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DeCSS Source Song 25

Anonymous Coward writes: " descramble.mp3 This guy put the function void css_descramble(byte *sec,byte *key) from css-descramble.c as lyrics in a song. Is this illegal?" Amusing. And not as painful to listen to as I thought it would be. Well, almost.
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DeCSS Source Song

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  • This one is getting burnt straight on me next CD.. I already feel sorry for my neighbours..

  • The judge in the Bernstein case was right, code is speech. If it's not, how else could you sing it?
  • by don_carnage ( 145494 ) on Friday August 25, 2000 @03:52AM (#828288) Homepage
    If this guy is taken to court on this, then it would further underscore the ridiculous nature of the case itself. Would it be illegal for me to memorize the lyrics?

    btw: The site is either /.ed or down. Oh yeah, and you could piss off a lot of people at once if you used Napster to download the DeCSS source!


  • I hope the DMCA listens to this. OR (light bulb!) we should put this on CD, setup shop outside any dmca headquarters that exist, and play this as loud as possible over and over again, on any stacks, pa's, etc we have.
  • I don't know what I was thinking... obviously no DMCA headquarters. Argh, so dumb sometimes. Rather the people defending the dmca. Those are the people I was referring to.
  • Yeah, the DMCA, RIAA, MPAA, EFF DeCSS and all get a bit confusing don't they.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Just so everyone knows, I am the SysAdmin
    for (yes, I am Joey Smith. ;)

    This is a 386 with 16MB of RAM, just a little
    toy machine for me and my friend (jwecker) to
    play with, so please be patient if it gets /.'d.

    And mirror it! :))
  • Would it be even more illegal if I played it really loud here at work (in Detroit) so that the people across the river in Canada were to hear it? Would that be exporting it?
  • Guess who the judge is in the Napster case? The same one as in the Bernstein case.


  • mirrorred here : []
  • Something upstream from us was down, sorry. It should be better now. It's mirrored here [] just in case.
  • Sometimes it's a little hard to hear what he's saying, but it's pretty easy to follow along....

    void css_descramble(byte *sec,byte *key)

    #define SALTED(i) (key[i] ^ sec[0x54 + (i)])

    unsigned char *end = sec + 0x800;
    int val;
    unsigned int lfsr0, lfsr1;
    byte o_lfsr0, o_lfsr1;

    lfsr0 = ((SALTED(4) << 17) | (SALTED(3) << 9) | (SALTED(2) << 1)) + 8 - (SALTED(2)&7);
    lfsr0 = (reverse[lfsr0&0xff]<<17) | (reverse[(lfsr0>>8)&0xff] << 9)
    | (reverse[(lfsr0>>16)&0xff]<<1) |(lfsr0>>24);

    lfsr1 = (reverse[SALTED(0)] << 9) | 0x100 | (reverse[SALTED(1)]);

    val = 0;
    while (sec != end) {
    o_lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 12) ^ (lfsr0 >> 4) ^ (lfsr0 >> 3) ^ lfsr0;

    o_lfsr1 = ((lfsr1 >> 14) & 7) ^ lfsr1;
    o_lfsr1 ^= (o_lfsr1 << 3) ^ (o_lfsr1 << 6);

    lfsr1 = (lfsr1 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr1 << 9);
    lfsr0 = (lfsr0 >> 8) ^ (o_lfsr0 << 17);

    val += o_lfsr0 + (byte)~o_lfsr1;
    *sec++ = csstab1[*sec] ^ (val & 0xff);
    val >>= 8;

  • It's an open source song, so there's nothing in the rules that say I cannot play it ad infinitum, over and over on my channel on Shoutcast (see below), have fun!
  • Let's make a song with gorilla's credit card numbers, social security numbers, phone number, birthdate, address, and medical history. Obviously, this is speech; how else would you be able to sing it?
  • Joe is having some problems with his upstream provider, so with his permission I have mirrored copies of the song here [] and here [].
  • Stupid corporatist bastards! Kick 'em in the teeth where it hurts! {/monty>

    Realistically, we should try the 'Fight Club' approach to DeCSS.

    First off, if you have the cash and connections, cajole a radio station to play this song on air. It may take a few containers of green grease, but spreading the word _is_ worth it. Drek it off to a college station as 'a local group trying to break into the biz.' They'll play ANYTHING.

