxes), but how long until these exclusive organizations start crying costs and steadily raise the subscription license fees
In addition. I have been collecting music sine the early 1960s and this proposed bill wants me to PROVE I own the music? They better be ready to get warrants to enter my home and get the proof because there's no way I kept 40+ years of receipts!
I think it's time to stop shafting consumers left right and center and start repealing garbage laws like the DMCA. MOCA should not even get off the ground
Next step
I pay for my computer, I pay for my modem, I pay for an internet hookup and I also pay for a IRC network service I chose to run. Now the gov't in all its wisdom expect me to PAY for online music to listen to or download??? DREAM ON dear politicians
Re:Pissed OFF (Score:1)
You were doing quite well until you came up with this. The problem is that the record company and artist do not get any of the revenue from your computer (or internet hookup or IRC network service). You might as well argue that you paid for your car and therefore you shouldn't have to pay for gas. Just because you're connected to the internet does not mean that everything else is free all of a sudden.
Re:Who cares? (Score:2)
It's not like the bands the RIAA push onto us are significantly better than most of the better artists on MP3.com, anyway.
A good point, RIAA's lost already (Score:5, Informative)
It's not like the bands the RIAA push onto us are significantly better than most of the better artists on MP3.com, anyway.
This raises a very good point. If RIAA's music control fails, and the consumers route around the damage, buying CDs in the Bahamas for artists who are willing to list MP3 songs so we can try them out, it really doesn't matter what Congress tries to do.
In the end, the market has no soul, no love for RIAA and the corporate music scene. If they increase costs and try to closed source their music, open source music alternatives will become more attractive. If I'm into Techno and they try to charge me USD$20 for a CD of 10 songs, when I can get decent (if not better) quality Techno for USD$0 for tryout and USD$0 for one or two sample MP3 songs (full length), then I'll send them USD$10 for the 10 song CD. Cost to band - USD$7 for production, shipping, handling, MP3.com split. Profit to band - USD$3. Profit under RIAA USD$20 CD to band is USD$0.20 at most. If you're a techno band and you can sell 2 million CDs with USD$3 profit or choose to sell 1 million CDs via RIAA groups for USD$0.20 profit, which will you choose?
Right, you choose open source, cause you get more fans, more net dollars to band, and you also get the charts of where your CDs sell the most to plan tours with and can then email those fans and crash at their places.
The market wins, open source wins, RIAA loses.
Re:A good point, RIAA's lost already (Score:2)
Music's been "open source" for centuries, in that sense. Techno doesn't really go onto sheet music, but it's really on the borderline between music and random mechanical noise anyhow.
Re:A good point, RIAA's lost already (Score:2, Insightful)
Music is essentialy education. Listening to music trains you to hear things a certain way. As children, classical music seems boring and dull, because we don't yet have the knowledge of music to be able to understand what we're hearing, so it just sounds like a bunch of silly strings; but Barney and Sesame Street sound about right. As teenagers, we expand into popular music, and then into Jazz and alternative styles when we hit college. If we keep our minds open, eventually things like Schostakovich make sense to us. The music of our youth, the pop and Barney songs, now sound boring because they teach us nothing new.
My experience listening to techno is that although I hear new things, they are never developed. At all. Listening to classical music, I hear an idea expressed, and then that idea is developed and expanded upon. Techno is like someone just shouting a clever slogan over and over.
What's more is that the human element has been removed from most techno music. Outside of knob-twisting, there is very little expression or emotion. Even the repetition and electronics in Hip-Hop at least have a very strong human element in the vocalist's performance.
I also recognize that this repetition and mechanistic styling is a deliberate choice: If you're going to dance to it, the beat must be steady and constant. But latin dance forms maintain the steady beat while actually developing their themes; why can't electronic music do the same?
So this isn't an "I hate techno" thought. I love listening to the new sounds. But my mind never gets involved. When I'm writing code or paying my bills, it's fine. It's functional. But it is not art.
