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If I were being launched into space today ...

Displaying poll results.
I'd like the mission to be run by FKA
238 votes / 1%
I'd like the mission to be run by NASA
5187 votes / 38%
I'd like the mission to be run by ISRO
519 votes / 3%
I'd like the mission to be run by ESA
1687 votes / 12%
I'd like the mission to be run by CNSA
80 votes / 0%
I'd like the mission to be run by some other agency
163 votes / 1%
I'd like the mission to be run by a private firm
1923 votes / 14%
I'd like to have a powerful sedative
3559 votes / 26%
13356 total votes.

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If I were being launched into space today ...

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