Australian Cybercrime Bill 2
skware writes: "The first public hearing for The Cybercrime Bill (2001) was held in Sydney on Thursday. The hansard report of the meeting is online in pdf format at http://www.aph.gov.au/hansard/senate/commttee/s506 9.pdf. There was quite a good showing from the law enforcement and drafting agencies and Departments. Submissions were made by the Attorney general's Department (AGD), the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and the Australian Computer Society (ACS)."
"The Australian branch (chapter?) of the 2600 organization has a submission at http://www.2600.org.au/Cybercrime-Submission.pdf. The ACS have a brief press release at http://www.acs.org.au/news/190701.htm. There are some pretty funny quotes from the senators in the hansard report. CHAIR-I was thinking, Mr Boxall, that perhaps I should take my colleagues on a popular education cultural excursion to see Swordfish as a crash course in worms and associated matters. Senator McKiernan would enjoy it enormously."
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