Mitnick Supports A Federal DNA Database 130
Mike_K writes: "According to this interview, Mitnick supports the idea of creating a federal DNA database. He says that today's technology makes identity theft really easy, and we need a way to make sure you are who you say you are. A summary of the interview can be found here." That's not really the central point of the interview, but it is an intriguing one. Think what you will of Mitnick, his court-imposed computer deprivation hasn't stopped him from peering and poking at the technological world.
Re:A national DNA database is an excellent idea. (Score:1)
Re:A national DNA database is an excellent idea. (Score:1)
Won't Work (Score:1)
Re:Are ready started (Score:1)
I would have issue with the availablility of such a database as well. I would want it to be locked up tight. And have civilian review of access. I don't trust the government. Such a database should require a court order to access, like a wiretap, to prevent missuse.
Just a few issues with such a database. There are more and probably some better ones to consider before implimenting such a thing.
Re:He did his time. Now shut the fuck up, persecut (Score:1)
Flash! Hacker says put it on the web! (Score:1)
Witwick's warden (er..) handlers say this is a turning point for witwick, who formerly opposed government activities that encouraged crime.
FBI spokesperson C.G.B. Spender (a.k.a. the cigarrette smoking man), said this is an important first step to making sure that all citizens have access to military action when they need it, by creating a situation where "enforcement alone is not enough."
Congressman J. Robert Newbie from Wisconsin said this was a bold move and that "I've never seen anything like this before!". Spender replied "I have. Burn it!", his herbal cigarette burning fiercely in his trembling hand.
Re:What a swell idea! (Score:1)
Tay-Sachs is a genetic lysosomal disorder that develops serious problems by nine months after birth. If someone has it, he won't make it out of childhood, and thus won't reach employment age.
It should be noted... (Score:1)
Re:Biometrics and Security (Score:2)
Thank god I"m not the only one.. (Score:1)
*GASP* (Score:1)
Creates a "Lock Mitnick Back Up and Gag Him!" bumper sticker
BTW, you guys should read the book "Database Nation" by Simson Garfinkle. It deals with the loss of privacy in the Information Age.
Re:Interresting idea of his, but... (Score:1)
Re:Just the other night... (Score:1)
Have you read Brin's Transparent Society ? (Score:1)
Consider the Disadvantages First (Score:5)
Identity theft is the process of obtaining key information about a person, such as (in the US) their social security number, driver license number, date of birth, etc., and then obtaining bank accounts, credit cards, etc. using that information. Ask yourself why knowing someone's SSN makes it possible to get credit cards in their name.
If you live in the US, how often are you asked for your social security number? And how often is it requested by a non-government agency? As an example, I recently had an eye exam. They requested my SSN and driver license number. (I gave them neither.) Why do they think its their business to ask for that information? Social security is for retirement (and taxes). The use of social security numbers by government agencies or private companies is not required or forbidden by law. Citizens of the US are not even required to have a SSN. These days, however, it has become a personal identification number. It is now used in public schools and universities as a student number. Banks require it to open accounts or issue credit cards. Ask yourself if any why this is wrong.
Government DNA records keeping may be extremely convenient. It's easy to think of the advantages of any government program -- that's what the government wants you to do. But whenever the government wants to implement something and they start telling you why it's so good and so beneficial, stop and ask yourself what the disadvantages are, because those will come back to haunt you and everybody else later. Try to figure out what else may be behind DNA records besides just identity theft prevention. Imagine to yourself that this idea is just one of a series of ideas that together will give the government more control over your life than you will find comfortable. This is not far-fetched, and it is not a conspiracy theory. It's just an observation of history -- people in high places want to be in higher places.
Let's compare this to computers. Nowadays, it is difficult to crack some of the more secure systems. Take the *BSD OS's... I receive email notification of compromises and patches when they are found. Most of these compromises are buffer overruns and stupid things like that, but when many bugs like that are used in complicated sequences, it is possible to get access to private information. The government is like a huge operating system. Laws are like program statements. If some folks in high places want more control over your lives, they find the little exploits in the laws and use them to modify the system in their favor. Ask yourself: can DNA records keeping be one of many complicated steps that it takes to gain more control over a country?
Finally, every system run by humans will have mistakes. There is no question of whether or not mistakes will be made in DNA record keeping -- they will be made. If this is put in effect, and the government mixes your record with someone else's (or if somebody manages to switch records around on purpose) how will you prove who you really are? "I'm sorry [sir,ma'am], that's what the computer says." "But the computer is wrong." "I'm sorry, we must go by what the computer tells us." Ask yourself if this is what you want, and seriously consider the disadvantages first. The advantages are without saying.
