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Yet More Napster News 1

Nick writes: "Salon has an interesting interview with Napster CEO Eileen Richardson. She brings up some good analogies about Napster, mp3 and the music industry." And nevertheless points out that the 9th Circuit Northern District court has ruled that Napster is not protected as a service provider by the DMCA: "Judge Patel's opinion is available in PDF form." Napster hasn't lost the suit yet but they've lost what could have been a valuable legal defense.
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Yet More Napster News

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  • i don't see why people are so concerned about napster as a company, more important are the concepts that make it work. GNUtella for instance is an open distributed file sharing protocol. the only way to shut down something as decentralized as it is to try to hunt down all the users individually. it doesn't matter whether information wants to be free or not, it is to immoral(by some standards) people.

UNIX was half a billion (500000000) seconds old on Tue Nov 5 00:53:20 1985 GMT (measuring since the time(2) epoch). -- Andy Tannenbaum