Wendy Carlos has an interview on her web page (and if you claim to be an electronic music lover and don't know who Wendy Carlos is, LEARN! -- www.wendycarlos.com) where she expresses a very similar sentiment, and does a good job of expressing this as well.
Music is ultimately a human endeavor. If you take the human out of it, it's not really music any more. Sure, it's creative, but that doesn't make it music.
I should also mention that there are exceptions. B.T., to name one example, does a lot to add a human element to his music, and his live performances in particular are stunning. But the overwhelming majority of electronic music today has not progressed in any significant intellectual or technological way in ten years.
So it's not an "I hate techno" thing. I like McDonald's, but face it -- the stuff they serve is crap, and everyone knows it. I like techno, but I'm not going to fool myself into believing it's some kind of high art form.
Oh, one more thing. (Score:2)
"Have you any clue about the creative process involved in making techno music, or are you speaking purely from a biased-listener standpoint?"
You might want to listen to "Journey to Rivendell" or "Hyperactif" on my mp3.com page if you really want an answer to that question.
Re:Oh, one more thing. (Score:1)
Very nice when it does happen.
Re:A good point, RIAA's lost already (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:A good point, RIAA's lost already (Score:1)
I think you may be wrong. If you consider the amount of homes that have Internet connections today and have already been exposed to alternative music media, then you will realize that Will in Seattle is correct. Consider the impact Free online music has had on the music industry
Now consider that there will always be free online music despite any legislation (underground distros). Add to that the concept Will in Seattle proposes and I think you'll see that his is indeed the best idea.
Ask teenagers what they want for Christmas this year and I'll bet you it'll be a bigger harddrive, and a couple of hundred cdr's. These same teens will be looking all over the net for music
Piss off a politician today
I'll mention that to Moby (Score:1)
You confuse two things. One is that recording companies provide a service to artists - yes, they provide publicity, and upfront money, but at usurious rates. The second is that one must therefore choose to go that route. That is one method, but not necessarily the best one.
The services that recording companies provide could be provided by other means - better MP3 publicity tie-ins for one, better splits on profits for upfront money for another. Neither needs to come from existing recording companies.
And you can get studio space at a lot of locations - a friend of mine at work has a recording studio on Vashon that some of the local bands use. It's not as hard as you think.
Re:Who cares? (Score:2)
Try Ampcast.com or besonic.com if you want non-RIAA. mp3.com is totally RIAA right down to the lawyers and the deal they offer artists, now. Did you know that if you earn a lot of money with them, they won't pay you?
Re:Who cares? (Score:2)
Or just download it from the comfort of your living room today.
Now, if you want to post copyrighted music without worry, then you might have to move...
The fundamental problem is that even if you have no interest in violating copyrights, but just want to talk about how someone might go about copy music, even for their own use, you might still want to consider moving... but that's another /. article.
At least it sounds like Boucher "gets it", and isn't going to completely kowtow to the RIAA party line. Props to him here. Madder props in reserve if he gets it passed in any form that still annoys RIAA.
We'll reserve our maddest props (and campaign donations) for when he introduces legislation to repeal the DMCA. But let's take it one step at a time.
It's hard to tell how the RIAA will react (Score:3, Interesting)
Braindead... (Score:3, Funny)
So that means if Spicoli has a pizza delivered to his classroom, he can either eat it all by himself, or, if he shares it with just one other person, the teacher will make him give everyone a slice? Tough choice.
Smart. Real smart.
Bill (Score:1)
...because judgments are based on precedents (Score:2)
Thus, it makes much more sense to retract the sections involved explicitly rather than removing them completely. Think of it in terms of backward compatibility. Current laws must be compatible with older decisions made under the same code, because what those decisions were originally based on is what case review is about.
just had an idea (Score:2)
should be a sign...
Re:just had an idea (Score:1)
Many artists are famous for their clashes with their labels (Prince, NIN, even The Beatles), and long before napster et al...
Re:just had an idea (Score:1)
You never see a Behind the Music where artists say "Oh yeah, we love our label and management, and they've never screwed us over!"