Just my two cents worth...
Nathaniel G H
DNA databases won't work (Score:1)
In the movie "The In Crowd", for instance, one girl borrows a blue dress of a friend, sleeps with a guy, gets his DNA smeered all over it, then frames the girl later.
In the movie "Gattaca", the lead character uses DNA samples from another to constantly fool the establishment.
In Presumed Innocent , the main character is almost set up by DNA>.
The list goes on and on and on. Identity fraud is a serious problem. The only solution is not to rely upon identity. Biometric solutions like DNA or other details can be easily fooled and hacked. Mitnick is an expert at assuming other identities. He should know it by now.
Anonymous techniques like anonymous cash or nyms are a better solution. They have their problems, but they aren't so easily fooled.
Re:A national DNA database is an excellent idea. (Score:1)
Oh, please. This is ridiculous. Nothing to worry about for at least another century or two.
And, besides, that clone would certainly be more fit for the job that I would be, so what would the problem be?
And someone in the government could program a virus just to kill you!
Quit being ridiculous.
Or a terrorist could use the info to wipe out your entire family tree!!
Yeah, but he could also use currently available medical records.
Look at the history: Score: Chemical Weapons 2 Human Race 0 Nuclear Weapons 2 Human Race 0 Genetic Engineering ? Human Race ? Nanomachines Run Amok ? Human Race ?
You see the score that you want to see. Your paranoia is blinding you.
Like he was ever a freedom fighter... (Score:1)
He's a tool, always has been, probably always will be. He's not a spokesperson.
One thing he forgot to mention... (Score:2)
more id's yeesh! (Score:1)
DNA, solving crimes, and statistics (Score:1)
This means that if an eyewitness claims to have seen you at the location of a crime and your DNA matches a sample recovered there, it is overwhelmingly probable that you were there.
Now we get to the part regarding privacy. If a DNA sample taken from a crime scene is checked against a comprehensive database, there will almost certainly be many, many matches. As we have seen recently, once a prosecutor has decided someone is guilty, he doesn't let anything (like the truth) stand in his way. (For example, the case of Wen Ho Lee) So your DNA randomly matches a sample from a crime scene; the reality is that it will be your responsibility to get lawyers, go to court, etc. to prove your innocence. Let us hope you are not a member of certain ethnic groups when this happens.
A national DNA registry would be bad.
Re:DNA eh? (Score:2)
So, when someone breaks in ... (Score:1)
Let's face it, someone will get a hold of the database, or part of it, eventually, ant what will you do then ??
Issue everyone a new DNA ??
Why pay for drugs when you can get Linux for free ?
from the mouths of crackers... (Score:1)
Is it just me or does this sound like he's asking us to create largest target for the Black Hat community since the Pentagon.
Biometrics and Security (Score:4)
dna isn't randomly distributed (Score:2)
Juries tend to believe million to one chances over "but it wasn't me".
I don't like crime (I love it'ah oh yeah - oops sorry) but I do look forward to the day that someone uses DNA profiling as their defence
Re:What a swell idea! (Score:1)
And speaking of insurance, I envision that the day will come when the genetically-flawed find it tough to get. I don't see an easy way out of it through laws forbidding discrimination, since the result would be people getting themselves tested and then loading up on insurance if they find that they're at high risk for something. Sort of a real-life version of the old 'insuring a burning building'.
Way to learn from experience, kevin (Score:1)
We just need relevant laws ... (Score:2)
Which is why we need strong laws against any discrimination because of one's genetic code - forget racial discrimination, forget discrimination because of sex, much of the stuff covered in the ADA, etc etc .... they are all types of discrimination because of one's genetic code - they are also symptoms of the thin end of the wedge - we're all subject to discrimination - some insurance companies already wont carry people with family histories of certain diseases. The right thing to do is to make any sort of discrimination illegal
privacy? (Score:1)
Re:Biometrics and Security (Score:2)
Am I the only one... (Score:5)
I found it particularly amusing when he was asked to comment on the Melissa virus. What was going through the TV producers head on this one - perhaps something like 'computers, illegal, Mitnick!'
As to what makes Mitnick an authority on biometric identification and identity theft, I have no idea.
Mitnick was a competent cracker in his day who was made an example of by some corporations and the US government. His 15 minutes are now up.
Re:One thing he forgot to mention... (Score:2)
The point still stands, though.
