The New World of P2P Advertising 141
Katascope writes "Salon is running an article about targeted advertising on Napster and Gnotella. The worrysome part is the co-opting of P2P search databases to build profiles and advertise using instant messaging" I've always believed that targetted marketing might actually make advertising useful again (Any 24 year old who occasionally watches MTV and doesn't need zit cream knows this). This one is scary because people are sending you IMs based on the tunes in your napster share. Course I don't have IM, and use napster super infrequently, so I guess thats one way to not be annoyed. But frankly if I got junk mail about obscure Who stuff, I'd be happy. Much better then credit cards, viagra, and stock tips. As long as its opt-in. (michael: A number of people have written in with Cringely's comparison of Napster and subways. Good read.)
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:2)
the CDR tax would be a definite annoyance, and it wouldn't really make the RIAA happy. They are still going to attempt to shut down Napster, and they are going to attempt to do whatever possible to stop the illegal copying of music. Bastards!
I say the hell w/the damn taxes, and the hell w/the RIAA. Let us have our cheap CDR's, and free music.
Just my worthless rambling.
Re:I might work (Score:1)
Well if you specifically legalize MP3 sharing and such, it will make it all appear more appetizing in the eyes of the advertisers. Getting advertisers is almost always a struggle, I'd think it would help to make it easier in any way possible.
Re:One of the things that sucks about America... (Score:2)
Neither are many others.
That's the problem.
In Winn Schwartau's book, Information Warfare, he makes mention of over 50,000 databases where you might be so blessed as to find your name, placed there without your knowledge, much less your consent.
You become a commodity, traded and used instead of respected as a human being.
I don't like that.
And unless you believe that PRIVACY is a valid exchange for security, neither should you.
Ruling The World, One Moron At A Time(tm)
"As Kosher As A Bacon-Cheeseburger"(tmp)
Alleged self-portrait... (Score:1)
Aaah, CmrTaco; Bless! Growing up...
Re:Fuck You Mr. Katz. (Score:1)
So, please stop mentioning his name. I thought I was rid of him and there you go again.
Re:IM (Score:1)
I'm with you there... (Score:2)
I would find it highly objectionable to have to pay a tax to subsidize an industry that has for the most part gone out of its way to strip me of my rights. Particularly since I'm not doing anything illegal (Fair use allows me to transfer content I paid for to other media.)
Re:CDR-Audio (Score:2)
The difference between data and audio CDRs is that data CDRs won't work in the stereo component CD burners. If you want to burn CDs using the cheaper "data" CDs you have to have access to a computer with a CD burner. Despite the levy that it enacted on these disks they are still quite cheap, or at least cheap enough for making a few mix disks once in a while. They would only start to seem kind of expensive if you were trying to support a major linux distro burning habit on them.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:1)
If I want this kind of government intervention in my computer media, I'll move to Canada.
The depressing part is large media companies doen't need the tax laws. Take Sony for instance. They produce blank media along with being a member of the music industry. They can legally impose their own form of "music tax" on their media production division. I wouldn't be shocked if many large multi-industry corporations did similar price fixing.
There are hidden services fees embeded all throughout our society. To use Cringely's example; I don't ride the subway or the bus, yet I'm still paying for the service. It's going to be a fact of modern day life.
One of the things that sucks about America... (Score:5)
Ruling The World, One Moron At A Time(tm)
"As Kosher As A Bacon-Cheeseburger"(tmp)
24-year-old MTV watchers (Score:1)
Yeah right.. anyone who's still watching MTV at 24 years old doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:1)
This plan can be made to work to keep the RIAA happy at a very small inconvience to CD-R buyers. If it makes peace with the RIAA, let's do it!
Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:2)
I'm not completely sure that Chopin is one of the exceptions: it's complex, sophisticated elevator music, to be sure, but still elevator music.
Re:Needn't be all that bad. (Score:1)
What is bothersome about this is that they are now actively searching through my hard drive to see what I have done. It is like they just broke into my house and went through my drawers, and now Hanes (C) is going to send me some coupons to buy new underwear. Yes, it is relevant, but STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY STUFF!!!
At the very least this needs to be made an opt-in technology, if not just abandoned altogether.
What was the conclusion again? (Score:5)
It's good!
"This one is scary because people are sending you IMs based on the tunes in your napster share."