Re:just had an idea (Score:2)
You're right, and that's what they're worried about. Napster made music available through other means. (Some) artists dislike Napster for good reason, because they're not making any money out of it. However, many well-known artists (ie: Courtney Love, Rage Against The Machine, etc) have no problem with Napster/music sharing, as well as a number of local bands. However, for them the issue is can they get compensated for their work. The RIAA understands that the internet is decentralized, low-cost, and that if online music distribution (as a profitable business) was to become a reality, there SOL; and that's why the RIAA is ferociously against reselling off the internet.
Though I'm sure this is all pointless since I'm pretty much preaching to the choir...
Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:2)
It used to be that a vow actually meant something.
Re:Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:1)
It used to be that a vow actually meant something.
Yes, and LAWS are not needed to enforce VOWS, you clueless fuck. The LAST thing we need is more big government watching our every moves.
Re:Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:2)
Re:Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:1)
Re:Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:2)
People sleep around. Its wrong. If you think somebody who does it isn't fit to hold office, fine. Don't vote for them. But don't subject ME to the month long feeding frenzy that invariably involves these scandals. Politicians do MUCH worse on a daily basis, and we NEVER hear about it because we are too busy obsessing about some young thing in tight pants.
Re:Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:2)
For me, it's not about pics and scandals, it's about responsibility.ff
Re:Sort of off topic, but indicative of Congress (Score:1)
Huh? This is a discussion about freedom and not having companies or government overly interfering in our lives. But its OK if we interfere in theirs?
Sorry... does not compute.
HUH? (Score:2)
It is people like you who make it impossible for the media to carry a meaningful story other than
I could give a RATS ass about any of that crap, and yet that is ALL we see on the evening news, day in and day out, while more important issues get completely ignored. Do you read? Do you travel? Do you get outside? Do you speak other languages? Have you visited any country outside your own? Any STATE outside your own?
You do realize that mistresses and concubines have existed for thousands (probably tens of thousands) of years, and yet we Americans seem to be the only ones who bitch about it constantly. You are in dire need of a reality check. Look outside your window, buddy. The world is much larger than the tiny town you grew up in, you poor, deluded, sad, ignorant little man.
Re:HUH? (Score:1)
As our government officials are supposed to be representatives of the people, they should be held to the highest moral standards as that would help us feel more comfortable about why they make certain decisions. Perhaps if congress was held to a higher moral standard, we wouldn't have to worry about the corporations owning them as so many people complain about here. Unfortunately, it's usually the other way around. For some reason, holding public office makes them exempt from having to exercise even common decency.
Just for the record, I have travelled outside of my city, state and country, I have actually lived in a foreign country (not in the military, either), and I do speak its language. I have also studied as much as possible other cultures and customs to at least be familiar with them. So I don't think I'm looking at the world through a tiny pin hole.
Re:HUH? (Score:2)
Same old same old (Score:2)
Pissed Off Rep.'s (Score:1)
Its not really a big law. In fact lets face it, its a pile of BS. Who, to be honest really cares what happens to Britney Spears' rights as an artist or if Napster is getting bullied. The short fact is: If you want free music, you know where to get it. On the other hand, if your a record company and have a problem with people getting free music, you know where you can stick it.
Re:Pissed Off Rep.'s (Score:1)
Re:Pissed Off Rep.'s (Score:1)
Re:Pissed Off Rep.'s (Score:1)
Re:Pissed Off Rep.'s (Score:1)
[Selling out is] the only reason for going in to politics that i can see...
You'll never get my vote. I want my politicians to be motiviated by a lust for power, not money.
How about Title 17, Chapter 12? (Score:1)
Whether or not any music-selling web site selling online recordings from any music publisher is not the beginning of my worries (though I could save money). My living nightmare of a copy-protected (Microsoft/AOLTW/Universal only?) recording of Julie Andrews' post-recovery voice in the year 20?? will still happen. And I would still stare down the barrel of an M4 if I want to descramble said recording so I can play it back with a computer running a high-performance free-software OS. Since there's no corporate media backing/approval with said OSes, how the hell can I do such a thing legally?