Well, DUH! (Score:1)
And as someone else so astutely pointed out, once some identity thief steals my genetic ID there's no way to prove that I am not the thief (or vice versa), and there's no way to issue me a new identity so that I am distinguishable from the thief again...
Re:Consider the Disadvantages First (Score:1)
Maybe you can get around it if you don't have any income taxes or something.
What a swell idea! (Score:3)
Re:Biometrics and Security (Score:1)
The old standby of "something you have and something you know", like your ATM card and your PIN number, provides great security and quick handling of any stolen information. With DNA identification, if a malicious person gets a hair sample from you and publishes your gene info on the internet for the purposes of identity theft, you can't just change your genetic makeup for a new one.
Can someone please explain.... (Score:1)
While the subject of the quote is worthy of discussion, couching it in terms of a quote from this guy is no different then the pandering the main stream media engages in.
Mitnick on Larry King. (Score:2)
Re:Biometric identifiers bad; Encryption good! (Score:2)
However, I do think it's a bit optimistic to think that crypto alone holds the answer either. It's like Bruce Schneier has taken to saying more often in his new, more cynical writing: "Using crypto is like sticking a 1 foot stick into the ground and hoping the criminals trip over it" (or something along those lines). Even if we suppose that the crypto is unbreakable, and un-brute-forceable (which with Moore's law being what it is, and with advances in nanotech computing threatening to produce VERY fast stuff) - all that means is that crooks will take another route - alter the database that associates keys with identities, or keystroke log the government terminals where new key pairs and passphrases are created. I caught Schneier's fever for crypto after reading Applied Cryptography as did most people, but he's right when he says that it is no panacea.
Then what if someone swaps the DNA in your record? (Score:1)
While complete transparency may seem cool, one danger is that this technique is abused by "bad" governments. Interestingly, if you lead this thought to the logical conclusion: Should a society intentionally allow loopholes for covert activities or terrorism - As a kind of negative feedback and control against bad things in society ?
On a completely different venue of attack, if only your DNA prooves that you are yourself, what if someone manipulates your records so that they show someone else is yourself ?
What this comes down to is that the method of assigning merits in the form of assets( goods and money ) to people is in itself very vulnerable, especially if merits are assigned over a logn time.
and how would those aliens hide among US if we did DNA tests ?
Who cares what Mitnick thinks? (Score:1)
Re:Am I the only one... (Score:1)
As to being up to date, I am certain he was not denied access to technology periodicals and literature - and he had plenty of free time on his hands to study. I am not critizing Mitnick so much for being out of date, but the press for glomming on to him as if he were some technological oracle when he didn't really seem to 'get it' anymore (if he ever did).
Re:Consider the Disadvantages First (Score:2)
I can think of two reasons just off the top of my head. 1) So that they can access your credit history if you skip on payment. 2) So that your medical records can be entered into the national medical records database. If you want to be assured of maintaining your privacy, it's not sufficient to deny them your SSN and drivers license. Either can be found by simply starting with your name and date of birth. Personally, I pay cash, give a fake name and DOB, and don't supply them with an SSN or drivers license number. Not feasible for those using insurance, unfortunately, but that's what happens when you let someone else pay for your medical care.
Bond, James Bond. (Score:5)
Only $300 million worth of damage? Blofeld's oil rig, Goldfinger's base, at least two Russian nuclear submarines, a Columbian drug factory, a biotechnology research lab, countless souped-up cars, helicopters and motorcycles... Mitnick's nothing compared to Bond.
Interresting idea of his, but... (Score:2)
who gurantees me that a cracker doens't simply also change the name on my DNA?
I guess in the end you can easily loose your idendity if the person who tries to steal it is only dedicated enough.
Just my 2 cents.
Exactly so. (Score:3)
Biometrics is a bad idea over any kind of public network.
Well, at least until genetics advances to the point where we can clone new thumbprints. But then that just opens the door to a new kind of identity theft.
Re:Like he was ever a freedom fighter... (Score:2)
Mitnick and Abu-Jamal are criminals, always will be. Mitnick deserves everything he got and Abu-Jamal deserves what he's going to get, sooner or later.
Re:Biometrics and Security (Score:2)
Example: Lets assume that DNA matches give a false positive once every million attempts, but that a false positive on a search is enough to convict someone. Let say that every police detective requests 100 DNA searchs per year. Lets say that there are 100,000 police detectives in the U.S. this means that we falsely convict 10 people per year.
