The Internet

Speed Up Sites with htaccess Caching 29

produke writes "Increase your page load times and save bandwidth with easy and really effective methods using apache htaccess directives. mod_headers to set expires, and max-age, and cache-control headers on certain filetypes. The second method employs mod_expires to do the same thing -- together with FileETag, makes for some very fast page loads!"

Apache Comes With Too Much Community Overhead? 161

drizzle writes "There's an interesting story on the Apache Marketing blog about whether or not Apache projects come with too much overhead, especially compared with other services or a roll-your-own approach. The article states, 'It's true that compared with SourceForge, Apache has a more rigorous management structure. The ASF has formalized processes and procedures that we believe represent best practices governance. All new projects must pass through an incubation period to ensure that all of the project's members have internalized these processes. However, each project's leadership has a tremendous amount of discretion in managing within this framework.' There is also a follow up article written by one of the httpd developers about 'What Apache brings to the table.' The article cites community, experience, legal framework, diversity, brand strength, and networking as reasons why developers and companies should consider bringing their projects over to Apache."
The Internet

Apache Webserver Surpasses 50 Million Website Mark 202

chris81 writes "For the first time ever, the Apache Web Server is powering more than 50 million websites, according to Netcraft's Web Server Survey for October. Although relative share fell by 0.67 percent, the total number of sites powered by Apache grew to over 52 million. Microsoft's IIS finished second with more than 15 million sites served."

Windows Incompatibilities Frustrate D.C. Schools 476

capouch writes "The Washington Post reports that school administrators for the DC public school system are having an awful time getting their new administrative software to work properly." From the article: "'In my experience, the combination of an Oracle database, Windows operating system, Unix hardware and an Apache webserver is a bad combination,' Barlow wrote in the memo to Thomas M. Brady, the school system's chief business operations officer. 'In fact, through our research the last few days, we have found an advisory on the Apache website that states, 'Please note that at this time, Windows support is entirely experimental and is recommended only for experienced users.' The Apache Group does not guarantee that the software will work as documented or even at all...Barlow said officials plan to replace Windows with a different operating system."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Why I Hate the Apache Web Server 558

schon writes "Today's the last day of ApacheCon Europe; There was a hilarious presentation entitled 'Why I Hate the Apache Web Server' for anyone who has expressed frustration with the various inconsistencies and nuances of the Internet's favourite config file. And yes, it includes a comparison to Sendmail."

Apache Request Smuggling Vulnerability Found 168

An anonymous reader writes "Whitedust is reporting on a HTTP request smuggling vulnerability in Apache. The flaw apparently allows attackers to piggy back valid HTTP requests over the 'Content-Length:' header, which can result in cache poisoning, cross-site scripting, session hijacking and other various kinds of attack. This flaw affects most of the 2.0.x branch of Apache's HTTPD server."

ApacheCon 2005 Comes to Europe 7

dirkx writes "For the first time in 3 years - the Apache gathering will be once again in Europe." The next ApacheCon Europe will take place July 18-22 in Stuttgart, Germany. It will start off with tutorials about anything from Apache to Tomcat to XML, then continue with presentations on more in-depth topics: scaling, security, and more.

SCO Includes OS Products In OpenServer 6 268

William Robinson writes "In a bid to be friendly with Open Source, SCO has included 7 OS products in their Unix product. Among the included packages are MySQL, PostgreSQL, Samba, Apache, Tomcat, and FireFox. SCO's position is consistent, spokesman Blake Stowell argued. 'We don't necessarily have issues with open source, we just have an issue with open-source technology that includes intellectual property it shouldn't' he said."

ApacheDS Virtual Directory Add-Ons 12

yinyanger writes "Safehaus team is pleased to announce the 0.9.1 release of Penrose. Penrose is an open source java-based virtual directory server based on Apache Directory server. A Virtual Directory does not store any information itself, unlike other LDAP implementations. Requests received from LDAP client applications are processed by the Virtual Directory Server and passed on to the data source hosting the desired data. Frequently this data source will be a relational database, and more often than not it will be the authoritative source of the directory information. Many thanks to all those who've helped on this release, from end users, folks who've created test cases, submitted patches and developers. You can download a new release from here or view the change log"
The Internet

BBC News Under The Bonnet 284

diodesign writes "BBC News has revealed that Linux and Apache power its popular news website, along with a modified DNS server and machine farms in New York and London. At peak times, the site serves over 4 million users and 50 million page impressions a day. It's a pretty well explained guide to producing a regularly updated content based website that scales well." From the article: "The technology which serves the site is designed to be as simple as possible. The simpler the site, the cheaper it is to run. There are fewer elements which can malfunction on big days; and there are fewer parts which can be compromised by someone trying to gain unauthorised access."

mod_perl 2.0.0 Released 165

JamesD_UK writes "mod_perl 2.0.0 has been officially released into CPAN. Enhancements over mod_perl 1 include threads support and a perl interface to the Apache Portable Runtime. More details on the release can be found on CPAN."