No vision. (Score:1)
But no, we have application specific laws, every time a new problem pops up we have to either rewrite or copy and modify. We end up with lots of application specific laws that have to be individually updated as the political and social climate change. Totally not designed for the maintainance phase.
Re:No vision. (Score:2)
Now, name one extremely intelligent person you know that has the social skills (read: manipulation via speech skills) to get into policial office. I can't think of one.
When? (Score:4, Funny)
General question re Copyright (Score:2)
In other words, would it be possible for me to write something, make a xerox, and then transfer the copyright of one copy to you, but keep the copyright of the other copy?
Re:General question re Copyright (Score:1)
The copyright is on the original (once the work is fixed - it is protected by copyright.) Therefore, you would need the owner's permission to make the full copy. Okay, give yourself permission.
Now, you have the original and a copy. You hand over the copy to a publisher, keeping the original to yourself, and sell the copyright. Even though you still hold the original fixed copy, you have sold the right to make any more copies. If you Xerox another YOU have committed copyright infringement.
I hope this example makes you realize that copyrights shouldn't be for sale. As the constitution intended, copyright should be limited to those who created the works.
How should artists make money? (Score:1)
While I agree that the this is a horrible scenerio you paint I'm not sure it is entirely possible as per 984 F.2d 1524.
Regardless of case law, though, I have another more basic question. Less the substantial money to be gained through the sale of copyrights, how exactly is an artist to make money? While I realize that the system is broken, I don't think that the idea of copyrights and the sale there of is fundamentally flawed.
It has only been in the last few years that the internet has become a viable means for music distibution. Until such time as broadband is ubiquitous and publically controlled, I think that the "music label" model for access to distribution is still a valid one. Even now so few people have broadband access (to say nothing of any access) that it is still not a wholy viable channel to use as your ONLY method of distribution. Given the centurys of precedent for the current system (which can be traced to the artist/patron system in place since the Baroque period) we rationally expect the model or the law to change overnight.
Re:How should artists make money? (Score:1)
IANAB: I Am Not A Banana. (Just in case anyone assumed I was)
Less the substantial money to be gained through the sale of copyrights, how exactly is an artist to make money?
The money made off copyright is by licensing someone else (for sum of money x) to duplicate your copyrighted work (with specific limitations on how, where, formats and duration of license et. al) and they can then sell those copies or whatever they want to do with them, to recuperate (and exceed) sum x, either financially or in other terms.
That's how books work. The publisher doesn't hold copyright on the book, but will generally hold a license to produce copies of the book in a specific format (hardcover or softcover) for sale only in a specific region.
This is why you buy a software license, rather than the software itself. Your license to the author's copyrighted software product allows you to do certain things with it, detailed on the back of the box or somesuch.
For some reason, (Detailed by Courtney Love at a stage show a while ago, don't remember the website though...) recorded music in America under the RIAA seems to involve the artist selling the copyright to the music to the label. This is the problem! If the artist holds the copyright on their music, they'd quite quickly find (Like their book-publishing brethren did recently) that the studios only hold the rights to music in a certain format, in this case it would be music distributed through CDs, tapes, records, and via radio/tv/movie broadcast and suchlike.
On the other hand, consigning the copyright to a music label does put someone larger and more powerful than just the recording artist in a position to pursue copyright infringement.
But I don't think it's worth the trade-off.
Re:General question re Copyright (Score:2)
Re:General question re Copyright (Score:1)
You can license the other person to duplicate the work as much as they like, while still retaining copyright. (See my other response on this thread.)
Napster's hypocrisy (Score:1)
Napster would prefer an even stronger proposal to create a compulsory license that would force record labels to let any company sell any song at a price determined by the U.S. Copyright Office.
Anybody still want to argue that Napster is on the side of the angels? Cyberspace rebels, freeing the people from the bonds of Corporate America?
When they think it will benefit them, they're as pro-government as a good socialist.