And now it's bad!
"Course I don't have IM, and use napster super infrequently, so I guess thats one way to not be annoyed."
Still bad, but now not quite so!
"But frankly if I got junk mail about obscure Who stuff, I'd be happy."
Back to good! Incredible play folks--a full 360 in the course of 4 sentences--not just a "360" that's really a 180, but a literal 360.
Re:You've done it before... Why not again? (Score:2)
Oh no... (Score:2)
Is that a Think Geek banner-ad I see?
But seriously, when you opened your HDD to the outside world what exactly did you think would happen?
What advertisers? (Score:2)
I suppose the record companies would...but then we dont' really want to talk about helping them do we?
Re:ummm... Cringley? (Score:1)
Re:You've done it before... Why not again? (Score:2)
In other words, I'm not interested in paying a few extra pennies on CDR's to get the RIAA off yourback.
Re:Ob. Simpsons Ref (Score:2)
(IIRC, potassium benzoate (C7H5KO2) is a white, flakey powder used as a food preservative. guess it's not all that healthy, like good ol' Red Dye #4
Re:CDR-Audio (Score:1)
Gnapster (Score:1)
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:1)
There are 'classical' geniuses writing music today. They're not selling 'hits.'
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:2)
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:1)
You wouldn't seriously consider a Southpark treatment as accurate, would you? U2 played on 'The Simpsons' but I wouldn't call it a fair example of their work (then again, I liked U2's 'Boy' album when it came out and have considered everything since then to be downhill).
Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:5)
For the record, a few times a month I copy a commercially recorded CD on a CDR, but this is as an archival method. Almost all of the CDRs that I burn are for music that is allowed to be copied for no profit, ie. the Grateful Dead. If the artist who holds the copyright encourages me to make free copies, how would the RIAA get off in demanding that I pay them a tax?????????
If I want this kind of government intervention in my computer media, I'll move to Canada.
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:2)
or, go out and check out John Cage, or Phillip Glass, or any one of the countless other modern composers.
id Chopin is just elevator music to you, then you've negated your earlier point anyway.
Re:You've done it before... Why not again? (Score:2)
How bout we put a tax on cars because every bank robber uses them to illegally make his getaway?
Re:What was the conclusion again? (Score:2)
Re:You've done it before... Why not again? (Score:1)
Let's hope Lars and Dre don't pick up this trend (Score:3)
Every time I use Napster from now on I'll live in fear of receiving a message from Dr. Dre, informing me that "he still got love for the streets, but if the streets should fail to cease and decist, forthwith, from trading his intellectual property over Internet file-sharing media, he will be forced to pursue legal action in persuance of reparations, personal ownership of said intellectual property, notwithstanding."
Collaborative Filtering (Score:1)
Almost all studies (formal, and my personal experiments) - show that there is almost no correlation between a person's taste in seperate categories (ie - people who like these books will like these kitchen utencils - based off of purchasing behavior.)
Collaborative filtering has been around for a while now and you would be amazed at the places it's evolved (personalized coupons on the back of your receipts at the grocery store). It's all apart of the retailer's plan to have "one view of their customers accross all channels". Is it a bad thing - depends on who you are I guess.
Re:One of the things that sucks about America... (Score:1)
That's correct.
I just got back from hospital following an eye operation. Every time I signed something official over there I was given a copy of the privacy rights of an EU citizen that basically basically that all information concerning me a) will always be accessible (=see, correct, delete) to me b) will not be given to a 3rd party without a sound legal or medical reason.
Cringly got it backwards (Score:1)
Bad idea. The way to correct the weird problem is to have ticket sales cover 100% of the cost. Only people who use the subway should pay for it. I live in New Mexico. Why am I paying for New York's subway?
Both articles are pretty good... (Score:4)
With regard to the IM-spam described in the Salon article, it won't work if the Napster user isn't running IM or IRC. It is quite possible to run Napster without being able to receive IM's, and to ignore stuff happening in the IRC window.
With regard to Cringely's suggestion of a CD-R "tax," I'd like to point out that not every CD-R is being used to make copies of audio CD's, or even archives of MP3's. A CDROM can hold ANYTHING, including a backup of one or more partitions on your system. Why should ANY money of mine be paid to lazy record company execs just because I want to make a copy of
In all, I prefer the method mentioned in the Salon article, as there is an "opt-in" method, if you don't mind the spam.
