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Streaming Video Of Richard Stallman 8

incognit writes: "ArsDigita University produced a streaming video of Richard Stallman's 1.5 hour speech on the Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System that he gave at ArsDigita University on 2 January 2001."
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Streaming Video of Richard Stallman

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  • RMS speech streamed using Real which, at least on the Mac, seems to be one of the finickiest, crash-prone pieces of marketoid bloatware in existance. Be very wary when installing or your email address will get opted-in so to speak.

  • I have to use Win98, NT 4, and Win 2000 daily, and Real always crashes if you close the application rather than taking the time to poke the Stop button first. About half the time it'll force a reboot in Win98.

    It's a flaming piece of shit. The folks at Real need to stop throwing newer versions out, and put some error checking into the existing versions. The whole thing feels like it's still in early beta testing.
  • It appears the rtsp server ain't a real one (har! har!). You can grab the 510Mb file: []

    -- Eat your greens or I'll hit you!

  • I was wondering how good a tuition-free "university" that compared its curiculum to MIT and Carnegie-Mellon could really be. But this is certainly evidence of world-class lectures going on there. It was said in this thread [] that RMS's speaking fees are pretty reasonable, so maybe that was a factor. Even so, if ArsDigita can put together lectures like these consistently, for no cost to the students, it is a very impressive accomplishment.
  • That's why I always put my e-mail as "" and sign it up for all the newsletters :-)
  • The whole thing feels like it's still in early beta testing.

    Worse yet, notice how when they come out with a new version the default is to d/l the beta? I remember going to their site a while ago and seeing, "Download RealPlayer Plus 8 Beta!" It's just a word they equate with new and improved.
  • by Sloppy ( 14984 )

    This is hilarious. A stream of RMS, encoded with a proprietary file format, so that you can only watch the stream if you run secretive software. Hmmm... aha, I've got it. This is for efficiency purposes, you see: it avoids RMS having to preach to the choir. If you know what RMS is going to say (and agree with him), then you probably don't have any way to watch the stream. If you don't know what he's going to say (or don't agree with him), then you need more preachin' to, and you're probably already set up to watch the stream.

    It's sort of like Reverend Lovejoy hanging out at the whorehouse to make sinners feel guilty. He won't run into Ned Flanders there, but that's ok because he doesn't need to.

  • at first glance ...

    maaan ... what a prick!

    give your introducer a break!


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