Re:Napster's hypocrisy (Score:1)
Unfortunately, when you have shareholders you can no longer afford to act on the basis of your ethics. Money is the only real measure of your existence. Sure, in some cases presenting an ethical appearance may help bring in the money, but never mistake that for the real motivation.
Sadly, it doesn't surprise me what any publicly-traded corporation does anymore.
Re:Napster's hypocrisy (Score:1)
Re:Napster's hypocrisy (Score:1)
Woops, good point. Amazing - a .com without an IPO. Who'd 'a thunk it?
Re:Napster's hypocrisy (Score:1)
Market Forces (Score:1)
I dare say that the market forces have done their work. It should be clear to the RIAA now that the market has said it's tired of getting horked for $18-$20USD every time we want to pick up a disc by our favorite artist (even if the artist has been dead for 50 years)!
More on the point, I think this sort of legislation is overdue. I'd come much closer, however, to favoring a modification of copyright law which establishes a true compulsory liscensing scheme for online music (as per US title 17 sec 115, which also covered in the Berne Convention). Not so much because I want to drive up costs, which I fear it would in the end, but because it lends more legal credibility to the the idea of online file sharing in general (and sharing of music in particular). I'll pay an extra cent per download if it keeps the damned lawyers off my back. As it stands now this bill reeks of the Audio Home Recording Act.
I really wonder about the fate of free webcasting. (Score:2)
This, more than anything else, is what music creators and marketers of all kinds should be standing behind, not trying to tax to death. Streamed mp3 has resulted in so many CD purchases that I've made, I can hardly count them. I've had my tastes opened to many new kinds of music...
But wait. I've spent most of that money on small-labeled music... such as Metropolis, Gashed, and the like.
I can't help liking the music I like. I can't help it that it's small-market. And I can't help it that until now I wouldn't have even discovered any of the acts which I now dote on without free, user-created webcasting. I honestly could care less what happens to large broadcasters- let them advertise and tax and fight forever. All of the webcasts I listen to, however, are generally money *losing* operations- they take no advertising and take no revenues whatsoever. They exist simply by enthusiasts for whoever wishes to hear their sound.
Do the larger webcasters consider the small ones to be competition? We shall see. I am most certainly wary of trusting any large corporation or entity until said groups make it certain that the interests of small webcasters are wedded to their agendas.
The sad thing is... (Score:2)
As soon as I read about ANY new legislation my first thought is, "god, how are they going to screw it up now?" I have lost so much confidence in the government that I really can't imagine a new law making anything BETTER. I just keep my eye on court cases, and hope things get struck down that way.
Theoretically, I suppose it is possible to fix a problem through legislation. But I'm a cynic and I have a hard time believing it!
More legislation to settle business (Score:1)
Re:More legislation to settle business (Score:1)
It is supposed to be that but it IS
Mechanical licensing (Score:3, Insightful)
Wait a second... Mechanical licensing refers to the (already enacted) compulsory license for the act of making a copy of the song, not the specific instance of the song. In other words, if I make a cover of "Baby One More Time", I can sell CDs of my cover by paying (probably Britney, through the Harry Fox Agency) under a compulsory mechanical license. I also believe this is what record companies pay to the artist. Generally the artist owns the rights to the song, and the record company owns the rights to the recording.
Mechanical licensing does not give you a compulsory license to copy an actual recording. This is most likely why the RIAA wants this, and the artists do not. It allows the owner of the recording to distribute over the internet without negotiating a license with the owner of the song.
Re:The current problems being...? (Score:1)
Bend over and lube up! RIAA wants to help artists! (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Bend over and lube up! RIAA wants to help artis (Score:1)
The labels are starting to ask Why are we paying this Rosen woman a 1.1 million dollar salary? First the EU Investigation [theregister.co.uk] in June, this Boucher/Cannon bill [house.gov], and now a FTC investigation. Not to mention that the FTC Finding [ftc.gov] of Price Fixing, or the 28 states [cnet.com] lawsuit over the price fixing