Clearly, allowing DNA evidence which is used in a search is just as stupid as pretending that 8 character passwords are good enough when a hacker can launch a script to try 128^16 account & password combinations per week/month without being noticed.
The solution is to require more diffrent kind of identification, i.e. if the cops use a DNA search to find the guy then they may not use any DNA evidence in court period. Simillarly, if they use a finger print search to find the guy then they should not be allowed to use finger print evidence in court.
Re:Like he was ever a freedom fighter... (Score:2)
Calling someone up on the phone and issuing a death threat, wheather or not in jest, is not free speech. Mitnick is a criminal.
Re:Am I the only one... (Score:1)
I did some reading on it, and by holding him as they did, the US government actually violeted the UN Charter of Human Rights. If any other country did this, the US would be bombing them, so why are we exempting the US?
The whole case against him was BS bully tactics, and blatent violations of the US Constitution.
If you can't see past the buzz into the real issue, then what are you doing on
Don't bother signing in blood (Score:1)
Re:Interresting idea of his, but... (Score:1)
Washed Up Ex Con (Score:3)
In a related story, a washed-up con recently transfered from Lorton Federal Penetentary was quoted as saying:
"I have to wear an orange jumpsuit with a serial number on it. At first I didn't like it, but now I do. I never have to worry about what I am going to wear, and people always recognize me. When they greet me in the yard, they say 'hey 2355232 whasup?'. When it's time for lights out, the gaurd just punches my number into his Palm Pilot and they know that I'm safely in my cell. I think every American should be issued an orange jump suit with a number on it. It would be great for the country."
I value Mitnik's remarks about as much as I value the remarks of this fictional convict.
Please stop worshiping at the altar of this tired-out loser. Karma to spare. Do your worst.
Mitnick is not free! (Score:1)
Anything he says must be taken with a grain of salt, remembering that in a way he is very extortionable by the FBI, and other law-enforcement agencies, that want to have this DNA bank.
Mitnick's obviously a clever thoughtful guy. That doesn't mean he is principled and he's always going to say what's beneficial for humanity, especially when his selfish interests are at stake.
Re:Can someone please explain.... (Score:1)
Um, regardless of your opinion of Mitnick, he did mention identity theft in the article. Therefore, he does have some experience with the field (namely, federal DNA database to assure identity). Of course, someone else raised the issue of somone cracking said database and changing the name associated with a couple of DNA strands, but....
Re:A national DNA database is an excellent idea. (Score:1)
FROM persons
INNER JOIN employment ON persons.id = employment.employeeID
INNER JOIN have_genes ON persons.id = have_genes.phenomeID
INNER JOIN genes ON genes.id = have_genes.geneID
WHERE termination = 'layed-off'
AND genes.contributesTo IS LIKE '*aggressiv*'
Biometric identifiers bad; Encryption good! (Score:3)
I don't want the government recording my DNA. That's just a bad scene waiting to happen. Even if it's only a hash code generated from my DNA, it's just not cool. Canada leads the way here, although I think the USA is now running DNA databases of criminals.
A far better idea for preventing identity theft is through the use of a smart card system and strong encryption (2048+ bits). You could generate a public/private key pair, of which only the individual knows the key - and the key is assigned at birth or issue date, with no information about the password recorded at the goverment site (maybe a backup of the smart card in a secure location). That way, you can present the public key for people like credit reporting agencies, who can issue you financial information encrypted with it - without that smart card + password, you're SOL if you want to steal someone's identity.
Another problem with using DNA is that more criminals are going to get wise to law enforcement becoming STUPIDLY dependant on DNA for investigations. Obviously the criminal element isn't too bright - what if you went and got some hair - ever get your hair cut at a barbers? Or blood - ever donate? Or any other combination of fluids / skin whatever - we're talking MINUTE quantities - and use it to plant false "evidence" for someone. Much akin to hiding an ounce of pot in someone's car who's going over the border and "calling ahead", that person is fscked.
Oh well. I'm a cynic, DNA databases are the future, maybe I should start writing DNA law enforcement software, eh. :)
Re:Way to learn from experience, kevin (Score:1)
The government hires a federal convict to advise them on a subject that they have no understanding on.
Re:Wow... a story based on a single paragraph (Score:2)
On a side note, how much could Mitnick really be informed on all of this? Why do people care about his opinions on anything? Am I going to see a story about what kind of chaloupa he things taco bell should offer next? Nothing against the guy himself, but let it go...