Open source Java? 341

Bruce writes "Newsforge is reporting that Java 2 Standard Edition, may soon be set free of Sun Microsystems' notoriously complicated licensing. A group of 12 Apache developers have put together a proposal called Harmony. The proposal appeared as a simple project call last Friday on an Apache incubator mailing list. It would make this new, built-from-the-ground-up version of Java available under the Apache 2.0 free software license. And it's causing quite a stir in the Java community, especially since respected Sun frontmen Tim Bray, Simon Phipps, and Graham Hamilton have given the project their blessing. As yet there has been no reaction from Dr. Java, James Gosling himself, who is in Brazil talking to developers. In a FAQ on the Apache site, Harmony project leader Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote: 'We believe that there is broad community interest in coming together to create and use an open source, compatible implementation of J2SE 5, the latest version of the Java 2 Standard Edition specification. While the Java Community Process has allowed open source implementations of JSRs for a few years now, Java 5 is the first of the J2SE specs that we are able to do due to licensing reasons.'"

Red Hat/Apache Slower Than Windows Server 2003? 628

phantomfive writes "In a recent test by a company called Veritest, Windows 2003 web server performs up to 300% higher throughput than Red Hat Linux running with Apache. Veritest used webbench to do there testing. Since the test was commisioned by Microsoft, is this just more FUD from a company with a long history? Or are the results valid this time? The study can be found here."

Apache Beehive Buzz and Pollinate eclipse plug-in 18

John writes "Beehive is a new Apache project that simplifies Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Web services programming. This article shows how to get started with Beehive and offers a sneak preview of Pollinate, an Eclipse plug-in that creates Beehive applications."
Sun Microsystems

Open Solaris Community Advisory Board Announced 25

An anonymous reader writes "Sun have announced the OpenSolaris community advisory board, chaired by Roy Felding (co founder and director of the Apache Foundatation), two community appointed people, Rich Teer and Al Hooper (both members of the infamous gang of six that helped to get Sun to restart Solaris x86) and two sun employees - well known open source evangelist Simon Phipps and kernel engineer Casper Dik. No date for the code release as of yet, but it can't be far off now."

Zen and the Art of Apache Maintenance 137

SilentBob4 writes "Apache recently held a week-end "infrathon" to sweep the dust out of the corners, squash a few old bugs, drink a wee bit of ale (maybe a wee bit more than a wee bit) and get their hands dirty with the Zen of maintaining their infrastructure. MadPenguin.org crashed the party in search of the secrets of getting into the "zone" while peeking into the grittiest of the nitty gritty with one of the darling projects of open source, Apache." From the article: "The guys that I interviewed were among some of the brightest minds in open source; Brian Behlendorf; Upayavira; Greg Stein; and Roy Fielding, all of whom are well known and regarded (or deserve to be). These guys have the skills to be Microsoft millionaires, but instead flew thousands of miles to sit slouching on couches and squatting on cushions hacking infrastructure maintenance for free, primarily just to hang out with each other, even though they could have done the same thing on line."

Is Apache 2.0 Worth the Switch for PHP? 465

An anonymous reader writes "It seems like some of the members of the Apache Software Foundation are a little angry with the PHP Community because they don't recommend using Apache 2.0 with PHP. Since PHP is installed on half of all Apache servers this is a major issue for them. A number of high-profile PHP community members such as John Coggeshall and Chris Shiflett have blogged about this decision in light of a recent posting by Apache Software Foundation Member Rich Bowen which called PHP's anti-Apache2 stance FUD. Is there any real reason for the PHP community to start recommending Apache 2.0, especially when the 1.3.x series of Apache is rock solid and proven? Note Rich did later commend PHP for being a great product, so it's not all flames."

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