The Cringely "tax" is regressive, and is as obnoxious as the "Microsoft tax" that people pay when they purchase PC's with Windows pre-installed on them, when they have no desire to run that operating system.
Interestingly, though, both articles show that more than one person is honestly thinking of how to make the Napster model work. Good try, Cringely. Better luck next time!
I dunno why... (Score:1)
But in practical terms, if not entirely logical terms, a CD-R tax could make a lot of sense. I know I'd be thrilled to pay a half-penny per blank if it meant the RIAA would back off and some artists got paid. We're talking chump change here, folks. And if they split it with the movie people, then maybe we could get rid of all these ridiculous and irritating content protection schemes.
Call me crazy, but I'd be happy to pay a few dollars a year in CD-R tax to make the whole copyright issue go away.
Re:Needn't be all that bad. (Score:1)
Re:Needn't be all that bad. (Score:1)
Chopin's music isn't.
It's not all 'equally good.' Likely as not nobody will give a rip about Nirvana 30 years from now except the producers of 'That 90's Show.'
People will still be enjoying Chopin's music.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:2)
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:1)
Re:One of the things that sucks about America... (Score:1)
And apparently we don't have as many 'police forces' out enforcing 'directives.'
I'm not complaining. If you are perhaps you should move.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:1)
It might be considered illegal in a few countries, but I'm talking in the context of the US market. Since the US is the largest market, this is where they would want to do this the most, and they could remove the tax from countries where it would be considered illegal.
Second, there may be marketing issues... if, say, Sony introduced said tax, who's to say some no-name CDR company would have to do the same? Hence Sony could (potentially) lose market share... not incredibly likely, but possible, and could result in second thoughts.
Agreed, which is why I'm much more in favor of company imposed "taxing" then governemnt regulation. Sony could also move this price increase over to another one of their industries, say consumer electronics (CR-RW and MP3 players specifically). When you have a company in so many markets, it gets difficult to find where they are hiding the costs.
Re:What is GnOtella? (Score:1)
Re:You've done it before... Why not again? (Score:1)
If it doesn't get the RIAA off our backs then there's no way in hell we ought to do this!
Re:You've done it before... Why not again? (Score:1)
Killing the Goose, etc (Score:3)
To save their millions they are throwing away billions, because they want 100% of a small pie, rather than 10% of a fantastically huge pie.
reminds me of the old monkey traps.
For those who do not know:
you have a large heavy pot with a hole just large enough to except a fruit like an apple or an organge, etc. (whatever the monkey likes. The hole is also just large enought for you hand. But it is too small for you (or a monkey) to take the hand out while holding on to the fruit. You have to tip the jar over.
You as a human can figure this out. but a monkey can not. It grabs on to the fruit, and won't let go.
Voila! One monkey dinner
The record companies are like the trapped monkey. They won't let go, they can't let go, even if it kills them.
Is there anywhere advertising budgets can't go. (Score:1)
it should be expected (Score:1)
thats what marketing is. the most basic is that they observe you are a potential consumer and present their argument.
so they look in your share and now they know you have 50 brittney spears mp3's, and she just signed a pepsi deal. (http://rock.yahoo.com/rock/music_news/rolling_st
now you get an IM to drink pepsi, britneys choice. suprise suprise. you made it public. deal with it.
Re:ummm... Cringley? (Score:2)
I don't think he's saying that they are. His proposal is that a tax should be levied on CD-R drives and media and the proceeds should be distributed by the RIAA according to the proportion in Napster's logs. His assumptions seem to be that Napster logs perfectly represent the illegal sharing of music and that saving said music files represents a constant fraction of everyone's CD-R use.
Why that is a fairer approach than requiring Napster to directly pay royalties is beyond me.
Of Value, Subways, and Napster (Score:5)
Most people only value things (privileges, objects, whatever) in proportion to their perceived cost of acquiring the thing.
My Mom used to be a social worker and anti-drug counselor. Initially, she gave her services free to those who couldn't pay. Relatively quickly, however, she was forced to change that policy; people would not show up for appointments, or expect unrealistic results in unrealistic timeframes, or even treat her badly. They didn't appreciate what they were getting for free. As soon as my Mom started charging a nominal fee ($5 I think it was), those problems went away. People valued her service more when they felt like they had invested in it.