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Wow... a story based on a single paragraph (Score:1)
but which nation? (Score:2)
i can't believe u guys r that gullible (Score:1)
Wait a second... (Score:1)
Information Overload (Score:1)
Re:Am I the only one... (Score:2)
When did we start worshipping Mitnick? (Score:1)
To publicise the injustice done against Mitnick seems like a good idea to me. If he, or anyone else were to make a newsworthy comment, then it should be reported. But to base a story on one paragraph of some interview with him---especially such an asnine one!?
Mitnick is not my god. I don't even particularly look up to the man. I don't much like what happened to him, but that alone does not make him a man whose opinions particulary valid, interesting, or important.
freedom (Score:3)
In any case, from what I can tell [virtualtaiwan.com], the income taxes I would pay in Taiwan would be about $18,000 a year as compared to the $21,000 I pay here. That's hardly "almost no taxes".
And in return for that saving of $3,000 a year I get to move to a country that only four years ago instituted real democratic elections and has just this year dropped almost 20 places (down to 51st) on the Economic Freedom index.
And why would you complain about government control of health care and then move to Taiwan?
And don't they include your fingerprint on the National ID card they issue in Taiwan?
Wasn't it just last year that the Publication Law, the one that required all publications to be registered and approved by the government, was annulled?
I've read that Taiwan they can impose the death penalty for illegal ownership of guns and that gun control is stricter than in Japan.
Wasn't there a government report about rapant abuse of wiretaps by law enforcement agencies in Taiwan?
I mean, not to say that Taiwan is a horrible place or anything, but it was only in 1987 that martial law finally ended. I don't think they are quite the utopia you think they are.
Re:Exactly so. (Score:1)
and finaly, I'm pretty sure Scheier makes money at crypto stuff, making him a professional, not an amateur.
DNA is NOT always unique (Score:1)
Have we got a deal for YOU Kevin... (Score:1)
[Kevin] uh...OK!
Re:Another Step to Human Privacy not Existing (Score:2)
Identity theft is a lot easier than you might think.
Every time you give someone your name and social social security number, or your credit card number and expiration, etc. they can impersonate you simply by giving that information to someone else. Even if you trust the organization you're giving the information too, do you trust the dumpster divers waiting outside?
Biometric identification isn't really going to be any better. For it to work you have to go to an office somewhere with the biometric hardware, and our world is becoming less and less of a go-to-their-office world. How do you think banking online is going to work? They aren't going to give you biometric ID hardware and hope nobody figures out some way to tamper with it (or maybe they will; it's no more stupid than the current situation). Most likely someone will come up with the bright idea of a "DNA identification number" that you can give over the telephone/internet which will work (or not work, as is the case) exactly the same as SSNs do now.
Re:Anyone feel uneasy about this? (Score:1)
Re:Don't bother signing in blood (Score:1)
Re:Biometrics and Security (Score:2)
Mitnik Supports Federal DNA Database... (Score:2)
"I will gladly pay you today, sir, and eat up
Hmm ... one problem. (Score:2)
If there's no method to verify identity without a DNA database, how would you verify people's identities to BUILD the DNA database?
Re:Consider the Disadvantages First (Score:3)
> have a SSN
Unless, of course, you want to...
Obtain benefits if your parents die
Qualify as a dependent for tax purposes
File for tax returns
Get a job(so the IRS can know how much you make)
Get a bank account that pays interest
Don't confuse "not required" with "don't need".
Comment removed (Score:3)
Witness Protection Program (Score:4)
The cost of ensuring protection of one's identity by indexing DNA comes at a cost.
You can probably understand any further problems, as the witness no longer has as much guaranteed secrecy as before.
Hello?? (Score:3)
no, I don't (Score:2)
A national DNA database is an excellent idea. (Score:3)
This database could even be used, a few years down the road, to attempt to clone famous personalities or provide genetic material to hopeful parents looking for donors.
I'm sure I've hardly scratched the surface of the possible benefits here. There have to be a lot more possible upsides to this - does anyone have an idea I've missed?
Wow... a story based on a single paragraph (Score:4)
I notice that ZDNet has a whole freakin' story about his one toss-off comment. Here's what he said:
Notice he said "such as your DNA." Not, "yeah, the government should definitly scan our DNA."
All he's saying is biometric data is the only way to be sure, and identify you as you. DNA is probably a bad example of this. I agree with him in that biometrics of some sort is probably the most crack-proof method that we could come up with to ensure identity. If he'd said "a central retinal scan database" instead, we wouldn't have a story. Seesh.
Although... it would be somewhat amusing if in the future, every contract were signed in blood...
