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Censorship Your Rights Online

Banned in Jerusalem? 11

Wired has a follow-up on religious leaders in Jerusalem banning the use of the internet for their followers. Includes some great quotes from a woman who's inflicted nine children on the world but who apparently has no ability to control them.
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Banned in Jerusalem?

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  • I understand you've been having some trouble monitoring and, where need be, curtailing your offsprings gratuitous use of the internet.

    Might I reccommend the newsgroup soc.culture.jewish.parenting as a potentially invaluable forum for your troubles.

    Please don't feel the need to thank me.

  • In other news, ultra-Orthodox Rabbis have stated that thinking for yourself is a crime punishable by death and eternal damnation. When we asked a few ultra-Orthodox Jews, they all said "I do what the Rabbi says," except for the one who was dying of asphyxiation because a Rabbi told her that breathing was a bad thing for her and she stopped doing it.

    The world changes. Pretending it's not happening and trying to ignore it isn't going to work, at least not for most people. (There are always people out there who will do anything authority tells them to) Let's just hope those kind of people don't get into governments.
  • by technos ( 73414 )
    Since when is Porn the #1 use of the internet? Either the Rabbi is misinformed or he is lying. While I am loathe to call a Rabbi a liar, what choice do I have? He certainly has enough education to make a concrete decision based on the facts, and the facts say otherwise.
  • Move to Holland, Michigan!!

    She said herself that her kids go to the library to access the Net - what better place to live than in Holland, Michigan: a city where mandatory filtering software is about to be installed on the library's computers (if Wildmon and his minions have their way)?

    Of course, the ultra-Orthodox Rabbis are going to have to learn how to code their own porn filter; I would imagine that Jews have different takes on what is and isn't acceptable content than do fundamentalist Christians.

    Of course, if the edict is to be taken seriously, that might be a real simple blacklist:

  • So this just shows fundamental jews are as rabidly asinine as fundamental christians.

    Oh what fun to watch the sons of Abraham fuck up the good word.
  • They've already outlawed television. While this isn't the same as the Internet, it proves they are somewhat reactionist. Let time's natural forward flow reintroduce them to reality.. Although it will be more jarring if they hadn't decided to live in the old ways.

    Note: The old ways are bad because they stop people from building up a global picture, and a developing an understanding of how they themselves relate to it. This leads to nasty xenophobia and racial/religous intollerance, among other things.
  • i have been brought up in an atheistic culture, believing that devoutly religious people are superstitious cranks. now, having had experience with so called ultra-orthodox jews, as well as very devout christians and muslims, i believe that nothing could be further from the truth. religious people are very smart. anybody who believes otherwise is really bigoted. and personally, i am affronted by anyone who says that a mother 'inflicted children onto the world'. i would call anyone who says such garbage a miserable son of a bitch and wish that he would save the world from himself.
  • That religious leaders have the right to lead their followers? Really, if they're so strict they don't have TV, I can't imagine them having the internet either.

    So, why get mad at them? They aren't taking anything from you. They're not trying, they don't want to. Do you realize how morally egotistical it is to suggest that they shouldn't adhere to their own religious beliefs?

    Profound Revelation : If you want to keep reading slashdot, Don't Become (Stay) an Ultra-Orthodox Jew!

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