Similarly, if the subways were "free", i.e., completely tax-supported, there would probably be positive side-effects not unlike those that Cringely mentioned. However, there would probably be more negative side-effects. The majority of people would start to think of the subways as having no value, or even worse, an entitlement. Vandalism would probably go up, and the amount of abuse on the system would jump exponentially.
Napster has the same problem. If the music were free, a lot of people would start to consider it an entitlement -- in fact, many already do. I predict that the amount of "abuse" of the artists would increase; people would expect new songs without appreciating the creative work it took to produce them. And even if the market for CD writers and such was temporarily greater than the market for music, the effect of what Cringely is proposing would be the crippling of *both* markets as soon as the market for elelctronic delivery and storage (the Cd-writers, etc) was saturated.
There are problems with my argument, just as there are problems with Cringely's. For instance, the evidence that CD sales go up because of Napster would seem to contradict my point. But that is only because having the CD adds value to the music -- lyrics, cover art, a physical medium, etc. However, if digital distribution of the *entire album* - including cover art, lyrics, etc - became the norm, there would be no additional value in buying the pressed CD.
Replies and rebuttals are welcome. I'm not saying that what Cringely proposes is bad; in fact, on some levels I support it. But the costs incurred by the tragedy of the commons must be addressed as well.
Want to make $$$$ really quick? It's easy:
1. Hold down the Shift key.
Cringely doesn't know shit about NYC Transit (Score:1)
Second, his line about people having "better places to go" than the subway: every time I ride the subway, I see 1 or 2 people per car who don't have anywhere better to go. I can't blame them. If I were homeless in New York City in February, I'd spend all night in the subway, too. But I don't want my subways to become a permanent roving homeless shelter.
Third, the most important part: Cringely doesn't know the MTA budget. Five minutes of research would have brought up this page:
MTA Information for Investors [nyc.ny.us]
The Audited Financial Statements show that Operating Revenues account for $2.19 billion in Calendar Year 1999. Of that $2.19 billion, $2.00 billion is farebox revenue. $0.07 billion is advertising revnue.
Total expenses are $4.57 billion. The farebox revenue is a lot more than "10% to 15%".
You might wonder why the MTA publishes an audited financial statement. They do it because they have investors. They don't have any stockholders, but they sell a lot of bonds to pay for all those tunnels and trains and boats. The bondholders want to know how the MTA is going to pay them back before they front their money. They feel more secure when the MTA points to the farebox rather than getting 100% of their money from some politicians who could fuck with their funding whenever it's politically expedient.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:2)
I have to politely disagree. The people I know that use DAT use it for one of three reasons:
Re:one problem w/ Cringley's view of Napster (Score:2)
This is quite unlike the "group" which often signs away the publishing rights to the label just as they do the copyright on the recording itself.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:1)
There's lots of people here objecting, but it's quite possible that a 'blank media levy' works a lot better than trying to run the charges on the online end.
There's a great legal summary [neil.eton.ca], which includes this quote from the Copyright Board:
Yes, this means what you think it means! If someone loans you their CD, you can legally make your own personal copy on another CD!There are exemptions for various institutional users, so musicians don't end up paying other musicians to record their own music.
And - interestingly - the U.S. could simply start charging, because the relevant piece of law simply says 'digital audio recording medium'. That means that hard drives could qualify today. The levy would be extremely low, I expect, because there is a lot of evidence that a small fraction of data on hard drives is music - mostly it's some bloated OS code!
At the current levy of CAD $0.21, I can burn a CD-R with audio tracks at a typical rate of $0.02 per track. There isn't a payment system on the planet that can afford to charge that and not eat it all up in processing!
Finally - it's not a tax. Nobody is taxing free speech. It's a levy. The difference matters. Beyond that, though, new musicians likely have a greater chance of reaching audiences through this mechanism than through lots of the traditional mechanisms - they have greater access to the mechanisms of publishing than if everyone was paying for each individual transfer and copy.
It's times like this that I think people in the U.S. do themselves a disservice. It seems like they only want those mechanisms that provide a benefit to all by providing the benefit to each individual. If the mechanism more directly benefits 'all' and people can't see their individual benefit, they throw out the whole thing as unworkable.