    If you work for an airline as a baggage handler, you already know how insecure the bags are. Insert a copy of the source code in hard copy into the bags, or if you've got some cojones spray paint it onto the suitcases. After all, the airline industry determines what's compensable in damage, and bags ain't covered!

    Find someone that works for Viacom-owned Blockbuster, or some other major corporate video store. Make many small copies of DeCSS and paste them into the boxes. Especially of DVD's.

    If you work for a major media dealer (AKA music/movies, books/music/movies, or movies solo), make full sheet copies of the DeCSS code and what it's about. Slip it into the bags of people who purchase DVD movies.

    If you have the resources, and you work for a retailer which shows movies on in-house TV's to show the bugs, err.. features, rig a DVD to subconsciously flash each line of code, say, every 10 frames or so throughout the entire movie.

    Maybe the closet geeks will start to spontaneously code.

    "These are suggestions of a deranged mind. Yours. You are not really reading this now, but are thinking these thoughts. Don't blame me, aka you, if you slip up and get in trouble. The MPAA prisons are located somewhere in the Middle East that's very money-friendly, like Saudi Arabia, where they bulldoze your head off for pirating a DVD. Or it's in China, where they'll bill you for the bullet, and considering what our not-as-corrupt government would claim as the price, just think how much those evil commie bastards would ream you for. And don't forget: This is your conscience, and if you vote for Gore I'll tell the world about that stash you hide, you know what it is, unless Echelon and Gore tell the world first. And if you vote Bush, I'll tell your lover what you really think about in the sack. Vote Nader - The Only Candidate Who Isn't Sponsored By Mega Corporations."

    the cost of hardware - cheaper and cheaper
    the cost of humans - d.valued
    the cost of freedom - priceless
    "There are some things you can't buy. One of them is sole rights to GNU/Linux."
    Version: 3.12
    GAT d+@ s+:++ a-- C+++ UL++ P+ L+++ E+ W++ N+
    W----- M PS++++ Y++ GPG+(PGP) t* b+++ e h!
  • Perhaps a good way to hit the message home that code is speech is to enter this song into evidence, and insist that the judge sit through it and listen to every word.

    I wonder what other creative methods could be employed to express source code that highlights its dynamic nature as the expression of ideas, not functionality.

    This is definitely the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. The guy's singing was actually pretty good. Plus, the chorus was a nice touch.
  • I'm making this available on Napster as "Metallica - DeCSS.mp3"
  • If gorilla gave us permission, much like Johansen gave us permission to distribute DeCSS, sure.
  • Is there any way at all, that a major recording industry artist could find room for this piece on their upcoming album? The Offspring maybe?

    This way the MPAA and the RIAA can bring their guns to bear onto each other's legal departments, allowing the rest of us to get on with making the world a better place without either of their bloated, reeking corpses.

    The REAL jabber has the /. user id: 13196

  • Okay, this is too funny. The link doesn't seem to work though, must have been /. 'ed. Does anyone have another link, or possibly can e-mail me a copy? Napster doesn't work here cause of our shitty proxy server!

  • you bet your ass I'm gonna get this on the air. college radio can be a very serious medium in terms of its ability to broadcast alternate and/or dissenting opinion. playing this on the air also has the advantage that it will reach a new audience: an audience that doesn't while their days away sitting behind a computer screen. the more people that are educated on this subject, the better. college radio is an excellent means to get the message out.
  • That's one damn good point.
  • why dont you just print out a million tiny copies of the code and scatter them about large cities. make sure you get em everywhere... so they'll be finding them for years. print out flyers and put em up on bulletin boards.... write it on the chalk board when the teacher leaves the room.... you get the idea. Do it! Christ, you take the ideas, and just run with 'em!
  • you bet your ass I'm gonna get this on the air. college radio can be a very serious medium in terms of its ability to broadcast alternate and/or dissenting opinion. playing this on the air also has the advantage that it will reach a new audience: an audience that doesn't while their days away sitting behind a computer screen. the more people that are educated on this subject, the better. college radio is an excellent means to get the message out. I'm not ripping on college radio. It's called brainstorming, and one of the most important things w/r/t is that the word be spread far and wide. So wide that enforcement is impossible.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