As another aside, I read this interview yesterday, and came off kinda liking him a bit, which is more than I can say from the whole "Free Kevin!" thing. He even mocks his worhipper k1dd1ez . "d00d, make me a 1eet HaXoR!"
Re:Biometrics and Security (Score:2)
"awfully tough' does not mean impossible.
And passwords would be no more effective than they are today.
I am *disgusted*. (Score:2)
but blatant statements claiming people *do* things are VERY WRONG!
OUt of context headlines and articles like this do GREAT HARM sometimes. I'm not saying this one did.. but
'Kevin Mitnick supports a federal DNA database' is a *far* cry from what he said in the article, especially taken into context.
Sort of like when The Hurricane said, in *pure* jest, after being provoked as to why he wasn't outside in a protest, saying 'Hell, why don't we just get up, go out there, and shoot every white person we see in revenge?'. It was *completely* a joke, and obvious to everyone there. What he was implying was 'I'm not out there because it would nto be rational to do so.'. What do the papers print? "The Hurricane in favour of shooting all white people dead".
Yeah. Great reporting there.
Mitnic has a unique viewpoint. (Score:2)
Re:Am I the only one... (Score:5)
People shouldn't care about this guy anymore. I think worse than someone posting the story at all is the comments of Timothy at the end of the submitted paragraph: "Think what you will of Mitnick, his court-imposed computer deprivation hasn't stopped him from peering and poking at the technological world." What the hell does this mean? Just because he reads some magazines or watches the news, he's "peering and poking at the technological world"???? Come on...If you read the news, or really just walk around with your eyes open these days, you're submitted to a blitz of "technology is cool, technology is great" attitudes and ads. It's impossible to miss. Does that mean my computer illiterate parents "peer and poke" at technology, and should be consulted about issues like this?
Re:Slashdot banning IPs permanently? (Score:2)
I thought the whole point of moderation was to put this stuff where nobody sees it anyway?
Re:Bond, James Bond. (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:3)
A national DNA database is an godawful idea. (Score:2)
First thing the damned trillion-dollar insurance business gets access to this database of yours, then they promptly start red-lining all the people with an identifiable genetic disposition to certain diseases. On the "plus" side, this could eventually lead, after the collapse of the for-profit health-care industry, to a national health care program like all civilized countries already have, which is something this country desperately needs.
As far as cloning all those God damned celebrities, wash your mouth out with soap! Aren't the ones we have now odious enough as singles, now you want to manufacture whole platoons of identical copies of those phony worthless sons of bitches?!
Yours WDK - WKiernan@concentric.net
HELLO!! Didn't anyone watch GATTACA? (Score:2)
Bad idea, period.
Re:Another Step to Human Privacy not Existing (Score:2)
Yet now he's calling for that same government to be trusted with maintaining a database of our DNA [and/or other biometric info]? I think I'll pass, thank you.
Besides, before we know it, companies will be buying those records ands granting or denying us jobs or benefits based on that. Oh how easy it would be for the HMO's to deny you certain covereage because they see that you've got a genetic predisposition to a disease? The next thing you know society will be just like the one in Gattaca.
timothy said it best (Score:2)
i think that just about sums up the problems i have with this database. not only identity theft, but somebody with "the hook up" could put anybody's DNA on anything they wanted. just a wee little sample and a few amplifications using PCR reactions, and poof! we have enough of your DNA to implicate you in just about ANY crime! yay!
Are ready started (Score:2)
Anyone who has ever studied forensics or watched the Discovery Channel knows that it is very difficult not to leave DNA evidence at a crime scene. A DNA database would make it easier to find. Think of it, crime levels would drop to nothing! Cops could start carrying portable DNA testers. Crimes could be solved almost immediately. Imagine this, cops arrive at crime scene, tests the evidence found at the scene, runs the result through the database, and within 20 minutes knows who the criminal is!!!
Not only should we start a National Database, we should start taking DNA samples at birth. This would garantee that nobody is missed.
Bowie J. Poag
Is there an identity crisis I havent heard about? (Score:2)
If a DNA program was to begin guess who it would start with first? Ex-Felons like Kevin. "Looks like you used this computer Kevin, time to goto jail again."
"But, it was an ATM machine and I needed the money."
"You should have thought of that before you cloned cell phones."
That's how your government is most likely to treat you not some pie in the sky utopian ideals of perfect permanant records of each citizen with guarantees of freedom.
Another Step to Human Privacy not Existing (Score:2)
BFD (Score:4)