If they Tax CDRs then it is ok to copy music? (Score:2)
This is the worst idea I have heard in a long time. Perhaps Linux should be taxed and the proceeds given to Microsoft, since Linux might hurt them?
This would basically turn the music business into a state supported industry in the worst traditions of communism.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:1)
I dont use welfare!
I dont use information from the studies on insect sex!
Guess what? You are already paying for TONS of things you dont use. And you are paying the government A LOT of money for them. I wouldn't mind throwing in an extra couple pennies every time I buy some CDs if it would get the RIAA and any other suit wearing music executive to shut the hell up and let me have my music.
Re:Needn't be all that bad. (Score:1)
Well, I certainly see which category you fall into... so whad'ya think of the Muddy Banks cd?
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:1)
The fact that real musicians might finally get some real compensation is enough to make me do a double take on this one, although the fact that other uses exist makes me do a double-take. It's probably better "taxed" through some kind of bandwidth accounting at the ISP level or the like; that has lots of problems, too, but it's clear that this whole area deserves a lot more thought than is currently being given to it.
Boss of nothin. Big deal.
Son, go get daddy's hard plastic eyes.
Ob. Simpsons Ref (Score:1)
That's good!
The fru-ogert is also cursed...
That's Bad.
Re:one problem w/ Cringley's view of Napster (Score:1)
This is exactly why I will never pay to use Napster. Often people assume it's because I'm a jackass freeloader who thinks I have a right to take and copy anything I want, but that's not it at all. The reason is that I don't want MegaUniversalSony making money off of the fantastic artists like Death Cab For Cutie, Super Furry Animals, Arab Strap, and others that I use Napster for. The giant RIAA companies most likely aren't going to help out their own artists with the cash from the deal, much less give money to independent label artists. People need to wise up and realize that most of the best music out there is on smaller independent labels like Flydaddy and Jetset, and Napster isn't giving them a cent. So what do I do? Always buy these artists' cds, go to shows, buy shirts, etc. But screw Napster. Until they sign a deal with the independent labels whose artists I enjoy, I'm going to continue to be a "music pirate."
Re:Cringly got it backwards (Score:1)
Re:ummm... Cringley? (Score:2)
The RIAA doesn't represent *all* artists, it just represents the big ones. You know, the ones in the Brotherhood which is already peeling away the big bucks.... So the little guys get screwed *again*, while the RIAA manages to find yet another revenue model.
Relationship between Napster and CD writable (Score:1)
How the fuck does Cringely infer a direct causal relationship between Napster and CD Writable sales? Does he really think that CDRs are only useful for music?
And does he really think that most people, once they have music conveniently inside their computer, are going to want to listen to it, using something as clumsy as a CD? Sure, some people do that, but I imagine it's not very popular. Good grief, I have spent the last few weeks of my spare time ripping and encoding all my CDs, so that I don't have to deal with bulky stacks of hundreds of those damn things anymore. The last thing I want to do is burn music onto CDRs.
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:2)
Re:Cringely is wrong about the NYC subway (Score:1)
Seniors and the disabled pay half fare. If fully half of all riders pay half fare, then fares still pay 45% of operating expenses, which is three times Cringely's top figure. Again, I suspect the true percentage is much, much higher.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:3)
A lot of people just don't fucking get it! Yeah let's tax pens because they may be used to forge signatures that'll cost some companies money!
Re:Ob. Simpsons Ref (Score:1)
Homer: That's bad.
Storekeeper: But it also comes with a free fruit yogourt. I call it frogourt.
Homer: That's good.
Storekeeper: But the frogourt is also cursed!
Homer: That's bad.
Storekeeper: But it comes with your choice of topping.
Homer: That's good.
Storekeeper: The topping contains sodium benzonate.*
Storekeeper: That's bad.
Homer: Can I go now?
* I can't remember the name of the chemical. That's close enough.
Re:What is GnOtella? (Score:1)
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:2)
The government agency that is responsible for this is the Copyright Board of Canada (http://www.cb-cda.gc.ca/) [cb-cda.gc.ca], and they have a release on that site regarding this.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? (Score:1)
Advertising is a useful way of subsidising things that we like. I read somewhere once, long long ago that a Sunday newspaper would cost something like 7 bucks (US) if there were no ads. And I, for one (of course, I'm one who has been desensitized over many years of being bombarded with these ads) would rather have ads that matter to me personally then ads for, say, Depends (TM) or herpes medication (okay, okay... I already have my scrip for that).
As has been said many, many times, if you are going to put the contents of your mp3 collection on a publicly available network, you should by-gott well know that people are goign to look at the files. I, for one, enjoy topical advertising, and would do so on the napster network. "hey, banuaba, did you know that John Flansburgh came out with a solo project? Check out www.ilikecheese.org for some singles and information".
To serve its purpose, advertising has to provide the person viewing/hearing it with something of value, usually information (that, of course, is not an all-inclusive statement, but let's pretend for the sake of argument) that helps the consumer make an informed(er) decision on a purchase. The napster ads, provided they don't start being (ugh, bad grammar) for p0rn adn viagra and driver's licenses and get out of debt free; are a helpful service, at least to moi.
Re:Let's hope Lars and Dre don't pick up this tren (Score:1)
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:1)
I love the super furry animals! (Score:1)
Britney Spears can stand too lose a few pennies, but I always buy the indie cds to show support.
uh...I don't actually d/l britney songs.
seriously. I don't
Re:MTV (Score:1)
Re:Chopin vs. Nirvana [OT] (Score:2)
That wasn't really Philip Glass on South Park. That was a spoof.
Re:Is there anywhere advertising budgets can't go. (Score:1)
I don't think they have gotten to your home yet, but you can rent out ad space on your car now, at least in some cities. Your house won't be too far behind.
Re:Of Value, Subways, and Napster (Score:1)
Re:I might work (Score:1)
So come on people (well, USians, if you are not, insert country name here, if applicable), WRITE your leaders. SNAIL MAIL, not email, give them something a peon can hold and shake in their face. We need people with BRAINS to voice their opinions, not paid lobbyists.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:1)
What the hell is he thinking? Why should I want to subsidize record companies?
Yeah, I think Cringley sort of missed the boat on this one. There's *already* a "recording tax" on audio blanks which are specially coded to work on standalone audio CD writers (Phillips is one of the main manufacturers of these boxes). These audio blanks sell for between $3-$5 per disc at the same store where I can get a spool of 100 name brand CDR blanks for about $40.
easy to disable IM spam (Score:1)
Funny how... (Score:3)
Re:Relationship between Napster and CD writable (Score:1)
I like CDs.
However, I refuse to pay the RIAA for the right to reecord my own music and content onto my own CDs. Shame on Cringely for even considering it.
Cringely is wrong about the NYC subway (Score:5)
Going to the MTA's web site, [nyc.ny.us] you can see budget figures for 1998. The New York City transit division's (that is, NYC subways, buses, paratransit, and the Staten Island railway) operating cost was $3.8 billion. There were just over 5 million paid rides on each weekday, and a subway fare is $1.50.
So let's do some back-of-the-envelope calculations. Assume that on weekends, ridership is 30% of what it is on weekdays. (I admit I have no basis for this assumption, but it seems reasonably conservative.) This works out to fare revenues of $2.2 billion for that year, or almost 60% of the operating cost.
The actual percentage for the subways is probably higher. That 60% includes the subsidized paratransit division, and the Staten Island railway. I have heard (but I don't recall where) that fares actually cover about 85% of the cost of running the subway.
Which is why they charge for it.
Re:Needn't be all that bad. (Score:1)
Take a deep breath.
No-one is snooping round your stuff.
They aresimply looking at what YOU have placed PUBLICALLY AVAILABLE via Napster.
There is no problem - if you don't want people to see it, don't share it.
It really is that simple!
Oh, and you can let that deep breath out again, you are starting to turn blue...
Disturbing... (Score:3)
Needn't be all that bad. (Score:2)
The amount of information you can glean about someone purely from his musical tastes is quite remarkable, and is bound to lead to more focused, relevant advertising for us all, which will be more bearable for us all. The person who listens to Chopin is clearly more intelligent and cultured that the person who listens to Nirvana. The advertising should reflect this. In some cases it may even be useful.
I just hope that they don't use IM too much, and instead use email or something easily filtered. IM is under the power of AOL, and email under the power of Microsoft. It is far easier to filter the latter for those reasons.
You know exactly what to do-
Your kiss, your fingers on my thigh-
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:2)
Not just IM... (Score:2)
I've already seen napster spam in the form of automated /msg sent by one of the java/web-based napster clients. Whenever someone using this service grabbed a file from my machine, I would get sent a /msg like "Hey, song such-and-such has been downloaded by a user of Java-Napster-Thingy. Check it out at url.com!" Very annoying.
Of course, it's easy enough to just ignore your chat log, but this is a muddying up of another potentially useful means of communication.
Ambivalence... (Score:2)
The IM I received not only pointed to a free unreleased Toad
I don't want to be overloaded with constant "ads" at any rate, and the idea of that bugs me. But if someone saw that I had pretty much every Tori Amos song in
Re:The problem could be solved.... (Score:3)
That's not going to change until enough artists bitch about it. Robert Fripp and Courtney Love and Prince and a few rappers here and there aren't enough...especially not with Metallica being the spokespeople for the RIAA and ASCAP's position.
Music Industry shouldn't get a red cent from me. (Score:3)
The problem I have with this is that in all of my CD-Rs I have ever burned, only ONE (1) was used to burn music. And it was a collection of indy, non-signed artists. So, in essence, I would be paying a TAX to the MUSIC INDUSTRY (and not the artists) just because I'm using a file-storage mechanism that CAN record audio. That's fsck'ed up! I have burnt probably at least 150 CD-Rs and I don't feel the music industry should get a cent from me.
Now the movie industry, on the other hand.... well let's just say I don't use all of my CD-Rs for data storage....
Re:Chopin vs Nirvana (Score:2)
one problem w/ Cringley's view of Napster (Score:5)
Not everybody is covered under those organizations. Many smaller artists who's material is traded by napster users will never see income from the RIAA license. they're only chance for income is that the listeners like the material and purchase a cd directly from them later on.
ASCAP and BMI (and presumably, the RIAA would do the same for their cut) distribute income from site-licenses (such as public restaurants, bars, store p.a. systems, etc) based on one market value only: Radio Airplay. It doesn't matter that, e.g., Live365.com can log exactly what was played, and to how many listeners. It doesn't matter that a local pub is an Irish pub that never plays pop music.
Brittany Spears, her songwriters, and her producer will all get most of the money.
Re:Needn't be all that bad. (Score:2)
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:5)
1) Recording your own music (that is if you're a musician) should not be subject to taxes. That's a tax on speech, which is blatantly unconstitutional.
2) Musicians can copy music to which they hold the copyright an infinte number of times. A law mandating that they can't do so unless they pay a tax both infringes on their freedom of speech and copyright (if the tax goes to some entity other than the govt., which it does)
3) Recording other people's music can, under some circumstances, be quite legal. The normal set of fair uses of course. Time shifting if it's coming off of broadcast. No copyright infringement occurs in either case, so there's no justification for a tax.
4) Public domain recordings are legal to copy an infinite number of times, and preventing people from doing so again tramples on both the first amendment and on copyright (b/c copyrighted content has to become p.d. - effectively preventing that is unconstitutional)
5) The reason that DAT never took off was that it was killed at birth by the RIAA. They didn't want anyone to use the damn thing. If it had become popular we'd probably have CD and DAT as standards, and some migration to DVDA by now (though if they were that flexible, you'd also see CDMP3 and DVDMP3 compilations in stores...)
I also say to hell with taxes and restrictions on legal and protected speech and copying. The RIAA members have no more right whatsoever to make, sell and copy music than anyone else. There should be no special treatment.
Re:You've done it before... Why not again? (Score:2)
I was pissed about it the first time, and I'm not going to change my mind this time. I should not be forced to pay a tax to some organization unrelated to either myself or the maufacturer of the media.
There's no reason to let the second violation of some rule go unnoticed because of previous violations.
I would suggest France, Cuba, or China.
All your dangifiknow [dangifiknow.com] are belong to us.
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:2)
ummm... Cringley? (Score:3)
And what's this supposed to mean?
So Napster, which cost almost nothing to create
Let's see, 800,0000 simultaneous users. 1.7 billion downloads. I think there might be a penny or two spent on infrastructure there, and maybe a coupla nickels for bandwidth.
People just don't seem to understand what kinda costs go into server architecture and bandwidth these days...
Re:Cringely suggests a tax on CDR? (Score:2)
Secondly, the government intervention on CD-R in Canada took a strange twist at the last moment. It's only in force on "CDR-Audio" blanks, which no one buys anyways.